The Chosen People Volume XIII, Issue 4 May 2007

A Response to Jesus and the Tomb by New Testament scholar Dr. Darrell Bock Cover photo by Kelly Coleman ©2006. INSIDE God’s Handiwork in a Doubtful Age • The “Jesus Family” Tomb • THIS ISSUE: Jewish Burial Customs at the Time of Jesus • Jesus and the Talpiot Tomb Dear friend of the Jewish people, Shalom from New York City. I am sure you will join me in wishing a happy 59th birthday! What a remarkable Kelly Coleman ©2006 achievement.Against all odds, tiny Israel has been able to survive the relentless onslaught of wars, terrorism, internal strife, and the denouncement by world leaders that would have broken the back of any other nation.The story of Israel’s Louise Derr ©2007 continued existence is a testimony to the power of God and the truth of His promises. There is no doubt in my mind that the continued existence of the nation of Israel is one of the great cosmic pieces of evidence that God is real and His Word is eternally Israel: true. Do you agree? We all come to faith in different ways, but over the years I have met many Jewish and God’s Handiwork Gentile believers in Jesus who have followed the miraculous path of Israel’s national existence to the foot in a Doubtful Age of the Cross. Have you ever noticed how ossuary that supposedly contains the integrity of the New Testament. arguments attempting to debunk the bones of Jesus, Mary and His Dr. Darrell Bock, professor at Dallas existence of God, the truth of brothers is simply one more Theological Seminary, Chosen People Scripture and the Messiahship of Jesus argument against the truth of the Ministries Board member and author get more attention than arguments in Gospel message.After all, if His of Breaking the Da Vinci Code, will favor? This is especially true today. In bones are on earth, then how could respond for us. I know you will enjoy this issue of The Chosen People Jesus have risen from the dead and his article. newsletter we will show how recent ascended to heaven as is clearly stated claims about a tomb found in Israel in the New Testament? Israel – Sure Evidence for are being used to try and do this very We also heard from the army of the Existence of God thing. But, dear friend, it is hard to not-so-silent Gospel detractors who The arguments of those who love argue with the objective witness of believed that The DaVinci Code is darkness rather than light will Israel’s existence. I would take to heart true and that the Gospel of Judas as continue until Jesus returns.Today it the evidence of a living nation over a well as other hidden gospels filled us is a discovery of bones and names on tomb of bones. in on the “real” truth about Jesus! an ossuary and tomorrow it will be I know you will enjoy the articles something else. Is there any type of Whose Bones Are They? in this issue, as we respond to some objective evidence for the truth of The recent discussion in most of the theories that allegedly claim to the Bible and of Jesus being the major news magazines regarding the disprove the Gospel message and the promised Messiah of Israel? I believe

2 The Chosen People there is, and the evidence is the restored Israel today is the One who The Jewish people will be a nation existence of modern Israel. God will bring all of His promises to pass. gathered and not a people scattered. promised Abraham that He would — Isaiah 66:20 make of him a great nation and that Israel’s These are just a few of the he would be given a land. Glorious Future wonderful promises in God’s Word If you look on an ancient map, What will the glorious future of that will one day be completely you will see that modern Israel only the nation of Israel look like? Let me fulfilled.The partial fulfillment of exists on a portion of the Promised try briefly to describe some of what many of these promises, such as Land. I do believe the day is coming the Bible tells us will happen in that Isaiah 66:20, is already evident to us when the entirety of God’s promise future day of prophetic fulfillment. in the modern State of Israel. Some will be fulfilled and the Promised There are so many relevant passages believers do not believe that the Land in all of its glorious boundaries in the Bible; allow me to focus on Jewish people should control the will be given to the Jewish people. In some from the latter portion of the “title deed” to the Land of Israel— that day—the day when Jewish book of Isaiah. especially without faith in Jesus. I people embrace the Messiah Jesus— Israel will be characterized by disagree! The Abrahamic promises the peace of God promised in the national righteousness through faith assure the Jewish people of their Scriptures will fill the land. Jews and in the promised Messiah Jesus. right to the Land. But clearly, Gentiles will worship together — Isaiah 62:1, 11 peaceful possession of the promises around the throne of of God will only take place when God— in ! the Jewish people turn to the Lord. We are not yet at this We pray for that day. prophetic point in time. Until then, we will look at But the fact that Israel is modern Israel and marvel at the way now in Jewish hands and God keeps His Word.We will the Chosen People control continue to live in hope and Jerusalem is further expectation that the remainder of evidence of the truth that His promises will come to pass. Israel God will one day fully has a glorious future because we have implement His plan and a glorious God who keeps His Word. promises. And you too have a glorious In light of Jewish history future—because the same God who and of our international is faithful in His promises to the wanderings, don’t you Jewish people will be faithful to you! think it is simply amazing Thank you for your prayers and that the Jewish people are support as we continue to reach back in the Land of Israel? Jewish people with the rest of the How can the truth of story—that Jesus is the Messiah. He God’s Word be denied has come, and salvation is available when we take the time to today by placing our trust in Him. compare what happened in Once we do this, we can leave the 1948 with the multitude of rest of the promises in His mighty Old Testament passages that hands. He will never let us down. outline these promises to So, don’t let every new Israel regarding the Land? archaeological The evidence of God’s existence Israel will be the light to the nations discovery shake your and the truth of His Holy Word are that God intended her to be. faith. Enjoy Dr. Bock’s made powerfully evident through the — Isaiah 62:2 response and the rest existence of modern Israel. I am not of this issue! Israel will dwell permanently in the suggesting that this is the end of the Your brother, story. It is not—there is more to Promised Land and be at peace with her neighbors. Dr. Mitch Glaser come. But faith is built upon the past President and we know that the same God who — Isaiah 62:4-9 Mitch

May 2007 3 by Dr. Darrell Bock New Testament Scholar

most common of names of the time. In fact, 21% of Jewish women were called Mariamne.The chances of the Mariamne among the ossuaries being Mary Magdalene of the New Testament are slender—and there is no evidence anywhere that she was

AP Photo/Kathy Willens married to Jesus. Fifth, there is the DNA showing The that the Mariamne and Jesus DNA residues do not match.This evidence does not prove she is a wife.At most, “Jesus Family”Tomb it would only prove that Jesus and this Mary are not biologically Second, we have to believe that related. Can We Separate this family tomb included some who Lastly, the attempt to link the were not in the family—such as Acts of Philip and the Gospel of Mary Jerusalem from Matthew.There is no record of a Magdalene to show that Jesus was Hollywood? Matthew being a part of the family married to Mary Magdalene is not of Jesus. Explanations that place him evidence.This idea was already vetted The release in early March of the there because he wrote a Gospel are in the DaVinci Code discussion. (See television special about the “family mere speculation.Also, if Matthew my book Breaking the DaVinci Code.) tomb” of Jesus at Talpiot, a site in can be there as a non-relative and a In other words, we have no way of Jerusalem, has created quite a significant disciple, then couldn’t the knowing if Mary/Mariamne is Mary sensation. But in reality, it’s an old same be true of Mary? Magdalene, a very key point that has story now being recycled in an effort to be true for this claim to work. to make far more of it than the Third, we would have to accept Without that, there is not even a evidence really justifies. that the mourning family scrambled possibility of a connection. In fact, to steal the body from Joseph of First, there is a suggestion that the Harvard professor who sees Mary Arimathea’s tomb (where several this is a family tomb of Jesus. But the Magdalene in the Acts of Philip says knew the body was originally problem here is that when Jesus was this tomb theory is nonsense. in Jerusalem, it was as a pilgrim— placed).This would mean they not as a Jerusalem resident. In the preached an empty tomb and Fact or Fiction— aftermath of His death, how did His resurrection when they actually You Be the Judge! family have the time to buy the knew that Jesus was not raised, doing There are just too many tomb space, steal the body and so at the risk of their own lives as questions and holes for all of those continue to preach that Jesus was Jesus’ half-brother’s death (James) in claims to line up and work. Movies raised bodily, not merely spiritually? 62 AD shows. Furthermore, they had are about stories that look real but This point is important, because the to have already prepared an ossuary are not.This TV special is compelling earliest Christianity came out of a over a year’s period (see and dramatic perhaps—but in the Judaism that believed in a physical accompanying article).This is quite end, it is complete historical fiction. resurrection (2 Maccabees 7); a claim unlikely. Hopefully, our times have not slid to about only needing a spiritual Fourth, there is great fuss about the point where we can no longer resurrection does not fit with the name Mariamne. But this name, tell the difference between Jerusalem historical Christianity. a variation of Mary, is one of the and Hollywood.

4 The Chosen People hat can we make of the while those with less means used caves claims about the “Jesus or cut trenches. Burial was required Wfamily” tomb at Talpiot? The within 24 hours of death. If the first place to start is with reliable deceased died at home or in the Jesus scholarship. Last May, months before vicinity, the body would be washed, the Discovery Channel aired its special, perfumed, wrapped and placed in the and the Chosen People Ministries in Toronto family tomb or in the graveyard was privileged to host an outreach outside of the village. featuring Dr. Craig Evans of Acadia The first intense period of Talpiot Divinity College in Nova Scotia. mourning would go on for seven Professor Evans is a renowned days—a Jewish practice continued to Tomb Biblical scholar with a specialty in this day that is called “sitting shiva” Who, then, is the Jesus of Dead Sea Scrolls scholarship and first- (seven). Observant families stay home the Talpiot ossuary? Actually century archeology. One of his lectures for seven days to grieve and receive there is more than one “Jesus” dealt specifically with the question of condolence calls. found at the Talpiot site! One ossuaries—the very thing upon which At the time of Jesus, a body that was intriguing hypothesis that the theory of the Talpiot tomb TV placed, let us say, in a tomb carved Dr. Evans advances is that the special hinges. Dr. Evans’ valuable from limestone, would decompose name of Jesus inscribed on scholarship sheds welcome light of rapidly, leaving only the bones.After a these ossuaries may not have clarity and provides us with year, the bones would be gathered and indicated the name of the information to help us separate fact placed in an ossuary—a depository for person inside at all. Dr. Evans from fiction.* the bones of the deceased that was posits that these ossuaries may roughly the size of a living person. actually have been those of What is an Ossuary? Many such ossuaries, including those at some of the early Jewish Throughout the world, burial Talpiot, have been discovered in and believers who proclaimed their customs often follow a prescribed set around Jerusalem. faith in the risen Messiah by of rites designed to pay respect to the The question then becomes, as having His name carved upon dead and to aid the grieving survivors. Dr. Bock points out in his article, could their final resting place. This was certainly true in Israel during the remains of Jesus rest for the twelve Despite false conclusions by the time of Jesus.As Dr. Evans explains, months required for the bones to be sloppy scholars, Dr. Evans according to the Scripture, the Talmud finally moved to an ossuary while His asserts that Jewish burial and ancient history, the following disciples preached a resurrection traditions are important and picture emerges. certified by an empty tomb? should be studied, for they Jewish funerals were public affairs * The DVD of Dr. Evans’ lecture is available shed light on Jesus’ teachings as and were not hidden from view; the through the Chosen People Ministries well as on the death, burial and community grieved along with the Canadian headquarters. If you are interested in resurrection of the Messiah. immediate family.The affluent had obtaining a copy, call 1-888-4-HALLEL. expensive tombs, JewishJewish BurialBurial CustomsCustoms Ancient tomb in Israel atat thethe TimeTime ofof Jesus Jesus

May 2007 5 (Genesis 10:16; :14). Having successfully controlled their city since ee the the days of Joshua, the were ThroughS Jewish Eyes confident about their ability to defend it.Their challenge to was this: “…You shall not come in here; but the blind and the lame will repel you…” (2 Samuel 5:6). In their haughty self- security, the Jebusites boasted that they did not even need to employ healthy by DanielBible Goldberg, Th.D., D.D. and powerful warriors to resist the attack made by David. Chronicles clarifies that Joab actually took the city and defeated the Jebusites (:6), who had controlled the city for nearly 400 years. (Jerusalem): No doubt, his men secretly entered the The Holy City of David city by means of the water conduit. JERUSALEM’S SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE Jerusalem became both the political and religious center of Israel after David brought the into the city. However, David’s request to build a house (temple) for the Ark was denied by God. Instead, the Lord promised him Zion is the name that often city came under Egyptian control from that his son would build a designates the land of Israel and more about 1600-1300 B.C. and was greater house that would be established specifically, Jerusalem, its capital—the governed by Canaanite rulers who paid forever (:8-10; 28:2-6). holiest city in Israel since the 10th tribute to the Pharaohs. God’s intention for Jerusalem to be century B.C. Most likely, the Hebrew The Canaanites dwelling in the Israel’s unique dwelling place is very name “Yerushalayim” (Jerusalem) is a territory of Jerusalem and its environs clear: “…I will appoint a place for My contraction of “Yerusha” (heritage) were called Jebusites (Numbers 13:29; people Israel, and will plant them, that they and “Salem” or “shalom” (peace). Joshua 11:3). The Canaanite people had may dwell in a place of their own and move Historically, Jerusalem has signified the dwelt in the hill areas since the time of no more; nor shall the sons of wickedness City of Peace. Its earliest Biblical Moses (Numbers 13:29; Joshua 11:3), oppress them anymore, as previously” reference is when Abraham came to particularly in the Jerusalem territory (:9). “Salem” after rescuing his nephew Lot (Joshua 15:8; 18:16). The Lord instituted an important (Genesis 14:18). DAVID’S CONQUEST covenant with David that involved JERUSALEM’S EARLY (2 Samuel 5:6-8) tremendous Messianic implications HISTORY Jerusalem was an attractive location (2 Samuel 7:12-16; 1 Chronicles 17:11-14). According to the Jewish sages, for David’s capital city because of its We will discuss this covenant in our Jerusalem was founded by Shem and elevated geographical position. It was next issue. Eber, ancestors of Abraham. easy to defend because it was 2500 feet May God help us faithfully to “Pray Archaeological discoveries indicate above sea level and was also a very for the peace of Jerusalem…” (Psalm 122:6) the existence of a Canaanite comfortable place to live. —and, as Isaiah reminds us, “…give settlement on the site in the early The Jebusites who controlled the city Him no rest till He . . . makes Jerusalem a (3000-2000 B.C.).The were descendants of a son of Canaan praise in the earth” (Isaiah 62:7).


ISRAELI YOUTH HEAR and, following the morning presentation, Rich asked ABOUT THE LORD if there was anyone who wanted to receive what Jesus In Israel, one of our the Messiah, the Passover Lamb, had done for them. committed missionaries As he finished praying, he noticed that a woman was received a call from his raising her hand to receive the Lord! She later said daughter’s classmate that that the “Messiah in the Passover” presentation had a group of 50 young made everything clear. Was the drive worth it? Just people in a pre-military ask Rich and Brian! program from Northern Israel were coming to Jerusalem and one of the things FAITHFUL WITNESS LEADS they wanted to learn about was Messianic Judaism! YING OMAN TO EW IFE They arranged for an Israeli believer to speak to the D W N L group and the audience just exploded with questions! Phil Plotnek and his co-worker It was an evening of personal testimonies and Rita Ivenskis in Australia have thoughtful discussion—with no antagonism at all! been continuing their Bible Their interest was overwhelming. The meeting lasted studies that minister to Russian even longer than planned and, by the end of the night, Jewish seekers, and this network about 30 Bibles were eagerly received as gifts! God has provided precious opportu- is doing great things in our Land! nities for additional outreach. At one of these meetings they were told of a Russian Jewish lady with only a short time to live. They made contact and the dying WHAT DO THE woman asked them to come and see her. When they RABBIS SAY? arrived, the woman requested to speak in English as Staff member Doug P. is a handy her husband only spoke Russian and would not have man to have in New York City— approved of their views. After they shared the Gospel particularly because he special- with her, she prayed with them to receive the Lord. izes in the rabbinic commentary They also prayed for her healing. Please pray for “Z” known as the Talmud. This, as she faces her illness and pray for the Lord to soften combined with his fluent Hebrew her husband’s heart to Messiah. language skills, gives him numerous opportunities to reach out to the ultra-Orthodox Jewish population. He recently encountered two Orthodox Jewish men at his POSITION AVAILABLE doctor’s office who noticed him reading in Hebrew. IN NEW YORK CITY “Do you keep all the laws?” they asked curiously. This led to a lively discussion about Messiah’s ministry and Full-Time Personal Executive Assistant to when they parted, Doug was able to give them his card with the web site of the book he has just written, the president of Chosen People Ministries, What the Rabbonim (Rabbis) Say About Moshiach Dr. Mitch Glaser. Must be well-organized, (Messiah). have excellent personal skills and writing abilities, and have good references and a WHEN WE ARE WEAK, HE IS STRONG strong recommendation from a pastor or Anyone who has ever driven long hours knows how congregation elder. Position is now hard it is to keep going sometimes. When Vice- President of Church Ministries Rich Freeman found he available in New York City. Salary is was scheduled to speak at two “Messiah in the commensurate with experience. Preference Passover” services in Tennes- see and that he was facing a will be given to those viewing this job as a twelve-hour drive to get there career position. Enjoying bagels, Jewish because all planes were humor and the everyday camaraderie of grounded, he called his son Brian, and together they fellow believers is a plus! Please send made the twelve-hour drive résumé and all inquiries to Julia Sedaca from Florida! After a three- ([email protected]) 212-223-2252. hour nap, the day began,

May 2007 7 Messianic Summer School June 11 - July 25, 2007 Summer Training & Evangelism Program Courses leading to STEP is an exciting week of in-depth Master of Divinity training, engaging evangelism in Messianic Jewish Studies and Jewish cultural excursions.

Jewish Studies Centered on the Messiah Jewish Evangelism • Minister among Russian Jewish

Chosen People Ministries immigrants. • Be a part of our Brooklyn and Upper West Side Contact us now for information on programs offered in 2007. congregation plants. 1-888-2-YESHUA [email protected] • Meet Jewish young people and students. • Prayer-walk through Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods.

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The Chosen People Newsletter Please remember Chosen People Ministries has been taking the love of the Messiah to Jewish people worldwide since 1894. Chosen People Ministries in your Chosen People Ministries U.S. Board of Directors: Mr. John Holbrook, Jr., Chairman • Mr. Roy Adams • Dr. Darrell Bock • Mr. Jeffrey Branman • will. “I will bless Ms. Cindy Forbes • Dr. Mitch Glaser • Dr. Gregory Hagg • Mr. Eugene Johnson • Mr. Tom McHugh • Dr. John L. Pretlove • Mr. David Schiller • those who bless Mr. Gary W. Smith • Dunewood Truglia, Esq. • Mr. David C. Weland you.” (Genesis 12:3) Serving in: Argentina • Australia • Canada • France • Germany • Israel • Mexico • Russia • Ukraine • United Kingdom • United States The Chosen People newsletter is published monthly by Chosen People Ministries. For more information or to receive The Chosen People newsletter, write to: Chosen People Ministries, International Headquarters, 241 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022. In Canada, write to: Box 897 Station B, North York, ON, M2K 2R1. In Great Britain, write to: P.O. Box 47871, Golders Green, London, NW11 1AL ( In Australia, write to: Celebrate Messiah Australia, P.O. Box 304, Caulfield, South Vic 3162, Australia ( Editors: Zhava Glaser, Andrew Sparks; Staff Writer: Alan Shore; Design: Lois Gable.

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