Commencement Exercises Scout Orders
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r Vol. 30 EAST JORDAN, MIOHIGAN, FRIDAY* JUNE 4, 1926. No. 23 j» - Erling Johnson Dorothy Webster Dorothy Joynt Reva Williams Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow Cheese Factory Domestic Science Commencement Clement Kenny Carl Wright All programs will start at 7:30 stand-' Robber Is Dep't Puts On Exercises ard where no mention is made of them. Apprehended Style Show Thursday, June 10th. Prof. W. £. J. Chautuaqua East Jordan's Cheese Factory was Friday the twenty-eigth, the Domes D. Henderson, U. of M. broken into a couple of times last tic Science Deportment, under Miss Officers Organized winter and some 250 poundi of cheese BardwelJ put on one of the most worth .4, lo Speak. and other articles stolen. while assemblies of the year. The an At an enthusiastic meeting of the Chief of Police Henry Cook has been nual style show. The stage was very The annual High School Commence Chautauqua Boosters held at the High working on the case since then and, as. artistically decorated to represent a ment is »o event, looked forward to School, Tuesday evening, June 1st, the a result, Grant Moore was taken into garden, with rustic seats, a trellis work with keen anticipation by many a fond following officers were elected:— custody at Boyne City last Sunday, and and arch way in the rear. On the seats parent, boy, and girl, as well as the President-H. P. Porter was taken to Charlevoix where a jus were girls from the Domestic Science community in general. No where in Yice President—C. H. Whittington tice hearing was held Tuesday. It is" Dept.,,who later took their parts in the . the world is so much made of a school SeC'y—Fr. D. M. Drinao reported that he admitted his guilt and pageaDt. Two pages, Louise Breiz and event as in America and rightly it Tress.—John J. Mikula was bound over tocircuit covrt. Virginia Hite in charming black and should be so for it means a great deal Chairman of the Ticket Committee— At the time of the two robberies,' white costumes, came thru the arch to the interested parties. It's an event Mrs. M. B. Palmiter Moore was residing on the Peninsula way each time to introduce the charac-'1 that recognizes a certain degree of suc Ass't, Chairman of Ticket Committee and drove to East Jordan with sleighs. ters. First appeared an Egyptian cess on the part of all members of each —Mrs. Roy Sherman maiden, Ruth Chadsey, followed by a succeeding class. There is greater rea Chairman of Ground Committee—L. Grecian maiden, Marjorie Mackey; a son to look forward to the East'Jordan G. Balch Say Seed Beans Need 13th century dress, Emma Beyer; Tu High Sehool Commencement this year Chairman of Advertising Committee dor costume, Margaret Gunderson; than perhaps at any time in the history —C. H. McKinnon Testing This Spring Elizabethan Court lady, Glyde Van of the public schools, largely for the "Chairman of Advertising Committee Deventer; Court dress, Ardith Richard reason that the class is the largest that —Eleanor McBride Warning that Michigan seed beans son; Empire 1814, Fern Hutton; Victor ever graduated from the East Jordan Mrs. Palmiter gave a brief synopsis are of such poor quality this spring ian, Mary. Chew; Bustle Back 1873, High School, thirty-six in all. The sec of the Chautuaqua Program which was that testing for germination is advisable Lillian Gorman. ond largest class was last years with nicely deversified, consisting <5f Lec before any seed stock is planted is be thirty-two members, so that the great tion after plants are tip. An old time dance, costumes 1800. tures, Readings, Muicals, both vocal ing sent out here by Prof. J. F. Cox, and glorious class of 1926 sets a record Gives Golden Rules 7. Spray the vines with Bordeaux Cathola Lorraine, Bea Boswell, Ivis and instrumental. The popular 'Green' head of the crops department at the that may stand for some time by their mixture and arsenicals to control fol Pickel, Helen Severance. Band being among them. Michigan State College. sheer numbers. For Potato Culture iage diseases and insects. Use a high Besides the costumes there were pressuresprayer. The wet fall of the past year, follow four made over dresses and sixty-one Without a doubt, a report will be A set of "golden rules" for the 8. Harvest and store the potatoes ed by severe freezes, injured germin new gowns on display. given in next week's Herald in more The Contest potato producer has been issued by H. carefully .to prevent bruising and other ation seriously, it is said. F. B. Dreese The girls all moved to music, display detail of the accomplishments of this C. Moore, extention specialist in crops injuries. secretary of the Michigan Bean Job ing their costumes most gracefully. class.- The presence of Professor W. At Mt. Pleasant at the Michigan State College. In dis 9. Use extra care in grading the bers' Association, found in recent tests Whea we consider the fact that each D. Henderson of the University of cussing the high price of seed potatoes that cars of seed beans rated as "choice girl made her costume true to the per Unprecedented in the annals of potatoes for market. Michigan gives an added incentive for this spring, Mr. Moore recently warned hand-picked" showed some germination iod she represented, or her dress, ac scholastic endeavor was the contest at Write the Farm Crops Department of us to look forward to the coming Com state farmers to follo^„the very best below 50 per cent, with one car actu cording to a pattern most suitable to Mt._ Pleasant May 21, in which more the Michigan State College, East Lan mencement of next Thursday. Prof." culture methods, and not to expend ally running only four per cent. her form, size and coloring. It became than seven hundred students of Michi sing, for detailed information on better Henderson, without a doubt, ranks their acreage in a gamble that the high That there will apparently be no something more than a mere assembly, gan participated. It was unique in that production methods. _ampn£Jhef irst half dozen Commence- 1925 potatoe prices would be repeated large holdover of white pea beans this it became an aehievment—a fitting il_was-n_oLan%thletic Contest in which ment speakers iiT KichigBnT-and-is an- this year. ^__—— ear is said to be indicated by reported climax to the two years of most succes- physical skill was paramount, but if - orator of wide experience who gives a The factors essential in profitable strong movements of Mrcbigatr-beaosr ^Hrorfcof-Miss-Bardweli,—Miss-BarcU_ convincing address, usually full of Was a mental contest' demanding itel- Saving aeconds~ This should mean better price condit ligence, judgment and understanding. potato production, according to Moore, well has brought her department lo a advice, from a man who really knows are as follows: ions for white beans and prevailed higher degree of proficiency than it has life It's an unusual event to have a In academic cirles it is 'conceded that Expert railroad men tell us that it dunnfijthe past season, if a crop of contests of this nature should be en 1. Plant only the best seed available. takes a fast railroad train an average of ever reached before. She, with her speaker come to East Jordan of the good quality is raised this year, accord girls have furnished the dining room couraged and fostered just as much as Poor seed will prove a liability. Plant seven seconds to pass a crossing. Yet, calibre of Professor Henderson. We ing to Professor Cox. and the rest room with curtains, furni athletic contests. Michigan certified seed. according to reliable statistics, more do not believe an East Jordan citizen Suggestion that it is wise for Michi ture and table linen. The girls have 2. Treat the seed with corrosive than 7,000 automobilists were killed at can af lord to miss the address. The students from the East Jordan gan farmers to "ease up" on plantings served lunches, banquets, and break sublimate for the control of scab and grade crossings last year. They could At the Commencement exercises, the High School who attended the contest of red kidney beans this year is also fasts. As formaHea to the faculty and black scurf, not wait seven seconds. honors won by the class, including were Thelma MacDonald and Evelyn made by Cox. Officers of the Bean a banquet to the Board. They have They will wait where they are till medals, etc., will be presented by Prin Webster—Geometry, Ethel Pinney and 3. Cut the seed so that the pieces Jobbers' Association are said to predict been taught how to clean—both floors Gabriel blows his trumphet, for there, cipal R. L. Waggoner. Henrietta Severance—Latin, Lucille average one and one-half to two ounces that the state acreage of red kidneys and clothes—to make over dresses for is no way of beating that. Bartlett and Ralph Clark—Physics, Space the hills close in the.row to over will be doubled this year, as a result of themselves and younger sisters. Also A feature unique in High School It is difficult for the driver of a fast- Ruth Chadsey—Clothing, Marguerite come the production of oversized, the fact that these beans have brought they have studied textiles until they Commencements in northern Michigan, moving automobile to gauge the rela Rogers and Erma Bennett—Foods. rough, hollow DOtatces. Members of a higher price for several years than know the principal kinds of cloth and as far as the writer has knowledge, is tive speeds of his car and a swift train Ralph- Clark received first place in the Michigan 300 .