Report for Information

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Report for Information REPORT FOR INFORMATION REPORT TO: All Members REPORT NO: COET/07/19 DATE: 22 May 2019 REPORTING OFFICER: Councillor David A Bithell Lead Member for Place – Environment and Transport CONTACT OFFICER: Darren Williams (Tel 729629) SUBJECT: Capital Works Programme 2019/20 WARD: All 1 PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To present for Members information a planned programme of highway related capital/revenue works to be delivered in 2019/20 as agreed at the meeting of the Homes and Environment Scrutiny Committee in May 2019 (Report No COET/03/19S). 2 INFORMATION 2.1 Attached for Members information, Appendix 1, is a programme which includes details of planned highway related works scheduled to take place in 2019/20. The programme does not include for every aspect of highways works that will be undertaken (ie reactive highway maintenance works), but provides an increased level of visibility for elected Members, the public and interested stakeholders as to what, where and when works will take place during the current financial year. 2.2 WCBC currently has responsibility for around 1,140km of road network. This year’s total planned road network programme of over £3m will provide for an area of over 140,000m2 of roads to be treated improving 20kms of the total network. As always these programmes have been developed in line with our agreed highways asset management principles and whilst this investment is positive, the total sum of over £3m is only enabled to treat 2% over the overall highway network. 2.3 The programme has been developed based upon all available information and has been planned to maximise the opportunity for the co-ordination of works, taking into consideration the level of resources available together with the need to minimise conflict and impact on the travelling public in accordance with the Council duties under the Traffic Management Act. 2.4 The programme includes details of the following planned works to be delivered during 2019/20. i Cyclic Maintenance Activities Included in the programme are scheduled cyclic maintenance works due to take place on the trunk road network during 2019/20. Cyclic works undertaken by WCBC on behalf of the North Mid Wales and Trunk Road Agency include for a number of maintenance activities including grass cutting, weed spraying, drainage repairs /maintenance, asset inspections and minor civil works. Much has been made recently concerning the amount of litter on the trunk road network, something which the Trunk Road Agency are not responsibility for. Responsibility for collecting litter on the A483(T) rests with the Council. To undertake litter picking on the trunk road network in isolation is a costly exercise due to the type of traffic management required (ie lane closure) to ensure the safety of streetscene operatives. To maximise the opportunity for litter picking, these will be co-ordinated with cyclic activities being undertaken on the A483(T). In addition, we are also planning some similar ‘cyclic’ maintenance activities on WCBC’s high speed Road network, namely; Llan y Pwll Link Road, A541/A483 Junction ii Safe Routes in the Communities The Council has again been successful in attracting Welsh Government grant funding for the delivery of one Safe Routes in the Communities Scheme. The grant award totalling £75,000 is to deliver road safety and active travel improvements in the community area of Pen-y-Cae. iii Road Safety Capital Schemes In addition to the grant funding secured for Safe Routes in the Communities, further funding has been awarded by the Welsh Government to develop road safety improvements on the A495 from Redbrook Maelor to the County Boundary and also the B5102 Between the villages of Holt and Minera, where there has been a recorded history of personal injury incidents. iv Carry Over Schemes Due to several factors some sites from the previous years published list were not able to be completed within the allotted time scale. Whilst every effort was made to complete the proposals outside uncontrollable factors such as inclement weather, near-by emergency utility works made the proposals prohibitive. v Carriageway Re-Construction/Resurfacing/Surface Dressing Included in the programme is a list of identified roads across the County Borough identified for maintenance. The programme is broken down into four categories to distinguish between the type of surfacing treatment to be applied. In total, the level of capital/revenue funding available for improvements to the condition of the road network in 2019/20 is £3.1m. This includes for an additional £1.2m made available by the Welsh Government in recognition of the prolonged period of cold weather experienced and the impact this has had on the condition of the road network across Wales. These programmes of works have been developed to be consistent with the Council’s long term highways asset management approach concerning investment in highways infrastructure as presented and supported by Members of the Executive Board (HE/09/13). The £1.2m funding made available by the Welsh Government has been directed towards those parts of the strategic A & B classified road network which pose the greatest risk to the travelling public and to the local authority if not well-maintained. Positive reconstruction and the resurfacing of these routes will help improve resilience and reduce the whole life cost of maintaining the functional importance of these routes which link communities and Wrexham to the wider strategic road network. Acknowledging the damaging impact of the extreme winter weather remaining true to the longer term highways maintenance strategy, the remaining allocation of funding (£2m) will see a number of treatments applied including traditional resurfacing works, preventative surface treatments and patching to help strive towards a consistent state. vi Programmed Drainage Works All programmed works have been selected from a list of identified drainage schemes that have been prioritised against pre-defined criteria. Prioritisation criteria are aligned with the requirements of the Flood and Water Management Act and our statutory duty as a Sustainable Drainage Approval body and include: x internal residential property flooding flooding to critical infrastructure internal flooding to other property significant highway flooding highway safety record (eg road traffic collisions) Any schemes not included will be carried forward for prioritisation and delivery in subsequent years or as additional funds become available. 2.5 Whilst every effort will be made to deliver this programme to the timescales stipulated, the programme will inevitably be subject to change as a result of unplanned or unforeseen circumstances (eg emergency highway works, inclement weather, service interruptions/priorities etc). A copy of the programme will be made available on the Council’s website and will be updated periodically to reflect any changes that may occur. 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