!, ,.$R%?- $+J<- 1R=- 3:A- 92- +A$- =?, 30=- (R- $- 5S$?- $*A?- ~A%- 0R- 8J?- L- 2- 28$?- ?R,, [1 Herein is the Mandala-Puja known as Heart of the Two Accumulations, taken from the mind-terma, ’s Profound Essence.

!, ,;A/- 0?- 3R?- 2&?- 3%- .- 3A- .$R?- G%- , ,&%- 9.- 3R?- 0- .%- o/- HJ<- .- L- 2- !J- o?- 2#?- $*A?- =?, .%- 0R- /A, eJ- 24/- 1R=- 3:A- {- 2f/-

because a lot of elaboration This small selection has an extensive form and a firstly: Arrange a statue

A ? $* is not needed. daily practice, and for both the long and the short, or an image of 3

Two [ VA?- :2<- ?R$?- .!R/- 3(R$- $A- gJ/- $%- :6S3?- 2./- .- !J$?- 2- $4%- 3<- (- $*A?- *J<- ,R., .!<- ^3, 2?%- (, 3(R.- 0:A- 30=, :,R<- /?- ?R$?- :.- L?, the Noble Tara, and whatever symbols of the Three Jewels one can gather, before one white dumbu purifica- an offering grains for offering, on a surface, with unblemished two-waters and other offering substances; tormas; tion water, mandala, and so on. :P2- /- O?- .%- $4%- 4- !/- ,R.- .%- w/- 0- L- 8A%- , 3A- tR$?- /- >- (%- :,%-2:A- }- SR:A- (- v- 2- YA.- =?- %J?- :L%- .%- , L%- (2- ?J3?- GA- !/- aR%- .%- w/-

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, If one can, keep oneself and and if unable then in the morning time, before eating meat or drink- arouse a bodhicitta motivation one’s environment clean, ing beer and with a mind of renunciation for samsaric activities, and holding this, begin: [4 0:A- |R- /?, >; AR- o/- ;=- IA- /2- L%- 353?; 0E- $J- ?<- #R%- 0R- =; ;- 35/- 3(R$- $A- .%R?- P2- 2fJ?; PEMA GESAR DONGPO LA YA TSEN CHOG GI NGODRUB NYEH HUNG ORJEN YULJI NUBJANG TSAM Drolma Zabtik At the North-West border upon the heart you, of wondrous supreme in the land of Orgyen, of a lotus, accomplishments,

!, ,/- 3R- $- <- A$- +- <- ;J, .?- $?3- :SJ/- 0- Y?- 2&?-=?, ,,$?- 2*J.- UA/- =?- k.- L%-


A $ $& Homage to the Guru To the guides and children manifest in the marvelous the Noble Tara! of the three times, enlightened activity, [2 2, ,;3- I<- 1R=- 3- =- 2+.- /?, ,L- ,R.- .%- 3,/- *3?- =J/- 2>., ,.J:%- 92- +A$- :.A- i3?- ;%- 92- ~A%- 0R2#?- 0- One

that is Tara, the mother and offer this practice the Kriya The Profound Essence is itself an herself; I bow down in accordance with . abridgment of the Profound Heart

Homage to Tara !, ,0E- :L%- $/?- 8J?- ?- P$?; :#R<- .- 3#:- :PR- 3%- 0R- 2{R<; HJ.- GA- eJ?- ?- 2.$- 212- GA; LA/- IA- PEMA JUNGNEH SHEHSU DRAG KHORDU KHANDRO MANGPO KOR CHERCHI JEHSU DAGDRUB CHI JINJI known as the Lotus-Born, encircled by your entourage so that I am able to (Pema Jungne), of many dakinis, follow your example,

$?3 2_2?- KA<- $>J$?- ?- $?R=; $- <- 0E- ?A:A- >; {- $?3- $?R=- :.J2?- /A, AJ- 3- @R; 3R?- V=- (R?- GA- .LA%?- GA- 8A%- #3?- ?; LABCHIR SHEGSU SOL GURU PEMA EHMAHO TRU DREL CHOCHI YING CHI SHING KHAM SU [5

please come and HUNG The Three-Kaya In the realm of Dharmadhattu Three bestow your blessings, Supplication: free from elaboration, (R?- *A.- .?- $?3- *J- :$$- 3J.- 0:A- %%- ; L- V=- z/- mR$?- 2.J- 2- (J/- 0R:A- {; /3- 3#:- 28A/- .- ,$?- eJ- KR$?- CHO NYI DUSUM CHE GAG MEHPAI NGANG JADREL LHUN DZOG DEWACHEN POI KU NAMKHA SHINDU TUGJEH CHOG from the state of Dharmata beyond the effortless, spontaneously whose compassion is the three times, birth and death, complete, body of great bliss, impartial like the sky,

!, ,3A- 3)J.- :)A$- gJ/-.$- 0:A- 8A%- #3?- ?; ,$?- eJ- (J/- 0R- :PR- 2:A- .R/- =- LR/; $%- =- $%- :.=- ,2?- MIJEH JIGTEN DAGPAI SHING KHAM SU TUGJEH CHENPO DROWAI DUNLA JUN GANG LA GANG DU TAB In the pure realm of the appearing, through great compassion, you do whatever world of endurance, for the benefit of beings, is needed

28A GA?- :PR-.R/-36.; :.?- .%- 3- LR/- .- v- .?- $?3- IA; ]- 3- 3=- 0:A- {- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?; AR- o/- 0E- :L%- CHI DRODUN DZEH DEH DANG MAJON DATA DUSUM JI LAMA TRULPAI KU LA SOLWAN DEB URJEN PEMA JUNG [7 to be done to throughout the three times, the past, to the Nirmanakaya to the Lotus- Four cultivate beings, the yet to come and the present, Lama, I pray, Born of $/?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?; :.A- /?- $?R=- :.J2?- 2<- 2?3- $%- :R?- $?%- , 3,<, 0E- :L%- $/?- HJ.- {- &A- :S- .%- ; :#R<- .%- NEH LA SOLWAN DEB PEMA JUNG NEH CHEH KU CHI DRA DANG KHOR DANG Uddiyana, Then offer supplications+ like Barcheh Lamsel Then: Following ’s I pray. or Sampa Lhundrub whatever is appropriate. example,

(p.83-117) + {- 5K:A- 5.- .%- 8A%- #3?- ?R$?; HJ.- GA- 35/- 3(R$- 29%- 0R- &A- :S- 2; .J- :S- #R- /<- 2.$- ?R$?- :I<- 2<- >R$; KU TSEI TSEH DANG SHING KHAM SOK CHEH CHI TSEN CHOG ZANGPO CHI DRAWA DEH DRA KHONAR DAGSOK JURWAR SHOK your entourage, authentic just like your excellent, may we become life and pure realm, supreme characteristics, exactly alike!

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, AJ- 3- @R; (R?- {- !/- 29%- S$- 0- hR- eJ- :(%- ; !R/- 0- hR<- ?J3?- 2&R3- w/- >G:A- o=; 3$R/- 0R- 5K- .0$- 3J.- .%- ,/- EHMAHO CHOKU KUNZANG DRUGPA DORJE CHANG TUNPA DORSEM CHOMDEN SAKYAI JAL GONPO TSEPAGMEH DANG CHEN [8 Dharmakaya Samantabhadra, teacher Dorje Sempa, Bhagavat Lord Amitayus and the sixth (Buddha) Dorje Chang, King of the Shakyas, Avilokiteshvara, A/- eJ- $>J.; $?%- $A- 2.$- *A.- Drolma Zabtik RE ZIG YERMEH PEMA DEHLA SOLWAN DEB KUYI DAG NYI JAMPAL SHINJEH SHEH SUNG GI DAG NYI inseparable from Padmasambhava Your form is the embodiment your speech is to you I supplicate. of Manjushri-Yamantaka exemplified

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, 8A%- #3?- ?; {- $?%- ,$?- .%- ;R/- +/- UA/- =?- GA; ;J- >J?- s- w/- 2.J- 2<- $>J$?- 0:A- {; ,$?- eJ:A- LJ- V$- $- SHING KHAM SU KU SUNG TUG DANG YONTEN TRINLEH CHI YESHE NGA DEN DEWAR SHEGPAI KU TUGJEI JEDRAG NAI [6 great bliss, with a body, speech, mind, that possesses the five wisdoms, whose compassion qualities and activity, with the body of the Sugatas, manifests in ways 5S$?- ?R- ?R<- !R/; ]- 3- =R%?- ,R.- mR$?-0:A- {- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?; AR- o/- 0E- :L%- $/?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?; Drolma Zabtik TSOG SOSOR TUN LAMA LONG CHUH DZOG PAI KU LA SOLWAN DEB URJEN PEMA JUNG NEH LA SOLWAN DEB appropriate for to the Sambhogakaya to the Lotus-Born of each individual, Lama, I pray, Uddiyana, I pray. !, ,.2%- (J/- g- {.- :5K<; ,$?- GA- 2.$- *A.- ;%- .$- @J- <- !; $- <- ;A.- 28A/- /R<- 2- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?; WANGCHEN TAKEH TSER KUYI DAG NYI JAMPAL SHINJEH SHEH GURU YISHIN NORBU LA SOLWAN DEB by the mighty your mind is the personification to the Wish-Fulfiling Guru , of Yangdak Heruka, (Padmasambhava) I supplicate.

s ;R/- +/- 9A=- $/R/- (J- 3(R$- @J- <- !; UA/- =?- 2.$- *A.- hR- eJ- $8R/- /:A- {; 3- 3R- 3#:- :PR:A- $4S- 2R- 3%R/- mR$?- o=; YONTEN ZILNON CHEMCHOG HERUKA TRINLEH DAGNYI DORJE SHON NUI KU MAMO KHANDROI TSOWO NGON DZOPG JAL [9 Your qualities shine-out your activities are exemplified master of the Mamo and Dakinis, Five like Mahottara Heruka, by Vajra Kumara, completely perfect conqueror, .0=- (J/- ,R.- UJ%- l=- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?; {- ;A- .LA%?- ?- +- :U=- 8A- OR:A- %%- ; $?%-$A- $.%?- {.- ;/- =$- 2&- PALCHEN TO TRENG TSAL LA SOLWAN DEB KUYI YING SU JU TRUL SHITROI NGANG SUNG GI DANG KEH YENLAG CHU to the glorious Totreng Tsal Your body’s expanse possesses the nature of the the sound of your speech is (Padmasambhava), I supplicate. illusionary display of the peaceful and wrathful, endowed with the twelve factors,

!, ,$?R=; .?- %/- :.A- =- A$- AR- o/- 3=- 0:A- {; 3,- l=- SOL DU NGEN DILA RE TUH SHENMA CHI TUGJEH ZIG SHIG URJEN TRULPAI KU TU TSAL in these dark times there is look upon us with compassion, Nirmanakaya With powerful no other to depend upon, of Uddiyana, (Padmasambhava). abilities and

S$ /?- 0?- .?- %/- $;R- :O$?- ^R$; LA/- _2?- ;J->J?- .2%- (J/- 2{<-.- $?R=; *3?- .%-gR$?- 0:A-l=->$?-o?- NUPAE DU NGEN YO TRUG DOK JINLAB YESHE WANGCHEN KURDU SOL NYAM DANG TOGPAI TSAL SHUG JEH 11

Six [ strength you dispel deceit and bestow blessings, wisdom may the strength and power of discord in these bad-times, and great strength I pray, experience and realization increase, 0- .%- ; 2+/- :PR<- 1/- 0:A- 3,- l=- <2- w/- 8A%- ; 5K- $&A$- ?%?- o?- :P2- 0<- LA/- IA?- _R2?; ? .?- $?3- PA DANG TEN DROR PENPAI TU TSAL RABDEN SHING TSE CHIG SANG JEH DRUBPAR JINJI LOB DUSUM that we may possess the highest powerful grant your blessing that we accomplish ability to benefit the teachings and beings, in one lifetime. ?%?- o?- $- <-

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, $?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- LA/- IA?- 2_2- +- $?R=; KA- /%- $?%- 2:A- 2<- (.- 8A- 2- .%- ; 2?3- 0- z/- IA?- :P2- 0<- LA/- SOLWAN DEBSO JINJI LABTU SOL CHI NANG SANGWAI BARCHEH SHIWA DANG SAMPA LHUNJI DRUBPAR JIN [12 we supplicate you pacify all outer, inner spontaneously fulfil bestow your blessings, and secret obstacles, our aspirations. IA?- _R2?; o=- !/- *J?- ;3- (R?- .LA%?- !/- 29%- 3R; 2R.- :2%?- *R2?- 0:A- 3- $&A$- SA/- 3R- (J; .%R?- P2- 3(R$- Drolma Zabtik JI LOB JALKUN CHEYUM CHO YING KUNZANGMO BUH WANG CHOBPAI MACHIG DRINMO CHEH NGODRUB CHOG Mother of all Buddhas, refuge of the Tibetan people, bestowing the greatest dharmadhatu Kuntuzangmo, the one mother of great kindness, accomplishments,

$*A?- w/; ,$?- GA- .$R%?- 0- 9%- ,=- ;R%?- =- H2; 3#:- :PR:A- $4S- 2R- mJ- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?; {- 52- =%- 2!/- NYI DEN TUGCHI GONGPA ZANG TAL YONG LA CHAB KHANDROI TSOWO JEHLA SOLWAN DEB KU TSAB LUNGTEN your mind’s intent pervades to the supreme lord of the Dakkinis You made prophecies

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, everywhere without obstruction, (Padmasambhava), I supplicate. that represent your body, $?%- 52- $+J<- .- &?; ,$?- GA- .$R%?- 0- =?- &/- 2- =- $+.; 2lJ- 2:A- 8=- (J3?- 2R.- :2%?- ;R%?- =- 28$; SUNG TSAB TERDU BEH TUGCHI GONGPA LEH CHEN BULA TEH TSEWAI SHEL CHEM BUH WANG YONGLA SHAK [10 concealed termas that bestow your mind’s realization on you placed your testament of

represent your speech, the children karmically connected, love with all the people of Tibet, Zabtik Drolma Zabtik SA/- &/- 3=- 0:A- {- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?; $!:- SA/- S/- /R- $- <- J?- 35S- o=- 82?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?; KA- /%- $?%- 2:A- 2<- (.- TSOL DECHEN KHANDROI TSO YESHE TSOJAL SHABLA SOLWAN DEB CHI NANG SANGWAI BARCHEH foremost of the to Yeshe Tsogyal Pacify outer, inner blissful Dakinis, we supplicate. and secret obstacles

2./ 8A- 2- .%- ; ]- 3:A- {- 5K- 2g/- 0<- LA/- IA?- _R2?; /.- 3$- 35S/- {=- 8A- 2<- LA/- IA?- _R2?; L.- 1<- jR.- $+R%- 8A- SHIWA DANG LAMAI KU TSEH TENPAR JIN JI LOB NEHMUK TSON KAL SHIWAR JIN JI LOB JEHPUR BUH TONG SHI [13

grant your blessing that the grant your blessing that this age of grant your blessing Seven Lamas’ lives be steadfast, sickness, famine and war be pacified that evil intent and 2<- LA/- IA?- _R2?; 5K- .0=- >J?- <2- o?- 0<- LA/- IA?- _R2?; 2?3- 0- z/- IA?- :P2- 0<- LA/- IA?- _R2?; 0E- WAR JIN JI LOB TSEPAL SHERAB JEHPAR JIN JI LOB SAMPA LHUNJI DRUBPAR JIN JI LOB PEMA negative energy grant your blessing that life, grant your blessing that our be pacified, wealth and wisdom increases, intentions are spontaneously fulfilled.

!, ,3./- IA- /3- 3#<- eJ- 24/- 3- 3%R/- ?3- 28$?- 0<- 3R?- =, /- 3R- .!R/- 3(R$-!/- .%R?-eJ- 24/- 3<, , DUN JI NAMKHAR JETSUNMA NGON SUM SHUGPAR JUR NAMO KUNCHOK KUN NGO JETSUNMAR [Imagine:] Before us in the sky clearly appears Jetsunma (Tara). Homage! To Jetsunma in whom all three jewels are truly assembled,

2o. 2.$- ?R$?- :PR-!/-*2?-?- 3(A, ,L%- (2- (R/- 0:A- ?J3?- 2*J.- /?, ,92- 3R:A- =3- =- :)$- 0<- 2IA, ,5S$?- DAGSOK DROKUN CHABSU CHI JANGCHUB MONPAI SEMCHEH NEH ZABMOI LAMLA JUGPAR JI [15

I and all beings Generating the mind that may we enter upon Eight take refuge. aspires for enlightenment, the profound path. 2?$?- 0- /A, ,eJ- 24/- :1$?- 3- 1R=- 3- .%- , ,KR$?- 2&- .?- $?3- 28$?- 0- ;A, ,o=- 2- Y?- 2&?- ,3?- &.- =, , JETSUN PAGMA DROLMA DANG CHOGCHU DUSUM SHUGPA YI JALWA SEH CHEH TAMCHEH LA To gather To Jetsun Arya Tara, and seated throughout the ten all of the Buddhas, accumulations: directions and the three times, and , !/- /?- .%- 2?- K$- :5=- =R, ,3J- +R$- 2.$- %R?- 3<- 3J- SA, ,8=- 9?-

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, faith we prostrate. butter lamps, perfume, and so on, and imagined 3=- /?- 1=, ,:1$?- 3:A- 5S$?- GA?- 28J?- ?- $?R=, ,,R$- 3- 3J.- /?- .- v:A- 2<, ,3A- .$J- 2&- .%- 353?- 3J.- s- , TRUL NEH PUL PAGMAI TSOK CHI SHEH SU SOL TOGMA MEH NEH DATAI BAR MIGEH CHU DANG TSAM MEH NGA [16 manifestations to the noble host, From beginningless the ten non-virtues and

I offer receive them I pray. time until now, the five immediates, Zabtik Drolma Zabtik ,?J3?- /A- *R/- 3R%?- .2%- I<- 0:A, ,#A$- 0- ,3?- &.- 2>$?- 0<- 2IA, ,*/- ,R?- <%- o=- L%- (2- ?J3?, ,?R- ?R- *J- SEMNI NYON MONG WANG JUR PAI DIGPA TAMCHEH SHAGPAR JI NYEN TUH RANG JAL JANG CHUB SEM SOSO CHEH have been committed while under I confess all of the The Shravakas, Pratyekabuddhas the power of conflicting emotions, negative actions. and Bodhisattvas,

:L%- $/?- HJ.- {- &A- :S- .%- ; :#R<- .%- {- 5K:A- 5.- .%- 8A%- #3?- ?R$?; HJ.- GA- 35/- 3(R$- 29%- 0R- &A- :S- 2; JUNG NEH CHEH KU CHI DRA DANG KHOR DANG KU TSEI TSEH DANG SHING KHAM SOK CHEH CHI TSEN CHOG ZANGPO CHI DRAWA Following Padmasambhava’s your entourage, authentic life all of your excellent,

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, example, and pure realm, supreme characteristics, .J- :S- #R- /<- 2.$- ?R$?- :I<- 2<- >R$; HJ.- =- ..- &A%- $?R=- 2- 2+2- 0:A- 3,?; 2.$- ?R$?- $%- .- $/?- 0:A- DEH DRA KHONAR DAGSOK JURWAR SHOK CHUH LA DEH CHING SOLWA TABPAI TU DAGSOK GANG DU NEHPAI [14 may we become With trust in you we for all of us present

identical! sincerely supplicate, in this location Zabtik Drolma Zabtik ?- KR$?- ?; /.- .%- .2=- 1R%?- :,2- lR.- 8A- 2- .%- ; (R?- .%- 2N- >A?- :1J=- 2<- 36.- .- $?R=; .J- /?- *2?- ?J3?- /A, SACHOK SU NEH DANG ULPONG TAB TSUH SHIWA DANG CHO DANG TASHI PELWAR DZEH DU SOL may illness, poverty may the Dharma and Then refuge and conflict be pacified auspiciousness increase, I pray. and bodhicitta: !, ,2R- =- ?R$?- 0?, ,.?- $?3- .$J- 2- &A- 2?$?- 0:A, ,2?R.- /3?- =- /A- 2.$- ;A- <%- , ,?J3?- &/- WO LA SOK PAE DU SUM GE WA CHI SAK PAI SO NAM LA NI DAG YI RANG SEM CHEN the ordinary beings their virtue accumulated I rejoice in and so on, throughout the three times, their merit.

.$ i3?- GA- 2?3- 0- .%- , ,]R- ;A- LJ- V$- )A- v- 2<, ,(J- (%- ,/- 3R%- ,J$- 0- ;A, ,(R?- GA- :#R<- =R- 2{R<- .- $?R=, ,:#R<- NAM CHI SAM PA DANG LO YI JEH DRAK JI TAR WAR CHE CHUNG TUN MONG TEK PA YI CHO CHI KHOR LO KHOR DU SOL KHOR [17 According to sentient and appropriate for each the greater, lesser or turn the wheel of Nine beings aspirations, of their particular capabilities, common vehicles, dharma, I pray. 2- )A- YA.- 3- !R%?- 2<, ,M- %/- 3A- :.:- ,$?- eJ- ;A?, ,#$- 2}=- o- 35S<- LA%- 2- ;A, ,?J3?- &/- i3?- =- $9A$?- ?- WA JI SI MA TONG BAR NYA NGEN MI DAH TUG JEH YI DUN NGAL JAM TSOR JING WA YI SEM CHEN NAM LA ZIG SU Until samsara through your compassion do and sinking in this but watch over is emptied, not pass by those distressed ocean of suffering, sentient beings,

!, ,P2- 0:A, ,3(R.- m?- 2?3- 3A- H2- 0<- I<, ,<- 2#- A;)-J- @, <- 2#-0- H)- J- @, <- 2#-0PJ- =>, DRUB PAI CHU DZEH SAM MI CHAB PAR JUR OM BENZA OM BENZA OM BENZA truly and imagined offering substances ARGHAM SOHA PADAM SOHA PUKPE AH HUNG existing, all become inconceivable. Drinking Water Bathing Water Flowers

2& .J- <- 2#-K- 0J- =>, <- 2#-A- =R- !J- =>, <- 2#-$kJ- =>, <- 2#-/N- 7A- H- =>, <- 2#->K- =>, <- 2#- c- <- E- #), [19 OM BENZA OM BENZA OM BENZA OM BENZA OM BENZA OM BENZA Ten DHUPE AH HUNG AHLOKE AH HUNG GENDHE AH HUNG NEWIDEH AH HUNG SHABDA AH HUNG SAPARANA KHAM Incense Light Perfume Food Music They become immeasurable /?- ,R$- 3<- .!R/- 3(R$- ,A- =- K$- 3(R.- :2=- 2- /A, KR$?- 2&- .?- 28A:A- ]- 3- o=- 2- Y?- .%- 2&?- 0- ,3?- &.- 3./- IA- /3- CHOK CHU DUSHI LAMA JALWA SEH DANG CHEHPA TAMCHEH DUNJI NAM Then, first prostrate and make All Lamas, Buddhas, bodhisattvas and entourages throughout offerings to the three jewels. the ten directions and the four times, all before one in the sky; 3#<- 2#- ?- 3- 6: 3- =?- ?J3?- &/- !/- IA- 3$R/- I<- &A%- , ,2..- #J- .0%- 2&?- 3A- 29.- :)R3?- 36.- z, , KHAR BENZA SAMADZA MALU SEMCHEN KUNJI GON JUR CHING DUDEH PUNG CHEH MI ZEH JOM DZEH LHA (Vajra gathering Protector of all sentient you deities who subdue the

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, assemble!). beings without exception, overwhelming hoards of maras, .%R?- i3?- 3- =?- )A- 28A/- 3HJ/- I<- 0:A, ,2&R3- w/- :#R<- 2&?- $/?- :.A<- $>J$?- ?- $?R=, ,0E- !- 3- =- ;- NGO NAM MALU JI SHIN CHEN JUR PAI CHOMDEN KHOR CHEH NEH DIR SHEG SU SOL PEMA KAMALA YA [20 who know all things, just as Bhagavat with your entourages (Be seated on

they are, without exception, come to this place, here, I pray. the Lotus Seat). Zabtik Drolma Zabtik =) . ;/- =$- 2./- 0- /A, )A- ~J.- ?- .$- KR$?- 2&:A- :)A$- gJ/- /, ,.?- $?3- $>J$?- 0- 3A- ;A- ?J%- $J- !/, ,2.$- $A?- 3- SATAM JI NYEH SUDAG CHOGCHUI JIGTEN NA DUSUM SHEGPA MIYI SENGEH KUN DAG GI MA The Seven Throughout the world the knowers of the three times, to all of them Branch Prayer: in the ten directions all of the lions among people,

$?R= . ,2.$- $A- 2?R.- /3?- &A- 2?$?- 0, ,,3?- &.- L%- (2- o<- I<- /?, ,

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, have accumulated, enlightenment of all, I may become 0:A- .0=- .- 2.$- I<- &A$ ,&J?- 0:A- 2<- 2eR., 3(R.- 0- LA/- _2?- /A, <- 2#- A- WF- +- !0- =A- @- /- @- /- >- 1B, <- J- S- 2- >:: PAI PALDU DAG JUR CHIG OM BENZA AMRITA KUNDALI OM SOBHAWA [18 a glorious guide repeat that Then blessing HANA HANA HUNG PEH SHUDHA

for beings. upto here. the offerings: Zabtik Drolma Zabtik ?j- Kk:J- S- 2- >:R- @@), $/?- ;=- 0ER- 2!R.- 0:A- 8A%- , ,.LA2?- .%- o/- 2!R.- 5.- 3J.- 0<, ,z- m?- +A%- :6B/- =?- SARWA DHARMA SOBHAWA NEH YUL PEMO KUHPAI SHING YIB DANG JEN KUH TSEH MEH PAR LHA DZEH TING DZIN LEH SHUDDHO HAM In this place appearing with immeasurable shapes divine as the land of Pemo Ko, and adornments laid out, substances !, ,=?- .J- .$- ,3?- &.- =, ,=?- .%- %$- ;A.- .%- 2?- K$- 2IA:R, ,29%- 0R- ,R.- 0:A- (R/- =3- !R2?- .$- LU DEDAG TAMCHEH LA LUDANG NGAG YI DANGWAE CHAGJIO ZANGPO CHUHPAI MONLAM TOBDAG without exception with body, speech and mind Through the power of I sincerely prostrate. Kuntuzangpo’s Offering Prayer, 2&-$&A$ $A? . ,o=- 2- ,3?- &.- ;A.- GA?- 3%R/- ?3- ., ,8A%- $A- h=- ~J.- =?- <2- 2+.- 0- ;A?, ,o=- 2- !/- =- <2- +- K$- GI JALWA TAMCHEH YICHI NGONSUM DU SHING GI DUL NYEH LURAB DUHPA YI JALWA KUNLA RABTU CHAG [21

truly perceiving I pay homage with as many bodies to all of the buddhas Eleven all Buddhas, as there are grains of sand, I sincerely prostrate. 5=- =R, ,h=- $&A$- !J%- /- h=- ~J.- ?%?- o?- i3?, ,?%?- o?- Y?- GA- .2?- /- 28$?- 0- .$ ,.J- v<- (R?- GA- TSAL LO DULCHIG TENGNA DUL NYEH SANGJEH NAM SANGJEH SEH CHI U-NA SHUGPA DAG DEHTAR CHUCHI Upon a single grain are as many seated in the centre of the in that way Buddhas as there are grains, Buddhas and bodhisattvas, the whole

!, ,0R- .3- 0- ;A., ,o=- 2- .J- .$- =- /A- 3(R.- 0<- 2IA, ,/- 29:- .3- 0- i3?- .%- SA- 3(R$- .%- , ,KJ- 3:A- PO DAMPA YI JALWA DEDAG LANI CHUHPAR JI NAZAH DAMPA NAMDANG DRICHOG DANG CHEMEI are offered to Exceptional garments, those Buddhas. excellent perfumes, 2&-$*A? 1<- 3-

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, GA?- G%- , ,#A$- 0- 2.$- $A?- 2IA?- 0- &A- 3(A?- 0, ,.J- .$- ,3?- &.- 2.$- $A?- ?R- ?R<- 2>$?, ,KR$?- 2&:A- o=- CHI CHANG DIGPA DAG GI JIPA CHI CHIPA DEDAG TAMCHEH DAG GI SOSOR SHAG CHOG CHUI JAL [24 whatever transgressions all of them I All of the I have committed, confess and abandon. Buddhas 2- !/- .%- ?%?- o?- Y?, ,<%- o=- i3?- .%- aR2- .%- 3A- aR2- .%- , ,:PR- 2- !/- IA- 2?R.- /3?- $%- =- ;%- , ,.J- .$- Drolma Zabtik WA KUN DANG SANGJEH SEH RANG JAL NAMDANG LOBDANG MILOB DANG DROWA KUNJI SONAM GANGLA YANG DEHDAG of the ten directions, pratyekabuddhas, those on the path of learning the entire merit of bodhisattvas, and those of no more learning, all sentient beings,

.LA %?- i3?- 3- =?- 0<, ,,3?- &.- o=- 2- .$- $A?- $%- 2<- 3R?, ,.J- .$- 2}$?- 0- 3A- 9.- o- 35S- i3?, ,.L%?- YING NAM MALU PAR TAMCHEH JALWA DAG GI GANGWAR MUH DEHDAG MIZEH JAMTSO NAM YANG dharmadhattu is filled with Buddhas, and I offer oceans of without exception inexhaustible praises, 92- +A$- 1R=- 3, with complete conviction GA- ;/- =$- o- 35S:A- 1- !/- IA?, ,o=- 2- !/- IA- ;R/- +/- <2- 2eR.- &A%- , ,2.J- 2<- $>J$?- 0- ,3?- &.- 2.$- $A?- CHI YENLAG JAMTSO DRAKUN JI JALWA KUNJI YONTEN RAB JUH CHING DEWAR SHEGPA TAMCHEH DAG GI [22 an ocean of branches praising the excellent qualities I praise all of them on the of melody, all sound of all of the Victorious Ones, Path of Bliss (the Sugatas). 2!R. . ,3J- +R$- .3- 0- UJ%- 2- .3- 0- .%- , ,?A=- ~/- i3?- .%- L$- 0:A- $.$?- 3(R$- .%- , ,3<- 3J- 3(R$- .%- 2.$- Drolma Zabtik TUH MEHTOG DAMPA TRENGWA DAMPA DANG SIL NYEN NAM DANG JUKPAI DUGCHOG DANG MARMEH CHOG DANG DUG Sublime flowers and music, perfume, and superior butter-lamps and perfect garlands, supreme parasols, most excellent incense, !, ,!/- IA- eJ?- ?- 2.$- ;A- <%- , ,$%- i3?- KR$?- 2&:A- :)A$- gJ/- 1R/- 3- .$ ,L%- (2-

!, ,2?3- 3A- H2; !/- 29%- 3(R.- 0:A- 3A/- 1%- (J; o/- 3A- :(.- 0<- 3=- L?- +J; .!R/- 3(R$- J?- WA SUM CHO SUNG NOR LHA JAMTSO LA GUPAE TAGTU BULWAR JI SONAM TSOK CHEN RAB DZOG NEH YESHE [27 an ocean of Dharma Protectors with devotion I may the great accumulation of and Wealth Deities, continuously offer, merit be perfectly completed, Fourteen $%- 2- o?- 0<- >R$; <- $- <- KJ- 2- K- !A- /A- ?j- <_- 30- =- 0- 6- 3J- ,- =>; 8J?- 30=- 1=, /- 3R- ?%?- o?- (R?- .%- .$J- NANGWA JEHPAR SHOG OM GURU DHEWA DAKINI SARWA RATNA NAMO SANGJEH CHO DANG GEN and the illumination MANDALA PUDZA MEH GHA AH HUNG thus offer Homage to the Buddha, of wisdom spread. the mandala. Dharma and Sangha, :./- .%- ; ]- 3- ;A-.3- 3#:- :PR- .%- ; (R?- Y%- /R<- z- $+J<- IA- 2.$; ;J- >J?- $&A$- $A- %R- 2R- =?; <%- 28A/- 3- DUN DANG LAMA YIDAM KHANDRO DANG CHO SUNG NOR LHA TER JI DAG YESHE CHIG GI NGOWO LEH RANG SHIN MA Gurus, Yidams Dharma Protectors, Wealth Deities, From the essence due to your unob-

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, Dakinis, and Lords of the Hidden Treasures. of one-wisdom, structed nature, :$$?- &A<- ;%- !R/; ,$?- eJ- UA/- =?- k.- 0R- (J; :PR- !/- *2?- .%- 3$R/- I<- 0; 3HJ/- 2lJ:A- 2.$- *A.- HJ.- GAG CHIR YANG TUN TUGJEH TRINLEH MEHPO CHE DROKUN CHAB DANG GON JURPA CHEN TSEI DAG NYI CHEH [28 you can appear as your great, marvelous a refuge and guardian to the personifications

anything whatever, compassionate activity, for all beings. of knowledge and love, Zabtik Drolma Zabtik i3?- =; K$- :5=- ~A%- /?- *2?- ?- 3(A; =?- .%- =R%?- ,R.- 3(R.- 0<- :2=; 2.$- .%- 3,:- ;?- ?J3?- &/- NAM LA CHAG TSAL NYING NEH CHAB SU CHI LU DANG LONG CHUH CHOPAR BUL DAG DANG TAHYEH SEMCHEN I prostrate and take I offer my body for myself and limitless refuge from the heart, and possessions, sentient beings,

$A?- ,=- 3R- <2- .<- $?R=- 2<- 2IA, ,K$- :5=- 2- .%- 3(R.- &A%- 2>$?- 0- .%- , ,eJ- ?- ;A- <%- 2{=- 8A%- $?R=- 2- GI TALMO RABJAR SOLWA JI CHAG TSAL WA DANG CHUH CHING SHAGPA DANG JEHSU YIRANG KUL SHING SOLWA with my hands Through prostrating, rejoicing, requesting together, I pray. offering, confessing, and praying, 92- +A$- 1R=- 3, ;A, ,.$J- 2- &%- 9.- 2.$- $A?- &A- 2?$?- 0, ,,3?- &.- 2.$- $A?- L%- (2- KA<- 2}R:R, ,2<- 2eR., <- =>; 2.$- YI GEWA CHUNG ZEH DAG GI CHI SAGPA TAMCHEH DAG GI JANGCHUB CHIR NGO-O OM AH HUNG DAG [26 may whatever small merit be dedicated to the repeat I have accumulated, enlightenment of all. to here.+ .%- 3,:- ;?- ?J3?- &/- IA; =?- .%- =R%?- ,R.- .$J- 5S$?- !/; \A%- 28A-

insert the Mandala + Offering (p.79-82) !, ,i3?; g$- +- ,$?- eJ?- 2*2- 36.- $?R=; /.- .%- $/R.- 0- 8A- 2- .%- ; 5K- .%- 2?R.- /3?- :1J=- 2- NAM TAGTU TUGJEH CHAB DZEH SOL NEH DANG NUHPA SHIWA DANG TSE DANG SONAM PELWA continuously through your pacify sickness increase lifespan compassion, protect us I pray, and harm, and merit, 2&R- s .%- ; 2?3- 0:A- .R/- i3?- 3- =?- !/; (R?- 28A/- :P2- 0<- LA/- IA?- _R2?; 8J?- :.R.- .R/- $?R=, .J- /?- LJ- V$- eJ- 24/- 3- =- 3(R.- DANG SAMPAI DON NAM MALU KUN CHO SHIN DRUBPAR JINJI LOB [29

may all that we wish be fulfilled in accord with the thus The Fulfilment Then chant offerings Fifteen for, without exception, Dharma; grant your blessing! of Wishes Prayer. particular to Jetsunma 0- =/- $?3- :2=- 8A%- 2!R.- 0:A- o.- :.R/- 0- /A, <%- *A.- {.- &A$- S/- mR$?- ?; eJ- 24/- :1$?- 3:A- {<- $?=- 2:A; ,$?- !<- ^- RANG NYI KEH CHIG DREN DZOG SU JETSUN PAGMAI KUR SELWAI TUG KAR DA to be offered three times, followed I instantly, complete vividly appear in the form at the heart by the Praises to the lineage: in a thought, of the Noble Jetsunma upon a

!, ,3,- ;A- /A; )A- YA.- 3(R.- 0- 2.$- 2IA.- 0; .J- YA.- 2&R3- w/- 28$?- ?- $?R=; 0E- !- 3- =- ;- =); TU YI NI JISI CHUHPA DAG JIPA DEHSI CHOMDEN SHUG SU SOL PEMA KAMALA YA SA TAM magical for as long as for that long, Victorious One, Be seated on the lotus-seat. displays, I practice, remain I pray. 2&-S$ <- .%R?- :LR<- ;A.- =?- L%- 2- ;A; !/- +- 29%- 0R:A- 3(R.- 3A/- IA?; (R?- .LA%?- o?- 0<- 2!%- L?- +J; :1$?- 3- OM NGO JOR YI LEH JUNG WA YI KUNTU ZANGPOI CHUH TRIN JI CHO YING JEHPAR KANG JEH TEH PAGMA [31

Actual and imagined like Samantabhadra’s filling the vast offer Sixteen things appear, clouds of offerings, Dharmadatu, 1R=- 3- :#R<- 2&?- 3(R.; < - A$- +-

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, these vajra flowers let it be so! these vajra incense let it be so! receive these 2#- A- =R- !J-T- +Ao- J- @; < - A$- +-

let it be so! vajra perfumes let it be so! this vajra food let it be so! Zabtik Drolma Zabtik < - A$- +- K- T- +Ao- J- @; 8J?- ,/- S%?- 8A%- 3(R.- 0- ,A<- :2=; <- =>; #3?- $?3- $R.- 2&.-.0=- OM ARYA TARE SAPARI WARA BENZA SHABDA TRATITSA SOHA OM AH HUNG KHAMSUM NUHCHU PAL Om Arya Tara and entourage receive in this way perform the The riches of the worlds and this vajra music let it be so! invitation and make offerings. beings of the three realms

!J%- +&- u%- $; .J- =?- :R.- 9J<- .0$- ;?- :UR?; :1$?- 3- i3- :U=- *J<- $&A$- .%- ; .!R/- 3(R$- o- 35S:A- 3A/- :UR- TENG TAM JANG GU DEHLEH OZER PAG YEH TRUH PAGMA NAM TRUL NYER CHIG DANG KUNCHOG JAMTSOI TRIN TRO moon-disc is a green from which measureless invoking the noble twenty-one clouds of oceans of the

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, syllable Tam, light-rays emanate, emanations and Jewels, that radiate 2; 3./- IA- /3- 3#<- ,/- S%?- I<; +&; *J- 3J.- :R.- $?=- (R?- {:A- .LA%?; :$$?- 3J.- :1$?- 3:A- ;J- >J?- WA DUNJI NAMKHAR CHEN DRANG JUR TAM CHEMEH OSEL CHOKUI YING GAGMEH PAGMAI YESHE [30 appearing before The unborn, clear-light as the unobstructed

one in the sky. dharmakaya expanse, noble wisdom-body, Zabtik Drolma Zabtik {<; $%- :.=- +- :U=- S- 2<- ><; 5<- $>J$?- A$- +-

of the mandala. from the Gyalpo Gyu: Seventeen <- eJ- 24/- 3- :1$?- 3- 1R=- 3- =- K$- :5=- =R, ,K$- :5=- +-

!, , (- /?- *J?- GA, ,0E?- K$- /A- i3- 0<- 2o/- 3, ,.A/- 0- 2lR/- :P?- .!:- ,2- 8A- 2, ,29R.- 0- 2?3- CHU NEH CHEH CHI PEMEH CHAG NI NAMPAR JENMA CHINPA TSONDRU KAH TUB SHIWA ZOPA SAM is adorned a golden blue Generosity, diligence, patience and with water-born lotus. fortitude, peacefulness, meditative absorption,

2&R- 2o.

$+/- ,R.- ;=- *A.- 3, ,K$- :5=- .J- 28A/- $>J$?- 0:A- $4$- +R<, ,3,:- ;?- i3- 0<- o=- 2<- ,R.- 3, ,3- =?- 1- 35 TEN CHUH YUL NYI MA CHAG TSAL DESHIN SHEGPAI TSUG TOR TAHYEH NAMPAR JALWAR CHUH MA MALU PA [ encompass your Homage to the one with the crown enjoying infante having range of activities. protuberance of the Tathagatas, victories, attained Eighteen A/- +- 2!J/- 3, ,K$- :5=- +X- <- >- ;A- $J?, ,:.R.- .%- KR$?- .%- /3- 3#:- ROL CHINPA TOB PAI JALWAI SEH CHI SHINTU TEN MA CHAG TSAL TUT TA RA HUNG YIGEH DUH DANG CHOG DANG NAMKHA all perfections you are greatly relied upon Homage, the syllables fill the desire realm, without exception, by the Bodhisattvas. Tuttah Ra and Hung, the directions and space, $%- 3, ,:)A$- gJ/- 2./- 0R- 82?- GA?- 3//- +J, ,=?- 0- 3J.- 0<- :$$?- 0<- /?- 3, ,K$- :5=- 2o- .A/- 3J- z- GANG MA JIGTEN DUNPO SHAB CHI NEN TEH LUPA MEHPAR GUKPAR NUH MA CHAG TSAL JACHIN MEHLHA subduing the seven you with the power to Homage! To whom

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, worlds with your feet, summon without exceptions. , , ,

5%?- 0, ,_%- z- $- 5S$?- .2%- K$- 3(R.- 3, ,:L%- 0R-

gods all make offerings. multitudes of , sing praises before you. Zabtik Drolma Zabtik 2!R.- 3, ,K$- :5=- QB- &J?- L- .%- 1B- GA?, ,1-

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, the benefit of all, with Ture, to you I bow down! the Swift Heroine, instant lightening, :S- 3, ,:)A$- gJ/- $?3- 3$R/- (- *J?- 8=- IA, ,$J- ?<- LJ- 2- =?- /A- L%- 3, ,K$- :5=- !R/- !:A- ^- 2- !/- +, ,$%- 2- DRA MA JIGTEN SUM GON CHU CHEH SHEL JI GESAR JEHWA LEH NI JUNG MA CHAG TSAL TUNKAI DAWA KUNTU GANG WA [34 emerging from on the lotus face of the lord of Homage to the one

an open flower, the three worlds, (Chenrezig). with the face of, Zabtik Drolma Zabtik o- /A- 2lJ$?- 0:A- 8=- 3, ,{<- 3- !R%- U$- 5S$?- 0- i3?- GA?, ,<2- +- KJ- 2:A- :R.- <2- :2<- 3, ,K$- :5=- $?J<- }R- JA NI TSEK PAI SHEL MA KARMA TONG TRAG TSOKPA NAM CHI RABTU CHE WAI U-RAB BARMA CHAG TSAL SER NGO a hundred completely full shining intensely with the gathering of a Homage to you autumn moons all stacked up, the blazing light of thousand stars. whose hand !, , 82?- GA?- 3//- +J, ,3J- :2<- :O$?- 0- >A/- +- :2<- 3, ,K$- :5=- +-

that defeats with a frowning extinguishing all enemies Nineteen Mara’s warriors, lotus visage, without exception. :5=- .!R/- 3(R$- $?3- 35S/- K$- o:A, ,?R<- 3R?- ,$?- !<- i3- 0<- 2o/- 3, ,3- =?- KR$?- GA- :#R<- =R- 2o/- TSAL KUNCHOG SUM TSON CHAG JAI SORMUH TUGKAR NAMPAR JEN MA MALU CHOG CHI KHORLO JEN Homage, your fingers with the of Adorned with her glorious wheel, beautify your heart the three jewels. all directions without exception

!, , :5=- ^- 2:A- .3- 2?- .2- o/, ,2o/- 0- ,3?- &.- >A/- +- :2<- 3, ,<=- 0:A- OR.- /- :R.- .0$- 3J.- TSAL DAWAI DUMBUH U-JEN JENPA TAMCHEH SHINTU BARMA RALPAI TRONA UPAGMEH Homage, to you with a sliver all of your ornaments from Amitabha in the of moon on your crown shine intensely, midst of your hair,

*A- > =?, ,g$- 0<- >A/-+- :R.- /A- 36.- 3, ,K$- :5=- 2{=- 0:A- 3,:- 3:A- 3J- v<, ,:2<- 2:A- UJ%- 2:A- .2?- /- $/?- 3, LEH TAGPAR SHINTU U-NI DZEH MA CHAG TSAL KALPAI TAHMAI TAR BARWAI TRENGWAI U-NANEH MA [39

an powerful light continuously Homage, to you residing in the like the fire at the Twenty shines forth. centre of a blazing garland end of an aeon, ,$;?- 2o%- $;R/- 2{3- !/- /?- 2{R<- .$:, ,.P- ;A- .0%- /A- i3- 0<- :)R3?- 3, ,K$- :5=- ?- $8A:A- %R?- =- K$- YEH CHANG YUN KUM KUN NEH KHOR GAH DRAYI PUNG NI NAMPAR JOM MA CHAG TSAL SASHI NGOH LA CHAG in the joyous posture, right defeating armies Homage, to you who strikes the leg extended, left drawn up, of the enemy. ground with the palm of her hand $A ,3,A=- IA?- 2$/- &A%- 82?- GA?- 2h%- 3, ,OR- $*J<- &/- 36.- ;A- $J- >- $A?, ,

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, with her feet, ,K$- :5=- 2.J- 3- .$J- 3- 8A- 3, ,M- %/- :.?- 8A- ,R.- ;=- *A.- 3, ,J- @- <- .%- ;%- .$- w/- 0?, ,#A$- 0- (J/- 0R- CHAG TSAL DEHMA GEHMA SHIMA NYA NGEN DEH SHI CHUH YUL NYI MA SOHA OM DANG YANG DAG DENPAE DIGPA CHENPO [40 Homage to the Lady of Bliss, the whose scope of activity She who through the overcomes great

Lady of Virtue the Lady of Peace, is nirvana’s peace. authenticity of Soha and Om negativity. Zabtik Drolma Zabtik :)R3?- 0- *A.- 3, ,K$- :5=- !/- /?- 2{R<- <2- .$:- 2:A, ,.P- ;A- =?- /A- <2- +- :$J$?- 3, ,;A- $J- 2&- 0:A- %$- JOMPA NYI MA CHAG TSAL KUN NEH KOR RAB GAH WAI DRA YI LUNI RABTU GEK MA YIGEH CHUPAI NGAGTara Homage, to you who through utterly defeats the who liberates through your posture of bliss enemy hoards. the rigpa Hung

0:. ,<%- $A- :R.- GA- 5S$?- i3?- :O$?- 3, ,K$- :5=- <2- +- .$:- 2?- 2eA.- 0:A, ,.2- o/- :R.- GA- UJ%- 2- %J=- 3,, PAI RANG GI OCHI TSOG NAM TRUG MA CHAG TSAL RABTU GAHWAE JIPAI U-JEN OCHI TRENGWA PELMA are filled with swirling Homage to you with the that emits beams of multitudes of your light rays. majestic crown of great bliss expanding light. 92- +A$- 1R=- 3, 28.- 0- <2- 28.- +X- <- ;A?, ,2..- .%- :)A$- gJ/- .2%-.- 36.- 3, ,K$- :5=- ?- $8A- *R%- 2:A- 5S$?- i3?, , SHEHPA RAB SHEH TUTA RA YI DU DANG JIGTEN WANGDU DZEH MA CHAG TSAL SASHI CHONGWAI TSOG NAM [38 Laughing perfect laughter you control maras Homage, to the one who has with Tutara, and worlds. the power to summon all of the ,3?- &.- :$$?- 0<- /?- 0- *A.- 3, ,OR- $*J<- $;R- 2:A- ;A- $J- >- $A?, ,1R%?- 0- ,3?- &.- i3- 0<- 1R=- 3, ,K$- Drolma Zabtik TAMCHEH GUKPAR NUPA NYI MA TRO NYER YOWAI YIGE HUNG GI PONGPA TAMCHEH NAMPAR DROLMA CHAG protectors frowning, shaking that liberates all of the land, your syllable Hung from all poverty. !, ,/A- 2!R.- 0:A, ,- =?- 1R=- 3- *A.- 3, ,K$- :5=- +- - $A- i3- 0:A- NI KUHPAI RIGPA HUNG LEH DROLMA NYI MA CHAG TSAL TUREI SHAB NI DABPAE HUNG GI NAMPAI of the sequence of the Homage to you trampling with the ten syllable . with your Ture legs, seed of the *J<- $&A$ ?- 2R/- *A.- 3, ,

of Hung, Mt Mandara, Mt Kailash, existences. the appearance of Twenty One Twenty i3- 0:A, ,

!, , $.R/-.%- - l- $&A$ ,5<- $*A?- 2eR., <- .%R?- :LR<- ;A.- =?- L%- 2- ;A; !/- +- 29%- 0R:A- PA DI DANG CHAK TSAL WA NI NYI SHU TSA CHIK OM NGO JOR YI LEH JUNG WA YI KUNTU ZANGPOI [43 and the homages Repeat Actual and imagined like Samanta-

to the twenty-one. two times. things appear, bhadra’s Twenty Two Twenty 3(R.- 3A/- IA?; (R?- .LA%?- o?- 0<- 2!%- L?- +J; :1$?- 3- 1R=- 3- :#R<- 2&?- 3(R.; <- A$- +-

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, water, let it be so! this vajra bathing water, let it be so! these vajra flowers let it be so! < - A$- +- K- T- +Ao- J- @; Drolma Zabtik RA BENZA GENDHE TRATITSA SOHA OM ARYA TARE SAPARI WARA BENZA NEWIDEH TRATITSA SOHA OM ARYA TARE SAPARI WARA BENZA SHABDA TRATITSA SOHA these vajra perfumes Om Arya Tara and entourage receive Om Arya Tara and entourage receive let it be so! this vajra food let it be so! this vajra music let it be so!

,K$- :5=- z- ;A- 5S$?- i3?- o=- 0R, ,z- .%- 3A:3- &A- ;A?- 2!J/- 3, ,!/- /?- $R- (- .$:- 2:A- 2eR.- GA?, ,lR.- .%- CHAG TSAL LHAYI TSOG NAM JALPO LHA DANG MIAM CHIYI TENMA KUN NEH GOCHA GAHWAI JOH CHI TSUH DANG Homage to the one in whom the Gods and Kinnara Protecting all with the

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, King of the hosts of deities, all depend upon. armour of joyful speech kA- =3- %/- 0- ?J=- 3, ,K$- :5=- *A- 3- ^- 2- o?- 0:A, ,,/- $*A?- 0R- =- :R.- <2- $?=- 3, ,@- <- $*A?- 2eR.- +X- A/- +- S$- 0R:A- ; #3?- $?3- $R.- 2&.- .0=- :LR<- .%- ; 2.$- =?- =R%?- OM AH HUNG KHAM SUM NUHCHU PALJOR DANG DAGLU LONG in this way perform the The riches of the worlds and my body, invitation and make offerings. beings of the three realms, possessions

*J<- $?3

,R.- .$J- 5S$?- !/; ,$?- eJ:A- 2.$- *A.- i3?- =- :2=; 28J?- /?- LA/- IA?- 2_2- +- $?R=; <- ?j- +- ,- $- +- <_- 45 CHUH GEH TSOK KUN TUGJEI DAG NYI NAM LA BUL SHEH NEH JINJI LAB TU SOL OM SARWA TATHAGATA RATNA [ and merit, I offer to the receiving it kindly (Om offer precious mandala

all of it, compassionate ones, grant your blessings: Twenty Three Twenty 30=- 0- 6- @R: 8J?- $R%- v<- 3(R.- 0- .%- 30=- 1=- /?, K$- $;?- 3(R.- .A/- K$- o- *A.; *2?- .A/- K$- o- I<- 0:A- :R$; MANDALA PU DZA HO CHAG YEH CHO CHIN CHAG JAH NYI CHABJIN CHAG JAH JUR PAI OG to all the Tathagatas) thus make the general Your right hand in the changes into the mudra offerings and a mandala. mudra of generosity, of giving refuge,

!, , <- 2#- 0- H)- T- +Ao- J- @; < - A$- +-

these vajra lamps let it be so! vajra perfumes let it be so! Twenty Four Twenty K- T- +Ao- J- @; <- =>; #3?- $?3- $R.- RE SAPARI WARA BENZA NEWIDEH TRATITSA SOHA OM ARYA TARE SAPARI WARA BENZA SHABDA TRATITSA SOHA OM AH HUNG KHAM SUM NUH Om Arya Tara and entourage receive Om Arya Tara and entourage receive The riches of this vajra food let it be so! this vajra music let it be so! the worlds 2&.- .0=- :LR<- .%- ; 2.$- =?- =R%?- ,R.- .$J- 5S$?- !/; ,$?- eJ:A- 2.$- *A.- i3?- =- :2=; 28J?- /?- LA/- CHU PALJOR DANG DAGLU LONG CHUH GEH TSOK KUN TUGJEI DAG NYI NAM LA BUL SHEH NEH JIN and beings of the my body, possessions I offer to the receiving it

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, three realms, and merit, all of it, compassionate ones, kindly grant

IA?- 2_2- +- $?R=; <- ?j- +- ,- $- +- <_-30=- 0- 6- @R: {- =?- 2..- lA:A- (- o/- 22?; <%- .%- 2Y%- L:A- ,A- 48 JI LABTU SOL OM SARWA TATHAGATA RATNA MANDALA PU DZA HO KULEH DUTSI CHU JUN BAB RANG DANG SUNG JAI CHI [ your blessings. (Om offer precious mandala to all the Tathagatas) From her body nectar entering the top of the heads

continuously descends, of myself and of those that Zabtik Drolma Zabtik 2R- /?; 8$?- +J- =?- !/- $%- 2- ;A?; LA/- _2?- 3- =?- 8$?- 0<- I<; &J?- 3R?- =- K$- :5=- *J<- $&A$- 5<- 2./- $R%- 28A/- .%- , WO NEH SHUG TEH LUKUN GANGWA YI JINLAB MALU SHUGPAR JUR are being filling our receiving blessings Recite the Twenty-One Homages protected, bodies entirely, without exception. seven times with devotion.

2.$- .%- 2Y%- L- !/- 5.- /?; :)A$?- 0- !/- =?- .2$?- .L%- I<; &J?- 3R?- =- K$- :5=- *J<- $&A$- 5<- $?3- 2eR., ;%- 3(R.- DAG DANG SUNG JA KUN TSUH NEH JIGPA KUNLEH UG JUNG JUR under which I and all those removing having done that, then recite the

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, seeking protection can enter, all fears. Twenty One Homages three times. 0- .%- 30=- $R%- 28A/- 1=, <- .%R?- :LR<- ;A.- =?- L%- 2- ;A; !/- +- 29%- 0R:A- 3(R.- 3A/- IA?; (R?- .LA%?- o?- 0<- 2!%- OM NGO JOR YI LEH JUNG WA YI KUNTU ZANGPOI CHUH TRIN JI CHO YING JEHPAR KANG [46 Present the offerings Actual and imagined like Samantabhadra’s filling the vast

and the mandala again: things appear, clouds of offerings, Dharmadatu, Zabtik Drolma Zabtik L?- +J; :1$?- 3- 1R=- 3- :#R<- 2&?- 3(R.; < - A$- +-

*J<- s =%?- 0<- L?- +J, ,S/- 0?- 3A- :)A$?- ,3?- &.- <2- !J<, ,#A$- 0- ,3?- &.- <2- +- 8A- 2, ,%/- :PR- ,3?- &.- LANG PAR JEH TEH DRENPAE MIJIK TAM CHEH RAB TER DIGPA TAM CHEH RABTU SHIWA NGEN DRO TAM CHEH [49 when you rise mindful fearlessness will negativity will be and all of

at dawn, be completely bestowed, totally pacified, the lower Twenty Five Twenty :)R3?- 0- *A.- .R, ,o=- 2- LJ- 2- U$- 2./- i3?- GA?, ,M<- .- .2%- /A- 2{<- 2<- :I<- =, ,:.A- =?- (J- 2- *A.- =?- JOMPA NYI DO JALWA JEHWA TRAG DUN NAM CHI NYUR DU WANG NI KURWAR JUR LA DI LEH CHEWA NYI LEH realms will The empowerment of seventy will quickly and more than be destroyed. million Victorious Ones be conferred, this, your

!, ,2- :.R.- 0?- /A- 2- ,R2- :I<- 8A%- , ,/R<- :.R.- 0?- /A- /R<- i3?- *A.- :,R2, ,:.R.- 0- ,3?- &.- ,R2- 0<- BU DUH PAE NI BU TOB JUR SHING NOR DUH PAE NI NOR NAM NYI TOB DUHPA TAM CHEH TOBPAR if a child is wanted, if wealth is wanted, all of one’s wishes a child will be obtained, riches will be gained, will be granted, *J<- S$ :I<- +J, ,2$J$?- i3?- 3J.- &A%- ?R- ?R<- :)R3?- :I<, ,2<- 2eR., $+R<- 3, <- 2#- AWF+- !0- =A- @- /- @- /- >- 1B, GA?- JUR TEH GEKNAM MEH CHING SOSOR JOM JUR OM BENZA AMRITA KUNDALI [51 and obstacles will be eliminated, repeat up The HANA HANA HUNG PEH

individually defeated. to here. Torma: Six Twenty 2?%?, <- J- S- 7- >::?j- Kk:J- S- 7- >:R- @@), GA?- .%?, !R%- 0:A- %%- =?- <- ;A$- =?; J?- 2..- lA<- I<; <- =>; =/- $?3, <-A$- +-

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, which become the torma, undefiled wisdom nectar. times. 2- =D- +- #- #- #- @A- #- @A, =/- $?3- IA?- $4S- 3R- .%- , <- A- !- - 1B- J- @, =/- $?3- IA- 3PR/- ,2?- BALING TA KHA KHA KHAHI KHAHI OM AH KARO MU KHAM SARWA DHARMA NAM [52 say three times for AHDE NUPENNA TOTA OM AH HUNG PEH SOHA repeat three times

the principal figure. to offer to the Zabtik Drolma Zabtik i3?- =- 1=, <- 3(R.- .A/- $+R<- 3- .3- 0- :.A?; ;J- >J?- (J/- 0R?- eJ?- .$R%?- =; 2.J- 2- (J/- 0R<- 28J?- /?- G%- ; .%R?- OM CHUH CHIN TORMA DAMPA DI YESHE CHENPOE JEH GONG LA DEWACHEN POR SHEH NEH CHANG NGO assembly Offering this to the Great Wisdom in Great Bliss of deities. exalted torma, (being), consider us, consume it,

:,R2- &A%- , ,?%?- o?- $R- :1%- 3,<- ,$- .J<- :PR, ,.J- ;A- .$- /A- S$- 0R- (J/- 0R, ,!/- =- $/?- 0:3- $8/- ;%- :PR- TOB CHING SANGJEH GOPANG TAR TUG DER DRO DE YI DUK NI DRAKPO CHENPO TENLA NEH PA-AM SHEN YANG DRO activity will and ultimately realize If there was a great, either animate

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, increase, the level of Buddhahood. powerful poison, or inanimate, 2, ,9R?- 0- .%- /A- :,%?- 0- *A.- G%- , ,S/- 0?- <2- +- ?J=- 2- *A.- :,R2, ,$.R/- .%-

eaten or drunk, it would be completely eliminated. diseases and poisons, Zabtik Drolma Zabtik ,#$- 2}=- 5S$?- /A- i3- 0<- %R%- !J, ,?J3?- &/- $8/- 0- i3?- =- ;%- %R- , ,$*A?- $?3- 2./- .- 3%R/- 0<- 2eR.- /, DUG NGAL TSOK NI NAMPAR PONG TEH SENCHEN SHENPA NAMLA YANG NGO NYI SUM DUN DU NGON PAR JOH NA these host of sufferings, will for other sentient If the two, the three and the be completely eliminated, beings also. seven are sincerely chanted, !, , P2- 3- =?- )=- .- $?R=; 8J?- :.R.- .R/- $?R=, < - A$- +-

this vajra bathing water, let it be so! these vajra flowers let it be so! these vajra incense let it be so! Twenty Seven Twenty J- @; < - A$- +-

!, ,:5=- 2!R., GA?- 2!R., ,=- 3R- .<- =, eJ- 24/- :1$?- 3- :#R<- .%- 2&?, ,.3A$?- 3J.- ,$?- eJ?- 2lJ<- TSAL TUH JETSUN PAGMA KHOR DANG CHEH MIGMEH TUGJEH TSER homage and the With hands Noble Tara and with your praise! Praise. at your heart: your entourage, impartial *J<- 2o. .$R%?- =, ,2.$- $A?- )A- v<- $?R=- 2:A- .R/, ,$J$?- 3J.- :P2- 0<- LA/- IA?- _R2?, ,?%?- o?- 2!/- 0- .<- 8A%- GONG LA DAG GI JITAR SOLWAI DUN GEG MEH DRUBPAR JIN JI LOB SANG JEH TENPA DAR SHING [55 love and looking on me may the be successful without delay May the Buddha’s teachings compassion, objectives of my prayers through your blessings. increase and spread,

, Eight Twenty o?. ,2!/-:6B/- ,$?- 3,/- 82?- 0.- 2g/, ,*J<- :5K:A- 2<- (.- !/- 8A- 8A%- , ,2>.- 12- UA/- =?- :1J=- 2<- JEH TENZIN TUG TUN SHAB PEH TEN NYER TSEI BARCHEH KUN SHI SHING SHEH DRUB TRINLEH PELWAR may the holders of the teachings may harmful obstacles may the activities of teaching have harmonious long-lives, all be pacified, and practice increase. 36S., ,/.- 3$- :O$?- lR.- 8A- 2- .%- , ,(R?- w/- .0=- :LR<- $R%- .- :1J=, ,(R?- *R%- o=- 0R:A- 3%:- ,%- o?, DZUH NEHMUK TRUG TSUH SHIWA DANG CHODEN PALJOR GONGDU PEL CHO CHONG JALPOI NGAH TANG JEH May sickness, famine, war may the wealth and glory of may the might of the Dharma and conflict be pacified, dharma practitioners increase, protectors increase,

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, ,o=-#3?- 3,:- .2?- 2.J- 2<- 36S., ,:)A$?- 0- 2&- S$- .?- 3A/- :(A, ,kA- =3- 35/- v?- %/- 0- .%- , ,:#R<- 2- JAL KHAM TAH-U DEWAR DZUH JIGPA CHU DRUK DU MIN CHI MILAM TSEN TEH NGENPA DANG KHOR WA [56 may great lands, both distant Protect from the sixteen nightmares, and local, be at ease. fears, untimely death, ill omens, %/- ?R%- #$- 2}=- ?R$?, ,$/?- {2?- 3,<- ,$- :)A$?- =?- *R2?, ,5K- 2?R.- .2%- ,%- *3?- gR$?- :1J=, Drolma Zabtik NGEN SONG DUG NGAL SOG NEH KAB TAR TUG JIG LEH CHOB TSE SO WANG TANG NYAM TOG PEL the sufferings of samsara, you shelter us from all Increase life, fortune, potential, the lower existences, relative and ultimate fears. experience, and understanding,

0- K- T- +Ao- J- @; GA?- 3(R., <- $%- 2- 3,:- ;?- 0E:A- PARI WARA BENZA NEWIDEH TRATITSA SOHA OM ARYA TARE SAPARI WARA BENZA SHABDA TRATITSA SOHA OM NANG WA TAHYEH PEMEI Om Arya Tara and entourage receive Om Arya Tara and entourage receive thus From the Lotus Family this vajra food let it be so! this vajra music let it be so! offer. of Amitabha,

92- +A$- 1R=- 3,

*J<- .$ 36.. :.- /?- L%- (2- ~%- 0:- 2< 2- $&$- 0-=- 3- 28/- + :V=- 3.- ,$?- e:- ,/- I?- $9$? *.- S , A A R A , , A R A , , J J A A A , , A 57 DZUH DI NEH JANG CHUB NYING POI BAR BU CHIGPO LA MA SHIN TU DREL MEH TUGJEI CHEN JI ZIG NYI [ From now until the like a mother with united, watch over me with heart of enlightenment, her only child,

your compassionate eyes, Nine Twenty .%- .LJ<- 3J.- 36.- .- $?R=, ,8J?- :.R.- 0:A- .R/- =- $?R=- 2- H.- 0<- .- 2+2- &A%- ,$?- .3- 2{=- 2?, 3./- 2*J.- :R.- 8- <%- =- ,A3; DANG YERMEH DZEH DU SOL DUN CHEH U-SHU RANG LA TIM may we remain invoke the sacred-commitment through The visualization before one melts inseparable, I pray doing that particular wish-prayer. into light that merges with oneself,

!, , @- @R: S- $- 7/, ?j- +- ,- $- +- 2#- 3- 3J- 3O- 2#A- S- 7- 3- @- ?- 3- ;- ?- <-- = ;A$- 2o- .%- , 3- fJ.- ;R%?- ?- 3- 5%- HA HO BHAGAWAN SARWA TATHAGATA BENZA MA MEH MUTSA MA NYEH YONG SU MA TSANG BENDZI BHAWA MAHA SAMAYA SATO AH The Hundred Errors of omission Syllables. and incompletion, ?3- 2&- .%- , ,$%- ;%- /?- 0- 3- 3(A?- 0:A, ,:.A<- /A- 2IA- 2- $%- /R%?- 0, ,.J- !/- HR.- GA?- 29R.- 36.- $?, <- :.A-/A- gJ/- .%- z/- $&A$- +, ,:#R<- 2- YA.- .- 28$?- /?- G%- , ,/.- 3J.- 5K- .%- .2%- K$- .%- , ,3(R$- OM DINI TEN DANG LHEN CHIG TU KHORWA SIDU SHUGNEY CHANG NEHMEY TSE DANG WANGCHUG DANG CHOG confess your Please remain with for as long as grant a powerful life, mistakes. your representation, samsara exists, free of sickness, i3?- =J$?- 0<- )=- .- $?R=, <- ?- T- +AN- 2#- ;J- J- @, 8J?- 0?- $+R<- 3PR/- i3?- gJ/- =- 28$?- ?- $?R=, <- HJ.- GA- ?J3?- &/- .R/- LEGPAR TSALDU SOL OM SUTRA TIKTA OM CHEH CHI SEMCHEN DUN bestow all that is worthy BENDZA YE SOHA That was the prayer to request the torma guests As everything you do is

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, and supreme, I pray. to reside in the support, (if one has one). for the benefit of beings

!/- 36., ,eJ?- ?- 3,/- 0:A- .%R?- P2- )R=, ,?%?- o?- ;=- .- $>J$?- /?- G%- , ,a<- ;%- :LR/- 0<- 36.- .- 60 KUN DZEH JEHSU TUNPAI NGODRUB TSOL SANGJEH YULDU SHEG NEH CHANG LAR YANG JUNPAR DZEH DU [ then grant the accomplishment Although you depart to return again

of all that accords with this aim. the Buddha realms, I beseech you. Zabtik Drolma Zabtik $?R=, ,2#- 3): 2eR.- =- 3PR/- ,2?- GA- z- i3?- $>J$?, z- .%- <%- ?J3?- .LJ<- 3J.- 0; (R?- .LA%?- $*$- 3:A- %%- .- 28$; SOL BENZA MUH LHA DANG RANG SEM YERMEH PA CHO YING NYUG MAI NGANG DU SHAG That requests the host of deities to de- The deity and my rests in the natural state, part, (if one has no object of support). mind, inseparably the Dharmadhattu.

.LJ<- 3J.- *A.- .- LA/- 2_2?- 0?; <%- *A.- :1$?- 3- 1R=- 3:A- {; $%- =- <%- 28A/- 3J.- 0<- I<; &J?- <%- *A.- :1$?- 3:A- YER MEH NYI DU JIN LAB PAE RANG NYI PAGMA DROLMAI KU NANG LA RANG SHIN MEHPAR JUR through the blessing of I attain the form of the nature of all appearance Holding within the becoming inseparable, the Noble Tara, is without inherent existence. mind the clear

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, $?=- $%- .%- %- o=- ?J3?- 29%- !J- ;A- $J- 2&- 0:A- 2^?- 0, <- +- -@- @ - @ - Drolma Zabtik TEHNOPA TIKTA SUTO KAYO SUPO KAYO AHNU RAKTO SARWA SIDDHI SARWA KARMA TSIT TAM SHRI YAH KURU DRIDHO MEHBHAWA MEH BHAWA MEH BHAWA MEH BHAWA MEM TRAYATSA SUTSA MEH HUNG HA HA HA !, , &J?- $/?- =$?- GA- v- 2- 2*%- , .$J- 2- :.A- ;A- M<- .- 2.$ ,:1$?- 3- 1R=- 3- :P2- I<- /?, ,:PR- 2- $&A$- GEWA DIYI NYUR DU DAG PAGMA DROLMA DRUB JUR NEH DROWA CHIG in this way cultivate the view Through this merit attain the accomplishment and establish of fundamental reality. may I quickly of the Noble Tara, all beings ?R- $&A$- G%- 3- =?- 0, ,.J- ;A?- ?- =- :$R.- 0<- >R$ ,?R$?- 2}R- (R/- L, ;A.- 28A/- /R<- .%- 23- 0- 29%- 0R- v<, ,2?3- 0:A- .R/- CHANG MALUPA DEYI SALA GUHPAR SHOG YISHIN NOR DANG BUMPA ZANGPO TAR SAMPAI DUN [61 without any at that level! Offer dedication and Like a wish-fulfilling jewel that fulfils

exceptions, aspiration prayers. and the excellent vase, all desires One Thirty !/- ,R$?- 3J.- )R=- 36.- 0, ,eJ- 24/- 1R=- 3- o=- 2- Y?- 2&?- GA?, ,3A- :V=- ,$?- eJ?- *R%- 2:A- 2N- >A?- >R$ KUN TOGMEH TSOL DZEH PA JETSUN DROLMA JALWA SEH CHEH CHI MIDREL TUGJEH CHONGWAI TASHI SHOG without any Noble Tara, Buddhas may auspiciousness arise, inseparable impediments, and Bodhisattvas, from your compassionate care.

!, , ;R/- .%- 2&?- 0:A- 3,<, 3R- /, eJ- 24/- :1$?- 3- :#R<- .%- 2&?, ?R$?- :.R.- $?R=- P2- /- L, 3- L?- G%- (R$ , 3./- JETSUN PAGMA KHOR DANG CHEH DUN and lastly the If you wish Noble Tara and and so on, say the Wish- but it is also all benefits (until p.51) to elaborate: your entourage, Fulfilling prayer (p.55) right to skip it. ?R- $*A?- 2 .- :.- 8- ?R$?- /?- 2^?- 0, /R%?- 2>$?- 0<- }<- v<- =, $>J$?- $?R=- 3A- .$R?, z- .%- <%- ?3?- ?R$?- .%- , .$J- 2}R- >A?- 2eR.- 2&?- GA?- P2- 2R, *J R J 63 CHEH U-SHU... LHA DANG RANG SEM [ The visualization (p.57), repeat and on to the confession but the prayer to The deity and and so on To complete, offer dedication,

before one melts... to the mantra as before. (until p.59) leave is not needed. my mind, (p.60). aspiration and tashi prayers, Two Thirty (p.68-78) ,?j- 3;- =),, ? SARWA MANGALAM May all be auspiciousness! , :1$?- 3- 1R=- 3:A- 5S$?- 3(R.- >A/- +- 2#?- 0- .%R?- P2- ~A%- 0R- 8J?- L- 2- 28$?- ?R, /- 3R- $- <- A$- +- <- ;J, eJ- 24/- 1R=- 3:A- z- 5S$?- =- 5S$?- 3(R.- :2=- An Extremely Concise Feast Offering to the Noble Tara Homage to the guru If one wishes to make a feast offering known as The Essential Accomplishment. the Noble Tara! to the Noble Tara and her host

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, 2<- :.R.- /- 2.$- $A- i=- :LR<- }R/- .- :PR- 2?, ,,2?- >J?- GA- .3- m?- $4S- 2R<- I<- 0:A- 5S$?- GA- ;R- L.- i3?- 2?%- (- .%- 2..- lA- V/- =, <&- ;&- #&, ;J- >J?- RAM YAM KHAM YESHE [64 of deities, one should prepare as the and arrange the principle samaya substances and practitioners that have gone before, materials and sprinkle dutsi with a juniper branch.

,&J?- ?R$?- >A?- 0- 2eR.- =- 3J- +R$- :,R<- 3?- thus offer Tashi Prayers while Secondly, for if one has an object of but if not, then it is sufficient Set out the mandala scattering flowers (rice), (p.68-78). regular practice support, that is excellent, to picture it in one’s mind. and the offerings,

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, =- $R%- .- (R?- 0:A, 3./- IA- /3- 3#:- ?R$?- /?- *2?- ?J3?- .%- 3(R.- 0- LA/- _2?- 2<- 2+%- , .!R/- 3(R$- ,A- 3(R.- 3A- .$R?- 0?, <%- *A.- {.- &A$- S/- DUN JI NAMKHA RANG NYI KEH CHIG DREN 62 and recite the Before one in and so on, finishing the refuge, bodhicitta The offerings to the jewels I instantly, complete [ prayer above, the sky... (p.15), and blessing the offerings (until p.19) is not needed, so go to: in a thought, mR$?- ?; eJ- 24/- :1$?- 3:A- {<- $?=- 2:A; ?R$?- /?, 3(R.- 0- 30=- 2!R.- 0-=/- $?3- 2*<- 2:A- KA- 3- K$- :5<- *J<- $&A$- 5<- 2./-1/- Drolma Zabtik DZOG SU JETSUN PAGMAI KUR SELWAI vividly appear in the form and so on, continuing, one makes the offerings, mandala, praises three of the noble Jetsunma (p.29) times, and onwards to the twenty-one praises seven times, !, ,35S:A- 1%- 0R<- I<, ,<- =>, ZA: :R.- 3A/- (R?- .LA%?- 1R- V%- /?, ,=?- <2- 2!R.- 0- =R%?- {:A- TSOI PUNG POR JUR OM AH HUNG HRI OGMIN CHO YING PO DRANG NEH LEHRAB KUHPA LONGKUI an ocean of sense From the palace in the of the Surkarmapurna pleasures. dharmadhattu Akanishtha, in the Sambhogakaya, ?R- $?3- 8A%-. ,$/?- $?3- 3=- 0:A- .GA=- :#R<- /?, ,.3- 5B$- 1R=- 3- i=- :LR<- 3, ,l- $?3- o- 35S:A- :#R<- .%- 2&?, , SHING NEHSUM TRULPAI CHIL KHOR NEH DAMTSIG DROLMA NALJORMA TSASUM JAM TSO KHOR DANG CHEH [65 from the mandalas that emanate comes the samaya with the ocean-like entourage

from the three places, Tara , of the three roots Thirty Three Thirty 5S$?- GA- :.- 2<- ,/- :SJ/- $>J$?, ,=R%?- ,R.- i3- 0- ,3?- &.- 0:A, ,;J- >J?- 2..- lA:A- 3*J?- 3(R.- :2=, ,#A$- TSOG CHI DUWAR CHEN DREN SHEG LONG CHUH NAMPA TAM CHEH PAI YESHE DUTSI NYEH CHUH BUL DIG I invite you together, all possessions-appearance in through offering it, please appear. this wisdom nectar offering, be delighted!

!, , /3?- ;J- >J?- 5S$?- mR$?- /?, ,.%R?- P2- i3- $*A?- M<- ,R2- >R$ ,$>J$?- $?R=- 3A- .$R?, z- .%- <%- NAM YESHE TSOG DZOG NEH NGODRUB NAM NYI NYUR TOB SHOG LHA DANG RANG may the accumulation of merit may the two accomplishments A dispersal prayer The deity and wisdom be complete be quickly gained. is not needed. and one’s ?R- 28A- LR/ ?3?- .L<- 3.- 0 (?- .L%?- $*$- 3:- %%- .- 28$ &J?- .$J- 2}R- >A?- 2eR.- 2&?- GA- P2- 0R,, ,, J J J ; R A A ; 67 SEM YER MEH PA CHO YING NYUG MAI NGANG DU SHAG [ own mind merge and one rests in the state of Then to complete this offer dedications,

inseparably, the innate dharmadhattu. aspirations and tashi prayers. Thirty Four... end. Four... Thirty 1A2- *J?- v%- 3,R%- 8A%- 2>$?, ,$9%- :6A/- gR$- 5S$?- .LA%?- ?- 1R=, ,3(R$- ,/- UA/- =?- .%R?- P2- )R=, ,<- DRIB NYEH TUNG TONG SHING SHAG ZUNG DZIN TOG TSOG YING SU DROL CHOG TUN TRINLEH NGODRUB TSOL OM Degradations, obscurations, offences dualistic grasping and conceptualization bestow the accomplishment of the

92- +A$- 1R=- 3, and downfalls, I face and confess, are liberated to the expanse, supreme and ordinary activities. $- <- A$- +- - @R:?- 2_2, 1L- 8J?- 0?- 3PR/- GURU ARYA TAREH SAPARI WARA SARWA GANATSATRA PU TSA HO OM AH HUNG HO PEM [66 then recite the An abridged ...to to summon hundred syllables remainder: bless. the guests. .$$ <-AoBI- 2- =AB- #- @A, 8J?- 2}R?, eJ- 24/- :1$?- 3:A- z- 5S$?- =, ,k.- L%- 3(R.- 0- 1=- 2- ;A?, ,2?R.- Drolma Zabtik OM UTSIKTA BALING JETSUN PAGMAI LHA TSOK LA MEH JUNG CHUPA PULWA YI SO TA KHA HI to To Jetsun Tara’s I present these dedicate. gathering of deities, wondrous offerings, !, , &J?- .$J- 2}R- >A?- 2eR.- GA?- :P2- 0R, eJ- 24/- 2&R3- w/- :.?- 3- ,$?- eJ- &/, ,2.$- .%- 3,:- ;?- ?J3?- JETSUN CHOMDEN DEH MA TUGJEH CHEN DAG DANG TAYEH SEM For dedication, aspiration and tashi Great compassionate, noble Transcendent- for myself and prayers, repeat the following: Holy Lady, (Jetsun Bhagavati), all limitless

$&A$ &/- ,3?- &.- GA, ,1A2- $*A?- L%- 8A%-5S$?- $*A?- M<- mR$?- +J, ,mR$?- 0:A- ?%?- o?- ,R2- 0<- 36.- .- $?R=, , CHEN TAMCHEH CHI DRIB NYI JANG SHING TSOK NYI NYUR DZOG TEH DZOG PAI SANG JEH TOBPAR DZEH DU SOL [68 sentient may the two obscurations clear and the achieving perfect One beings, two accumulations quickly complete, Buddhahood, I pray. .J- 3- ,R2- GA- 5K- <2?- !/- +-;%- , ,z- .%- 3A- ;A- 2.J- 2:A- 3(R$- ,R2- /?, ,,3?- &.- 3HJ/- 0- 12- 0<- LJ.- 0- =, ,2<- DEHMA TOB CHI TSERAB KUNTU YANG LHA DANG MIYI DEHWAI CHOG TOB NEH TAMCHEH CHENPA DRUBPAR JEHPA LA BAR Until that is achieved throughout may we experience the accomplishing our succession of lives supreme joy of gods and men, omniscience,

!, , IA?- :P2- 0<- 36.- .- $?R=, ,12- =- 2lR/- 8A%- .3- (R?- :1J=- 2- .%- , ,g$- +- HR.- 12- 8=- 3(R$- JI DRUB PAR DZEH DU SOL DRUB LA TSON SHING DAMCHO PELWA DANG TAGTU CHUH DRUB SHEL CHOG accomplish this effortlessly, May there be diligence in practice, continuously practicing spontaneously, I pray. may the sacred dharma increase, you, may your

$*A? 3,R%- 2- .%- , ,!R%- *A.- .R/- gR$?- L%- ?J3?- A/- +- 36K?- =?- *J?, ,$%- 2- 3,:- ;?- o=- 2?- 3%R/- ?3- ., ,=%- KHOR ZANG SHING GAHWA DER PEMO DAMPA SHINTU DZEH LEH CHEH NANGWA TAYEH JALWAE NGON SUM DU Buddha mandala, born from an exceedingly with the Buddha of Boundless Light lovely superior lotus (Amitabha) actually manifest 2!/- 0- ;%- 2.$- $A?- .J<- ,R2- >R$ ,2.$- $A?- 5K- <2?- !/- +- 12- 0:A- z, ,.?- $?3- ?%?- o?- !/- IA- UA/- =?- TEN PA YANG DAG GI DER TOB SHOG DAG GI TSERAB KUNTU DRUB PAI LHA DUSUM SANG JEH KUNJI TRINLEH may I receive the prophecy Throughout my succession of the mother, activity of all of the (of my enlightenment) lives, the deity I accomplish, Buddhas of the three times,

.$J- 2}R- >A?- 3, ,}R- ]%- 8=- $&A$- K$- $*A?- M<- 8A%- .0:, ,;3- I<- Aa=- 2$3?- 0:A- 2N- >A?- >R$ ,o=- ;3- 1R=- 3- HJ.- {- MA NGON JANG SHAL CHIG CHAG NYI NYUR SHING PAH YUM JUR UTPAL NAMPAI TASHI SHOG JALYUM DROLMA CHEH KU [71 blue-green, one face, two consort who holds the utpala flower Like the form of Tara, arms, swift and brave, may your good fortune descend. the mother of buddhas &A- :S- .%- , ,:#R<- .%- {- 5K:A- 5.- .%- 8A%- #3?- .%- , ,HJ.- GA- 35/- 3(R$- 29%- 0R- &A- :S- 2, ,.J- :S- #R- /<- 2.$- CHI DRA DANG KHOR DANG KU TSEI TSE DANG SHING KHAM DANG CHUH CHI TSEN CHOG ZANGPO CHI DRAWA DEDRA KONAR DAG like your entourage, like your excellent supreme may we all achieve Tashi Aspiration, Dedication, life-span, and pure-realm, signs and marks, just like you.

(.- $.R/- 2$J$?-

.$J- 2}R- >A?- ,:)A$?- 0- 2o.- ?R$?- *J- 2<- :5K- 2- i3?, ,M<- .- 8A- 8A%- 3J.- 0<- 36.- .- $?R=, ,:)A$- gJ/- :)A$- gJ/- =?- /A- [69 JIGPA JEHSOG NYEWAR TSEWA NAM NYURDU SHI SHING MEHPAR DZEH DU SOL JIGTEN JIGTEN LEH NI the eight fears and be quickly pacified and In this world, and other hateful forces, obliterated, I pray. beyond this world, :.?- 0- ;A, ,2N- >A?- 2.J- =J$?- 1/- $?3- 5S$?- 0- i3?, ,:1J=- 8A%- o?- 0:A- .R/- i3?- 3- =?- 0, ,:2.- 3J.- z/- DEHPA YI TASHI DELEK PUNSUM TSOKPA NAM PEL SHING JEHPAI DUN NAM MALUPA BEH MEH LHUN

may there be auspicious fortune and that increases and multiplies Tashi Aspiration, Dedication, supreme happiness perfectly complete, without exception, !, , ?R$?- :I<- 2<- >R$ ,HJ.- =- 2!R.- &A%- $?R=- 2- 2+2- 0:A- 3,?, ,2.$- ?R$?- $%- .- $/?- 0:A- ?- SOG JURWAR SHOG CHEH LA TUH CHING SOLWA TABPAI TU DAG SOK GANG DU NEH PAI SA Through the power of praising in whatever place and praying to you, we may dwell, $?3- LR/ KR$?- ?, ,/.- .%- .2=- 1R%?- - :,2- lR.- 8A- 2- .%- , ,(R?- .%- 2N- >A?- :1J=- 2<- 36.- .- $?R=, ,, CHOG SU NEH DANG UL PONG TAB TSUH SHIWA DANG CHO DANG TASHI PELWAR DZEH DU SOL [72 may sickness, poverty and may the dharma and good conflict be pacified,

fortune increase, I pray. end - Three

!, , /- 3R- $- <; KR$?- 2&- .?- 28A:A- o=- 2- Y?- .%- 2&?; ]- 3- ;A- .3- 3#:- :PR- (R?- *R%- 5S$?; 3- =?- NAMO GURU CHOG CHU DU SHI JALWA SEH DANG CHEH LAMA YIDAM KHANDRO CHO CHONG TSOK MALU Homage to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Lamas, Yidams, Dakinis, the Guru! ten directions and four times, Dharma Protectors,

$&A$ 8A%- $A- h=- ~J.- $>J$?- ?- $?R=; 3./- IA- /3- 3#<- 0.- ^:A- $./- =- 28$?; =?- %$- ;A.- $?3- $?- 0?- K$- SHING GI DUL NYEH SHEG SU SOL DUNJI NAMKHAR PEHDAI DENLA SHUG LU NGAG YI SUM GUPAE CHAG innumerable as dust, without reside on the lotuses and moon With body, speech and mind, One [73 exception, come i pray discs in the sky before me. and with faith I prostrate. :5=- =R; KA- /%- $?%- 2- .J- 28A/- *A.- GA?- 3(R.; gJ/- 3(R$- 2.J- $>J$?- i3?- GA- ,/- }- <; }R/- IA- #A$- 0:A- 5S$?- TSAL LO CHI NANG SANGWA DEHSHIN NYI CHI CHUH TENCHOG DEH SHEK NAMCHI CHEN NGA RU NGON JI DIKPAI TSOG outer, inner, secret In the presence of the Sugatas, I regret and thusness I offer. the supreme support, all of =- 2.$- $/%- 8% .- v:- 3- .$- :I.- 0?- <2- +- 2>$? K/- (.- .- =?- w$- K<- 2.$- $?- 2 3 2?.- /3?- KR$?- 2&- .?- 28A:A- (R/- =3 R A ; A A J R ; A J R A A # ; R LA DAG NONG SHING DATAI MIGE JHOPAE RABTU SHAG CHIN CHEH DEHLEH DOK CHIR DAG GI DAM SONAM my previous I feel shame at my present and henceforth promise to I rejoice negative actions, unwholesome actions, abandon such activities. in all of .$- 5$?- !/- =- ;- <%- % o=- 2:- 5$?- i3?- M- %/- 3- :.:- 2< - .- $?3- .%- ]- 3.- (?- :#<- 2{< J S A R; A S A ; #J$R J R R R ; 74 GEH TSOG KUNLA YI RANG NGO JALWAI TSOK NAM NYA NGEN MI DAH WAR DEH NUH SUM DANG LAMEH CHO KHOR KOR [ the host of meritious May the host of Victorious Ones but turn the wheel of the unsurpassed dharma and virtuious deeds. not to go beyond suffering and the three baskets, (tripitaka).

.$- 5$?- 3- =?- :P- 2:- o.- =- 2} :P- i3?- ]- 3.- ,<- 0:- ?<- K/- >$ ?%?- o?- Y?- 2&?- 2.$- =- Ten the of Prayer Aspiration

J S R A R; R J A A R ; Times Four the and Directions GEH TSOG MALU DROWAI JU LA NGO DRO NAM LAMEH TARPAI SAR CHIN SHOG SANG JEH SEH CHEH DAG LA I continuously dedicate all merit may beings achieve Buddhas and bodhisattvas without exception, to sentient beings, unsurpassed liberation. look upon me, !, ,.$R%?- ?- $?R=; 2.$- $A?- 2l3?- 0:A- (R/- =3- <2- 29%- :.A; o=- 2- !/- +- 29%- .%- .J- Y?- .%; GONG SU SOL DAG GI TSAM PAI MONLAM RAB ZANG DI JALWA KUNTU ZANG DANG DEHSEH DANG this excellent aspiration prayer like the Victorious Kuntuzangpo I have offered, and his children,

$*A? :1$?- 0- :)3- .0=- .L%?- GA- 3HJ/- 0- v<; .J- .$- !/- IA- eJ?- ?- 2.$- aR2- >R$; 2!/- 0:A- .0=- I<- ]- 3-

Two [ with the knowledge of following all their examples, May the precious Lamas, the Noble Manjushri, may I train in the same way. the glory of the teachings (J/- i3?; /3- 3#:- 28A/- +- !/- =- H2- 0<- >R$; *A- ^- 28A/- +- !/- =- $?=- 2<- >R$;

!, ,w/- 0<- >R$; 2!/- 0:A- $?R?- LJ.- HA3- 2.$- :LR<- w/- i3?; =R%?- ,R.- w/- 8A%- *J<- :5K- 3J.- 0<- DENPAR SHOG TENPAI SUH JEH CHIM DAG JORDEN NAM LONG CHUH DEN SHING NYER TSE MEH PAR and skill-set. May wealthy householders gain valuable possessions who nourish the teachings, and be free from harm. $?3- LR/ >R$; 2!/- =- ..- 0:A- ;%?- 0:A- o=- #3?- !/; 2.J- *A.- w/- 8A%- 2<- (.- 8A- 2<- >R$; =3- =- $/?- 0:A- i=- SHOG TENLA DEHPAI YANGPAI JALKHAM KUN DECHI DEN SHING BARCHEH SHIWAR SHOG LAM LA NEHPAI NAL [77 May all of the vast countries be joyful and may their For us, the

with faith in the teachings obstacles be pacified. practitioners Three - end. - Three :LR<- 2.$- *A.- G%; .3- 5B$- 3A- *3?- 2?3- 0- :P2- 0<- >R$; 2.$- =- 29%- %/- =?- GA?- :VJ=- I<- $%; $/?- JOR DAG NYI CHANG DAM TSIG MI NYAM SAMPA DRUBPAR SHOG DAG LA ZANG NGEN LEN CHI DREL JUR GANG NEH on the path, may our commitments be uncorrupted, May all who become connected with and our wishes fulfilled. me through good and bad karma, {2?- 3,<- ,$- o=- 2?- e?- :6/- >$ :P- i3?- ]- 3.- ,$- 0:- |<- 8$?- /? !/- 29%- o=- Y.- (/- 0- ,2- KR$?- 2&- .?- 28A:A- (R/- =3 J B R ; R J J A R ; A J R R KAB TARTUG JALWAE JEH DZIN SHOG DRONAM LAMEH TEGPAI GOR SHUG NEH KUNZANG JAL SI CHENPO TOB temporarily and ultimately come May all beings enter and attain the great kingdom under the care of the Buddhas. the highest vehicle, of Samantabhadra. .J- v<- IA- (R/- =3- .?- S$- +- 2lR/- 0<- L; ?- 3- ;- o; 0<- >R$; 78 PAR SHOG [ Strive to repeat this Aspiration Prayer six Samaya

times a day (3x morning and evening). gya.

Aspiration Prayer of the Ten the of Prayer Aspiration Directions and the Four Times Four the and Directions

0<- >$ 2!/- 0:- $8- 3- .$- :./- $ 2!/- 0:-~%-

KR$?- 2&- .?- 28A:A- (R/- =3 R ; A A J A R J; A A R ; A A PAR SHOG TENPAI SHIMA GENDUN RINPOCHE TUG TUN TRIM TSANG LABSUM JI CHUG SHOG TENPAI NYING May the precious Sangha, the have in abundance; heartfelt accord, May those foundation of the teachings, pure discipline and the threefold training. at the heart 0R- $?%- }$?- 12- 0:A- #J; .3- 5B$- w/- 8A%- 2*J.- mR$?- 3,<- KA/- >R$; 2!/- 0:A- .A/- 2.$- (R?- *R%- o=- 0R- ;%; PO SANG NGAG DRUBPAI DEH DAM TSIG DEN SHING CHEH DZOG TAR CHIN SHOG TENPAI CHIN DAG CHO CHONG JALPO YANG [76 of the teachings, the Secret hold their samaya and complete May the benefactors of the sangha Mantra practitioners, the creation and completion. and the rulers who protect the dharma (2- Y.- o?- >%- 2!/- =- (/- 0<- >$ 2!/- 0:- 82?- :.$?- o=- <$?- ]/- 0- ;% ]- P?- <2- :1=- l=- .%-

A A R ; A J A R R ; R R J Ten the of Prayer Aspiration

CHAB SI JEH SHING TENLA MENPAR SHOG TENPAI SHAB DEG JAL RIG LUNPO YANG LODRO RABPEL TSAL DANG Times Four the and Directions have their domains increase May the high officials who greatly increase may they assist the teachings. support the teachings their intelligence, !, ,30=- 5S3- 2- ?R- 2./- 3- o?- 0- :2=- 2- /A, <- 2#- ? <- ?- 3- ;, 3- /- 0- =- ;, 2#- ? <-

$&A$ ?- 0RXR-3J-S- 7, A- /- -@- @ - @ - @- @R: S- $- 7/, ?j- +- ,- $- +- 2#- 3- SUPO KAYO AHNU RAKTO SARWA SIDDHI SARWA KARMA TSITTAM SHRI YEH KURU BHAGAWAN SARWA TATHAGATA [79 MEH BHAWA MEH BHAWA MEM TRAYATSA SUTSA MAY HUNG HAHA HAHA HO BENZA MA One 3J- 3O- 2#A- S- 7- 3- @- ?- 3- ;- ? +- = 8J?- ;A$- 2o- 0- .%- , ,<- 2#- S- 3A- =>, $8A- i3- 0<- .$- 0- .2%- (J/- $?J<- IA- ?- $8A, <- 2#- AH HUNG As the foundation, a perfect REHKE syllables. base of pure, mighty gold.

!, ,]R/- 0R-

$*A?- LR/, \- 3, $<- 3, 3J- +R$- 3, 2.$- %R?- 3, $%- $?=- 3, SA- (2- 3, *A- 3, ^- 2,

of song, of dance, of flowers, of incense, of lamps, of perfume, sun, moon, parasol, victory in all directions, end. Two... 35/ . .2?- ?- z- .%- 3A:A- .0=- :LR<- 1/- ?3- 5S$?- 0- 3- 5%- 2- 3J.- 0, <2- :L3?- o- 35S:A- h=- IA- P%?- =?- :.?- 0- 3%R/- 0<- U-SU LHA DANG MI PALJOR PUNSUM TSOKPA MA TSANGWA MEHPA RABJAM JAMTSOI DULJI DRANGLEH DEHPA NGONPAR KUHDEH and in the centre all celestial and human clearly arranged, surpassing the number wealth - glorious, complete without omission, of atoms in the ocean of universes, 2!R.- .J, ]- 3- ;A- .3- ?%?- o?- L%- (2- ?J3?- .0:- .0:- 2R- 3#:- :PR- (R?- *R%- Y%- 3:A- 5S$?- .%- 2&.- 0- i3?- =- .2=- 2<- IA:R, LAMA YIDAM SANGJEH JANGCHUB SEMPAH PAHWO KHANDRO CHO CHONG SUNGMAI TSOG DANG CHEYPA NAMLA BULWA JIO to the host of Gurus, Yidams, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dakkas, Dakinis, Dharma Protectors, Guardians, and their followers; I offer,

30=- ,$?- eJ?- :PR- 2:A- .R/- .-2 8J?- ?- $?R=, 28J?- /?- LA/- IA?- 2_2- +- $?R=, , ,?- $8A- %R?- (?-L$?- >A%- 3J- +R$- 2N3, , TUGJEY DROWAI DUNDU SHEYSU SOL SHEYNAY JINJILAB TU SOL SASHI PURCHU JUGSHING MEHTOG TRAM [82 in your compassion, for the kindly accept it and The ground, sprinkled sake of all sentient beings, grant your blessings. with perfume and flowers,

R$ ,, Offering Mandala RIRAB LINGSHI NIYDEH JENPA DI SANGJEH SHINGDU MIGTEH PULWA YI DROKUN NAMDAG SHINGLA CHURPAR SHOG Mt Meru and the four continents, through visualizing this as a may all beings enter ornamented with the sun and moon, Buddha-field, and offering it the pure lands.

=>, KA- t$?- <- =?- :1$?- 0R, zR- 63- 2- \A%, AH HUNG CHI CHAG RI KHOR YUG GI RAWAE YONGSU KORWAI U-SU RI JALPO RIWO CHOGRAB SHAR LUH PAGPO LHO DZAMBULING At the border, an unbroken ring of iron mountains In the east, the south, and in their centre the king of mountains, Mt Meru. Videha, Jambudvipa,

30=- /2- 2- =%- ,R., L%- 1- 3A- ~/, =?- .%- =?- :1$?, d- ;2- .%- d- ;2- $8/, $;R- w/- .%- =3- 3(R$- :PR, 1- 3A- ~/- .%- 1- 3A- ~/-IA- NUB BALANGCHU JANG DRAMINYEN LUH DANG LUHPAG NGAYAB DANG NGAYAB SHEN YODEN DANG LAMCHOG DRO DRAMI-NYEN DANG DRAMI-NYENJIDA [80 the west, the north, Deha and Camara and Dhatha and Kurava and Godaniya, Utturakuru, Videha, Upacamara, Uttara Mantrina, Kaurava,

^, A%- , :.R.- :6S:A- 2, 3- kR?- 0:A- =R- +R$ ,:#R<- =R-