Election 2015- Hume Brophy Daily Update 14 20 April 2015 With only 2 weekends to go until the General Election, on the Political shows yesterday, the Prime Minister David Cameron said the idea of the SNP influencing a Labour government was "a frightening prospect". Mr Cameron added that a possible deal between the two would ensure that people from the rest of the UK “wouldn't get a look in.” Whilst, Nicola Sturgeon hinted that the SNP could back a Labour Queen's Speech after the general election. Scotland’s First Minister said if there were more anti- Tory MPs than Conservative MPs in the Commons, the SNP and Labour could work together to “lock David Cameron out of Downing Street”. Ed Balls said the Labour party was not looking to do any deals with the SNP, either formal coalition or confidence and supply deals. He said: “We're not going to start getting involved in coalitions or with a party that wants to break up the United Kingdom." Mr Balls also said David Cameron was getting “desperate” due to the Tory failure to press ahead in the polls. As mentioned previously, all main party manifestos have been published. If you would like to see Hume Brophy’s own manifesto briefings, please contact us at
[email protected] or see our website www.humebrophy.com. Business Today Polls Trivia On the campaign trail Business Today Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne speak in Cheshire on devolution (10:45am) Labour leader Ed Miliband speaks at the Scottish TUC annual congress in Ayr (4:10pm) Scottish First