Tale Heydarov | 624 pages | 01 Sep 2011 | GARNET PUBLISHING | 9780863724053 | English | Reading, United Kingdom The Armenian Question in the Caucasus: v. 2 : Russian Archive Documents and Publications PDF Book New converts then fade from the historical record; tsarist administrators did not follow up on their progress, and foreign travelers rarely reached their mountainous 28 An unusual denial came in , when the Caucasus authorities refused a Russian woman's request to convert to the Armenian Apostolic faith because she belonged to the "sectarian" Dukhobor faith. Due to the very nature of Russia's ruling regime, its influence on the neighboring countries is significantly greater if the corruption and the sway of oligarchic clans in those countries are high. Conversely,where Ottoman control was strong, Armenians went unharmed. Jews neither demanded the dismemberment of the nations in which they had lived nor did they kill their fellow citizens. Thus, his accounts can hardly be considered objective. Toggle navigation. In addition, without a serious deterrent it is impossible to rule out that might help Azerbaijan in the case of a crisis. Forgot password? Documents of the time describe intercommunal violence, forced migration of all ethnic groups, disease, and famine as causes of death. The necessity of adding the other documents to the collection is commented on in the foreword of Volume I: Some public documents a small number from former, official publications such as the Imperial Decree of 10 November and the Turkmenchay Treaty of 10 February , among others, are included in the collection in order to clarify matters touched upon in our project. In the security field, cooperation among GUUAM states is based on a commitment to the peaceful settlement of regional conflicts based on a respect for territorial sovereignty. Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide. Despite the support of the "Friends of ", a group including the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Russia, and Bulgaria, objections are still being made by the Abkhaz side to use the paper as a basis for negotiations. That is why in the future he may be facing either a loss of support of the Armenian public or the ever growing problems in his relations with Moscow. Saint Petersburg insisted on converts' sincerity in order to preserve the existing religious hierarchy, namely to ensure that Armenian clergy did not proselytize and to prevent the "seduction" of the Orthodox faithful. Fugl, eds, K. Only Orthodox clergy could proselytize openly in the empire. Throughout the empire, non-Orthodox Christian churches could accept others into their fold only with the approval of the Minister of the Interior, who resided in Saint Petersburg. On September 13th, the Parliament of Georgia adopted a resolution urging the Georgian government to take the necessary steps to start the accession process to NATO. Becoming Orthodox was intricately tied to being a Russian subject, and Christian proselytism and settler colonialism drove the expansion of the Russian Empire. Thus the reviewer, rather than conveying the reality, seems determined to create a false impression for readers. The issue cannot be attributed to a few Dashnaks. Following his initial notes, the reviewer comes to the question of whether documents published in the collection have been previously published, adopting an accusatory tone towards the compiler-authors rather than an academic assessment. The view that the documentation in the collection is incomplete may also not be considered fair comment. Click here for the statement by Georgian Minister of Defence D. Particularly, the Armenian publications and documents in the archives from that period clearly indicate the collaborative, fanatic and aggressive features of Armenian nationalism. Click here for. The first section provides an analysis of the documents and materials. Armenians published Anti-Jewish, pro- Nazi propaganda in the Armenian-language Hairenik daily and the Armenian weekly journal. Thirdly, due to the fact that Russia was in control of the Dashnaks, a good part of the Dashnak documents were kept in Czarist Russian archives. Such reports are repeated so many times it makes my blood boil. Diken and Laustsen, , pp. It was an Armenian Apostolic priest in that village against whom the authorities opened a criminal case for attempting to "seduce" the new Orthodox faithful back to their former Armenian faith; HAA f. Barton, comp. Armenian Records in Soviet Archives: Most of the records in the Soviet archives primarily cover the period after ; however, they also include the explanations of the Soviet officials who evaluated the past events. When he was fifteen years old, he left his native Iran in search of agricultural work. Yet Armenian Americans have attempted to extricate and isolate their history from the complex circumstances in which their ancestors were embroiled. The authorities noted in his file that, since his early days, Guso had served as a shepherd in different Armenian Catholic villages. The Armenian Question in the Caucasus: v. 2 : Russian Archive Documents and Publications Writer

Tsarist land reforms disrupted the livelihood of many farmers and pastoralists, prompting many to move around for work, which brought different communities into closer contact. Becoming Orthodox was intricately tied to being a Russian subject, and Christian proselytism and settler colonialism drove the expansion of the Russian Empire. This is a very dangerous situation for Armenia, especially in the long term. According to the Armenian Prime Minister, the purpose of the next stage is rapid economic development. After he failed to deliver, the disappointed Armenians stopped attending Orthodox services and petitioned Echmiadzin to take them back. For a description of a similar occurrence during the — massacres of Armenians, Balakian, , p. Notably, it prohibited most Jews from residing outside of the Pale of Settlement, implemented Jewish quotas in higher education, and severely restricted Jewish rights to own or acquire agricultural land. The decree undermined the old hierarchy of imperial confessions. In their petitions, many converts spoke of social ostracism and persecution. The purpose of this lengthy bureaucratic process was for tsarist officials to evaluate how culturally Armenian the petitioners had already become: whether they were familiar with Armenian rites, knew enough Armenians, and would continue living their lives among Armenians. Armenians were the largest Christian community, scattered throughout the South Caucasus and forming a majority in the Erivan province. The third volume deals chronologically with the period and comprises two sections. We have to ask Mr. Although the Czarist era ended with the February and October Revolutions, one can also find some records from later years in these archives due to the continuing existence for a while of the White Army, the Kolchak Government and of the Caucasian Front Headquarters in Tbilisi. Shevarnadze announced the extradition of the 13 Chechen suspects detained in Georgian custody since August to Moscow on terrorism charges. Particularly, the Armenian publications and documents in the archives from that period clearly indicate the collaborative, fanatic and aggressive features of Armenian nationalism. The government investigated and punished those Orthodox faithful who had converted to the Armenian faith. Download Free PDF. It is clear from the quotation that these actions were planned, but it is not clear that this is what actually happened. In Istanbul and other major Western Anatolian cities, large populations of Armenians remained throughout the war, their churches open. The Society counted among its patrons the Russian empress and the Viceroy of the Caucasus, and its leaders outlined their vision for the region in unambiguous terms, "With time, Christianity would embrace all [Caucasus] mountains and, upon the ruins of Islam, would even settle where it had not been before. Haig Khazarian, to conduct a thorough examination of the Ottoman, British, and U. The Russian Foreign Ministry asked repeatedly for the extradition of Chechen rebels arrested by Georgian border guards while crossing the Russian-Georgian border, most recently in August An Iranian Shi'a man, Said Aga Buzurk, asked the authorities to allow him to convert in the nearby Tatev Monastery because he feared the "fanaticism of local Muslims" should he be required to travel across Armenia for a baptismal ceremony in Echmiadzin. The rare denials occurred when the government suspected that a petitioner had been baptized into Russian Orthodoxy. Under these circumstances, the Ottoman State and the Muslim population took strong action to suppress the revolting Armenian gangs which was but a rightful war to defend the fatherland. Figures reporting the pre-World War I Armenian population vary widely, with Armenian sources claiming far more than others. Building a free country is easier and safer when you are not the exception in your region in terms of liberty. Brutality and Desire pp Cite as. The above quote, taken from a letter written 6 August by F. A high-level planning group HLPG was established in Vienna to examine the modalities of a deployment if the two conflicting parties reach an agreement. For a notable exception: K. Even Azerbaijan alone alters the military balance in its favor every year by virtue of its large financial resources and the investment of these resources in its armed forces. The Armenian Question in the Caucasus: v. 2 : Russian Archive Documents and Publications Reviews

Moreover, attempts to expose the suffering and needless death of millions of innocent non-Christians enmeshed in the same events as the Anatolian Armenians are greeted with sneers, as if to say that some lives are inherently more valuable than others and that one faith is more deserving than another. Katsuichi, The Nanjing Massacre , passim. Diken and Laustsen, , pp. In , for example, forty-seven individuals requested a conversion to the Armenian Apostolic and Armenian Catholic creeds in the South Caucasus. The Importance of Russian State Archives: Firstly, Czarist Russia was one of the powerful states that fought a war to divide and share the Ottoman territory, and kept detailed records on the events before and after the deportation of the Armenians. Crews argues that Russia became a "confessional state" for different religious communities and its government assumed the role of a protector of Islam, Judaism, and other faiths; For Prophet and Tsar: Islam and Empire in Russia and Central Asia authorities were preoccupied with the legitimacy of conversions, particularly of those not into Russian Orthodoxy. Despite the race laws, many Jewish women were still subjected to rape, sexual humiliation, slavery, and mutilation during the Holocaust: e. I carried out research for eleven years, starting in , on the Armenian question in the Czarist and Soviet Russian state archives and wish to share my conclusions drawn from those records: 1. Previously, most petitioners in the region had converted into Russian Orthodoxy and Armenian Christianity, with the latter faith attracting primarily rural and nomadic residents. There are also reports that Armenian boys were distributed for sexual abuse: J. The view that the documentation in the collection is incomplete may also not be considered fair comment. Viano, eds, Victimology: A New Focus. In , for example, several Georgian teenagers crossed the border into Ottoman Lazistan "with the desire to become Muslims. On an incident in where a deported Greek girl in Harput married a Greek man to avoid abduction, Garougian, , p. The U. According to Lukyanov: "Impulsive actions in relations with the allies certainly will not serve Armenia well. It also unequivocally signaled to the region's Muslim inhabitants that the empire favored Christian subjects. In addition, an undemocratic and corrupt regime in a nation is the best guarantee against the deepening of its relations with the West - in this part of the world, at any rate. Boden presented the document "Basic Principles for the Distribution of Competences between Tbilisi and Sukhumi" to provide a basis for negotiations between the Abkhaz and Georgian leaders on the future political status of within the State of Georgia. In his opinion, the prosecution of Kocharyan and Khachaturov "might become a turning point in the relations between Armenia and Russia. The above quote, taken from a letter written 6 August by F. Throughout the empire, non-Orthodox Christian churches could accept others into their fold only with the approval of the Minister of the Interior, who resided in Saint Petersburg. Conversion to Armenian Christianity was primarily a rural phenomenon, and many petitioners had originally moved to Armenian villages for work. Jackson in Aleppo, encapsulates much of what was the Armenian genocide — the killing of 1—1. Russia's Kurdish communities could be found in the districts of Erivan, Echmiadzin, and Surmali, all near the Ottoman border and in areas with large Armenian populations. The population of these melikdoms was later subjected to de- ethnization by the anti-Azerbaijan policy of the day. Conversely,where Ottoman control was strong, Armenians went unharmed. But when it comes to massive extermination campaigns like the Armenian genocide, the Holocaust, and the Rwandan genocide, gendered aspects have usually been downplayed in scholarly works. In December , the Russian Federation granted a special visa arrangement to the Abkhazian and South-Ossetian regions, which undermined Georgia's control over transit across its borders. Unfortunately, where Ottoman control was weak, Armenian relocatees suffered most. The information about this call was published on the official website of the Russian President. In the final stages of the Caucasus War of , around half a million Muslim Circassians were expelled, or prompted to emigrate, from the Kuban region into the . Wolf, from October 4th, Conversion also constituted a legal tool to attain freedom from slavery. The terms of enslavement could vary, even within the same village, from fixed-term household servitude, akin to Russian serfdom, to hereditary agricultural bondage, similar to Atlantic plantation slavery. On the massacres at the Kemakh Gorge, south of Erzinjan on the Euphrates, see, e. Download pdf. The Georgian Ministry of State Security disclosed in January classified materials, including video tapes , in proof of the presence of Chechen and Arab fighters and their training camps in the Pankisi Gorge. By contrast, Ottoman Armenians openly agitated for a separate state in lands in which they were numerically inferior. Thus, a Kurdish woman, Zeino Mgoian, lived through "relentless harassment by her relatives" for her desire to convert to Armenian Christianity. Due to what for all practical purposes is a state of war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Armenian- Turkish relations are also unlikely to improve dramatically. Yet systematic records of other conversions do not appear in archival registers for those periods and regions either. Furthermore, in the Soviet archives numerous important records exist in addition to the archives of Soviet Armenia. Bush and Russian President V. The famous Russian orientalist I. Miller and L.

The Armenian Question in the Caucasus: v. 2 : Russian Archive Documents and Publications Read Online

In their petitions, they expressed admiration for the Christian spirit of "love thy neighbor as thyself" and lamented that Judaism focused too much on revenge. Which of these scenarios will ultimately play out is important for Georgia. It means that Pashinyan is now fully in power in Armenia. Pashinyan came to power as a result of a genuine popular revolution which is the kind of event that the Russian ruling regime finds particularly distasteful. Quoted in Bryce and Toynbee, , p. Einstein, Inside Constantinople London, , p. The government judged that only individuals of "foreign" confessions were allowed to convert to Armenian Christianity, whereas Old Believers, as schismatics from the Russian Orthodox Church, were not permitted such conversions; RGIA f. Correspondingly, conversions in the late imperial South Caucasus were typically gradual, not abrupt, experiences. There are various possible scenarios of how events might unfold over there. On an incident in where a deported Greek girl in Harput married a Greek man to avoid abduction, Garougian, , p. Both organisations view the future security of the region as depending first upon economic and technical cooperation, as well as the development of infrastructure between the countries in order to facilitate the access to European and international markets. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available. The OSCE mission in Georgia was established in December to reach a peaceful political settlement to the Georgian-Ossetian conflict and to help define the political status of the South-Ossetian region within Georgia. Ambassador to the Republic of Turkey Armenian Americans purport that the wartime propaganda of the enemies of the Ottoman Empire constitutes objective evidence. Pashinyan has repeatedly expressed his desire to develop a partnership with the West. Winstone, Gertrude Bell London, , pp. This is natural enough because such a change is presently virtually impossible. The Armenians' religion epitomized Christianity for local Muslim and Yazidi populations. To guarantee academic objectivity, the contextual integrity of the archive documents has been preserved. The collection provides the reader with the opportunity to undertake a critical review of current theses on the Armenian question. Haig Khazarian, to conduct a thorough examination of the Ottoman, British, and U. Peart, Ian. Thus, his accounts can hardly be considered objective. With these agreements, and generally over the last years, Russia is depriving us of our sovereignty grain by grain. Only kleptocracies akin to this regime give Moscow sufficient leverage for control and, at the same time, render impossible any serious movement in the direction of the West. Why not tell the truth about the Armenians in every way? Dashnak Armenia also served as a base of the Western countries in the East to materialise their plans. Furthermore, in the Soviet archives numerous important records exist in addition to the archives of Soviet Armenia. Speeches C. To evaluate one's sincerity, the government solicited recommendations from three sources: the Armenian church, host village communities, and provincial civil authorities and law enforcement. The landscape of conversions also encompassed local Jews, Assyrians, and Yazidi Kurds, as well as occasional Muslim immigrants from the North Caucasus and Crimea. Upon crossing the Russian border, he moved into another Armenian village and started visiting a local Armenian monastery, which further strengthened his desire to convert. Supported by volunteers, partly from other countries, Abkhazian forces gained territory within their region. Russia and the Caucasus A. It is particularly important to note that these massacres and lootings were committed before the deportation of the Armenians. For an example of male genital mutilation during the Armenian genocide, see also H. On proto- racist prejudice, Turkish and Western, against Armenians, W. 97.pdf