People: Hieron I Hippias of : Agis I and II Hippias of ’ Citizenship Law Isocrates Battles: Antigonus I and II Jason of Pherae Chaeronea Antiochus I, II, and III King Porus Granicus River Antipater Lycurgus of Athens (two Ipsus Antiphon key figures) Issus of Lycurgus of Lamian War Archidamus Leuctra I and II Marathon Neaira Plataea Arrian Salamis Arsinoë I and II Old Oligarch Tanagra Artaxerxes Olympias Pasion of Athens Cassander (two key Other Items: figures) Achaean League of Athens Periander amnesty Cleisthenes of Sicyon Pericles anthropodon Cleomenes Philochorus antidosis Cleon Pisistratus apoikia Critias Philip II and V archon Croesus Polycrates of Cyrene Argos Cyrus the Great I and II Bactria Darius I and II Behistun (two key Pyrrhus Black Sea figures) Roxanne Demetrius of Phaleron Boeotian League Diodorus Siculus Dionysius I and II of Theramenes Carthage Syracuse Thrasybulus of Chios Thrasybulus of Athens Cleruchy Ephialtes (two key of the figures) Xerxes Athenians Ephorus Corcyra Gelon I Corinthian War Gylippus Decelea Harmodius and Aristogeiton Hecataeus of Miletus Hellanicus dikasterion Dorian (ethnicity) Megarian Decree ekklesia Melos Sack of Corinth FGrHist Sacred Band emporion metic Sacred Wars Mytilene Second Athenian Alliance epikleros Naucratis Samos nomos satrapy Gordian Knot Social War Gortyn oligarchy Sphacteria Great Rhetra sussiteia Hellenotamiai Olynthus Syracuse helot Taras hetaira Panathenaic Games Thebes Peace of Callias Thessaly Peace of Nicias tyranny Pella Thirty Ionian (ethnicity) Ionian Revolt perioikoi Tribute lists King’s Peace/Peace of Phocaea xenia Phocis Zeus Ammon Lefkandi plague proxenos Pylos