Travel Guide to the Region of the Golden Road -En

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Travel Guide to the Region of the Golden Road -En HU · DE · LOCAL ACTION GROUP ZLATÁ EN · CESTA (GOLDEN ROAD) SK SK TRAVEL GUIDE TO THE REGION OF THE GOLDEN ROAD Published: Róbert Jurových NIKARA, 2015 Implemented: Občianske združenie Sebechleby GOLDEN ROAD TRAVEL GUIDE TO THE REGION OF THE GOLDEN ROAD WWW.REGIONHONT.SK TRAVEL GUIDE TO THE REGION OF THE OF THE REGION TO GUIDE TRAVEL STARÁ HORA PAMIATKOVÁ REZERVÁCIA ĽUDOVEJ ARCHITEKTÚRY SEBECHLEBY SEBECHLEBY - STARÁ HORA DUDINCE - SWIMMING POOL BANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA - CALVARY WWW.STARAHORA.SK BAĎAN - FOLK FESTIVAL Travel Guide to the Region of the Golden Road Authors: Bc. Lukáš Šiklóši Martin Schvarc Pictures: Ing. Milan Ďuroch - M.Macharik - Ľubomír Lužina Number of pages: 96 pages Graphic design: Adrián Jakubča Printed by: Róbert Jurových NIKARA Travel Guide to the Region of the Golden Road Contents LOCAL ACTION GROUP ZLATÁ CESTA 7 Baďan 7 Banská Štiavnica 8 Banský Studenec 10 Beluj 11 Dekýš 12 Devičie 13 Domaníky 13 Drážovce 14 Dudince 14 Hontianske Moravce 15 Hontianske Nemce 16 Hontianske Tesáre 17 Ilija 18 Kozelník 19 Kráľovce-Krnišov 19 Ladzany 20 Lišov 21 Medovarce 22 Močiar 22 Počúvadlo 23 Pohorie 24 Prenčov 25 Rykynčice 25 Sebechleby 26 Súdovce 27 Svätý Anton 28 Štiavnické Bane 29 Sudince 30 Terany 30 Vysoká 31 Žibritov 32 WANDERING THROUGH HISTORY 33 Wandering through History of Mining 37 Wine Route 41 Spa Tourism 46 Bee Route 48 Event Guide 50 Summer in the Region 55 Winter in the Region 57 Tourism in the Region 58 Obsah Fulfi lling Children‘s Dreams 60 Adrenaline Adventure 62 FREE TIME 64 Museums and Galleries 66 Cycle Routes and Tourist Trails 69 Sports 72 Hotels 74 Boarding Houses 79 Chalets and Cottages 81 Lodging Houses 83 Restaurants 85 Wellness and Swimming 87 Conference Services 89 CONTACTS 91 LOCAL ACTION GROUP ZLATÁ CESTA Establishment of the association Zlatá in accordance with Article 3 of its Statutes, cesta (Golden Road) is the result of a long- improve economic opportunities and social time cooperation of the members of the conditions in all areas of economic, social, following associations – Mikroregión Hon- cultural, religious and sport life for all eco- tianka, Mikroregión Južné Sitno, Mikroregión nomic and social groups of the population. Konkordia and the association of legal per- The association in cooperation with sons Región Sitno – striving for regional de- other subjects will contribute to the general velopment, especially aiming to ensure the development of the territory, its competitive- sustainable development of rural areas. ness and living standard of its population The association has been carrying through activities in the above mentioned out its activities on the territory of the vil- areas based on the perfect knowledge of lages Baďan, Beluj, Prenčov, Počúvadlo, the territory, its needs, conditions, sources Kráľovce-Krnišov, Žibritov, Svätý Anton, Št- and potentials. iavnické Bane, Dudince, Banská Štiavnica, The main aim of the project Creation Hontianske Moravce, Hontianske Nemce, of new marketing tools for support of the Sebechleby, Banský Studenec, Dekýš, rural tourism in the region by local action llija, Kozelník, Močiar, Podhorie, Vysoká, group Zlatá cesta is the support of rural Devičie, Drážovce, Domaníky, Hontian- tourism and agrotourism in the area. The ske Tesáre, Ladzany, Lišov, Medovarce, implementer of this project is the associa- Rykynčice, Sudince, Súdovce, Terany. tion Sebechleby that has been striving for The aim of the association is to in- the development of this economic sector in crease the quality of life in the given territory the region. BAĎAN Baďan is the village situated in the south of neighbourhood prove that people had been liv- the Štiavnické vrchy mountains almost on the ing here since the New Stone Age. Baďan was border of Banská Bystrica and Nitra Regions. fi rst mentioned in the written sources in 1245 The village is divided into two parts, Badaň and as VillaBagun. Klastava, with the population of 220 people. The main historical monuments in the Archaeological fi ndings from surface sur- village comprise an Evangelical Church with veys in the cadastral area of the village and the the original Romanesque rotunda that is reg- TRAVEL GUIDE TO THE REGION OF THE GOLDEN ROAD 7 istered in the list of monuments in Slovakia as precious and mystical cellars carved into tuff a late Renaissance church from 1685. There rocks which used to serve as granaries during is a room equipped according to the folk tra- the Turk raids. They are located in „Háj“ within ditions in a single house resembling the old the cadastre of Klastava village. They are cur- times. Here you can fi nd a typical entrance rently covered, but they will be reconstructed hall called „pitvor“, earthen fl oors and wooden and open to public in the future. ceilings, stone yard etc. There are also three Contact: BANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA Historical town with its distinctively mul- on 22 September 1979 on the area of 77 ticultural history is known mainly for metal 630 ha. Central part of the town has been an mining, signifi cant mining legislation, self-ad- urban conservation area since 1950 and Ban- ministration and academic tradition. It is the ská Štiavnica and its surroundings have been centre of the Štiavnické vrchy mountains that registered in the List of World Heritage Sites was declared the protected landscape area by UNESCO. The river Štiavnica rises in the 8 TRAVEL GUIDE TO THE REGION OF THE GOLDEN ROAD town, the fl ow of which is currently located in represented the second largest settlement in the underground and comes to the surface in Slovakia right after Bratislava in the fi rst place. the lower part of the town. In 1873 a narrow gauge railway from Hrinská The settlement of Banská Štiavnica dates Dúbrava was put into operation as the fi rst nar- back to the Neolithic Period. Another signifi - row gauge steam (not horse-drawn) railway in cant sight from further period is the settlement the then Kingdom of Hungary which is known from New Iron Age and Post-Great Moravian nowadays as The Track of Youth. Period as well as the hill fort on Glanzenberg Banská Štiavnica is a town reserve with mountain from 10th – 11th century. The fi rst 360 artistic and historical monuments. One written evidence of silver mining on the terri- of the most signifi cant one is The Old Cas- tory of the town dates back to 1217, in 1238 tle (Starý zámok) fi nished in 1546 – 1559 by it was granted the town privileges and the rebuilding the former parish Romanesque fi rst charter with town seal comes from 1275. church from the fi rst half of the 13th centu- Fortifi cation, mining tools and coat of arms ry. In the 15th century it was rebuilt in Gothic as the oldest well-preserved coat of arms in style into a hall church which used to serve as Slovakia all date back to the 13th century. a fort in the Renaissance. Here you can see Town seal of Banská Štiavnica from 1275 the exposition of the region‘s oldest history. represents the oldest well-preserved town The copies of paintings by a mysterious Mas- seal as well as the second oldest town seal ter M.S. are exposed in the sacristy. The tow- in general in the former Kingdom of Hunga- er offers a great view as well as the presenta- ry and the oldest town seal known to exist in tion of historical clockworks. The Cavalry of Europe picturing the archaic mining tools – a Banská Štiavnica (Banskobystrická kalvária) hammer and a chisel without a handle. The from 1751 with two churches belongs to the main source of the town‘s wealth was the most beautiful Baroque cavalries in Europe. It mining industry. Since the second half of the is set on the Scharfenberg Hill. It can be seen 16th century until the beginning of the 18th from all directions and it offers an overall view century, life in the town has been unfavour- of Štiavnica caldera. Its extraordinariness lies ably affected by the threat of the Turks along in the number of stations and the story it tells. with the anti-Habsburg uprisings. Fortifying of The New Castle (Nový zámok), also called the town started in 1541. Although the Turks Virginal or Maidenly Castle, from 1571 built in had never got into town, they often plundered Renaissance style is one of the architectural the surroundings. The town maintained its gar- icons of the town. Silhouette of the castle is rison and permanent intelligence service that unique in the whole Europe since it resembles reported all the movements of the Turk military a rocket. Here you can fi nd an exposition of groups. In the 18th century, Banská Štiavnica battles against the Turks as well as the unique belonged to the best technically equipped presentation of weapons. The Knocking Tow- mining centres in the world. The population of er (Klopačka) from 1681 is a two-storey tow- Banská Štiavnica in 1782 was 23 192 residents er-like building combining Renaissance and and right after Bratislava and Debrecen it rep- Baroque features with a shingle roof and a resented the third biggest town in the Kingdom small tower with sound openings on the top. of Hungary. The fi rst mining school in the King- In the past, it was used to wake the miners up dom of Hungary was founded in Banská Štia- and in the 18th century, it was turned into a vnica in 1735. In 1763 Mining University was prison. Main Square was built in the early 16th established in the town. In 1770 it was renamed century and it forms the architectural heart to the Mining Academy which was the fi rst min- of the town.
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