Vol. 26 No. 6 July-August 2019 orientaviation.com ZHAOQING GUANGZHOU HUIZHOU FOSHAN DONGGUAN SHENZHEN ZHONGSHAN HONG KONG JIANGMEN ZHUHAI MACAU WILL SLEEPY MACAU AWAKE? Macau ends aviation monopolies and plans larger role in southern China’s Greater Bay Area Industry tech leaders Asia-Pacific LCCs The Russian invasion: work to advance third force at seeking Asia’s sustainable aviation Paris Air Show seafood and sun The future of bookingtravel INDUSTRY INSIGHT REPORTonline LEAP-1A LEAP-1B ENGINES AVAILABLE NOW Available for short- or long-term lease and “pooling-like” preferred access. Willis Lease Finance Corporation Power to Spare – Worldwide® +1 415.408.4742
[email protected] CONTENTS Volume 26, Issue 6 COVER STORY 14 GUANGZHOU ZHAOQING HUIZHOU ORIENT AVIATION MEDIA GROUP 17/F Hang Wai Commercial Building, FOSHAN DONGGUAN 231-233 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Editorial (852) 2865 1013 E-mail:
[email protected] SHENZHEN Website: www.orientaviation.com ZHONGSHAN HONG Mailing address: KONG GPO Box 11435 Hong Kong JIANGMEN ZHUHAI MACAU Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Christine McGee E-mail:
[email protected] WILL SLEEPY Associate Editor & Chief Correspondent MACAU AWAKE? Tom Ballantyne Tel: (612) 9638 6895 Macau ends aviation monopolies as it plans for Fax: (612) 9684 2776 E-mail:
[email protected] a larger role in China’s Greater Bay Area strategy Asia Editor Will Horton Tel: (852) 2865 1013 E-mail:
[email protected] COMMENT 21 Rush to fill route gap after Jet Airways grounding North Asia Correspondent