Mcnamara, Clifford, Burdens of Vietnam 1965-1969
Secretaries of Defense Historical Series McNamara, Clifford, and the Burdens of Vietnam 1965-1969 SECRETARIES OF DEFENSE HISTORICAL SERIES Erin R. Mahan and Stuart I. Rochester, General Editors Volume I: Steven L. Rearden, The Formative Years, 1947-1950 (1984) Volume II: Doris M. Condit, The Test of War, 1950-1953 (1988) Volume III: Richard M. Leighton, Strategy, Money, and the New Look, 1953-1956 (2001) Volume IV: Robert J. Watson, Into the Missile Age, 1956-1960 (1997) Volume V: Lawrence S. Kaplan, Ronald D. Landa, and Edward J. Drea, The McNamara Ascendancy, 1961-1965 (2006) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Includes bibliography and index. Contents: v. l. The formative years, 1947-1950 / Steven L. Rearden – v. 2. The test of war, 1950-1953 / Doris M. Condit – v. 3. Strategy, money, and the new look, 1953-1956 / Richard M. Leighton – v. 4. Into the missile age, 1956-1960 / Robert J. Watson – v. 5. The McNamara ascendancy, 1961-1965 / Lawrence S. Kaplan, Ronald D. Landa, and Edward J. Drea. 1. United States. Dept. of Defense—History. I. Goldberg, Alfred, 1918- . II. Rearden, Steven L., 1946- . III. Condit, Doris M., 1921- . IV. Leighton, Richard M., 1914-2001. V. Watson, Robert J., 1920- 2010. VI. Kaplan, Lawrence S., 1924- ; Landa, Ronald D., 1940- ; Drea, Edward J., 1944- . VII. United States. Dept. of Defense. Historical Office. UA23.6.R4 1984 353.6’09 84-601133 Foreword Volume VI of the Secretaries of Defense Historical Series covers the last four years of the Lyndon Johnson administration—March 1965–January 1969, which were dominated by the Vietnam conflict.
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