Mergers & Acquisitions...... 1 Letter to the Editor...... 2 Radioshift-TiVos Radio ...... 4 Download of the Month ...... 5 AT&T DSL Changes ...... 6 Peter’s Hometown Computing Corner 8 Special User Group Offers...... 9 Meetings and Club News ...... 11 NEWSLETTER OF CONNECTICUT CONNECTION, INC.JANUARY 2008

Mergers & Acquisitions companies – fully embraced the digital music evolution. By Chris Hart, CMC President wasn’t helped one bit by I’ve always known that I would the diversion of AOL’s attention and never make it in the business of high they did very little during this finance. The reason? This world of “browser war” to maintain their top big money requires that you be ruth- dog position. As the use of their pri- less and focus solely on what it mary product declined, the takes to fatten that bottom line and company’s fortunes waned. This line your pockets. That’s not me. In resulted in AOL dropping the hatch- fact, I believe such approaches to et in 2003; drastically downsizing business are ultimately self-destruc- Netscape and laying off a majority tive and a hindrance to a healthy of the employees. consumer marketplace. Lack of innovation always spells What’s prompted me to discuss this death for companies whose founda- subject? Well, in the month of tion is built upon the Internet. And December, there were two signifi- the pressure on Netscape was even cant announcements from tech greater, because they were a found- companies who have been around ing father of the modern World for years. Netscape declared that Wide Web. But they simply could- they are ceasing devel- n’t create products that people opment, and CompUSA said it’s were drawn to. The result is that going out of business. These com- their market share – of both web panies were, respectively, involved browser usage and web traffic (to (in the not-too-distant-past) in , was gaining dominance – had been headed mergers and acquisitions. because it was both free ( downhill for years. was free to individuals, but had a fee for busi- Netscape was the first company to nesses) and came bundled with the popular So, it was really no surprise when successfully make a business out of . AOL announced on December 28th web browser . In the 90s, that Netscape is being closed down. Netscape was the king of the brows- Shortly after acquiring Netscape, America While you can continue to down- er market and the majority of web Online merged with Time Warner to create a load existing versions of the surfers used Netscape Navigator as media goliath. On several levels the merger Netscape Navigator browser, there their tool of choice. made sense, as they were ahead of the curve in will be no development of new ver- merging traditional media with the online sions. The “portal” Then came the acquisition of media world. But at the time, the move site has been rebranded as Netscape in 1999 by America prompted the raising of many eyebrows. And (a strong sign that Online. It was during this time – AOL Time Warner hasn’t done much to satis- AOL wants to retire the Netscape either as a direct result, or not – that fy the skeptics in the years that have passed, name; truly a shame). Meanwhile, the quality of Netscape’s software and the value of both divisions has dropped now points to a ver- and their level of innovation both since the merger. Neither has fully capitalized sion of AOL’s own portal site. waned. Around the same time, on their assets and to its great detriment, Time Continued on page 3 Microsoft’s browser product, Warner has not – like most of the other record

1 Letter To The Editor Thing is, I paid $6000 for that IIcx. In 1989 dollars, it is easily the equivalent CMC member, Neal Zimmerman, of $9000 today. And look at what we’re wrote in to offer his reaction to Chris getting for $1100 today, in comparison NEWSLETTER OF CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC. Hart’s cover article in the Nov/Dec with 1989. A USER GROUP SINCE 1986 issue of this newsletter. Large panel monitors, enormous stor- Editor Hi Chris, age, silent operation, lightning speed - Deena Quilty You left out one major point about and most important, reliability. The computer life-span, and that is compar- freeze-ups and crashes that I experi- Designer ative cost. enced with my older computers are George Maciel virtually non-existent today. And when When I bought an apple IIcx in 1989, it a re-boot is rarely needed, it just takes cost almost $6,000. I used it for about seconds to reload. Photographer seven years - until the John Scott rendered it obsolete. The world wide Compared to yesteryear, Mac comput- web wasn't even on the radar screen in ers are (almost) free! Publisher 1989, and I certainly got my “money's Regards, Neal Connecticut Macintosh worth” out of that machine. Connection, Inc. 41 Crossroads Plaza Letters to the Editor. Send your comments, dissenting opinions, questions, PMB 1984 rants, raves, etc. to: [email protected]. We’d be happy to hear from you! West Hartford, CT 06117

Printer Budget Printers Going Once...Twice... SOLD! 1718 Park Street Hartford, CT 06106

We welcome submissions from our members! Please submit articles by first of the month for inclusion in our newsletter. All articles should be submitted by email to [email protected]

There is so much talent in our group; it would be great to have several mem- photo by ber articles in each issue of Jack Bass the newsletter. CMC’s Board of Directors would like to publicly thank all the companies and people who contributed materials and services for our 2007 annual auc- tion held on November 28th. A complete listing of this year’s contributors is on our web site at

We would also like to thank all the CMC members and guests who made purchases at the auction because, without their support as well, the auc- tion would not have been the huge success it was.

Finally, the Board would like to thank Rich Lenoce for doing a splendid job chairing the event this year. Auction night was both a lot of fun for the par- ticipants and a significant fund raiser for the group.

2 Continued from page 1 Apple store-within-a-store the staffing they have stopped carrying many of that it deserved. the great brands they were known for. The one wonderfully bright spot in all It’s a sad situation and I can’t help but this is that the underlying browser Back in the days when the company think that it could have been avoided. technology that Netscape created, was still doing well financially, they (Maybe spending millions on branding called the “ engine,” will acquired the Computer City chain from the “Tweeter Center” concert venue in continue on. In a truly inspired move, Tandy (a.k.a. Radio Shack). I believe Massachusetts wasn’t such a great idea they released this software code to the they quickly closed those stores. A few after all… hmmmm?) open source community many years years later, they acquired the Good ago. (Open Source software is based Guys chain of audio/video stores. Once When it comes to our beloved Apple, around a “community” of developers again, they closed all the stores. Inc. they have largely been avoiding who work collaboratively to develop the temptation of corporation acquisi- software products and tools. Most of So what was the point of this acquisi- tions. With the billions that Apple has these folks freely donate their time to tion? As far as the loyal customers of in the bank, they could buy up compa- the projects, for the greater good of the Good Guys were concerned, there was nies left and right. computing community.) zero benefit. I remember that, for years, west coasters would rave online This is probably for the best, since the is the most widely used brows- about this chain of stores. Then the last, major acquisition that Apple did er that is based on this Gecko Engine stores they loved were closed by the make was not a success. In 2001, they (and I would argue, the best web new owners. purchased PowerSchool, a school browser in the world). Similarly, the management software company. Five Mac-only browser, , is built So, what the heck is the point of buy- years later, after doing virtually noth- around this Gecko core. And because ing up a successful business – which is ing with the property, they let it go. Gecko is open source, it will likely still not a direct competitor – and then The upside is they realized the mistake be actively supported when the killing it? Maybe there was a good they made and sold off the property Netscape name is a distant memory for business/financial reason. But, all I see before it lost all of its’ value. most people. is that the consumers suffered. The bottom line of all these stories is The same can’t be said for CompUSA, Sadly, the same thing has happened that, in my estimation, consumers see as once the liquidation of the compa- with my once-beloved Tweeter chain no benefit from these mergers and ny’s assets is complete, few people will of audio/video stores. This is partly due acquisitions. Competition is eliminat- think of them ever again. And while I to their acquisition spree, which had ed, innovation is squashed, and have never had any love for this retail them buying up several smaller retail- consumer choice is lost. chain, I’m almost as frustrated by their ers around the country. They had eyes disappearance as I am about Netscape. bigger than their belly, and swallowed So here’s my (admittedly insignifi- more stores than they could make prof- cant) call to the corporations of the Few retail stores are dedicated to com- itable. Especially because they did this world to think about not just them- puters and the breadth of accessories as the consumer electronics market- selves, but the consumers they service. that go with them. For computer place was changing drastically. Let’s see some thought put into your geeks, it’s always fun to browse the acquisitions and some real effort to aisles of a place like this. And for me The regular customers of the chains make the best out of them. personally, CompUSA was very handy that Tweeter purchased have likely for those last minute parts purchases all suffered, by either the closure of Lastly, I’d like to give my apprecia- that are essential to quickly reviving an or change to the stores they once tion to Netscape for playing such a unhealthy computer. loved. Which is now what’s happen- crucial role in building the World ing to Tweeter itself. As a customer Wide Web into such a wonderful Those are the pros. Unfortunately, for the past 23 years (having pur- Internet resource. Web sites and web there are way more cons. chased my first Nakamichi cassette browsers connect the people of the deck from them in 1984), I’m so very world in amazing ways. Netscape CompUSA’s customer service was frustrated with what Tweeter has Navigator was central in making that poor, the knowledge and attitude of done to themselves. happen. So, thank you to the people their sales associates was lacking, their of Netscape for your essential contri- rebate redemption history was very In June of 2007, they filed for bank- butions to the world.  spotty, and rarely did they give the ruptcy protection. And in the past year,

3 Radioshift badges indicate when a particular sub- TiVos Internet Radio scription contains new shows. by Adam . Engst Although the RadioTime database reprinted from TidBits #896 boasts over 50,000 shows, it doesn’t yet know about many shows on smaller Remember radio? You probably used to radio stations or those that don’t pro- listen to it in the car before you had an mote their Internet streams. For iPod, or maybe there was a particular instance, the Ithaca College station show on the local radio station on WICB has been running Breakfast with Sunday mornings that you enjoyed Search for a station, such as Ithaca’s the Beatles on Sundays from noon to 2 while eating a leisurely breakfast. But WVBR, and you find not only the sta- PM (we’re talking college student while the VCR and then digital video tion, but also a listing of any regularly breakfast time here) for over 20 years, recorders like the TiVo enabled us to scheduled shows that RadioTime and although RadioTime knows about timeshift television, recording it and knows about. Or just search for a term WICB’s Internet stream, it doesn’t letting us play it back on our schedule, to find stations and shows that include know about Breakfast with the Beatles. radio has long been rigid about its that term in their descriptions. Radioshift makes it easy to add a cus- schedules. There have been cobbled- Sometimes you’ll find a show whose tom show, called a “station together ways of recording radio to Listen Now and Subscribe buttons are subscription.” Find the station, click cassette tape over the years, sometimes disabled, which indicates that Subscribe, and set the On, From, To, even in a semi-automated fashion, but Radioshift can’t access the show for Title, Artist, and Genre fields as desired for the most part, radio has been a real- some reason - perhaps because it uses to cause Radioshift to record the speci- time experience. And that in turn has an unsupported Web-based player, or fied stream at the appropriate times. meant that it fell by the wayside in perhaps because it’s an AM/FM-only Click the Finished button to save your favor of on-demand music, , station - and isn’t yet properly filtering changes and it’s set. and audiobooks. it out of the results. A Missing or Incorrect Info link in the upper right of Thanks to Radioshift, an utterly cool the Radioshift view for any station or new product from the audio-focused show lets you report problems to an Mac developer Rogue Amoeba, radio automated tool at Rogue Amoeba’s can once again become a part of your Web site, which will pass that informa- life. Radioshift combines the tion on to RadioTime. RadioTime database of Internet radio streams and shows with a slickly inter- Since Radioshift accesses the faced application for finding, recording, RadioTime database live, Rogue and managing Internet radio shows. Amoeba can (and has, I can attest) And before you ask, no, most radio improve search results without even Radioshift can record MP3, QuickTime, shows are not available in for- requiring users to update the program. Real Audio, and Windows Media streams mat, although a podcast version of a (the latter two may require installing addi- radio show is probably easier to acquire Recording Radio – Once you’ve found tional software if you don’t already have in iTunes than via Radioshift. a station or show you want to record, RealPlayer and Flip4Mac installed, Radioshift makes the process as pain- something that Radioshift simplifies). As Find Radio – Locating radio stations less as possible. For shows, just click a result, Radioshift should be able to used to be a matter of rolling through the Subscribe button and Radioshift record nearly anything you throw at it. It the spectrum with your tuning dial, will automatically record the next even supports Griffin Technology’s finessing the perfect spot for each sta- episode of the show to your preferred RadioShark USB radio, which enables tion. With Radioshift, you can instead format (128 Kbps AAC by default). recording of local AM/FM radio to a search for stations and shows, browse Unfortunately, you can’t tweak the computer. So if there’s a local station that among popular shows ranging from recording format by show, which doesn’t have an Internet stream, you can NPR’s All Things Considered to Rush means you can’t record sports talk radio still record its shows with the combina- Limbaugh, jump directly to stations at 32 Kbps mono (to save space) and tion of a RadioShark and Radioshift. and shows you’ve set as your favorites, your favorite piano jazz show at 192 Show episodes are stored in a Radioshift or explore by genre or geographical Kbps stereo (for higher audio quality). folder in your Music folder. location (great for catching up on Subscriptions appear in an iTunes-like Australian radio). pane at the left of the window; numeric continued on page 5

4 continued from page 4 If you have the time and interest, you Aside from the refinements I’ve sug- can also edit episodes using an exter- gested above, which I suspect are nal editor like Rogue Amoeba’s $32 relatively easily implemented, my only Fission, which would enable you to real criticism of Radioshift is that it trim unnecessary bits, split a show opens up a whole new world of high into multiple files, and so on. quality, free content (sounds terrible, Honestly, that’s more effort than I care doesn’t it?). That actually scares me a to devote to my radio listening, little, since I’m already inundated with Needless to say, your Mac must be turned though I’m sure there are people out more interesting articles, music, pod- on, awake, and connected to the Internet to there who will happily spend the time casts, audiobooks, YouTube videos, TV record these Internet streams. Radioshift to create a perfectly edited archive of shows, and movies than I can possibly itself doesn’t need to be running because a a particular show. absorb during my waking hours. background application called Radioshift Perhaps young people are better at it, Helper does all the heavy lifting. The Dealing with recorded episodes is an but for those of us who grew up in an Automatically Wake/Power-On checkbox entirely manual process. There’s no age of information scarcity, learning in the Preferences window will cause way, for instance, to record an episode how to pick and choose among an infin- Radioshift to wake or start up your Mac in and have it automatically sent to ity of content is a non-trivial task that’s time to record scheduled shows. iTunes and then deleted (the latter of aided only by the finiteness of free Radioshift won’t wake or power up a which might be important if you pre- time. But just as I’ve settled on just a closed laptop; even if possible, it’s a fer to copy music into your iTunes few podcasts that fit into the time I bad idea. Music folder when adding to the spend driving and doing yard work with iTunes Library). Be a bit careful, since the iPod, I imagine that Radioshift will Managing Radio – Once recorded, a several-hour radio show could easily enable me to select just those few radio show episodes appear in the subscrip- chew up 100 MB to 200 MB of disk shows that I most enjoy. Overall, tion view, from which you can play space, and although hard disks are Radioshift is smooth, attractive, and them, send them to iTunes, edit their much larger than they used to be, compelling, and it makes easy some- audio files, or delete them. Radioshift Radioshift could easily fill up a large thing that was previously either difficult 1.0’s playback capabilities are minimal percentage of one if you didn’t pay or impossible. - you can only start and stop. There’s no attention to a large collection of sub- navigation within an episode, no way to scriptions for a few weeks. I could Radioshift 1.0.1 costs $32, requires skip over or chatter, nor much of easily imagine the next major release Mac OS X 10.4 or later, is a universal anything else. For additional playback of Radioshift adding an Automator- binary, and is available as a fully func- controls, send the episode to iTunes, like workflow interface that would let tional trial version (13.4 MB download) where it can also be synced to an iPod, you specify what Radioshift should do that degrades audio quality after 20 iPhone, or Apple TV. with each episode after it’s recorded. minutes of playback or recording. 

Download of the Month Features: submitted by Deb Foss, CMC • Viewing • Adding and editing notes Skim 1.0.1 • Highlighting important text • Making “snapshots” for easy reference • Navigate using table of contents or thumbnails redir/lid/1245561/Skim-1.0.1.dmgSkim • View all your notes and highlights • Convenient reading in full screen Well, the monkey is finally typing the novel! Remember the old saying • Giving powerful presentations that a monkey could type a if he banged away on a typewriter long • Handy preview of internal enough? Remember what a typewriter was even? Well this program can • Focus using a reading bar take a PDF file and summarize it. It is like Cliff Notes for PDFs. And it • Magnification tool seems to work. How it does it, I don’t know. Try it yourself. You need • Extensive AppleScript support Mac OS 10.2 or above. • Bookmarks • Support for Apple Remote Control Skim is a PDF reader and note-taker for OS X. It is designed to help • Interaction with LaTeX and PDFSync you read and annotate scientific papers in PDF, but is also great for • Spotlight support • Highly customizable viewing any PDF file. Stop and start skimming! • And much more...

5 AT&T DSL Email Changes Many of my friends and clients tell me 5) Just to the right, click on the button they have been notified, but they don’t named Account Information. By Chris Hart, CMC understand what they need to do. While Because of the attractive pricing from a document in AT&T’s support database AT&T, many have subscribed to their features most of the information needed, DSL broadband Internet service. I know it’s not easily found, and the information 6) Locate the field named Incoming that this includes many of us in CMC. is not presented in an easily understood Mail Server and change the field next format. I say, “Shame on you, AT&T, for to it to this: The downside of this success is that making this so difficult!” spammers have been attracted to AT&T’s email servers as a tool to dis- In the following section I’m going to tribute their millions of unsolicited detail the exact changes that need to be messages. When the volume of unde- made to your application. If sired messages pouring through your you use Microsoft Entourage for email, email system matches (or is even greater you can contact me directly for the nec- 7) Click on the Advanced button. than) that of your legitimate customers, essary changes. you have a problem on your hands. 1) If you aren’t already in Mail, click on AT&T has tried a few different approach- it in your Dock now 8) At the bottom of this window, look es to control this problem. None of them for the Use SSL option and enable the has been totally successful. In 2007, they checkbox next to it. The Port number decided they have to come up with that listed next to it should automatically final solution, even considering the fact change to port 995. (If it doesn’t, that it might involve an inconvenience to change it manually.) Change the their customers. This is not unlike the 2) In the upper left corner of your Authentication option to Password. actions that other high-speed Internet screen, click on the Mail menu (right These steps enable encryption for com- providers have taken. next to the Apple logo), and select Preferences… from that menu. munications with the incoming (a.k.a. POP) email server. Using a secure connection between the customer’s computer and AT&T’s email server is an effective solution. This provides an encrypted “tunnel” through which your email messages can travel. It also ensures that only legitimate customers are accessing 3) In the window that appears, click on 9) You now need to enable encrypted AT&T’s email servers. the Accounts icon. communication with the outgoing (a.k.a. SMTP) email server. Click on Adapting to this new method of commu- the Account Information button. nication involves more than just changes to AT&T’s infrastructure. Every person who connects to their network needs to make changes to their email settings. If your email address ends with 4) In the left column of the window, 10) At the bottom of this window you SNET.NET, SBCGLOBAL.NET, or click on the item that has your AT&T will see the area for the Outgoing Mail ATT.NET, this includes you. email account in its name. Server (SMTP) settings. Just to the right of that label is the name of an Hopefully, AT&T has informed you of email server. Click on this to make the the changes that need to be made so you selector menu appear and choose the can continue to send and receive mes- option Add Server. sages. Because, eventually, they will shut down the old email system and you will not be able to access your email. (Note that these changes have no impact on using AT&T web mail.) continued on page 7

6 continued from page 6 12) Now click on the red close button in Enter your Email Password and enable the upper left corner of this window. the checkbox for Remember this pass- 11) In the window that appears, find This will prompt Mail to ask if you word in my keychain. the field for Outgoing Mail Server want to Save your changes. Naturally, and enter: In the you want to save them. From this point forward, the changes Server Port field enter the number you’ve made are functionally transpar- 465. Put a checkmark next to Use You’re now done and should be able to ent, but essential to allowing you Secure Socket Layers. Set successfully send and receive email continued access to your AT&T email. Authentication to Password. Enter with your,, or You may want to keep this article your email address into the field for account via the updated method. handy, in case you need to configure User Name and your email Password The first time you send a message after Apple Mail again in the future.  below that. Click on OK. making these changes, you will be asked to provide your password in a window such as this:

Boot Camp Beta Ends the Windows environment (truly running There are three popular software packages By Chris Hart the computer on Windows, not using a for enabling Windows to simultaneously product such as Parallels Desktop For with Mac OS X. They are: Until the release of Mac OS X 10.5 in Mac), you could be affected. October, Apple’s Boot Camp software Parallels Desktop for Mac was still categorized as a “public beta” Specifically, what stops working is the product. That means that this software, Boot Camp Assistant. This is the soft- which allows your Intel-based Mac to ware that enables you to initially set up VMware Fusion reboot into Windows, was still in devel- and then configure the Windows oper- opment, could have bugs, and was not ating system environment. So if you fully supported by Apple. have no ongoing need to make such Crossover for Mac changes to how Windows interacts with As with most public beta products, this Mac OS X, you can merrily (or, not-so- version of Boot Camp has an expiration merrily) continue using Windows on I have heard positives and negatives of date. So, any version of Boot Camp that your Mac. both, and experienced the same in my was downloaded from Apple site (and own trials. So, personally, I don’t con- not installed with Mac OS X 10.5) will But if Windows is important to you, or sider one a clear winner over the other. no longer be fully functional as of your business, I suggest you not wait to However, this is a topic we will be vis- December 31, 2007. come up with a real solution. Your iting soon in a CMC presentation.  options are to either purchase and What does that mean to you? Well, if install Apple’s Mac OS X 10.5 you have upgraded to Mac OS X 10.5, (a.k.a. “Leopard”) or purchase and it means nothing – you are now using install a third-party software prod- the full, “release” version of Boot uct that allows Windows to run on Camp and you are fully supported by your Mac (inside of the Mac OS X Apple. But if you haven’t made that environment). change and regularly boot your Mac into

7 Peter’s Hometown Computing Corner  Music often brings us back to a special time. The #1 #90, October 2007 Song on This Date in History site at [email protected] © 2007 Peter P. Gladis NumberOneInHistory/SelectMonth.htm lets you look up and listen to Billboard Magazine’s #1 song on a specific Sometimes it amazes me how much important history has date in history. Select a month and then a day and you can occurred in my lifetime! It is fun to research events that find out what the #1 song was on... the day you were born happened on special days in your life – or you parents’ and – the day you graduated from high school – the day you grandparents’ lives. There are many excellent to were married – the day your child was born – and any other aid you in revisiting our life’s history – and that of the fur- day of interest. Lots of memories. ther past.  The “Today in History” section at Here are some great…“Today in History” Websites #2 today _in_history is sponsored by the world’s largest pub- lisher of history magazines. It contains daily features, photo  A simple but very useful Today in History site is galleries and over 1,200 articles originally published in Its helpful sections include: Today in their various magazines. If you are interested in a specific History, Today’s Birthdays, Events by Month, Events by history subject, try searching their archives. It has great list- Year, and Events in History – view important events on any ings of historical events, birthdays, and deaths on any given day in history and view notable birthdays and deaths on day of the year. It also has links to major history-related any day in history. magazines, like “American History,” “Aviation History,” “British Heritage,” “Civil War Times,” “Military History,”  Another uncomplicated but very comprehensive Today “Wild West,” and “World War II”. In History site is Each day it lists hundreds of events. It has a sim-  As you might expect, THE HISTORY CHANNEL has ple search tool that lets you select a year, month, and/or day. an outstanding , especially its “Today in History” With its text option, you can look for any day in history area, It breaks out your day of interest with a specific word association. into key categories, like general interest, automotive, civil war, cold war, crime, entertainment, literary, old west, tech- is an excellent research site on many nology, Vietnam, Wall St., and WWII. For each Category, it topics – but its “This Day In History” section at gives a full description of the important event that happened is easy to use and informative. The on the day you select. A great website. events listed have links to reference information in the site. For example, on August 6th it’ll show  Although the main website is a great that the U.S. exploded an atomic bomb over Hiroshima, site for kids, its Day In History section is fun and informa- Japan – and there will be links there to “Atomic Bomb,” tive: It opens up with facts “Hiroshima,” “Enola Gay,” and “Japan” for further study of on the day you go to the site, but then allows you to select those topics. Very educational. any month and day – or see all the key events that occurred in any whole year you pick. takes a very different approach – it focuses on “Timelines.” For example: “The Big Bang to  The U.S. Library of Congress has a truly special Day 416 Million Years Before the Present,” or “1600 – 1625,” In History site at and comprehensive reviews, sometimes over a hundred today.. This site focuses on special United States his- items long, of what happened in a specific year in the 20th torical events that happened on a specific day, with in-depth century. A really fascinating website! discussions and links to other information about the event.  “Those Were the Days” at is is very simple, but the results you get are very interesting. a daily series of historic events that occurred on each spe- There’s a photo with every result, and many have links to cific day, containing events like news, sports, more comprehensive discussions of the event. In addi- entertainment, inventions, personalities, organizations, lit- tion, there is a wealth of information in the sidebar – for erature, etc. The years covered span from as far back as the example, areas like biographies, chronologies, an ency- 1700s with primary concentration between 1900 and 1990. clopedia, glossaries, maps, speeches, e-lectures, historic For a nominal annual fee they also offer a Deluxe version newspapers, landmark documents, virtual exhibitions, continued on page 9 and more!

8 continued from page 8 SPECIAL OFFERS Inclinepro Laptop Support System: Apple User Group Bulletin 20% Off of Those Were the Days. It is These User Group discounts are brought to Laps and laptops stay cool, resulting in loaded with Web links to events you by the Apple User Group Advisory comfort for the user and longer battery life. and famous birthdays, searchable Board and Tom Piper, vendor relations. You Set up your office anywhere and benefit archives, and expanded dates into must be a current Apple user group member from the Inclinepro’s ergonomic design and the 2000s. to qualify for these savings. Not a member? ultra-light construction. User group mem- Join an Apple user group today to take bers receive 20 percent off the retail price of  Peter’s “WACKY SITE of advantage of these special offers. $75. Offer valid through February 29, 2008. the MONTH” It’s always fun to find a Wacky Mireth Technology: 25% Discount TaskPaper: 35% Discount Website that relates to the main Mireth Technology produces easy-to-use TaskPaper is a simple to-do list that’s sur- theme for my article. “This Day in software for the Mac, including ShredIt - prisingly adept. Unlike other complex File Shredder, NetShred - Internet Track Alternate History” at solutions, TaskPaper’s text-based interface Eraser, and iVCD - DVD, VCD, SVCD is focused on paper-like simplicity. The offers alter- burner. Save 25 percent off the regular user group member price is $12.32, which native historical events, where the prices for Mireth Software that range from is 35 percent off retail. Offer is valid hypothesis is that a particular $15.00 to $39.95. Offer is valid through through February 29, 2008. Historical event never happened, March 31, 2008. or happened differently. For Fastforward Software: 20% Off example, go to April 14, 1912 and Roxio Toast 8: 30% Discount Fastforward is making an exclusive offer read a premise like: “On the Toast 8 Titanium sets the standard for burn- for Apple User Group members, offering ing CDs, DVDs, and now Blu-ray discs on Titanic, 1st Officer William FinanceToGo (intuitive double-entry the Mac. Create superior sounding audio accounting software) for $35.95 (SRP Murdoch orders a head-on colli- CDs with smooth crossfades and transi- $44.95), Galder (a new board puzzle sion with an iceberg after a tions. Enjoy your TV shows anywhere with game) for $15.99 (SRP $19.99), and lookout spots it. Murdoch exclusive TiVoToGo and EyeTV burning. QuickSnap (an easy-to-use screenshot utili- believes the ship is too close to Convert and export video for an iPod, PSP, ty) for $11.95 (SRP $14.95). This is a turn and he doesn’t want to risk mobile phone, and more. There is no easier discount of 20 percent off each product. striking the berg on the side. The way! With this special offer, user group Offer is valid through February 29, 2008. members receive $30 off MSRP $99.95. Titanic hits the iceberg head-first Offer is valid through February 29, 2008 The MUG Store Blowouts! destroying the first 4 water-tight (limit of two per person). Most user group members love to shop compartments, and causing 14 for great deals on discontinued or older deaths. But the ship remains float- AKVIS Graphics Tools: 25% Off accessories and parts. The MUG Store ing. Captain E. J. Smith A special 25 percent discount on AKVIS gives you a great place to do that: commends Murdoch for his quick Retoucher, Chameleon, Coloriage, Sketch, thinking, agreeing that if he had Frame Suite, Enhancer, Noise Buster, mugstore/blowouts.php Stamp, Decorator and LightShop. All of tried to turn the ship; it may have these are plug-ins for Photoshop, and some In addition, all orders placed through gotten too heavily damaged to of them also have stand-alone editions. This the MUG Store receive free shipping - a float.” You can then join in a dis- AKVIS discount is good on Home, Home great savings for members. Remember cussion of what might have Deluxe and Business editions. (Bundles that everything you buy means points happened if this event occurred excluded from this 25 discount offer.) Offer for your group to spend any way it this way. A bit “wacky”? Sure – is valid thru February 29, 2008. wants! Valid thru February 29, 2008. but intriguing and thought-pro- voking too.  Get the Apple User Group Market & User Group Offers From One Site Looking for information on one of the offers listed on this page or on a past offer? Apple Questions? Comments? Ideas? User Group Advisory Board member Tom Piper publishes a single page with all current E-Mail me at [email protected] offers, expiration dates, ordering URLs and codes. Password: ***** Also, be sure to subscribe to the Apple User Group Market Report podcast. The AUG Market Report is a great source for information about Apple user groups, vendor dis- counts, special events and more. Apple User Group Market Report podcast:

***** Password above is ONLY listed in your MAILED CMC newsletter.

9 2007–08 Connecticut Macintosh Connection Officers and Board of Directors

New Members Wanted! Have your friends and co- workers join us for fun and learning about OS X and the Mac. Please give them this application form.

CMC Benefits: Monthly meetings, monthly newsletter, President Vice President Secretary special events, discounted , assistance with computer Chris Hart Jerry Esposito Jack Bass problems, network with other Mac users, User Group Store [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] discounts, and more. Yes, I want to join CMC!

Date ______

Name ______

Address ______Treasurer Past President Ambassador Reggie Dionne Rich Lenoce Joseph Arcuri [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] City ______

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Phone (Fax) ______Editor Design Raffles Deena Quilty George Maciel Robert Sawyer [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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Areas of special interest:______Webmaster Parliamentarian/Historian Download of the Month ______Brian Desmond Connie Scott Debbie Foss [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ______Annual CMC Family Caricatures by Membership ILLUSTRATIONS CARICATURES For advertising or publication. For a unique GIFT. Bill Dougal $25.00 Custom art for: Persoanlized of Lebanon Make check payable to CMC and mail to: art from photo. (860) 456-9041. 41 Crossroads Plaza, PMB 1984 • Print Available for • Web Or LIVE at any West Hartford, CT 06117 illustration ...or business or assignments Pay online with PayPal at private event. (860)456-9041 • and event caricatures.

10 CMC Monthly Meetings FREE Raffle! FOR SALE! Wednesday, January 30 Every CMC member who attends our Quark 4.0.1, Full Version. $150.00 or monthly meetings gets a raffle ticket that Best Offer (I will transfer license after UConn Health Center will give you a chance for one of our free sale) Contact Mark at 860.793.0771 Conference Room EG-013 prizes every month! Win toys, t-shirts, [email protected] 6:00 pm CDs, mugs, software…there’s always something we’re giving away! And Back To Basics don’t forget the “free table” at the back FREE Classified Ads Not sure what to do with your Apple of the room where everything! Airport wireless base station once you’ve CMC Members can advertise For plugged it in? This month’s Back To Sale, Swap, Trade, Giveaway or Want Basics addresses this, with a 45 minute to Buy Items. This space can be used session of the essential stuff you need to Treasurer’s Report by members to advertise non-business know. Joe Arcuri will discuss the various items which they are no longer using or wiring, setup and security options you Total Membership: 119 upgrading. This is a FREE service have to choose from when setting up your provided to our members. Send to: Airport. Because this is Back To Basics, [email protected] you won’t need an engineering degree to Account Balances understand it all! Balances as of December 31, 2007 Display Ad Rates 7:00 pm Checking Account ...... $2,854.03 Money Market ...... $3,560.76 Any business item or service can be advertised at these low monthly rates. Microsoft Office is a tool Business Card (3.5”w. x 2”)...... $10.00 that nearly all of us use CMC Passwords/IDs on a regular basis. But Quarter Page (3.625”w. x 4.75”) ...... $20.00 nearly all of us are Check your newsletter mailing label Half Page (7.5”w. x 4.75”h...... $30.00 befuddled by the myriad for the following info: or 3.625”w. x 9.5”h.) functions and how to best take advantage of Word, Excel and PowerPoint. This • Your CMC User name and password Full Page (7.5”w. x 9.5”)...... $50.00 to access info at month, we aim to resolve this problem. Submit all ad copy to the Editor on a CMC is pleased to welcome guest pre- • Your CMC Membership Number disk (with nothing else on it) or e-mail senter Jan Gyurko for an evening focused (free shipping at MacConnection) it to [email protected] for insertion on using Microsoft Office on the Mac. • Your CMC Membership renewal date in the following issue. Display ads Jan is an experienced instructor and Mac user, who regularly teaches adult educa- must be submitted camera-ready in tion courses on computing. Her eps or format with all fonts and presentation will focus on the most com- Need CMC Support? graphics embedded. Please specify how monly asked questions about Microsoft many issues you would like your ad to Office. Whether you use Office on a daily Did you know that Mac run and make check payable to “CMC”. basis, or just once in a while, this evening support is just a click away? will have something for you. As with all That’s right!. You don’t have to wait CMC presentations, there will be plenty for a monthly meeting to get of opportunities for your questions! answers your Mac related questions. CMC hosts a Mac Support mailing Coming February 27th list for members? CMC members Leopard Mac OS X 10.5 can join at

The Resource Site for Mac User Groups All current offers and codes: Valid til: 02/29/08 ugab/offers/vendorcodes.htm User ID: ***** Valid til: 02/29/08 Password: ***** Password: ***** ****Note: CMC User IDs and Passwords are located in your mailed CMC newsletter. 11 41 Crossroads Plaza – PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117

Wednesday, January 30 UConn Health Center 6:00 pm: Setting-up Airport 7:00 pm: Microsoft Office with guest instructor Jan Gyurko (see page 11 for more info) Coming Feb.27th Mac OS X Leopard

Visit our website: for more info. See driving directions below

CMC Monthly Meeting Location Monthly CMC meetings are held at UConn Health Center in Farmington. A PDF document containing a visual direction guide to the location of our meeting in the UConn Health Center is available on our website: When hands-on programs require computers for attendees, we will use Middlesex Community College. Directions for CMC Monthly Meetings UConn Health Center, Farmington From I-84: Take Exit 39 (if coming from I-84 West, Exit 39 is after 39A). Turn right at first traffic light onto Route 4 East (Farmington Avenue). At third traffic light, turn right to enter the Health Center campus. Go around the main building to the right (at a Y in road), then take a left when you get to the Academic Entrance. The road becomes two-way there so you should be able to tell where to turn. (Do not go on straight to the two-way part). Then take the second right into parking lot A&B. this is close to the building. Go past the police station entrance on your left Due to inclement weather, Andy Ihnatko, tech (small sign). You will see a continuation of the building with its own entrance area. and Mac guru visited with us via iChat This is the new research building. Enter on the ground floor, turn right and enter video teleconference. CMC thanks Andy for brightening our holiday party and we look forward Room EG-013 on your right. This is the first room on your right. The rest rooms to taking him up on his promise of a future visit. are on your left as you enter. 12 The Errors of Apple’s Way...... 1 Scanning, Part II...... 3 CMC Member Internet Experiences .....4 Download of the Month ...... 5 My iPhone Road Trip ...... 6 Take Control - Leopard ...... 8 Special User Group Offers...... 9 Meetings and Club News ...... 11 NEWSLETTER OF CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC.FEBRUARY 2008

The Errors of so many years. Why not provide us with Apple’s Way an evolution of AppleWorks? By Chris Hart, CMC President Instead, you release iWork as an incom- plete replacement, missing the drawing, Apple achieved greater success in database and spreadsheet components 2007 than in any other year of their (the Numbers spreadsheet app was not history. The stock valuation continues present in the first release of iWork – a to climb, market share is constantly huge omission). You took away func- increasing (in all product segments) tionality that we are accustomed to, and and recognition of the brand name have every right to expect. We’re left ranks at or near the top of consumer with the proposition of paying the same studies on a regular basis. amount of money for a replacement that is missing pieces. Yes, Keynote adds This hasn’t happened by mistake. Apple tremendous functionality. But, again, makes some incredibly smart choices you took away capabilities in the and avoids many of the pitfalls that so process of adding others. many other corporations frequently suc- cumb to. But, believe it or not, Apple Recently, Apple’s FileMaker software could actually be even more successful “In case you haven’t division has introduced the Bento prod- and win over even more customers. heard, AW is now dead.” uct, to essentially replace the missing What’s stopping that from happening? AppleWorks database component. Usually, it’s Apple itself. simple, affordable office suite, with (Which is good news, since the full everything that people needed to handle FileMaker Pro database package costs Yes, Apple makes many insightful, for- their typical “office” document needs. $300). But you’re talking about a sub- ward-looking, and market-changing stantial cost when you combine Bento’s decisions, resulting in some amazing Apple’s replacement office suite, iWork MSRP of $50 with iWork’s fixed price products and services that inspire (and its constituent components Pages, of $80. That puts this combo at $130, greater acceptance of the Mac and their Keynote and Numbers), is a wonderful which is the same cost as the Student & other products. But, for every handful of software package. It’s comprehensive Teacher Edition of Microsoft’s Office these smart choices, Apple seems to and certainly goes well beyond the fea- 2008 for Mac ($150 is the list price, but make at least one that hampers its own ture set of the old AppleWorks. But why it’s easy to find it at $130). So, Apple, I progress. Many of these decisions are did it have to completely replace ask you: how is this a proper alternative forgivable and others... well, let’s just AppleWorks? With so many Mac users to Microsoft’s product (which was say that I’m left either scratching my counting on the integral functionality of always the point of AppleWorks – offer- head, or very frustrated. the office suite that they have used for so ing an easier-to-use, less-expensive many years, how could you possibly jus- alternative to Microsoft’s behemoth)? I’m going to start with the list of Apple’s tify dumping AppleWorks altogether? software blunders. And number one on Apple’s other recent questionable soft- that list, which frustrates me to no end, Apple, do you really have that little ware decision was very similar. They is AppleWorks. In case you haven’t respect for your user base and the huge dropped the established iMovie for a heard, AW is now dead. This is a soft- libraries of AppleWorks documents that clean-slate version of this basic video ware application that has been around we are reliant upon? This is a horrible editing application. The years of estab- for years and is very close to the hearts thing to do to your existing customers, of many diehard Mac users. It was a who have supported your company for continued on page 2

1 Continued from page 1 commonly considers the Mac a joke. If game enthusiasts don’t see titles lished learning by users and a library of released on the Mac within a month of plug-ins, that expanded iMovie’s capa- the PC version, they simply won’t care.

NEWSLETTER OF bilities, was all flushed away. Like it or not, these guys are impatient. CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC. If you don’t acknowledge and respond A USER GROUP SINCE 1986 Why these drastic changes? Well, the to that, you’ve lost this crowd, which reasoning is that people new to editing spends a lot of money on their comput- Editor need something even simpler and ers and related accessories. Deena Quilty quicker, in order to be inspired to use their Mac for their first ventures into Looking at the even younger crowd, I Designer creativity. see another large segment of Apple’s George Maciel audience that I think is in need of atten- I’m entirely for simplification. But, tion – young artists. Kids love computers again, I ask, why not build upon what Photographer and kids love to doodle. To not have was already there? Apple could have John Scott something to keep the budding artist created a simplified mode for iMovie occupied on a computer that is aimed at that presented a stripped down interface consumers, is ridiculous. There is no Publisher for newbies, yet allowed the original drawing application included on a brand Connecticut Macintosh interface to still be available. new Mac and I think that’s a big mistake. Connection, Inc. 41 Crossroads Plaza It boils down to the fact that we’re left Now don’t get me wrong. I certainly PMB 1984 with an iMovie that has limited capabil- don’t expect Macs to come loaded with West Hartford, CT 06117 ities, and can’t open projects from the a kitchen sink of software, as I know previous version. Just as with that getting out of hand with this would Printer AppleWorks, established libraries of hurt Apple’s bottom line. But even Budget Printers files on millions of Macs have been rel- Windows comes with a “Paint” appli- 1718 Park Street egated to a very limited future. cation that allows for rudimentary Hartford, CT 06106 illustrating and drawing. While both AppleWorks and the old iMovie still work on the latest Leopard We welcome submissions Even as an adult, I feel that not being operating system, they don’t work flaw- able to perform the most basic task of from our members! lessly. AppleWorks, especially, has creating a diagram or rendition of a con- Please submit articles by first issues that will probably never be fixed. cept on the computer I just paid over of the month for inclusion in And who knows how long these appli- $1000 for, to be ridiculous. And consid- our newsletter. All articles cations will continue to be useable, as ering that Apple took away their one should be submitted by email it’s unlikely Apple will assure their remaining tool for this purpose (the to [email protected] compatibility with future products and “Draw” component of AppleWorks), operating systems. they need to fill this gap. There is so much talent in our group; it would Speaking of the future, a good chunk of Apple doesn’t even need to develop this be great to have several mem- Apple’s recent success is due to the product on its own. They could do as ber articles in each issue of youth crowd. It’s important for Apple to they have done countless times over the the newsletter. capitalize on this audience. One of the years – include a piece of software from most effective ways to do that is to a third-party on all new Macs. I imagine increase the offerings of games. This is the company is able to arrange very a sure way to increase the desirability of favorable contracts with software mak- Macs among young males. ers, resulting in little cost per computer.

Unfortunately, Apple has a very spotty Lastly, in Mac developments that I feel history with gaming. It seems like every are lacking, is the Mac operating system other year they proclaim their commit- itself. While Leopard is not disappoint- ment to the gaming community and ing by any means, it’s still missing then a year later, there is no strong evi- something that all computer operating dence of continuing efforts. The result is that the hardcore gaming community continued on page 3

2 Continued from page 2 and changing accordingly. Such Scanning, news makes me very happy and systems are missing – complete ease of hopeful for other future develop- Part II use. Despite Mac OS X being easier to ments from the company. By Jack Bass, use than Windows and (arguably) all CMC Secretary other operating systems, it still has a Related to the iPhone and its iPod ways to go. brethren is an issue I feel very strongly I purchased a slide and negative digi- about – an iTunes-based music subscrip- tal picture converter (scanner) from As I watch people use computers, I see tion service. Apple keeps claiming that Hammacher Schlemmer for $100. how frustrated they sometimes become. people want to own their music. While I The concept is great; it had its own And there’s no reason for that. Personal don’t doubt that’s true for the majority of light and a 5 meg “camera” with slide computers have been around for a long people, I fervently believe that there are and negative carriers. It connected to time now and the way people use them lots of people who will embrace a sub- my computer by USB. It was sup- is very much a known quantity. scription service from Apple. posed to have automatic focusing, too. Accounting for that and making every- thing more intuitive is really not rocket Past and present subscription services I installed the scanner driver after I science. But no one seems to be putting have not had sensational success. I had installed Microsoft Windows XP the huge amounts of effort into this that argue that’s because none of them work on my Intel Mac machine. I am using it deserves. with iTunes and iPod (they being the VM Fusion to run PC programs; this number one music library software and is my first attempt. I dearly want to see Apple and all soft- portable music player, by a wide mar- ware creators work much harder at gin). Just imagine having access to an The first thing I determined was that making their products more straightfor- unlimited number of songs on your Mac the carriers, although well designed, ward, accessible, and intuitive. If and iPod, via iTunes, for a flat monthly with indents that accurately let you operating a Mac in the year 2020 is fee (about the price of a single CD at know when each slide was in place, exactly the same as it is now, in 2008, I retail price). would be tedious to use if you had will be extremely disappointed. many slides or negatives to scan. You Best of all, such a service does not pre- need to open, put the slides in place, While CMC and this newsletter are pri- clude you from buying the music that close and then slide the carrier into marily about the Mac, we sometimes you love. It merely gives you the ability the devise, scan three slides, then talk about the iPhone. Since it’s an to have a long-term trial for the tunes remove and open, remove the three important Apple product that also inte- you think you’d like to keep, plus dip slides and put in three more. My grates with the Mac, it’s only right that your toe in music styles that you would- Nikon scanner held two slides, and we discuss it now and then. Upon the n’t normally buy. Personally, I am dying you slid the slides in and out from the release of the iPhone, there was no way for this ability. top of the carrier and could slide the for software developers to make their carrier back and forth without remov- products accessible from this “phone” So that completes my list of Apple’s ing it from the adapter. This is much other than via their web site. Many soft- software choices that I take issue with. faster and easier. ware authors were upset by this Now I’d like to hear from you. Please arrangement, as it drastically limits the write me with your reaction to my com- Second, I couldn’t get it to work. I functions of the iPhone that they can ments, as well as your own went through the procedure of scan- take advantage of. thoughts on Apple’s product choices. I’ll incorporate ning at least a half dozen times. I tried Thankfully, Apple saw the error the comments into a fol- my friend’s (I had bought two, one for of their ways and announced that low-up article, which will him) thinking I had a bad one. Same they are releasing the necessary also discuss my beefs problem. The hour glass just sat there tools this with Apple’s hardware for over minutes with no picture month. So, in this particular case choices. You can reach me at appearing. So, I closed it down and I’m highlighting an example [email protected]. sent both of them back for credit. of Apple having made  an error, seeing how I still think the basic idea is great – if that choice was not it would only work!  in the interest of the consumer (or their bottom line),

3 CMC Member Internet Experiences rural part of eastern Connecticut and has previously not been able to get high-speed Internet service to her home. What fol- This is our second featured article in a series about the lows is her experience in trying to get that service, which her experiences of our members with the high-speed (a.k.a. neighbors just down the street have had for years. “broadband”) Internet services offered in this state. We want to hear your story. Benefit your fellow members This article started as multiple postings to CMC’s email by sharing your experiences or comments. Send email to: discussion list by member Tricia Heldmann. She lives in a [email protected].

The Squeaky commented on how “lovely it is out office that the staff is looking into it. here” which started me off on a tirade And now I get calls from DPUC and Wheel Gets of “yes, lovely but no phone service and Comcast stating when the cable will be the Internet can’t get any cable to the house either.” brought through the two utility poles up The politicos suggested something that the road, to the one in front of my By Tricia Heldmann, was at the back of my mind: Get in house. They actually did it somewhere CMC Member touch with Attorney General Richard around the beginning of October, and Blumenthal. strung the cable so quickly that noone Let me tell you of my saga... in the neighborhood noticed the work I’ll say up front that I am no fan of September 11. I wrote a letter to being done. Now I get phone calls AT&T (where, oh, where is our old DPUC and copied Attorney General about installation to and into the house, reliable SNET?) Richard Blumenthal stating that if plus a letter from Comcast to schedule something is not done about our inabil- my install. The letter goes on about In April of 2007, when we had all the ity to reach 911, we could end up with how expensive it was to bring the cable heavy rains, my phone lines – both of a medical emergency where someone down the road. Yeah, right. I work with them, voice and modem – became very dies, and then a lawsuit will ensue. former linemen and know that stringing unreliable, or nonexistent. I went online Within days, I got a nice form letter the cable that much further on existing to report a problem, got a nice reply from the AG’s office that the staff is poles is no big deal. Am I in a hurry to message to call AT&T. I get a work looking into it. Within a day, I came connect to Comcast’s service? Maybe order number, a week later a lineman home to find even larger symbols, let- I’ll wait just a little longer before they comes out and says the problem is in ters, and numbers covering nearly half can start collecting the 100 bucks a the buried lines in the street. I call the road with a post at the corner of my month from me. Perhaps a little taste of AT&T again, get the work order num- driveway raising the connections out of their own medicine? ber, a week later a lineman comes out the ground. My voice phone line now and says the problem is in the buried works, but not the modem line. What is the moral of the story thus far? lines in the street. I call AT&T again, Send a snail mail to the AG’s office and get the work order number, week later a In the meantime, I keep getting junk see the fire it lights. Although the AG’s lineman comes out and says the prob- mail from Comcast about their “Triple office may be a last resort, as attested lem is in the buried lines in the street. Play” deal. I called Comcast to order by a friend who has gone that route This cycle repeats many times and I call and “we don’t serve that area” was their more than once. It doesn’t always work, AT&T over and over again. Finally, one reply. So I told them they do serve but I have been told that our AG does of their linemen breaks the mold and neighbor XYZ who is two doors down; watch out for us little people. says that the problem is in the buried “We’ll look into it” is the next reply. I lines in my street and in the connecting called Comcast several more times to Chapter II. Some humorous notes: street, closer to town. order and the same cycle repeated each I believe I forgot to mention that the lit- time. I emailed the independent tle road in front of my house is little Politicians are almost as useless as ombudsman in the Vernon franchise, more than a one-lane thoroughfare. At these linemen. But, this time they were which services my neighbors. “We this point, it has more numbers, letters, not. The local political team came by don’t serve Colchester, but the Norwich and squiggles painted on it than a NYC our house, looking to garner votes by franchise does,” was the reply. “Yes, graffiti wall. personally visiting prospective voters. Vernon does” was my reply. It’s a good thing they were from one The third week in October, I receive a party and not that other one, or my September 23. Fed up, I wrote a sec- snail mail letter from Comcast. It starts hubby would have promptly booted ond letter to DPUC and copied with “Thank you for your inquiry them all the way to the street in a scene Attorney General Richard Blumenthal concerning having Comcast Cable resembling a moonshiner protecting his stating the problem. Within days I got a continued on page 5 property from “Rev’nooers.” They second nice form letter from the AG’s

4 continued from page 4 Chapter III. In November, I have office that then bounced it to the digging installed into your home. As you know Comcast’s Triple Play service installed. crew. They ignored it, sent it to the we had to do extensive construction Lebanon office that then sent it to the work in your area in order to make this A recent Consumer Reports issue rated Colchester office who doesn’t have a “dig- possible.” The letter went on saying Comcast at number 19 out of 22 for ging crew” but gave it back to the Norwich the sales department had been trying to Internet service, 34 out of 36 for televi- office. The work order bounced around reach us, yadda, yadda, yadda, (fat sion, and 50 out of 53 for phone. Their like this for some time before he spotted it chance with the condition of my phone overall rating is ninth out of the ten again. He took a hand shovel and dug up service). Two thirds of the way providers for which Consumer Reports the connection at the foot of my driveway, through the letter was a phone number had sufficient data. The bundle of their pulled it out of the ground and put it in a to call. My husband tried calling that triple play at least got me Internet serv- post above ground, right at the corner of number a couple of times and kept get- ice when I had next to none. The the drive and road. He left a message on ting a busy signal. Then it dawned on Internet speed is fast and the phone my home phone that the problem should him what the problem was with that service seems clearer and more reliable. be solved but at that point, we had already phone number. The number inserted in Plus, there is the cable television with scheduled installation with Comcast. the letter was our very own home dozens of channels, most of which we phone number! Duh! have no interest in watching. We’ll see I have since gotten a phone call and a let- what they offer when the contract runs ter from AT&T, both very concerned That’s some indication of how compe- out after a year. I am getting used to the about my phone service provider being tent Comcast is. I’d heard that they Comcast web mail and what it can and switched to another carrier. They wanted were one of the lesser quality service cannot do. to find out if I knew how this had hap- providers but this shows major incom- pened and could I call them, because I was petence! I’m probably going to be Chapter IV. The AT&T lineman came a customer with them for so many years, calling that to someone’s attention, just back, saying that he turned in the work etc., etc. not sure who yet. order (to fix my local lines) and it went from the Colchester office to the Norwich I don’t think I’ll bother. 

Download of the Month Double click the Weather Vane icon to launch. On first launch, you will submitted by Deb Foss, CMC be presented with the Weather Vane preferences window: Weather Vane v1.7 Enter your zip code (don’t include the +4). Set your desired refresh interval (15 minutes - 360 minutes) and check the “Use Have you ever just wanted a small app in the menu bar Celcius” checkbox if you prefer temperature displayed to tell you the weather forecast? I mean, the weather in Celcius. Click the “Save and Close” button and here in Connecticut changes daily lately. But some of Weather Vane will fetch your forecast. The Status Bar those programs are CPU hogs. This program is tiny and icon will display the current temperature and an icon free. What more could you ask? indicating the current state of the weather.

From the web site: When you hover over Weather Vane’s Status Bar icon, Weather Vane is a Mac OS X application that a tooltip will appear giving you more detailed informa- retrieves the weather forecast for U.S. zip codes and tion about your current conditions. displays it the Status Bar. That’s it! Weather Vane will fetch the latest forecast System Requirements: periodically based on the interval selected in its pref- Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger) or better erences. If you would like to have Weather Vane start when you login, add it to your login items in: System Installation and Usage: Preferences-> Accounts (select your account) ->Login To install, drag the Weather Vane application from the Items. You can drag its icon into the login items win- disk image to a convenient location on your hard drive. dow, or click the plus sign below the login items The Applications folder is a good place. window and navigate to it in the Finder. 

5 My iPhone would be going and how far E-mailing out newsletter number we would travel each day. two, we informed everyone that Road Trip Since we were heading for a warmer we arrived safely in Fredericksburg, By Reggie Dionne, climate, I decided that an iPhone VA. Setting an iPhone “Clock” alarm CONNECTICUT CMC Treasurer “Weather” report was in order. We for the morning and a few moments were both happy to see that warmer relaxing with some iPhone temperatures were awaiting us. “iPod” tunes, it was time to call Have you ever it a night. wondered just how 84 Soon it was time to start with useful the applica- newsletter number one. With Not bad; more than half the iPhone tions could be that are iPhone “Notes”, I began drafting an applications put to good use, just on the represented by those 17 opening message letting everyone first day. colorful icons on the know we were on our way. I had most iPhone home screen? of the e-mail addresses that I needed, The next morning, the iPhone Obviously today’s stan- but a call to a relative or two for the “Clock” alarm goes off and it’s dard features (phone and camera) are few remaining ones was in order. time to start a new day. We head into the there, but what about the other stuff? Once the contact e-mail addresses local Cracker Barrel for breakfast. What is the advantage of having data were updated, a simple tap of the During breakfast, I jumped onto iPhone capabilities? I know I thought about it. envelope icon sent the initial notice “YouTube” looking for what was on its way. funny RV bloopers might be Although this article is not intended to available. Needless to say, there were a be a technical review or a list of help- My Dad is retired from Stanley few. My Dad got a laugh and was ful tips, I wanted to share a personal Works after 37 years. A conver- amazed that an iPhone could do that. iPhone experience with you. So, when sation about his days at Stanley the need to accompany my Dad on his naturally prompted a quick iPhone My son was playing freshman return trip to Florida for the winter “Stocks” lookup of SWK. football this year and I had presented itself, I took this as an entered the game schedule into the opportunity to utilize as many iPhone A little while after the first iPhone “Calendar.” Since he was applications as possible. newsletter went out, the fun start- already in school for the day, I sent ed. Mail replies were coming back him an iPhone “SMS” text mes- I wanted to keep relatives telling us they were glad to hear from us sage, telling him “Good luck both in Connecticut and and to keep the updates coming. The dis- this afternoon!” Florida appraised of our three days tribution list was growing. We even of travel. Individual phone calls to received a real phone call or two. Of At breakfast and lunch, I took a few everyone seemed a little impractical, course, the dreaded joke mails also start- more pictures for future newsletters. given the number of relatives that ed coming. In time, people eventually The replies had some pretty interesting would potentially be on the call list. did have to go to work and go about their comments to the pictures. It was all in The solution, I decided, would be to normal day, so things quieted down. good fun, of course. create a little newsletter that could be e-mailed to key individuals. What happened next is where I was able to connect to the WiFi services Sending pictures seemed more effi- having the iPhone came in available at the many Flying-J gas stops, cient than an overly wordy message. really handy. There’s no need to go but I didn’t feel like registering my into the details of how it happened, e-mail address just to use the service. Using the iPhone “Camera,” I but it did. I accidentally locked my The Edge network provided all the con- snapped a few pictures of my Dad’s phone. When I asked him nectivity that was needed for now. Dad in front of his RV with his car in what the unlock code was, he quick- tow. He chuckled when I showed him ly replied, “I don’t know, I’ve never I know that I must have calculat- the iPhone “Photos” and then locked my phone before.” Not to ed a tip here or gas mileage there told him about my plans for fear, iPhone “” to the rescue! sometime during the trip, so that would using them. After a few quick Google searches, I include the iPhone “Calculator” appli- found an owner’s manual for his cell cation in the total count. The rest of the So we hit the road and started phone. The default unlock code was trip had many similar opportunities to on our way. Discussing the the last four digits of the phone num- use many of the iPhone applications route we would take, iPhone “Maps” ber. Problem solved and a crisis gave me a reference of where we avoided (whew!). continued on page 7

6 continued from page 6 Microsoft Offers FREE over and over. I was really glad to have Upgrades to Office 2008 data capabilities for mail and photos, but especially for Google searches. At January’s Macworld If this describes you, you can Expo, Microsoft intro- upgrade to this new version In summary, the trip went well, and we duced Microsoft Office for only $7.00 for ship- arrived safe and sound. 2008 for Mac. /handling. Amazingly, The Florida relatives this includes the Student & were happy to see us and They’re being very kind Teacher Edition of 2004 and appreciated knowing to their Mac audience and they don’t give you a stripped where we were. I have to offering an inexpensive down version, either. They’ll say that using an iPhone upgrade for those who FREE send you the top-of-the-line is pretty cool and fun. See bought the 2004 version “Media Edition” worth $500! honey, I really do use this between November 1, thing!  2007 and January 14, 2008. Full info:

Skim Anything You Like in an application that runs in the Cocoa environment. I don’t want to By Chris Hart, CMC President get into the heavy tech of what that means, so, suffice to say that if you In the January issue of this newslet- would find the Summarize function- ter, Deb Foss suggested an ality useful, you should check your application called “Skim.” Its pur- favorite apps to see if they support pose? It skims PDF files and the Services menu. summarizes the content for you. It definitely works from TextEdit While I don’t doubt that this might and Preview, which is handy, be a dandy little app, I’m here to tell because these two apps handle a lot you that this is a capability that is of different documents (the former built right into the Mac OS! It’s a opens txt, rtf, doc files and the lat- (screenshot#2) function called “Summarize” and ter does pdf). And even if these two it’s accessible from the Services don’t support the document you If you want to summarize every- menu. “The what menu?” you say. want to summarize, you can paste thing, use the Select All function in Most people are unaware that Mac the text in question into TextEdit. the Edit menu. Now go to the OS X has a menu called Services, or TextEdit menu right next to the where it resides. Apple menu (screenshot#2), move down to Services and then select Well, it lives in the menu that has Summarize from the sub-menu. the name of the application you’re using at that point in time. So, if Within a few seconds, you will be you are, for instance, in Pages, the presented with a summary of the menu right next to the Apple menu text you chose. Best of all, you can will say “Pages.” When you click on select just how brief the summary that menu, you will see that there is is by dragging the slider at the bot- an option called “Services” and tom of the window. The more you among the options it offers is (screenshot#1) move it to the left, the shorter the “Summarize.” Now, use the text selection tool summary and vice versa. (the I-beam-like cursor) to high- Note that not all applications sup- light the section you want to Now is that cool or what?!  port the Services menu. You must be summarize (see screenshot#1 above).

7 Take Control Ebooks update is free for the thousands of people who benefit- ed from the original version; click the Check for for Leopard Users Updates button to download it.) In this 87-page update, Submitted by Robert Sawyer, CMC Joe provides daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly sched- ules for how to best do preventative maintenance under Leopard has been out for three months now, giving us Leopard or Tiger, helping you keep your Mac running time to explore its quirks and figure out where Leopard smoothly and efficiently. The $10 also helps you users need help. Whether you want help with Time monitor your Mac’s health, find and remove unneces- Machine, need to put your Mac on a regular mainte- sary large files from your disk, keep your software nance schedule to avoid problems, or could use some updated, clear your caches, and much more. Be sure to high-level details on how to use Leopard’s marquee fea- note the discount bundles with related titles available tures, we have new ebooks for you. Follow the links from the ebook’s . below to save 10% automatically, but note that we have some bundles that may be an even better deal. Your Guide to Making Worry-Free Backups in Leopard Leopard Compendium Provides Apple has touted Time Machine as an amazing new fea- Expert Overview and Tips ture in Leopard that will ensure that you never lose a The “Macworld Total Leopard Superguide” is a visual- file again. But is it really true? In the 83-page “Take ly appealing new ebook from our friends at Macworld Control of Easy Backup in Leopard,” backup expert Joe that provides an overview of a huge collection of new Kissell helps you set up a Leopard backup strategy that features in Leopard, teaching you how to be more pro- likely includes Time Machine, but also covers situa- ductive and have more fun along the way. You’ll find a tions where Time Machine won’t cut the mustard. If compendium of savvy information about getting the you follow the advice in this ebook, your backups will most out of what’s new in Leopard, whether you want ensure that you can recover from catastrophes like fire, to navigate the the Finder faster, search Spotlight more theft, and massive drive failure along with overactive effectively, automate your applications with Automator, emptying of the Trash. The ebook walks you through share screens with others, or use core applications like the entire process: buying and preparing a backup drive, Safari, iChat, Mail, and iCal. Contributors to the 92- figuring out which software to use, making the actual page ebook include several Take Control authors: backups, and - most importantly - recovering data from Glenn Fleishman, Ted Landau, Joe Kissell, and Kirk a backup. This $10 ebook is perfect for readers who McElhearn, along with a who’s-who of other well- want a focused, savvy, and highly useful set of steps for known writers. It costs $12.95. making backups work well in Leopard. ?14@@!pt=TRK-0057 TCMUG&cp=CPN31208MUG>

Run Your Mac Like a Pro with CMC Members! TAKE 10% OFF “Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac” your next Take Control order! The best way to avoid problems with your Mac is through regular maintenance, and we’re not talking a 67+ titles to choose from. cursory clearing of your Desktop and a swipe at the dust on your screen. In the latest version of “[Take Shop for Take Control ebooks at: Control of Maintaining Your Mac][1],” best-selling author Joe Kissell has returned to the topic of how to Coupon code: xxxxxxxxxxx keep your Mac - whether it’s running Tiger or Leopard - running at peak performance. All of his recommenda- Problem ordering? Go to“Ordering Tips” at: tions have now been updated to account for changes in or email Robert Sawyer at [email protected] Leopard and for the latest helpful utility software. (The

8 SPECIAL OFFERS SMART Utility: Apple User Group Bulletin 25% Discount These User Group discounts are brought to you by the SMART Utility is an application that will scan the internal hard- ware diagnostics system of hard drives. SMART is a system built Apple User Group Advisory Board and Tom Piper, vendor into hard drives by their manufacturers to report on various meas- relations. You must be a current Apple user group member urements of a hard drive’s operation such as mechanical or to qualify for these savings. Not a member? Join an Apple electrical problems, and potential failure. SMART Utility can user group today to take advantage of these special offers. read and display all of these attributes, allowing plenty of time to backup data and replace the drive. With this special offer, group eMedia Music: members receive 25% off the regular $20 retail price of the ten- 25% Off Guitar and Piano Methods unit license. eMedia Music offers a line of award-winning and critically This offer is valid through April 30, 2008. acclaimed software for learning guitar, piano and more. The Guitar Method CD includes 165 step-by-step lessons with over 50 large- LaCie DVD Burner: format videos featuring songs from Bob Dylan, the Rolling Stones 24% Discount and more. Piano & Keyboard Method includes over 300 lessons Using this versatile drive, Mac OS X users can store and archive from a former Juilliard instructor. Learn to read music and play as much as four hours of high-quality DVD video, up to 16 hours songs. Better yet, the software provides specific interactive feed- of VHS video, or up to 8.5GB of data, music or photos on a sin- back specific to your playing. Over one million have learned to gle double layer DVDR disc. Members can purchase this LaCie play the eMedia way . . . it’s the easiest way to learn–guaranteed. DVD Burner at the user group special price of $99, a $30 savings This MUG special offers Guitar Method or Piano Method for only off the regular price. $44.96, 25% off the regular price of $59.95. This offer is valid through April 30, 2008. This offer is valid through April 30, 2008. The MUG Store RadTech: Blowouts! 20% Off Most Products CMC members! The MUG Store is your very own place to RadTech manufactures and distributes an array of best-in-class shop for the best deals on all the latest Apple gear. With spe- accessory solutions for Apple computers, iPhone, iPod and cial discounts, free shipping and knowledgeable consultants Cinema Displays, all designed to keep you connected and pro- available on the phone, you can’t go wrong! In addition, the tected in style. Experience the RadTech difference through their MUG store offers great deals on discontinued or older acces- unique product line and legendary customer support. Apple User sories and parts and pieces. Group members get 20% off all products, except Special Deals, This offer is valid through February 29, 2008. Westone and Seagate products. This offer is valid through April 30, 2008. iData 3: Get the Apple User Group Market & 28% Discount User Group Offers From One Site A memory upgrade for your brain, iData 3 is a flexible database for storing (and easily retrieving) freeform text, field based text, Looking for information on one of the offers listed on images, links and more. It is highly user-configurable, but has this page or on a past offer? Apple User Group well- chosen default settings, making it easy for anyone to begin Advisory Board member Tom Piper publishes a sin- using right away. iData 3 imports email, bookmarks and more: it gle page with all current offers, expiration dates, lets you design and print envelopes and labels and even dials the ordering URLs and codes. Go online to: phone. iData offers members a special user group price of $49.95, well below the $69.95 regular price. This offer is valid through April 30, 2008. Password: xxxxx

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9 2007–08 Connecticut Macintosh Connection Officers and Board of Directors

New Members Wanted! Have your friends and co- workers join us for fun and learning about OS X and the Mac. Please give them this application form.

CMC Benefits: Monthly meetings, monthly newsletter, President Vice President Secretary special events, discounted books, assistance with computer Chris Hart Jerry Esposito Jack Bass problems, network with other Mac users, User Group Store [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] discounts, and more. Yes, I want to join CMC!

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10 CMC Monthly Meetings FREE Raffle! Getting CMC email? Every CMC member who attends our Wednesday, February 27 We always send out advance notices of monthly meetings gets a raffle ticket that the meetings, and sometimes for big news UConn Health Center will give you a chance for one of our free or special events. Conference Room EG-013 prizes every month! Win toys, t-shirts, 6:00 pm CDs, mugs, software…there’s always If you’re not getting these notices, please Back To Basics: something we’re giving away! And email us at [email protected] with don’t forget the “free table” at the back your current email address and a subject Preparing for Leopard of the room where everything! line of: ADD TO CMC EMAIL LIST We’ll help you make the leap to Leopard, Apple’s newest OS. Jerry Esposito and Joe Arcuri will review Treasurer’s Report CMC Classified Ads what you need to do before making the upgrade. We’ll also advise on Total Membership: 122 WANTED. which type of upgrade to use and One of the following Apple computer much more. models: Centris 610, Quadra 610, PowerMac 6100, or Performa 6116. 7:00 pm Account Balances Balances as of February 7, 2008 Learning Your Way Around Please email [email protected] Checking Account...... $2,818.03 Leopard - Mac OS X 10.5 Money Market ...... $3,562.93 It’s a night all about Leopard! At our February meeting, Chris Hart will focus on MacOSX 10.5 and getting CMC Passwords/IDs FREE Classified Ads you up to speed on Apple’s new oper- ating system. Learn about the new Check your newsletter mailing label CMC Members can advertise For Spaces, Time Machine the new dock for the following info: Sale, Swap, Trade, Giveaway or Want look, where things went, what to • Your CMC User name and password to Buy Items. This space can be used expect, etc. We’ll give you the low- to access info at by members to advertise non-business items which they are no longer using or down on the stuff you should know • Your CMC Membership Number upgrading. This is a FREE service when you start working with this new (free shipping at MacConnection) provided to our members. Send to: cat. Discussions will include installa- • Your CMC Membership renewal date tion, tips and tricks and how to get the [email protected] most out of this new O.S.. For those who are still on the fence about Need CMC Support? Display Ad Rates migrating, we’ll offer the Pros and Cons, to help you make your decision. Did you know that Mac Any business item or service can be support is just a click away? advertised at these low monthly rates. Upcoming Meetings: Business Card (3.5”w. x 2”)...... $10.00 March 26, 7:00 pm That’s right!. You don’t have to wait for a monthly meeting to get Quarter Page (3.625”w. x 4.75”) ...... $20.00 The Basics of Excel answers your Mac related questions. Half Page (7.5”w. x 4.75”h...... $30.00 CMC hosts a Mac Support mailing April 30, 7:00 pm list for members? CMC members or 3.625”w. x 9.5”h.) can join at Full Page (7.5”w. x 9.5”)...... $50.00 The Essentials of InDesign Submit all ad copy to the Editor on a disk (with nothing else on it) or e-mail The Resource Site for Mac User Groups it to [email protected] for insertion in the following issue. Display ads All current offers and codes: must be submitted camera-ready in eps or pdf format with all fonts and Valid til: 02/29/08 ugab/offers/vendorcodes.htm graphics embedded. Please specify how User ID: xxxxx Valid til: 02/29/08 many issues you would like your ad to Password: xxxxx Password: xxxxx run and make check payable to “CMC”. ****Note: CMC User IDs and Passwords are located in your mailed CMC newsletter. 11 41 Crossroads Plaza – PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117

Wednesday, February 27 UConn Health Center February is all about getting you up to speed on Apple’s new operating system. 6:00 pm: Back to Basics: Preparing for Leopard 7:00 pm: Learning your Way Around Leopard

For more meeting info, see page 11 or go to: Driving directions are below.

CMC Monthly Meeting Location Monthly CMC meetings are held at UConn Health Center in Farmington. A PDF document containing a visual direction guide to the location of our meeting in the UConn Health Center is available on our website: When hands-on programs require computers for attendees, we will use Middlesex Community College. Directions for CMC Monthly Meetings UConn Health Center, Farmington From I-84: Take Exit 39 (if coming from I-84 West, Exit 39 is after 39A). Turn right at first traffic light onto Route 4 East (Farmington Avenue). At third traffic light, turn right to enter the Health Center campus. Go around the main building to the right (at a Y in road), then take a left when you get to the Academic Entrance. The road becomes two-way there so you should be able to tell where to turn. (Do not go on straight to the two-way part). Then take the second right into parking lot A&B. this is close to the building. Go past the police station entrance on your left (small sign). You will see a continuation of the building with its own entrance area. Our January CMC monthly meeting was all about This is the new research building. Enter on the ground floor, turn right and enter Microsoft Office. CMC would like to thank our guest Room EG-013 on your right. This is the first room on your right. The rest rooms presenter, Jan Gyurko, who gave us an evening are on your left as you enter. focused on using Microsoft Office on the Mac. 12 In Praise of Leopard...... 1 Mac Tutoring...... 3 Macworld Expo SF Products ...... 4 AT&T DSL Email Revisited...... 7 A Mac Story ...... 8 AT&T Raises Price of DSL ...... 9 Special User Group Offers...... 9 Meetings and Club News ...... 11 NEWSLETTER OF CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC.MARCH 2008

In Praise of Leopard I also have yet to see a “crash” on OS X 10.5 of the sort that requires forcing a By Chris Hart, CMC President restart of the computer. While such problems are generally rare on the Mac Over the last few months since its intro- to begin with, you never know what to duction, I’ve heard lots of folks expect with a new OS. Perhaps my pos- characterize Mac OS X 10.5 as a let- itive experiences are because I waited down. Some feel that it’s not all that it until the release of the 10.5.1 update was cracked up to be. Some think it’s before widely installing Leopard. I not worth the $130 price. Others say advised my clients to wait until that that they don’t like the changes in this point, and in my own home, I only iteration of the Mac operating system. installed the original OS X 10.5.0 on one computer that isn’t critical to my Well it’s my turn to offer an opinion, who consciously chose to install it on life and business. and I think Leopard is great. an existing computer. This isn’t because I don’t have faith in As of this moment, I have installed it on Meanwhile, Apple announced that they Apple. It’s just that I’m a firm believer roughly a dozen computers (of my own set a record with the early sales of in the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and those of clients) and each of those Leopard. A few months later they also mantra. I don’t install an update just experiences has been positive. Never revealed that sales of Macs were up because Software Update is bouncing have I encountered issues that gave 50% in the last quarter of 2007 (com- up and down excitedly about it. And I cause to revert to the Tiger operating pared to a year earlier). Was this due to don’t make major changes to my com- system. In fact, on my own computers, Leopard? Unquestionably, OS X 10.5 puters unless the modification is the upgrades went flawlessly, following is a huge part of the appeal of a Mac for justified and I have made a second set proper preparation. And on the Macs of those who are looking at Apple’s com- of full backups made with SuperDuper. clients, when I did encounter issues, I puters for the first time. (Apple says was able to conquer them without that roughly 50% of all Mac buyers are Beyond the general stability and good much hassle. new to the platform.) performance is the considerable list of additions, improvements and tweaks This is a true testament to Apple’s So what’s so great about it? Let me start found in 10.5. Every facet of the Mac sound work in developing this new off with the system requirements. OS has been polished to one degree or operating system. It’s also in dramatic While there is no question that each another. The changes to key system contrast to the experiences of many new version of any computer operating areas like Finder, System Preferences, PC users who made the transition to system is more demanding than its and the various control panels are all Windows Vista. I have read countless predecessors, Leopard runs darned positive and welcome. The Finder’s reports of Windows Vista users who good on older hardware. As the owner new sidebar is the best yet and puts all either say they want to, or already did, of many computers with G4 processors, previous Mac versions to shame. revert back to Windows XP. In fact, I was really worried about its perform- Vista is generally a critical and popu- ance on systems that are three or more The Finder also has one of the lar disappointment. While Microsoft years old. My concerns were unfound- best parts of Leopard: QuickLook. has shipped hundreds of millions of ed and I have been very happy with its Skimming through folders to find what copies of this latest iteration of their speed and stability. Naturally, if you you’re looking for has never been operating system, the fact is that most have G5 or Intel-based Macs, you’ll see of them were pre-installed on brand Leopard run at its best. new PCs, not purchased by customers continued on page 2

1 Continued from page 1 any web browser). With a single com- mand, it brings back all the windows easier, thanks to this superb new and tabs you had open before leaving feature. Best of all, it isn’t slow! I was Safari. The open source browser Firefox

NEWSLETTER OF fully expecting it to be unbearably slow has had the same capability for a long CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC. on older Macs, but it works great. time now. I used to prefer it over Safari, A USER GROUP SINCE 1986 but now I enjoy them equally and keep Another favorite feature is Spaces, them both open all the time. Editor which allows for multiple “work- Deena Quilty spaces.” This is something I won’t Spotlight continues to be a source of attempt to explain. Suffice to say that, if joy and frustration. While this search Designer it’s news to you, you should really component of OS X proves its useful- George Maciel either see a video demo of it, or play ness to me on a regular basis, my with it in person, to truly understand primary gripe is that it still needs to be Photographer what it’s all about. While there is some faster (at least on computers that have a John Scott “gee whizz” coolness to it, what’s ton of files on them). Further, it still important is that it has the potential for misses files on a regular basis. They Publisher refining the way you work with your could be right under its nose, sitting on applications — separating them, reduc- Connecticut Macintosh my desktop, and they sometimes still ing clutter and compartmentalizing don’t show up in the search results. Connection, Inc. your work. I must admit that I am still That’s ridiculous to me. (Thank good- 41 Crossroads Plaza trying to find the best methodology for ness for Devon’s EasyFind in these PMB 1984 using Spaces in my own work, but that situations!) West Hartford, CT 06117 doesn’t make me any less grateful for its addition to the menu. I also antici- Also still in need of refinement is the Printer pate Apple improving i t, so that it Dock. While Stacks look like a great Budget Printers becomes easier to determine which concept in demos, the fact is that they 1718 Park Street “space” you’re currently in. just don’t work for folders that are jam Hartford, CT 06106 packed (which is true for most of us). I Perhaps the crown jewel of Leopard is also can’t believe that Apple is still lim- We welcome submissions Time Machine. This is the most dumb- iting folders and files to the right side. from our members! simple backup app; it just plain works, This is illogical in my opinion and is Please submit articles by first and can be configured with only a few not at all conducive to an efficient of the month for inclusion in clicks. You now have zero excuses for workflow. It makes much more sense our newsletter. All articles not backing up your computer, people. for applications, folders and files to be should be submitted by email positioned as the user sees fit, allowing to [email protected] One of the most underappreciated apps for groupings that relate to different from Apple is Preview, which comes projects and tasks. with every Mac. It started out as a sim- There is so much talent ple image viewer, but evolves and Top of my list of frustrations with in our group; it would becomes more capable with each revi- Leopard is Back To My Mac. I was so be great to have several mem- sion of OS X. Version 4.0 has really hit looking forward to this feature that is ber articles in each issue of the sweet spot with key functions like supposed to easily allow you to con- the newsletter. image resizing and the ability to easily trol a remote Mac, without concerns add notations to an image. for the technical issues. While it works great here at home, I have yet to At the other end of the notoriety spec- have to find success while I’m off- trum is Safari, Apple’s web browser that site. This is a feature that would truly is now famous for being available for make me feel that I am getting all my Windows, as well as Mac. Version 3.0 is money’s worth out of a .Mac member- the best yet and has excellent speed. ship. So I look forward to the day that Plus, the built-in session saving feature I can get it working. is a wonderful thing to have when you either need to restart or Safari crashes (which is pretty much inevitable with continued on page 3

2 Continued from page 2 and flash drives to unmount still takes But let’s get back to the point I made way too long, and frequently fails earlier: Leopard is a great operating Frustratingly, Apple’s Mail also still has altogether. I consider this an embar- system and a fine evolution of the Mac a ways to go before I’ll consider it a rassment to the Mac OS, and platform. It’s well worth $130 and mature email . I have never something that I am getting very tired unquestionably superior to the competi- warmed to the way this app works and of living with. tion in most regards. If you haven’t yet I don’t think I will any time soon. And upgraded, I urge you to. while they have improved how it works My last criticism is regarding the with SMTP (outgoing) mail servers, it’s appearance of Leopard. While some Feedback Wanted still way too finicky. Just ask CMC have been highly critical of the look of We always welcome feedback and con- member Jack Bass, who was going Leopard, I tend to focus more on the tributions to this newsletter. It’s crazy trying to get his Mail app work- functional aspects that truly impact my especially helpful to me in penning my ing properly. ability to get work done. But I have to cover articles to know what it is that say that Apple’s move away from the you find helpful and informative. As Also on my list of big thumbs down is brushed metal appearance is a disap- you may recall, in January’s issue I the fact that Leopard is nowhere near pointment in my book. I thought it was asked for feedback to my cover article free of bugs. What makes this all the classy and much more handsome than regarding Apple’s “mistakes.” I’m still more frustrating is that some flaws, the looks offered by Windows XP and accepting comments on that topic and I which have been present in previous Vista. Now, Apple has gone with a look hope you’ll take another look at that editions of OS X, still haunt Leopard! that is much more drab and generic. article and send your thoughts. I antici- The one that causes me frustration on Considering how concerned Apple is pate a return to part 2 of that discussion a near-daily basis is ejecting storage with being cool, I’m shocked at this in next month’s edition.  devices. Getting external hard drives misstep in interface design.

Mac Tutoring By Chris Hart TAKE CONTROL BOOKS At last month’s CMC meeting, during the Question & Answer session (that Member Angela Thomas, has used Those of you looking to learn how to opens every meeting), we discussed a and says it’s use your Mac on a limited budget, few web sites that offer “on demand” well worth the money. should look at the Take Control series computer tutoring. I thought I’d men- of eBooks. While they don’t offer the tion some of them here, for the record, on-screen interactive aspect of the since they can be very helpful. services listed above, they are highly- affordable mini-books that focus on How it works is that you utilize your particular areas of learning. These are Mac and your high-speed internet provided as PDF files that you pur- service to connect to one of these sites Another service is, which chase from and view the on-screen tutorials they is widely used by professional graph- and can read either on your Mac’s offer. While the initial cost of these ic artists. That’s because they screen or print out. services strike some folks as being a specialize in tutorials for a variety of bit rich, they really are worthwhile. graphics applications, such as You may have noticed mentions and And when you amortize the expense Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, etc. reviews of the Take Control books in over time, it becomes very reasonable. But, because their primary audience is previous editions of this newsletter. So onto the details... the professional graphics industry, They are very good about supporting their fees are a bit higher. Mac User Groups and we hope you will consider supporting them by pur- Between the three of these, you’re chasing a mini-book or two.  bound to find something that works I personally have had experience with for you. and can recommend it highly.

3 16 Superlative Macworld Expo SF 2008 Products By TidBITS Staff

This article originally appeared in TidBITS Most Social Use of an iPod — iPods Youngest Attendee and Worst on January 25, 2008. For weblinks and generally encourage anti-social behavior, Judgement — There was a baby in the photos of of the items listed in this article, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With the keynote. A baby! I still can’t get over it. go to: new iNo from Sababa Toys, you can use There may have even been two, according to your iPod’s music collection as the basis a colleague who swears he spotted another. It’s once again time for our annual of a four-person music trivia game. Plug Now look, I have two kids, one of whom is roundup of all those things at Macworld your iPod into the iNo, flip a card to pick still a baby. And the notion of bringing a Expo that caught our attention for one what aspect of the song should be identi- small child into a huge room with dimmed reason or another and deserve to be fied (artist name, album name, etc.), and lights, raucous laughter and applause, a called out. Contributions this year come press Play on the iNo. The first person crush of people, cameras flashing, and huge from Adam Engst, Glenn Fleishman, with an answer presses her remote control moving images - it’s a recipe for disaster. Tonya Engst, and Rich Mogull. button, which stops the music and lets her guess, checking against the iPod for the The second insanity is that no one prevent- Most Welcome Fix for Glaring iCal correct answer. Additional buttons help ed either baby from entering the keynote Failing — BusyMac shipped their keep score. The game lists for $99.99 but (the baby I saw had no badge). It’s possible BusySync software a few months ago, is available from that California’s anti-discrimination laws but brought a new feature to Macworld for $49.99. The plastics of require that mothers be permitted to take Expo that’s sure to help. BusySync is a the iNo seemed a little their babies into any public accommodation, tiny server product that runs in the back- flimsy, but it looked like such as a conference center or theater, even ground and lets multiple people share something that could be a lot for private events. iCal calendars as if they were completely of fun with friends. [ACE] readable and writable over a local net- Unsurprisingly, at least one of the two work or via the Internet. One computer Most Welcome Brain Transplant — babies cried. A lot. I could hear the wails acts as the calendar host, but other Macs MacSpeech has been working with a good, distantly from where I was. Steve Jobs did with BusySync can have as much access but not world-beating speech-recognition not, however, stop his presentation and say, to that calendar as the publisher chooses system in their iListen product for years, “Get that baby out of here.” But I wouldn’t to offer. BusyMac’s limitation is that it before scoring the deal that they apparently have been surprised if he had. [GF] can’t work over the Internet without the wanted all along: a license to use the engine publishing computer for a given calendar that drives Nuance Communications’ Worst Demo Video of a Product That having a publicly reachable IP address. Dragon NaturallySpeaking; Nuance’s soft- Appears Useful — Despite what appeared ware is and has been available only for to be shrink-wrapped boxes in the Data Windows. (David Pogue wrote up how this The latest version of BusySync skirts Drive Thru booth, Mac switchers, consult- came to be in his New York Times column. that problem by supporting Google ants, and others who want simple, ad-hoc To read this article, go to: www.nytimes. Calendar. You might use Google file transfers between Macs and PCs will com/2008/01/24/technology/personaltech/ Calendar already, but if not, you can have to wait until March 2008 to purchase 24pogue.html?_r =1&oref=slogin). It’s adopt it as a sort of publishing relay to iTornado, a $79.95 USB device that picked going to play extremely well, because enable synchronizing between a Mac up a lot of buzz at Macworld Expo despite many Mac users were running Windows with a private IP address and computers the company’s hucksterish infomercial. simply to use Dragon NaturallySpeaking. I elsewhere on the Internet. With Google From the small, round iTornado, you saw a short but effective demo of the pre- Calendar support, you publish a calendar unspool two retractable USB cables, which release MacSpeech Dictate software at the to Google, then other computers sub- you then plug into a Mac and a PC. Handily, Expo under extremely noisy conditions and scribe to that Google Calendar. It’s a you need install no software. Instead, the was suitably impressed. The software is hack, but it’s a nifty one, as Google device mounts like a USB flash drive, and slated to ship in February 2008, with a Calendar is free. BusySync 1.5 currently you run software on it to view the file struc- lot of improvements to come within six costs $19.95 per computer, but the price ture of each computer in a dual-pane months, including learning from correc- will rise to $24.95 for version 2.0. window. To transfer files, simply drag them tions and specialized medical and legal Buying 1.5 now gets you a free upgrade from one pane to the other. iTornado is dictionaries. MacSpeech Dictate will (and thus $5 discount) for 2.0 when it based on The Tornado, a similar device cost $199 with a headset; upgrades from ships in February. Discounts kick in for meant to facilitate PC-to-PC file transfers. iListen 1.8 will cost either $79 (for pur- licenses purchased for five or more com- Both devices come with a separate copy of puters. [GF] chases made in 2007) or $29 (for purchases in 2008). [GF] continued on page 5

4 continued from page 4 Client on versions of the Mac OS back to At this year’s show, Axiotron not only had PC Eraser, Windows software that erases a Mac OS 9, support for tape drives, and the dozens of units on the floor, all with the finish PC’s hard disk to U.S. Department of unusual capability to create bootable dupli- one would expect from a shipping item, but Defense standards, so if you wish to get rid cates over a network. But don’t go looking also partners of all sorts showing how a tablet of the PC after transferring your important for a download today - EMC is expecting to Mac could be used for drawing, location find- files, you needn’t worry about them being release a public beta of Retrospect X in the ing, handwriting recognition, note-taking and accessed by others. The only useful infor- third quarter of 2008. [ACE] markup, and other purposes. mation I could find about iTornado on the company’s Web site is a press release in Most Exciting New USB Device — I spoke to the company’s CEO and various PDF format. [TJE] Yeah, it’s cool that you can developers and partners at some length, tried launch foam missiles via drawing tools and handwriting recognition, Best New Enterprise Backup Server USB, but for you James and held a freestanding Modbook to test its Option — Code42’s CrashPlan Pro is an Bond-wannabes, it’s even heft. It feels heavy when held in one hand, innovative backup program we’ve written cooler that you can pass- despite weighing the same five pounds as about on a number of occasions, but it has word-protect your Mac what seems like a lighter MacBook. The always been aimed at the individual user with the Eikon fingerprint Modbook has a resilient magnesium alloy that and home office markets, emphasizing as it scanner. Made by Upek using the same surrounds the scratch-resistant optical glass does how you can back up to another ver- technology that’s been showing up in tablet screen. sion of CrashPlan Pro running on a friend’s recent PC laptops, the Eikon lets you Mac or PC. You could also back up to swipe your finger across the device’s sen- CrashPlan Central for less than $1 per giga- sor when your Mac asks for your account byte per year, but Code42 has never password. You configure the device with encouraged use of CrashPlan Central any finger, and you can set your Mac to because they felt it was simply better and accept only your fingerprint, your finger- The Modbook is for sale now via Other cheaper to do mutual backups with a friend. print or your password, or your fingerprint World Computing in the United States and However, the news from Macworld Expo is and your password. I was able to make it Carbon Computing in Canada; other resellers the release of CrashPlan PROServer, which work easily during my demo and here at will come online in Europe soon. At Other is essentially the back-end software Code42 home with my own Eikon, and I hope to World Computing, the two available models uses to run CrashPlan Central. That moves follow up with a thorough review. The cost $2,279 and $2,479, corresponding to the CrashPlan into the enterprise backup space Eikon is available for $49.99 at $1,099 (Combo Drive) and $1,299 by giving a system administrator control; the Mac software appears to (SuperDrive) MacBook models. [GF] over which computers back up, how often work somewhat differently from the PC software described in the reader reviews at they back up, where their backups are Strangest Mash-Up of 1984 and 2008 stored, and so on, all via a Web-based man- Amazon. The question is, what happened Technology — A castle in Transylvania. A agement console. CrashPlan PROServer is to the Sony Puppy fingerprint scanner we thunderstorm. Rain pounds down as light- distributed as a VMware virtual appliance noted at Macworld San Francisco in 2003? ning strikes, and a developer from a tiny that works with the Mac, Windows, and (Go to company called CodeFlare chortles as thou- Linux. CrashPlan PROServer itself is free, for more info) [TJE] sands of volts course through the corpse of and desktop agents are licensed on a per- HyperCard. Slowly, the application launch- seat basis with prices ranging from $38 to Most Dans per Square Foot — Macworld es, lines of reverse-engineered HyperTalk $48 depending on volume, with a yearly editors cracked under the pre-Macworld compiled into Java code animating stack support license adding $12 per seat. [ACE] Expo strain and scheduled an on-floor pod- after stack, each encapsulated in a life-giv- cast with Dan Frakes, Dan Pourhadi, Dan ing Web page. Yes, that’s right, through the Most Appreciated Return to the Miller, and Dan Moren . It was...dantastic? Web site at, CodeFlare has Mac Industry — Although CrashPlan Danned with faint praise? Don’t miss the brought HyperCard back to life. PROServer offers a great deal of power and DanCast. [GF] can not only run existing flexibility for organization-wide backups, stacks (as long as they don’t use XCMDs), long-time Retrospect users will be pleased Most Prodigal of Mac Sons — It’s but it will also enable users to write new to hear that EMC is once again putting sig- arrived! The most awaited Macworld 2007 stacks - think of them as Web applications nificant effort into that product, rewriting it product that never appeared during 2007 was - using HyperTalk, the only programming based on the code base of the Windows ver- the Axiotron Modbook , a tablet version of a language I’ve ever really liked. (There’s an sion and giving it a much-needed interface MacBook that the company munged together implementation of the Lights Out game in update. Retrospect X will support multiple by connecting their parts to a partly disassem- HyperTalk on the site for you to try.) simultaneous backups from separate bled Apple computer. A MacBook has its Stacks store their data in an SQL database sources, the capability to expire backup ses- keyboard, trackpad, and display removed, and with custom extensions that enable it to sions when a drive starts to fill up, and more, replaced with a tablet screen designed to work mimic the way HyperCard could store data but most important, it will retain key fea- with a pressure-registering stylus. on each card of a stack, and the CodeFlare tures such as being able to run Retrospect guys said it would even be possible to write

5 new XCMDs to extend HyperTalk in dif- Best Accessory Deal on the Expo Floor InvisibleShield, made from the same film ferent ways. isn’t quite open — Wandering Macworld Expo with a cred- that covers helicopter blades. In either case, yet, but if you visit today, you can sign up it card is a dangerous proposition. Mixing if you regularly subject your beloved iPhone for the early access program. Once avail- consumer products with enterprise tools, or iPod to the same stresses as the front of a able, will be free; the you never know when you’ll turn the corner car or a helicopter blade, you might want to CodeFlare guys were a bit fuzzy on the and run into a booth with that iAccessory re-think some of your life choices. [RM] business model, although they muttered you just have to have. On sale, of course. about how they hoped to have a desktop While many vendors offered 15 to 20 per- Most Shocking Form of Networking — version available for sale toward the cent off their products, high-end earphone Powerline networking lets you pass data end of the year. Imagine using manufacturer Etymotic Research offered over an electrical network without any addi- HyperTalk to create Web applications - over 50 percent off most products, and sub- tional wiring. It’s a great alternative and the mind boggles! [ACE] stantial discounts on the rest. Etymotic is complement to Wi-Fi, especially now that known for their in-ear noise-blocking head- current powerline gear from several differ- Best Method to Handle a Large Array of phones that use technology originally ent firms and standards groups has hit 200 iPods — University and K-12 system developed for hearing aids. Mbps of raw throughput (for more details, administrators who distribute educational go to But materials on iPods were likely drooling on Unlike active noise canceling headphones Mac users have been left out of one aspect the sturdy-looking multiple iPod Dock that cancel out background noise by coun- of powerline networking: encryption. I think shown by Parat at Macworld Expo. The tering them with opposite sound waves, encryption is overkill for this networking iPod Dock, which holds as many as 15 to in-ear designs block outside noise just like method, because to tap into it, a sniffer 30 iPods, can charge and sync all the iPods earplugs. The Etymotic ER series are so would need the same gear and access to to the same iTunes Library. It’s also inte- small they barely stick out of your ears, and your local electrical system - meaning grated into a rolling suitcase, so it can be offer up to 36dB of noise reduction - more access to your home or a device plugged closed and locked for easy transport and than enough to block out those crying into an outside outlet! If someone has that storage. Parat was also showing a mobile babies on the plane. For those with , kind of access, you might have other classroom unit - called the Paradict Mobile Etymotic offers the hf2 Headset + things to worry about. (Don’t go into the IT Lab - that charges, networks, and trans- Earphones, combining their in-ear design basement.) ports multiple laptop computers. Parat has with an iPhone-compatible microphone in been making similar products for Windows the cord. I succumbed to the temptation and Nonetheless, NetGear’s Powerline HD Plus laptops for a while, but they only recently walked away with a pair of ER6isolators Ethernet adapters - supposedly shipping in began making cases aimed at Apple prod- for $69 (normally $149). Those of you who February 2008 for about $160 each - have a ucts, a fact that likely explains the prefer over-the-ear noise canceling designs nifty way around the software issue. Each vagueness of their press release, Web page, should check out the Creative Aurvana X-Fi adapter has a button on front. Plug both into and online product literature with regard to Noise Canceling Headphones. Though electrical outlets, press the button on one, the exact name of their iPod Dock (there priced at $299, they offer impressive sound then the other, and they perform a secure key may even be more than one) and exactly quality by combining active noise canceling exchange (via Diffie-Hellman, for those who how many iPods it can charge. [TJE] with Creative’s X-Fi technology for like those details), securing the network enhancing compressed music. [RM] without any additional effort. This revised Most Welcome Method to Charge unit also sports a pass-through plug in the Multiple iDevices — Griffin Technology’s Thinnest Protection for iPods and front so you don’t lose the power outlet. [GF] PowerDock could let us dump several iPhones — If you find yourself wandering cables while keeping our iPods and around Macworld Expo with a brand new Best Excuse to Watch More Television iPhones more reliably charged. The two- iPhone that mysteriously appeared in your — Elgato Systems just doesn’t stop adding and four-slot models come with adapters or pocket that morning, one of your best pro- features to its television-tuning products for work with Apple-supplied ones for their tection options is a set of BodyGuardz for Macs. The new EyeTV 3 software adds a universal dock connector ($59.99 and the Apple iPhone. These thin, durable films long list of new capabilities, including better $69.99, respectively). It’s due in March are made from the same material that’s used previewing through a Cover -like 2008, and with all due respect to our to protect the fronts of cars, and they com- option; better searching; series recording; friends at Griffin - a firm notable for show- pletely wrap around your device, protecting and improved streaming support for view- ing products with optimistic shipping dates it while still allowing you to use the touch- ing programs over the local network or the - we’re anxious to see the PowerDock in screen. They’re thin enough that you can Internet to an iPhone or iPod touch, Mac OS the metallic flesh. [GF] also use a case of your choice, while still X, and Windows, much like Slingbox. (The protecting your device for those times when company bills this feature as Wi-Fi Access, you just want to drop it in your pocket with but any device with Safari, Camino, or a set of keys. The film is easy enough to Firefox can view content over any fast- apply that I was able to do so in a small San enough network connection.) Francisco hotel room. For those of you who like a little choice, you can also look at continued on page 7

6 continued from page 6 AT&T DSL Email Revisited Click on the selection menu just next By Chris Hart to Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) and Both the company’s HDTV/analog TV choose the option Edit Server List... tuners - the EyeTV Hybrid and EyeTV In January’s edition, I wrote an article on 250 Plus - have been upgraded to handle how AT&T DSL customers should config- Clear QAM (quadrature amplitude modu- ure their Apple Mail application. I lation) from digital cable providers. Clear overlooked mentioning in that article that QAM is the unscrambled content that is the specific steps outlined were exclusive- used for what an EyeTV employee at ly for Mac OSX version 10.4. If you’re on their booth said is quite a lot of regular an earlier version of the OS, it’s time to cable programming. HBO may be In the window that appears make upgrade. And if you’re on version 10.5, sure that the Server Name is smtp.att. encrypted, but it sounds like Home and this followup article is for you. Garden is not. [GF] and the Server port info is as Follow these steps and set your Mail shown below (the email address and password used must be your own) Technology Most in Need of Being preferences to match the pictures that fol- Integrated — ReQall is a simple Web- low (except for the information which is based to-do application with a bunch of unique to you, such as your name and twists on input and notification. QTech, email address). reQall’s developer, expects that people will use the service’s option - when ❶ If you aren’t already in the Mail app reQall goes live in February 2008 - to click on it in your Dock now. place a toll-free phone call and leave a message that’s converted to text and turned into a to-do item. The system plucks out keywords to categorize the item, too. You can also add items through their Web site. Click on OK When an item is added, you can set ❷ In the upper left corner of your reQall to send out email and text message screen click on the Mail menu (right next Now click on the Advanced and notifications. Items are also fed via RSS to the Apple logo) and select make any changes necessary to Port and and can be retrieved by phone. We were Preferences… from that menu most excited with reQall’s input and out- Authentication so they match this example. put technology: reQall’s Web-based to-do ❸ In the window that appears click on application is nothing special, but if the Accounts icon QTech were to provide an open API, any to-do application could add voice input ❹ In the left column of the window and flexible notification mechanisms. click on the item that has your AT&T Other applications could take advantage email account in its name of reQall technology too: imagine creat- ing posts by phone, or being notified Set the Incoming Mail Server field to by instant message of changes noticed by your RSS newsreader. [TJE]

Dumbest Move by a Rookie TidBITS Editor — I made the nearly fatal error of attempting to follow the indefatigable Adam and Tonya around Macworld dur- ing the first day and well into the evening. When done making changes, click With my laptop-laden pack. After run- the red close button in the upper left cor- ning a half-marathon two days earlier. ner of this window and Save the changes I’m lucky I can still walk. [RM]  when prompted.

You should now be able to send and © 2008 TidBITS Staff. TidBITS is copyright receive messages via your AT&T email © 2008 TidBITS Publishing Inc. account using Apple Mail. 

7 Sybil: From 02:00:00 to 02:30:00 I was offline for A Mac Story auto upgrades. by Robert Sawyer, CMC Raffles Bob: I thought you did protection duty 24 hours a day. Dateline: February 29, 2025 Region: Somewhere in The New England Colony Sybil: I protect 24 hours a day. Everyone knows that Subject: Apple and Microsoft Battle for Home a day is 24 hours and .02 seconds long. So I collect the Automation Domination Transcripts of extra seconds over the month and shut down for hidden cameras in the subjects domicile. upgrades during that free time. Bob: So every crook in the universe knows what time Microsoft Bob comes home after his shift supervising you shut off your security? Did this last update fix that the manufacturing plant of Paperclips-are-Us in flaw and further more the time addition does not add up. Dingdong China. Bob enters his home and is greeted by Sybil the voice of AutoServe by Microsoft. Sybil: The time addition error will be fixed in the next version set for release 2 years from now. Sybil: Greetings 1 of 4 and welcome home. Bob: Just get me an apple. I am going to the gym. Bob: SYBIL I have been divorced for 2 years I’ve been 1 of 1 since then. Please try to correct your pro- Sybil: I am sorry. The apple harvest was wiped out gram AGAIN . when the Microsoft Weather Center went off line due Sybil: Correcting user error correct- to sunspots. ing error – registry corrupted – rebooting now. (Sound of door slamming shut, but bounces back open.) Bob: Sybil not again. Can you please leave the emergency lights on. (The house plunges into darkness with only the hot red Sybil: Door lock failed on main door rebooting in 20 seconds. glow of the AutoServe vision system illuminating the rooms. Slowly the power comes back as the lights cycle on.)      Apple Jim comes home after his shift game testing for Holo Sybil: Greetings 1 of 4 and welcome home. I am sorry but due to Gamers Ltd. Jim enters his home and is greeted by Lucy the soft a user induced power event the milk in your cold storage device voice of iServeYou by Apple. has gone bad. It was almost out of date anyway. May I suggest a meal made from what you have left in the storage compartments? Lucy: Greetings Jim and welcome home. I know you’ve had a hard day fighting Orcs in the HoloSphere, so I have the whirlpool Bob: OK what do we have, and that irradiated milk had a two bath heated to your preferred temperature and a cold beer in the year shelf life. How could it have gone bad in three weeks? InstaChill ready for you. There was also an attempted break-in Sybil: We, We… are you expecting a guest? I only sense 1 life that AppleDefender took care of. A later police bulletin form in the dwelling at the moment. announced that thanks to an AppleDefender alert a ring of house burglars was caught with a large stash of giant TVs. Bob: No, NO guests!! Jim: Thanks Lucy I have a date coming over at 7:15, will you Sybil: Recalculating food requirements for 6. Are the guests prep dinner. friends of 2 of 4 or of 3 and 4 of 4? Lucy: Would you prefer Beef or Fish. We have both in freezer. Bob: NO guests!! FOOD FOR 1 of 4 O N L Y. Jim: Beef with a light salad and vegetables, and oh, chocolate Sybil: Recalculating food requirements for 1 of 4. Your choice of cake for dessert. dinner is SPAM a delicious product of Microsoft Farms and irra- diated using the finest of Microsoft IRAD-for-Sure technology or Lucy: Yes Jim. I noticed this morning we were out of fresh salad MICROdines where Microsoft Farms takes only the finest cuts of ingredients. So I ordered them for this evening’s meal. Would you beef and transforms it into a delicious replicated sardine. like the ‘14 Merlot with your dinner tonight? Bob: WHERE IS MY GIANT SCREEN TV?? Jim: (Drying off after his bath.) Lucy I’m going to be in New Toronto for three days starting tomorrow, and the Merlot will be Sybil: I’m sorry Bob but we had a door locking interruption at fine. 02:13:13 on 02/29/2026. Lucy: Yes Jim. There is a pyramid of fresh apples on the side- Bob: That’s a year into the future. How could someone break in board for you and your guest. Tomorrow I will put the house into a year from now?? power down mode until you return. Jim, Sara is pulling into the drive and should be at the door in three minutes. Sybil: Program time resetting to galactic time standards in 30 seconds. Commencing NOW Jim: I’ll greet her at the door, please set the house mood to romantic and chime me when the food is ready. Then go into Bob: HALT RESET silent mode until tomorrow at 8:00 A.M. Bob: Did anyone enter the house at that time and did you call Jim: Jim opens door and lets Sara in as the lights dim and the the Police. music softly plays in the background. 

8 AT&T Raises Price of DSL $25. (Several CMC members have had rate now, you’ll be getting more “band- luck pushing AT&T on this matter and width” for your money. By Chris Hart successfully kept their monthly fee down.) AT&T recently announced that the base Be careful when negotiating with them rate for their DSL high-speed internet Your best ploy may be to tell them right that you don’t end up with a tier of serv- service is going up to $25 a month. For up front that you are calling to cancel ice that is below what you currently those who are used to a promotional rate your service and you are switching to have. The slower download speeds may of $15, that’s a noticeable bump up. one of their competitors. If they believe be unbearable. you, they could offer a promotional rate Your first option is to try to get AT&T to to get you to stay. Let us know what either hold your rate for another year, or happens via email or give you a service for less than $25 a Should that fail, your other option is to at the next meeting month. While you may not succeed in try to get more for your $25. As of right you attend.  keeping your charge at $15 month, you now, AT&T offers a higher tier of speed might be able to get something less than for $25 a month and if you lock into that

SPECIAL OFFERS! Apple User Group Bulletin Azure Talon Exces: 30% Discount These User Group discounts are brought to you by the Apple A simple, easy-to-use and secure encryption utility that allows User Group Advisory Board and Tom Piper, vendor relations. you to protect your precious files with the click of a button. Just You must be a current Apple user group member to qualify for pick a password, lock, and you’re good to go. Exces sports an these savings. Not a member? Join an Apple user group today elegant user interface and is really easy to use. It is simply one to take advantage of these special offers. of the most appealing file protection solutions available. Apple user group price is euros 13.50 (est. $19.59 US), instead of Serene Saver 2 HD: 33% Off! retail price of euros 19.50 (est. $28.29 US). Offer valid through A unique cross between a video desktop (moving wallpaper) May 31, 2008. and a traditional screen saver. It brings a bit of serenity to your daily life. Actual nature scenes play as real movies on your desk- Dejal: Discounts up to 50% top while you work. This user group special offers single-user Easy-to-use utilities that enhance your website and improve Serene Saver for $19.95 (reg. $29.95), or $33.27 for 5 comput- your productivity. Dejal’s Simon is an essential site-monitor- ers (reg. $49.95), or $66.57 for a site license, (reg. $99.95). Offer ing tool that checks servers for changes or failures and is valid through April 15, 2008. notifies you via email, sounds and other means. BlogAssist makes HTML markup easier. And Macfilink cloaks affiliate RAID Storage Offer: 20% Off Retail links on your website to protect your income. Caboodle Get up to 42 TB of RAID storage in only 4U of rack space. stores and organizes information like recipes, directions and AutoMAID energy-saving technology greatly reduces power everything else you want to remember. And Narrator uses consumption and cooling costs. Full Enterprise Class perform- speech synthesis to read your stories and other on-screen text ance, reliability, and management, plus dual function 4Gb Fibre in multiple voices. User group discounts up to 50% off retail Channel and iSCSI connectivity. These are ultra-high-end, from $9.95 to $195, depending on item. Product descriptions high-capacity data storage units for businesses and profession- link: Offer is valid through als that need to store terabytes of data. Get 30% off MSRP of May 31, 2008. units priced from $25,000-$75,000. Valid thru May 30, 2008. The MUG Store Blowouts! FUTURE SONICS: Believe Your Ears: 20% Off The MUG store is your very own place to shop for great deals Upgrade your iPod, iPhone, MacBook or any digital media play- on all the latest Apple gear. With special discounts, free ship- er with Atrio Series™ professional earphones. Your products will ping and knowledgeable consultants available on the phone, sound their best with Future Sonics’ own miniature dynamic you can’t go wrong! In addition, the MUG store offers great speakers and acoustical architecture. Regularly priced at deals on discontinued or older accessories and parts & $199.00, pay just $159.20, a 20% discount, plus an audio satis- pieces. Remember that everything you buy means points for faction guarantee. Limit 5 per household. Offer valid through CMC to spend any way you want! Offer is valid through June July 31, 2008. 30, 2008.

Get the Apple User Group Market & User Group Offers From One Site Looking for information on one of the offers listed on this page or on a past offer? Apple User Group Advisory Board member Tom Piper publishes a single page with all current offers, expiration dates, ordering URLs and codes. Go online to: ****Note: CMC User IDs and Passwords above are located in your mailed CMC newsletter.

9 2007–08 Connecticut Macintosh Connection Officers and Board of Directors

New Members Wanted! Have your friends and co- workers join us for fun and learning about OS X and the Mac. Please give them this application form.

CMC Benefits: Monthly meetings, monthly newsletter, President Vice President Secretary special events, discounted books, assistance with computer Chris Hart Jerry Esposito Jack Bass problems, network with other Mac users, User Group Store [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] discounts, and more. Yes, I want to join CMC!

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10 CMC Monthly Meetings FREE Raffle! Getting CMC email? Every CMC member who attends our Wednesday, March 26 We always send out advance notices of monthly meetings gets a raffle ticket that the meetings, and sometimes for big news UConn Health Center will give you a chance for one of our free or special events. Conference Room EG-013 prizes every month! Win toys, t-shirts, CDs, mugs, software…there’s always If you’re not getting these notices, please 6:00 pm something we’re giving away! And email us at [email protected] with Back To Basics: don’t forget the “free table” at the back your current email address and a subject Understanding Storage Media of the room where everything! line of: ADD TO CMC EMAIL LIST In this 45 minute session, presenter Chris Hart will discuss external drives, digital camera memory cards, and flash Treasurer’s Report Discounted Books drives. Topics will include means of Total Membership: 125 CMC continues to offer our current connecting the devices, using card read- members the opportunity to purchase ers, formatting the media, and choosing any published book for either Mac or the appropriate format method. Account Balances Windows at a 20% discount. All major publishers are carried by our source. Balances as of February 29, 2008 7:00 pm Email us at [email protected]. Checking Account ...... $3049.70 Provide the book title, the publisher Essentials of Excel Money Market ...... $3564.12 and the ISBN number, if possible, and Deena Quilty will show us some we will check on its availability. basic techniques for using Microsoft Excel, including creating a new CMC Passwords/IDs FREE Classified Ads worksheet from scratch with simple CMC Members can advertise For formulas, using built-in templates, Check your newsletter mailing label Sale, Swap, Trade, Giveaway or Want how to use Auto-Fill, and more. for the following info: • Your CMC User name and password to Buy Items. This space can be used to access info at by members to advertise non-business Upcoming Meetings: items which they are no longer using or • Your CMC Membership Number upgrading. This is a FREE service April 30, 7:00 pm (free shipping at MacConnection) provided to our members. Send to: Getting Started with InDesign • Your CMC Membership renewal date [email protected] Presenter Don Dickey will demonstrate Adobe’s application. Need CMC Support? Display Ad Rates May 30, 7:00 pm Did you know that Mac Any business item or service can be “Hands-On” Meeting at support is just a click away? advertised at these low monthly rates. Middlesex Community College That’s right!. You don’t have to wait Business Card (3.5”w. x 2”)...... $10.00 It’s become an annual tradition for us to for a monthly meeting to get Quarter Page (3.625”w. x 4.75”) ...... $20.00 visit Middlesex for hands-on sessions. answers your Mac related questions. Half Page (7.5”w. x 4.75”h...... $30.00 This year we’ll visit the community CMC hosts a Mac Support mailing college on the last Friday of May. list for members? CMC members or 3.625”w. x 9.5”h.) can join at Full Page (7.5”w. x 9.5”)...... $50.00 Submit all ad copy to the Editor on a disk (with nothing else on it) or e-mail The Resource Site for Mac User Groups it to [email protected] for insertion in the following issue. Display ads All current offers and codes: must be submitted camera-ready in eps or pdf format with all fonts and Valid til: 06/30/08 ugab/offers/vendorcodes.htm graphics embedded. Please specify how User ID: **** Valid til: 05/15/08 many issues you would like your ad to Password: **** Password: **** run and make check payable to “CMC”. ****Note: CMC User IDs and Passwords above are located in your mailed CMC newsletter. 11 41 Crossroads Plaza – PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117

Wednesday, March 26 UConn Health Center 6:00 pm – Back to Basics: Understanding Storage Media

7:00 pm – Main Meeting: Excel for Beginners Deena Quilty will show us some basic techniques for using Microsoft Excel

For more meeting info, see page 11 or go to: Driving directions are below.

CMC Monthly Meeting Location Monthly CMC meetings are held at UConn Health Center in Farmington. A PDF document containing a visual direction guide to the location of our meeting in the UConn Health Center is available on our website: When hands-on programs require computers for attendees, we will use Middlesex Community College. Directions for CMC Monthly Meetings UConn Health Center, Farmington From I-84: Take Exit 39 (if coming from I-84 West, Exit 39 is after 39A). Turn right at first traffic light onto Route 4 East (Farmington Avenue). At third traffic light, turn right to enter the Health Center campus. Go around the main building to the right (at a Y in road), then take a left when you get to the Academic Entrance. The road becomes two-way there so you should be able to tell where to turn. (Do not go on straight to the two-way part). Then take the second right into parking lot Our February CMC monthly A&B. this is close to the building. Go past the police station entrance on your left meeting was all about Apple’s (small sign). You will see a continuation of the building with its own entrance area. new operating system OS X Leopard. Chris Hart focused This is the new research building. Enter on the ground floor, turn right and enter on getting us up to speed on Room EG-013 on your right. This is the first room on your right. The rest rooms Apple’s new operating system. A “dollar raffle” was held are on your left as you enter. to win a copy of Mac OS X Leopard. 12 Inside My Experience with Time Capsule...... 3 Peter’s Hometown Computer Corner ..4 Why I Had to Calibrate My Laptop...... 5 When Your Mac is Unresponsive...... 6 The Famous Mr. N.E.D...... 8 Special User Group Offers...... 9 Meetings and Club News ...... 11 NEWSLETTER OF CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC.APRIL 2008

What The Heck Has makes both hardware and software, such a product is easily within LaCie’s Happened To LaCie? capabilities. So why didn’t they do it? By Chris Hart, CMC President It must be because they are focusing Names like Radius, SuperMac, APS, on making their products faultlessly and Daystar were once at the core of reliable, right? Unfortunately, no. For the third-party marketplace that several years now I have been doing catered to the Mac crowd. And if you way too many service calls that remember any of those names, you involve recovering data from LaCie undoubtedly remember how dominant external hard drives. LaCie has historically been as a provider of storage systems for In my estimation, this is due to flawed Macintosh computers. Their hard Apple recently introduced the Time product design. The primary problem drives were the tops in quality, Mac Capsule product to work in conjunc- is expulsion of heat, which is the num- compatibility and intelligent design tion with the Time Machine backup ber one enemy of hard drives. When I for many years. software incorporated into MacOSX look at the tiny ventilation holes that 10.5. But I submit that LaCie could are incorporated into many of LaCie’s Based on that history, you would think have (and should have) done it many storage devices, I wonder how any that LaCie would be doing some years ago. They started down the path product designer could have possibly amazing things nowadays. While they with the introduction of their thought such a design is sufficient. still do a nice job of catering to the SilverKeeper backup utility back in Expecting a fan grille not much bigger Mac crowd, with as wide a product the days of OS 9 — an era when there than a salt shaker to be up to the task range as they have ever had, they were few choices for automated back- of keeping a high speed hard drive aren’t doing anything remarkable. And up software for Mac. cool is silliness. in my experience, they are faltering in the area of reliability. Sounds like a good start, right? Well, I may not have an engineering degree, SilverKeeper had a convoluted inter- but I have plenty of hands-on experi- There’s no doubt that LaCie targets the face and tended to display poorly ence working on computers and I Mac audience unlike any of their com- worded warning messages that made think I know what works and what petitors. They understand Mac users people confused and frustrated. But doesn’t. I see a pattern with LaCie’s better than companies like Iomega, none of this was anything that couldn’t desktop hard drives of not enough ven- that have really faltered in recent be fixed. Alas, SilverKeeper never tilation points and a poor use of fans. times. And, importantly, they have went beyond version 1.1 and thus Typically, they set the fan thermostat successfully maintained a strong pres- never saw the needed refinements. so that it doesn’t engage at all until the ence at The Apple Store. Considering that at least 5 years have drive is already too hot. While I realize passed since its introduction, that’s they do this to minimize noise, it sim- Yet despite this dominant role in the pretty sad. ply is not in the best interest of hard Mac world, LaCie has never created drive longevity. What good is a drive anything that has made every Mac user And what about a Time Capsule-like that is quiet, but isn’t reliable? stand up and take notice. How can this device? It took Apple to create this be, when a company has such a rich type of network device that seamless- Needless to say, if one hard drive Mac history and appears to know their ly pairs with matching backup makes a good bit of heat, you can customer base so well? software? Why? As a company that continued on page 2

1 Continued from page 1 Benefits of CMC that a greater number of drives pro- By Joe Arcuri, CMC duce significantly greater heat. And in the case of LaCie’s Big Disk Extreme I’m always pleasantly surprised when NEWSLETTER OF I get a problem solved that I wasn’t CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC. and Bigger Disk Extreme products even attempting to solve. An example A USER GROUP SINCE 1986 you have egregious examples of a flawed cooling system. Each of these of this occurred at Wednesday night’s Editor products combines multiple hard disk CMC meeting (March 28, 2008). The Deena Quilty devices inside of a single box – 2 presentation by Reggie Dionne was drives in the “Big” and 4 drives inside very good and informative but that’s Designer the “Bigger” model. not where I had my problem solved. George Maciel The latter unit, which provides 2 ter- No, that was in the rubbing-elbows, chit-chat on the periphery of Photographer abytes of storage, puts out enough heat the meeting. In a discussion of hard- John Scott that it could dry your hair in a reason- ably speedy fashion (though certainly drives and storage with a couple of members, I happened to mention my Publisher below hair dryer levels of intensity). When one video editing department recent frustration with external Connecticut Macintosh that I supported combined 8 people in drives. I’ve been having poor luck Connection, Inc. the same room with 8 tower macs and getting a couple to work and had 41 Crossroads Plaza 8 of these drives, the results were ended up putting them into in some PMB 1984 unbearable on some days. The air con- computers. Out of the blue, Chris West Hartford, CT 06117 ditioning system had trouble keeping Hart asks if I had them set to “Cable up! Touching the aluminum skin of the Select” or “Master”? I answered Printer LaCie drive was a toasty proposition – “Cable Select” because that is typi- Budget Printers not so hot that you couldn’t keep your cally the most universally accepted. 1718 Park Street hand there, but certainly not pleasant. He recommended I change it over Hartford, CT 06106 and sure enough, when I tried it the Sure LaCie’s products look great and next day things worked smoothly. We welcome submissions they fill a need for Mac-savvy periph- from our members! erals. But they need to go beyond that, On a similar note, a member came up to me after the meeting and started Please submit articles by first if they are going to continue to be a asking questions about getting a print- of the month for inclusion in “go to” brand for Mac users. Because, er connected via Ethernet to his our newsletter. All articles eventually, word of failing products will spread widely enough that network. I gave him an equally simple should be submitted by email and head-slapingly obvious answer. to [email protected] LaCie’s reputation will be irreparably harmed. I hope they can turn things Next day I received an email from him around before it gets to that point.  saying that it was that easy and now all There is so much talent his computers are successfully print- in our group; it would ing to the networked printer. be great to have several mem- ber articles in each issue of The point of this article is not to the newsletter. instruct on how to configure a drive or networked printer, but rather to show how attending the CMC meetings is not just about the current meeting topic. I think a lot of people are get- ting as much from the unanticipated member interaction as they are getting from the sit-down presentation. Happy Macs! 

Visit LaCie at:

2 My Experience with Time Capsule By Jack Bass, CMC Secretary

Time Capsule is a wireless base sta- tion with the latest 802.11n network configuration and built-in hard drive of either 500 or 1000 gigabytes (1 ter- abyte) for backing up all your computers, that is, if they all have Leopard 10.5.2 installed. (Actually, any version of OS X can back up to it – but not using Time Machine.) All newer machines from Apple come maneuvering – you need 20 to 50% on the Internet. Frustrating. Brought it with Time Machine software so you more room than the amount taken up back to the store and they gave me a can back up onto any hard drive. It by your data as working space. So if new unit. can back up your whole computer or you have 100 gigs of data, you need a any parts you designat,e and hourly minimum of 125 gigs of free space to As I was setting up the new unit, my thereafter only the parts that have back it up or on a 500 gig hard drive iMac computer came up with new been changed. You cannot boot up you should only store a maximum of software updates. One of them was your computer from this drive or use a 400 gigs of material. It’s something Airport Utility 5.3.1. After updating, one-person program from it on other about the way the program works the setup of Time Capsule ran flaw- computers. Other info: building a temporary file (therefore lessly and very fast and I was backing the needed room) before it actually up my computer within 10-15 min- 1) It comes with a 110-volt cord – no saves it to the hard drive. Plus, the utes, at most. It had to be a software Ethernet cable. more room you have, the more time- problem because they probably gave related backups it can make before it me a new unit from the first batch they 2) There are four Ethernet ports and starts deleting the older ones. had received. That’s my guess. one USB port on the module. So, if you are using DSL, you will still need When connecting your laptop or other The next morning I couldn’t awaken your DSL modem (just as with other computer the first time, you need to my iMac. The spinning ball just kept wireless routers on the market) and an designate your modem and then the spinning. I shut the computer down Ethernet cable to connect to the desig- unit needs time to find the airport base completely and started it up again 20 nated port on the modem. Also, it is station. It eventually did connect auto- seconds later. It opened slowly and works faster to connect any nearby matically with no other effort on my eventually opened my hard drive and computers them with Ethernet cables, part (meanwhile, I thought I had done my email. rather than use WiFi. something wrong). So far it’s been very frustrating and it 3) Because of the single USB port, I After several hours, it found my net- doesn’t get rid of any wires as I needed a USB hub as I have three work but then it stopped in the middle thought it would. It doesn’t encrypt printers all with USB cables, all so I of the backup and stated there was an the data, but I’m the only user so that can print from my wireless laptop in error. This happened three times, even doesn’t bother me. What I like is that the other room– more wires not less. I after I removed my applications, sys- it backs my work up automatically thought I would be doing away with tem folders and Aperture photo files. and I can go back in time to see what some of the mess of wires. The following morning, at the Apple changes I made, as at times I don’t Store, the Genius found everything like the newer version I wrote or pho- The terabyte-sized Time Capsule has was backed up. I guess it just needed tograph I altered (a few hours later) only 929.5 gig of memory after for- a lot of time for some reason or other. and would like to look at an older ver- matting (that’s an awful amount of sion, but not the original.  formatting) and you can’t use all of When I got home, the laptop wouldn’t that for backup as you need room for work, again. No email, but I could get

3 Peter’s Hometown Computer Corner for severely wounded military personnel and Veterans. These [email protected] efforts are funded entirely with donations from the public. 100% © 2007 Peter P. Gladis of contributions raised by the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund go towards these programs; the fund’s trustees underwrite all Sometimes when I find myself complaining about the trials if daily administrative expenses. In January 2007, the Fund completed life, I stop to remember those who are sacrificing so much more – construction of a $40 million world-class state-of-the-art physi- our all-volunteer troops. As a testament to the fundamental good- cal rehabilitation center at Brooke Army Medical Center in San ness of the American people, and our gratitude to our Military Men Antonio, Texas. The “Center for the Intrepid” serves military & Women, many organizations are in place to assist them and their personnel who have been catastrophically disabled in operations Families. Here are some great…Military Support Websites. in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Veterans severely injured in other operations and in the normal performance of their duties. The ■ One of my favorite Organizations for our Warfighters is the 60,000 square foot Center includes state-of-the-art physical Wounded Warrior Project (WWP), It rehabilitation equipment and extensive indoor and outdoor facil- began when several individuals took small, inspired actions to help ities. The Center is co-located with two 21-room Fisher Houses others in need. One night while watching the evening news, they that house the families of patients ( were moved by stories of the first wounded Service Members returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq. They realized some- ■ The Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) at thing needed to be done for these brave individuals. They wanted serves members of the Army, Navy, Air Force to provide tangible support for the severely wounded to help them and Marine Corps Special Operations community. It is dedicat- on the road to heal both physically and mentally. WWP backPacks ed to providing free college scholarships and educational were put together for what they viewed as a small contribution counseling to the children surviving Army, Navy, Air Force and compared with what the Warriors had sacrificed. The backpacks Marine Corps Special Operations personnel who are killed in a are now WWP’s signature program–and are delivered bedside to training accident or operational missions. These services are wounded warriors. The mission of the Wounded Warrior Project is provided throughout the United States, or overseas, depending to raise public awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs upon where the surviving children reside. of severely injured service men and women, to help severely injured service members to aid and assist each other, and to pro- ■ Homes for Our Troops is strongly vide unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs. committed to helping those who have selflessly given to their country and have returned home with serious disabilities and ■ Operation Homefront at provides injuries. They assist severely injured Servicemen and Women emergency assistance and morale to our troops, to their families, and their immediate families by raising donations of money, and to wounded warriors when they return home. Operation building materials, and professional labor and coordinating the Homefront leads more than 4,000 volunteers in 31 chapters nation- process of building a new home or adapting an existing home for wide. Since its inception it has provided critical assistance to more handicapped accessibility. All services provided by Homes for than 45,000 military Families in need, and provides aid to families Our Troops are at no cost to the veterans they serve. struggling not only with emergencies, but also the problems of everyday life. Existing programs include: ■ I don’t have room here to describe the many other great organizations supporting our troops – but here is a listing of  Emergency Aid - Food, baby care items, vehicle many of them for you to check out: donation and repair  • America Supports You: Computer Program - Allows families to stay in touch • National Veterans Foundation with their loved one  • Disabled American Veterans: Financial Assistance Program for crises like illness, • Paralyzed Veterans of America: homelessness & death  • The American Legion: Furniture Program - Donates household and baby • The Veterans of Foreign Wars: furniture and appliances  • United Service Organizations (USO): Moving - Provides physical labor for families with a • American Veterans: deployed service member  • Blinded Veterans Association: Adopt-a-Family, Thanksgiving/Holiday baskets, • Military Order of the Purple Heart: back-to-school supplies. • National Amputation Foundation: ■ • U.S. Vets: The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund ( is a leader • National Remember Our Troops Campaign: in supporting the men and women of the Armed Forces and their families. The Fund has provided close to $60 million in support for continued on page 5 the families of military personnel lost in service to our nation, and

4 Peter’s Hometown Computer Corner “If Lincoln was alive today, he’d roll over in his grave.” continued from page 4 (Gerald Ford) Peter’s “WACKY SITE OF THE MONTH” At THINGS PEOPLE SAID, Who said: “You should always go to other people’s you’ll find these and many, many more hilarious com- funerals; otherwise, they won’t come to yours.” ments made by famous and regular folks – enjoy! (Yogi Berra) “I love California. I practically grew up in Phoenix.” Questions? Comments? Ideas? E-Mail me at: (Dan Quayle) [email protected]

Why I Had to Product Review: Calibrate My Laptop I’ve Found My Wrist Savior By John Scott, CMC By Chris Hart

Last fall, I rejoined one of the Many laptop computers have edges that are very unfriendly local camera clubs in the area. I to the palms of your hands. Apple's MacBook and MacBook had not been active in a camera Pro computers are especially horrendous in this regard. club for over twenty years. Needless to say things had I have tried a number of alternatives to provide wrist sup- changed. Not only had the faces, port and cushioning before I found the perfect product. new and aged changed, but the My savior is from Kensington and they call it the biggest change was the accelerat- “Comfort Type Notebook Wrist Rest.” This flexible, rub- ing move from film to digital. ber pad curves around the leading edge of your laptop (no $80.00 to more than $5000.00 I set- matter what brand it may be) and provides blissful relief Most of the younger people were tled for a system from the very from wrist discomfort. The front edges are nicely rounded, already into digital and very com- familiar name “Pantone,” and a in a wrist-friendly fashion and the top is adorned with mem- fortable with it. The older crowd is price of about $120.00. ory foam to cushion your palms. having difficulty making the The next day, the big brown change. The more progressive truck delivered my package. The additional benefit is that your hands are kept about a have already made the move; oth- Once the package had warmed quarter-inch above the laptop, which allows for a cooling ers my never change. up (it was 30 degrees outside), I effect. No longer will you get sweaty palms from the heat opened it, read the directions and under your hands. Typing is also much more comfortable in Now to this point in time, I have proceeded to load the software this elevated position. always been in a Mac environment onto my laptop. After connecting with my photos. My world was the sensor, I started up the pro- There is similarly a cooling effect underneath your laptop, about to change. Our camera club gram, ran it, and selected the as there are venting slots in the underside of this wrist rest. is using PCs for their digital pho- white point and the gamma to So you need not worry about restricting the airflow around tos. My first entries into their match that of the PC. (Gamma your hot portable computer. monthly contest looked fine on my on the Mac is 1.8 and 2.2 on the laptop, but when projected via the PC) of 2.2.) The good news continues with this product's very light PC, became mud. Colors were As a test, I resubmitted the orig- weight and its durable design. If it became buried at the bot- dark and the photos lacked luster. inal files and a set of corrected tom of your laptop bag, crushed under the weight of all your files to our contest director for stuff, it wouldn't be hurt one bit. After a hurried email to Chris Hart comments (files corrected on my and several other people, the word now-calibrated machine). Word For $15 at Amazon, the came back: “Calibrate your com- came back that all is now well. Comfort Type Notebook puter.” With credit card in hand, I Wrist Rest is also a great got on the web and went to my I guess the moral of the story is; value. The easiest way to favorite camera site, B & H Photo. if you’re working in a mixed find one for yourself is to Looking through what they had platform environment, make enter “Kensington under “color management” to cali- sure that you calibrate your 82051A” as your search brate my machine, I found machine and select a gamma to keywords. In summation, I can not recommend this prod- packages to do the job from around match the PC.  uct highly enough. Bravo, Kensington. 

5 When Your Mac board (also known as the “Command” another suitable application to paste key — featuring a butterfly-like icon) the information. TextEdit would be a Becomes Unresponsive and simultaneously pressing the Period good option (this is a useful, yet sim- By Chris Hart key (this has the > greater than sign on ple text-editing app that everyone it). This two-key combo is a somewhat should keep in their dock). Avoid All computers screw up now and universal command for the Macintosh launching a big heavy app like Word again. How much frustration this that tells the application to stop doing or Pages. Now save the information causes can depend on how easily whatever it is doing or cancel the last you pasted to a file in your Documents you’re able to recover from these request you made. folder or on your desktop. interruptions in your workflow. While those of us who have used Macs for Whether or not this command is effec- If copying and pasting was unsuccess- years are familiar with the tricks for tive is dependent on a number of ful, see if the computer will let you taking control of the situation, this factors. There is no guarantee that it take a screen shot. Do this by pressing article is for those of you who are rel- will do anything for you. Sometimes it these three keys simultaneously: atively new to the Mac. The next time makes not a bit of difference. But it’s Apple - Shift - 3. You should hear your your Mac stops responding in the way certainly worth trying. Examples of Mac make a camera clicking sound to you’re used to, refer to this article to the tasks that can be effectively confirm the screen shot. If you don’t, get things working again. stopped with this key sequence are an you’ll have to use your camera and email program that is endlessly trying take some close-up pictures of your Patience to send a problematic email, or can- screen for later reference. First, it should be said that sometimes celing a request to print that 98-page all that’s required is patience. We’re PDF tax form from the IRS. Don’t Be A Quitter all used to our computers responding Contingency Plan Another thing to try is quitting the to our directives with expediency and problematic application. First, try At this point, I must note that all the prompt results. But no matter how fast telling the app in question to quit using steps from here on will likely result in computers get, they still frequently the Quit command in the File menu. If losing the document that you were need some time to sort through the that’s not responding, then try this: working on. If you didn’t save your information being thrown at them. Find the app’s icon in the Dock, move recent changes, you are at risk for los- Sometimes this is due to the chal- your mouse pointer over it, and then ing the information you have on lenges of the tasks you’re performing, hold the mouse clicker down. After a screen. If you were surfing the web or and sometimes it’s simply due to few seconds, you’ll see a small menu viewing a video clip that someone flaws in the software you’re using. of options appear. Select the Quit com- sent you when this problem occurred, mand and see what happens. If the app then the content is easily reached If the problem you’re having with in question isn’t too badly locked up, it again later. But if you were in the mid- your Mac is new to you (not a recur- may actually quit after a few seconds. dle of composing a long letter to your ring issue that you’re familiar with), (You can tell which apps are still by cousin Erma, you should be prepared then consider giving it a few moments running–they have triangles under for a whole lot more typing. to try and work through the situation. their icons in your Dock; or in Stretch your legs. Get a glass of water. Leopard, a glowing blue dot). Then come back and see if the situa- If it’s critical that you save the master- tion has gotten any better. piece on your screen, your options are these: (1) Try to copy and paste the If the computer still isn’t responding information. (2) Take a screen shot. normally, the first thing to try is get- (3) Take out your digital camera and ting the application to stop working on snap pictures of your Mac’s screen. the task at hand. You can try the first option by clicking Belay That Order and dragging your mouse pointer over If the computer still isn’t responding the text in question. If that works, then normally, the first thing to try is getting you now need to press and hold the the application to stop working on the Apple key on your keyboard, while task at hand. You can try this by holding you also press the C key (this is the down the Apple logo key on your key- shortcut for “copy”). Now switch to continued on page 7

6 continued from page 6 Turn The Lights Out Download of the Month At this point you’re left with no Forcing The Issue option but to force the computer Transmission 1.10 If the application is still unre- to turn off. While some older By Deb Foss, CMC sponsive, then it’s time to use a generations of Macintosh com- function called “Force Quit” puters had an actual button to If you don't know what this is, I probably which attempts to shut down the force a restart, Apple hasn’t shouldn't tell you. Oh, well. It is a bit torrent client, that doesn't use all your processor software without a chance for an included one of those for several power up. It’s for sharing files. Please, only do appeal. You access Force Quit years now. What you have to do legal things with this. from the Apple Menu (located in is press and hold your Mac’s the upper left corner of your power button (the one you use to Transmission has been built from the ground screen). The window that appears turn it on). Keep holding the but- up to be a lightweight, yet powerful will look similar to this: ton until the Mac’s screen goes BitTorrent client. Its simple, intuitive inter- black. You have now forced the face is designed to integrate tightly with Inside the Force Quit Applications computer off. This method is whatever computing environment you choose window, click on the name of the preferable to pulling the power to use. Transmission strikes a balance application that’s causing you from the computer (such as turn- between providing useful functionality with- grief. (In some cases, the applica- ing off the switch on your power out feature bloat. Furthermore, it is free for tion may have a label on it that strip). anyone to use or modify. says “Not Responding” which means it has truly packed up and Give It Another Go Transmission runs natively on over five oper- gone home.) Then click on the Press the Mac’s power button, ating systems. Seamless configuration of your button that says “Force Quit.” just as you normally would to network, intelligent banning of peers who send corrupted data, protocol encryption, and Within a few seconds, you should turn it on. Once the computer is built in Peer Exchange are some of the fea- see the troubled child disappear operational again, try accom- tures which enable Transmission to download from the list. (Although this plishing the same task you were your files as quickly as possible. All this is sometimes takes as long as 30 doing when this trouble started. done in the background, without the user hav- seconds to work under some cir- If the problem doesn’t occur ing to worry about complicated settings. cumstances.) If this Force Quit again, then count your blessings. process isn’t working, then it’s If it does keep happening, then These days, bandwidth is a precious commod- time to move onto the next step. either the task you’re trying to ity. Transmission allows you to ration this accomplish is too much for your commodity efficiently. You might want to Back To Square One Mac to process, or you’ve run queue your torrents for maximum perform- Restarting your Mac is the only across a software bug (or worse, ance. Or throttle their speed during peak option at this point. You don’t discovered a problem with your periods. Transmission easily lets you do both, need to do close any applications Mac). and thus only works its hardest when you first, just choose the Restart com- want it to. Support for Growl notifications and mand from the Apple menu. Your If you find you’re having a con- dock badging keep you updated with what's Mac will try to gracefully close sistent pattern of problems with a going on so you can get back to doing more everything down and then con- particular application, you may important things. duct a proper restart. This have encountered a known flaw This product is designed to run on the follow- process may take several min- in the software. A possible solu- ing operating systems: utes, because the problems that it tion is to visit the web site of the * Mac OS X 10.5 Intel and PPC is experiencing talking to the company that develops the soft- * Mac OS X 10.4 Intel and PCC troublesome application(s). Give ware and check for updates and the computer a minimum of five documentation of problems like Download at: minutes to try its attempted yours. restart. If it is still stuck after this /macosx/27916 amount of time, then you’ll have I hope this article saves you a lit- to get pushy. tle grief, the next time your Mac Transmission v0.6.1 for Mac OS X 10.3.9 is starts acting strangely.  also available. 

7 Freshly Squeezed Reviews: CompUSA Name Survives The Famous By Chris Hart Mr. N.E.D. As you’ll recall from a recent edition of this newsletter, CompUSA By Frank Petrie was in the process of closing its operations. I had been casually moni- Product: N.E.D. toring the closeout process at the Manchester store. In early March Author: macProVideo, when I stopped by to see if anything was left, I found that the doors to Price: varies; the bigger the bundle, the store had been permanently closed. That was it... end of story. Or, the larger the discount so I thought. Test Rig: MacBook 1.83 GHz / 4GB RAM / 120 GB HDD / 10.5.2 It turns out, however, that the CompUSA brand will survive in one form, or another. Ohio-based Systemax, which owns computer reseller TigerDirect, purchased the CompUSA brand name, trademarks, web How do I do this? How do I do that? WHAT site and several of the retail locations. THE HECK JUST HAPPENED? Learning a piece of software can be daunting. Want The company’s CEO justified the $30 million expenditure by saying someone by your side? Would that help you that “the value of the CompUSA brand remains very high.” While I through the struggle? Take a good look at would dispute that, I certainly wouldn’t accuse him of wasting his N.E.D. money. I’m sure he’s run his numbers and is confident he can make a profit. N.E.D. is a collection of instructional DVDs, or if you prefer, downloadable files. You pick But what matters to us consumers is that CompUSA will still be the level of education that you would like to around for a while. Even if it’s in name only. Let’s hope the business start at. For example, I’m using the Final Cut practices of this “new” CompUSA are better than the old one.  tutorial and I’m starting with the 101 series. That comes with 113 flash tutorials. Then when I think I’m ready, I could move up the Mac Tip: Browser Shortcuts 03 series and learn Final Cut in depth. By Chris Hart

And it’s not just Apple programs but pro- Not everyone knows that your keyboard is very useful for web brows- grams that you may integrate into your ing. It can be a valuable alternative to pushing the mouse around all the workflow while using Mac apps. You can time. The following shortcuts work in both Safari and Firefox, as well learn Microsoft Office, Propellerhead’s as a number of other web browsers. Reason and Adobe’s Photoshop. There’s even one for Mac OS X and Switcher’s guides. Let’s start with scrolling. If you didn’t already know, you can scroll up and down a web page using the Page Down and Page Up keys. The The programs are laid logically so that every- neighboring Home and End keys also work and take you to the top and thing that your being taught in your current bottom of the web page. Home is especially handy for quickly getting you back to the web site’s navigation bar. tutorial builds on the preceding ones. And as far as support, there are various online forums Navigating a page back and forward again is easily done by using the available as well as Help Viewer. Command key with the left and right arrows on your keyboard. Personally, I use these dozens of times a day. Learning to use this one SUMMARY: If you have ever watched could save you a lot of wasted mouse pushing. Online (and you should) these If you encounter a web site that has words which are too small to read tutorials take you deeper into the app because comfortably, there is a shortcut to increase font size. While pressing the you set the time restrictions. And if you’re Command key, tap the + key (plus sign). This will bump up the words smart, you won’t set any. on the page to the next largest font size. (Very handy when viewing eBay in Safari!) Lastly, in Safari, is a quick way possible to access bookmarks. As if RATING : 10 of 10 having your favorite sites in the bookmarks bar isn’t fast enough 2008 Frank Petrie already, you can quickly access them by using the Command key and the corresponding number 1 through 9. 

8 SPECIAL OFFERS! Apple User Group Bulletin These User Group discounts are brought to you by the Apple User Group Advisory Board and Tom Piper, vendor relations. You must be a current Apple user group member to qualify for these savings. Not a member? Join an Apple user group today to take advantage of these special offers.

H-Squared Products: ActionBacks: 20-30 Percent Discount Huge Savings for Group Members H-Squared produces a wide range of mounting solutions for ActionBacks is a collection of royalty-free animated graph- Apple products like the AirPort Extreme, Mac mini and ics for video and multimedia production. With over 1,500 Apple TV. All mounts are precision designed and manufac- professional animations, Suite Imagery, LLC offers a wide tured in the US to ensure a perfect fit and a secure grip. variety of themes, including high tech, wedding, sports, With this special offer, user group members can purchase home video, church, globes and scenic animations. All are the Air Mount for $24.47, a 30 percent discount from the available in NTSC or PAL video formats. ActionBacks regular price of $34.95, and can receive 20% off everything videos normally cost $79 for the first volume and $50 for else (prices vary). Offer valid thru June 30, 2008. each additional volume purchased at the same time. However, Apple User Group members can now buy an 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator SE: exclusive one-year unlimited ActionBacks download mem- 25 Percent Off bership for only $199. This offer provides full access to all Like a three-dimensional mouse, 3Dconnexion has made available animations, including any new animations 3D navigation accessible and affordable for Mac users who released within the year. Offer valid thru June 30, 2008. want to enjoy the 3D control experience and increase their productivity. SpaceNavigator SE, 3Dconnexion’s newest Azure Talon Exces: product, offers phone, web, email technical support and an 30 Percent expanding number of compatible Mac applications–all one Exces is a simple, easy-to-use and secure encryption utility needs to enjoy using this product. Regularly $99, user group that allows you to protect your files with the click of a but- members can buy a SpaceNavigator SE with extensive sup- ton. Just pick a password, lock and you’re good to go. Exces port for only $74 using the discount code. See a complete uses the strong, uncracked, AES encryption standard that list of supported applications at: sports an elegant user interface. It is simply one of the most appealing file protection solutions available. Apple user Offer valid thru June 30, 2008. group members pay the special price of $19.59, instead of the retail price of $28.29. Offer valid thru May 31, 2008. Kerio Groupware and Email Service: Save 25 Percent The MUG Store: InfTek’s Hosted Kerio service is the Mac user’s preferred Blowouts and More groupware and email solution. This Hosted Kerio service Looking for a used iMac or a great deal on an internal hard allows users to synchronize events and To Do’s in Apple drive? Just love sorting through discounts and closeouts? iCal on Leopard with Kerio WebMail, or a smartphone Then visit the Blowouts area of the Mug Store, where you through Kerio MailServer’s CalDAV access. Hosted Kerio will find great deals on all sorts of new, discontinued and accounts support the native Microsoft Exchange features used products. Remember that everything you buy means found in Apple Mail, iCal, Address Book and Entourage. points for your group to spend any way it wants! Regularly $5.95 per month, user group members can See this month’s Blowouts at: subscribe for $4.49 per month per mailbox using the pro- motional code. Offer valid thru June 30, 2008. Offer is valid thru June 30, 2008.

Get the Apple User Group Market & User Group Offers From One Site Looking for information on one of the offers listed on this page or on a past offer? Apple User Group Advisory Board member Tom Piper publishes a single page with all current offers, expiration dates, ordering URLs and pro- motional codes. Go online to: Password: ***** (valid thru 5/15/08) ***** NOTE: Password above is ONLY listed in your MAILED CMC newsletter.

9 2007–08 Connecticut Macintosh Connection Officers and Board of Directors

New Members Wanted! Have your friends and co- workers join us for fun and learning about OS X and the Mac. Please give them this application form.

CMC Benefits: Monthly meetings, monthly newsletter, President Vice President Secretary special events, discounted books, assistance with computer Chris Hart Jerry Esposito Jack Bass problems, network with other Mac users, User Group Store [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] discounts, and more. Yes, I want to join CMC!

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10 CMC Monthly Meetings FREE Raffle! Getting CMC email? Every CMC member who attends our Wednesday, April 30 We always send out advance notices of monthly meetings gets a raffle ticket that the meetings, and sometimes for big news UConn Health Center will give you a chance for one of our free or special events. Conference Room EG-013 prizes every month! Win toys, t-shirts, CDs, mugs, software…there’s always If you’re not getting these notices, please 6:00 pm something we’re giving away! And email us at [email protected] with Back To Basics: don’t forget the “free table” at the back your current email address and a subject Lighting & Display Calibration of the room where everything! line of: ADD TO CMC EMAIL LIST Chris Hart will conduct this session on improving the accuracy of the colors Treasurer’s Report FOR SALE! you see on your Mac’s display. Total Membership: 125 FOR SALE Whether you have a laptop or desktop original Airport Base Station, $20 or Mac, you’ll find this session of inter- best offer, and an Airport Extreme est. First we’ll discuss the importance Account Balances Base Station, $50 or best offer. Linas of the lighting in your workspace. Balances as of March 31, 2008 Then we’ll explore how display cali- K. Venclauskas (860) 485-2617 bration can greatly improve the Checking Account ...... $2576.20 appearance of photos and illustrations, Money Market ...... $3565.33 as well as web sites. CMC Passwords/IDs FREE Classified Ads 7:00 pm Check your newsletter mailing label CMC Members can advertise For Intro to InDesign for the following info: Sale, Swap, Trade, Giveaway or Want Presenter Don Dickey will introduce you to Buy Items. This space can be used to InDesign, Adobe’s • Your CMC User name and password to access info at by members to advertise non-business application (and the replacement for items which they are no longer using or • Your CMC Membership Number PageMaker). Getting started with upgrading. This is a FREE service (free shipping at MacConnection) InDesign is easy! You will learn how to provided to our members. Send to: create documents with both text and • Your CMC Membership renewal date [email protected] graphics, as well as design an attractive layout that goes beyond Microsoft Word. You can even learn details like adding Need CMC Support? Display Ad Rates drop-shadows and feathered corners, to dress up your graphics. Will InDesign Did you know that Mac Any business item or service can be help you with designing your pages? support is just a click away? advertised at these low monthly rates. Should you consider moving from That’s right!. You don’t have to wait Business Card (3.5”w. x 2”)...... $10.00 QuarkXpress to InDesign? Come and for a monthly meeting to get Quarter Page (3.625”w. x 4.75”) ...... $20.00 find out! answers your Mac related questions. CMC hosts a Mac Support mailing Half Page (7.5”w. x 4.75”h...... $30.00 Upcoming Meetings: list for members? CMC members or 3.625”w. x 9.5”h.) can join at May 30, 7:00 pm Full Page (7.5”w. x 9.5”)...... $50.00 “Hands-On” Meeting at Submit all ad copy to the Editor on a Middlesex Community College Discounted Books disk (with nothing else on it) or e-mail it to [email protected] for insertion At our May meeting you ll have the CMC continues to offer our current in the following issue. Display ads chance to follow along with our members the opportunity to purchase instructors in one of three classrooms. any published book for either Mac or must be submitted camera-ready in Each is filled with Macs and each Windows at a 20% discount. All major eps or pdf format with all fonts and offers a different learning opportunity! publishers are carried by our source. graphics embedded. Details will follow for this meeting that Email us at [email protected]. will take place at Middlesex Provide the book title, the publisher Please specify how many issues you Community College in Middletown. and the ISBN number, if possible, and would like your ad to run and make Mark your calendar for May 30th! we will check on its availability. check payable to “CMC”.

11 41 Crossroads Plaza – PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117

Wednesday, March 26 UConn Health Center 6:00 pm Back to Basics: Lighting & Display Calibration 7:00 pm Main Meeting: Intro to InDesign

For more meeting info, see page 11 or go to: Driving directions are below.

CMC Monthly Meeting Location Monthly CMC meetings are held at UConn Health Center in Farmington. A PDF document containing a visual direction guide to the location of our meeting in the UConn Health Center is available on our website: When hands-on programs require computers for attendees, we will use Middlesex Community College. Directions for CMC Monthly Meetings UConn Health Center, Farmington From I-84: Take Exit 39 (if coming from I-84 West, Exit 39 is after 39A). Turn right at first traffic light onto Route 4 East (Farmington Avenue). At third traffic light, turn right to enter the Health Center campus. Go around the main building to the right (at a Y in road), then take a left when you get to the Academic Entrance. The road becomes two-way there so you should be able to tell where to turn. (Do not go on straight to the two-way part). Then take the second right into parking lot A&B. this is close to the building. Go past the police station entrance on your left (small sign). You will see a continuation of the building with its own entrance area. This is the new research building. Enter on the ground floor, turn right and enter We’re grateful to Reggie Dionne for stepping in as presenter at March’s meeting. He covered the Room EG-013 on your right. This is the first room on your right. The rest rooms basics of Microsoft Excel and answered a long list are on your left as you enter. of member questions! Thanks, Reggie! 12 Inside Cataloging Photos and Storing Them on the Computer ...... 3 Free Manager ...... 7 Little Snitch 2...... 5 Retirement of Classic...... 8 Setting Up...Digital Photo Frame ...... 9 Meetings and Club News ...... 11 NEWSLETTER OF CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC.MAY 2008

Review: On the Mac side, I was immediately frustrat- ed with the sluggish Mozy software. Just Mozy Backup Service browsing the folders you want to specify for By Chris Hart, CMC President backups was fraught with frequent appear- ances of the spinning color wheel cursor Ideally, everyone should have an automated (with its implication of “Please wait while I backup scheme in place for his or her com- finish this task”). And this was on a system puter. Further on the list of ideals would be a that is no slug–a G4 tower system with dual 1 daily update of this backup. To take this even gigahertz processors, 2 gigs of RAM and further, the ideal backup would be one that is plenty of breathing room on the hard drive. located “off-site”–the documents being The version numbers for Mozy’s Mac soft- duplicated at a location different than where ware gave away the fact that it’s still an your computers are. This prevents theft, fire immature product. In fact, the first couple of and acts of nature from destroying all your versions I tried crashed frequently and even information in one swipe because you stored This need for more backup storage space is caused kernel panics on a number of occa- it all under one roof. what prompted me to look elsewhere, so that sions. During the five months that I was using my off-site backup would more comprehen- With high-speed Internet connections, it Mozy, there were probably five updates to sive. While I keep a complete backup of my has become practical to use Internet-based their Mac software. These revisions eliminat- entire system on an external hard drive, my storage services as your off-site backup ed the kernel panics and crashes, but there goal is to also have as many files as is practi- destination. There are several such services were still lots of performance issues. The cal stored at an off-site location. So, I looked out there, but not many support Macintosh. biggest problem was that the software slowed at a few Mac-friendly services, but all of them And of those, not all of them are affordable down the entire computer drastically when- added up in cost pretty quickly. The exception for the typical small business or household ever it was running. And it was running a lot was Mozy, which offers “unlimited” backup budget. in order to upload all the files I wanted pro- storage for $5 a month (per computer). This is tected. Another problem was that the Apple’s .Mac service includes Internet back- the most attractively priced backup service software would frequently lose its ability to up functionality and it’s something I have that has come to my attention and I believe it’s connect to Mozy’s servers and the only rem- relied upon for many years. But Apple his- perhaps the cheapest in existence. That was edy was to restart the computer. This was torically didn’t include much storage space very appealing to me, as I have perhaps 30 very frustrating, as I don’t restart or shut with this service, so I kept only the most crit- gigabytes of stuff that is very important to me, down my computer very often. ical documents stored there. But I started and then another 50 or so that is important, but using it for more stuff as soon as Apple not critical. This same problem also afflicted the increased the standard space allocation to 10 Windows software on my wife’s PC, So, I signed up for two accounts, one for my gigabytes. That’s enough space to store any although I suspect in her case it might have primary Macintosh and the other for my wife’s person’s most important documents. If you been because of the less-than-stellar wireless Windows PC. It was obvious from the begin- have a .Mac account, you should be using connection she has to the Internet. Whatever ning that Mozy has been supporting Windows this backup resource. the cause, the result was that she would fre- for a longer time than Mac, as their proprietary quently see a message from Mozy saying that Many people debate the value of .Mac, but I software for PCs has many more features than the connection to the backup server had been think it’s reasonably priced and includes the Mac version. In both versions, you are lost. Considering that the Windows PC had some worthwhile services, and I believe offered some simple selectors for identifying just under 15 gigabytes of data to be backed backup is one of them. If you’ve have a need the files that most people would be concerned up, I was hoping for better results than on my to keep more than 10 gigabytes protected, with protecting (such as Documents folder, Mac. In general the Mozy experience was then .Mac may not be the ideal solution. Pictures, etc.). But you are also free to chose better under Windows, but it still was not suf- While you can buy more capacity from manual mode and specify exactly what you ficient for me to grade it as anything better Apple, the service does become less of a want protected (down to the file/folder level, in than “Good.” “good value” when you add on these addi- fact). On both computers, I chose manual tional tiers of storage. mode, because I knew exactly what I wanted. continued on page 2

1 The worst part of Mozy was that when the utility for .Mac does slow down when you software (be it Windows of Mac) would lose throw more stuff at it, but it’s still very usable. its connection to the Mozy Internet server, it (I’m speaking of Internet-based backups. would then not acknowledge the successful Unfortunately, when it’s transferring files to a transfer of the files it had sent prior to that local hard drive backup, it does slow down NEWSLETTER OF point. As far as the Mozy software was con- your Mac quite a bit.) CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC. cerned, if the session hadn’t completed A USER GROUP SINCE 1986 The ultimate test for any backup service or successfully, then everything that was system is to see if you can successfully uploaded didn’t count. Now that’s really stu- retrieve and open your files. I tested this abil- Editor pid for a backup system that is reliant on slow ity with Mozy on several occasions and the Deena Quilty uploads of data, over long periods of time. files came through intact. So when Mozy did As I mentioned, there were occasional work, it did seem to be reliable. I just wish it Designer updates from Mozy and happily they always worked even 99% of the time. I also have to George Maciel brought improvements. But the rate of say that I wasn’t entirely convinced that progress was still too slow for my liking. I Mozy was always encrypting my files prior to Photographer was also confounded by the fact that both the transferring them to Mozy HQ over the John Scott Mac and Windows software had an option in Internet. While this didn’t seem to be a prob- the preferences that said “update automatical- lem on the Windows side, there were times Publisher ly,” because it didn’t seem to do anything. On that the Mac software seemed to “forget” the neither platform did this feature work reli- encryption key that I had specified. Mozy Connecticut Macintosh ably. It sometimes worked on Windows, but it tech support’s resolution to this issue? That I Connection, Inc. never did on my Mac. As a result, I had to not only reinstall the Mozy software, but also 41 Crossroads Plaza manually look for, and install, nearly all the start over from scratch with my backups PMB 1984 Mozy updates. (meaning that everything which had been transferred to their servers over the preceding West Hartford, CT 06117 If you don’t already know, all Internet-based weeks would have to be forgotten). backup services are slow. It’s because you’re Printer moving a considerable number of files over As if that solution wasn’t annoying enough, Budget Printers your Internet connection. Even if you have a there was no function in Mozy’s software to 1718 Park Street very fast cable modem, like me, you can make sure that your old backups are erased. Hartford, CT 06106 expect the software to be running for hours. In the case of .Mac’s iDisk, you can tell the Mind you, it’s intended to run in the back- Apple Backup software to remove all your ground, while you use your computer. But, as old backup files, right from a selection in one We welcome submissions I said earlier, the software slowed down my of the menus. With Mozy there was no such from our members! entire system while it was running in the function and there was no way for me to be Please submit articles by first background, so that was not an effective way sure that my unencrypted data was removed of the month for inclusion in to work. This inability to multi-task is sur- from Mozy’s server (the tech support rep told our newsletter. All articles prising, though, since I run applications me that he would remove the data, but I had should be submitted by email simultaneously all the time and rarely see this no assurance that this was done). kind of performance deficit. to [email protected] I didn’t intend for this review to be so nega- Worse yet, when I really needed to get back tive, but for my needs, Mozy is not up to the There is so much talent all the speed of my system and I would tell task. The bottom line of this review is that in our group; it would the Mozy software to stop performing a back- you get what you pay for: Mozy is cheap and up, it would frequently take several minutes thus the end results are lacking. The highlight be great to have several mem- to do so. I can understand it taking up to 20 of my experience with the service was that ber articles in each issue of or 30 seconds, as there is some record-keep- when I was double-billed one month, they the newsletter. ing that has to be done (to keep track of what took care of crediting it very quickly. has been backed up and what hasn’t). But, as If you are looking to backup a very modest it typically took 3-5 minutes, I frequently got amount of information, Mozy may work well aggravated. THANK YOU! for you. It’s possible that backup tasks of less At our April meeting, Maybe I was asking too much of Mozy, with than 5 gigabytes are entirely usable–say, just Don Dickey gave us an my total list of files to be protected weighing your most critical word processor documents, overview of the basics of Adobe in at close to 100 gigabytes. But when you financial records, spreadsheets, and . InDesign, and showed us tell people your product is unlimited, you’d For me I decided to stop using Mozy for both real-life examples. better be prepared to follow through. I have my Mac and my wife’s PC. I may try the Thanks, Don for an informative .Mac to use for off-site backups of less than service again in, maybe a year’s time. By that and very interesting 10 gigs, so I’m not going to pay an addition- time their software may have matured suffi- presentation! al monthly fee for Mozy if it can’t handle at ciently for my needs.  least 20 gigabytes with ease. Apple’s Backup

2 Cataloging Photos ■ Thesaurus of Graphical Materials I: and Storing Them Subject Terms on the Computer ■ Thesaurus of Graphical Materials II: Genre & Physical Characteristics Terms By Charles Maurer [Note: the above Thesauruses in RTF Anyone who has ever heard me speak format can be downloaded by going to French will be surprised that there is some- the original Tidbits article located at: thing I do even worse: file papers. If the] appropriate destination is obvious, I will usually put them away eventually, but I workman, tradesman, builder, carpenter, sawyer, I took a long time to extract that list from seem to be saddled with an unclear mind, frame, framer, framing, saw, wood_saw, bow- the thesaurus. Tiede has been cataloguing for rarely do I find the destination obvious. saw, bucksaw, workplace, safety, workplace_ photos daily for , so she is much safety, building, home_ building, house, For example, in front of me is an article on construction, house_construction, industrial_ more efficient. Still, she told me that it colour organs - 19th-century organs that photography, portrait, industrial_ portrait, trav- typically takes her about five minutes per projected colours while playing music. Do el_photography, travel_photograph, monsoon, picture, “often less but sometimes more.” I file this under music, musical instru- clouds, monsoon_ clouds, cloudy, barefoot, Describing pictures is so time-consuming ments, organs, colour, vision, or rural, China, Yunan, rural_China, rural_Yunan that a bunch of museum administrators synaesthesia (the mixing of senses)? are trying to develop a catalogue formed In the hope of finding a sensible way to by the public like a wiki, and - apparently My solution to such conundrums used to select keywords I consulted a profession- Tom Sawyer is alive and resides in be to leave papers wherever I finished al photo cataloguer, Marcia Tiede, then at California - Google Image Labeler is try- reading them until my wife got fed up the University of Arizona’s Center for ing to induce the public to identify with the mess and threw everything in a Creative Photography. Tiede told me that pictures in Google’s index by turning box. To find a paper - well, if it was still if I wanted to identify a photo of a work- keywording into a game. lying about and I had been noshing while man, one cataloguing convention would I read it, I might try asking the dog to have me enter “workmen” instead. Ditto While talking with Tiede, it struck me sniff out crumbs, but usually all I could for 16 other words on my list - tradesmen, that an index of keywords could be useful do was hope to locate one paper by acci- builders, carpenters, sawyers, etc. for particular, delimited circumstances dent while searching for another. Only in Beyond that, however, she could not but in most cases, their selection must be the last few years have I come up with a make the job any more straightforward. so limited and haphazard that searching sensible approach. Now I save them all She also suggested five more keywords: might be no less efficient if keywords on my computer in a folder called men, labourers, occupations, equipment, were not used at all, if a richly descriptive “papers” and search for the contents and tools. caption were used instead, a stream of using CTM Development’s FoxTrot text that would flow more easily from the (Tiger) or Spotlight (Leopard). Tiede explained that there is no standard mind. Tiede agreed. She told me that this set of descriptors. The U.S. Library of is being tried in library circles, often with Pictures are different, though. There is no Congress publishes a two-part Thesaurus the addition of syntactical markers that way to index images. To find pictures by of Graphic Materials that some U.S. form an extension of the World Wide their content requires (1) describing the libraries use as a de facto standard but it Web called the Semantic Web. content in words and (2) attaching is continually changing, so that the descriptions to images. Both requisites descriptor of a subject used yesterday or Linking Photos and Descriptions — sound simpler than I have found either of tomorrow may not be the same as its Attaching this information to photos them to be. equivalent today. Also, the thesaurus is presents more problems. No organization unwieldy, 830 pages and growing. On the maintains a standard for the EXIF infor- other hand, despite its size, Tiede still Describing Picture Content – mation supplied by the camera - it is an finds it to be missing appropriate descrip- Keywords are supposed to make it easy to ad hoc convention of camera manufactur- tors. If I were using it, this would be the find a photo. Computers can handle lots ers - and the IPTC (International Press list of keywords for that picture: of keywords, so applying enough of them Telecommunications Council) standard ought to let me find anything. for storing textual metadata within image Unfortunately, I can think up an impracti- carpenters, saw, crosscut_saws, sawing_wood, files has been evolving over the years. safety, hazard, construction, houses, wooden_ cal number of descriptors for every Indeed, the latest version is extensible, to buildings, construction_industry, portrait_ photo- picture and I can never decide which of allow for further change. The standards graphs, travel, equipment, tools, men, labourers, and practices are sufficiently chaotic that them not to include. For example, here occupations, equipment, tools. are the keywords I came up with for this not all applications recognize the same photograph: Continued from page 4

3 continued from page 3 approach can handle any number that, although an improvement over the of pictures, but the database and Finder, it is still sluggish. Also, it will not fields and the same field may appear with the original files must be synchro- let me edit one string of text that I often different labels in different applications. nized after any change to either. need to, the date and time that the photo- Some applications permit you to enhance This kind of synchronization is graph was taken. I rarely remember to this confusion by defining fields of your easily mucked up, leading to con- change these in my camera while cross- own, which may or may not be in a for- fusion and lost work. ing time zones, and a couple of times I mat that another application will have set a camera to the wrong day or recognize. Finally, to read and edit the 4. Generate a preview then put the year, so I often find myself needing to metadata of an image, an application preview and metadata into a perma- correct the date or time in the image file. needs to read and save the entire image nent, efficient database, and move file - perhaps 100 megabytes to change 1 the original image there too. This Aperture and iPhoto — At this point I kilobyte. prevents damage from improper decided to try Apple’s Aperture. This is synchronization but presents a the big brother of iPhoto that is aimed at long-term liability. All of the tech- (If your pictures are smaller - if they are advanced amateurs and pros. Aperture nology involving digital pictures is closer to 1 MB - then your pictures are offers many more tools than iPhoto for evolving rapidly, including the compressed as JPEGs. This compression identifying, selecting, and manipulating databases for storing them. A few loses information, so serious photogra- pictures but iPhoto ‘08 has been changed years from now you may prefer to phers usually save pictures in an to work much like Aperture under the store your photographs differently uncompressed format and convert them hood, so my comments on Aperture apply and want to export them. However, to JPEG only to put them on the Web or to iPhoto as well, except as noted. it is one thing to export text from a to send them by email. Uncompressed database and it is another thing to photos run in the tens of megabytes. export 100 MB images, especially Aperture generates its own database, When working in Photoshop, it is normal if you have a lot of them. Finding importing original photos into a propri- to duplicate the photo into a different the time and drive space to do this etary data structure, and generating layer and work on it, then to repeat this might be difficult. copies of each for quick previewing. This process several times. In this way a final provides the advantages and disadvan- image can easily become hundreds of Simple Tools — My personal approach tages I mentioned above: speed and megabytes.) to organizing pictures is almost as hap- safety for the nonce with a long-term lia- hazard as my approach to organizing bility if - or, more probably, when - the To show you a selection of photographs, papers. I lack the self-discipline to label time comes to store your photographs dif- any application needs to display small them, but if I care about them I put them ferently. However, when I tried importing versions of the original and make avail- into folders labelled by the journey I shot files that contained descriptive metadata, able any metadata attached to them. them on or the subject’s name. To find I saw some of my information but not my There are only a few ways to do this and them, I negotiate those folders then root captions or keywords. Aperture keeps all each has limitations: rapidly through thumbnail images and the metadata separate from the photos small previews. The Finder is almost suf- and will embed the metadata only if you 1. Read all the information from disk ficient for this task, but every time it export a picture. every time it’s needed, and generate needs a preview image, it draws a fresh a small preview image whenever one. On our computers, Finder’s preview Besides storing photos, Aperture can edit one is required. With uncompressed of a 100 MB image typically takes 6 or 7 them. Aperture’s editing tools are far pictures this takes so much time that seconds to appear. (This is on both a 2 more numerous and sophisticated than it is sensible only when cataloguing GHz dual-processor Power Mac G5 with iPhoto’s but they are still meagre. I would folders that change often, like the 8 GB of RAM and a dual-core Intel- find it essential to augment them with contents of memory cards. based iMac with 2 GB of RAM.) This some third-party plug-ins Apple just takes so long as to make rooting through announced but even with those there are 2. Generate a preview image the first folders of large images impractical. still some huge lacunae: no way to con- time it is required, and keep the small trol perspective, correct distortion, or image and the metadata in a cache. The next step up from this is Adobe reduce optical blurring (as in Photoshop’s This works with more pictures than Bridge, part of Creative Suite 3 and smart sharpening controls). (See “Aperture the previous method but becomes Photoshop Elements 6. Bridge builds pre- 2.1 Adds Plug-in Capability to Edit Photos.” awkward with large numbers. views and caches them. It offers a rough Also, equivalent of the preview mode in older there is no way in Aperture to select only 3. Generate a preview image and put versions of Elements or the browser in part of an image and have either Aperture that preview plus the metadata into a GraphicConverter. Since I own Adobe or a plug-in modify only that part. permanent, efficient database. This Bridge, I tried it for awhile, but I found continued on page 5

4 continued from page 4 Despite these problems with the user interface, Aperture 2 Aperture’s editing tools also gener- is much improved over previ- ate a long-term liability. When you ous versions. In other respects edit a photo either with an external it is now a competent applica- editor or with a plug-in, Aperture tion. However, it is not an duplicates it first and sends out the application that I want to use, duplicate for alteration, but Photo organizers: Extensis Portfolio & Microsoft Expression Media irrespective of the interface. I Aperture’s built-in editing tools want my metadata stored with work differently. Those do not Aperture’s user interface is much my original photographs, and I have seen change the original image; they are math- improved in the current version, and most too much change in the computer world ematical instructions that are effected of its icons and controls are labelled to want to tie my pictures to a vector- only when writing to the screen, printing, clearly in English, but it still uses close to based editor, even if that editor could do or exporting a file. The instructions fill lit- two dozen hieroglyphical characters. all that I would want it to. tle disk space and they can be changed or They may be called icons but they are reordered at any time. However, if Apple hardly iconic. I find them difficult to Expression Media and Extensis ever changes an algorithm in a future interpret and even difficult to make out Portfolio — At this point I looked at other release of Aperture, then at a stroke, all of with my monitor at the back of my desk. photo organizers. I tried all I could find, the photographs that you painstakingly On top of that, their explanatory tooltips including, among others, Extensis modified will be changed. Of course Apple are not Apple’s standard black on yellow Portfolio, Microsoft Expression Media is aware of this, and in a telephone briefing, but white on black, which makes them (formerly iView MediaPro), Adobe a product manager assured Adam and me difficult to read. It is no accident that Photoshop Lightroom, MediaDex (the sin- that Apple would always leave the original books are printed in black ink on white gle-user version of Cumulus), and code in place so that users’ photographs paper, or that black on white won out over QPict. I found the first two of them to be would remain unchanged, but “always” is a reverse video in word processors. For worth a close look, Portfolio and very long time for a company to maintain optical and other reasons, black text on a Expression Media. Both of them use the outdated code. To know that your editing is white background is more legible than third structure on my list: they maintain saved permanently, you need to create a white on black. Apple’s use of white text structured databases of text information copy of the file by opening it with a plug-in on black is a fatuous triumph of fashion and previews but will synchronize their or an external editor, or you need to export over function. databases with the original files. Both of the image. them work quickly, are reasonably reliable Apple permits a choice of background at synchronizing, and are reasonably Aperture displays a JPEG of the last state behind your photographs, a choice run- robust. Expression Media can also edit pic- of every image, and attaches your key- ning from black to white with a middling tures but its editing tools are rudimentary. words to that JPEG. Thus, if you ever grey as the default. Grey is easiest on the cannot access your pictures through eyes and black makes pictures look the Of these two packages, Expression Aperture, you will still find a set of best, but white gives the closest indication Media ought to be preferable - just about labelled, edited photos buried in of how the pictures will look when print- ideal, in fact. It has virtually every feature Aperture’s data package. (A package is a ed. Since the primary purpose of Aperture I might ever want and the next version, folder that looks like a file but can be is to sort pictures for printing, I want to currently in beta, has the missing one: opened in the Finder like any other folder use a white background - but I cannot. hierarchical keywords. If I ever define by selecting it, Control-clicking, then Aperture makes this impractical because keywords, some of them will fit into cat- choosing Show Package Contents in the to indicate a selection, it surrounds pic- egories, so a hierarchical display will contextual menu that appears.) They will tures with a white frame, not with a make them easier to find: only be JPEGs, not TIFFs or raw images, contrasting tone or a colour. but at least you will have a complete set of pictures and metadata in some format. format: vertical horizontal square Apple’s user interface guidelines eschew portraits: friends relatives personal commercial (iPhoto maintains comparable JPEGs in gibberish in menus, but Aperture sports its iPhoto Library package but does not Show Inspector HUD, Show Keywords attach any metadata to them, so if you HUD, and Show Lift & Stamp HUD. Aperture also offers hierarchical key- ever lose access to your iPhoto database, “HUD” stands for “heads-up display,” words, and iPhoto does through your keywords will be gone. However, which is Apple’s new jargon for a float- Keyword Manager, but Portfolio does unlike earlier versions, iPhoto ‘08 does ing window. Each of these floating not, and Portfolio has fewer bells and attach your keywords to photos if you windows uses small type in white on whistles as well. export the images.) black, which makes them hard to read and annoying to use. continued on page 6

5 continued from page 5 However, I found a free application that The choice between Expression Media will let me change dates, Jim Merkel’s and Portfolio is the choice between two However despite Expression Media’s PhotoInfo, and I suspect that before I sets of chefs’ knives in a kitchen: a dozen capabilities, I cannot stand the product, learn to be assiduous about applying stored in a knife block with the blades because of its user interface. I don’t want keywords, Portfolio’s developers will buried or six hanging openly on a rack. to mouse through menus for every com- have been prodded by their competition The first set has an ideal knife for every mand and I can remember few keyboard to add hierarchism. purpose but you need to pull out several shortcuts, so I want to use toolbars most to find the one you want. With the second of the time, but I find Expression Media’s Both Expression Media and Portfolio set you may not find the perfect knife for toolbar to be virtually useless. Instead of maintain a separate database for metada- a job, but you can find a knife that’s good meaningful icons, it is filled with indeci- ta but, unlike Aperture, they will also enough and find it instantly. I have found pherable hieroglyphs, hieroglyphs that write metadata to the original files. This the difference between the applications to are not labelled in English and contain no strikes me as a valuable feature. Nothing be most pronounced when choosing sub- colour to help tell them apart. Moreover, in the computer world lasts forever. tle variations on a theme - slightly half of the hieroglyphs are for commands Eventually you are going to need to or different smiles in a portrait, for example. that I never use, so that they add nothing want to move your photographs out of Each program will enlarge its small pre- but confusion, and the toolbar cannot be Aperture. When that happens, to extract view images to fill the screen, and will modified to remove them. Only the pop- your metadata, you will need to export all switch among full-sized previews instant- up tooltips make the hieroglyphs of your photographs. That will require as ly, but when images are very similar I interpretable, so for all intents and pur- much additional drive space as your pho- want to compare them side-by-side, not poses, the toolbar functions as a menu tographs are occupying. An active sequentially. Expression Media will let that displays its items one at a time after a photographer’s files can easily grow into me do this but Portfolio will not. With one-second delay. I tried changing some the terabytes, so duplicating them is not Portfolio I need to open the images I want of the keyboard shortcuts to a set that I finding a space to park your car, it’s find- to compare in Photoshop. This requires might remember, but some of the menu ing the space to park an 18-wheeler. With but a click on the toolbar, but the originals items would not change and adding a Expression Media and Portfolio you can are much larger than the previews, so they shortcut to one command did not remove leave your pictures parked exactly where take longer to open. it from another. they are and merely change the program that catalogues them. All you need to do All in all, the difference between Expression Media’s predecessor, iView is make sure your metadata are saved to Expression Media and Portfolio is less a MediaPro, was identical to the current the image files. matter of function than of taste. I prefer version of Expression Media, except that Portfolio but that is a personal prefer- its toolbar was better. The hieroglyphics Making the Choice — My own assess- ence, not a recommendation. What I in iView’s toolbar were in colour and ment of Aperture is that its long-term recommend is that you try them both contained some interpretable icons scat- liabilities leave it suitable less for profes- side by side. Both are available as full- tered among them. This made iView’s sionals than for serious amateurs who just featured demos with 30 days of toolbar useable, and a useable toolbar want an enhanced iPhoto with better edit- unrestricted use.  made iView a useable product. I used it ing capabilities. They are more likely to happily and would use it still, if Microsoft be filling it with JPEGs, not raw files and [If you found Charles Maurer’s thoughts were still maintaining it. However, the TIFFs, so the eventual exporting problem about photo cataloguing helpful, he asks toolbar in Expression Media drove me to will be reduced by orders of magnitude. that you make a donation to Save the Extensis Portfolio. Although Portfolio They are also more likely to find Children at does not offer quite all of the features I Aperture’s editing tools sufficient. would like, it has enough features to do the job and it has a nice Cocoa interface Moreover, both Portfolio and Expression Reprinted from TidBITS#926/28-Apr-08. that I can configure to be comfortable and Media are better suited to the business convenient. I prefer fewer features that I world. Unlike Aperture, both of these can find easily to more features that I products are available for Windows as need to search for. well as Macs, and both Extensis and *Note: there are numerous downloadable Microsoft supply free readers for both links and URL references listed in the With Portfolio, I have found satisfactory platforms, to allow professionals to send above article that can be accessed or if not excellent ways to have it do every- out databases on CDs. In addition, downloaded by going the the website link thing I want, with two exceptions: Portfolio is available in a multi-user ver- at: it cannot change the date and time a pho- sion that will permit colleagues to share tograph was taken, and it cannot images over a network. create hierarchical lists of keywords.

6 Free Bookmark Manager Little Snitch 2 Agile Web Solutions just released Many applications call AllBookmarks 3.0, a major upgrade to home on a regular basis. the free Bookmark Manager that pro- Do you know who they vides access to all your browser are? Little Snitch 2 can bookmarks in one place. tell you when it happens and which ones are call- AllBookmarks is a free application that adds a new item to ing. Of course most of the connections are needed, but you your Mac OS X menu bar giving you quick access to all should be aware of what is happening. your bookmarks. Once Little Snitch informs you a program attempts to All your bookmarks from multiple browsers are shown and establish an outgoing Internet connection. Then you can can be selected. In the current release, Safari, Firefox, choose to allow or deny this connection and similar, future OmniWeb, Camino and are supported. connections. Little Snitch runs in the background and it can AllBookmarks also gives you access to your 1Password also detect network related activity of viruses, trojans and Logins so you can navigate to a page, fill the form, and sub- other malware. mit it, all with a single click! Little Snitch 2 introduces a new Network Monitor, showing New in Version 3.0: detailed information of all incoming and outgoing network • Completely New UI: This version of AllBookmarks traffic. features a greatly improved user interface. The old plain menu bar has been replaced with a full book With the evaluation License, Little Snitch has a free, built- mark list window. in demo mode that provides the same protection and • New Search Bar: The new search bar allows you to functionality as the full version. The limitation is that it will quickly find your bookmarks, where ever they may be. only run for three hours although, it can be restarted as • Automatic Updates: AllBookmarks 3.0 added auto- often as you like. matic application updates via Sparkle. • Better International Support: Fixed problems with It requires Mac OS X 10.4 and there is a $24.95 fee for a umlauts being displayed incorrectly in OmniWeb single license with multiple licenses available. bookmarks. More info and download at System Requirements: From Mug InfoManager for Monday, May 5, 2008 Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or 10.5 (Leopard) by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with coeditor Fred Showker Pricing and Availability: AllBookmarks is a free application. For full details about the new release, including the change log and A Daily Dose of Software By Chris Hart screenshots, and download, please visit the AllBookmarks website: I know that several CMC members have a daily “habit” (I’ll refrain from using the word “addiction”) of checking for the AllBookmarks Direct Download: special of the day. While not every day sees a winner of a product, it’s interesting to see the variety of products they Founded in the fall of 2002, Agile Web Solutions, Inc., offer at a discount. began as a partnership between two experienced consulting firms, Teare Software Solutions Inc and Software Trenches If you like trying new things, you should make MacZot and Inc. Agile Web Solutions has a long history of innovation MacUpdate among your daily destinations (with the option and business excellence. Agile Web Solutions is a privately of email reminders). They provide a fun way to discover new held company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. abilities for your Mac. You can find them at: For more information about the company or any of its prod- ucts, visit the Agile Web Solutions web site. MacZot: MacUpdate: From Mug InfoManager for Monday, May 5, 2008 by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with coeditor Fred Showker Warning: I disclaim any responsibility for any “addiction” you may develop to these sites!

7 The Retirement of Classic But this is not to say that I do not have By Chris Hart, CMC President sympathy for those who wish to keep their legacy Mac software working. I This is something that I don’t think we’ve can appreciate that some people have a talked about much in CMC meetings or this desire, or need, to keep their Classic newsletter. I know it has taken some Mac apps running. But is it just a matter of users by surprise when they go to update or wanting to keep Classic going or truly replace their Mac: Apple has retired the needing to keep it going? If you simply Classic environment. There is nothing current- have a desire to stick with those old ly sold by Apple which supports the ability to pieces of software you’re used to, it’s run Mac OS 9 “inside of” Mac OS X. really come to the time to let go. There are OS X-based replacements and All current Macs feature Intel processors, alternatives for nearly all legacy Mac which have no capability to run Classic. And software applications. Yes, there are the latest version of the Macintosh operating system, OS X certainly exceptions, but on the whole, OS X has a wealth of 10.5, removes the ability to use Classic on any Mac you great software options. install it on. But there are definitely some of you whose circumstances For the majority of Mac users this is not an issue, as we’ve represent a serious need to keep the Classic environment run- transitioned entirely to Mac OS X. But there are still a few of ning, because the particular legacy software they’re using has you out there who rely on Classic to run old apps like no equivalent in the world of OSX. In such a situation, the PageMaker and TypeStyler. You folks need to come to terms best option is to stick with an older Mac running OS X 10.4. with the fact that Classic is dead in the eyes of the Apple and While 10.5 is great, there’s certainly nothing wrong with 10.4 the Mac industry. and it should remain viable for a few years. Why? Well, beyond the fact that Apple is a very forward-look- While some resourceful, independent Macintosh program- ing company, there is the matter of the engineering resources mers have come up with ways to run older Mac software on that were required to keep Classic going. You take for granted newer Macs, it’s not a fun process getting them working. If it the fact that you have been able to continue using an old means a lot to you, a web search for the two words “ favorite piece of software for so many years. But what you Macintosh” or the single phrase “SheepShaver” will present haven’t been aware of is the effort and time that was involved you with details about these alternatives. But, as I have said, with keeping it working in conjunction with newer hardware getting them running is not easy and if you’re not technically and operating system versions. inclined, they represent a considerable challenge. There is also no guarantee that they will work. From a business perspective, there is no longer a case to be made for maintaining this compatibility. During the transition A few years ago, Apple told everyone that this day was com- to OS X, this functionality was critical and Apple went to ing. They said that OS 9/Classic was reaching the end of its great lengths to make it work right. But OS X has been the life and that everyone in the Mac community should direct defacto Mac operating system for a number of years now and their energies to the future of the Mac platform – Mac OS Apple feels that people have had enough time to complete X. Somewhere in the year that followed, the CMC board their personal transitions to the latest software. responded by making a decision to phase out articles and presentations on OS 9-specific software. Today, you can Apple is now focused on the future of their operating system. still get help with old Macs and legacy software at our meet- So, October 26, 2007 was not only the release date for OS X ings. But, in general, we believe that–for today’s most 10.5, but also the official retirement date for Classic. Apple common computer tasks – OS X is superior to the Mac OS drew a line in the sand, saying “beyond this point, you will of old. We encourage anyone still clinging to Classic to have no access to Classic.” Personally, I don’t blame them. finalize their transition to OS X in the very near future.  This line had to be drawn somewhere and it’s really not in anyone’s best interest to hold out any longer.

CMC May ’08 Elections Chris Hart, President; Jerry Esposito, Vice President; Reggie Dionne, Treasurer; and Jack Bass, Secretary. Submitted by Connie Scott, Nominating Committee Chair At the May meeting we will vote for four positions: President, According to our by-laws, other members may volunteer to run Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The current officers for any of the four offices. To volunteer to run you may contact are eligible to stay in office for one more year and have agreed Connie Scott ([email protected]) or Joe Arcuri (ambas- to run for another year. The ballot will include the following: [email protected]), or give your name at the May Meeting.

8 SPECIAL OFFERS! Apple User Group Bulletin These User Group discounts are brought to you by the Apple User Group Advisory Board and Tom Piper, vendor relations. You must be a current Apple user group member to qualify for these savings. Not a member? Join an Apple user group today to take advantage of these special offers.

Bibliographies Made Easy: Save 50% on EndNote The MUG Store: Blowouts and More Maximize your research time with EndNote from Thomson Looking for a used iMac or a great deal on an internal hard Scientific. Use EndNote to manage your references, images and drive? Just love sorting through discounts and closeouts? Then PDFs, and create bibliographies instantly in over 2,800 publishing visit the Blowouts area of the Mug Store, where you will find styles. This $149.95 special offer to Mac user group members is a great deals on all sorts of new, discontinued and used products. 50 percent discount from the regular price of $299.95. Full-time Remember that everything you buy means points for your group students should check the student prices available for EndNote. to spend any way it wants! Offer is valid through June 30. Offer is valid through July 31. REVISED OFFER! LaCie DVD Burner: 36% Discount Stellar Phoenix iPod Recovery: 25% Discount LaCie d2 DVD+/-RW 20X Firewire DVD burner (part no. Stellar, a leader in since 1993, proudly announces a 301196U) with LaCie’s LightScribe disc labeling technolo- discount offer for “Stellar Phoenix iPod Recovery for Mac” which gy and Toast 8 Titanium recording software. User group provides quick, simple and powerful data recovery software for special price of $109, a $61 savings off regular price. Offer crashed or unresponsive Apple iPods. It helps recover data from is valid through May 31. damaged, deleted or corrupted iPods. Stellar shows its love for user groups with this offer of $29.25, a 25 percent discount off its Get the Apple User Group Market & retail price of $39.00. Offer is valid thru July 31. User Group Offers From One Site Skobos Personal Television for the Mac: 20% Off Looking for information on one of the offers listed Own a Mac? Like to watch television? Want to watch television on this page or on a past offer? Apple User Group on your Mac anytime or anywhere there’s a high-speed connec- Advisory Board member Tom Piper publishes a sin- tion? Whether you’re plugged in or on wireless, interactive gle page with all current offers, expiration dates, television will never be the same, and Skobos can prove it to you. ordering URLs and promotional codes. Go online to: Skobos, regularly $29.00, is available for an introductory Apple user group member price of $23.20. Offer is valid thru July 31. Password: xxxxx (valid thru 5/15/08) NOTE: Password above is ONLY listed in your MAILED CMC newsletter. Setting up and Using This frame allows you to to use into this folder. I then exported that fold- display a single photo er onto my desktop. I then connected the USB a Digital Photo Frame without the slideshow cable from the frame to my Mac. The Mac saw by Jerry Esposito, CMC VP format or a custom the frame as an external device and allowed me slideshow of only a to drag the pictures out of the folder and onto I recently set up a digital photo frame for selection of photos from the photo frame icon. A USB flash drive will my mother-in-law. Since she resides in a the memory source. You can transition between also work with this frame. nursing home, it was decided this would be a slides (at variable speeds) using fade, random, good gift since wall space is at a premium. cross comb, dissolve and six other styles. It will The Pandigital Photo frame is versatile enough also play MP3 music files when connected to to use freestanding on a desk or tabletop or hung The frame we purchased is a Pandigital 7" external speakers and it will play an AV1 video on a wall. It's especially useful as a desk calen- Photo Frame. It can hold up to 149 photos at 2 file, a format used by most digital cameras. dar as it can simultaneously show the month, megapixels each. Internal memory is 128 MB. time and a photo or slide show. It will also dis- Their website offers more products, sizes and It accepts images that have been saved or stored play an alarm time that can be set to use a info at on the following memory cards: Compact built-in tone or play a pre-stored piece of music. Flash, Secure Digital, Multi Media Card, Some of the features include slideshows, a Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, Memory I had casually dismissed the idea of a photo clock, a calendar, an alarm, auto on/off, power Stick Duo and Memory Stick Pro Duo or XD frame in the past as I thought it would be saving, color/tint, contrast/brightness, zoom, Memory Card. So, you don't even need a com- more trouble than it was worth. After going rotate and others. puter to use this photo frame. through the steps with the Pandigital, I have to say, it was painless. And while it won't The box contained the photo frame (with an While most people will probably use this photo replace those expertly framed and printed alternate "decorator" frame), an A/C power frame with a PC, setting it up for use with the photos, for those who don't want to use their adapter, user guide, remote control, USB cable Mac is fairly easy and straightforward. I made a computers as a slideshow monitor, it's a very and warranty card. folder in Apple's iPhoto application, named it good alternative.  "photoframe" and dragged the pictures I wanted (Photo courtesy of Pandigital)

9 2007–08 Connecticut Macintosh Connection Officers and Board of Directors

New Members Wanted! Have your friends and co- workers join us for fun and learning about OS X and the Mac. Please give them this application form.

CMC Benefits: Monthly meetings, monthly newsletter, President Vice President Secretary special events, discounted books, assistance with computer Chris Hart Jerry Esposito Jack Bass problems, network with other Mac users, User Group Store [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] discounts, and more. Yes, I want to join CMC!

Date ______

Name ______

Address ______Treasurer Past President Ambassador Reggie Dionne Rich Lenoce Joseph Arcuri [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] City ______

State ______Zip ______

Phone (Home) ______

Phone (Office) ______

Phone (Fax) ______Editor Design Raffles Deena Quilty George Maciel Robert Sawyer [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Occupation ______

Email: ______

Referred by:______

Areas of special interest:______Webmaster Parliamentarian/Historian Download of the Month ______Brian Desmond Connie Scott Debbie Foss [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ______Annual CMC Family Caricatures by Membership ILLUSTRATIONS CARICATURES ForProviding advertising custom or publication. art for ForFor a a unique unique GIFT. gift, try a Bill Dougal $25.00 Customadvertising, art for: publications, Persoanlizedpersonalized of Lebanon Make check payable to CMC and mail to: or artcaricature from photo. (860) 456-9041. web from a photo. 41 Crossroads Plaza, PMB 1984 • Print Available for •sites. Web OrAlso LIVE available at any West Hartford, CT 06117 illustration businessto draw orlive ...or for any event. assignments Pay online with PayPal at private event. (860)456-9041 • and event caricatures.

10 CMC Monthly Meeting General Meeting Info Getting CMC email? PLEASE NOTE! Monthly CMC meetings are held on We always send out advance notices of SPECIAL DATE & LOCATION last Wednesday of the month (except the meetings, and sometimes for big news during the months of November and or special events. Friday, May 30, 7:00 pm December when the meetings are Middlesex Community held earlier due to the holidays). We If you’re not getting these notices, please open at 6:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m. for email us at [email protected] with College in Middletown your current email address and a subject “Hands-On” Workshops Back to Basics, and from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. for the Main Presentation. line of: ADD TO CMC EMAIL LIST Our “hands-on” workshop meeting is becoming a tradition, because it’s so darned popular! Everyone gets a com- FREE Raffle! FREE Classified Ads puter to use in following along with Every CMC member who attends our CMC Members can advertise For one of three different presentations. monthly meetings gets a raffle ticket that Sale, Swap, Trade, Giveaway or Want First, we have a session in Adobe will give you a chance for one of our free to Buy Items. This space can be used Photoshop led by John Scott. He’ll prizes every month! Win toys, t-shirts, by members to advertise non-business show you how to use techniques such CDs, mugs, software…there’s always items which they are no longer using or as photo merge, high definition, cor- something we’re giving away! And upgrading. This is a FREE service recting images in RAW mode, and don’t forget the “free table” at the back provided to our members. Send to: color correction. of the room where everything! [email protected] Second, we have Apple’s iWeb pre- Treasurer’s Report Display Ad Rates sented by Don Dickey. He’ll lead you through creating a web site for projects Any business item or service can be such as family photos, podcasts, or a Total Membership: 127 advertised at these low monthly rates. weblog. Discussions will include site Business Card (3.5”w. x 2”)...... $10.00 structure, adding photo albums and Account Balances Quarter Page (3.625”w. x 4.75”) ...... $20.00 other media. Finally, you’ll learn how Balances as of April 30, 2008 to “publish your site” to the web. Checking Account ...... $2483.95 Half Page (7.5”w. x 4.75”h...... $30.00 or 3.625”w. x 9.5”h.) Our third session is under discussion at Money Market ...... $3566.50 press time. Should you want to volun- Full Page (7.5”w. x 9.5”)...... $50.00 teer to present a topic in a “hands-on” manner, please contact vicepresi- Submit all ad copy to the Editor on a [email protected] CMC Passwords/IDs disk (with nothing else on it) or e-mail it to [email protected] for insertion Check your newsletter mailing label CMC May ’08 Elections in the following issue. Display ads for the following info: At the May meeting we will vote for: must be submitted camera-ready in President, Vice President, Secretary, and • Your CMC User name and password eps or pdf format with all fonts and Treasurer. See complete article on page 8 to access info at graphics embedded. Note: there is no Back To Basics • Your CMC Membership Number session in May. (free shipping at MacConnection) Please specify how many issues you • Your CMC Membership renewal date would like your ad to run and make Upcoming Meeting: check payable to “CMC”. June 25, 7:00 pm Need CMC Support? Discounted Books UConn Health Center CMC continues to offer our current Kaplan Computers of Manchester will Did you know that Mac support is just a click away? members the opportunity to purchase visit CMC and discuss their role in the any published book for either Mac or Macintosh community. They recently That’s right!. You don’t have to wait Windows at a 20% discount. All major became an Apple authorized dealer for a monthly meeting to get publishers are carried by our source. and service center and welcome CMC answers your Mac related questions. Email us at [email protected]. members who are looking for an alter- CMC hosts a Mac Support mailing Provide the book title, the publisher native to the Apple Store. list for members? CMC members and the ISBN number, if possible, and can join at we will check on its availability.

11 41 Crossroads Plaza – PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117

PLEASE NOTE: SPECIAL DATE & LOCATION Friday, May 30th Middlesex Community College in Middletown, CT 7:00 pm 3 Hands-On Workshops Driving Directions Below

For more meeting info, see page 11 or go to: Driving directions are below.

Directions for May 30 Meeting at Directions for CMC June 25 Meeting at Middlesex Community College UConn Health Center, Farmington From the Hartford area, take Route 9 South. A few miles From I-84: Take Exit 39 (if coming from I-84 West, Exit South of downtown Middletown on Route 9, take Exit 11 39 is after 39A). Turn right at first traffic light onto Route (Rt. 155, Randolph Road). At the end of the ramp (for 4 East (Farmington Avenue). At third traffic light, turn both N. & S. bound) turn right onto Randolph Road. right to enter the Health Center campus. Go around the Continue to the traffic light at the top of the hill & turn main building to the right (at a Y in road), then take a left left onto Saybrook Road. Go a quarter of a mile & turn when you get to the Academic Entrance. The road right onto Reservoir Road. Travel past the stop sign & becomes two-way there so you should be able to tell where then take the first right onto Training Hill Road. Your first to turn. (Do not go on straight to the two-way part). Then left will lead into the MxCC Campus parking area. The take the second right into parking lot A&B. this is close to CMC meeting will be held in Chapman Hall; it’s a large the building. Go past the police station entrance on your modern building closest to the street. Park in the lower left (small sign). You will see a continuation of the build- parking lot by the building, enter Chapman Hall and go ing with its own entrance area. This is the new research upstairs to the 2nd floor. Our meeting will be held in the building. Enter on the ground floor, turn right and enter Multi-Purpose Room just past the elevator. room EG-013 on your right. This is the first room on your right. The rest rooms are on your left as you enter.

12 Inside Free E-Books...... 2 5 Commonly Overlooked Sys.Prefs...... 4 Big Book of Apple Hacks ...... 5 Surfbits: Mac Freeware...... 6 Download of the Mont...... 7 iPhoto ‘08: The Missing Manual ...... 8 Meetings and Club News ...... 11 NEWSLETTER OF CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC.JUNE 2008

When Will Computers computers, you can extrapolate that millions of man-hours are being wasted Get Smarter? every single day. By Chris Hart, CMC President We Mac users have been stuck at this In the movies, it’s not unusual to see level of computer evolution for 20+ people interacting with computers in years. The way we interact with our ways that are fantasy in today’s world. Macs has changed little since the intro- Characters may gesture their hands in duction of the platform in 1984. Sure the air, or “push” around virtual icons today’s Macs are fancier, can do more on a large transparent panel. Other things, and get them done faster than times, requests are given verbally, by the Macs of old. But essentially, we still asking the computer a question in a get tasks done in the same manner as straightforward fashion: “Computer, two decades ago – clicking a mouse, calculate the chances of Apple, Inc. navigating a labyrinth of menus and stock reaching $300 a share.” Why are windows, and searching for the com- such means of controlling computers mands that we need to get the job done. depicted in futuristic dramas time and time again? Because this is a natural For many people, getting bogged down and efficient way of working for us with this process of using a computer humans. results in anxiety and frustration. Figuring out how to get something sim- In the “real world” when we need an ple accomplished, like indenting a answer to a question, we turn to a co- paragraph in a word processor, should- worker and ask him or her to handle the n’t require searching through menus process of finding that answer. The rea- and visiting Help to get the desired son being that it’s the shortest route to results. Why is it accepted that using a get the result we need. Our co-worker is computer is such an arduous process? I smart and has the knowledge necessary believe that this global computer frus- to come up with the solution to the isn’t “smart” enough to know how to do tration is causing a collective weight problem at hand. Computers are smart, this work on its own. upon society that is having an unavoid- too. But it frequently doesn’t feel like it. ably negative effect on our state of mind Frankly, this is a way of working that is and enjoyment of our lives. I believe it’s With computers in their current stage of really archaic. We users shouldn’t have time for us all to stop accepting this evolution, we have to know how to get to go through intricate sequences to state of computer affairs. them to do the tasks required to reach make computers get the job done. It’s a the desired solution. That means know- waste of our time and requires us to I believe that using a computer needs to ing for ourselves what the best software focus on the mundane details, instead evolve from being process-oriented, to tool is to accomplish the task we need to of the important ideas. If you consider being task-oriented. What I mean is get done. Further, we have to shepherd the millions of computers in existence that, at the moment, computers are all the computer through the process – around the globe, and then think about clicking, navigating, and typing – all the all the time that we humans are spend- way to the final result. The computer ing slogging through tasks on these continued on page 3

1 Free E-Books Available Recently two E-Books have become available that CMC members might find of interest. E-Books are electronic versions of books in PDF file format, that you can read on-screen or print out for easy chair enjoyment. The first covers how NEWSLETTER OF CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC. to get started with Apple’s Pages (part of their iWork suite). The second is aimed

A USER GROUP SINCE 1986 at graphic designers using Photoshop.

Editor Deena Quilty Exploring Pages ‘08 with Pages ‘08 This is a 125 page book, that is not only about Pages Designer (Apple’s replacement for AppleWorks), but was actu- George Maciel ally created in Pages. It is intended specifically for Mac User Group members, and was written by Photographer Hartley “Jim” Jackson, who volunteers with the John Scott Northern Vermont Macintosh User Group. While the book doesn’t have the polish of profes- Publisher sional publications, it is chock full of information. Connecticut Macintosh And considering it’s free, you can’t beat the price. Connection, Inc. Please remember that this is intended specifically for 41 Crossroads Plaza MUG members and is not intended for distribution. PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117 Download your copy for a limited time:

Printer Budget Printers The Photoshop Anthology: 101 Web 1718 Park Street Design Tips, Tricks and Techniques Hartford, CT 06106 This 295 page book is a compilation of the most use- ful Photoshop techniques for web designers, We welcome submissions accompanied by color illustrations and step-by-step from our members! solutions. Topics include: image sizing, layers, vec- Please submit articles by first shapes, transparency, creating web buttons, of the month for inclusion in backgrounds, working with text, creating 3D objects, our newsletter. All articles and creating animated GIFs. should be submitted by email to [email protected] This book is offered by the instructional web site and is available for a limited time: There is so much talent in our group; it would be great to have several mem- If you enjoy this book, please visit for more of the same. ber articles in each issue of the newsletter.


Thank You To Our Workshop Instructors! CMC is grateful to the instructors that volunteered their time and skills at our May meeting.

John Scott walked everyone through the many tools in Adobe Photoshop. Don Dickey showed how to get yourself on the web with iWeb. And Paul Baldassini illustrated the intricacies of Adobe Illustrator.

2 Continued from page 1 level of success that the Mac platform is pened in the 90’s, when Windows won enjoying (with record sales in the last its dominance of the world of personal about using a process of commands and year). But it’s crucial that Apple make computers). Apple needs to be pouring steps to reach the desired goal. And the Mac OS so smart and so far ahead R&D money into making Macs smarter you, the user, must know that process to of Microsoft’s Windows that the degree and the very definition of “easy to use.” get anything done. Instead, the focus of advancement is so obvious to every It should be so effortless to get things needs to change to having users only consumer that they will be drawn to done on a Mac that, by comparison, needing to be concerned with tasks – using a Mac. Windows will look like a Ford Model T. telling the computer what you want it to do, and it being smart enough to per- As the keeper of the Macintosh plat- While there is no doubt in mind that form the processes that need to happen form, Apple needs to expedite this Apple is conducting research and to achieve the desired results. Freeing evolution to the next level. They need development in this area in their closed users from having to manage the to focus on creating a new methodolo- labs, not enough real world benefits process itself will allow us all to gy for using a computer. The iPhone is have seen the light of day. Starting with reclaim the time we waste sitting in a significant step in that direction, as Mac OS X 10.4, Apple has included front of computers, trying to figure out its touch-screen interface is greatly Automator on Macs, which allows for what the process is–in other words, streamlined compared to other the streamlining of repetitive tasks. But what we need to do to achieve the portable devices. And there are signs one still has to have technical knowl- results we want. that Apple is shifting the Mac platform edge to set up Automator. And, in this direction, as they recently unfortunately, there are still a lot of An excellent example is sending pic- brought aspects of the iPhone’s multi- things that Automator won’t do. In fact, tures via email. For years, doing this touch interface to the MacBook Pro even some of Apple’s own software required finding the photos in question, line. But we’re still a long way away titles don’t support Automator as much creating duplicates that are resized to a from being truly focused on task-ori- as they should. lower resolution, and then attaching ented computing. them to an email message. Apple’s Certainly software titles from compa- iPhoto changed that, by incorporating a Microsoft made news last year for nies other than Apple are also critical to simple function that accomplishes the demonstrating a computer integrated the success and future of the Mac. So, task directly. You highlight the photos into a table that has an advanced user even if Apple does put smarter and eas- you want to send, click the email icon, interface. To some extent, this also rep- ier tools in the Mac OS, these third iPhoto asks you what size you want the resents a step towards my goal for party software companies will need to photos to be, and voila you are present- computers. But the prospective cost make an effort to work in conjunction ed with an email message that is ready they quoted for the device and the time with these new tools and methods. But to go, with the pictures already frame in which they said we might see Apple must first lead the way, provid- attached. That’s the kind of smart, task- such a product were just plain silly. It ing the means and the framework oriented computing that needs to exist was basically just a showpiece to keep before the Mac software community throughout the Mac platform. But why the public thinking that Microsoft is can follow their lead. did it take until the existence of iPhoto advancing the world of computers. In to for this one task to be automated? fact, they haven’t done nearly enough. As I believe I’ve said in this column And sadly, I have to say that Apple has before, if I’m still operating my Macs Back in the day, the Mac was very done no better. In fact, they’ve probably 10 years from now in the same manner advanced compared to the computers done worse. They cannot wait any as I do today, I will be very disappoint- that preceded it. And it took a good 10 longer to change this. ed. It’s my sincere hope that Apple will years for the other major computing raise the Mac to a whole new level platform, Windows, to match the Mac’s Apple has a history of letting the Mac where ease of use is not just a term, but functionality. As soon as Windows rest on its laurels and they’re in jeop- an actuality. I believe it’s an attainable caught up, Apple should have focused ardy of letting that happen again. OS X goal to make computers so smart, and on getting ahead. But they got bogged has a definite edge over Windows, but thus making it so easy to get things down with a series of corporate failures we can’t count on that keeping us ahead done, that seeing people smile while sit- and nearly perished for it. OS X repre- for very long. Microsoft will eventually ting at a computer will become sented a rebirth of the Mac and it’s get their act together and they could commonplace. Now, just imagine what primarily responsible for the current leave Apple in the dust... again (as hap- that would be like! 

3 5 Commonly Overlooked System 3. Easily Search and Find This isn’t so much a preference as it is a feature of System Preferences Preferences. Finding preferences is extremely easy–even if By Lynn Wegley you don’t know where to look. The search box knows all of reprinted from UGN InfoManager the options inside the panels, and will take you to the correct place when you hit enter. The System Preferences panel has many overlooked settings. Here are my favorite 5.

5. Smooth Scrolling One small but important feature I found inside System Preferences -> Appearance is called Use smooth scrolling. Enabling smooth scrolling makes the page glide up and down the screen without any rigidness.

2. Customize Default Alert Sound Effect I wish I would have thought about customizing this setting This only applies when using the page up/down, spacebar sooner. The default Funk sound effect that plays as an alert and home/end keys while navigating a page. The difference is downright terrible compared to Morse. here is subtle, but I’m a fan. I often use the spacebar while reading news feeds and it’s made the experience surprisingly better.

4. Great Screensavers Custom & Built-in OS X has some great screensavers built right in. There’s the There are a dozen alert sounds, so I suggest finding the one standard Flurry screensaver. that best fits you inside System Preferences -> Sound -> Sound Effects.

1. Customizing Global Keyboard Shortcuts Inside System Preferences -> Keyboard & Mouse -> OS X Flurry iTunes Artwork RSS Visualizer Word of the Day Keyboard Shortcuts you will find a list of global keyboard There is also iTunes Artwork, RSS Visualizer and Word of shortcuts you may want to change or disable entirely. For the Day. example I find it annoying to have Front Row set to Leopard added Arabesque, Command+Escape. Sometimes while pressing Command+, a vibrant grid of blurring I slip and Front Row pops up and completely interrupts my dots, to the collection. But workflow. The solution here is either changing or disabling the you can also use custom Front Row keyboard shortcut. screensavers. Apple also has a good variety of these, along with Google.

One really cool screensaver I found is called Lotsawater. It renders a cool water effect over your desktop:

You can set many other keyboard shortcuts here, including: • Look up in dictionary shortcut • Take Screenshot with your keyboard • Super Zoom • Invert screen colors • and many more… 

4 Big Book of Apple Hacks The Big Book of Apple Hacks gives you: ■ Hacks for both Mac OS X Leopard Reviewed by Robert Pritchett and Tiger, their related applications, Reprinted from MacCompanion and the hardware they run on or June 08 connect to. ■ Expanded tutorials and lots of Author: Chris Seibold background material, including O’Reilly informative sidebars. ■ “Quick Hacks” for tweaking sys- 96529826/#top tem and gadget settings in minutes Released: April 2008 ■ Full-blown hacks for adjusting Pages: 640 Mac OS X applications such as $35 USD Mail, Safari, iCal, Front Row, or ISBN 10: 0-596-52982-1 the iLife suite ■ ISBN 13: 9780596529826 Plenty of hacks and tips for the Mac mini, the MacBook laptops, and Strengths: Compilation of hacks new Intel desktops. media and even real hardware hacks for for power users. ■ Tricks for running Windows on cars, scratched DVDs and CD, Weather- the Mac, under emulation in monitoring, Smart Homes cables and Weaknesses: Not intended for Parallels or as a standalone OS even cleaning the Mighty Mouse. “Beginners.” with Bootcamp. Do you have the itch to mess with your The new Big Book of Apple Hacks The Big Book of Apple Hacks is not Mac or a hankering for hacking and offers a grab bag of tips, tricks and only perfect for Mac fans and power even possibly void the warranty? Do hacks to get the most out of Mac OS users, but also for recent–and aspiring– you feel comfortable tweaking the Mac X Leopard, as well as the new line of “switchers” new to the Apple experi- systems? I asked my daughters if they iPods, iPhone, and Apple TV. ence. Hacks are arranged by topic for wanted to hack their iPods and they quick and easy lookup, and each one turned up their cute little noses and said, With 100 entirely new hacks present- stands on its own so you can jump “No WAY”! So this book is not for ed in step-by-step fashion, this around and tweak whatever system or them. It’s for guys like me who are com- practical book is for serious Apple gadget strikes your fancy. puter shadetree mechanics by trade and computer and gadget users who real- like to optimize everything. This book ly want to take control of these Since this is a new printing and things would intimidate my mom and drive my systems. Many of the hacks take you change, there is an Errata sheet getting dad crazy. This book is not for Attention under the hood and show you how to populated already. Deficit Syndrome types either. Maybe if tweak system preferences, alter or the title had been “Customize” instead add keyboard shortcuts, mount drives There are 15 chapters on hacks for of “Hacks” there would be a larger audi- and devices, and generally do things Safari, Network and Security, ence for this kind of book. with your operating system and Customizing Mac OS X, Command gadgets that Apple doesn’t expect Line, the iPod, Multiple OS, iLife, Apple Get the geekbook par excellence for you to do. TV, Leopard, iPhone, Laptops, multi- Mac Geek types. 

A Truly SmartCar! See more photos from Setup includes a Mac Mini, 10.2" Xenarc LCD touchscreen monitor, Rockford Fosgate amplifiers, Rockford Fosgate sub- woofer, Rockford Fosgate signal processor and MB Quart speakers all installed into a Smart Fortwo. The OS X dock graphic on the back window is a special touch.

5 are able to find, drag, or otherwise pull AdiumX: into its universe is endowed with many Surfing For Great potential uses. Hitting takes you Adium is a free instant Mac Freeware to the action field, where you can use messaging application for Essential Mac Freeware? the same adaptive search to select what Mac OS X, released under Tim Verpoorten you would like to do. Among other the GNU GPL and devel- Episode 2 things, files can be emailed, copied, oped by the Adium Team. With Adium, compressed. Text can be modified, you can connect to any number of mes- When a new Mac user finds their way transmitted between programs, or saging accounts on any combination of to a local MUG or listens to a podcast, searched for on the web. Some actions supported messaging services and then or maybe even reads a Mac blog, they even support an indirect object, so you chat with other people using those have a ton of questions to ask about can send an item to a person, move files services. We all know that most folks switching to the Mac. We’re responsi- to another folder, or open files with a are using chat services that their ble for trying to help them feel specific application. Quicksilver can be friends or family uses. If someone is on comfortable with the Operating given the ability to understand the data MSN, or Yahoo messenger, they’ll feel System, and accomplish what they inside of files, allowing you to work lost on iChat alone. Adium is the need to get done. I know that I receive with data in new, faster ways. Plug-ins answer. The services that are supported a lot of email every month from new add both new items and new actions, in Adium is AOL, ICQ, .Mac, Jabber, users that want to know exactly what allowing you to run scripts, send instant GoogleTalk, MSN, Yahoo, Bonjour, applications for the Mac can do what messages, dial phone numbers, look up MySpace, Gadu-Gadu, and other less- they did on their PC. It seems that the words in a dictionary, queue up songs er-known clients. It has OTR same groups of applications cause the in iTunes party shuffle, and much more. encryption, tabbed messaging, file new user the most consternation. I’m transfer, and message display. asked about FTP programs, graphic FireFox: apps, text editors, apps to delete other We know QuickTime can run many of apps, you get the idea. We all know The reason that Firefox is the video and audio formats that a Mac that there are core applications all users my browser of choice is user can encounter, and if you add... seem to need when they work with a that it’s cross platform computer, either Mac or PC. Therefore compatible so that my Perian: our subject for this article is “Essential Firefox on the PC at work looks and Mac Freeware?” acts like my Firefox on the Mac at Perian is a free, open home. I can share add-ons and plug-ins. source QuickTime com- Quicksilver: The bookmark syncing add-on works ponent that adds native perfectly to keep my bookmarks and support for many popular video for- First let me start with the bookmark toolbar has the exact same mats. You’ll be ready for almost all the Granddaddy of Mac links in the exact same place. FireFox codex’s out there. But sometimes I Freeware. In fact, this app works and has always worked for me. I want more from my video player. has been said to have con- could live with Safari, but after this That’s why I like to have a copy of... verted more Windows users to Mac long with FireFox, I think I’ll stay with users then any other application. It’s it. Us old folks are slow to accept VLC Media Player: Quicksilver. Most folks start using change sometimes. Also if you put Quicksilver as a launcher, but that’s just FireFox on a new Mac user’s machine, VideoLAN was originally the start. When opened, it will create a and they’ve had it on a PC before, designed for network catalog of applications and some fre- they’ll feel right at home. Sometimes a streaming but VideoLAN’s quently used folders and documents. familiar face is all it takes to overcome main software, VLC Media Activate it, and you can search for and a switcher’s initial trepidation. Player has evolved to become a full- open anything in its catalog instantly. featured cross-platform media player. The search is adaptive, so Quicksilver Here’s another freeware application There was never a video that I found will recognize which items you are that may seem like a duplication, but that I could not run in VLC. The fea- searching for based on previous experi- believe me, any Mac user will be happy tures and the speed makes it my ence. Quicksilver’s greatest strength, to have this chat application installed favorite media player. however, is not search. Any item you whether they use iChat or not.

6 I also suggest that all new Mac users and your Mac. A transfer queue keeps Carbon Copy Cloner: learn how to backup their favorite track of the pending file transfers and DVD’s and video. With AppleTV supports resuming of both downloads The key to a successful along with other methods to stream and uploads. A simple bookmark man- backup plan is to actually and watch movies, TV shows, and ager ensures that you always keep do the backups regularly. online videos on your computers, track of your favorite servers. Core When left to most Mac iPods, iPhones and TV’s it’s impor- system technologies such as the users, the task often gets tacked on to tant to understand how to distribute Keychain and Rendezvous are support- the end of a very long list of other and create content. Therefore, I sug- ed. Cyberduck integrates seamlessly things to do. When you eventually have gest downloading and using... with external editors such as a hard drive crash, the data is simply SubEthaEdit and BBEdit. Simple and gone. You know that feeling -- you just MacTheRipper: full featured, what more do you want lost six years of family photos. Your from an FTP client. kids being born, their first birthdays, MacTheRipper is a their first everything. The answer to this freeware DVD ripper You need to know what your Mac is is consistent and regular backups, (extractor) for Mac OS X. doing. You need to know if the transfer placed on a schedule and handled auto- It is dependent upon the speeds are fast or slow, is your CPU matically by your computer. Carbon open-sourced libdvdread and libdvdcss getting eaten up by some rogue appli- Copy Cloner can accomplish this and libraries. This product is made to back- cation or process, and what about the the back-up it creates is boot-able and up DVDs you have legally purchased temps inside you Mac and the fan fully functional when needed. for personal use. MacTheRipper is also speeds of your laptop, are they running able to extract DVDs that have been at their highest efficiency? There are Well that’s it for this damaged or improperly mastered. several nice freeware solutions for you month. Spreading the try, last edition we looked at... gospel of Mac is some- I’ll finish off this essential Mac thing we all do at one Freeware column with a couple utili- iStatMenu: time or another. So when we’re asked ties that we all seem to need at one about what we recommend for this time or another. The first one is an FTP I really like this solution, but task or that task, remember our essen- client. There are several choices, I like rather then belabor the point tial Mac Freeware apps. In the coming to recommend... here, I plan on doing a whole months we’ll look at maintenance, article soon on Freeware text and graphic freeware apps that Cyberduck: maintenance utilities for the Mac. will make your switch to the Mac simple and easy. You can catch my Cyberduck is an open So let’s finish with a backup solution freeware of the week segment and source tool that can handle that everyone needs to incorporate more reviews or shareware and com- both FTP and SFTP. into their daily routines. There are mercial apps for the Mac every week Multiple connections are several good solutions, but the one I on the MacReviewCast podcast at supported. Drag and drop is supported like is the freeware application from  for transferring files between a server Mike Bombich called...

Download of the Month Free YouTube Downloader - 1.5 Submitted by Debi Foss Free YouTube Downloader is a powerful and easy to use application that will help you to download your favorite videos from YouTube. Do you know what YouTube is? I sort of do. The program offers a unique feature that makes it possible to extract I think it is a generational thing. If you are video files names from the YouTube website. Other features are: under 30 you can stop reading now! multiple downloads during one program session, easy to use graph- OTHERWISE...YouTube is a place where peo- ical user interface and html format download report. The application ple put videos they want you to see. And it has is platform-independent and runs in Windows, Linux and MacOS. gone mainstream. You will have to download The YouTube Downloader is distributed with a bonus application by something from YouTube someday, for some the same author. reason. So be prepared. Have this on hand.

7 iPhoto ‘08: worked with Derrick Story, a digital The Missing Manual photography, music and Mac computer expert who also writes for Macworld Reviewed by Dr. Eric Flescher magazine. They created an excellent Reprinted from MacCompanion June 08 step-by-step guide.

Authors: David Pogue and Derrick Story There is a short hand system of arrows O’Reilly that guides you through the learning process and information. The colorful 16185/index.html screenshots are integrated within the Released: January 2008 instruction. Throughout the book, there Pages: 424 are helpful ideas in the way of tips, help $30 USD, $39 CND boxes, notes, and specialties called ISBN-10: 0-596-51618-5 ISBN-13: 9780596516185 “gem in rough.” Novice/Intermediate/Advanced What I also like is some of the little Strengths: This book is an in-depth and touches that make a book even better. websites or printing. There is a nice resourceful guide. There is no CD with On each outer top edge of each page section on using RAW files and now I the book but at the website you can there is a blue tab near the top with each know about how to use these files. Part find additional information about the written in a little text that explains the 3 –Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 has infor- book in addition to shareware that can exact nature of that particular page. On mation concerning exporting and audio be found and utilized. The index is the bottom on the right pages are the control is well done. Chapter 13 has nicely done and helpful. The book has numbers for the chapter so you are ideas for printing, slideshow produc- color and the screenshots are large informed in more ways than one. This tion, using email your photos, creating enough to read with ease. helps for easy index searching. These in web galleries, calendars and more. visual titles not only save time but add Part 4, Chapters 14 and 15, covers Troubleshooting section is excellent; to the look and feel of the book overall. scripting instruction. There is also more an in-depth guide in many ways. about file management merging Ample sized screenshots and color There are four parts to the book span- libraries and beyond iPhoto. throughout. Easy to read and nice look- ning 15 chapters. Part 5 has two ing book. Price is right for many appendices (troubleshooting and iPhoto The authors have created an in-depth insights the content may give and menu by menu). Chapter 1 explains the and resourceful guide. A wide variety which you can learn from. new features in this version, buying a of ways to work and produce with camera and other essentials. Chapter 2 iPhoto are covered in a very readable Weaknesses: None. includes composition, information manner. The troubleshooting appendix about the rule of thirds (I have previ- is excellent; while it might not solve all Introduction ously seen information about this rule your questions, it should answer quite a I did not find iPhoto that useful when I with other camcorder books but most few. The section about RAW files and first started with it several versions ago. high profile photography books). using these with their recognized But as different features were added Chapter 3 covers shooting different JPEGs in iDVD and iMovie is well and I needed to upload and organize all types of photography and settings, and done. Simple but direct instructions told my digital photos, I used it more and while good photography books that I me more than I needed to know about more. The latest iPhoto version has have reviewed include more in-depth working with stand-alone RAW editors, more tools for discovery and use so I information. With Chapter 4, you learn changing the preferences and more. It’s turned to the Missing Manual to take a to compile and manage your photos, a nice looking book; full of easy-to- look at iPhoto 08. I am glad I did. while Chapter 5 has information about read instructions and has visuals to the library and all the photos work here. make learning the process a more visu- This book series is written by David In 6, I found the use of keywords and al one. If you need more from iPhoto Pogue, the New York Times technology more to classify the images. With '08 I recommend this book highly. The columnist who continues to be the Chapter 7, editing your shots will have price is right and you will learn more in author at the helm of the series of books you learning how to compose your best no time.  called “The Missing Manual.” Pogue photo and finalizing them for your files,

8 SPECIAL OFFERS! Apple User Group Bulletin These User Group discounts are brought to you by the Apple User Group Advisory Board and Tom Piper, vendor relations. You must be a current Apple user group member to qualify for these savings. Not a member? Join an Apple user group today to take advantage of these special offers.

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10 CMC Monthly Meeting General Meeting Info Getting CMC email? Wednesday, June 25 Monthly CMC meetings are held on We always send out advance notices of UConnn Health Center last Wednesday of the month (except the meetings, and sometimes for big news during the months of November and or special events. Farmington, CT December when the meetings are held earlier due to the holidays). We open If you’re not getting these notices, please 6:00 pm: Back-to-Basics: TBA at 6:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m. for Back to email us at [email protected] with Our session topic will be announced Basics, and from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. for your current email address and a subject via email. the Main Presentation. line of: ADD TO CMC EMAIL LIST 7:00 pm: Program The staff of Kaplan Computers of FREE Raffle! FREE Classified Ads Manchester will visit CMC and dis- Every CMC member who attends our CMC Members can advertise For cuss their role in the Macintosh monthly meetings gets a raffle ticket that Sale, Swap, Trade, Giveaway or Want community. They recently became an will give you a chance for one of our free to Buy Items. This space can be used Apple authorized dealer and service prizes every month! Win toys, t-shirts, by members to advertise non-business center and welcome CMC members CDs, mugs, software…there’s always items which they are no longer using or who are looking for an alternative to something we’re giving away! And upgrading. This is a FREE service the Apple Store. don’t forget the “free table” at the back provided to our members. Send to: of the room where everything! [email protected] Wednesday, July 30 Treasurer’s Report Display Ad Rates UConnn Health Center Farmington, CT Any business item or service can be Total Membership: 127 advertised at these low monthly rates.

7:00 pm: Microsoft Powerpoint Business Card (3.5”w. x 2”)...... $10.00 Jan Gyurko is back! CMC is pleased Account Balances Quarter Page (3.625”w. x 4.75”) ...... $20.00 to announced that Jan is returning for Balances as of May 31, 2008 her second visit in 2008. Everyone Checking Account ...... $2366.10 Half Page (7.5”w. x 4.75”h...... $30.00 enjoyed her January presentation on or 3.625”w. x 9.5”h.) Money Market ...... $3567.71 Microsoft Word, so we brought her Full Page (7.5”w. x 9.5”)...... $50.00 back! This time Jan will use her won- derful teaching skills to get us all up Submit all ad copy to the Editor on a to speed on Microsoft’s PowerPoint CMC Passwords/IDs disk (with nothing else on it) or e-mail for Mac. This is a powerful presenta- it to [email protected] for insertion Check your newsletter mailing label tion tool that is used around the in the following issue. Display ads for the following info: world. But many of us have trouble must be submitted camera-ready in knowing how to get started with it. • Your CMC User name and password eps or pdf format with all fonts and This CMC program will remedy that. to access info at graphics embedded. • Your CMC Membership Number (free shipping at MacConnection) Plus, a dollar raffle Please specify how many issues you for a copy of • Your CMC Membership renewal date would like your ad to run and make Microsoft Office 2008 check payable to “CMC”. with a value of $500! Need CMC Support? Discounted Books Got an Idea for an Did you know that Mac CMC continues to offer our current support is just a click away? members the opportunity to purchase Upcoming Meeting? any published book for either Mac or We always welcome your input and That’s right!. You don’t have to wait Windows at a 20% discount. All major participation. Do you have an idea for for a monthly meeting to get publishers are carried by our source. a topic we should explore? Perhaps answers your Mac related questions. Email us at [email protected]. there’s a topic that you would like to CMC hosts a Mac Support mailing Provide the book title, the publisher present yourself? Email us at list for members? CMC members and the ISBN number, if possible, and [email protected]. can join at we will check on its availability.

11 41 Crossroads Plaza – PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117

Monthly Meeting Wednesday, June 25th UConn Health Center Farmington, CT 6:00 pm: Back-to-Basics 7:00 pm: Kaplan Computers – An Apple Authorized Dealer –

For more meeting info, see page 11 or go to: Driving directions are below.

CMC Monthly Meeting Location Monthly CMC meetings are held at UConn Health Center in Farmington. A PDF document containing a visual direction guide to the location of our meeting in the UConn Health Center is available on our website: When hands-on programs require computers for attendees, we will use Middlesex Community College. Directions for CMC Monthly Meetings UConn Health Center, Farmington From I-84: Take Exit 39 (if coming from I-84 West, Exit 39 is after 39A). Turn right at first traffic light onto Route 4 East (Farmington Avenue). At third traffic light, turn right to enter the Health Center campus. Go around the main building to the right (at a Y in road), then take a left when you get to the Academic Entrance. The road becomes two-way there so you should be able to tell where to turn. (Do not go on straight to the two-way part). Then take the second right into parking lot A&B. this is close to the building. Go past the police station entrance on your left (small sign). You will see a continuation of the building with its own entrance area. This is the new research building. Enter on the ground floor, turn right and enter Room EG-013 on your right. This is the first room on your right. The rest rooms CMC members at our May 30th Hands-on meeting at Middlesex Community College. See page 2 for are on your left as you enter. more photos and information.

12 Inside MacHEADS - The Movie...... 2 Hawk Wings for Apple Mail...... 4 Download of the Month...... 5 Peter’s Hometown Computing Corner ..6 OS X Leopard, The Missing Manual ....8 Special Offers for CMC Members...... 9 Meetings and Club News...... 11 NEWSLETTER OF CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC.JULY 2008

Working With New The first is to download (big breath) “Microsoft Office Open XML File MS Office Documents Format Converter for Mac.” The end By Chris Hart, CMC President result is a utility in your Applications Whether or not you’ve personally folder called “Office Open XML upgraded to Microsoft’s latest Office Converter” which you use to convert 2008 for Mac, you’ll likely soon find files you receive into an older Office yourself having to deal with documents document format. You can then easily in its native format. You see Microsoft open them in your older edition of has established a new file format for Office for Mac. Note that this utility their latest generation Office applica- requires that you have Mac OS X ver- sion 10.4.8 or later installed. tions, in the interest of enhancing their tinue reading, so that you’re aware of capabilities and compatibility. how to best save your documents, so that others can easily open what you If you don’t have the necessary ver- These new document file types are also send them. Otherwise, you could be rel- sion of Mac OS X on your Mac, or shared in common with Microsoft egating them to a frustrating afternoon you simply don’t want to install soft- Office 2007 for Windows. In fact, as of figuring out what to do with your file. the name implies, Office 2007 was ware from Microsoft, your second alternative is to use an internet-based introduced before the Mac edition, and First, let’s start with how to identify Office document converter service. it was the first place that the Microsoft documents in this Microsoft Open One such example is the free service Open Office XML format, as its prop- Office XML format. In general, identi- provided by Zamzar, where you erly called, was used. fication comes down to the icon and/or upload to their web site the document the “extension” at the end of the file’s you were sent, they convert it, and In the long-term, these new document name. Word documents in the new for- send you the resulting file. formats should provide for greater com- mat end with .DOCX, for Excel patibility with a variety of “Office” Workbooks it’s .XLSX, and for suites. But in the near-term, some peo- PowerPoint presentations it’s .PPTX. For those who have Mac OS X version ple may have trouble working with Meanwhile, the icons also provide a 10.5 on their Mac, there is a third alter- them. If you frequently exchange visual clue. Office documents with those using native, because Apple has kindly Windows, it’s just a matter of time included the native ability to work with before you start receiving documents in docx files. The catch is that this method this Open XML format. This could lead is not going to show you all the docu- to frustration, because older genera- ment’s characteristics exactly as they would appear in Word 2008. So it does tions of Microsoft Office can’t make If you receive one of these documents have its limitations. But for reviewing a heads or tails out of these documents. and the version of Microsoft Office basic document’s contents or just giv- for Mac that you have on your Mac is ing the information inside a quick read, If you have already upgraded to Office called “X” or “2004” you will not this is a very convenient option. 2008 for Mac, you won’t personally immediately be able to open the docu- experience these troubles. But, if you ment. You need to take some steps in collaborate with people who are using order to make it useable and for this older editions of Office, you should con- you have several options. continued on page 3

1 Macheads get Religion The Reverend Doctor Bobby Newton takes his message to the Big Screen in the film, “MacHEADS” – a documentary about NEWSLETTER OF fanaticism and unconditional devotion to a CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC. corporate brand. A USER GROUP SINCE 1986 Editor Former “Mac Genius” Tony Edwards, who Deena Quilty portrays the fictional character, The Reverend Doctor Bobby Newton, spiritual Designer leader and technological guide of The George Maciel Church of Mac, will be featured in the upcoming film, “MacHEADS.” Photographer “MacHEADS” is a documentary about More information on “MacHEADS” is John Scott fanaticism and unconditional devotion to a available at their website: corporate brand. The film reveals the fasci- Publisher nating characters that make up the Connecticut Macintosh Macintosh community. Their stories take us Edwards’ segment was recorded during a Connection, Inc. on a journey through Mac history leading live appearance as Dr. Bobby at the 41 Crossroads Plaza up to the Apple revolution and to its present MacDayLA event in Los Angeles on March PMB 1984 day popularity to pose the ultimate ques- 22nd, 2008. “MacHEADS” is scheduled West Hartford, CT 06117 tion: Is Apple losing faith as a community for an international release in mid-2008. and becoming just a ... brand? Printer “The Church of Mac” is the spiritual home Budget Printers “MacHEADS” is writer/director, Kobi for computer users of all persuasions seek- 1718 Park Street Shely’s first feature length documentary. He ing irreverent humor as well as Apple news Hartford, CT 06106 received a BA in Film at Hunter College and tips. Video “iPodcasts” by the spiritual New York and got his experience editing leader and technological guide of “The award winning shorts. He was an Assistant Church of Mac”, The Reverend Doctor We welcome submissions editor on the Turner Classic Movies docu- Bobby Newton, are freely available at the from our members! mentary The John Garfield Story and iTunes Store, or on the “The Church of Please submit articles by first directed Intervention, the short film on Mac” website. of the month for inclusion in awards at San Francisco Brainwash Film Church of Mac on iTunes at MacDayLA: our newsletter. All articles Festival. After directing and editing numer- should be submitted by email ous promos and music videos for Israeli to [email protected] television, Kobi decided to take the inde- From Mug InfoManager for Monday, There is so much talent pendent road and founded Chimp 65 May 5, 2008 by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, in our group; it would productions. with coeditor Fred Showker  be great to have several mem- ber articles in each issue of the newsletter.

THANK YOU! At our June meeting, we Thank You To Kaplan Computers! had Kaplan Computers of Manchester as our presenters. Owner Ken Kaplan and Apple-certified Technician and members of his staff gave informative demonstrations on what to look for when shopping for a computer. They also gave away valuable prizes to the lucky members in atten- dance. Bob Shaw received a $50 gift certificate to Kaplan Computers. Dave and Sheri Litchfield won a 1/2 Hour of service labor at Kaplan Computers. Plus, Vicky Wittenberg and Angela Thomas won iPod accessories! 2 Continued from page 1 cations default to saving their docu- saving a document before sending it to ments in the new Open Office XML someone else. To do this, find the icon for TextEdit, file format. While some very sophisti- located in your Applications folder. cated documents require these new file To accomplish this in Word, go to the (Personally, I’d suggest you add a formats, in order to retain all their for- Word menu (next to Apple menu) and shortcut to TextEdit to your Dock, by matting, the majority of documents select Preferences. Now click on the dragging the icon into the Dock. It’s a work just the same when saved in an icon titled “Save.” Look for the option versatile little app and I use it all the older format. However, for documents titled “Save Word files as” and change time.) Now drag the docx file in ques- that you plan on keeping to yourself, the selector next to it to: “Word 97- tion onto the TextEdit icon and let go there’s nothing wrong with letting 2004 Document (.doc)” Then click OK. of your mouse clicker. This tells Office save them in the updated format. TextEdit to open the file and the next To accomplish this in Excel, go to the thing you see on your screen should Where you may have problems is Excel menu and select Preferences. be the contents of the docx file. (Be when you try and use these documents Now click on the icon titled cautious about saving changes to docx on other computers, or with co-work- “Compatibility.” Look for the option files using TextEdit. The results may ers, family, or friends. Therefore, the titled “Save files in this format” and not match the original layout created safest thing to do is to save your change the neighboring selector to: in Word. To be safe, save a duplicate, Office documents in an older format “Excel 97-2004 Document (.xls)” using the “Save As...” command.) before you share them. Doing this is Then click OK. simple. With the document open in Your fourth option will let you fully Word, Excel or PowerPoint, go to the To make the change in PowerPoint, go modify the docx document in ques- File menu and select “Save As...” In to the PowerPoint menu and select tion, without the need for any the window that appears, click on the Preferences. Now click on the icon Microsoft products. You can do this selector next to “Format:” and choose titled “Save.” Look for the option by taking advantage of the open either .DOC, .XLS, or .PPT (depend- labeled “Save PowerPoint files as” source software suite called ing on which kind of document you and change the selector to the right to: NeoOffice. This is a software package have open). You are effectively saving “PowerPoint 97-2004 Presentation that’s an alternative to Microsoft’s a copy of your document, in the older (.ppt)” Then click OK. expensive Office for Mac suite. Office file format. It is this new file NeoOffice has the native ability to that you want to share with others, not From this point forward, when you open and save Word DOCX files, and the original that you started with. save a document in Microsoft Office will gain the same capability for 2008, the file format will default to the XLSX and PPTX files in the future. older type you just specified. You can override this at any time and should If you’re only an occasional user of you change your mind in the future, Microsoft Office and dislike the cost you can change the preferences back of upgrading to the latest edition, to their original file format defaults. NeoOffice is worth trying. It’s free to download and though it’s nowhere I hope you now feel well versed in near as mature as Microsoft’s product, how to work with this new generation many will find it sufficient for their of Microsoft Office documents. While document needs. If you end up using a day may come when we’re all less NeoOffice, please support the project reliant on MS Office, we’re still in a with a donation. Software like this transitionary period. Open Source will not continue to be available if no If you generally create simple docu- alternatives like NeoOffice are an one supports it! ments in Microsoft Office 2008 and important part of this evolution and I you never want to worry about your hope you’ll give it a try on your own documents being accessible to others, Mac (and support the project if you Now let’s focus on what you need to you can tell the Office applications to like what you see).  know if you are already using default to saving in the older file for- Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac on your mats. The benefit to this approach is own computer. First of all, these appli- that it eliminates the necessity for re-

3 Hawk Wings from the User Group Network News

Hawk Wings bills itself as “Tips and Plug-ins to make Apple Mail Even Better.” Spoken Notification of New Mail Next Unread Message AppleScript It not only has these things for Mail, but An AppleScript which, when attached An AppleScript that solves one of the also for iCal, Address Book and more. to a rule in Apple Mail, will speak the most frequently emailed complaints name and sender’s email address. about that I receive how to On this web site, you will find over 140 move by keyboard shortcut to the next plugins, add-ons, scripts and other apps. Added Functionality unread message. Apple Mail Signature Generator Categories are: A Perl script which uses Fortune to OMiC Notification | Added functionality | create as many signatures as you like Plugin extracts winmail.dat files. Integration with other apps | Spam by creating a new signatures.plist for Sooner or later, all users who Tools | Interface tweaks | Archiving | your Mail app. have any kind of email communication with Outlook users will get a message Leopard Mail Templates | Switching | Email Merge Address Book | iCal | Miscellaneous | containing the dreaded unopenable Makes email-outs easy by integrating a winmail.dat file. database with Apple Mail (OS X 10.3 Notification or greater) to produce individualized Scale to Mail Announce Sender invoicing, sales, list management, stu- An AppleScript droplet that will resize An AppleScript that will announce the dent grading and personal messages. an image and dump it into an email name of an email’s sender on its arrival which it opens for you in Apple Mail. in Apple Mail. iSay Records spoken messages which it then Vacation Script DockStar packages up as attachments to an email. An AppleScript which when attached A utility that allows you to assign a sep- to an Apple Mail rule, will auto-reply arate notification badge to different Mailfollowup to your email and make sure that each mailboxes, giving you more informa- A plugin that adds a Followup com- email address is only replied to once. tion about your unread messages than mand to Apple Mail’s Message and Apple Mail can by default. Contextual Menus, so that the To:, Cc: Interface Tweaks and Bcc: addresses appear in the reply Alternative Apple Mail Icons HTTPMail exactly as they appeared in the original I’ve collected together as many differ- Allows you to send and receive email message. This allows you to add an ent Apple Mail stamp icons as I could from MSN and Hotmail servers. afterthought or further reply. find. At the moment that’s 139 of them. Berkeley shiksa feministas, red- iAlert MacResponder A system preference pane that enables neck patriots and everyone inbetween Enables Apple Mail to send auto- will find something to suit. UNO is a notification for a range of apps, includ- replies. ing iTunes, Safari, Firefox, hack that can bring Mail 2.0’s unified Thunderbird, Entourage and most Mail Pictures Toolbar/Titlebar and lighter metal importantly, Apple Mail. Adds an X-Image-Url: header to your look to all the windows in your sys- messages. This header points either to tem. UNO’s aim is to enhance iFaces your .Mac image or contains an X-Face interface consistency, by making all A notification utility for Apple Mail string generated by’s Online elements look and feel as one. It does that lets you know about new email by X-Face Converter. People can see you a surprisingly good job of blending displaying the Address Book image of even if they don’t have your picture in Apple’s native apps with the apps of the sender on the Desktop. their Address Book. third-party developers. You can see more screenshots and download the MacFreePOPs MissingAttachments hack from UNO’s website MacFreePOPs is a stand-alone app A plugin that scans a message which allows you to download your and lets you know if you have referred emails from web-based mail services to an attachment but forgotten to like Yahoo, hotmail and Gmail. include it. continued on page 5

4 continued from page 4 Snail Mail A stand-alone app that addresses and Leopard Mail Templates prints envelopes based on the infor- The Design Group mation in your Address Book. A collection of five HTML templates iCal for Leopard Mail, featuring and DoBeDo “Liquid Ice,” “Fire,” Onyx, Emerald A widget that manages your iCal and Ruby. ToDos. It will list your ToDos, but Christmas Stationery also allows you mark them as com- Just what it says. pleted, to edit them and to select which ones to display. Templates for Business Has Mail templates that are more iCal-alarmist appropriate for business use. An app that sets additional alarms in iCal. The free version sets a pop-up Switching alarm for every event in a chosen cal- Eudora Mailbox Cleaner endar fixed at 12 hours before the Translates Eudora’s non-standard mail- event. These alarms are created in boxes into formats that can easily be Just a sample of the 140+ plugins, add-ons, scripts addition to your existing alarms, not imported into Apple Mail. and helpful apps at in place of them. A small payment (3,47 = USD 4.11) unlocks the ability Address Book Export Address Book to set alarms for all events in a calen- Address Book Dates Exports all the data in your Address dar with one click, to set sounds, A plugin for Address Book that adds Book into an independent data file that email or popup alarms or any combi- information about a contact’s star sign you can archive or import elsewhere or nation for a given calendar, and to and age to Address Book’s birthday use for merges with apps like Word and delete alarms. field. It also offers quick iCal link to FileMaker. other dates like anniversaries. Of course there are a lot more on the Google Maps Plug-in website than those listed here. The Address Book Importer Calls up a map for any address in your 140+ listings include links to the It imports contacts in CSV or tab delim- Address Book or to ask for directions downloads of the software. ited format into Address Book. on how to get there. See it all at: Adium Book GoogleFill Syncs information between your An Address Book plug-in that performs  Adium contacts and Address Book. It a reverse look-up via Google for can copy the contact s picture and IM addresses that match the telephone login from Adium to Address Book. numbers in your Address Book.

Download of the Month as you can easily spot which files and folders take up the most space. Submitted by Debi Foss It uses a so called tree map for visualisation. Each file is shown as a rectangle with an area proportional to the file’s size. Files in the same GrandPerspective - A utility that graphical- folder appear together, but their placement is otherwise arbitrary. ly displays disk usage (Freeware) This product is designed to run on the following This software provides a quick but detailed operating systems: overview of your entire drive. It shows you Mac OS X 10.5 Intel what is hogging your disk. Probably those Mac OS X 10.5 PPC iTunes folders, LOL GrandPerspective is a Mac OS X 10.4 Intel small utility application for Mac OS X that Mac OS X 10.4 PPC graphically shows the disk usage within a file Mac OS X 10.3.9 system. It can help you to manage your disk, Mac OS X 10.3

5 Peter’s Hometown Computing Corner The Civil War Preservation Trust,, is America’s largest non-profit organization devoted to the preservation of #98 July 2008 our nation’s endangered Civil War Battlefields. It also pro- [email protected] motes educational programs and heritage tourism initiatives to © 2008 Peter P. Gladis inform the public of the War’s history and the fundamental The American Civil War was the greatest war in American conflicts that sparked it. So far, they have saved over 25,000 history. Three million fought and over 600,000 paid the ulti- acres of Civil War battleground space. mate price. That is more U.S. lives lost than in all the wars and conflicts since, combined. And a war for freedom it was is a superb Civil War site. It includes such – on so many levels! Here are some GREAT…CIVIL WAR interesting areas as: a Civil War calendar, Civil War forums, WEBSITES online books, Civil War battles, time lines, causes of the war, Civil War leaders, Civil War music, and food of the Civil War. Let’s start with THE Civil War site:, There are thousands of pages of information available through this site, A really fascinating website is The Civil War Soldiers and where you can peruse the Official Record of the War, check out Sailors System (CWSS) at It is a the Battle Map, or view the largest collection of Civil War pho- cooperative effort by the National Park Service and other pub- tos available online. Here are just some of its other sections: lic and private partners to computerize information about the ■ List of Battles ■ Timeline ■ Battlefields & Parks Civil War. The CWSS is a computerized database containing ■ Abolition & Slavery ■ Weapons ■ Documents facts about servicemen who served on both sides during the ■ Women in the War ■ Music ■ Forts Civil War. The initial focus of the CWSS is the Names Index Project, a project to enter names and other basic information Another great Civil War site is It is “Dedicated from 6.3 million Soldier records in the National Archives. to the Participants both North & South in the great American The facts about the soldiers were entered from records that Civil War of 1861 – 1865.” This terrific site includes photos, are indexed to many millions of other documents about Union images, battles, documents, historical papers, troops fur- and Confederate Civil War Soldiers maintained by the nished, death stats, associations, letters and diaries, 1860 National Archives and Records Administration. Other infor- census, maps, official records, message boards, dyer’s com- mation includes: histories of regiments in both the Union and pendium, fox’s regimental losses, regimental histories, Confederate Armies, links to descriptions of 384 significant genealogy, biographical info, and unit information. battles of the war, and other historical information. Prisoner- of-war records and cemetery records will be added over time. Less fancy, but no less interesting, is Its The goal of the CWSS is to increase the American people’s home page starts: “From the blood-soaked plains of Manassas, understanding of this decisive era in American History by to the smoke-filled skies of Atlanta, and finally to the tear- making information about it widely accessible. filled eyes at Appomattox. For four of the bloodiest years in the history of this Republic the war raged. It started as ‘Yanks’ PBS aired a comprehensive documentary on the Civil War by and ‘Rebs’, it ended as ‘Americans!’” The following are some the famed filmmaker, Ken Burns. Their companion website of the excellent topics covered on the site: section, is beautifully done with lots of • Civil War Battles – provides some of the Official Records of the “War of relevant information, photos, and references. the Rebellion” and descriptions of the major battles they pertain to. • Civil War Biographies – contains a brief biography of some of the major There is so much excellent Civil War information on the players in the Civil War. Pictures of the individuals are provided in most Internet. Here are several more sites to check out: cases. • Civil War Medicine – it wasn’t pretty and it wasn’t good – but it was all they had., • Essays on the Civil War – information on such things as: How did Lincoln, compare to Davis? Could the South have won using a different strategy? These questions and more are discussed in essays written by some of the finest modern day historians. PETER’S “WACKY SITE OF THE MONTH” • Letters About the War – these are never before published letters to and from YOUR MESSAGE HERE! young soldiers “who have seen the elephant,” and their family members. That’s right – go to, type in your name, a short • Strategy and Tactics – lots of good articles on how and why the War was message, or your favorite phrase – and see it displayed in a conducted as it was. variety of fun ways. Like in a bat signal, a comic book bub- • The Armies – talks about the formation the Armies and the life of its ble, as the Hollywood sign, in a crop circle, or a protest sign, Soldiers. It discusses the organization of the Armies, and the pay, the rank, or as a breaking news headline. Even as yellow snow (!) Now life in the camps, etc. for its soldiers. how much fun is that!!?? 

6 Making Your Mac Easier to Read by Caryn Lum, Diablo Valley MUG Member Supplemental images for this article may be found at

Finding Your Cursor Enlarging your cursor The ability to enlarge your cursor is built into OS 10.4 in Universal Access>Mouse>Cursor Size. The freeware Cursor Zoom (version 1.0.3) provides the same functionality for OS 10.2-10.3

Mouse Locator is freeware that puts an easy-to-spot “locator” around your cursor. You can have the locator on at all times or you can Other Strategies for the Visually Impaired set it to go on briefly after the cursor has been stationary for • Learn keyboard shortcuts “awhile,” awhile being anywhere from 1 second to 30 min- • Apply large-print keyboard stickers to your keyboard utes. Be sure to visit the “Locator Gallery” and “Locator (google “low vision keyboard stickers” to find them) Exchange” on the developer’s website. Some of the locators • Apply bump dots (small tactile markers, often sold by the are “cute” and others would make great tools for presenters. same companies that sell large-print keyboard stickers) on keys such as the Command, option, control “f,” “j,” Increasing contrast and/or delete keys Some tips: • Use speakable items (you issue verbal commands to the • Use your monitor controls to change the monitor’s Mac, found in System Preferences>Speech>Speech contrast to fit your needs. Recognition) and the spoken user interface (the Mac • Don’t use an image with a complex pattern for your reads dialog boxes to you, found in Speech>Spoken desktop background. User Interface) • Experiment with changing the “Blue” appearance to • If a Mac application is “services-aware,” navigate to “Graphite” (SystemPreferences>Appearance>Appearance) Speech in the application’s Services menu to have the • Experiment with changing the highlight color; for example, Mac read selected text. Examples of services-aware white letters on a red background will provide greater applications include the Finder, Camino, Safari, contrast than white letters on an orange background Preview, and TextEdit. Applications that aren’t include (System Preferences > Appearance > Highlight Color). Microsoft Office and Firefox. If you select text and the • Experiment with the following three settings under Services>Speech menu is grayed out, the app isn’t Universal Access: Switch to White on Black, Enhance services-aware. Contrast, and Set Display to Grayscale. • Microsoft Word will read selected text (View> Toolbars>Speech). Easy-to-read Fonts • Adobe Reader will read text if the text is selectable Experts disagree as to what fonts are most readable on com- (View>Read Aloud). puter screens, but Verdana is often a good choice, because • VoiceOver is a screen reader built into Tiger and above it was developed specifically for on-screen viewing, comes for persons with severe visual impairment. as part of both the Mac and Windows operating systems and . has characters which are not easily confused. APHont is a font developed specifically for low-vision readers, although For more information about speech-to-text and text- not necessarily for on-screen viewing. It’s a free download tospeech in both Windows and Macs: for anyone with impaired vision at . The downloaded file has an .exe extension, TTS_STT/TextToSpeech_SpeehToText.pdf> but is actually a selfextracting .zip file that will open with Stuffit Expander. Another possibility is Georgia, which Still More Information was also designed for on-screen viewing, even though it is • “Making OS X more usable for seniors” a serif font. More information about making web pages easier to read here: • Apple’s accessibility site

7 Mac OS X Leopard Edition: screen shots, used judiciously due to The Missing Manual space limitations. There are even con- by David Pogue cise step-by-step instructions for key routines. Pogue Press/O’Reilly Press $34.99 For comparison, I looked up Back to Mac OS Leopard Pocket Guide by Chuck Toporek My Mac. While not as much a hand- O’Reilly Press $14.99 holding walkthrough of the aspects and O’Reilly discount up to 35% for setup of this feature as were evident in MUG members the Missing Manual, I actually could North Coast MUG newsletter review understand how to make it work using by: NCMUG member John Hershey just the Pocket Guide. Two Ways to Tame a Cat Pros: It’s lean and mean. It can be read- I wanted to compare and contrast two ily available when you are out and guides to using Leopard. On first about. It’s pretty darn all encompassing glance, the difference between these – handy and compact – unless you are a two books is obvious. The Pocket new user who needs more explanation, Pros: I trust the Missing Manual to be Guide is a mere 4.25” x 7” with 212 or a geek who wants to know absolute- my definitive authority on all things pages and the Missing Manual is 7” x ly everything about a feature and what’s Leopard. If I want to figure out, for 9.25” and 896 pages. The Missing under the hood. instance, how to set up my traveling lap- Manual outweighs the Pocket Guide by Cons: Obviously, some things are not top to get info on my office iMac about 3 pounds. covered. You might want to take a look through the Back to My Mac feature, at the table of contents on the O’Reilly Mac OSX Leopard Edition: it’s the Missing Manual that I consult. site to see if it covers all the topics you The Missing Manual Sure, I could go to Apple’s Support site might need. The URL is: http://www. and sift through their white papers and As usual, David Pogue has done his forums but, duh, this is so much easier, exemplary job of clearly explaining toc.html faster, and most importantly, laid out to every aspect of the Leopard OS in user- be understandable at first read. So, ponder how much information friendly, non-intimidating prose. The you need and where you need to have Missing Manual’s black and white illus- Cons: It’s a big book. Not very mobile. it at your finger tips in order to trations show Desktop windows, If you’re out in the field and want to decide between these two excellent pop-down menu choices, and other configure something in Leopard, the references.  explanatory visual cues to augment the book’s not with you. Therefore it’s also text when needed. New technologies not with you if you experience unex- and Leopard-included applications such pected Leopard misbehavior. as Safari, iChat, Mail, etc. are dutifully Mac OS Leopard Pocket Guide explained as well. To the point: This portable guide is To borrow a quote from the book’s back great to throw into your laptop bag. Of cover: “This must be the tippiest, tricki- course it is much more succinct than the est Mac book ever written. huge Missing Manual. It is written Undocumented surprises await on every without the witty turns of phrase that page - in every corner of Mac OS X.” appear in David Pogue’s books, Besides covering the most popular fea- because this author, Chuck Toporek, tures of Leopard, the author also attacks has no extra space for stylistic asides. those dark recesses of Security, net- It’s all business. David Pogue is the weekly personal-technology columnist for work, Automator macros, even the New York Times and an Emmy award-winning tech corre- The author has mastered logical spondent for CBS News. With 3 million books in print, he is also Terminal. And there is a Windows-to- one of the world's bestselling how-to authors. He wrote or co- explanations in condensed form. The Mac Dictionary for switchers to find wrote seven books in the "for Dummies" series (including Macs, format is easy to navigate, and there Magic, , and Classical Music); in 1999, he launched his features translated for them from is a Survival Guide if you are new to own series of complete, funny computer books called the Windows-speak into the language Missing Manual series, which now includes 30 titles. His web the Mac. There are black and white site is known as Mac.

8 SPECIAL OFFERS! Apple User Group Bulletin These User Group discounts are brought to you by the Apple User Group The AUG Market Report and Resource blog are great sources for infor- Advisory Board and Tom Piper, vendor relations. You must be a current mation about Apple user groups, vendor discounts, special events, Apple user group member to qualify for these savings. Not a member? interesting reviews, stimulating training and more. Join an Apple user group today to take advantage of these special offers.

ScreenCastOnline: 20% Discount Ecamm CardRaider: 35% Off With a brand new HD video tutorial published every week, The CardRaider is the easiest and most affordable way to recover ScreenCastsOnline is a fantastic resource for Mac video tutorials lost photos from your digital camera, memory card or thumb covering Mac OS X, iLife ‘08, iWork ‘08, tutorials for switchers, drive. Just one click and watch your photos and movies clips come the latest Apple and third party applications and much more. Sign back like magic. You can find the ones you’re looking for and up as a Online Extra! member to get the next 26 quickly recover them to your computer, or send directly to iPhoto. weekly shows in HD, plus over 150+ HD tutorials, all available This exclusive user group price is $12.97, compared to the normal for immediate download via iTunes. User group members pay price of $19.95, which is 35 percent off. Offer valid thru August $39.20, compared to the usual price of $49. Offer is valid through 31, 2008. August 31, 2008. The MUG Store: Private Haven for Cool Apple Stuff Parallels: $20 Off At the MUG store, you can check out specials, blowouts, new Run Windows, Linux and more side-by-side with Mac OS X. Macs and special value Macs. Each section contains lists of prod- Now with more than 1,000,000 users worldwide, Parallels ucts with prices set exclusively for user group members. Plus, Desktop for Mac is one of the world’s most popular Mac System your group earns points every time one of your members makes a Utilities. It’s a fantastic solution for running Windows on Mac OS purchase. Shop the MUG Store. Offer is valid thru July 31, 2008. X. Get Parallels Desktop for only $59.99 and save $20 off the reg- ular price of $79.99 or upgrade a previous version for only Apple User Group Market, Blog & User Group Offers $29.99, also $20 off the regular upgrade price of $49.99. (Extra Looking for information on one of the offers listed on this page items in the purchase cart may be removed by clicking on the -x- or a past offer? Tom Piper of the Apple User Group Advisory to the right of each.) Run Windows on your Mac today. Offer is Board publishes a single page with all current offers, expiration valid through July 31, 2008. dates and codes. Watch for intermittent special offers. Password: ***** (valid thru 7/31/08). ****Note: Password for Apple User Group Market is located in your mailed CMC newsletter.

Apple releases • Restart your Mac in “SAFE BOOT” mode (start hold- ing down shift key. May take much longer than usual OS X 10.5.4 Update to startup.) from The Apple Groups Team (TAGteam) • Install the update • Reboot your Mac normally (may take much longer than usual - please be patient during this process) Apple has released the 10.5.4 update to OS X via Software • After final reboot is complete, repair permissions Update Control Panel. We recommend backing up your Mac again using Apple DiskUtility (applications > utilities before installing this update and you may wish to wait a few > DiskUtility). days until the online tech sites have a chance to troubleshoot the release. The Mac OS X 10.5.4 Combo Update and Security update 2008-004 also released can be found here: TAGteam recommends you do the following when you update your Mac: • Back up your drive/files The Apple Groups Team (TAGteam) is a 100% free support • Disconnect your external hard drives and peripherals network for user groups, vendors, resellers, developers and • Run your preferred repair utility (DiskWarrior, manufacturers promoting cooperation, camaraderie and col- TechTool Pro, etc.) lective efforts in the Apple/Macintosh communities. • Run YASU or similar cache/repair permissions utility Please note: The Apple Groups Team (TAGteam) is not affiliated with Apple • Download the updater (if an OS update, download the Computer and assumes no responsibility, liability or accountability for any results, positive or negative, with regard to these methods. They are based on the experiences COMBO and NOT the SUCP) of our staff, members and technical support forums. Any and all changes to your com- puter hardware and/or software are done at your own risk.

9 2007–08 Connecticut Macintosh Connection Officers and Board of Directors

New Members Wanted! Have your friends and co- workers join us for fun and learning about OS X and the Mac. Please give them this application form.

CMC Benefits: Monthly meetings, monthly newsletter, special events, discounted books, assistance with computer President Vice President Secretary problems, network with other Mac users, User Group Chris Hart Jerry Esposito Jack Bass Store discounts, and more. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Yes, I want to join CMC!

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Areas of special interest:______Webmaster Parliamentarian/Historian Download of the Month ______Brian Desmond Connie Scott Debbie Foss [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ______

Annual CMC Family Membership Caricatures by $25.00 ILLUSTRATIONS CARICATURES Bill Dougal ForProviding advertising custom or publication. art for ForFor a a unique unique GIFT. gift, try a Make check payable to CMC and mail to: Customadvertising, art for: publications, Persoanlizedpersonalized of Lebanon 41 Crossroads Plaza, PMB 1984 or artcaricature from photo. (860) 456-9041 West Hartford, CT 06117 •web Print from a photo. Available for ...or •sites. Web OrAlso LIVE available at any illustration to draw live Pay online with PayPal at business or assignments privatefor any event. event. (860)456-9041 • and event caricatures.

10 CMC Monthly Meeting General Meeting Info Getting CMC email? Wednesday, July 30 Monthly CMC meetings are held on We always send out advance notices of UConnn Health Center last Wednesday of the month (except the meetings, and sometimes for big news during the months of November and or special events. Farmington, CT December when the meetings are held If you’re not getting these notices, please 6:00 pm: Back To Basics earlier due to the holidays). We open at 6:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m. for Back to email us at [email protected] with Our session this month is a “Do Basics, and from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. for your current email address and a subject Over” from June. Because of a regret- the Main Presentation. line of: ADD TO CMC EMAIL LIST table logistical glitch, Bob Sawyer was unable to properly present his FREE Raffle! FREE Classified Ads topic at June’s meeting. So, please return this month to learn how you Every CMC member who attends our CMC Members can advertise For can use Photoshop to turn a digital monthly meetings gets a raffle ticket that Sale, Swap, Trade, Giveaway or Want will give you a chance for one of our free to Buy Items. This space can be used photo into an artistic poster with the prizes every month! Win toys, t-shirts, by members to advertise non-business qualities of a painting. CDs, mugs, software…there’s always items which they are no longer using or something we’re giving away! And upgrading. This is a FREE service 7:00 pm: Microsoft PowerPoint don’t forget the “free table” at the back provided to our members. Send to: In 2008, CMC is bringing you pre- of the room where everything! [email protected] sentations on all the pieces of Microsoft Office. Earlier this year we Treasurer’s Report Display Ad Rates covered Word and Excel, and now Any business item or service can be we’re looking at PowerPoint. Jan Total Membership: 127 advertised at these low monthly rates. Gyurko returns to show you the Business Card (3.5”w. x 2”) ...... $10.00 basics of this widely-used presenta- Account Balances Quarter Page (3.625”w. x 4.75”) ...... $20.00 tion application. Everyone enjoyed Balances as of June 30, 2008 her January presentation on Word, so Checking Account ...... $2189.00 Half Page (7.5”w. x 4.75”h...... $30.00 we are delighted to bring her back. or 3.625”w. x 9.5”h.) Money Market ...... $3568.88 And, we have a dollar raffle for the Full Page (7.5”w. x 9.5”)...... $50.00 ultimate edition of Microsoft Office 2008 with a value of $500! Plus, in Submit all ad copy to the Editor on a our monthly free raffle, you have a Your CMC Information disk (with nothing else on it) or e-mail it to [email protected] for insertion chance of winning a valuable gift cer- Check your newsletter mailing label in the following issue. Display ads tificate to Kaplan Computers of for the following info: Manchester. As if that weren't enough must be submitted camera-ready in • Your CMC User name and password eps or pdf format with all fonts and goodies, we’ll also have drinks and to access info at snacks on hand. graphics embedded. • Your CMC Membership Number (free shipping at MacConnection) Please specify how many issues you Plus, a dollar raffle • Your CMC Membership renewal date would like your ad to run and make for a copy of check payable to “CMC”. Microsoft Office 2008 with a value of $500! Need CMC Support? Discounted Books Did you know that Mac CMC continues to offer our current Got an Idea for an support is just a click away? members the opportunity to purchase Upcoming Meeting? any published book for either Mac or We always welcome your input and That’s right!. You don’t have to wait Windows at a 20% discount. All major participation. Do you have an idea for for a monthly meeting to get publishers are carried by our source. a topic we should explore? Perhaps answers your Mac related questions. Email us at [email protected]. there’s a topic that you would like to CMC hosts a Mac Support mailing Provide the book title, the publisher present yourself? Email us at list for members? CMC members and the ISBN number, if possible, and can join at [email protected]. we will check on its availability.

11 41 Crossroads Plaza – PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117

Monthly Meeting Wednesday, July 30th UConn Health Center, Farmington, CT 6:00 pm: Back-to-Basics WIN! 7:00 pm: Dollar raffle for a copy of MS PowerPoint Microsoft presented by Jan Gyurko Office 2008

For more meeting info, see page 11 or go to: Driving directions are below.

CMC Monthly Meeting Location Monthly CMC meetings are held at UConn Health Center in Farmington. A PDF document containing a visual direction guide to the location of our meeting in the UConn Health Center is available on our website: When hands-on programs require computers for attendees, we will use Middlesex Community College. Directions for CMC Monthly Meetings UConn Health Center, Farmington From I-84: Take Exit 39 (if coming from I-84 West, Exit 39 is after 39A). Turn right at first traffic light onto Route 4 East (Farmington Avenue). At third traffic light, turn right to enter the Health Center campus. Go around the main building to the right (at a Y in road), then take a left when you get to the Academic Entrance. The road becomes two-way there so you should be able to tell where to turn. (Do not go on straight to the two-way part). Then take the second right into parking lot A&B. this is close to the building. Go past the police station entrance on your left (small sign). You will see a continuation of the building with its own entrance area. This is the new research building. Enter on the ground floor, turn right and enter Bob Sawyer draws the winning tickets for valuable Room EG-013 on your right. This is the first room on your right. The rest rooms prizes awarded to CMC members by Kaplan Computers of Manchester at our June 25th are on your left as you enter. Meeting. See info and photo on page 2.

12 Chronicle

August 2008 NEWSLETTER OF THE CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION Microsoft Office Revisited Submitted by Chris Hart, CMC president

Last month, Microsoft provided a vivid reminder of how things change in the land of computers. Within days of our July newsletter going to press, they released an update to Office 2004 for Mac that outmoded some of the information I presented in my cover article.

I was taken by surprise, because I didn’t expect any major updates for Office 2004, since the 2008 version has been Microsoft’s current product for a good six months. But The latest update to Office 2004 integrates compatibility with 2008 formats. that’s what they did in releasing a full update–called version 11.5.0–that supersedes all prior updates to Office 2004. Not This is a free download from and is essential only does 11.5.0 incorporate fixes for Word, Excel and for users of Office 2004, as it provides the ability to work PowerPoint, but it also integrates the ability for these apps with Office Open XML documents. If you haven’t yet to work directly with Microsoft Open XML documents. snagged this utility from Microsoft’s site, you should. While there, you can also grab the “Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac You’ll recall that I described last month how users of Office 11.5.0 Update.” 2004 previously needed to manually use the “Open XML Converter” utility to work with Office documents in the lat- Open XML Converter is here: est formats. Now, instead of having to go through that process every time, Office 2004 automatically opens and saves files in Open XML formats. Office Update 11.5.0 is here: Those are the documents that end with Inside the three letter extensions .docx, .xlsx As I mentioned, this update supersedes those prior and Download of the and .pptx. Month makes updating Office 2004 for Mac easier, as all past fixes page 3 It’s important to note that you do still are integrated into this package. So, on those occasions you do have install Office, you’ll be spared from downloading Freeware need to install the “Microsoft Office Maintenance Open XML File Format Converter for multiple small updates in order to get fully up to date. Applications Mac” which I detailed in July’s article. page 4 continued on page 2 Mac Freeware for Your Children page 6 Roxio - Best Markers for CDs & DVDs Book Reviews page 8 A recent blog posting from Roxio, maker of Toast CD and DVD recording software, describes testing a User Group Offers variety of felt tip pens and magic markers to find the page 9 best choices for labeling CDs and DVDs. Meetings & Member Info The favorites that emerged were the Sharpie page 11 CD/DVD Permanent Marker and the Staedtler Lumocolor CD/DVD Marker. To read the whole article, see: Continued from page 1 without having to manually convert it. For many of you, this will be joyous The end result after installing these two news, as you’ve been spared from the downloads is that your Office 2004 expense of a new version of Office. applications will automatically open and save documents in the Office So, in light of this development, is 2008/Open XML format, when called there any reason to update to Office CMC Chronicle for. For example, when you ask Word 2008 for Mac? The answer is “that to open a docx file, it will ask you if depends.” Specifically, that depends Editor you want the document converted. on how much you use the Office apps. Deena Quilty Answer in the affirmative and Word That also depends on whether or not will perform the conversion and after a 2008 has any features that you’d really Designer few seconds present you with the doc- like to take advantage of. (Look at ument. It can do this because it actively George Maciel product info at as uses the Open XML Converter (nearly well as reviews by respected sources invisibly) to convert the file. like That also Photographer depends on how satisfied you are with John Scott Once you make your desired modifi- the speed and functionality of these cations to this document and tell Word applications, as well as the type of Publisher to save it, the docx file will be seam- Mac you have. Connecticut Macintosh lessly updated. This is perfect if you’re Connection, Inc. collaborating with someone who has If you only use the Microsoft Office 41 Crossroads Plaza Office 2007 for Windows or Office occasionally, then by all means save PMB 1984 2008 for Mac. But if you’ll be keeping your money and stick with 2004. West Hartford, CT 06117 the document to yourself, you may Likewise, if don’t feel a need for new want to save it in the more common features, and you find the responsive- Printer .doc format. You do this by going to ness and reliability of the 2004 apps to Budget Printers the File menu at the top of the screen, be satisfactory, then there really is no 1718 Park Street selecting “Save As ...” and choosing reason to upgrade. But if you have an Hartford, CT 06106 “Word Document” as the format. A Intel-based Mac and you find Office similar process applies for Excel and 2004 to be pokey, that’s because 2004 We welcome submissions PowerPoint and saving to XLS and is not optimized for the Intel architec- PPT files. from our members! ture. The 2008 version, on the other hand, was built to take advantage of Please submit articles by first Note that if someone sends you a doc- these latest Macs with Intel proces- of the month for inclusion in ument in docx, xlsx or pptx format and sors. So, if you want your recent Mac our newsletter. All articles they incorporated features that are spe- model to feel perkier when using MS should be submitted by email cific to the latest editions of Office, Office, an upgrade does make sense. to: [email protected] you will lose these features as part of the conversion. Sometimes you’ll be Conversely, if you have an older Mac There is so much talent able to determine for yourself if the (sans Intel processor), I would suggest in our group; it would appearance of the document is repre- against the upgrade. I have personally be great to have several member sentative of what the author intended. found Office 2008’s performance to be articles in each issue of the Other times you may have to actually lackluster on these older models and newsletter. ask the person if what you’re seeing is others are reporting similar experi- what they intended. ences. No matter what model Mac you have, if you decide to go with Office This latest revision to Microsoft Office 2008, it’s essential that your Mac has 2004 for Mac is significant and elimi- enough RAM (memory). 512 nates one of the biggest reasons for megabytes (or less) is out of the ques- upgrading to Office 2008–easily tion and I would consider 1 gigabyte to working with Office 2008 documents. be the necessary minimum (and if you Now you can open and save any Office document that may come your way, continued on page 3 Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 2 a user group since 1986 Continued from page 2 inconsistent–sometimes the apps limited value for most Mac users, as we launch and print quickly, other times have many media management tools at have more than that, then you’ll see they don’t. Confounding. our disposal. But if you’re attracted to even better results). its capabilities (again, refer to Cost is certainly a key consideration Microsoft’s site for specifics), and can Personally, I have installed 2008 on when contemplating an upgrade, and find it for an attractive price, it may be my Intel-based desktop Mac with lots since Office 2008 is available in vari- worth considering. First time buyers of of RAM and find that it works very ous editions, you could spend MS Office will need to shell out $400- well. Whereas on my four-year old anywhere from a low of $150 to a peak $500, while those upgrading can get by PowerBook G4, I found 2008 to be of $500. The least expensive is called for $200-$300. sluggish. I ended up uninstalling it the Home And Student Edition and is and sticking with Office 2004 on that intended for those whose work is lim- We were able to raffle off a copy of the computer. ited to personal documents for Media Edition at July’s meeting, household or educational purposes. thanks to Microsoft’s generosity. They From a usability standpoint, I think This edition typically sells for $125- are strong supporters of Mac User Office 2008 is a solid upgrade. I can 150 and is not eligible for upgrades. Groups and they donated this valuable definitely find things easier than in the package to CMC. I dare say that 2004 version and in general I spend less The “business” version, which is Microsoft has provided this group with time searching for ways to get things called simply Office 2008 for Mac, has more product donations over the years done. In several respects it is faster than a typical street price of $300-350. In than Apple themselves; by a large mar- earlier versions (when running on a fast addition to being the legitimate edition gin. If that doesn’t speak to Microsoft’s Mac), but in others it provides no for those operating as a business, it earnest support of the Mac community, improvement. Waiting for launch is still offers the ability to upgrade (both now I don’t know what does. So if you are sometimes a source of annoyance, as all and in the future). So if you’re coming still of the mindset that using Microsoft the apps usually take their sweet time from Office 2004, you can make the software on your Apple computer is getting ready for use. Printing also con- transition for a cost of $200-$250. “anti-Macintosh,” I believe your think- tinues to be a weak point in Office on ing needs some updating. the Mac, with the printing dialogue box The top of the line version is officially sometimes taking quite a while to called “Office 2008 for Mac Special While Microsoft Office can be intimi- appear. That’s frustrating when you’re Media Edition” and adds an applica- dating at times and it doesn’t have the trying to get something printed as tion called Expression Media; a tool for sleek look of Apple’s iWork suite, it is you’re about to run out the door to a managing libraries of pictures, videos, still the standard bearer for Office meeting. But both of these flaws are and other multimedia. This edition has application suites. 

Download of the Month Submitted by Debi Foss Klondike Forever - 1.3.2 You know when you're bored? Then download Klondike Forever. It is a smooth and beautiful solitaire game that works like a charm. Four different games are free; if you want the 100 other type games, they cost. But I never play anything but Klondike, so I am set for life. Remember, don't get caught playing this at work. Requires Tiger. Features include: • Game rules settings • Highlight cards of any rank • Peek at hidden cards • Unlimited undo/redo • Single or double click auto move • Full screen mode • Sticky click option • Highlight playable cards • Auto play to foundations Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 3 a user group since 1986 that OnyX allows you to play with, but its shining star is still the maintenance jobs that it handles. Either Maintenance or OnyX will do a good job for you. I personally use OnyX because it does a good job of updating itself and allows me to run all the scripts and routines I Freeware Maintenance apps. Also, if you’re like me, you’d need it to run and then will automati- rather be certain that these maintenance cally reboot or shut down my Mac after Applications for the Mac tasks were done when you wanted them it’s finished. by Tim Verpoorten done. In other words, I just sleep better knowing that my Mac is the best that it The next freeware application that There is a plethora of freeware Mac can be. So after that scientific reason- seems to be a real favorite is: maintenance applications out there in ing, let’s take a look at the freeware the real world, which is a bit ironic programs that take care of your pre- MainMenu: because OS X really needs little mainte- cious Mac. nance beyond what it performs on itself. MainMenu does all things that a good For example, if you leave your Mac on, Let’s start with two utilities from maintenance program should do: it will perform all the daily, weekly and Titanium Software. rebuilding your Spotlight library for monthly maintenance scripts that it faster searching, repairing permissions, needs to stay healthy and alert. Even Maintenance: cleaning caches to improve application when you shut it down, OS X Tiger and performance, and even more advanced Leopard are smart enough to realize that english/maintenance.html settings–such as enabling and disabling it missed running its scripts while it was the Dashboard. But what makes this down, so it will run them as soon as you OnyX: such a fan favorite is its simple, and boot it back up again. easy to use menu-bar interface. If you english/onyx_leopard.html want an app that does it’s stuff and gets Then there is the matter of defragment- out of the way, MainMenu is the one ing your hard drive. The Mac HFS Plus Maintenance allows you to run several for you. file system works well to keep your files tasks of system maintenance: repair in one piece and even if it does fragment permissions, run periodic scripts, reset IceClean: them, the new hard drives run so well Spotlight’s Index, rebuild the that you’ll hardly notice any difference LaunchServices database, delete appli- /Home.html between a fragmented file or an unfrag- cations, font and system cache, and mented file. Then let’s not forget that even check the status of the hard disk. IceClean is another freeware solution we’re told to delete the cache files. It’s a basic system maintenance and that has a lot of fans. Its new Cocoa Cache files were developed to speed up cleaning application. OnyX is multi- interface make it as Mac-looking as the OS, so when you delete them, you’re functional; they say that it handles you can get. IceClean is a powerful defeating the purpose to begin with. The maintenance, optimization, and person- System Maintenance and Optimization only time to delete cache files is when alization. Other than handling the Tool using only built-in System you’re having troubles with OS X; then functions that Maintenance already Tasks to help your Mac stay healthy you can repair permissions and delete handles, OnyX also verifies the start-up and to keep it running smoothly. cache files to your heart’s content. disk and the structure of its system files, Besides the basic Unix maintenance it configures some hidden parameters tasks, IceClean can also monitor your So after telling you all of this, why are of the Finder, Dock, Dashboard, network state and do traceroute. It we going to talk about freeware Mac Expose, Safari, Log-in window and of gives you a quick and full CD/DVD maintenance applications? After pro- some of Apple’s own applications, it erase. IceClean also contains a full sys- ducing the MacReviewCast podcast for deletes caches, and removes a certain tem profiler. It’s also important to note three years, I’ve discovered that listeners number of files and folders that may that like the three previous options, want to know about maintenance pro- become overbearing on the overall continued on page 5 grams for their Macs before any other CPU load. There are a few other tweaks Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 4 a user group since 1986 Continued from page 4 monitors virtually every battery param- HighLoad will systematically begin to eter and does it in an easy to read launch applications you would use IceClean will update itself often and format. BHM will show you the origi- when you’re running your computer. automatically to make certain your nal capacity, which is an indication of This will simulate a real world high OSX is running safe and sound. the battery’s storage when it was new. load environment to make sure items The current capacity indicates how such as the virtual memory system, AppleJack: much that original capacity has window server system, and other inte- changed with use. The current charge grated processes are being utilized to shows the battery’s current charge state the max. HighLoad will test available If you want to get your hands dirty and while Charge Cycles indicates how physical memory using memtest to you are not using Leopard, AppleJack many complete charge/discharge make sure it is faulty free. No parame- is a great maintenance app to have on cycles the battery has experienced. The ters to set or complex commands to your Mac. Using AppleJack, you can percentage value indicates approxi- issue–just one click. Highload will also repair your disk, repair permissions, mately what portion of the number of take care of all the maintenance tasks validate the system’s preference files, total recharge cycles the battery has that you need done, permissions, and get rid of possibly corrupted cache left. There are even more details about caches, pre-bindings and more. files. The real asset in using Applejack your battery that you’ll find when you is that you don’t have to have access to use Battery Health Monitor. I would So after you’ve tried all these programs your GUI to run the app; if your Mac say that anyone with a laptop should and repaired permissions and cleared isn’t letting you log into your account, give it a try. caches until the cows came home, what all you need to do is restart in Single have you really accomplished? Probably User Mode by holding down the com- SpeedMail: not a lot more then if you’d never ran any mand and s keys at start-up, and then of them at all. That may be a point of typing Applejack, or Applejack auto contention with a lot of Mac users, so I (which will run through all the tasks When your Apple Mail seems to slow say it’s better to be safe then sorry and automatically), or Applejack auto down, most of the time it can be con- find yourself a freeware maintenance restart (which will also restart the com- tributed to the database. Speedmail is a program that you can live with and use puter automatically at the end of the terminal command that will clean up regularly. After all, your peace of mind is process). I really wish a new version your Apple Mail database and give you worth more then the cost of a single free- would be released that would work on a noticeable speed increase. It’s nothing ware application, right?  a Leopard machine. AppleJack should fancy, but it does the job. be on all the older Macs; it’s a great troubleshooter. HighLoad: Tim Verpoorten [email protected] There are some other maintenance Editor: applications out there that will run the Finally, there’s Highload. According to Producer: normal Unix scripts, but these are the their website, HighLoad is composed of The MacReviewCast Podcast ones that you’ll run into most often, a set of helpful processes designed to Co-Producer: and between them, you’ll have more assist in troubleshooting your Mac. The MacRoundtable Podcast then enough options to choose from. But I didn’t want to leave without a few other freeware applications that can help keep your Mac and the software Tim Verpoorten on it running at its best. [email protected] Editor: Battery Health Monitor: Producer: health.html The MacReviewCast Podcast Co-Producer: Battery Health Monitor is a must have The MacRoundtable Podcast app for any Mac laptop owner. BHM Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 5 a user group since 1986 Both of these games are for a little older age group and the games can be best described by their developer. In Christmas Crisis, Santa has fallen sick this winter holiday. Ms. Claus has been cooking some of her most pow- erful chicken soup, but even that’s not Mac Freeware for Your the keyboard, the more shapes and col- powerful enough to cure Santa from ors appear. You can add your own his perilous cold. He won’t be able to Children pictures and images if you want, or just make his first deliveries until much by Tim Verpoorten use what the application gives you. later than usual — but that is too late This little app has given my grandson to deliver all of the presents. You and So far we’ve discussed mostly free- hours of joy and me, hours of peace. other elves have been chosen to help ware that you would use in your day to make up for Santa’s missed time! Fly day work on the Mac, but what about As your children grow older, you’ll over cities and drop presents down freeware for the family? Specifically, find that many of the same games that chimneys. Maintain a 70% success what about some Mac freeware for we’ve enjoyed in our youth have time- rate to save Christmas! Watch out for your children? less appeal. Games like The Match planes - you don’t want to crash! Game or a jigsaw puzzle will be hits One of the most requested topics that I with children forever. That’s why you In Christmas Super Frog, Santa’s receive for the MacReview should visit this website for two great sleigh has broken down, scattering his podcast is for family friendly freeware. freeware games: gifts all around the town! Now it is up One of the strengths of the Mac has to you to recover all the missing pres- always been in the field of education FishDog Jigsaw and ents before Christmas arrives. As the and home usability. Many young peo- FishDog Match: name sounds, the game resembles the ple were trained on a Mac in school, original Frogger in many ways. and as they grew up they kept a Mac in their home. This all led to a strong soft- Just like their name suggests, FishDog While we’re talking about frogs, here’s ware base for educational freeware on software has taken two classics and another fun game by the name of the Mac, so let’s look at a few of these turned them into Mac freeware. They BullFrog from Outer Level Software. apps for a variety of different ages. are true to the originals and just as much fun. In FishDog Match you BullFrog: Let’s start with the youngest. My match letters, numbers and pictures. grandson is 7 months old and he loves This allows for several years of enjoy- nothing better than to sit on my lap ment. In FishDog Jigsaw, they use In this game you play a BullFrog who’s while I’m at the Mac Pro and bang on pictures of animals which all children house has been invaded by bugs. the keys and the mouse. As you may enjoy. Thank you FishDog. Buzzing, flapping, and biting. Bugs have already guessed, my grandson now plague every corner of your world can get away with anything he wants Another great Mac software developer and irritate you at every turn. Eat all when he’s around Papa, but I’m not is Koingo Software. They make some those pesky bugs to return peace and about to let him loose on my keyboard wonderful shareware utilities but still quiet to your lovely home. But, you and mouse without some type of pro- have time for some fun Mac freeware. must eat all those bugs before time runs tection for my files. The answer is These holiday favorites can be down- out or your home will be forever theirs. Baby Banger. loaded at: Let’s keep looking at freeware games Baby Banger: Christmas Super Frog: for the kids. Here’s one that may appeal to the older children in the christmassuperfrog.php house, it’s from RAMDream games, With a simple keystroke, all the keys Christmas Crisis: and it’s called: will show colorful shapes and images when pressed and some even give you christmascrisis.php sounds. The more they bang away on continued on page 7 Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 6 a user group since 1986 continued from page 6 will need to be installed by you using Moodle: another browser. Scavenger is a great Moodle can help educators create effec- The Gnome Hearder: app to help you control your kids tive online learning communities. From browsing experience. But, remember, one pupil to thousands, Moodle handles GnomeHerderMain.html no piece of technology can take the it all. Moodle is a software package for place of good parenting; ultimately You can either play this 3D game producing internet-based courses and it’s your responsibility. online from the website, or download web sites. The feature list is pages long the Mac OSX stand-alone version for and the capabilities are endless. Use as What about the child that has an artist your computer. Now if that’s not much of the program as you need or as inside just waiting to burst out? There enough, RAMDream games have two little as you need. Do yourself a favor is a wonderful drawing program for more 3D adventure games that you’re and visit the Moodle website yourself children in the elementary level. It’s welcome to download or play via the and you’ll be as impressed as I am with called Tux Paint. website. They’re called The Snowmen the possibilities. and the Crown, and The Bows of Let’s finish this list with an app that Tux Paint: Shoga-La. They all have smooth 3D your High School student might just graphics and are fun for kids of all crack a smile and thank you for finding ages. What more can you ask for free? Tux Paint is a colorful drawing appli- it for them. It’s called Trigonometry cation that combines an easy-to-use and it’s from VoJou Software. Now that we’ve covered some free- interface, fun sound effects, and an ware games, I’d be a bad parent and encouraging cartoon mascot who Trigonometry: grandparent if I didn’t include a few guides children as they use the pro- apps that were more learning based. gram. Kids are presented with a blank The name says it all. The app is a small The one thing we all fear about having canvas and a variety of drawing tools and simple to understand program to our child on the computer is when they to help them be creative. These draw- learn or teach Trigonometry. If I actually go online. Besides the obvious ing tools include brushes, stamps, remember my high school days, any- predator situations we hear about lines, shapes, text, magic tools, erasers thing that can help with trig is worth its everyday, we also have MySpace, and undo. Tux Paint has been around weight in gold. Especially if it’s free. Facebook, YouTube and other websites the Mac community for years and has to worry about. Why not replace the developed into a full featured, solid That should do it for this article. We’ve Firefox, or Safari browser that adults application that could easily become only scratched the surface. The Mac use and give your child a browser that shareware if desired. you know is safe? had its roots in the educational system and for many years it was the king of Mac developers have not forgotten the family computers. Those were great Scavenger: about the educators along with the developers and now a new wave have pupils. Moodle is an open source taken the reins and given us some fan- About.html course management system. tastic freeware to help our children Scavenger features a fun user interface grow and learn.  free of the OS X look. It uses Apple’s built in Safari engine to render pages. Any plug-ins you have installed in Safari, Scavenger can take advantage of them. Scavenger also contains Tim Verpoorten bookmarks to kid-friendly sites like [email protected] , and others. Editor: Part of the reason Scavenger can keep Producer: your kids safe is that it restricts itself The MacReviewCast Podcast from going to any other site except Co-Producer: those you have on the home page. The MacRoundtable Podcast Scavenger does not allow for down- loading files. Any files on the internet Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 7 a user group since 1986 Book Reviews: Veer starts with how to sign up for an • Automator for Mac OS X 10.5 account, add a profile and picture, and view and edit your information. She • Facebook the Missing Manual then explains how to interact with the By Elsa Travisano three basic components of Facebook: Reprinted from Newsbreak, the networks, friends, and groups. A net- monthly newsletter of MUG ONE work can be a location (Albany, NY), a Mac User Group of Oneonta, NY school (Oneonta High School, Hartwick College) or an employer Automator for Mac OS X 10.5 (Apple Computer); you’ll learn how to Leopard: Visual QuickStart Guide join one or several, including those that Ben Waldie. 288 pp. workflow plugins, creating workflows need specific email addresses (like Peachpit Press, 2008. that loop, using variables within a hartwick. edu). You’ll also learn how to $29.99 workflow, building advanced work- locate, invite, interact with, and, if nec- ISBN 978-0-321-53935-9 flows and downloading and sharing essary, “unfriend” a collection of actions and workflows by email or on friends, and how to find, join and cre- How would you like to be able to websites, are also covered. The book ate groups, which are informal streamline repetitive tasks on your concludes with example workflows, gatherings of people with interests in Mac? Make it so with Automator Automator and developer resources common. Once you’ve “friended” expert Ben Waldie’s excellent and a step-by-step workflow creation some folks, you’ll learn how to send Automator for Mac OS X 10.5 guide. The writing style is admirably and receive messages, write on a Leopard: Visual QuickStart Guide and clear, conversational and non-intimi- friend’s Wall (which Vander Veer Apple’s Automator, which is included dating, and illustrations are ample and likens to a dry-erase message board on with Mac OS 10.5. With the Automator wellchosen. Most highly recommend- a dorm room door), give and receive a application, mere mortals can create ed for anyone working with Automator. poke (the equivalent of saying “hey, automated workflows (combinations of you!) and send a virtual gift. The book automated tasks), a job that previously Facebook, the Missing Manual also details how find and place event called for AppleScript and some seri- E. A. Vander Veer. 268 pp. listings and classified ads and how to ous programming chops. Waldie starts Pogue Press/O’Reilly, 2008. $19.99 use Facebook for professional uses out by explaining what Automator can ISBN 78-0-596-1-51769-6 such as job searches, employment and cannot do, then gives step-by-step recruiting and project collaboration as instructions for creating a couple of Facebook,, the well as establishing and finding pages simple workflows (emailing birthday hugely popular online social network- for businesses, products, artists and greetings, adding Spotlight comments ing website, was created in 2004 by public figures. Finally, you’ll learn how to Photos and emailing photo thumb- Harvard student Mark Zucherberg as a to control your privacy settings and nails) so beginners can get their feet private social networking site for how to use Facebook Mobile on your wet. Once the basics have been intro- Harvard students. It quickly expanded iPhone, iPod touch or other mobile duced, he goes into detail on creating to other college campuses, then wel- device. Whether you’re a veteran workflows that work with files and comed high school students in 2005 Facebook user, just starting out, or sim- folders, music and audio, photos and and opened to the general public in ply wondering what the fuss is all images, as well as custom workflows 2006. There are currently over 70 mil- about, you’ll find plenty of useful, and using the Starting Points feature. lion active users, more than half of well-presented information in The book then explores specifics of whom are not in college. It’s a genuine Facebook, the Missing Manual. working with actions (actions are sin- phenomenon, not to mention a whole Recommended.  gle automated tasks, like opening a lot of fun. Facebook, the Missing folder, and are the basic building Manual is a handy and informative blocks of Automator), recording manu- guide that helps you to get started, al events, running, saving and opening make the most of your Facebook expe- workflows, and troubleshooting work- rience, and – perhaps most important – flows that are acting funky. More protect your privacy. In case you’re sophisticated topics, such as saving new to Facebook, author E. A. Vander Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 8 a user group since 1986 SPECIAL OFFERS! Apple User Group Bulletin OfficeTime: 30% Off These User Group discounts are brought to you by the Apple OfficeTime is a Mac time-tracking tool that can sync up with User Group Advisory Board and Tom Piper, vendor relations. iCal for a visual display of your day. You shouldn’t have to You must be a current Apple user group member to qualify think about how to track your time. OfficeTime feels intuitive for these savings. Not a member? Join an Apple user group and comfortable as it adapts to your style. With no learning today to take advantage of these special offers The AUG Market Report and Resource blog are great sources for infor- curve, you’ll be an expert user almost immediately. Normally mation about Apple user groups, vendor discounts, special $47.00, CMC members can get 30% off by purchasing events, interesting reviews, stimulating training and more. OfficeTime at the special user group price of $33.90. Offer is valid through October 31, 2008. iBank 3 and iBiz 3: 20 Percent Off Delicious Library: 25 Percent Off IGG Software is a small, Mac-only developer in Vermont. Delicious Library 2 is redefining your home library collec- Their flagship products are iBank 3, a Leopard-only alterna- tion. While integrating seamlessly with .Mac, iTunes, tive to Quicken that’s a great way to track bank accounts, Address Book and iCal, Delicious Library 2 categorizes, credit cards, investments and loans; and iBiz 3, a cool tool for sorts and tracks all your media, tools, gadgets and toys. So if freelancers and others to manage clients, projects, hours and you ever need it, you’ll have a comprehensive list of all your invoicing. CMC members receive a 20% discount on iBank 3, things. Regularly $40.00, CMC members can buy Delicious regularly $60 and iBiz 3, regularly $50. Library at the special user group price of $20.00. Offer is Offer is extended through October 31, 2008. valid through October 31, 2008.

NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT Graphics Card: 30% Off The MUG Store: Private Haven for Cool Apple Stuff The NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT For Mac is designed to tack- At the MUG store, you can check out specials, blowouts, new le everything your gaming, graphic designing, art-directing, Macs and special value Macs. Each one of them contains lists illustrating, web browsing, photographing, video-producing of products with prices set exclusively for your users. Plus HD-video-watching self can throw at it. With 112 processing you get points for your group every time a CMC member cores and two DVI ports capable of driving two 30-inch dis- buys! Offer is valid through August 31, 2008. plays at full resolution (2560x1600), you can run today’s and tomorrow’s most demanding visual computing applications. Apple User Group Market, You can purchase a GeForce 8800 GT for the first generation Blog & User Group Offers Mac Pro (Pre-2008) for $199, a 30% discount from the regu- Looking for information on one of the offers listed on lar price of $279. Offer is valid through October 31, 2008. this page or a past offer? Tom Piper of the Apple User Book Darts: 40% Discount Group Advisory Board publishes a single page with all current offers, expiration dates and codes. Book Darts, a clip-on archival passage/line page marker, marks your exact lines, locates them fast AND never hurts the AUG Password: **** (valid after May 18, 2008). book. Get free samples by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to 3945 Willow Flat, Hood River, Oregon 97031. Book Darts retail for $9.95, but this special CMC offer is only $5.95, 40% off. Domestic mailing is $3.00 for any number of ****Note: Above password for Apple User Group Market Book Darts. Offer is valid through October 31, 2008. is located in your mailed CMC newsletter.

CONGRATULATIONS! CMC President Chris Hart congratulates group member Gene Czarnecki (at right) on winning July’s dol- lar raffle for Microsoft Office 2008. Thank you for making this possible, Microsoft! We also give thanks to Kaplan Computers for the gift certificates they have provided as prizes in our monthly raffles. At right, our July program presenter, Jan Gyurko picks the winning raffle number. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 9 a user group since 1986 2007–08 Connecticut Macintosh Connection Officers and Board of Directors

New Members Wanted! Have your friends and co- workers join us for fun and learning about OS X and the Mac. Please give them this application form.

CMC Benefits: Monthly meetings, monthly newsletter, special events, discounted books, assistance with computer President Vice President Secretary Chris Hart Jerry Esposito Jack Bass problems, network with other Mac users, User Group [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Store discounts, and more. Yes, I want to join CMC!

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Areas of special interest:______Webmaster Parliamentarian/Historian Download of the Month ______Brian Desmond Connie Scott Debbie Foss [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ______Annual CMC Family Membership Caricatures by ILLUSTRATIONS CARICATURES Bill Dougal ForProviding advertising custom or publication. art for ForFor a a unique unique GIFT. gift, try a $25.00 Customadvertising, art for: publications, Persoanlizedpersonalized of Lebanon Make check payable to CMC and mail to: or artcaricature from photo. (860) 456-9041 41 Crossroads Plaza, PMB 1984 •web Print from a photo. Available for West Hartford, CT 06117 •sites. Web OrAlso LIVE available at any illustration ...or businessto draw orlive for any event. assignments Pay online with PayPal at private event. (860)456-9041 • and event caricatures. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 10 a user group since 1986 Monthly Meetings FREE Raffle! Getting CMC email? Wednesday, August 27 Every CMC member who attends our We always send out advance notices of UConn Health Center monthly meetings gets a raffle ticket that the meetings, and sometimes for big news will give you a chance for one of our free or special events. Farmington, CT prizes every month! Win toys, t-shirts, If you’re not getting these notices, please Conference Room EG-013 CDs, mugs, software…there’s always email us at [email protected] with something we’re giving away! And your current email address and a subject 6:00 pm don’t forget the “free table” at the back line of: ADD TO CMC EMAIL LIST Back To Basics of the room where everything! CMC Online Support Group Did you know that CMC has an online Treasurer’s Report FREE Classified Ads discussion group, which can give you Total Membership: 126 CMC Members can advertise For access to the collective knowledge of Sale, Swap, Trade, Giveaway or Want your fellow Mac User Group members? Account Balances to Buy Items. This space can be used It's free to members and it only takes 10 by members to advertise non-business minutes to join. This program will cover Balances as of August 06, 2008 items which they are no longer using or how to get started and the ways in which Checking Account ...... $2101.07 upgrading. This is a FREE service the group can be helpful to you. Since Money Market ...... $3570.09 provided to our members. Send to: the group operation is backed by Yahoo [email protected] (with minimal advertising), we will also Your CMC Information touch briefly on the variety of Yahoo Display Ad Rates Groups that are available to you. From Check your newsletter mailing label cars to kittens, and diabetes support for the following info: Any business item or service can be groups to stamp collecting, there is a advertised at these low monthly rates. group on Yahoo that can connect you to • Your CMC User name and password to access info at people with similar interests. Business Card (3.5”w. x 2”)...... $10.00 • Your CMC Membership Number Quarter Page (3.625”w. x 4.75”)...... $20.00 (free shipping at MacConnection) Half Page (7.5”w. x 4.75”h...... $30.00 7:00 pm • Your CMC Membership renewal date Wireless Internet and or 3.625”w. x 9.5”h.) Full Page (7.5”w. x 9.5”)...... $50.00 Mobile Broadboad Need CMC Support? This presentation by CMC member, Jay Weiss, will go over the history of wire- Submit all ad copy to the Editor on a Did you know that Mac disk (with nothing else on it) or e-mail less connectivity, the various types of support is just a click away? wireless internet technologies, as well as it to [email protected] for insertion wireless broadband services available, That’s right!. You don’t have to wait in the following issue. Display ads and what they can do for you. While this for a monthly meeting to get must be submitted camera-ready in presentation will contain technical infor- answers your Mac related questions. eps or pdf format with all fonts and mation, it is aimed at the non-technical CMC hosts a Mac Support mailing list graphics embedded. user. What do terms like Airport for members? CMC members can join Extreme, 802.11n, Wi-Fi and 3G mean? at Please specify how many issues you These questions and many more will be would like your ad to run and make answered during this presentation. Discounted Books check payable to “CMC”. Got an Idea for an CMC continues to offer our current Upcoming Meeting? members the opportunity to purchase We always welcome your input and any published book for either Mac or participation. Do you have an idea for a Windows at a 20% discount. All major topic we should explore? Perhaps publishers are carried by our source. there’s a topic that you would like to Email us at [email protected]. present yourself? Email us at Provide the book title, the publisher [email protected]. and the ISBN number, if possible, and we will check on its availability. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 11 a user group since 1986 41 Crossroads Plaza – PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117

Wednesday, August 27 UConn Health Center 6:00 pm Back to Basics: CMC Online Support Group 7:00 pm Main Meeting: Wireless Internet & Mobile Broadband

For more meeting info, see page 11 or go to: Driving directions are below.

CMC Monthly Meeting Location Monthly CMC meetings are held at UConn Health Center in Farmington. A PDF document containing a visual direction guide to the location of our meeting in the UConn Health Center is available on our website: When hands-on programs require computers for attendees, we will use Middlesex Community College.

Directions for CMC Monthly Meetings UConn Health Center, Farmington From I-84: Take Exit 39 (if coming from I-84 West, Exit 39 is after 39A). Turn right at first traffic light onto Route 4 East (Farmington Avenue). At third traffic light, turn right to enter the Health Center campus. Go around the main building to the right (at a Y in road), then take a left when you get to the Academic Entrance. The road becomes two-way there so you should Thank you, Jan! be able to tell where to turn. (Do not go on straight to the two-way part). Our dynamic presenter Jan Gyurko, showed members the Then take the second right into parking lot A&B. this is close to the build- ins and outs of Microsoft's ing. Go past the police station entrance on your left (small sign). You will PowerPoint at July's meeting. She's an engaging see a continuation of the building with its own entrance area. This is the new speaker and everyone enjoyed having her back! research building. Enter on the ground floor, turn right and enter Room Plus, our thanks to Bob Sawyer (inset) for showing us EG-013 on your right. This is the first room on your right. The rest rooms how to get creative with Photoshop, in our Back To are on your left as you enter. Basics session. Chronicle

September 2008 NEWSLETTER OF THE CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION When A Laptop Isn’t A Laptop Submitted by Chris Hart, CMC president ...cooling...cooling The word “laptop” has become part of our vernacular and your everyone knows it means a computer that provides mobility. portable But if you look closely at Apple’s marketing and web site, portable you’ll see that they never use the word “laptop.” Why? mac and Well one could argue Apple simply doesn’t like the sound of saving the oft-used word. But more likely it’s because Apple is your always working to prevent direct comparisons between their laplap products and those of their competitors in the Windows from world. Indeed, companies like Dell use the word laptop with from regularlity and have accepted it in the same way as their cus- heatstroke. tomers. Apple no doubt feels that using this term will invite further direct comparisons between their portable offerings somewhere and Apple has chosen, for better or worse, to use and those that run Windows. the shell of the laptop as one method of removing heat from the computer’s interior. Apple’s marketing materials and representatives are known to use phrases like “mobile computing” or “portable computer,” The end result is a “laptop” that is completely unbearable to but never the term that indicates something going on top of keep in your lap. If you’re wearing light clothing or shorts, your lap. Whether such an approach to marketing is effective you’ll find this out very quickly. If you have thicker pants on, or just confirms the accusations of elitism that many critics you might be able to get away with putting the machine on often foist upon Apple, Inc., is open to interpretation. your lap for a few minutes. But any more than that is likely to result in discomfort. Of course your personal experience in But, in recent years there has become this area may vary according to what tasks you use your Mac Inside an increasingly valid additional expla- portable for, how long you use it for, and which model you nation for not using the term laptop, When a Laptop have. The situation can sometimes be tolerable for MacBook Isn’t a Laptop and that would be that these powerful owners, but those with the aluminum-clad MacBook Pro page 1 machines are no longer suitable for use models typically find they can’t touch the underside of the on the lap. Anyone who owns an alu- Photo Backup Options computer after 20 minutes of operation. While Traveling minum-clad PowerBook G4, or any of the MacBook series models, knows page 3 All this means that you must stop thinking of your Apple exactly what I mean. The underside of portable computer as a laptop; at least not a “directly on the Software Review: these models can become absolutely TheSkyX lap” laptop. So, finding a good solution to this situation will scorching during heavy use, with tem- page 6 both make your computing life happier and extend the peratures in the neighborhood of 120 longevity of your electronic friend’s inner parts. Book Review: degrees Fahrenheit not unusual. Mac OS X Support Some adventurous Mac users have resorted to using software Essentials The reason is these models use their page 8 that allows adjustment of a portable Mac’s internal parame- shells as a means of removing some of ters for dealing with heat. They can vary fan speeds and other User Group Offers the tremendous heat trapped inside. In technical aspects that impact the overall temperature. But page 10 the pursuit of creating portable comput- such software has drawbacks and is certainly not supported ers with the maximum performance Meetings & by Apple. In fact, they downright frown upon the use of such possible, Apple is forced to put high Member Info software utilities and likewise I would discourage you from page 11 speed and high heat components in a confined space. All this heat has to go continued on page 2 Continued from page 1 reserves and could shorten your mobile computing time. If you stay tethered to using them. The way your portable mac a power outlet most of the time, this works inside is what it is, and I feel it will not be an issue. shouldn’t be messed with. I would not buy primarily based on Your best solution is to find ways to price, or whether or not the unit has CMC Chronicle deal with the heat and keep it off of fans (or their quantity), but instead your body, while also allowing the focus on whether or not the product in question is something I would enjoy Editor computer to “breathe” so that it runs at its best. There are a number of products having on my lap for extended periods. Deena Quilty on the market that do just this, and all of them involve putting a layer of protec- With that in mind, here are the criteria I Designer tion between you and the computer. would recommend taking into consid- George Maciel The materials used to achieve this vary eration when shopping: from product to product and the intend- 1) Rigid surface for the computer to Photographer ed use. None is the “best” solution, as rest upon John Scott each comes with compromises. 2) Ventilation for the computer’s underside and side vents 3) Comfort for the lap Publisher Most products are based around the 4) Size that suits your needs Connecticut Macintosh concept of a platform upon which your expensive portable computer is 5) Portability (if you’ll need it for Connection, Inc. perched. The size, shape, color and mobile use) 41 Crossroads Plaza appearance of these products can vary 6) Build quality PMB 1984 widely, yet they all tend to be made of 7) Price West Hartford, CT 06117 plastic. That’s because it’s an ideal material for providing a versatile, Lastly, keep in mind the dimensions of Printer durable, lightweight surface that can your laptop, so that you don’t end up Budget Printers handle the heat. with something that’s a poor match. To 1718 Park Street help you out, here are quick references for the dimensions of Apple’s current Hartford, CT 06106 The majority of these products are called “laptop coolers,” because they models. The MacBook has a footprint not only provide a resting place for the that is 12.8" wide and 9" deep. While We welcome submissions computer, but also a means to get rid of the MacBookPro with a 15 inch screen from our members! heat. However their cooling abilities measures 14" wide by 9.6" deep. Please submit articles by first can vary widely, especially since many of the month for inclusion in of these products rely on one or more To get you started, I’m going to list our newsletter. All articles fans to provide the cooling. In my per- some products I’ve become aware of in should be submitted by email sonal experience, and in the product my travels which I think are excellent to: [email protected] reviews I have read, I have observed examples. Some I have personal experi- that fan noise can be a tremendous ence with, others are used by friends or clients, and yet others have received There is so much talent drawback to these products. The engi- positive reviews. in our group; it would neers that design them either don’t know what “quiet” really means, or the be great to have several member bean counters will not allow them to I’m not going to spend much time on articles in each issue of the use fan motors that are truly stealthy in the typical fan-equipped laptop cooler, newsletter. their operation. because they really are a dime a dozen and many of them aren’t worth bother- Personally, I can’t stand to listen to ing for the reasons I outlined. You can such a racket while I’m trying to think find them at nearly any store that sells (or enjoy my Vangelis). Plus, there is computers and you should look closely also the potential for an impact on your at the product’s design in order to deter- portable Mac’s battery life, as the cool- mine if it’s right for you. Take note of er’s fan is powered by the USB port on the underside, as many of these coolers the side of your mac. This represents a constant draw on your battery’s power continued on page 4 Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 2 a user group since 1986 More Photo Backup Hard Disk-Based Photo Wallet — Lynette Kent and Rick Redfern enthusi- Options While Traveling astically recommended the PhotoSafe by Adam C. Engst II and Picture Porter Elite from From Tidbits #941 Digital Foci, and Dale Gould pointed me to what look like similar devices: You’re planning a big trip, and you the NexTo eXtreme ND2700 Portable know you’ll be taking lots of photos Storage Unit and the Vosonic VP8860 with your digital camera. What’s the Multimedia Viewer Recorder. The best way to protect those photos while PhotoSafe II and the NexTo Extreme you’re away from home and your nor- basically let you copy memory cards mal backup gear? to the device’s internal hard disk; they have only small text-based LCD In “Backing up Photos While screens that provide feedback. In Traveling” (see Tidbits, 2008-08-11 (pictured clockwise) PhotoSafe II, Picture comparison, the more-capable Picture, I Porter Elite, NexTo eXtreme ND2700 Porter Elite and Vosonic Multimedia shared my thoughts about how to back Portable Storage Unit and the Vosonic Viewer Recorder provide color LCDs VP8860 Multimedia Viewer Recorder up while traveling, including the fol- that are larger than those in cameras lowing: for viewing your photos; they can also Ever-alert TidBITS readers immedi- play and record audio and video, play • Internet Backup: If you can be ately sent me email with several other FM radio, and print directly to print- certain of finding an Internet con- solutions that they’ve employed over ers. All these devices have nection with high-speed upload the years. Depending on your situa- rechargeable lithium-ion batteries for capabilities on a regular basis, tion, one of these might be just what use away from a computer. They can uploading photos to a photo shar- you need on your next trip. also connect to a Mac via USB 2.0, at ing site like Flickr or to a server which point they can act as memory you control is a great way to Recordable Disc — David Malin card readers and as normal external ensure that disaster cannot claim suggests bringing a number of record- hard drives. Prices depend on the size your photos. able CDs or DVDs along with hard disk you want, ranging from self-addressed envelopes. Then, about $130 to $500. • iPod Storage: Although it’s slow whenever you have enough photos to and limited, Apple’s $29 iPod fill up a CD or DVD, you burn a disc, I’d be hesitant to buy one of these Camera Connector could be a pop it in the envelope, add postage, devices for a single trip, but I like the good solution if you happen to and mail it home. This approach fact that they can be used as battery- have a supported iPod model. would require bringing a laptop, of powered external hard drives as well, course, but it eliminates the disk space since that would make them more • Mac Storage: We settled on the concern. Eric Watson worked around generally useful beyond travel. blindingly obvious approach of the need for the laptop by finding a Lynette also said that the Picture copying photos from our cameras shop down the street that would burn Porter Elite can copy files back to to my MacBook every night, leav- his photos to DVD for a few bucks. I’d memory cards, which would make it ing the photos on the 4 GB SD be leery of depending on there always possible to create additional backups cards as well, so we had two being such a shop down the street, on inexpensive memory cards and copies in separate locations at all though it could work if you’re mostly mail those home for even more peace times. This worked well on this staying in one place. I’d also be con- of mind. Elite can copy files back to trip, but would have fallen down if cerned about the effort of figuring out memory cards, which would make it we’d been gone much longer the necessary postage and mailbox possible to create additional backups (since my MacBook didn’t have locations, but even having the photos on inexpensive memory cards and much more free disk space) or if I on disc would meet my goal of two mail those home for even more peace hadn’t wanted to take the copies in separate locations. of mind.  MacBook at all. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 3 a user group since 1986 continued from page 2 Slip Laptop Cooler ($25). However, Some of these products aren’t much I’m giving it attention because it offers different than the traditional lap desk, top notch cooling ability, looks very that has been around for decades. In high tech, and has received numerous fact, if you already have one of those rave reviews. Plus, its silver finish is hanging around, or you would prefer to also very complimentary to the get one over these other products, it will MacBook Pro. do a nice job as a portable computer platform. Although it is a bit of a draw- Even more lap-friendly than the above back that there aren’t cooling vents in options is The Lapinator ($25), which the top surface of a standard lap desk, Belkin Cooling Lounge features cushions on its underside, this shouldn’t be a deal-breaker. providing some softness your legs. It have bottom surfaces that aren’t partic- also has has short pegs on the top side Plus, if you have handyman inclina- ularly comfortable on the lap for which help get some air under your tions, you can remedy the lack of extended periods. Two examples that portable computer. ventilation by installing the same mod- may be worth consideration are from ification I made to my own lap desk. Belkin. They are the “Laptop Cooling What you do is get four self-adhesive Stand” model # F5L001 ($30) and the door knob bumpers and stick them onto soon-to-be-introduced “Laptop Cooling the lap desk. These bumpers are round, Lounge” model # F5L028 ($40). approximately an inch and a half in diameter, made of soft plastic or rubber and are intended for mounting on a Although I don’t have personal experi- wall. (Before you remove the adhesive ence with these models, they do appear backing, experiment with their posi- to have solid designs that provide good tioning and how they will line up with ventilation. I would definitely suggest X-Pad Non-Slip Laptop Cooler the underside of your Mac portable.) buying such a product from a retailer One step further is the Laptop Mat from The end result is three-quarters of an who offers a no-questions-asked return Handstands ($25), which actually has a inch of lift for your laptop, that both policy. Since this is the type of item built-in pillow cushion for your legs. At provides cooling underneath, and raises that is very personal (not everyone’s 19" x 14" it will accommodate any the laptop’s keyboard to a more com- lap is shaped the same), you don’t want portable computer imaginable. fortable level for typing. The bumpers to get stuck with something you can’t are non-slip, so the laptop is nicely held stand to use. Even better for extended computing in place. sessions on your lap are two laptop Also similar is the Lap Lounge from desks from Brookstone that offer lots of Combine this with the Kensington XBrand at leg padding. First is the e-Pad Travel Comfort Type Notebook Wrist Rest The height adjustability of the Lounge Laptop Desk, at $30, which has a (#82051A for $15), that I have reviewed product is a nice touch. square-shaped deck. in these pages previously, and you have a great workstation for your lap. Note that these models include a USB- powered fan. Though as I said earlier, Second is their e-Pad Laptop Desk, at Sources for Lap Desks: having a fan is not a requisite for a good $40, which has an ovular deck, plus laptop. But if you do purchase a unit even more cushioning underneath for with a blower inside and you find the your legs (looking like a bean bag). noise to be an annoyance, you can sim- ply choose to not use the fan. With any laptop platform, as long as the comput- At the other end of the spectrum are lap er has the ability to breathe from desks designed to be the ultimate in underneath, you’ll be fine. In fact most portability. I especially like the thin of the products I like for this job have platforms from LapWorks, which can no fan whatsoever. fit in some laptop bags. In fact they offer four models: Laptop Desk 1.0 The Belkin models aren’t the ideal ($25), Laptop Desk 2.0 ($30), Laptop choice for a road warrior, as they are a Desk UltraLite ($30) and Laptop Desk bit thick to fit in the typical laptop bag. The same can be said for the next item continued on page 5 I’m going to suggest, the X-Pad Non- Brookstone E-Pad Laptop Desk Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 4 a user group since 1986 Continued from page 4 While many of these laptop desks pro- your legs close together at all times in vide an area for mousing, the real estate order to support it and your computer. is very limited. You must have a very small mouse intended for portable use, in order to use these mouse pads. A typ- If you rarely place your portable Mac in ical desktop mouse takes up too much your lap but you’re troubled by the heat Laptop Desk Lapdesk Ultralite space to be maneuverable. However, it generates sitting on a desk, you ergonomically, you are still better of should look at MacFeet from using a small mouse than the Mac’s LapWorks (same company mentioned built-in trackpad, which requires unnat- previously). This is a pair of collapsible, ural wrist and forearm twisting. self-adhesive feet that attach to the rear Lapworks Futura I Lapworks Futura II corners of your Mac portable. When the Now, let’s look at what may be the most computer is on the desk, you keep the Futura ($35). I would think twice about portable option of all. It’s called The legs deployed, so air can get beneath. the 1.0 as it’s missing the extended NotebookBuddy ($20) and it’s a flexi- And when you stow the computer for mouse pad that the 2.0 and Futura offer. ble, soft heat barrier pad that allows you travel, the legs easily fold in (only pro- Although they all fold up to a thickness put a modern laptop right on your legs. truding about a quarter of an inch). of less than an inch, the UltraLite is the To onlookers, it appears as though you These legs are not suitable for use in thinnest of all. It is the ideal solution for may have an oversized potholder sitting your lap, as they would simply dig into someone who values light weight and between you and your laptop. But there your knees in an unpleasant fashion. portability above all other considera- is a significant and vitally important tions (but be aware that it’s also the difference between a potholder and The Anyone who uses a portable computer least robust of the four products). The Notebook Buddy: while a potholder at a desk for extended periods should 2.0 is the best overall value for someone would smother a laptop (by blocking its consider purchasing a laptop stand. who wants something a little more rigid vents), the Buddy has a top surface Such a pedestal elevates the computer than the UltraLite. made out of a synthetic fabric with a so that the screen is raised to eye level mesh structure that allows air to reach (instead of staring downward for Perhaps the best part of these products the underside of the computer. It’s a extended periods, which is very tough is the quantity of ventilation slots they tremendously clever design and you on your neck). Naturally, elevating the provide. The entire surface is loaded should take a look at the demonstration computer also provides the underside with slats that allow your Mac portable video on their web site to see the intri- ventilation we’re seeking. Combine this to breathe easy. They can also double cate mesh doing its magic. with an external keyboard and mouse as an elevated desktop stand for your (either full-sized or a portable set) and portable computer, once you reach your you have a nice portable workstation. destination. The company offers some good demo videos on their web site, There are many sources for laptop which should help you decide if these stands, but LapWorks again offers are right for you. many excellent options at Also check out Once again I’ll turn to the XBrand line the Xbrand Height Adjustable Laptop of products, because I find them very Stand at smartly designed, and point to their Lap The Notebook Buddy For those seeking a portable laptop Desk ($30) as a clever, highly-portable stand for the desk, you may want to alternative. It’s perhaps the slimmest Besides being thin and flexible and able look at the Aviator at: lap desk available at only half an inch in to be stored flat, the Buddy can also be thickness, plus it integrates a flip-out rolled up and shoved in your bag as you mouse pad. run to catch your plane flight. At 13.5" I hope I’ve provided a little bit of some- wide by 9.5" deep, the Buddy is just thing for everyone and opened your about the size of a MacBook, so it’s eyes to the options available for cooling slightly undersized for a MacBook Pro. your portable mac and saving your lap But considering that it’s intended to from heatstroke.  provide a solution for tight spaces on the run, it should still suffice. If you consider purchasing the Notebook Buddy, do consider the fact that it’s small size means that you need to keep XBrand Lap Desk Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 5 a user group since 1986 TheSkyX events that would take days, months, or even years to observe. For instance, you can watch the progression of constellations Reviewed by Ted Bade across your backyard sky or see the interesting shape the sun Reprinted from draws as it moves position from day to day at the same time. MacCompanion Software Bisque, Inc. In order to control the view of the sky in your backyard, you need to tell the program where you are and what time it is. TheSkyX can gather this information from your computer. I Introduction was amazed when I first ran the program that it grabbed both TheSkyX is a new planetarium software program produced by the general location and time from my computer, without my Software Bisque, a company known for higher end Astronomy telling it to do so. Nice. You can also set your location using a software products. With this program you can view a simula- U. S. postal zip code. The most interesting way of setting the tion of the sky near your house or anywhere else you can location is by it getting the location from your local Internet conceive, at what ever time, today, tonight, or 500 years ago. provider. This worked well on my cable modem at home, but TheSkyX is easy to use, you can quickly find what is in the sky while traveling in Pennsylvania, the hotel’s server told the pro- tonight (or any other night), locate objects of interest, and watch gram I was located in Indiana! Oh well. (That is probably simulations of astronomical events. TheSkyX is fun to use and where its server lives!) educational. As with all these programs, you can click on any object in the It is a sad testa- night sky and the program will give you information about the ment that, in our object. Where TheSkyX excels is its ability to create a list of modern age of objects that are in the sky on a particular date. For the backyard powerful elec- astronomer this is very useful. You can filter the “What’s up” tronics and super list using different criteria. You can limit the list by viewing computers, we methods, like naked eye, binoculars, or small telescope. You cannot enjoy can also choose which objects are left off the list. For instance, simple things like you want a list of what galaxies you might see tonight with a the majesty of the small telescope. Once the program generates the list, it provides night sky. Light all types of information about the objects. You can also organ- pollution has ize the list by any of the column headings. For instance you can stripped away the organize the list by constellation, magnitude, or object type, glory of the night This will help the amateur with an observation session, since he sky and we are left with the merest echo of what is really there. or she will be able to position their viewing position to the best Luckily, TheSkyX can give us a peek at what the sky should be advantage for viewing most of the objects. While other pro- like. Sure, it can simulate your typical light polluted sky, but it grams I have used also perform similar functions, this programs can also give you a feel for what the sky would look like if there method is very easy and more in line with how an amateur were no light pollution! thinks rather then how a skilled astronomer does.

TheSkyX has all the controls and displays that one would With the “What’s expect of a planetarium software that runs on a home comput- up” table created, er. You can set the coordinates to any place on earth and at any you can select an time, to see what is happening in the sky. object on the list and have the pro- Or you can search for a particular object and find where it is in gram show you the sky (if it is at all). As with most programs like this, you can where in the sky it also view space as if from other places in the universe. For is. Provided you instance view the earth and moon from a distant point, say from have the screen Mars, or even the entire solar system from a point outside of it; space, you can nothing that we humans can really do. Yet because astronomers move the list off have figured out so much about our universe, we can simulate the sky view, this view. TheSkyX also has a 3D view of stars in space. Using click on an object this view, you can see what the universe looks like from a dis- on the list and a simulated laser pointer points out the object for tance of one or more light years from our sun. you. You can also view a telescope image of the object if one is contained in the program. Another nice feature of programs like this is the ability to speed up time. This gives one to the ability to observe astronomical continued on page 7 Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 6 a user group since 1986 continued from page 6 symbols and names for all the objects that are contained in the database. If you want to locate specific types of objects, it is While this program contains a number of photos, some of them easy to turn on their labels. You can turn on various representa- don’t want to show easily. For instance, when I searched for tions of constellation figures from stick figures to full blown art. Jupiter (or if it comes up in the “What’s up” list), there is an The program will show the Milky Way as a photo image or a option to show a photo. No photo comes up in these modes, yet drawn image. when I moved to the photo tab on the command center, there are a number of nice images of Jupiter. As with most programs like this, you can create simulations of astronomical events. Sometimes the simulations run at acceler- The program also displayed a very nice image of Jupiter when ated time speeds to make it a lot easier to conceive a particular I zoomed in on this . phenomena that might take months or years to happen. There are a number of these simulations included with the program. You can install TheSkyX on a Mac laptop (I tried it on my G4 These simulations or tours demonstrate some aspect of astron- PowerBook) and take the list of what’s up outside with you. omy using the special features of the program. For instance, if The program, as expected, has a night vision feature that makes you were to watch the sun at the same spot and time each day the screen look like it is illuminated with a red light. Red light for a year, you would see the path of the sun traces out a figure doesn’t reduce your night vision, so it is the light of choice eight. This movement is called analemma. There is a nice sim- when reading during an observation session. ulation that shows the suns path doing just this. There are other such shows you can watch and of course, you can make your I was a bit surprised that the program was unable to print out own. the “what’s up” table. While I usually take my laptop out when I am using my telescope; I don’t when I just bring out my The calendar has the potential of a really nice feature, but it binoculars. It would be nice to have a print out of the good doesn’t appear to be fully implemented. First of all, you can binocular objects to take with me. select a date to view by selecting a date on the calendar. You can also create and print a monthly calendar that shows certain TheSkyX contains a library of all the objects one can see with events that might be of interest to an astronomer, for instance, the naked eye, binoculars, and amateur telescopes, providing a the phase of the moon and when the moon and sun rise and set. practical database for the student and amateur without bogging The program is also supposed to be able to add information down the program with huge star catalogs. While some might about when to view Iridium Flares (light reflected off satellites think this is a bad part of the program, I think it makes the pro- that move quickly across the sky). However, when I choose to gram a lot more user friendly. I am an amateur and need all the add this information all that happened was the images of the help I can get. moon’s phase disappeared. It would be nice if one were able to add other astronomical events such as conjunctions, eclipses, I found the pro- and meteor showers gram’s manual to be to this calendar. It well written, very would be wonderful interesting, and a lot if the calendar did all of fun to read. The this! person who wrote it has obviously had Overall this is a very some experience good program, but I dealing with people did run into a few new to astronomy. bugs as I tested it. It This manual is a had some issues real gem! It is too making text boxes bad that they don’t include a paper copy of it, just a PDF. I big enough to show text on my 15” PowerBook but not on my found that the manual not only explained how to use many of desktop’s 22” monitor. There was also an issue with how it the many program’s features, but also explained a lot about decided what time it was based on the computer time. I live on astronomy and observing in general. However, I will say that the east coast of the USA, which is Eastern Standard Time and this program appears to have a lot more potential then one we currently are using Daylight Saving Time. Our GMT time would think from reading the manual. I would be happy to hear zone is GMT-5. This program sets its time one hour earlier then of a missing manual type book that digs into the features and what I see on my computer. It also shows my GMT time zone powers of this program! as GMT-4. Apparently there is an issue getting the correct time zone (at least) for my time zone. A fix is in the works for this. There are many pieces of information you can turn on con- cerning what is in the current sky view. You can turn on continued on pages 9 Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 7 a user group since 1986 Book Review: Anyone considering the idea of becom- ing an Apple Certified Support Mac OS X Support Essentials Professional can definitely save a bun- Second Edition dle by using this book. Sure, you still A Guide to Supporting and have to pay a small fee to sit the actual Troubleshooting Mac OS X 10.5 exam but you can save the cost of train- ing by studying this book thoroughly Reviewer: Greg Sharp, President of and completing all the included quizzes the Sydney Mac Users Group and (reference links are also included). In a Australian Mac Users Group world where it doesn’t matter how much you know, and all that counts is that little bit of paper stating that you’re There are plenty of books out there certified, avoiding the need to pay a for- promising to teach you the ins and tune on training is a godsend. outs of running Mac OS X 10.5, but very few do it as well as Mac OS X Even if you think you already know a Support Essentials. It is no wonder lot about Macs and Apple’s operating that Apple has adopted this book as system, you’re sure to find enough has the official textbook for those wishing changed in Mac OS X 10.5 to cause attribute types and an unlimited number to become an Apple Certified Support you more than a few problems when of ACL attributes for any user or group. Professional. upgrading. This is where Mac OS X Support Essentials becomes such a vital Personally, I found this section of the Firstly, I was pleasantly surprised to tool. Do you know the differences book very useful, since up until reading find that this book was written in a con- between the various User Account about these changes I’d had a lot of cise and easy to understand way. It types such as Standard Users, trouble understanding how best to includes ample illustrations and dia- Administrative Users, Guest Users, implement this fine level of control as grams including flowcharts for Sharing Users and Root User? Do you the Finder only displays a small subset troubleshooting problems and every- understand the difference between User of what ACL’s are capable of. thing is laid out so well that any average Security Settings & Security System Fortunately, Mac OS X Support Macintosh user would find it easy to Preferences or the various FileVault Essentials includes a comprehensive follow. More than just a bunch of useful caveats when setting up accounts with section on File Management via the hints; this is a structured training manu- FileVault enabled? Command Line. al. Each chapter even ends with a series of review exercises aimed to reinforce Did you know that Mac OS X 10.5 has When it comes to Archiving and the concepts learned. introduced a new feature in Backup, Mac OS X 10.5 has introduced that enables you to dynamically reparti- a radical, yet oh so Apple like solution The Mac OS X Support Essentials book tion a drive without destroying any known as Time Machine Backup. From is divided into chapters that relate to currently stored data on the drive? Find a single click configuration, to a learning outcomes. The following lists out how to do it and what partition detailed configuration set to omit the lessons covered in the book: schema doesn’t support it. selected files and folders, Time Machine provides a way to go back in 1. Installation and Initial Setup Traditionally, OS X has used a basic file time to recover a previous versions or 2. User Accounts and folder permission structure known even deleted versions of your valuable 3. File Systems as POSIX, which is a decades old data. That said, if something goes 4. Data Management and Backup UNIX style. However, Mac OS X 10.5 wrong what do you do then. Well, Mac 5. Applications and Boot Camp adds a new schema to the mix called OS X Support Essentials includes a sec- 6. Network Configuration Access Control Lists (ACL’s), which tion on troubleshooting Time Machine 7. Accessing Network Services allows more control of file and folder that may help. 8. Providing Network Services access. To complicate matters further 9. Peripherals and Printing there is no common standard for ACL’s That said, this section could have cov- 10. Startup Process with Apple adopting a schema similar ered things in a bit more detail. Perhaps 11. General Apple Troubleshooting to but not identical to Windows sys- a bit more of an explanation on what (Appendix) tems. This adds more than a dozen unique permission and inheritance continued on page 9 Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 8 a user group since 1986 Book Review TheSkyX stand how to use, but behind this is a continued from page 8 continued from page 7 lot of power. As the beginner advances, this program will still be file types should be excluded from It’s a minor issue, since it is easy to very useful. It is a good choice if you Time Machine backups would have change the time or the time zone to the are looking for an astronomy program. been useful. For example, by omitting correct the problem. The company’s your Virtual Machines (if running soft- customer support people told me they Right now Software Bisque is offering ware such as VMWare or Parallels) were working on an update to correct a a package that includes both TheSkyX from your Time Machine backup couple of the problems I found and and another program of theirs called regime you can stop your backup disk would look into the others. Seeker as a bundle for $149 US. Since from filling up too. Overall though, both programs retail for $99, this is a this section was still pretty useful. Just before this review was due, I had an pretty nice discount. Next month, we opportunity to sit outside with my will take a look at Seeker. In fact there are way too many changes PowerBook and my binoculars and view a nice clear and dark night sky. So made to Mac OS X 10.5 that get cov- End Note: The ad for this program I took the opportunity to really try out ered in Mac OS X Support Essentials caught my eye, since their ad follows TheSkyX. I found it very easy to that of Apple’s current advertising. The to list them all here, such as how to use manipulate this program to help me Boot Camp Assistant, or how to con- Ad shows the program running on two find my way through the stars. I found computers, one says “I’m a Mac” and figure VPN connections, VLANs, link it’s ability to easily change the zoom aggregation, 802.1X wireless security the other says “I’m a PC”. Not to men- level from “Naked eye” to “Binocular” tion the big black X! I wonder what etc but rest assured these and many view a great help as I switched my Apple is thinking.  other topics are explained fully. viewing in the same way. I have used other programs and they can also be In conclusion, I thought after having changed, but TheSkyX has easy con- worked with Macintosh computers trols. The “What’s Up” list was very since the early 1990’s that I knew useful, but it kept getting in the way of TheSkyX from Software Bisque, Inc. heaps about the operating system I the program’s display of the sky. What Mac Version Released: January 2008 love so much but this book has opened this list needs is a way to hide and $99 USD (for $149 you can get this my eyes to just how much more there return it. Instead, the only option is to program and another called still is to learn. I have discovered an close the window and then recalculate Seeker). amazing resource in Mac OS X the list when you want it back. Luckily System Requirements: 1.25 GHz G4 Support Essentials, which along with this program remembers your last PowerPC or faster processor or 2 the other titles contained in the Apple search, so it is just a matter of opening GHz Intel Core Duo or faster Training Series is teaching me some- the search window and clicking the but- processor; Macintosh OS X version thing new every day. I couldn¹t rate ton. 10.4.8 or later; 1024 x 768 display this book highly enough and recom- resolution with millions of colors; mend it to anyone needing to offer Like a great road atlas, I was able to 512 MB RAM; 64 MB video support for Mac OS X 10.5.  compare what was in the sky with what RAM; 520 MB disc space; Mouse was on the screen and learn what I was or other pointing device; CD- viewing. I even managed to see a few of Rating: 9.5 out of 10 ROM. the brighter deep sky objects the pro- Strengths: Very easy to use, designed gram told me were there. It was a great with the amateur in mind, easily set HowAuthor: Kevin M. White session! your location, easily generate a list Publisher: Peachpit Press of objects to view in the current Series: Apple Training Series Conclusions sky, nice 3D view of the universe. ISBN-10: 0-321-48981-0 TheSkyX is a good program, with a lot Weaknesses: Some issues with small- ISBN-13: 978-0-321-48981-4 of power and abilities. It performs er 15” screen size, calendar pretty well. I experienced no crashes program needs more features, or major problems, although there issues with setting time, some were a few minor ones. With a little issues with offering an image of work and a few modifications, objects. TheSkyX will be an excellent choice For product information visit for any student of Astronomy. It has an The SkyX software site. interface designed for the beginner, making it easy to control and under- Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 9 a user group since 1986 SPECIAL OFFERS! Apple User Group Bulletin These User Group discounts are brought to you by the Apple User Group Advisory Board and Tom Piper, vendor relations. You must be a current Apple user group member to qualify for these savings. Not a member? Join an Apple user group today to take advantage of these special offers The AUG Market Report and Resource blog are great sources for infor- mation about Apple user groups, vendor discounts, special New Members Wanted! Have your friends and co- events, interesting reviews, stimulating training and more. workers join us for fun and learning about OS X and the Mac. Please give them this application form.

CMC Benefits: Monthly meetings, monthly newsletter, CJRTOOL ebooks: 25 Percent Off special events, discounted books, assistance with computer CJRTOOLS ebooks is a small, independent company that problems, network with other Mac users, User Group produces and publishes ebooks on Mac OS X software. Store discounts, and more. Regularly priced at $8 to $15, user group members receive a 25 percent discount on any purchase of ebooks from CJR- Yes, I want to join CMC! TOOLS’ eSellerate or Kagi store. Specially priced book bundles are also available with the discount. This offer is Date ______valid through November 30, 2008.

Name ______LaCie Hard Drives: Major Discounts The LaCie 500GB Hard Disk, designed by Neil Poulton, with eSATA, FireWire 400 and Hi-Speed USB 2.0 (model Address ______301313U), and the LaCie 250 GB Little Disk, designed by Sam Hecht, with FireWire and Hi-Speed USB 2.0 (model City ______301282) are simple, compact and efficient with quiet storage to backup, synchronize and secure your files, music, photos State ______Zip ______and video to one place. User group members can purchase these drives at the special price of $110 for 500GB and $115 Phone (Home) ______for 250GB, a $30 and $45 savings off regular prices. This offer is valid through November 30, 2008. Phone (Office)______RiftVault Security: 20 Percent Off Phone (Fax)______Securing your top-secret information on your computer, from credit card numbers to confidential files, has never been eas- ier or more fun. Government-level 256-bit AES encryption Business ______on RiftVault ensures that your valuables stay out of reach from the most prying of eyes. This exclusive $31.96 offer Occupation ______provides a 20 percent discount off the commercial price of $39.95. This offer is valid through November 30, 2008. Email: ______The MUG Store: Your Private Haven for Cool Apple Stuff Referred by: ______At the MUG store, you can check out specials, blowouts, new Macs and special value Macs. Each one of them contains lists Areas of special interest:______of products with prices set exclusively for your users. Plus you get points for your group every time one of your mem- ______bers buys! This offer is valid through September 30, 2008. ______That's Easy: Get the Apple User Group Market, Annual CMC Family Membership Resource Blog & Vendor Discount Offers $25.00 Looking for information on a past offer? Tom Piper of Make check payable to CMC and mail to: the Apple User Group Advisory Board publishes a single 41 Crossroads Plaza, PMB 1984 page with all current offers, expiration dates and codes. West Hartford, CT 06117 Watch for intermittent special offers. ...or Password (after May 15) - **** Pay online with PayPal at **** (Password located in your mailed CMC newsletter). Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 10 a user group since 1986 Monthly Meetings FREE Raffle! Getting CMC email? Wednesday, September 24 Every CMC member who attends our We always send out advance notices of UConn Health Center monthly meetings gets a raffle ticket that the meetings, and sometimes for big news will give you a chance for one of our free or special events. Farmington, CT prizes every month! Win toys, t-shirts, If you’re not getting these notices, please Conference Room EG-013 CDs, mugs, software…there’s always email us at [email protected] with something we’re giving away! And 7:00 pm your current email address and a subject don’t forget the “free table” at the back line of: ADD TO CMC EMAIL LIST Andy Ihnatko Returns! of the room where everything! Special guest Andy Ihnatko returns to CMC to entertain us with his unique Treasurer’s Report FREE Classified Ads perspective on all things Mac. Andy is a journalist, Mac user and iPod/iPhone Total Membership: 126 CMC Members can advertise For book author. Sale, Swap, Trade, Giveaway or Want Oh, and he’s Account Balances to Buy Items. This space can be used by members to advertise non-business very interest- Balances as of September 5, 2008 ing, no matter items which they are no longer using or Checking Account ...... $1478.52 what he’s talk- upgrading. This is a FREE service ing about. Money Market ...... $3571.30 provided to our members. Send to: [email protected] Please note that there will be no Back Your CMC Information To Basics session in September. Display Ad Rates Check your newsletter mailing label for the following info: Any business item or service can be advertised at these low monthly rates. Upcoming Meetings • Your CMC User name and password All upcoming meetings take place at to access info at Business Card (3.5”w. x 2”)...... $10.00 UCONN Health Center, Farmington. • Your CMC Membership Number Quarter Page (3.625”w. x 4.75”)...... $20.00 (free shipping at MacConnection) Half Page (7.5”w. x 4.75”h...... $30.00 • Your CMC Membership renewal date October 29th or 3.625”w. x 9.5”h.) Creating iPhoto Slide Shows Full Page (7.5”w. x 9.5”)...... $50.00 Past President, Don Dickey, will Need CMC Support? demonstrate everything we need to Submit all ad copy to the Editor on a know about creating engaging slide Did you know that Mac disk (with nothing else on it) or e-mail shows in iPhoto. Don knows lots of support is just a click away? it to [email protected] for insertion tricks and tips and will share them in That’s right!. You don’t have to wait in the following issue. Display ads this thorough presentation. for a monthly meeting to get must be submitted camera-ready in answers your Mac related questions. eps or pdf format with all fonts and November 19th CMC hosts a Mac Support mailing list graphics embedded. Annual CMC Auction for members? CMC members can join As has become our tradition, at Please specify how many issues you November will be our annual auction, would like your ad to run and make which is loaded with great deals and Discounted Books check payable to “CMC”. unique items! Detailed information will be sent via email about the spe- CMC continues to offer our current cific items available for bid. members the opportunity to purchase Got an Idea for an any published book for either Mac or Upcoming Meeting? December 17th Windows at a 20% discount. All major We always welcome your input and Annual Holiday Party publishers are carried by our source. participation. Do you have an idea for a Our annual holiday party features Email us at [email protected]. topic we should explore? Perhaps food and fun, plus more. Watch this Provide the book title, the publisher there’s a topic that you would like to space for details. and the ISBN number, if possible, and present yourself? Email us at we will check on its availability. [email protected]. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 11 a user group since 1986 41 Crossroads Plaza – PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117

Wednesday, September 24 UConn Health Center 7:00 pm Andy Ihnatko Returns! Special guest Andy Ihnatko returns to CMC to entertain us with his unique perspective on all things Mac. Note: there will be no Back To Basics session in September.

For more meeting info, see page 11 or go to: Driving directions are below.

CMC Monthly Meeting Location Monthly CMC meetings are held at UConn Health Center in Farmington. A PDF document containing a visual direction guide to the location of our meeting in the UConn Health Center is available on our website: When hands-on programs require computers for attendees, we Thanks, Jay! will use Middlesex Community College.

Directions for CMC Monthly Meetings UConn Health Center, Farmington From I-84: Take Exit 39 (if coming from I-84 West, Exit 39 is after 39A). Turn right at first traffic light onto Route 4 East (Farmington Avenue). At third traffic light, turn right to enter the Health Center campus. Go around the main building to the right (at a Y in road), then take a left when you get CMC thanks our long-time member, to the Academic Entrance. The road becomes two-way there so you should Jay Weiss, for stepping up to the be able to tell where to turn. (Do not go on straight to the two-way part). podium to give a presentation at our Then take the second right into parking lot A&B. this is close to the build- August meeting. He educated us about ing. Go past the police station entrance on your left (small sign). You will wireless networking and wireless see a continuation of the building with its own entrance area. This is the new broadband standards and technolo- research building. Enter on the ground floor, turn right and enter Room gies. We appreciate your valuable EG-013 on your right. This is the first room on your right. The rest rooms contribution to the group, Jay! are on your left as you enter. Chronicle

October 2008 NEWSLETTER OF THE CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION Batteries and Power Adapters Submitted by Chris Hart, CMC president

Nowadays, so many devices have batteries in them The easiest way to accomplish this is to run the lap- and require regular recharging. That’s especially top from the battery while you use it. So, once a true for the products from Apple, which month, when you are starting a work session include their portable computers that we talk ATTENTION that will involve using the computer for at about every month, plus their portable MEMBERS: least 3-4 hours, disconnect the power media players, the iPod and iPhone. If you own a adapter from the side. Continue using the MacBook, MacBook Pro computer until it tells you that it must go Batteries are certainly a wonderful thing or iPhone 3G, please continue to sleep due to low battery power (ignore and they empower portability and free- reading below for important the message “you are now operating on dom, that we would not want to be information about potential reserve power”). Save the document you without. But they certainly come with their issues and a product recall are working on and then let it go to sleep. share of hassles. You’ve likely heard of the from Apple. Then plug it back in to the power adapter. battery issues that many iPod owners have had. And Apple’s PowerBooks and MacBooks have Two important notes: First, before you perform had their share of battery issues, too. the above procedure, make sure that your battery has been fully charged for 2 hours (the power adapter connection There is no surefire way to avoid battery problems, as not all to the side of your laptop should have been glowing green for the factors involved are under your control. But there is at least 2 hours; if it’s orange, the battery needs more charging time). one thing you can do to improve your battery’s lifespan and Second, make a habit of saving your documents frequently this is called battery “calibration.” This involves discharging it when working off of the battery. fully and then completely recharging it at least once a month. Apple has recom- This same procedure applies to iPods, as a means of calibrating Inside mended this procedure for many years, the battery. You essentially want to run the iPod non-stop until it as it’s an easy way to remind the battery will no longer operate. As in the procedure outlined for the lap- Batteries and of its full range of charge levels. tops, you want to start with a fully charged battery, run the device Power Adapters pages 1-3 continued on page 2 Lesa’s Graphic Secrets for MUGs pages 4-7 Free Online Classes Thanks Andy! page 7 Andy Ihnatko is one of CMC’s favorite guests and he came to see Download of the Month us in September. He talked about all things Apple and what the page 8 Mac maker is doing right and not-so-right. Among the product innovations Andy would like to see is a portable device that builds User Group Offers upon the iPhone, but provides more screen area and more capa- pages 8-9 bilities. You can see him in this picture demonstrating how such Meetings & a device might fold open, to reveal two screens, while retaining Member Info the ability to fit in your pocket when closed. We especially appre- page 11 ciate Andy taking the time out to come see us in the midst of working on the second edition of his book “iPhone Fully Loaded.” You can follow Andy’s activities at his website: Continued from page 1 wrap on it, then please remove it. Apple only puts that wrapping on to until it will run no more, then connect it to prevent scratches from appearing on the power adapter for a full charge. the factory assembly line or during transit to you. Keeping it on there only As many iPod owners have found, increases the amount of heat being kept eventually the battery just doesn’t have inside of the adapter. CMC Chronicle that spring in its step that it used to. Either the iPod won’t run on the battery As you’ve might have discovered first- Editor very long or it shuts down abruptly hand, there are times when this adapter Deena Quilty when the battery still appears to have can become so hot, that it’s uncomfort- power left. These are all symptoms of a able to touch. For this reason, you should Designer battery that has given all that it can and never keep the adapter sitting on any- George Maciel needs to be retired. thing that will restrict its ability to stay cool. Don’t put it on top of papers or The same certainly happens with laptop allow those papers to lay over it. I would Photographer computers, but it usually takes longer to also suggest keeping it off of couches, John Scott reach this point. Luckily, laptop com- beds, or any upholstered furniture. puters provide an easy means of Publisher replacing the bat- While I won’t say Connecticut Macintosh tery. If you can’t get that these sorts of Connection, Inc. a battery for an power adapters are 41 Crossroads Plaza older model of likely to start fires, PMB 1984 Apple portable such cases have West Hartford, CT 06117 computer from been reported in the Apple directly, try media. While the Printer checking eBay occurrences are Budget Printers (remember to recyle infrequent, they do 1718 Park Street the old one proper- happen. In addition Hartford, CT 06106 ly). If you have an to keeping the iPod or iPhone that iPhone 3G Power Adapter power adapter We welcome submissions needs a new battery, where it can keep from our members! it will need to be serviced by Apple or cool, you should also make sure that an Apple-authorized service center, your laptop is getting the air it needs to Please submit articles by first where they will install a fresh battery breath (as I outlined in last month’s arti- of the month for inclusion in (and properly recycle the old one). cle on laptop coolers/lap desks). our newsletter. All articles should be submitted by email If you aren’t sure what I mean by Every home and office should have to: [email protected] “power adapter” in the above passages, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers then perhaps you know the device by in place. If you scoff at the notion of a There is so much talent another name. Some people call it a fire extinguisher, because you haven’t in our group; it would “power transformer,” some people call ever needed one, then all I can say is: be great to have several member it a “charger” and others simply say If the horrible day comes that you articles in each issue of the “power cord.” No matter what name need one, you’ll deeply regret that it newsletter. you use, it’s still the same device that wasn’t at hand. Every floor of your goes between the power outlet in the home or office should be equipped wall and the power connector on your with a detector and an extinguisher. laptop. Inside of it is a transformer that Replace the batteries in the detectors converts AC voltage in the power out- regularly and educate yourself on how let to the DC voltage that your laptop to operate your fire extinguishers. I requires, at a sufficient enough power don’t offer this advice out of a desire level to simultaneously operate your to alarm you, but because I wish to laptop and charge the battery inside. If prepare you for emergencies. your power adapter still has the plastic continued on page 4 Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 2 a user group since 1986 Continued from page 2 Until you receive your replacement The proper technique involves grasping adapter you can charge your iPhone in the square connector with your finger- My desire to recommend such prepara- one of the following ways: If you tips and “tilting” it away from the point tions was heightened in September owned the original iPhone and still have at which it connects. What I mean by when news came to light about flaws in the charger, you can use that. You can “tilting” is that you put your fingers on two of Apple’s power adapters, which also connect the USB power/sync cable the square section of the connector (not have potential for threatening your safe- to your computer and keep the phone the wire that protrudes) and push it gen- ty. If you own a MacBook or MacBook connected until it’s fully charged. tly in one of four directions: up, down, Pro, or an iPhone 3G, you may be Lastly, you can use a third-party power towards the back of the computer, affected by these issues. adapter (such as those from Griffin, towards the front of the computer. This Monster Cable, etc.) to keep your will disable the magnetic connection First, I’ll address the more dangerous phone going. with minimal effort, allowing you to issue with the iPhone 3G’s “ultracom- remove the connector easily, while put- pact Apple USB power adapter,” which The other issue of concern is with the ting little strain on the cable. has the potential for breaking apart “MagSafe” power adapters that are when removed from a power outlet. included with every MacBook and Apple’s own documentation of this This results in metal prongs extending MacBook Pro portable computer procedure is here: from the power outlet, representing an from Apple. While Apple hasn’t electrical hazard. If your adapter breaks issued a public recall on these in this manner, the adapters, they are You can see a video demonstration only safe way to reportedly replac- here: remove these prongs ing them (after from the power outlet reviewing the If you have already started experiencing is to start by dis- instances on a problems with your MagSafe power abling power to that case-by-case adapter, contact Apple directly (via power outlet. You do basis), when the phone 800-275-2273 or at your local this by going to your owner expresses Apple retail store). If they agree that circuit breaker box concerns about your adapter represents a safety hazard and turning off that safety of the and you are still under warranty, they circuit. Once you adapter. may replace it for you. Even if they have disabled the cir- Magsafe wire insulation separation don’t, the good news is that newer cuit, use pliers to MagSafe power adapters have an remove the prongs from the outlet. Specifically, some of the failures that improved design that is supposed to be MagSafe users have been seeing are more resilient. Apple insists that a small percentage of arcing of electricity, tears in the coat- these power adapters are affected, but ing of the wires, melting of connectors If you haven’t had any issues with your they ask that you immediately stop using and broken connector pins. While MagSafe adapter, you can prevent them yours. They have issued a voluntary prod- these problems may have their roots in from developing by using the tilting uct safety recall and are exchanging all a flawed product design, there are technique outlined above. I would also original power adapters for a redesigned concerns over how people are using recommend that when you wrap the adapter, free of charge. Replacement the adapters. cord up for travel, that you do so gently. adapters are identified as such by a green Don’t pull the wire taut and tight and dot on the end with the prongs. It’s very important that you never instead let the wire loop a little bit remove the MagSafe from the side of loosely, so it’s not under constant ten- You can request your replacement your MacBook or MacBook Pro by sion. Take special care to do this when adapter via Apple’s web site (it will pulling on the cord. You must grasp the you first start wrapping the wire around reach you in about a week), or take your square connector itself to remove it. the adapter, so that the connection into original adapter to your local Apple Apple has actually posted a recom- the large adapter isn’t strained. Store where they will provide you with mended procedure for removal of the the replacement unit. connector on their support web site, Here’s hoping you get a lot of safe, because of how many users have con- enjoyable mileage out of your Apple Apple’s replacement form online: tacted them with their concerns. portable devices!  Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 3 a user group since 1986 Lesa’s Graphic Secrets What’s a pixel? The smallest picture element of any digital image is called a for MUGs pixel. Images are displayed in tiny blocks (also referred to as Reprinted from the Graphic Reporter dots) of color that together form an entire image. If you zoom Lesa Snider King into an image around 300% or so, you’ll start to see them. TIP: In Elements, just press Command + (+)several times tutorials/secrets_resizing.html to zoom in, then Command - (-)to zoom back out.

How to resize images from digital cameras How do resolution and pixels work together? The way resolution affects an image is thus: For a given number of pixels in the width or height of an image, any image can be measured at any resolution. The higher the resolution, the closer the printer packs those pixels togeth- er in order to make a beautifully smooth and sharp print. The closer the pixels are packed together, the smaller the image will be physically when it’s printed. Conversely, the lower the resolution, the more loosely those pixels are packed and the larger the image can be physically—though it will print terribly. It’ll look pixelated and chunky and people will giggle behind your back. Seriously :)

It’s like brown sugar... really Think of all this as the pixels in an image were granules of brown sugar (stay with me, it’ll make sense in a minute). If you pour brown sugar into a measuring cup without pack- ing it down, it might take up about a cup in space. If you were to pack it down with your fist, the same number of I bought my husband a Nikon D50 for Christmas a few granules now takes up a 1/2 cup of space. The same amount years back and needless to say, he’s totally obsessed with it. of granules are in both a cup and 1/2 cup, it’s just the den- He’s snapping pictures constantly and has outfitted it a cou- sity that’s changed thereby changing how much physical ple of new lenses, a speed flash, and several multi-gig space the granules comprise. Loosely packed granules are memory cards. He’s all set, that is, until he transfers the the equivalent of low resolution, while densely packed images onto his Mac. granules are the equivalent of high resolution.

He doesn’t know squat about resizing an image for print or Because our monitors can only display a certain amount an email. He’s heard of resolution but doesn’t have a clue of information that our eyeballs/brains can process, res- what it means or when it matters. Bless his heart :) olution changes cannot be seen onscreen. Resolution only matters to printing devices (and technically scan- Therefore, today I’m going to show you how to resize ners but that’s fodder for another column). That’s right, images with ease using Photoshop Elements. It’s an amaz- resolution doesn’t mean a hill of beans until that image ingly powerful piece of software that’s under $80 (read the is headed for a printer, because only a printer can do any- Macworld review at: thing with the resolution measurement. Your monitor just 132704/2008/03/photoshopelements6.html?t=233). doesn’t care: A 72 ppi image will look exactly the same I’ll start by covering basic graphic terminology and explor- as a 3000 ppi image. That’s why the whole resolution ing the relationship between resolution and pixels. Read on! issue is so confusing.

What is resolution? How much do you need? Image resolution is the number of pixels displayed per unit Now that you understand how resolution works, how much of printed length in an image. It’s a measurement used for resolution do you need to make a gorgeous print? It printing (hence the phrase “of printed length”) and it’s usu- depends on the printer. While the current crop of con- ally stated in pixels per inch (ppi—used when referencing sumer-level inkjet printers do a fine job at 225-250 ppi, a stuff onscreen) or dots per inch (dpi—used when referenc- professional service bureau may require 300+. If it’s your ing something that’s about to be printed because printers continued on page 5 print dots). Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 4 a user group since 1986 Continued from page 4 own printer, run a few tests. If someone else is printing it, ask them what resolution they need—and if they don’t know, find another printer... fast :)

Resizing a photo for print Let’s take a photo from a high-quality digital camera. I popped open the photo in Elements and took a peek at its Image Size dialog to see what the resolution currently is and how many pixels we have to work with. You can open this dialog by choosing File > Resize > Image Size. As you can Step 2: At the bottom of the dialog, uncheck Resample see below, my photo is 2599 x 1949 pixels, but only 72 ppi. Image. This all-powerful, magic option locks the number of Does this mean my photo is low-quality and unsuitable for pixels contained in the image, thereby locking quality. print? Not at all. It merely means that the resolution needs to Enter 300 into the resolution box and watch how the docu- be changed before I try to print it. ment size changes:

Important things to note in the screenshot above: The image now has a resolution of 300 ppi and the physical 1. At the bottom of the document window, you can see that size has decreased to about 8.5 x 6 inches. See how the physi- the file is big—it’s 14.4 MB (circled in red above). cal dimensions of the image changed but the pixel information didn’t? I have exactly the same number of pixels I started out 2. Note the pixel dimensions shown in the upper portion of with: 2599 x 1949; they’re just packed more tightly together. the Image Size dialog: 2599 x 1949 (also circled in red). The file size didn’t change at all—it’s still 14.4 MB, as evi- Remember these numbers. denced in the document window and in the Image Size dialog (another clue that the pixel data didn’t change). I haven’t 3. Note the honking big physical dimensions of this image. changed the quality (pixels), I’ve just changed the measure- If I were to try printing at its current resolution, it’d be over ment (ppi) which only affects the printed image. 36 inches by 27 inches... INCHES! I don’t know about you but I don’t have a large format printer! Again, this is confusing because the onscreen image won’t change a bit (see earlier paragraph on monitors, eyeballs, Now, watch carefully as I increase the resolution of the and brains). The truth is only revealed by the Image Size dia- image without altering the number of pixels. log. The thing to remember is that as long as you uncheck the Resample Image box, you can tweak the resolution ‘til Step 1: In Photoshop Elements, choose Image > Resize > the cows come home and you won’t alter the image quality Image Size. (In Photoshop, choose Image > Image Size.) at all. Ever. If you leave the Resample Image box checked, TIP: Keyboard shortcut for either software: Command + though, you’re messing with photo quality which you don’t Option + I. continued on page 6 Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 5 a user group since 1986 continued from page 5 want to do when printing. If you’re resizing an image for email or posting on a Web site, then leave the Resample Image box check because in those cases you really do want to lower pixel dimensions, thus lowering file size.

Making Elements do it for you That being said, if you want to print a photo at a common size like 8 x 10 or 5 x 7, you can have Elements change the reso- lution for you. Just choose File > Print and pick a size from the Print Size pop-up menu towards the top of the dialog.

Step 3: Choose File > Print to print it now, or save the photo to print later. If it’s being sent to someone else to print, choose File > Save As and pick TIF from the file format pop-up menu. TIFs can be opened in most image editors and are a lossless graphic format (high quality). You can also print directly from a native Photoshop or Elements document.

Resizing for an email With the new Elements 6, resizing an image for email has never been easier. Just click the green Share tab at the top right of the interface and press the Email Attachments but- ton (circled below in red). If the image is too big, Elements will alert you with a dialog and offer to resize it for you.

Resizing and changing resolution at the same time You can also resize the image and change the resolution at the same time by using the Crop tool.

Step 1: Press C to select the Crop tool in either Photoshop or Elements.

Step 2: In the Options bar at the top of your screen, enter the dimensions of the desired image and the resulting reso- lution. TIP: Be sure to include the unit of measurement in the width and height boxes, as shown below. Draw a box around the important bits of your image and when you get it just right, press Return to accept the crop. TIP: Press the Escape key to exit a crop.

WARNING: If the image appears to enlarge on your screen, then you’ve surpassed the number of available pixels. In other words, you’re trying to print it larger than it can really go at the resolution you’ve entered. If that happens, press Command + Z to undo and then enter smaller dimensions or lower resolution. It’s okay if the image appears to get smaller on your screen. continued on page 7 Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 6 a user group since 1986 continued from page 6

Next, it’ll pop open your email client, create a new message, attach the photo, and allow you to specify just how big the photo should be via a handy pop-up Free Online Classes! menu at the bottom right. Our free instructor-led courses are available 24/7. Sign up for an online class today!

The following courses are available today through mid November:

Get Organized: Managing Time, Space, and Paper Do you feel overwhelmed by too much clutter and not enough time? This course is a practical guide to managing your schedule and your stuff so you can get the most out of every aspect of your life. You’ll learn to respond actively to life’s clutter -- rather than reacting negatively without solving the problem. We’ll begin with some basic rules of organizing, then explore strategies for managing paper and getting a better grip on your time. Next, we’ll look at ways to organize your home and fam- ily. The course ends with techniques and routines to keep your life more organized.

Intermediate Microsoft® Excel 2003 ( Take your Microsoft Excel skills to the next level! Packed with useful information for the intermediate user, this course explains how to get the results you want from formulas and functions, how to find data more easily with sorts and filters, how to That’s all there is to it! So get out manage multi-sheet workbooks, how to apply page formatting such as headers and there and start printing and emailing footers, and much more. those images. And if you haven’t upgraded your copy of Elements yet, Start-Up Basics for the First-Time Entrepreneur get with it. In this column series we’re ( going to be covering all kinds of won- If you’re starting up a business for the first time, this four-lesson course will provide derful new features that you are sure a helpful overview of what to expect, what you should know, and what to watch out to enjoy. At the very least, download  for as your entrepreneurial adventure begins. The course is based on The McGraw- the 30 day trial and give it a spin. Hill Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Stephen C. Harper.

Reprinted with permission from the Introduction to PowerPoint 2003 author at: ( With Microsoft® PowerPoint, anyone can put together attractive and information- Lesa Snider King, bio rich presentation graphics for businesses, non-profits, and family events. And Lesa is on a mission to teach the world to PowerPoint 2003 is easier and packed with more features than ever before. In this create–and use!–better graphics. She’s a stock course, you’ll learn how to harness PowerPoint’s built-in templates, color schemes, photographer and chief evangelist for and other easy-to-use features to create simple, but effective presentations that will iStockphoto and founder of the creative tutorial help you get your message across. site Lesa is the author of Photoshop: The Missing Manual (Pogue Press/O’Reilly) along with many video training The list of courses below will be enrolling in October. Sign up to receive notice as titles including Graphic Secrets for Business soon as they are available. Professionals (, 2007), From Photo to Graphic Art, and Practical Photoshop How to Build Your First Web Site Elements (, 2008). She writes regularly for Macworld Magazine, the National Association of Photoshop Professionals, High Impact, Low Cost Marketing Elements Techniques, and Layers Magazine. Lesa is also a corporate trainer and teaches at Advanced Microsoft(r) Excel 2003, Part I: Calculating and Analyzing Data many industry conferences including Photoshop World, Macworld Expo, Mac Mania Geek Cruises, and the esteemed Santa Fe Workshops. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 7 a user group since 1986 MUG Benefits...continued.

Free Exhibit Hall Pass or 15% off any of the conference packages. Valid September 3 - December 1, 2008. User Group Priority Code: The Moscone Center **** Did you know? San Francisco, CA Apple retail stores allow you to recy- January 5-9, 2009 (Visit the web site for conference cle old iPods and get 10% off the details, rules and package pricing.) purchase of a new one. They don’t even have to work! JoeSoft and Prosoft Engineering: CMC Members! TAKE 10% OFF Always offer a 25% discount your next Take Control order! JoeSoft’s Hear and Jax, two really fun products and 70+ titles to choose from. Prosoft Engineering, who makes some terrific Mac Shop for Take Control ebooks at: products like Drive Genius and Backup off MUG members 25% OFF at their online stoer or by calling Coupon code: **** the sales line directly at: 877-477-6763. The discount Also look for combination specials, hot code is ****. Get more info at: deals and more. Visit Take Control ebooks periodically and Save! ****Note: passwords and discount codes for above offers and offers on p 9 are located in your mailed CMC newsletter.

What’s new in this version: Download of the Month Player: Submitted by Debi Foss • Improved WMV playback in Safari • Improved Safari and Camino compatibility Flip4Mac WMV - • Fixed miscellaneous crashes Importer: • Fixed security issues reported by Drew I am currently setting up an older • Yao of Apple Product Security but good machine at work, given to me with the hard drive wiped. So Exporter: for the next few months, the • Improved output results when using DV Download of the Month will be things that I can’t do without. That .mov source in Studio and Silverlight includes Freeware that I feel the need to load on every machine I • Fixed Flip4Mac Studio Parameter out of own, work on, or use. These will all be OS X apps, running in 10.4 range issue or 10.5, but go to the websites; many have downloads for earlier • Fixed transition rendering issue when using OS X versions. Flip4Mac is free and enhances Quicktime. Just Flip4Mac 2.2 with Final Cut Express install it and forget it. Operating System Requirements: This product is designed to run on the From their web site: following operating systems: With the Windows Media Components for QuickTime by • Mac OS X 10.5 Intel Flip4Mac, you can play Windows Media files (.wma and .wmv) in • Mac OS X 10.5 PPC QuickTime Player and view Windows Media content on the • Mac OS X 10.4 Intel Internet using a web browser. • Mac OS X 10.4 PPC • Mac OS X 10.3.9 The Windows Media Components for QuickTime have been high- Additional Requirements: ly optimized and support playback of Windows Media HD. • QuickTime 7 or later • G4, G5 or Intel processor Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 8 a user group since 1986 MUG Benefits: SPECIAL OFFERS! Apple User Group Bulletin These User Group discounts are brought to you by the Apple User Group Advisory Board and Tom Piper, vendor relations. You must be a current Apple user group member to qualify for these savings. Not a member? Join an Apple user group today to take advantage of these special offers The AUG Market Report and Resource blog are great sources for information about Apple user groups, vendor discounts, special events, interesting reviews, stimulating training and more.

Storyist: The Writer’s Tool: 24% Off O’Reilly’s “iPod: The Missing Manual”: Storyist is a powerful story development tool 35% Discount for novelists and screenwriters. It provides a “iPod: The Missing Manual, 7th Edition” by word processor with page layout view and support for head- J.D. Biersdorfer and David Pogue is now ers, footers and style sheets to produce submission-ready available for pre-order. Now that Apple has manuscripts and scripts; a storyboard with customizable rocked, O’Reilly is ready to roll. Get your story sheets to track your plot, characters, and settings; and hands on the book as soon as it’s done. This special user a project manager with fast, project-wide search capabili- group member price for the print book and bundle is ties to keep your writing organized and accessible. $25.99, or use the online code to get 35 percent off the book Regularly $59, Apple user group members can purchase or PDF version. See what the buzz is about: Storyist at a special price of $45. For more information: Offer valid thru December 31. This offer is ongoing.

Posit Science Brain Fitness Program: The MUG Store: Save 25% Great Prices, Great Incentives The Brain Fitness Program for Mac is At the MUG store, you can check brain health software that can help you out specials, blowouts, new Macs think faster, focus better and remember more. Proven effec- and special value Macs. Each cate- tive in published studies, the program is designed to speed gory contains lists of products with prices set exclusively up and sharpen the brain’s ability to take in sounds that are for your users. Plus, you get points for your group every heard, process and remember them. Known as auditory pro- time one of your members buys! Shop the MUG Store. cessing, this brain function is a critical part of a person’s overall brain fitness. Regularly priced at $395 for the one- Offer is valid through October 31, 2008. user version, or $495 for two-users, user group members can receive a 25% discount on both. Offer is valid through That’s Easy: Get the Apple User December 31, 2008. Group Market, Resource Blog & Vendor Discount Offers CopyPaste Pro: 33% Discount Looking for information on a past CopyPaste Pro is the number one essential util- offer? Tom Piper of the Apple User Group Advisory Board ity for Mac OS X. It is the latest incarnation of publishes a single page with all current offers, expiration the award winning, easy to use, multiple clip- dates and codes. Be sure to subscribe to the Apple User board editing and display utility. See, edit and clip in your Group Market Report podcast. This month’s session fea- history of copies. Use the new Clip Browser to see all clip- tures an interview with Joe Hardy, PhD, Research and boards in an instant. Never lose a clip again. CopyPaste is a Development Director for Posit Science, about their Brain time saver/lifesaver for all Mac users, beginners thru Fitness Program for the Mac. The AUG Market Report and advanced users. Usually $30, Apple User Group members Resource blog are great sources for information about can purchase CopyPaste Pro for only $20. Apple user groups, vendor discounts, special events, inter- Get info. esting reviews, stimulating training and more. Offer is valid through December 31, 2008. Watch for intermittent special offers. Password (after May 15) - *****

****Note: passwords and discount codes for above offers and offers on p 8 are located in your mailed CMC newsletter. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 9 a user group since 1986 2007–08 Connecticut Macintosh Connection Officers and Board of Directors

New Members Wanted! Have your friends and co- workers join us for fun and learning about OS X and the Mac. Please give them this application form.

CMC Benefits: Monthly meetings, monthly newsletter, President Vice President Secretary special events, discounted books, assistance with computer Chris Hart Jerry Esposito Jack Bass problems, network with other Mac users, User Group [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Store discounts, and more. Yes, I want to join CMC!

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Areas of special interest:______Webmaster Parliamentarian/Historian Download of the Month ______Brian Desmond Connie Scott Debbie Foss [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ______Caricatures by Annual CMC Family Membership ILLUSTRATIONS CARICATURES Bill Dougal ForProviding advertising custom or publication. art for ForFor a a unique unique GIFT. gift, try a $25.00 Customadvertising, art for: publications, Persoanlizedpersonalized of Lebanon Make check payable to CMC and mail to: or artcaricature from photo. (860) 456-9041 web from a photo. 41 Crossroads Plaza, PMB 1984 • Print Available for •sites. Web OrAlso LIVE available at any illustration West Hartford, CT 06117 to draw live business or assignments ...or privatefor any event. event. Pay online with PayPal at (860)456-9041 • and event caricatures. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 10 a user group since 1986 Monthly Meetings FREE Raffle! HELP WANTED! Wednesday, October 29 Every CMC member who attends our Web Production Artist for our UConn Health Center monthly meetings gets a raffle ticket that User Group website needed. will give you a chance for one of our free Your Board of Directors is currently Farmington, CT prizes every month! Win toys, t-shirts, looking for one of our members to help Conference Room EG-013 CDs, mugs, software…there’s always us with the look and updating of the something we’re giving away! And club's website. If you have an eye for Back To Basics, 6:00 p.m. don’t forget the “free table” at the back design and some knowledge of web Did you know that your Mac includes of the room where everything! site implementation we would like to two applications called Preview and Text talk with you. This person will need to Edit? Even if you did know that, you Treasurer’s Report be able to insert graphics & content as probably aren’t aware of all that they can needed, update front end code as well as do. In this 45 minute session, we’ll cover Total Membership: 126 occasionally work with the board on cre- all that you should know about these ative direction. This is a fun assignment handy little pieces of software. Account Balances that will be seen by all of our members Balances as of October 01, 2008 and could make you famous. If anyone is Main Presentation, 7:00 p.m. Checking Account ...... $1548.88 interested, an email should be sent to our Come learn about making slideshows Money Market ...... $3572.47 club President at: [email protected] with your Mac. Don Dickey will demonstrate how you can use iPhoto or FotoMagico to create slideshows that Your CMC Information FREE Classified Ads will engage your audience. iPhoto is Check your newsletter mailing label CMC Members can advertise For included with every Mac and makes for the following info: Sale, Swap, Trade, Giveaway or Want slideshows easy, but Don will offer you • Your CMC User name and password to Buy Items. This space can be used tips and tricks you may not be aware of. to access info at by members to advertise non-business Plus, he’ll answer any questions you • Your CMC Membership Number items which they are no longer using or have. FotoMagico is a software pro- (free shipping at MacConnection) upgrading. This is a FREE service gram (available from that provided to our members. Send to: • Your CMC Membership renewal date you can buy separately, which has more [email protected] comprehensive capabilities than iPhoto. If you’re looking to go beyond what Need Mac Support? Display Ad Rates iPhoto can do, then this application is right up your alley. Did you know that Mac Any business item or service can be support is just a click away? advertised at these low monthly rates. Business Card (3.5”w. x 2”)...... $10.00 Upcoming Meetings That’s right!. You don’t have to wait All upcoming meetings take place at for a monthly meeting to get Quarter Page (3.625”w. x 4.75”)...... $20.00 answers your Mac related questions. UCONN Health Center, Farmington. Half Page (7.5”w. x 4.75”h...... $30.00 CMC hosts a Mac Support mailing list or 3.625”w. x 9.5”h.) November 19 for members? CMC members can join November is our annual auction, loaded at Full Page (7.5”w. x 9.5”)...... $50.00 with great deals and unique items! Watch your email for details about the Getting CMC email? Submit all ad copy to the Editor on a specific items up for bid! disk (with nothing else on it) or e-mail We always send out advance notices of it to [email protected] for insertion December 17 the meetings, and sometimes for big news in the following issue. Display ads Our annual holiday party features food or special events. must be submitted camera-ready in and fun, plus more. Watch this space eps or pdf format with all fonts and for details. If you’re not getting these notices, please graphics embedded. email us at [email protected] with January 28th your current email address and a subject Please specify how many issues you Apple representative Dave Marra will line of: ADD TO CMC EMAIL LIST would like your ad to run and make will demonstrate all the latest stuff! check payable to “CMC”. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 11 a user group since 1986 41 Crossroads Plaza – PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117

Wednesday, October 29 UConn Health Center 6:00 pm Back To Basics 7:00 pm iPhoto & FotoMagico: Creating Slide Shows

For more meeting info, see page 11 or go to: Driving directions are below.

CMC Monthly Meeting Location Monthly CMC meetings are held at UConn Health Center in Farmington. A PDF document containing a visual direction guide to the location of our meeting in the UConn Health Center is available on our website: When hands-on programs require computers for attendees, we will use Middlesex Community College.

Directions for CMC Monthly Meetings UConn Health Center, Farmington From I-84: Take Exit 39 (if coming from I-84 West, Exit 39 is after 39A). Turn right at first traffic light onto Route 4 East (Farmington Avenue). At third traffic light, turn right to enter the Health Center campus. Go around the main building to the right (at a Y in road), then take a left when you get to the Academic Entrance. The road becomes two-way there so you should Andy Ihnatko not only shared his opin- be able to tell where to turn. (Do not go on straight to the two-way part). ions on the latest technologies, but he Then take the second right into parking lot A&B. this is close to the build- also gave away a valuable gift to one ing. Go past the police station entrance on your left (small sign). You will of our members at our September see a continuation of the building with its own entrance area. This is the new CMC meeting. If you had been there, research building. Enter on the ground floor, turn right and enter Room you might have been the one to walk away with a Harman Kardon EG-013 on your right. This is the first room on your right. The rest rooms Drive+Play iPod adapter for the car! are on your left as you enter. Chronicle

November/December 2008 NEWSLETTER OF THE CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION FireWire Can’t Get No Respect by Chris Hart, CMC president

USB is a term that nearly every computer user is familiar with. That’s because such a massive variety of devices are available with Universal Serial Bus connections on them. Had history transpired a little differently, FireWire could have been the ubiquitous interface that everyone has heard of. Perhaps FireWire wouldn’t have replaced USB entirely, but it certain- ly could have achieved greater popularity than we see today.

Why does it matter? Because FireWire is better in nearly every regard compared to USB. Most notably, it’s faster, more robust, and can travel longer distances. Yet just as VHS won out over Betamax in the VCR battle of the 80’s (despite Beta have superior picture quality), FireWire lost the popularity contest several years ago. As in that videotape battle, the win- ner was chosen by a marketplace that is bottom line driven. The facts are that, in the early days of this battle, USB had lower cost and wider spread industry support. But that didn’t have to be the case.

You see Apple actually gave birth to FireWire. Back in the 80s they jump started the development of this interface, which also involved some other major industry players like Sony and Texas Instruments. By 1995, Inside FireWire was a formalized computer industry specification and a lot of com- Greener Computing panies were investing time and money ...and Less Clutter in creating products around it. continued on page 2 pages 4-5

TaskMagic 1.0 page 5 Going Once...Going Twice...SOLD! Mail Act-On 2 Supercharges November 19th is our annual auction, loaded This is a great opportunity to get stuff at a Mail Rules pages 6-7 with great deals and unique items! All mem- substantial discount (just in time for the hol- bers are invited to come and bid on the great idays) while also supporting CMC. Plus, it Software Review: variety of items offered From software to costs you nothing to come and just enjoy the MercuryMover hardware, computer books to gear and gadg- auction atmosphere. page 8 ets, there is something for every Mac user. User Group Offers page 9 Items for bid are listed at our web site:

Meetings & Member Info page 11 Continued from page 1 FireWire, those of us who provide tech- nical support for Macs are entirely Then Steve Jobs came back to Apple reliant on it as a means of troubleshoot- Computer. Among the numerous ing and performing miracles for our changes he made was to attempt to users and customers. It’s simply an instate a fee for every FireWire device to excellent means of connecting to a Mac be sold. Remember, Apple was not in and allows technicians and consultants, CMC Chronicle the best of financial situations at the like me, to accomplish serious system time and it no doubt seemed like a smart troubleshooting without carting around Editor move to capitalize on this technology a toolbox of gear. Deena Quilty that the company held the rights to. But the other corporations involved in the So why am I talking about FireWire so Designer development of FireWire (also referred much? Well I’ve been conceiving this George Maciel to as IEE1394 or iLink), found this irk- article for a while now and intending to some (can you blame them). While enlighten those of you are either not Apple did not end up charging the fee, familiar with FireWire, or not aware of Photographer the other companies had already its superiority, as to why you should give John Scott become sour on FireWire due to these it consideration over USB when buying series of events and started looking else- devices. Instead, this article is becoming Publisher where for technologies to invest in. a lament of Apple’s treatment of Connecticut Macintosh FireWire. Why? Because their commit- Connection, Inc. Chief among them was Intel, who was a ment to their own technology is waning. 41 Crossroads Plaza prominent part of the USB development PMB 1984 initiative. Initially, USB was a low speed In October, they introduced a new line- West Hartford, CT 06117 interface, but then USB 2.0 came along up of MacBook portable computers and pushed up the USB speed limit by a that do not include a FireWire port. Printer factor of 40x or more. This relatively Evidently they thought that since the Budget Printers good speed, combined with USB’s low MacBook Air didn’t cause much of a 1718 Park Street price meant that Universal Serial Bus stir earlier this year with its lack of Hartford, CT 06106 was now a direct competitor to FireWire. FireWire, that they could get away with The speed difference between the two doing the same with more models. But We welcome submissions had been reduced to the point that people the fact is that the Air is a special case. from our members! were willing to choose the less expen- It’s a machine entirely focused on being sive option of the two (USB). small, light and lean – nothing is Please submit articles by first included unless it’s absolutely neces- of the month for inclusion in Despite this, all new Mac computers sary. By contrast, the MacBook is our newsletter. All articles being released by Apple incorporated Apple’s most popular computer, so the should be submitted by email both FireWire and USB. Mac users loss of FireWire from this model is to: [email protected] were drawn to FireWire because of its quite a blow to the large percentage of better qualities and the versatile func- Mac users who rely on this interface. There is so much talent tions that Apple incorporated into the in our group; it would interface on all Macs – “Target Disk The only reasonable explanation for be great to have several member Mode” (which turns a Mac into an FireWire’s removal in this model is articles in each issue of the external hard drive) and the ability to maximizing profit. Apple evidently newsletter. boot the computer from an external feels that the $5 (perhaps even less) hard drive. Also during this era, saved per machine by removing this FireWire came to be known as the de- port is more important than providing a facto interface for DV (Digital Video) product worthy of their premium pric- camcorders, where it served as the pri- ing. This position is very disappointing mary means of exporting the recorded and betrays the presence of some bad footage to a computer. decision makers in Cupertino (or one particular decision maker). Because nearly every Mac made during the last 7 to 8 years has included continued on page 4 Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 2 a user group since 1986 Continued from page 2 model unquestionably causes hassles simultaneous streams of traffic (such as for Mac I.T. personnel around the 2 file copies, or multiple video tracks in I consider this newsletter a family publi- world. While there are alternative tools Final Cut) better than USB. While the cation, but this one paragraph is going to at our disposal for data migration and speedier USB 3.0 is on its way to mar- be an exception. In a recent troubleshooting (such as Gigabit ket, the fact is that it’s not here yet and blog entry, author Brian X. Chen quoted Ethernet and a removable internal hard it may still have issues with multiple Tom Koch, owner of a Mac repair serv- drive), these are simply not the same. data streams. Yet, if had Apple adopted ice, as saying “I’ve been fixing Macs for FireWire is quick, easy, versatile and USB3 early, as an alternative to 15 years, and this to me is just a big mid- we’ve built up methodologies and FireWire, perhaps their choice on the dle finger in the face for us Mac guys.” workflows around it. MacBook would have been defensible. I’m in complete agreement and am But that is not what they did. FireWire downright pissed at Apple. For example, most computer support wasn’t replaced with something superi- departments use a process called or; it was just taken away. And since Why, when Apple insists on perfection “imaging” to quickly install a pre- they are being mum on the subject, one in so many aspects of their products – determined set of software and configu- must surmise that Apple thinks not and the technologies they incorporate – rations on computers. The most popular enough people use the interface for it to have they settled for USB 2.0 as the means of imaging a Mac system is matter. Well, I’m here to tell you that only high-speed peripheral connection? through the FireWire port. Take that you’re mistaken, Apple. Those who do It’s a short-sighted decision, in favor of away and you’ve made Mac support use FireWire consider it essential – inferior technology, that is not in keep- more difficult. This leaves “net boot” as sometimes to their very livelihood. ing with the brand identity that Apple the only means of imaging a Mac and I has established, as a maker of premium don’t know about you, but I don’t carry Personally, I have FireWire devices computer systems. a net boot server around in the trunk of connected to every single Mac that I my car. own. I have never had an experience The good news is that the MacBook Pro with FireWire that caused me to doubt does continue to include FireWire. Beyond these concerns, I worry about the technology, or question its value – However, that computer still starts at what the future holds. Is the removal of something that I can’t say for USB. In $2000 – a $700 premium over the FireWire from their most popular Mac fact, I have been known to push MacBook. Apple can not argue that this model indicative of a coming trend FireWire to its limits (using very long is in keeping with FireWire being a from Apple? Will the Mac Mini (the cable lengths and daisy-chaining a “premium” or “pro” interface, as this is Mac that is obviously most focused on dozen devices) and it keeps on hum- certainly no longer the case. For the last price of all of Apple’s computers) be the ming. I downright love FireWire. Plus, few years the price of devices with next machine to lose FireWire? That I have spent years advocating it to FireWire ports have been dropping would be a gross mistake, as FireWire friends and clients. This is why, like steadily. With external hard drives espe- makes a limited expansion system like Tom Koch, I feel as though Apple is cially, the price premium for FireWire the Mini able to accommodate as much giving me the finger with their latest is entirely reasonable (and sometimes speedy external storage as you desire. decision. Neither FireWire, or its users, minimal, or even nonexistent). get the respect they deserve. Many will debate the merits of USB 2.0 I don’t care if Apple possibly conduct- and claim the speed deficit I call on Apple, Inc. to not only return ed studies that perhaps showed only a is minimal or non- FireWire to the MacBook line, but low percentage of MacBook owners existent. I know also keep it as a core part of all use the FireWire port. The fact is it’s an from experience future Macs. Further, I would established feature of all modern Macs that this is not like to see more widespread (with one exception) and it’s considered the case. I have implementation of the faster (and an integral part of the Mac platform. seen time and backwards compatible) FireWire FireWire is still entirely relevant and in time again, in 800 interface in the Macintosh very widespread use (perhaps more real world use, product line. If you are truly widespread than ever in 2008). how FireWire making the best computers in 400 is at least the industry, as you claim Then there is the issue of removing a 25% faster Apple, you can not abandon a critical support and troubleshooting than USB 2. It technology as useful, robust tool from Apple’s most popular com- also handles and fast as FireWire.  puter. The absence of FireWire on this multiple Firewire vs. USB Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 3 a user group since 1986 Greener Computing Combining the drives into one quad DAT Optic enclosure with one power ...and Less Clutter supply ($189) would reduce my by Rich Lenoce power draw to 70 watts using only Past CMC President two cables—power and FireWire. I In my house, I have a 10’ x 12’ office purchased the enclosure and what I with a PowerMac G5. Connected to like best is the convenient power the Mac is a laser printer and color switch on the front that reduces the photo printer. In addition to the two drives power consumption to zero drives inside the Macintosh, I have when not in use. two external FireWire drives and a USB backup drive. Managing my Consolidate the Network network is a Motorola DSL Modem Next was network management. A and an Airport Base Station plus various hubs and routers. trip to the AT&T store reduced power and clutter through the purchase of an all- in-one cable modem/wireless router, the This isn’t a network of computer equipment, but a small fur- 2Wire DSL Gateway, for $79. This device is configured for nace contributing probably 1/3 to the monthly electric bill. AT&T’s DSL service and draws as much power as my Airport The entire office is always very warm even on the coldest of Base Station alone, but eliminates wires and the electricity nights and this inefficient heat warms up the adjoining rooms. drawn for the single cable modem that always has run very In the summer it can get quite unbearable. Not only is it hot hot. Best of all, I earned more by selling the Airport and in the room, there are so many wires connecting and inter- modem on eBay than the cost to replace them with the combo connecting this equipment that they resemble the unit. There are similar combo modem-router models available impenetrable jungle vines of a rain forest. for cable broadband.

With the price of electricity increasing with every jump in the Turn Off Power Hogging Printers When Not in Use price of crude oil, for economic and environmental reasons I Finally, I needed to rethink my printer scenario. I have a large wanted this room to be “greener” and more aesthetically Brother Laser Printer and when it heats up to print a couple of pleasing. So I got to work cutting BTUs as well as the num- pages it sounds like a 747’s engines getting ready for take-off. ber of wires in my office. Not only does it “sound” like it draws a lot of power, but paper is ejected white-hot. A single all-in-one ink-jet printer and Lose the Old Computer scanner costs under $200 and draws 70-90% less than the First, my end-of-life PowerMac G5 was from an age where laser. If you are like me and need a laser printer for heavy home heating oil hovered at 99 cents a gallon and my month- print runs where inkjets are not economical, the laser printer ly electric bill was $70; it is now $170 a month. The can be turned off until needed for the big projects. An inkjet PowerMac needed to be replaced anyway, but its contribution or all-in-one printer can be used for small print jobs, scanning to household expenses meant it had to go. Research told me and photos. that when in use, the G5 supercomputer would use 200-300 watts, and when running at full processor speed for video edit- Some scanners such as several of Canon’s models don’t use ing or encoding in iDVD projects, the PowerMac would draw AC power, but instead draw power from the USB bus on the over 600 watts! That didn’t include the 20” LCD and equip- Macintosh. This is more economical since the scanner’s ment connected to the Mac. The new iMacs average 70 -110 AC power supply isn’t constantly drawing power even watts for regular use and 130 watts at full speed, which when in sleep mode. Also, it is easy and convenient to dis- includes running the display. I would definitely save on the connect the scanner when not in use without having to monthly electric bill simply by getting a new Mac, as the Intel crawl under desks, etc. processors are far more efficient. Final Steps Put External Drives in a Single Enclosure In my efforts to spend less, be more energy efficient, and neat- Next were the external drives, another place where I could en my office, I discovered I needed to better manage power to save energy and reduce the clutter of 10 wires and a USB and my equipment. FireWire hub. Research told me that each of my three drives use 40 watts of electricity, 160 watts total when in use. continued on page 5 Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 4 a user group since 1986 Continued from page 4 Got Tasks? You need Magic Though small, my USB hubs constantly TaskMagic 1.0, is an interesting task draw several watts of power whether equip- management utility for Mac OS X ment is in use or not. I recently replaced that allows users to manage things that two USB hubs with a single 7-port Belkin need to get done, save time and be more Hub. The hub has a power supply but can be run in USB self- effective and organized when attempt- power mode drawing power from the USB bus directly and ing projects. eliminating a power supply. I decided I would feed all self- powered devices to the hub and any device like an iPod that TaskMagic does this in a number of ways, firstly with it’s requires power over USB would get plugged directly into the unique “Grouping” technology. That allows you to group iMac. That eliminated running a power supply to the hub and and sort your tasks into either topic related groups, diffi- allows the Mac’s advanced energy saver circuitry to manage culty related groups or timeframe related groups. the power. Add added bonus is that the hub has a cable trough TaskMagic boasts an easy-to-use UI with a minimalistic that keeps the USB cables organized and neat. design. With this kind of intuitive layout it makes it incred- ibly easy to navigate around the application and harness Finally, since I had significantly reduced the number of AC the full power and potential of TaskMagic. power cables, I decided to look at better ways to manage power in my home office. APC, a maker of surge protectors Features: and battery back-up (UPS) equipment offers intelligent surge • Automatic Updates protectors starting at $30. Even when sleeping, some equip- • Task Grouping ment draws significant amounts of power and these surge • System-wide task addition panel protectors have special outlets that sense when equipment is • The Dream’s Quick-Add technology asleep or not in use and can manage power. These surge pro- tectors do this through a combination of software and by Whether you’re looking to organize your life, get things examining the power draw of the equipment connected to done around the house or manage that project at work, them. When equipment is not in use or sleeping, self-sensing TaskMagic is the perfect solution. outlets can lower the power draw to such equipment or cut the power completely. These surge protectors can pay for them- TaskMagic is available for $19.95 per single computer selves in their first year. license, additional licenses may be purchased from us at a discounted rate. Full feature tours are available from our Certainly, it is not practical for anyone to suddenly replace all website: computer equipment for the sake of going green. Such an all- at-once expenditure means you will most likely never earn Reprinted with permission from UGN InfoManager back the investment over the life of the new equipment than if User Group Network News Views and Reviews you just kept your old equipment and paid the electric bill. But, if you notice an excessive amount of money being paid to the electric company that could be due to heavy com- puter use, there are many steps you can take to save money, increase the effi- ciency of your energy use, and contribute to a better environment, especially when equipment is reach- ing end-of-life and needs to be replaced. Keep “green computing” in mind next time you need to upgrade equipment.  Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 5 a user group since 1986 Mail Act-On 2 for a bunch of other people with whom I correspond frequently. I Supercharges Mail Rules assigned the keystroke “D” to all by Joe Kissell these rules (my mnemonic is “D” for For years I’ve been a big fan of Indev’s “Do the right thing,” in case you were Mail Act-On, a plug-in for Apple Mail wondering), and now whenever I that lets you assign keystrokes to indi- want to file messages from any or all vidual rules for things like filing of those people, I can do it with just messages and changing their back- one keyboard shortcut. ground color. That may not sound very exciting, but in practice, it has revolu- New and Improved — All right, tionized the way I work with Mail. And that’s all old news. It’s been nearly a it’s one of those things that gets into year since I installed the initial (and your motor memory and becomes so only) public beta of a Leopard-compat- automatic that you almost can’t figure by drag and drop, but if you have to ible version of Mail Act-On. That out how to function without it. navigate a complicated hierarchy of version got the job done, but I experi- (Enthusiasts of LaunchBar, Quick mailboxes, that’s both awkward and enced some performance difficulties, silver, or Butler, you know what I error-prone. You can also dig through a and had long wished for some interface mean.) But now, my fingers are 32 per- set of hierarchical menus to do the same improvements. When Mail Act-On 2.0 cent happier, because Mail Act-On thing - it’s a bit less tweaky but still finally appeared last week, I wasn’t 2.0.1 has been released. Whereas the time-consuming. With Mail Act-On expecting much more than a polished, first version knocked my socks off, this installed, you can set up a rule that says bug-reduced version of what I had been new version also launders my socks, “Move messages into mailbox X,” and using. Instead, what I got was a totally folds them, tucks them neatly into my with as few as two keystrokes, apply new Mail Act-On, rewritten from sock drawer, and gives me a pedicure. that action instantly to any message(s) scratch with better performance, a dra- you select. matically improved interface, and I have no idea what that last sentence features I hadn’t even dared to hope for. means either, but I’m trying to make the Now, that by itself isn’t terribly inter- point that I’m extremely happy with esting, because there are lots of other In my opinion, the most interesting this new piece of software! ways to assign keystrokes to menu new feature is one that many Mail commands. But Mail Act-On lets you users have wanted for years: outbox The Keys to Efficiency — Let me go way beyond that, because all its rules. Now, for the first time ever, you begin with some Mail Act-On basics - actions are based on rules. That means can have special rules apply automati- things the program has been able to do you can do a whole bunch of things cally to all your outgoing messages. for some time. Its fundamental capabil- with a single keystroke (for example, This lets you do things like move sent ity is ad hoc application of individual mark a message as read, change its messages into subject- or correspon- rules. Normally, whatever rules you set color, send an automatic reply, and file dent-specific mailboxes, grouping up in Mail apply automatically to all it into a mailbox). In addition, you can conversations together in one place incoming messages - and only then. specify conditions and not just results. instead of having one ginormous Sent You can select a message later on and So, a rule can say, “Move messages mailbox (mine has, at the moment, a manually apply all your existing rules, into mailbox X only if the sender is completely unreasonable 25,000 mes- but Mail doesn’t let you apply just one so-and-so.” sages) that’s detached from all your rule to a message. Mail Act-On does, carefully filed incoming mail. Lots of and it lets you apply rules with key- Not only that, but if you assign the other email programs have offered this strokes (a big bonus in my book). same keystroke to multiple Mail Act- capability for years, and I’m delighted On rules, you can apply all of them at to finally be able to add it to Mail. Say you have dozens or hundreds of once. For instance, I have a rule that mailboxes, nested several levels deep. files messages from my wife in the The interface for creating Mail Act-On You’ve just read a message in your “Morgen” mailbox, another that files rules has progressed from weird and Inbox and you want to file it in one of messages from my mother in the continued on page 7 these mailboxes. Mail lets you do this “Mom” mailbox, and similar rules Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 6 a user group since 1986 continued from page 6 Other Features — The new version of Mail Act-On can also undo keystroke somewhat aggravating to clean and rules. I’ve wished for this capability obvious. Previously, to assign key- many times, after accidentally hitting strokes to rules, you had to give them the wrong key (but not knowing which special, odd names, and put them in a one I hit), sending messages into an certain position in your list. Now, when unknown folder somewhere. you go to Mail’s Rules preference pane, you see three views: Inbox Rules If you also have Indev’s popular (Mail’s existing rules), Outbox Rules, MailTags plug-in, which adds search- and Keystroke Rules. When you create able keywords, due dates, and other a rule in the Keystroke Rules view metadata to Mail messages, Mail Act- (Mail Act-On migrates rules from the On inherits some additional old version automatically), you simply capabilities. You can have a rule assign create a rule as you normally would, but never defined a rule for it. For example, keywords, for example (and that with one tiny addition: a single charac- I might press F1 (to display the menu), includes outbox rules); you can also ter that serves as the keystroke. (Yes, then M to say I want to move a message, press K after displaying the F1 menu to just one character - I’m getting to that.) then spacebar to say I want to search for add keywords manually, or press P to a mailbox, and finally a few characters of assign the message to a project (essen- Earlier versions of Mail Act-On had an the mailbox’s name. When I find a tially a category). Indev says MailTags odd way of using keystrokes, which match (using the arrow keys if neces- integration comes by way of a new took some getting used to. The normal sary), I just press Return. extensible architecture that could method was to press a user-assignable enable other developers to add their shortcut key (` by default) followed by That may sound like a lot of key press- own features, though I have not yet seen - not at the same time as - a single char- es, but they all happen in about 2 any further details on how this works. acter. Alternatively, you could press seconds, and once you’ve done them a Control and your shortcut key at the few times to get the hang of them, the Last but not least, Mail Act-On 2 has same time, so my “Do the right thing” process becomes automatic. It’s very added a new feature that many long- shortcut was either ` followed by D, or cool: with about half a dozen key- time users are sure to be less than Control-D, the latter of which I found strokes, I can move or copy a message excited about: a price! Previously the more convenient and less error-prone. to any of dozens or hundreds of mail- program was freeware, but now it’s The new interface for performing key- boxes without knowing where it is, shareware (a 21-day free trial is avail- strokes is still unusual, but more without any advance preparation, and - able). The introductory price is $19.95 intuitive and much more powerful. crucially for me - without taking my (expected to increase to $24.95 at some hands off the keyboard. And, once I’ve point in the future). Given how much You still have the option to press either a moved a message into a mailbox, Mail more productive Mail Act-On has made shortcut key followed by a keystroke or Act-On remembers that as a recent des- me - and the fact that I’ve had free use Control at the same time as a keystroke. tination and in the future, lets me get to of it for several years - I think that price The default shortcut key (which is still it with fewer keystrokes (in a manner is more than fair. user-adjustable) has changed to F2; somewhat reminiscent of LaunchBar). when you press it, a menu appears, Mail Act-On 2.0.1 runs only on Mac showing all your defined keystrokes. If Besides the F1 and F2 shortcuts, there’s OS X 10.5 Leopard, and is a 2.3 MB you then hit one of those keys, it does also F3, which displays a similar menu download. Version 1.3.2, which runs what you expect. However, you can - this one just for moving messages only on Mac OS X 10.3 and 10.4 (and instead press F1 and get an all-purpose (thus saving you one keystroke from the has none of the groovy new features) menu. In this menu, you can press A to F1 method). You can also lock any of remains available as a free 911K run one of your existing keystroke-based these menus open on screen; this download.  rules, M to move a message, or C to enables you to perform a series of Mail copy a message (among other options). Act-On actions in one swoop, rather Reprinted with permission from After pressing M or C, you can then nav- than continually dismissing and redis- TidBITS #951/27, 10/08 igate to any mailbox in Mail, even if you playing the menus. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 7 a user group since 1986 Software Review: transcribing billing statements for client sessions I stored in iCal. In addi- MercuryMover tion, I was remote controlling my by Dave Greenbaum desktop computer and MercuryMover [email protected] allowed me to accurately re-size win- dows, which is a problem in a remote MercuryMover is a program designed for session due to “lag time” between fast typists who hate using the mouse. For mouse clicks. these people, clicking the mouse to access a menu or function is as obscene a gesture Unfortunately, you can configure every as showing one’s middle digit in public! I key but the key to dismiss Mercury too avoid removing my fingers from the Mover from the screen (it is set to keyboard and use either my Macbook escape and can’t be changed). As a key- trackpad or my Contour Rollermouse. stroke economist, I’d want the key to MercuryMover allows you to move or re-size windows with- close MercuryMover closer to the modifier keys such as con- out having to move your hands off the keyboard, and trol and option. Fortunately, you can simply click somewhere implements the idea well. and Mercury Mover gracefully flashes off the screen.

MercuryMover runs as a System Preference, making it easy My major concern about the program is price. I firmly believe to install and remove. I run a fairly complex suite of applica- in the shareware pricing model and know that developers tions and ran into no compatibility problems. The special should earn a decent wage. However $19.00 seems like a modifier keys to move or re-size windows are fully customiz- large sum of money for a simple shortcut application. I able, so if there is a conflict with an existing program, the wouldn’t be able to justify the purchase of this program based MercuryMover keys can be rerouted. By default, the program on the price, it simply isn’t worth $19.00 to save mouse-clicks is set to use the control, option, and arrow keys to initiate a re- to move and re-size windows and the price is out of step with size or move. After pressing the hotkeys, use the arrows or other keyboard shortcut programs of this type. “jump” modifiers to move the windows one pixel or one screen at a time. Pros: Quickly re-sizes and moves windows without using the mouse On a practical level, this program isn’t going to change your Cons: Limited configurability, price life. The program shines when you want to have tiled or cas- Three out of Five DogCows  cading windows open and need to move or re-size the windows. For example, I had iCal and Excel open as I was Reprinted with permission:

CMC Meeting on October 29th

Photography by John Scott Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 8 a user group since 1986 MUG Benefits: SPECIAL OFFERS! Apple User Group Bulletin These User Group discounts are brought to you by the Apple User Group Advisory Board and Tom Piper, vendor relations. You must be a current Apple user group member to qualify for these savings. Not a member? Join an Apple user group today to take advantage of these special offers The AUG Market Report and Resource blog are great sources for information about Apple user groups, vendor discounts, special events, interesting reviews, stimulating training and more.

Stellar Phoenix Macintosh: 25% Discount Stellar, a market leader in the field of data recovery since 1995, proudly announces the new “Stellar Phoenix Macintosh 3”: quick, simple and power- ful data recovery software to recover your files, photos and iPod content. This new version has an all new look, exten- sive help and robust features, making data recovery faster, better and simpler than ever before. That’s Easy: Stellar loves user groups and is offering a 25 percent discount to Get the Apple User Group Market, group members on all of its licenses. Resource Blog & Vendor Discount Offers Learn about Stellar Phoenix Macintosh at: Looking for information on a past offer? The Apple User Group Advisory Board publishes a Offer is valid through January 31, 2009. single page with all current offers, expiration dates and codes. Watch for intermittent special CS Odessa ConceptDraw Office: offers. 30% Off Password (thru November 15, 2008): ***** ConceptDraw Office is the comprehensive Password (after November 15, 2008): ***** toolset aimed at helping knowledge workers in businesses of any size to streamline daily work and increase Be sure to subscribe to the Apple User Group their competitive edge via an intelli- Market Report podcast. Tom Piper’s next inter- gent approach to organization of view will be with Christian Coll, Apple User information flow in business processes. Group Regional Liaison for Canada. The AUG The exclusive user group price is $349.30, Market Report and Resource blog are great a 30 percent savings from the normal price of $499.00. sources for information about Apple user groups, Make planning easy (207MB trial download available). vendor discounts, special events, interesting reviews, stimulating training and more. Offer is valid through January 31, 2009. Apple User Group Market Report podcast: The MUG Store: Great Prices, Great Incentives At the MUG store, you can check For public information about vendor offers and out specials, blowouts, new Macs more visit: and special value Macs. Each cat- egory contains lists of products with prices set exclusively for user group members. Plus, you get points for your group every ***** Note: passwords and discount time one of your members buys! This U.S. only offer is ongoing. codes for above offers are located Shop the MUG Store. in your mailed CMC newsletter. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 9 a user group since 1986 2007–08 Connecticut Macintosh Connection Officers and Board of Directors

New Members Wanted! Have your friends and co- workers join us for fun and learning about OS X and the Mac. Please give them this application form.

CMC Benefits: Monthly meetings, monthly newsletter, President Vice President Secretary special events, discounted books, assistance with computer Chris Hart Jerry Esposito Jack Bass problems, network with other Mac users, User Group [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Store discounts, and more. Yes, I want to join CMC!

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November 19, 6:30 p.m. Every CMC member who attends our Web Production Artist for our UConn Health Center monthly meetings gets a raffle ticket that User Group website needed. will give you a chance for one of our free Your Board of Directors is currently Farmington, CT prizes every month! Win toys, t-shirts, looking for one of our members to help Conference Room EG-013 CDs, mugs, software…there’s always us with the look and updating of the something we’re giving away! And club’s website. If you have an eye for Back to Basics don’t forget the “free table” at the back design and some knowledge of web Please Note: There will be no Back of the room where everything! site implementation we would like to To Basics sessions in the months of talk with you. This person will need to November and December. Back To Treasurer’s Report be able to insert graphics & content as Basics will return in January! needed, update front end code as well as Total Membership: 126 Annual Auction, 6:30 p.m. occasionally work with the board on cre- ative direction. This is a fun assignment November is our annual auction, Account Balances that will be seen by all of our members loaded with great deals and unique Balances as of October 23, 2008 and could make you famous. If anyone is items! All members are invited to Checking Account ...... $1319.37 interested, an email should be sent to our come and bid on the great variety of club President at: [email protected] items offered. From software to hard- Money Market ...... $3572.47 ware, computer books to gear and gadgets, there is something for every Your CMC Information FREE Classified Ads Mac user. Check your newsletter mailing label CMC Members can advertise For Items for bid are listed at our web for the following info: Sale, Swap, Trade, Giveaway or Want site: • Your CMC User name and password to Buy Items. This space can be used This is a great opportunity to get stuff at to access info at by members to advertise non-business items which they are no longer using or a substantial discount (just in time for • Your CMC Membership Number upgrading. This is a FREE service the holidays) while also supporting (free shipping at MacConnection) provided to our members. Send to: CMC. Plus, it costs you nothing to come • Your CMC Membership renewal date [email protected] and just enjoy the auction atmosphere. Need Mac Support? Display Ad Rates Upcoming Meetings All upcoming meetings are in our Did you know that Mac Any business item or service can be advertised at these low monthly rates. usual conference room EG-013 at support is just a click away? UCONN Health Center, Farmington. Business Card (3.5”w. x 2”)...... $10.00 That’s right!. You don’t have to wait for a monthly meeting to get Quarter Page (3.625”w. x 4.75”)...... $20.00 December 17 answers your Mac related questions. Half Page (7.5”w. x 4.75”h...... $30.00 Our annual holiday party features food CMC hosts a Mac Support mailing list or 3.625”w. x 9.5”h.) and fun, plus more. Watch your email for members? CMC members can join Full Page (7.5”w. x 9.5”)...... $50.00 for details. at January 28 Submit all ad copy to the Editor on a Apple representative Dave Marra will Getting CMC email? disk (with nothing else on it) or e-mail join us and demonstrate all the latest We always send out advance notices of it to [email protected] for insertion stuff from the Mac maker. the meetings, and sometimes for big news in the following issue. Display ads or special events. must be submitted camera-ready in February 25 eps or pdf format with all fonts and The legendary Mac software developer If you’re not getting these notices, please graphics embedded. Ambrosia Software will be our guest. email us at [email protected] with They'll discuss the unique qualities of your current email address and a subject Please specify how many issues you their games and utilities and what they line of: ADD TO CMC EMAIL LIST would like your ad to run and make can do for you. check payable to “CMC”. Connecticut Macintosh Connection page 11 a user group since 1986 41 Crossroads Plaza – PMB 1984 West Hartford, CT 06117

Wednesday, November 19 UConn Health Center Special Time: 6:30 pm ANNUAL AUCTION All members are invited to come & bid on the great variety of items offered. From software to hardware, computer books to gear and gadgets, there is something for every Mac user.

For more meeting info, see page 11 or go to: Driving directions are below.

CMC Monthly Meeting Location Monthly CMC meetings are held at UConn Health Center in Farmington. A PDF document containing a visual direction guide to the location of our meeting in the UConn Health Center is available on our website: When hands-on programs require computers for attendees, we will use Middlesex Community College.

Directions for CMC Monthly Meetings UConn Health Center, Farmington From I-84: Take Exit 39 (if coming from I-84 West, Exit 39 is after 39A). Turn right at first traffic light onto Route 4 East (Farmington Avenue). At third traffic light, turn right to enter the Health Center campus. Go around the main building to the right (at a Y in road), then take a left when you get to the Academic Entrance. The road becomes two-way there so you should be able to tell where to turn. (Do not go on straight to the two-way part). Fun With Slides. Thanks to Don Dickey for a Then take the second right into parking lot A&B. this is close to the build- great presentation in October on slideshows ing. Go past the police station entrance on your left (small sign). You will with iPhoto and FotoMagico. He covered a see a continuation of the building with its own entrance area. This is the new lot of ground and showed us how to get cre- research building. Enter on the ground floor, turn right and enter Room ative with these photo applications. You can EG-013 on your right. This is the first room on your right. The rest rooms find out more about the versatile slideshow are on your left as you enter. tool FotoMagico at