108 , Polearms, & Other Sharp Things

There is no single weapon that is better than all the fingers. is 30 to 46 centimeters long, but others. The diversity of swords and other weapons bottom half is dull to allow for nonlethal has a lot to do with armor and a bit to do with strikes. Generally wielded in pairs, but cavalry: a that is good against unarmored sheathed in one scabbard to appear as one opponents may glance off plated armor, while one weapon. Also called “butterfly knives.” that is meant to pierce through gaps in armor or 5. : Chinese. Single-edged blade, two- crush it may be too slow to be totally effective handed grip. Blade is 80 to 90 centimeters long against opponents in light armor or none at all. and the grip is 110 to 122 centimeters long. Likewise, one must fight differently against Mostly employed by elite infantry. Name mounted and unmounted opponents, and from means “long knife” but has also been horseback and on foot. Having a sword with a translated as “saber-staff” and “long-handed longer reach is desirable, but it may be unwieldy for saber.” infantry. 6. Chokuto: Japanese. Single-edged blade, one- handed grip. Blade is 22 to 30 centimeters long Different types of weapons can complement each and the grip is 20 to 26 centimeters long. Hung other. Polearms are especially good at this, because from the waist. Name means “straight sword.” they can allow one to attack from the second or 7. (Chinese): Chinese. Single-edged blade, third ranks while the front line uses other weapons. one-handed grip. A few centimeters of the Axes hit harder than swords but, because they backside of the blade may also be sharpened in cannot thrust, are less versatile. Swords, however, order to aid thrusts. The quintessential Chinese take longer to master, while polearms are not only sword, and the name may be used for simple to train with but simple to construct. In fact, everything from other swords to knives. they are often improvised from agricultural 8. Dao (Naga sword): Indian. Single-edged equipment or descended from improvised designs. blade, one-handed grip, no guard. Blade is 35 to 55 centimeters long and has a slight curve, Swords and the grip is 20 to 35 centimeters long. Used both as a weapon and a tool in everyday life. Compare to the Dao (Naga Axe), from which 1. Aruval: Indian. Single-edged blade, one- it was likely derived. handed grip. Blade is 45-90 centimeters long 9. : Indian. Single-edged blade, one-handed and curves back like a sickle at the very end, grip. Blade is 22 to 55 centimeters long, with a and the grip is as long as the blade. Shorter slight to moderate backward curve, and the versions employed for breaking open and grip is 14 to 27 centimeters long. Usually cutting coconuts, harvesting rice, and other wielded in pairs, and outside of combat also utilitarian tasks, longer versions employed as a used for digging. Probably derived from the weapon. The curve at the end can be used as a Dao (Naga sword). grabbing tool. Worn on the back. 10. : Indian. Single- or double-edged 2. Beidao: Chinese. Single-edged blade, two- blade, one-handed grip, guard extends fully handed grip. Blade is 68 to 75 centimeters long, over the fingers. Blade is 89 to 96 centimeters with a slight backward curve, and the grip is 14 long, and the grip is 15 to 20 centimeters long. to 18 centimeters long. Name means “northern Made using manufactured in Europe. broadsword.” Compare to the or Employed mostly by cavalry. “southern broadsword.” 11. Gunto: Japanese. Single-edged blade, one- 3. Bonguk geom: Korean. Single-edged blade, handed grip. Blade is typically 35 to 45 one-handed grip. Blade is 60 to 80 centimeters centimeters long. Used chiefly as a ceremonial Samplelong, with a slight backward curve, and the grip weapon for officers in thefile 20th century, and is 30 to 40 centimeters long. often made by blacksmiths with little 4. : Chinese. Single-edged blade, knowledge of swordsmithing. one-handed grip, guard extends fully over the