©2020 Tabby Biddle 1. Divine Mother

Om (3x) Jai Jai Ma Maha Om Om Eim Sarasvati Swaha He Ma Divine Mother

Lakshmi (pronounced LOCK-shmee): Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of prosperity. She is graceful, beautiful and very much at ease in her femininity. She brings abundance to those who call upon her, whether that means money, time, knowledge or opportunity. She is a Goddess of material and spiritual prosperity. If you are feeling depleted, you can call upon Lakshmi to help you tap into the infinite flow and remember how to receive to replenish.

Sarasvati (pronounced Sair-rah-SVAH-tee): Sarasvati is the Hindu Goddess of the arts. She helps us with all creative expressions, such as music, writing, dancing, and speaking. She values creative expression above all else and encourages you to express yourself through creative activities. If you are feeling stuck, you can call upon Sarasvati to help you tap into your creative flow.

Durga (pronounced DOOR-ga): Durga is a powerful Hindu warrior Goddess who can be called on for protection, setting boundaries, and getting things done. She is the embodiment of Mother Nature and is known for cleansing away the old to make space for the new. She is typically feared by those who don’t understand the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth, but she is the ultimate get-things-done goddess, and is a powerful ally for those who call upon her.

©2020 Tabby Biddle 2. Om Tuttare

Om (3x) Om Tare Tuttare Ture Swaha Om Mani Padme Hum Peace within my heart, Peace around the world Peace, Love, Grace Divine Mother

Tara (pronounced TAR-uh): Tara is a female Buddha and Hindu Mother Creator. Her mission is to help all souls be relieved from suffering. She is said to be one of the earliest feminists. She vowed to be reborn over and over in the feminine form until all beings were free from suffering. She is tireless in bringing solace to those in troubled times and is said to help remove obstacles that keep people from moving forward in their development. She is graceful, beautiful, youthful, swift, courageous and playful. Her grace and beauty are said to inspire all those who gaze upon her to take action that will lead to greater happiness. It is said that when her compassionate qualities manifest in all of us as individuals, there will at last be peace on earth.

©2020 Tabby Biddle 3. Maha Lakshmi

Maha Lakshmi Om (3x) Goddess of Abundance Goddess of Grace Goddess of Beauty Bring Light to My Life Maha Lakshmi Om (3x) Grace, Light, Love

Lakshmi (pronounced LOCK-shmee): Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of prosperity. She is graceful, beautiful and very much at ease in her femininity. She brings abundance to those who call upon her, whether that means money, time, knowledge or opportunity. She is a Goddess of material and spiritual prosperity. If you are feeling depleted, you can call upon Lakshmi to help you tap into the infinite flow and remember how to receive to replenish.

©2020 Tabby Biddle 4. Ma

Ma (7x) Divine Mother (2x) Shakti Shakti Maha Shakti You are Grace, You are Love, You are Peace Ma (7x) You are Grace, You are Wisdom, Mother Aha Prema, I am Divine Love Aha Prema, You are Divine Love Aha Prema, We are Divine Love Ma (7x)

Shakti (pronounced SHOCK-tee) is a Hindu Goddess who is often referred to as “The Great Divine Mother.” She is the personification of Divine Feminine creative power, and is essentially the sum of all of the goddesses. The word “Shakti” means energy or power in . She is the Creatix, the Great Divine Mother. All of the other Hindu goddesses are seen as aspects of Shakti. Chanting to Shakti will connect you with your primordial power.

©2020 Tabby Biddle 5. Lokah Samasta

Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu (2x) May all beings everywhere be peaceful and happy (2x) Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu (2x) Peace, Love, Grace, Divine May all beings everywhere be peaceful and happy Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu (2x) May you feel the peace within your heart Namaste

Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu is a Sanskrit mantra which means “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” By chanting this mantra, we move from the personal self to radiate a prayer love to the world around us. It moves us from the ego self to the global well-being. It’s a reminder that we are all part of the Universe and can positively impact all of creation.

©2020 Tabby Biddle