West Midlands Digital Roadmap
1 Building the Future West Midlands Digital Roadmap 2021 West Midlands Digital Roadmap 2 Forewords Andy Street Mayor of the West Midlands Digital connectivity is going to be vital to our That is why I am delighted to be introducing this economic bounce back. It is the golden thread that comprehensive refresh of our regional digital links all of our industries – Advanced manufacturing, strategy. The document is forward looking. It aims to automotive, life sciences, professional services, realise the ambitions of our Local Industrial Strategy, construction, low carbon, transport, healthcare, build on the successes of our 5G testbed, and tackle public services - all are being transformed by the decisively the issue of digital exclusion. But we power of digital technologies. Ensuring all our citizens know we cannot do this alone. This refresh aims to are equipped to play a full part in, and benefit from really push the boundaries of collaborative working, this transformation is a shared endeavour. maximising areas of mutual interest between the public, private and third sectors. In my time at John Lewis, I witnessed the power of the digital revolution, taking our products online and I hope that this document makes clear our intent allowing us to compete with growing digital commerce to digitise the West Midlands and embrace the companies like Amazon. I know how important it is that opportunities that lie ahead. we innovate to keep up with the needs of our time. West Midlands Digital Roadmap 3 Cllr Pat Harley Kari Lawler WMCA Culture and Digital Young Combined Authority Portfolio Holder and Digital Lead Leader of Dudley Council Over 2020, the importance of digital This Roadmap sets out an ambitious As a tech entrepreneur, I have seen skills and experience.
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