Optimists To^Honor Youth of Township
•to • :'_ ""if. '::d: '' -T / 1 .. a y™—'ff--ir; HAWTHORNE Jl \ . .'.with which ias been merged the Springfield "Sun 'BuhMrtpUon H«tai trrtY OT XT "K • " Publ!ih.<l Ivwr Thurwajby trum»r PuBUhlnf Corp. ' , MHnnr~A<i<Jmir- ^15 Cents Per Copy VOL. 37 NO. 5 " ig cmter 8tr«et, Bprln»ll«l<l, N. J. O7M1 —; Up s-7700 P.O. Boi 89, BprlngHeU. N. J. O70B1 ftPRTMflPTRT.iri N J ' THURSDAYl NOVEMBER A it.OQ YtnlJ 1 Gov. ~4A irjr Springfield Edge i* To Lead Dumont Stamler Tofal Tops In Township Voting; i — Del Veichib Loses Republican Robert G. Planer- •\ •\ * and Robert D. Hardgrove wefe~ ** < tlccied- to-thf-Towiahlp-Com-p mittee ' Tuesday by margins ranglngfrpm.444 votes for Hard- grove to 8§p tor Planer. Mrs. Mar)e(Smllh, Democrat, was elected iax. collector, delect- ing the" Republican incumbent, ymHBwmnrftg?! vdUm to'3,W8; j margin of 105- votes. (All vote" totals given; »re without the sentee vottti.) ' - ""' ~ There W>» * \^^^ votes oa«t,oiH of 8,544i««bter- dt; ''Ii\;' ' ' Planer »n' incumbtnt, led in J the municipal' voting with 3,545 i1 Votes. Hardgrove, a tormer<nuiy-" f»ooivcd a,a att, Donald 11,055, and Henry Grabarz. had ... --Philip Del,-Vecchib'.. •tarmier)';•] mayor rf.Sprinj^divtau'teciOjii^r high man on tlje balfot as he re-- eclved 3,842 :yi?tei In his rifn for - the State Asaembly. lie was de-» fcated in the county totaj, how- ever^aa 196ft^roye<tfti^-b«-* _l Democratic ^ijr thro6(S«>Ut ACrTrl •tote. ' Nelson.. Senate i •tear was a second'' Democrat, besides Mr SmthT'.to carry i 3.893 for S'*«vv^ifi:%^ j&Wmto&k ^i«wNp |ttB*fc:^n«hW Coy 7J?3£g$ffljiiga®^ edi.
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