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The Cambridge Ancient History THE CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY SECOND EDITION VOLUME VII PART I The Hellenistic World Edited by F. W. W ALBANK F.B.A. Emerit1u Projeuor, former!J Profmor of Anrienl History and C!t111ieal Ar<haeology, Univmi!J of Live~pool A. E. ASTIN Profmor of Antient History, The Q11een'1 Univtr.ri!J, Btlfast M. W. FRED ERIKSEN R. M. OGI LVIE CAMBRIDGE -~ UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, S:io Paulo, Delhi Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Bujlding, Cambridge, CB2 8Ru, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York [nformacion on this title: ©Cambridge University Press i984 This publication is in copyright. Subject to smurory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the wrircen permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 1928 Second edition 1984 Eleventh printing 2008 Primed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge Library ofCongress catalogue card number; 75-85719 British Library Cataloguing in Publication data The Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. 7 Pt. I: The Helleniscic World, r. History, Ancient 1. Walbank, F. W . .930 D57 ISBN 978-0-521-23445-0 hardback ISBN 978-0-521-85073-5 set Cambridge U niversity Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy ofURL; for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guraranree that any content on su~ websites is, or will remain, a.ccurare or appropriate. CONTENTS List of maps page x List of text-figures x Preface Xl Sources for the period . 1 by F. W. WALBANK, Emeritus Professor, former!J Professor of Ancient History and Classical Archaeology, University of Liverpool r Lost writers z 11 Surviving writers 4 m Other sources: (a) Inscriptions 10 (b) Papyri and ostraca r 6 (c) Coins 18 (d) Archaeology 21 2 The succession to Alexander ~ EDOUARD WILL, Professor of Ancient History, University of Nancy II r From the death of Alexander to Triparadisus (323- 321) z3 n The period of Antigonus Monophthalmus (3zr- 30I) 39 (a) From Triparadisus to the death of Eumenes (32 1-3 16) 40 (b) The first phase of the struggle against Antigonus (316- 31 I) , 46 (c) The second phase of the struggle against Aotigonus (311- 301) 52 3 Monarchies and monarchic ideas 62 ~F. w. WA L BANK r The new political pattern II The character of Hellenistic monarchy m The machinery of monarchical government rv Sources for the concept of the ideal king v The HellenistiC picture of the king VI Monarchy and religion VII Ruler-cult vn1 Dynastic cult 1x Conclusion ~ CONTENTS 4 The formation of the Hellenistic kingdoms page 101 by EDOUARD WILL r The adventures of Demetrius Poliorcetes (301- 286) 101 u From the apogee of Lysimachus to the re-establishment of Antigonus Gonatas ( 286-276) 110 5 Ptolemaic Egypt 11 8 by S 1 R ER I c Tu RN ER, formerly Emeritus Professor of Papyrology, University College London Preliminary note on the papyrus sources 1 1 8 T Ptolcmy I n9 n Administration, economy and society under Philadelphus and Euergetes i 3 3 m From Euergetes I to Euergetes II 159 1v Religion, literature, act 167 6 Syria and the East 17 5 by DOMENICO Musn, Profeuor of Greek History, University of RMJe I (La S apienz.a) 1 Organization, the monarchy, the court 175 n Geographical description of the Seleucid kingdom 181 ur Administrative divisions and personnel 184 1v Military and naval aspects I 89 v Tax system and economic life 193 vr Relanons with the Greek cities 204 vu Relations with Iran. Retreat from further Asia. Growth of the Panhians. Greeks in Bactria and India 21 o vm Conclusion 2 1 6 Appendix: The date of the secession of Bactria and Parthia from the Seleucid kingdom 21 9 7 Macedonia and Greece 221 by F. w. WA LliANK r Antigonus Gonatas and Pyrrhus 221 If Ancigonus and Macedonia 2.24 Ill Macedonia and Greece in 2 7 2 2.29 TV The rise of Actolia 232 v The Chremonidean War 236 Vl The results of the Chremonidean War 140 VII Aratus of Sicyon and the Achaean League 243 Vtll Antigonus, Corinth and Aratus 246 IX Agis IV of Sparta 252 x Antigonus' last years 255 CONTENTS vii 8 Cultural, social and economic features of the Hellenistic world page 15 7 by J. K. D A v t Es, Rathbone Professor of Ancient History and Classical Archaeology, University of Liverpool 1 Sources and approaches 157 H Demographic problems 164 m T he degree of economic interplay: artefacts and institutions 170 tv Piracy and irs ramifications z.8 5 v Change and continuity 190 v1 RoyaJ policies and regional diversities 196 vu T he po/is transformed and revitalized 304 vm The limits of the po/is 3 1 5 9 Hellenistic science: its application in peace and war 311 9a Hellenistic science 321 by G. E. R. LLOYD, Fellow of King's College a11d Professor of Ancient Philosophy and Science, University of Cambridge Introduction 3 2. l t Physics 3 2. 3 n Mathematics and its applications HO 111 Geography and astronomy 3 37 IV Medicine and the life sciences 347 9b War and sicgccraft 3 n by YvoN GA R LAN, Professor of Ancient History, University ofHaute ­ Bretagne, Rennes 1J 9c Agriculture 363 by DOROTHY J. THOMPSON, Fellow of Girton College, University of Cambridge 9d Building and townplanning 371 by F. E. WINTER, Profes.ror of Fine Art, University of Toronto (a) Hellenistic townplanning 371 (b) Hellenistic building materials an<l techniques 371 (c) Hellenistic buildings 375 10 Agathocles 384 by K. MEISTER, Professor of Ancient HisJory, Technische Uni11ersitiit1 Berlin 1 Agathocles' rise and seizure of power 384 II Developments in Sicily between 3 I 6/ q and 3 10 390 m The African campaigns (3 10-307) 393 iv Events in Sicily (3 10-304) 400 v Agathocles' reign as Icing (304- 189/ 8). H is policies towards ItaJy in the East. His plan for a new Carthaginian war 405 VJ General assessment 409 Viii CONTENTS 11 The Syrian-Egyptian Wars and the new kingdoms of Asia Minor page 4 1 1 by H. H EINEN, Professor of Ancient History, University of Trier 1 Introduction 41 2 rr Ptolemy II and the first Syrian Wars (282.- 246) 413 m Ptolemy III and the Third Syrian War (z.46- 241) 410 rv The rise of the states of Asia Minor 42 1 (a) The Celts 422 (b)Bitbynia 425 (c) Fontus 416 (d) Cappadocia 426 (e) Pergamum 416 (f) Rhodes 43 2. v Antiochus III, Ptolemy IV and the Fourth Syrian War 4 33 vr Ptolemaic rule in Coele-Syria 440 vu The aims of Ptolemaic policy towards the Seleucid empire 442 r 2 Macedonia and the Greek leagues 446 /iji.F. W. WALBANK l The reign of Demetrius II 446 rr Antigonus D oson: the first years 45 3 m Cleomcnes' revolution 4 58 rv The Cariao expedition 459 v The Achaean approach to Macedonia 461 v1 The Achaean disintegration 463 vn Cleomenes' defeat. The Hellenic League. The death of Antigonus Doson 467 vm The Social war 473 Hellenistic dynasties Genealogical tables Chronological table (323-117 B.c.) BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations 5I 3 A General P9 B Sources p 1 a. Ancient authors and works on these 52 1 b. Epigraphy 523 c. Excavation reports: descdptions of sites 528 d. N umismatic publications 5 30 e. Art, monuments, ceramics, jewellery and other objects 5 33 C The Diadochi and the establishment of the kingdoms 53 ~ D Greece, Macedonia, the Balkans, Thrace and the Black Sea 538 a. Macedonia, Epirus and lllyria 538 CONTENTS lX b. Greece and the wars with Macedonia page 540 c. Thessaly, Boeotia and central Greece 541 d. Athens 541 e. Achaea and Aetolia 542 f. Sparta and Messenia 54; g. The Aegean, Crete and Cyprus 544 h. Thrace and the Black Sea 544 E The Seleucid kingdom, Asia Minor, the Middle East, the Far East, the wars of Syria and Egypt 54 5 a. General 545 b. Asia Minor 548 c. The Celts (Galatians) 549 d. Pergamum 5 50 e. Rhodes 55 t f. Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia, the Syrian-Egyptian Wars 5 5 1 g. Iran, Parthia, the Persian Gulf, Bactria, India 5 5; F Egypt 554 a. Bibliographjcs of Egyptologists 5 54 b. Papyri and ostraca 5 5 5 c. Inscriptions 562 d. General 56; c. Pre-Ptolemaic Egypt 563 f. Religion 564 g. Army and navy 565 h. Administration, society, economjc structure 566 i. Law and the admjnistration of justice 572 l· Art and literature 573 k. Coins 57; l. Chronology 574 G Agathocles 574 a. Sources i. Literary 5 74 11. Coins 575 iii. Archaeological material 575 b. General 5 75 H Social, cultural and economic features 577 I Monarchy 587 J Hellenistic science, warfare, agriculture, building 59 I a. Science i. Ancient authors and works on these 59 r ii. Modern works 595 b. Warfare 598 c. Agriculture 599 d. Building and townplanruog 599 Addenda 602 Index .
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