
Parliamentary Debates [Hansard]

Legislative Assembly


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Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice 2425

WEDNESDAY, 16 MARCH 1977 silvicultural operations in management of plantations and hardwood forests, as well as harvesting operations. There are no present plans for staff reduction, but this Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. H. Houghton, will be dependent on funds available in the Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair future. at 11 a.m. (2) No. PAPER ( 3) The question of replacing the pres­ ent generators is under investigation but The !following paper was laid on the no decision has been made. table:- ( 4) No, but the present generators are Proclamation under the Acquisition od' at maximum production and are incapable Land Act 1967-1969 and the State of providing power to both private houses and Regional Planning and Develop­ and departmental married quarters. Hence ment, Public Works Organization and the department has been unable to supply Environmental Control Act 1971-1974. power to all its employees up to this time. (5) Occupation permits are limited to a QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE term of seven years under the Forestry Act. 1. FORESTRY DEPARTMENT PLANS FOR JIMNA ( 6) Transfer to other than departmental employees may be permitted subject to Mr. Burm;, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Lands, Forestry, National Parks acceptance of such conditions as laid down and Wildlife Service- by the department. ( 1) What are the long and short-term (7) No. plans o!l' the Forestry Department for the (8) No decision has been made to alter township and work-force at Jimna? the current planting programme at Jimna. (2) Has the Forestry Department agreed (9) No. to finance the provision of S.E.A. power (10) Yes. to this township? ( 11) I am not aware of any proposal to (3) If not, has the department any connect power to Sunday Creek. plans to provide additional new plant at the powerhouse? I propose to issue a statement later in the day to put this whole matter in proper ( 4) Has the department planned to perspective. supply power to only those living in Forestry Department married quarters and 2. RoAD-MARKING AT "STOP" SIGNS buildings? Mr. Lamond, pursuant to notice, asked t~e (5) Will the occupation permits that Minister for Local Government and Mam provide seven-year leases for local resi­ Roads- dents be reviewed so that terms can be extended? ( 1) Is he a:ware that the City Council has introduced a system of road­ (6) Can the leases be transferred to marking at intersections where "stop" signs residents who do not work for the depart­ exist by extending the white stop Jine. in ment but who wish to use the homes as line with the kerbing and channellmg, week-enders? resulting in a vehicle crossing the accep~ed (7) Can the leases or permits be free­ pedestrian traffic walk area before havmg holded? to stop, and that in many cases where this new marking has .been carried out pedes­ (8) Has any decision been made on the trian road-markings have been eliminated? future planting of pine? (2) Does this represent a further hazard (9) Js there any future plan that in­ to the pedestrian? cludes the termination o[ planting of pine? (3) What advice has he received from (10) Have the Forestry Department the Road Safety Council in premises at Sunday Creek been taken over connection with this apparent dangerous as an environmental school? planning? (11 ) Will S.E.A. power be connected to Answers:- Sunday Creek and, if so, can it he then connected .from Sunday Creek to Jimna? (!) The Brisbane City Council should be implementing the provision of t~e Mar:ual Answers:- of Uniform Traffic Control Devices which, (!) J imna is the headquarters for Jimna in these respects, is in accordance wit)! forestry subdistrict comprising 47 000 hec­ Australian Standard AS 17 42 and thus IS tares of high-quality hardwood forest and national practice. established hoop pine plantations. 2 595 (2) The manual states that the location hectares of hoop pine plantations have been of individual stop bars is a matter for established since 1938-39. The present engineering judgment taking a~count of work-force, comprising 46 wages and five visibility, clearances and pedestnan safety. salaried staff, is engaged on continuing Should the honourable member know of 2426 Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice

any which he feels may be a hazard to situations at Burketown, Karumba, Cairns, pedestrians, I ask that he let me know of Mareeba, Gordonvale, Innisfail, Ingham the location involved and I will arrange and in many communities adjoining these for these to be examined by Main Roads areas. I am sure honourable members on Department and Brisbane City Council both sides of this House will join with me traffic engineers. in acknowledging the outstanding and (3) The Road Safety Council gives advice unselfish efforts of these men and women to my colleague the Minister for Trans­ who have done so much to provide for port. the safety and well-being of Queensland citizens affected by the recent disasters.

3. JOHN Row BRIDGE, INGHAM; EFFECT ON 5. DISTRIBUTION OF EGGS FLOOD LEVELS Mr. Bertoni, pursuant to notice, asked the Mr. Row, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Primary Industries- Minister for Water Resources- Will he authorise an immediate investi­ (!) How many eggs were sent to the gation and hydrological study by the northern division from the Egg Marketing Irrigation and Water Supply Commission Board from each of the central and south­ into the effect of the structure of the John ern divisions in the years 1974, 1975 and Row bridge at Ingham upon the flow of 1976? floodwaters of the Herbert River when (2) How many eggs were sent to Mt. that river submerges the bridge as it did Isa, Longreach and Charleville in the in the past week, causing serious damage same years? to bridge approaches and adjoining private property? Answer:- (1 and 2) This information is not readily Answer:- available but will be passed on to the hon­ ourable member as soon as it can be com­ I have arranged for the Irrigation and piled by the Egg Marketing Board. Water Supply Commission to collect data relating to the possible effect of the John Row Bridge on flood levels in the Herbert 6. MR. SEllASTIAO MAlA'S TENURE OF River. These data will be analysed and "TURN-OFF LAGOON" appropriate observations made to the Main Mr. Bertoni, pursuant to notice, asked the Roads Department. Minister for Lands, Forestry, National Parks and Wildlife Service- 4. STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE IN NORTH ( 1) What are the terms and conditions QUEENSLAND DISASTERS on the property "Turn-off Lagoon", which Mr. Row, pursuant to notice, asked the was recently acquired by the Brazilian Minister for Police- Mr. Sebastian Maia? ( 1) Has his attention been drawn to the (2) Was this property previously an recent editorial in "The Herbert River occupational lease or other short-term EXcpress" praising the activities of State tenure renewed annually? Emergency Service personnel during the (3) Have any applications for a change Ingham flood situation? of tenure been received from Australian (2) Does he support the sentiments ex­ investors prior to the acquisition by the pressed in the editorial regarding the ex­ Brazilian and, if so, why were they cellent work undertaken by State Emer­ refused? gency officers and volunteers in disaster Answer:- situations in a number of areas of North Queensland this year? ( 1 to 3) "Turn-off Lagoons" expired holding is held as an occupation licence in the name of Lawn Hill Pty. Limited. It is Answer:- understood that Mr. Maia has acquired the ( I and 2) I have read the editorial shares in Lawn Hill Pty. Limited. referred to by the honourable member An application to lease the area as a which appeared in "The Herbert River pastoral holding was received from Messrs. Express" on 12 March and give my full C. J. Murat and T. Dukes of Mt. Isa. They support to the sentiments expressed therein. were informed that as the land would be There can be no doubt that the State required eventually for future public pur­ Government's move to establish a counter­ poses it was intended to grant the present disaster department known as the State occupiers continuity of occupancy for Emergency Service has saved lives and grazing purposes under an annual occupa­ much valuable personal property in flood tion licence for the time being. and cyclone situations in Queensland over The proposal to grant a special lease to recent years. Lawn Hiil Pty. Limited, and consideration No praise can be too high for the efforts of the conditions to be attached thereto, of State Emergency Service officers, police have been deferred until a firm policy and civilian volunteers who, over the last decision is made on the type of manage­ four months, have coped with emergency ment to be adopted to control similar Questions Upon Notice (16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice 2427

special areas of land such as this through­ 9 and 10. SUPPLIES OF WHOLE MILK out the State. Investigation in this respect is being carried out in conjunction with the Mr. Casey, pursuant to notice, asked the ongoing review and rewrite of the Land Minister for Primary Industries- Act. ( 1) Who sets the quotas for whole-milk suppliers to wholesale vendors in the Brisbane Milk Board area for (a) country factories and (b) direct suppliers? 7. MR. SEBASTIAO MAIA's FUNDING OF CATTLE PROPERTY PURCHASES (2) Who sets the quotas for whole-milk suppliers to other factory areas in Queens­ Mr. Berto:ni, pursuant to notice, asked the land? Deputy Premier and Treasurer- ( 3) Are the milk quotas co-ordinated Has Mr. Sebastiao Maia brought any and controlled through any Government moneys into for the purchase department, Government-sponsored organi­ of cattle properties in Queensland or has sation or statutory marketing authority any such application been received? and are they legally binding under any Act of the Queensland Parliament and, if Answer:- not, how are they controlled, administered and disciplined? Applications for the import of overseas funds are made to the Reserve Bank and (4) What are the guide-lines for the do not come to the notice of the State redistribution of quotas that have been Treasury. Consequently, I am unable to surrendered by dairy farmers who have provide the information sought. been forced to leave the industry and who were (a) suppliers to the Brisbane Milk Board area or (b) suppliers of whole milk to other factory areas in Queensland? 8. STRIKE AT CONSOLIDATED FERTILIZERS' GIBSON ISLAND PLANT (5) Will any further increase in con­ sumption in the Brisbane Milk Board area Mr. Cory, pursuant to notice, asked the be taken up by giving whole-milk quotas Minister for Industrial Development, Labour to additional suppliers outside of the exist­ Relations and Consumer Affairs- ing supply area to allow them a living from ( 1) Is he aware of the costly dis!'uption the industry, or will it be distributed being experienced by primary producers amongst the existing suppliers whose quotas because of the unavailability of fertiliser are currently being reduced by 5 per cent? at a t1me when they need it to plant crops and fertilise fruit trees for their economic Answers:- survival? ( I) The quotas for whole-milk suppliers to wholesale vendors in the Brisbane Milk (2) Is he aware that this shortage has Board area are set by the Brisbane Milk been created by a strike of crane drivers Board. and heavy-equipment operators at Con­ (2) The individual factory concerned. solidated Fertilizers' Gibson Island plant? (3) There is no control over quotas in ( 3) If so, what action can be taken to country areas of Queensland. The only overcome this industrial blackmail that is control is over supply to the Brisbane milk financially embarrassing the primary pro­ district under the Milk Supply Acts 1952- ducers who are innocent victims of this 1972. dispute? (4) The quotas of direct suppliers to the wholesaler in the Brisbane Milk Board Answers:- area who have left the industry are sur­ rendered to the board and reallocated by (!) I have been advised of a dispute the board. Decisions for factories other between A.C.F. and Shirley's Fertilizers than the Brisbane wholesaler are deter­ Ltd. and the F.E.D.F.A. which took place mined by the factories concerned. between 1 February 1977 and 7 March (5) No decision has been made. 1977. (2) I am further advised that the dis­ pute involved a claim for an increase in Mr. Casey, pursuant to notice, asked the dust allowance previously arrived at by a Minister for Primary Industries- private agreement between the union and ( 1) What basis will be used to select the employer. Members of the union the new suppliers who will be allowed included crane drivers and other machine to supply whole milk to the Brisbane Milk operators. Board area and who will allocate their quota? (3) Following conferences held before (2) What basis is being used, for the commission, the parties agreed to example, minimum quota or maximum accept the commission's recommendations quota, as the figure on which the newly in the matter and work resumed on Mon­ proposed 5 per cent quota reduction day, 7 March 1977. figures will be based for the redistribution 2428 Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977) Questions Upon Norice

of milk quotas to enable additional ( 6) Have Commonwealth funds been producers to supply the Brisbane Milk allocated for this work and, if so, when Board area and the payment of compensa­ will it commence? tion to the suppliers concerned? Answer:- (3) In determining the total amount of milk to be made available for quota redis­ ( 1 to 6) The information sought by the tribution to the new suppliers, will the honourable member for Mackay is too figure be based on bottle and cartoned milk detailed to permit an accurate answer being sales only, or will it also include figures given immediately. I will provide the hon­ for bulk-milk sales to cafes, milk bars, ourable member with a written answer to hotels, etc., and modified milk, yoghurt, his question as soon as the information and other such milk products also? can be put together in the form requested. ( 4) As at 31 January and/or 28 February 1977, what percentage over 12. CoMPENSATION FOR INJURY TO minimum quota was consumption in the TEACHER AIDES AND PARENTS AND QTIZENS' Brisbane Milk Board area? ORGANISATION WORKERS (5) When will the recent dairy industry Dr. Lockwood, pursuant to notice, asked inquiry report be released? the Minister for Education and Cultural Activities- Answers:- ( I) As many persons provide voluntary service to State schools either as volunteer (!) The allocation of the quotas derived teacher aides or workers for parents and from the 5 per cent reduction was based citizens' associations, in the event of such upon the recommendations of the commit­ a person being injured, what compensation tee of inquiry, which recommended the is provided by way of payment for medical suppliers and the amount of their quotas. expenses and for loss of employment during (2) Minimum quota. a period of incapacity? (3) The amount of milk to be made (2) Should such a person be involved available is based upon milk as determined in or inadvertently cause an accident, is by the Milk Supply Acts 1952-1972, this person protected from liability by an namely, bottled, cartoned milk sales and all-risk or public-risk insurance policy? bulk-milk sales to cafes, milk bars, hotels, etc. Modified milk, yoghurt and other Answers:- dairy products are not included. ( 1) As voluntary workers in or for (4) At 31 January the average daily schools receive no remuneration and do intake for the month of January was 105.8 not work under any contract of service per cent of the minimum quota. they are not "workers" in the terms of the Workers' Compensation Act and, (5) The report of the Committee of accordingly, do not come within the ambit Inquiry into the Dairy Industry will not be of that Act. Any action to recover dam­ released. ages for accidents at school or en route to or from school would be based gener­ ally upon ordinary principles of tort 1]. EXPORT ROAD TO MACKAY HARBOUR liability. Mr. Cru~ey, pursuant to notice, asked the (2) Some parents and citizens' associ­ Minister for Local Government and Main ations have public risk policies to pro­ Roads- tect certain of their members and helpers. ( 1 ) What is the estimated cost of the However, this is a matter for any par­ proposed export road to the Mackay Har­ ticular association. If an accident arises bour from Malcolmson Street to the in circumstances where a volunteer teacher harbour road along the southern bank aide can be held to be in law a servant of the Goose Ponds? of the Crown, the Crown would ordinarily (2) As part of this work, what upgrad­ be vicariously liable in damages. ing will be carried out to the Evans A venue crossing of the Goose Ponds and what is 13. THREAT OF HUGE WAVES TO GIANT the estimated cost of this upgrading? SHIPS ( 3) What was the estimated cost of the Dr. Lockwood, pursuant to notice, asked previous proposal to build the new road the l\1in:s:er for Tourism and Marine on the northern bank of the Goose Ponds Services- and why was the route changed? ( 1) Has he read the article in "The ( 4) Is he aware that the new proposal Bulletin" of 19 February which summarised will reduce the park lands of the North the threat of giant episodic and aberra­ Mackay Recreational Reserve by approxi­ tional waves to giant tankers and bulk-ore mately 3-!- acres and, if so, what is being carriers over continental shelves when wind, done to compensate the people of North wave, swell and cuiTent are in different Mackay for this loss? quarters? (5) Will Hamilton Street be widened (2) Which sea lanes traverse the con­ under either proposal and, if so, to what tinental shelf of Queensland and over what extent? distances? Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977) Questions Upon Notice 2429

(3) Are any of the sea lanes likely 10 moneys for the expansion of ambulance produce giant aberrational waves that could services in the Bundaberg area for 12 crack a tanker or carrier in two and, if so, months from 2 October 1975 (and for where and under what circumstances? this purpose only), and a further permit ( 4) In the interests of safety and con­ for 12 months from 2 October 1976 for servation, can his department recommend the same purpose. I have been advised or order a ship out of a danger area by the secretary of the State Council when wind, wave, swell or current could of the Queensland Ambulance Transport produce giant aberrational waves? Brigade that a member of the Bundaberg Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade Answers:­ who is a zonal representative on the State council had assured the council that the (!) Yes. fund raising had been solely for the pur­ (2) The inner route of the Great Bar­ pose given in the permit and not for an rier Reef over a distance of approximately aerial ambulance service, although there l ,000 nautical miles from Torres Strait was thinking that the expansion of the to the Capricorn Channel. The coastal ambulance services could include an aerial shipping track south of the Capricorn ambulance service. The honourable mem­ Channel is for the most part to seaward ber will appreciate that the collection of of the continental shelf. moneys for ambulance transport purposes except in accordance with the conditions (3) Over the route the Great Barrier laid down in a permit issued under the Reef acts as a barrier against ocean swells. Ambulance Services Act is a breach of However, the southern part of the coastal that Act. shipping track is unprotected over a dis­ tance of about 350 nautical miles. Large (2) The matter of a State-wide aerial waves do built up in this area in cyclonic ambulance service was discussed at the conditions. To the best of the knowledge State conference of the Queensland Ambu­ of my Department of Harbours and lance Transport Brigade on 7 October Marine, there is no record of the type 1975, which resolved:- of giant aberrational waves referred to in "That the conference commends the the article occurring off the Queensland conception of there being a State-wide coast. Aerial Ambulance Service and recom­ ( 4) No. The safe handling of a vessel mends that the State Council examine is the responsibility of the master of the the feasibility of such a scheme vessel. He is the only one who is in a including- position to decide what course of action (i) respective areas of operation. is called for in any given circumstances. (ii) degree of public participation. Furthermore, the Government of a coastal (iii) all aspects of financial con- State does not have jurisdiction over ves­ siderations including the extent of sels on the high seas. Government interest and aid." The report of a subcommittee set up 14. BUNDABERG Q.A.T.B. PURCHASE OF by the State Council to investigate this AERIAL AMBULANCE matter was forwarded to my department in December last. The recommendations Mr. Powell, pursuant to notice, asked the as to a State-wide aerial ambulance ser­ Minister for Health- vice are actively under consideration, and (1) Has his attention been drawn to an the formation of a special departmental article in the "Sunday Sun" of 13 March committee consisting of senior depart­ wherein a Bundaberg doctor criticised him mental officers and including represent­ for the decision of the Health Department ation of the State Council has been to refuse the Bundaberg Q.A.T.B. per­ approved. The honourable member will mission to purchase an aeroplane? appreciate that any decision reached as (2) Will he please explain in simple to a State-wide aerial ambulance service detail why the State council recommends will affect not only Bundaberg but also against such a move by the Bundaberg areas with established aerial ambulances, Q.A.T.B. when it has the necessary such as Cairns and Rockhampton, and finance and has proved the need for an remote areas without the financial cap­ aircraft? ability to set up an aerial ambulance service. I consider that the advice given by the special sub-committee of State Answers:- council that the proposal of the Queens­ (!) Yes. I am surprised at the state­ land Ambulance Transport Brigade Bunda­ ment of this doctor that the local ambu­ berg Committee to establish an aerial lance officers had raised more than ambulance service is premature in view of $200,000 to pay for an air ambulance. the contemplated State-wide rural health The fact is that the Bundaberg Ambulance considerations is, under the circumstances, Staff Fund Raising Committee has never fully justified. The Government is com­ at any time received the approval required mitted, as the honourable member is aware, under the Ambulance Services Act to raise under its rural health policy to provide money for an air ambulance. A permit better health and medical care service was issued to this committee to raise to the outback areas of the State. 2430 Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice

15. PETITION TO INVESTIGATE HERVEY (3) Does he know that in 1975-76 56 BAY SHIRE cases were transported to Brisbane and Mr. Powell, pursuant to notice, asked the that in eight months of 1976-77 there have Minister for Local Government and Main been 76 cases? Roads- (4) Are so many cases transferred to ( 1) Did he receive a petition from Brisbane owing to a shortage of certain approximately 1,200 electors of the Hervey specialists at the Bundaberg General Hos­ Bay area asking him to make investiga­ pital or a lack in after-care service and tions into the conduct of the Hervey Bay accommodation? Shire? (5) Does he know that some 10 or so (2) Would he advise what action he years ago only one specialist was employed intends to take on the petition? and that now the hospital has eight special­ (3) What action should people take ists on tap and can call on other private when they have a grievance against their specialists if the need arises? local authority? ( 6) Does it mean that the more special­ ists there are available, the greater the Answers:- number of cases that have to be trans­ (1) The petition I received purports to ferred to Brisbane, or is it that the Bunda­ comprise 1,192 names of which it is berg Hospital lacks a specialist clinic and claimed 799 names have been identified is so out of date that some patients cannot as electors. be treated there? (2) I have already pointed out to the petitioners that the Hervey Bay Shire Coun­ Answers:- cil was established only last year after (1 and 2) The matters raised by the years of agitation by local residents, and honourable member are very similar to that I would be very reluctant to direct an those raised by the honourable member investigation of such a newly established for Isis, and I refer the honourable mem­ and elected council which is no doubt still ber to the answers I have already given "finding its feet". to the member for Isis. (3) The answer to this question depends (3) The advice provided by the Bunda­ upon the nature of the grievance and berg Hospital is to the effect that the num­ whether the law prescribes a specific ber of patients who have travelled to remedy, as in many cases it does. For Brisbane by air on the recommendation example, the right of appeal exists against of the medical superintendent of that hos­ many decisions of a local authority under pital is far less than that quoted by the the Local Government Act and the Build­ honourable member. Perhaps the honour­ ing Act. able member is quoting all cases which In other circumstances a common law have been transported to Brisbane whether right of action could exist, or a submission by air, ambulance or other transport. could be made to the Parliamentary Com­ ( 4 to 6) It is true that the number of missioner for Administrative Investigations. specialists employed by the Bundaberg Of course, the basis of local government General Hospital has increased in recent is that there be close contact between the years, and this is to the credit of the Bun­ electors and the elected representatives, and daberg Hospitals Board and to my own it could be expected that local residents department. It is true that all specialties with a grievance would express their are not covered and it is still necessary grievances on the local scene. to transport some patients to Brisbane. As a final line of action, the electors I do not agree with the honourable with a grievance have the right every three member's suggestion that the Bundaberg years to express their dissatisfaction with Hospital is out of date. The treatment their elected representatives on the council given by both visiting and full-time staff by means of the ballot-box. In other words, at the hospital is of a very high standard. to use the honourable member's language, they can get booted out of office every three years if they don't measure up. 17. TRAFFIC BRIDGE OVER WoOGAROO CREEK, GOODNA 16. BuNDABERG Q.A.T.B. PURCHASE OF Mr. l\1arginson, pursuant to notice, asked AERIAL AMBULANCE the Minister for Health- Mr. Jensen, pursuant to notice, asked the ! refer to the condition of the traffic Minister for Health- bridge over Woogaroo Creek in Bris­ Cl) Is he aware of the deep concern bane Terrace, Goodna, which almost wholly over his refusal to allow the Bundaberg carries traffic to and from the W olston Branch of the Q.A.T.B. to purchase an Park Hospital from the city of Ipswich aerial ambulance? and other areas to the west of the (2) When does he expect a decision hospital, and ask- to be made on whether the Government ( 1) Is he aware that the engineers of will set up aerial ambulances throughout the Ipswich City Council have indicated Queensland? that the bridge requires early replacement? Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice 2431

(2) As this bridge is used almost exclu­ (2) About 230. Connections are occurring sively in the servicing of the hospital, is daily, so the figure reduces constantly. his department prepared to assist financially in providing a new bridge? (3) Two contractors have asked to be released from their contracts for 68 houses (3) If necessary will he recommend to and tenders are being re-called. Con­ the Honourable the Treasurer the pro­ tractors are working on the balance of vision of moneys for the construction of this bridge? 162 and work should be completed within the contract times by the end of July. Answer:- (4) In the Stuart Street area (Smiths (1 to 3) I am aware of the condition of Road, Stuart, Alice and Albert Streets) the traffic bridge over Woogaroo Creek, the Ipswich City Council did not supply Brisbane Terrace, Goodna. needed information until October/Novem­ The provision of roads and bridges ber, four months after declaration of the within a local authority area is a function area. Thirty-seven rental houses have had of the local authority. The honourable drainage completed and tenders for W.C. member is aware that expenditure by local installation are being invited on 19 Tviarch. authorities in this regard attracts State The estates south of Eric Street were not Government subsidy of 15 per cent. declared until December 1976 and con­ Advice has been received from the tracts were Jet in January for the 167 Ipswich City Council that it is proposed that rental houses to be completed by the end the Brisbane City Council and the Ipswich City Council will share in the cost of of July this year. replacing this bridge. The State Govern­ (5) Delays in the supply of essential ment will pay the usual subsidy of 15 per information by the council, the failure cent on all moneys so expended. of contractors to fulfil contract times, the My department does not have available plumbers' lengthy strike last year, sh.ort­ to it any funds for works of this nature. ages of skilled labour and some mmor material supply problems.

18. CONNECTION OF SEWERAGE TO Hous­ ING COMMISSION HOUSES IN WOLSTON 19. ALLEGED DIVERSION OF WoRKS ELECTORATE DEPARTMENT FUNDS TO SCHOOLS Mr. Marginson, pursuant to notice, asked IN GOVERNMENT ELECTORATES the Minister for Works and Housing- Mr. Marginson, pursuant to notice, asked ( 1) Is he aware that a number of the Minister for Works and Housing- Queensland Housing Commission houses in the electorate of Wolston which are ( 1) Is he aware of allegations that he situated in sewerage areas declared by the and the Premier collaborated to switch Ipswich City Council have not been con­ funds earmarked for schools situated in nected to the city's sewerage system by Opposition electorates to schools situated the Housing Commission? in electorates held by members of the National and Liberal Parties and I refer (2) How many houses owned by the specifically to a report in "The Sunday commission and situated in a declared Mail" of 13 March, which referred to sewerage area in the electorate of Wolston schools in North Mackay, East Bundaberg, have not so far been connected to the Inala West and Richlands East areas that council's sewerage system? were put off and the money spent in (3) When is it likely that this work Government electorates? will be done? (2) Did the Premier instruct him to put ( 4) Will he specifically advise when a red pencil line through projects designed the commission houses in Stuart Street, for Labor areas? Goodna, and the adjoining streets, which area was declared a sewerage area by (3) For how long will the people in the Ipswich City Council in June 1976, these areas have to suffer this political will be connected to the city sewerage persecution because they had the fore­ system? sight to vote against the Government at the last election? (5) What is the cause of the delay in this work? Answers:- Answers:- (1) Yes, and it is typical of the A.L.P. propaganda machine nearing an election. (1) I am aware that arrangements were made to have the 487 rental houses in (2 and 3) No, and the honourable declared sewered areas serviced immedi­ member will be aware that the colour red ately after declaration and as soon as is repulsive to me. I have never been engineering information could be obtained issued with a red pencil since my appoint­ from the council. ment as a Minister of the Crown. 2432 Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice

20. INTRASTATE OPERATION OF A.N.L. (2) What is the practice in this matter CoNTAINER SHIPS and will he declare that employees need Mr. M. D. Hooper, pursuant to notice, not join a union if they are presently asked the Premier- employed on that basis? I refer to the Press release this week that agreement has now been reached Answers:­ between the Commonwealth and Queens­ (1) No. land Governments for A.N.L. container (2) The present policy of the Towns­ ships to engage in intrastate trade between ville-based electric authorities is that Queensland ports, with restrictions placed employees at the time of commencement on the carriage on certain items of goods are required to be financial members of and machinery. Whilst applauding this an appropriate industrial union or to give initial breakthrough to assist the viability an undertaking to the employer to join of North Queensland ports, I refer him an appropriate industrial union. It is to the deputation I attended with members intended that this policy will continue to apply after reorganisation. of North Queensland port authorities early this year, when it was made clear that the A.N.L. ships might cease their calls to Mackay and Cairns unless they were 22. PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC LIGHTS AT allowed to engage in the carriage of goods PrMLICO HIGH SCHOOL without restriction in competition with rail Mr. M. D. Hooper, pursuant to notice, and road hauliers, and I recall at that asked the Minister for Local Government meeting a request was made for the and Main Roads- Queensland Government to allow A.N.L. ( 1) In view of the undertaking given to compete on a ''grace and favour" basis by him last year that loan funds were for a trial period of 12 months to see available to the Townsville City Council what i.."'lpact their venture into intrastate to channelise the intersection of Fulham trade would have in relation to any losses Road and Hugh Street so that the Traffic that might be suffered by the Queensland Engineering Trust Fund could fund the installation of pedestrian traffic lights out­ Railways. Does his Government now intend side the Pimlico High School in Towns­ to give A.N.L. a chance to compete in ville, as none of these works have been the freighting of containerised goods for a commenced, what is the cause of the trial period to comply with the wishes of delay? North QueensJanders, who demand the right of choice in the mode of transport (2) As the student enrolment at Pimlico of their goods? High School is the largest in Queensland and as students, parents and academic Answer:- staff are concerned at the dangers to which While it is true that agreement in students are subjected at this busy traffic principle has been reached between the intersection, will he give instructions to Commonwealth and Queensland Govern­ have these works expedited? ments on the entry of the Australian National Line into certain areas of intra­ Answer:- state trade, the question of the goods ~om~odities and methods encompassed (1 and 2) I am advised that work on IS st1ll a matter of Government policy the channelisation of the Fulham Road and I cannot enlighten the honourable and Hugh Street intersection has com­ member further at this juncture. menced and completion of the work could be anticipated by July 1977. In the sub­ mission made by the Townsville City Council for allocations from the Traffic 21. UNION MEMBERSHIP OF TRANSFERRED Engineering Trust Fund in 1976-77, signal­ ELECTPJCITY AUTHORITY EMPLOYEES isation of this intersection was rated as Mr. M. D. Hooper, pursuant to notice its third priority. Funds available were asked the Minister for Mines and Energy_: insufficient to reach the third priority ( 1) As at the time of the introduction project. Presumably council will afford of the Electricity Act of 1976 he stated this project a higher priority in 1977-78 that employees in existing boards would when submissions for allocations from the not become redundant and that they would Traffic Engineering Trust Fund are made. be re-employed in the proposed new elec­ In answer to the second part of the hon­ tricity boards, is he aware that some ourable member's question-the roads employees in the existing electric authorities in. Townsville, who are presently concerned are not declared under the Main employed without being members of a Roads Acts. They are under the jurisdic­ union, are now being pressurised into tion of the Townsville City Council. Con­ becoming members of a union with the sequently it would be unwise of me to threat of not being employed in the new issue any instructions on the mwtter at organisation if they decline to do so? all. Questions Upon Notice (16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice 2433

23. REDCLIFFE CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTA­ success with voluntary patients. One can TION ON REDCLIFFE HOSPITALS BoARD only assume that such a service, were it Mr. Frawley, pursuant to notice, asked to proceed, would be a further form of the Minister for Health- separate deve,lopment which will extend divisions amongst the people of this State. ( 1) Has he received a request from the Redcliffe City Council for representation on the Redcliffe Hospitals Board? 25. BRISBANE CITY CoUNCIL IMPOSTS ON (2) Does he not believe that a city of BUSINESS EXPANSION 40,000 people should have a representative Mr. Frawley, pursuant to notice, asked of the council on the board of the the Minister for Local Government and Main hospital in the city? Roads- ( 1) In view of the recent statements Answer:- made by the Commonwealth member for (1 and 2) Yes, I have received a request Bowman, will he consider ordering an from the RedcHffe City Council to give investigation into the dealings of the Bris­ the council representation on the Redcliffe bane City Council with people who wish Hospitals Board. The honourable member to expand or establish a business and who would be aware that the Hospitals Act are being blackmailed by the council i~to provides for only one representative to putting money into the city loan or paymg be elected by the component local for non-existent services? authorities within the area of the hospitals (2) Is he aware that on television last board administration. night the Lord Mayor blamed the Stat_e Government and claimed that the council This representative is not a representa­ was forced by this Government to place tive from a local authority from which he some unnecessary demands on applicants or she particularly comes, but is a repre­ who wished to expand their businesses? sentative of all local authorities in the area and is expected as a team member of Answers:- the hospitals board to present the views (1) Under the City of Brisbane Town of aJ.l the local authorities he or she is Planning Act 1964-1976 an applicant to representing, and not just those of his own loco! authority. the Brisbane City Council for approval, ccnsent or permission to use or develop A councillor of the local authorities land has a right of appeal to the Local within the Redcliffe Hospital area has been Government Court against the refusal of elected as a hospitals board member and his application or against conditions should the Redcliffe City Council have a imposed by the council when approving the problem relating to the hospital, {hen it application. The court has power to allow should discuss it, either with the board any such appeal unconditionally or subje_ct or the lncal authorities' elected board to such conditinns as it deems fit and lts member. decision is binding on the parties to the appeal. Since rights of appeal are avail­ able to dissatisfied applicants, it is not 24. SAMFORD LAND FOR REHABILITATION considered necessary to hold an investiga­ CENTRE FOR ABORIGINAL ALCOHOLICS tion into the matters raised by the hon­ ourable member. Mr. Frawley, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Aboriginal and Islanders As he is aware, the council has recently Advancement and Fisheries- prepared and submitted to me a modified town pian for the city of Brisbane. The ( 1) Is he aware that Senator Banner, modified plan cnntains certain provisions the Chairman of Aboriginal Hostels, has dealing with contributions by develnpers been examining land in Samford with a and these were the subject of a number view to establishing a rehabilitation centre of objections when the plan was advertised. for alcoholics? These provisions and o]tiections will receive (2) Has any advice been given to his full consideration before the plan is sub­ department by the Commonwealth regard­ mitted to the Governor in Council. ing this proposal? (2) I am aware that the Right Hon­ ourable the Lord Mayor of Brisbane Answer:- recently appeared on T.V. and commented (1 and 2) Commonwealth Aboriginal on developmental requirements imposed by Hostels have not consulted my department the council. Such requirements are matters regarding a proposal to establish a rehabil­ solely within the discretion of the council, itation centre for alcohoJics, nor do they, and the Government has not directed the apparently as a matter of :policy, consult council thereon. One matter that I under­ my dCipartment on any of their activities. stand was mentioned was the requirement It would be a matter fnr extreme regret if for the undergrounding of electricity, the such a centre 'were established for Abor­ inference being that this requirement flowed igines, as the State already has well­ from a provision contained in the Local developed existing services :in this profes­ Government Act 1936-1976. Section sional sphere and has achieved a degree of 34 (12) of that Act provides that a local 79 2434 Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977j Questions Upon Notice

authority, when dealing with an application unnecessarily dangerous situations in for the subdivision of land used or proposed pursuit of suspected illegal crabbers into to be used for residential, commercial or remote areas, whereas they could otherwise industrial purposes, has to take into con­ have been able to police the illegal trade sideration whether, in accordance with a from the relative safety of railway plat­ by-law of the local authority, the applicant forms and airports? should be required to provide by arrange­ (3) On what authority was this instruc­ ment with the relevant electric authority tion signed, what was its purpose and for the undergrounding of electricity supply will he ensure that the instruotion is to serve his subdivision. rescinded forthwith? It will be noted that the provision only becomes operative if the local authority Answers:­ has made a by-law dealing with the subject (!) Yes. and such by-law has been approved by (2) No. Patrol officers in the course of the Governor in Council. The application normal duties patrol remote areas for many of this provision to the city of Brisbane purposes apart from illegal crabbing. No is a matter of legal interpretation but I instructions have been issued in relation am advised that the Governor in Council to airports. has not approved an ordinance made by the Brisbane City Council dealing with (3) This instruction was signed by the the undergrounding of electricity supplies. superintendent, acting on legal advice to him, which indicated in the first place pos­ As previously mentioned, the whole sible legal action against patrol officers matter of contributory requirements of the for damage caused to consignments due Council are to be examined in conjunction to officers' inspections and that sec1ion 92 with the modified town plan for the city of the Constitution afforded a defence once of Brisbane. the items were consigned interstate. How­ Mr. HINZE: I can understand the reason ever, I propose to seek legal advice on the for the honourable member's question. There matter. has been quite a lot of controversy about so-called blackmail and sweetheart agree­ 27. INTIMIDATION BY ILLEGAL CRABBERS ments. I have spoken to Lord Mayor Sleeman Mr. Lamont, pursuant to notice, asked the and we are to meet very shortly to discuss Minister for Police- these statements. Yesterday I met the ( 1) What aotion has been taken by his person who wrote to the paper-a man by department with regard to allegations of the name of Kirmos-and I am having further intimidation of Queensland Boating and discussions with him. It is not good for local Fisheries Patrol officers by suspected government to have these statements about illegal crabbers in the Gladstone and blackmail and sweetheart agreements being Bundaberg areas? bandied about. (2) Have any charges been laid in Mr. K. J. Hooper: The Albert Shire has relation to these alleged offences? been renowned for this for years. Answers:- Mr. HINZE: The honourable member for Archerfield would know all about sweetheart ( I) There have been no recent official agreements. complaints lodged with the Police Depart­ ment at Gladstone or Bundaberg of intim­ Mr. Alison: And blackmail! idation as suggested. Some three months ago a request was made by an officer for Mr. HINZE: Yes. I am told he used to a member of the Police Force to be pres­ blackmail the poor little girls in his own ent whilst he interrogated a suspect. This union, so he would know all about blackmail. assistance was rendered and since that The honourable member for Murrumba date no further request has been made for can rest assured that I am treating the matter assistance. On 5 January 1977 a seriously. On behalf of the Government, letter was received by a Fisheries super­ I am discussing the matter with the Lord intendent alleging that the vessel of the Mayor of the city of Brisbane. writer had been rammed and that he, the writer, would be carrying a rifle for his 26. RESTRICTIONS ON BOATING PATROL own protection in future. This matter was OFFICERS investigated, but no evidence was obtained Mr. Lamont, pursuant to notice, asked the which would substantiate the preferment Minister for Tourism and Marine Services- of any charge. ( 1) Is he aware of a departmental (2) No. instruction dated 23 July 1975 under the signature of Mr. G. Price, Superintendent 28. INQUIRY INTO SECONDARY Sc!'!OOL of Queensland Boating and Fisheries SYSTEM Patrol, forbidding patrol officers from Mr. Lamont, pursuant to notice, asked carrying out inspections and, if necessary, the Minister for Education and Cultural seizures on railway platforms? Activities- (2) Does he recognise that this instruc­ ( 1) Has he noted from news reports of tion has forced young patrol officers into 15 March that the Australian Labor Party Questions Upon Notice (16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice 2435

has followed my lead in seeking sub­ Answer:- missions from the people of Queensland ( I and 2) The specific information sought or advice on changes preferred by by the honourable member for Archerfield parents and employers to the secondary­ concerning the nature of valuations under­ school system? taken by certain persons on behalf of the (2) Does he agree that the time is Queensland Permanent Building Society well overdue for the needs and desires and the amount paid in valuation fees is of the people to be given greater con­ not on record in the office of the Registrar sideration in education planning, which of Building Societies. to date has been dominated by educa­ tionists who apparently believe that they and they alone have the God-given right Mr. K. J. Hooper, pursuant to notice, to determine education values, standards asked the Minister for Works and Housing- and goals in education in Queensland? (1) What are the rates of interest being (3) Will he consider establishing a new charged to borrowers by the Queensland committee of inquiry to give the secondary­ Pe];manent Building Society? school system a complete overhaul with (2) Why has this society introduced a a view to adopting a system having the tiered system o:f interest rates for loans of best of the present system modified by the different sizes? best of the system it replaced, with no more than half the membership of such a (3) Have any other societies intro­ conimittee being educationists and the duced this tiered-rate system? remainder of the complement being made ( 4) Is he watching the operation of the up of representatives of the professions and system to ensure that borrowers are not employer and employee organisations? discriminated against? Answers:- Answers:- (1) I am aware of the recent comments ( 1) Current borrowers' interest rates of the Opposition spokesman on Education charged by Queensland Permanent Build­ regarding this subject. I am also aware ing Society are as follows:- of the views of the honourable member, who has expressed them from time to Range Owner- Non-Owner- time as a member of my parliamentary Occupied Occupied education committee. (2) I have always given ample oppor­ tunity to people representing parents, in­ $0-$24,999 12·5percent 13·5 per cent dustry and commerce to put forward ·their views concerning education planning. $25,000-$39,000 13 per cent 14 per cent These views are expressed in correspond­ ence to me or my department or by the $40,000-$49,999 13·5 per cent 14· 5 per cent individual members of committees who represent these groups. I shall continue the Over $50,000 By negotiation practice of encouraging such groups to make their views known and I can assure the honourable member that these views In the case of new loans, if in respect will be given full consideration. of a pay-out of an existing mortgage an additional t per cent is charged. (3) The setting up of such a committee would of course be a matter for Cabinet. (2) The society is obviously following I do not believe -the time is appropriate the established practice which exists in to set up another committee of inquiry other States throughout Australia in into secondary education. However, I am introducing a tiered system of interest committed to continuing modifications rates for loans of differing values. The arising out of our experience in administer­ society has claimed that a tiered system ing the system. is more equitable to the majority of bor­ rowers than a system based on average interest rates applicable to all. 29, 30 QUEENSLAND PERMANENT (3) Yes. and 31. BUILDING SoCIETY (4) Yes. Mr. K. J. Hooper, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Works and Housing- ( 1) Further to my question of 10 March Mr. K. J. Hooper, pursuant to notice, concerning the directors of the Queensland asked the Minister for Works and Housing- PeJ'manent Building Society, what was the ( 1) Why has the Queensland Permanent nature of the valuations undertaken by Building Society introduced a 1 per Messrs. Olsen and Postle? cent levy on its borrowers who fall more (2) How much was paid by the society than two months in arrears with their to these directors or to the companies repayments? with which they are associated for under­ (2) Have any other societies introduced taking the valuations? this charge? 2436 Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice

(3) What action will the Government Answer:- take to ensure that borrowers suffering Some preliminary planning for a police temporary hardship are not thrown out of district based on Emerald has been carried their homes because of this charge? out and the project, including the aspect ( 4) What other levies are imposed by of housing, is still under consideration. the society on borrowers in arrears?

33. NEW UNIFORMS FOR QUEENSLAND Answers:- POLICE OFFICERS ( 1) I am given to understand that the basic reasons for the introduction of a Mr. Lester, pursuant to notice, asked the 1 per cent levy on loan repayments more Minister for Police- that two months in arrears are:- ( 1) WiH action .be taken to issue police­ To control the number and extent of men and policewomen in this State with arrears which normally occur with a new, improved uniforms using Queensland­ financial institution of this type; grown cotton and wool, as the present uni­ forms are heavy and the hats do not pro­ To offset the often substantial proces­ tect the face sufficiently and have many sing costs involved in following up other irregularities? arrears of repayments; and (2) Will an effort be made, in unison To deter borrowers from casually with the Health Department, to clinically breaking contract arrangements with work out the most healthy and comfort­ respect to their mortgage repayments. able uniform? Under mortgage insurance agreements societies are obliged to take remedial actio~ Answer:- where arrears exceed the equivalent of (1 and 2) The Commissioner of Police two months' repayments and to formally has arranged for all aspects of uniform report cases exceeding four months. I issues to members of the Police Force to ~nderstand that similar levies are imposed be examined by a committee with a view to m other States and in one particular effecting improvements wherever possible. instance at a higher level than that appli­ Expert technical and other relevant advice cable to Queensland Permanent Building will be sought before recommendations Society. for any changes are made. It is my inten­ tion, before any finalisation is reached, to (2) Yes. have a close look at the suggestions myself. ( 3) The management of the Queensland I favour a uniform that a policeman would Permanent Building Society has given want to wear and a uniform for police­ assurances that in genuine case of hard­ women that is both serviceable and one ship special arrangements will be made of which we could be proud. with the particular borrower and, if neces­ sary, the loan renegotiated on terms more favourable to the mortgagor. 34. CHILD-BASHING ( 4) Where equivalent value of one­ Mr. Lester, pursuant to notice, asked the month arrears occurs, the society dis­ Minister for Health- patches a reminder notice to the borrower. ( 1) What action can be taken in Irrespective of the amount of arrears Queensland by a doctor to help a child involved, a charge of $5 is levied for who he knows is being bashed severely the recovery of administrative costs by the parents? incurred in checking financial records and (2) What can a doctor do when he correspondence. knows that a parent is sex;ually molesting his children? If payment is not made within a further two weeks, a second reminder notice is (3) Are there any moves afoot to help dispatched, which also attracts a $5 levy. these affected children and to counsel guilty If arrears amount to the equivalent of parents with a view to helping them over­ two months' repayments, a third notice is come their malicious problem? forwarded attracting a $10 levy and con­ Dr. EDWARDS: I should like to thank the taining notification that if no payment is honourable member for his interest in this made within the next 30 days the addi­ matter. As with his interest in the develop­ tional 1 per cent charge will be levied until ment of distinctive number-plates for all arrears are eliminated. Queensland motor vehicles and the promo­ tion of the Queensland flag, he has again brought forward a matter that is of great 32. PoLICE DISTRICT FOR CENTRAL HIGHLANDS importance. I now read the prepared answer. Mr. Lester, pursuant to notice, asked the Answer:- Minister for Police- ( 1 to 3) There exists in Queensland a In view of the huge population growth Co-ordinating Committee on Child Abuse, of the Central Highlands, will he establish on which are represented the Department a police district in the area and have of Children's Services, the Health Depart­ adequate housing provided? ment through the Director of Maternal and Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice 2437

Child Health, the Police Department and Answer:- two paediatricians, one from each of the This matier was incorrectly reported in major metropolitan children's hospitals, the Press. The serious vandalism referred who co-ordinate cases of child abuse to was not in a national park, and the which come to the notice of the hospital. damage was in fact caused to the excellent This committee has been formed to provide facilities pro,ided by my Department of an effective service so that all Government departments involved can respond quickly Forestry in its Camp Mountain recrea­ and efficiently if cases of child abuse tion area. occur. This recreation area lies within a very In the metropolitan area if a case of large area of forested country which I child abuse is referred to a doctor in hope will be developed as the Brisbane private practice, he should immediately Forest Park by co-operation between the refer it to one of the major metropolitan State Government and the Brisbane City children's hospitals. Once this happens, the CounciL We have had some very good case is referred as a matter of course to meetings on this subject with the council the Department of Children's Services, and I have reason to believe that the either so that the child can be taken into proposal will go ahead. the care of the Director of Children's Legislation is likely to be required to Services or so that the parents can be bring this to fruition, and the possibility counselled and given supportive services. of charging for admission will be given A person who fears a child is being due consideration. abused should contact the officer in charge of the Child Protection Unit, Department of Children's Services, which 37. KIDNEY DoNOR STICKER FOR DRIVING has been set up by the Government, under LICENCES the Minister for Community and Welfare Mrs. Kyburz, pursuant to notice, asked the Services, for this specific purpose. I should Minister for Transport- be pleased if this were given publicity ( 1) Is he aware that all licences issued throughout the community. in Victoria are now accompanied by a The sexual molestation of children, if card saying that kidney transplants are this is proven, would be regarded as com­ urgently awaited and anyone who wishes ing within the category of physical abuse to be a donor should attach a sticker to of children and the matter should be the licence? reported either to the police or to the (2) As the need for healthy kidneys Department of Children's Services. is so urgent, will he consider the intro­ duction of such a card and sticker in 35. REPORT ON WOOD-CHIP PROPOSALS Queensland? Mrs. Kyburz, pursuant to notice, asked Answers:- the Minister for Lands, Forestry, National (1) I am not aware of the full details Parks and Wildlife Service- of the recent scheme for kidney donors When will members of Parliament be to which the honourable member has privileged to read the report of the inter­ drawn attention, but it appears to be departmental committee convened in 1975 similar to proposals for a Queensland to investigate wood-chip proposals? scheme which was carefully examined several years ago. Answer:- (2) Having regard to all the circum­ My Forestry Department was represented stances, including administration difficulties on the interdepartmental advisory com­ for the issue of donor cards with renewed mittee convened in 1975 to investigate driver licences either in respect of kidney proposals to establish a wood-chip industry. or other organ transplants, approval could However, as the committee was convened not be given as it was considered at that by the Co-ordinator General, any requests time that driver licences were not the dealing with matters considered by the appropriate document to carry this or committee should be directed to the similar information. Co-ordinator General's Department. However, in view of the honourable member's interest I am only too happy to have the matter further investigated. 36. VANDALISM IN CAMP MOUNTAIN RECREATION AREA 38. ATHERTON TABLELAND RAIL SERVICES Mrs. Kyburz, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Lands, Forestry, National Mr. Armstrong, pursuant to notice, asked Parks and Wildlife Service- the Minister for Transport- Foliowing the disgusting vandalism of ( 1) Is he aware of rumours circulating facilities in Camp Mountain National Park, on the Atherton Tableland that the rail will he now consider the introduction of services are to be curtailed and that the admission charges to defray the cost of Atherton area will be served from providing such facilities? Mareeba? 2438 Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice

(2) As there is concern amongst the For the ~nformation of the honourable customers of the railways, could he inform member, I would point OIUt that 'the the House if any alteration to the rail monthly series ·to which he refers is com­ services is contemplated? piled on a national but not a State basis. A more limited set of statistics is, how­ Answers:­ ever, produced by the Australian Bureau (!) No. of Statistics covering a selected number of (2) No. commodities produced in Queensland. This series, which is published under the title 39. TENDERS FOR NEW BLOCK AT GLENMORE of ''Monthly Summary of Statistics­ HIGH ScHOOL, NoRTH RocKHAMPTON Queensland", can he obtained from the Pav!iamentary Library. Mr. Yewdaie, pursuant to notke, asked the Minister for Works and Housing- ( 1) Did his department call tenders for 41. EUROPEAN CARP the construction of a new block at the Glenmore High School, North Rockhamp­ Mr. Turner, pursuant to notice, asked ton? the Minister for Aboriginal and Islanders Advancement and Fisheries- (2) Was this block described as "Block J" and defined as a "music block"? Will he indicate what steps are being (3) Did tenders close in October 1976 undertaken to control or eradicate Euro­ and, if so, what decision has been made pean carp in south-western rivers and regarding the tenders received? streams? ( 4) Did the tender include work relating Answer:- to the extension of the toilets to provide showers? Experience in other States would indi­ (5) Can he give any indication as to cate the eradication of the introduced when this work will commence? species, European carp as virtually impossible; therefore, approval in prin­ Answer:- ciple has been given rto the emablishment of an industry in western Queensland to (! to 5) Tenders dosing on 26 October supply interstate manufacturers of pet 1976 were invited for the erection of a food and fish bait, which will create music building at the Glenmore State High employment opportunities as well as con­ School. This building will also contain tribute to control of this pest fish. accommodation for a ·casualty clinic and a staff room as well as boys and girls show­ Guarantees and safeguard!S will be ers and change areas. required that any such enterprise would This project is reviewed from time to be effective only against the European time in relation to available finance but carp and not damaging to native species. no indication can be given at this juncture In New South Wales, Victoria and South as to when work is likely to commence. Australia over 600 000 kilograms of Jn the meant~me alternative accommoda­ European carp are harvested annually for tion is being used. bait and pet food.

40. MONITORING OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Mr. Yewdale, pursuant to notice, asked 42. REPORT ON WOOL TOPS FACTORY FOR the Minister for Industrial Development, WESTERN QUEENSLAND Labour Relations and Consumer Affairs-- Mr. Turner, pursuant to notice, asked ( 1) Does he monitor industrial produc­ the Minister for Primary Industries-- tion in Queensland? When will the findings of the firm of (2) If so, what is the level of production consultants conducting a feasibility study for each of the 32 items in the Com­ into the possibility of constructing a wool­ monwealth Statistician's list of selected tops-making factory in Western Queensland production indicators for each month of be released to Cabinet? 1976 and January and February of 1977? (3) What is the seasonally adjusted Answer:- figure for each? A study on the location and viability Answer:- of a wool-processing plant in Queensland has been completed by consultants on (1 to 3) The Department of Commercial behalf of the Department of Commercial and Industrial Development carefully and Industrial Development and my reviews a:H statistical bulletins issued bv department. the Australian Bureau of Statistks and such other governmental authorities as compile It is expected their report will be material relating to various aspects of finalised by the end of March and sub­ manufacturing industry. mitted to Cabinet early in April 1977. Questions Without Notice [16 MARCH 1977] Matters of Public Interest 2439

43. NEW RESIDENCE FOR SCHOOL DEPUTY to close? What action will the State Gov­ PRINCIPAL, CHARLEVILLE ernment take to ensure that normally viable Mr. Turner, pursuant to notice, asked the small businesses do not fail owing to the Minister for Works and Housing- Federal Government's credit squeeze? When will the new deputy principal's Mr. KNOX: I am not aware of the pre­ residence be constructed at Charleville? cise arrangements relating to overdraft limits. I know that a number of people have Answer:- received advice of restriction of overdraft Due to the honourable member's repre­ limits. Presumably that is a private matter sentations, it is anticipated that this resi­ between those people and their banks. dence will be completed in about 12 As to the prospec,ts of bankruptcy, and weeks' time. so on-I do not believe that in this State small businesses generally are facing such QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE a situation. Indeed, all indications in the figures available to me as late as yesterday ELECTORAL REDISTRIBUTION are that small businesses in Queensland are in a much beNer position to meet any prob­ Mr. BURNS: I ask the Deputy Premier lems in the economy than are small bus­ and Treasurer: In view of the alarming inesses in New South Wales under a Labor s'tatement in "The Courier-Mail" today that Government. the National Party has already produced three maps before the proposed redistribution inquiry begins, will he, as the Liberal part­ ADDITIONAL POWER STATION IN CENTRAL ner in what he termed a balanced coalition, QUEENSLAND arrange to have any such maps tabled in Mr. HARTWIG: I ask the Minister for this Parliament so that they can be compared Mines and Energy: In view of a long record with the end result of any redistribution? of apparent industrial troubles at the Glad­ Will he also, to allay public fears that the stone super powerhouse, and as I have always National Party is about to engage in another argued in this House that no Government electoral rort, give the House an assurance should place all its power generation in one that the Liberal Party will adhere firmly to basket, would he give due consideration to its policy that a Supreme Court judge should erecting another power station in Central head the electoral commission? Queensland or to enlarging existing ones such as Callide or Rockhampton, where ample Mr. KNOX: The legislation under which water and millions of tons of cheap coal a redistribution can take place at any time are available, which would save the transport is the 1971 Act, which members of the costs associated with getting coal to Opposition at that time were not able to Gladstone? convince the democratically elected members on this side of the House should be changed. Mr. CAMM: The Electricity Commission is When-and if-a redistribution is conducted, always looking for sites for future power it is the privilege, and indeed the right, of stations. At the present time it is calling any person or group of people in the com­ tenders for the supply of coal for a power munity to submit suggestions to that tribunal. station that will be built within the next No doubt many maps will be submitted to 10 years. We are all aware of the large the tribunal if a redistribution takes place coal deposits in Central QueenslanJ. At in this State. the present time the Electricity Commission All we hope is that we never again have is undertaking a large drilling pro;Sramme a situation in which, as occurred when the in the Bowen Basin to ascertain the qualities Labor Party was in office in this State, no and quantities of coal in the area. Now maps are produced and that we do not see that we have an assured water supply in printed finally a set of maps showing half Central Queensland from the Fairbairn Dam the electorates in Queensland in the shape and the various weirs on the Mackenzie of dumb-bells or great long elongated River, the area mentioned by the honourable shapes going for miles in a certain direction member will be taken into consideration to take out little pieces of territory. The when the planning for a new power station A.L.P. even went to the extent of not is under way. taking off the rolls the names of people who were in the cemetery. MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTEREST

OVERDRAFT LIMITS, QUEENSLAND BANKS PRESERVATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY; REFERENDUM PROPOSALS Mr. BURNS: I ask the Deputy Premier and Treasurer: Is he aware that Queensland Mr. PORTER (Toowong) (12 noon): At banks are restricted to allowing only about present there would appear to be substantial $14,000,000 a week of new overdraft limits? pressure for the removal of all our links with Is he aware that this will prevent many England, for the termination of a constitu­ small businesses from obtaining temporary tional monarchy and for the introduction of finance for tax payments due at the end an Australian republic. In the wake of the of the financial year, to the extent that visit by the Queen and her husband it is they will be either bankruputed or forced pertinent to examine a proposition which 2440 Matters of Public Interest (16 MARCH 1977] Matters of Public Interest would change so much so irrevocably that we espouses. It is also notorious for undue would need to be very sure indeed of what weighting given to Melbourne and Sydney we were doing before we embarked on such industrial suburbs and for its indifference to a course. sampling outside capital cities. The Morgan Did the Royal visit actually disclose any Gallup poll (whose reliability is respected strong demand for a republic? Do a sizeable even by Labor people) conducted last Sep­ number of Australians want to cut the British tember showed that three of every £our Aus­ painter, deny their origins, reject their Mon­ tralians were flatly opposed to a republic. arch and, instead, pay homage to a new We should also ask just what is at issue style of elected local head of State? when we discuss the merits of our present system and the republican alternative. Is it I said "there would appear to be substan­ merely the minor differences between two tial pressure" for the notion of a republic, basically similar forms of self-government? and the appearance is a dim one at that. Indeed it is not! Never fall for that siren Even the most one-eyed critic could not sug­ song. The systems are utterly different and gest that there is such republican fervour anyone who tells us that it would be better around that the Royal couple are being to have a Jimmy Carter-type figure as head received in Australia with hostility or disdain, of State rather than a British Sovereign or, for that matter, even indifference. On the either is clearly not right in the head or is contrary there is such warmth in the mass deliberately acting against our best interests. welcomes that it goes far beyond any expec­ The two systems are worlds apart. tations of the tour's organisers. What we enjoy in Australia by virtue of Whilst a few are frantically beating the our British heritage is the greatest, the long­ republican drum and attacking the Sover­ est and the most consistently successful essay eign's impartiality by implying partiality on in political liberty that has been recorded the part of her representative, the Governor­ in the whole of world history. Little by little, General, the Royal visit has been a triumph. with many setbacks and adjustments, there It has been a triumph for common sense emerged in Britain a system of law and legal and tradition, a triumph provided by the processes that was strong but elastic, which hundreds of thousands of ordinary people protected the humble and yet restrained the expressing unmistakably their feelings and Monarch, and which by dint of development attitudes, which stand in very sharp contra­ and concensus became proof against all the distinction to those attitudes touted by over­ efforts by tyrants to dispose of it, or to rated authors, disgruntled politicians, super­ bypass it. ficial journalists and addled academics. The peculiar-indeed, unique-British cap­ No media mention could be complete acity to make great change without totally without comment on the A.B.C.'s "This Day denying the fruits of history is nowhere Tonight" show. Nobody could have watched better seen than in the creation of Parlia­ it over the past two weeks without having ment, with its triple components of Crown, its bias thrust down his throat. Bias from Lords and Commons. This system, in one professionals is bad enough, but when it is form or another, has been adopted over the expressed in crude terms of undergraduate entire civilized world. It is notable that the cartoon lampooning it becomes not only British even when twice they dethroned a irritating, but also nauseating. That A.B.C. tyrannical King and Parliament recognised team warrants a good shake-up not just his successor, had the infinite wisdom to because of its interminable bias, but mainly preserve the continuity of a strong Royal because of its consistent vulgarity and stupid­ Government. I believe that our historic system of checks and balances operating ity. It does no good to the profession of journalism. through the processes of constitutional mon­ archy provides insuperable obstacles to what Does the evidence show that Australian has been well described as "the infinite people are moving to seek an end to our audacity of elected persons." present system, with a republic put in its With a Monarch as head of the realm, the place? I challenge anyone to show me any State is not endangered because someone at such evidence at all. Organised rallies by the top seeks to serve insatiable ambition. the frenetic faithful are evidence of nothing After all, what ambition could there be for but the pathetic lack of logic from the few a Monarch born to rule and trained from mad nmllahs. But the evidence to the con­ childhood to subjugate self in the acceptance trary, that is, that Australians do not want of duty and responsibility? The only ambi­ a republic, is overwhelming. The annihilation tion, I would think, would be to lay down of Labor in 1975, after it had been reluc­ the heavy burden. tantly forced to the polls by the Governor­ But an elected president is a man of raging General's dismissal of it, is an unanswerable ambition, or he would not have sought the part of that evidence. role in the first place. Because of the inevit­ I know that we will probably be told of able elective processes he will have many the survey commissioned by the A.B.C. and a obligations that, once successful, he must Left-wing weekly journal purporting to fulfil. Anyone who does not believe that show a small majority of people favouring should look at the composition of the Ameri­ a republic. But that was an ANOP survey, can Cabinet. Anyone who doubts that should which is notorious for its consistent over­ look at presidents around the world in the valuing of Labor and the causes Labor context of contemporary history. Matters of Public Interest [16 MARCH 1977] Matters of Public Interest 2441

The great safeguard of a constitutional of a franchise agreement between the State monarchy is that, within it, total power and Darra Exploration Pty. Ltd. I shall return resides with no-one. The elected persons to that matter later in my speech. have not got it, thank God. The Sovereign has not got it. But in the emergency of To start at the beginning-Darra Explor­ crisis, only the Sovereign can send the issue ation planned to mine and remove the rich back to its only valid area of determination, fertile soil from the best of the farming the people, for a decision by free vote of land in the Bracewell/Mt. Larcom district. free men. This would cause a great loss of various farm products and would put off the land Whilst the Queen is Queen of England, many families who have farmed it for years. and our Queen, no potential traitor can Evidence was presented to a Mining War­ become sole head of the Army, no satanic den's Court in Gladstone but unfortunately destroyer can become sole head of the the warden's report has never been made Church, no psychotic can become sole head public in full. This is one report that of State. The concept of a republic, so fever­ should be released as there is a cloud of ishly promoted by the Left and their gaggle doubt over its contents. of clever-clever talkers, would deny us all those safeguards won over 2,000 years of The people of Queensland realise that there struggle, martyrdom and compromise. No must be progress and industries but they wonder people will cry, not only from residual will not tolerate underhand and back-door loyalty but also because of the need to safe­ agreements. The farmers are entitled to guard essential political liberties, "God save know all that is going on and what is the Queen"-and cry much more fervently, being done with the land and they want to in view of our political history over the last know that what is being done is in the few years, "God save the Queen of Aus­ best interests of all rather than a local tralia!" company controlled by another company in I conclude by referring briefly to the Fed­ Switzerland. The people at Bracewell are eral Government's proposed referendum. Just living a life of uncertainty, not knowing as I oppose any diminution of our constitu­ when they will be asked to move from their tional monarchy because its existence is the farms or how much they can expect to surest protection against the insatiable ambi­ receive in compensation for being put out of tions of power-hungry demagogues, so for business. The Coughlans, for instance, have the same basic reasons I oppose the refer­ been offered $126 for 3 ha of valuable endum proposals. We do not want the Fed­ farming land. If that is any indication of eral system further impaired and the Senate the compensation to be paid, the farmers downgraded, with even more power shifted will not be receiving very much. I believe to Canberra. What we said was wrong and that the company paid $1,200 per ha for sinister in presenting the "No" case in 1974 land in the Targinnie area. when Mr. Whitlam presented the questions Let the company come clean with these is just as wrong and sinister today when Mr. people right along the line because they Fraser proposes them. have been given a pretty raw deal. Why We bitterly attacked the Whitlam pro­ is the Government protecting this company? posals as deceitful and dangerous. Now that Is it because a certain concern connected they have become Fraser proposals, is it to with it gives very generously to National be advanced that they have somehow become Party campaign funds? acceptable, that we were lying in an attempt to con the people in 1974, that what was Now let me outline what the Govern­ black three years ago has now miraculously ment is doing to take away the powers of become white? I could answer in the words local authorities in the area. Loss of these of Eliza Doolittle in Shaw's play "Pygmal­ powers will allow the company to go ahead ion", but I content myself by saying, "Not with its plans without meeting the require­ for me!" ments on which the local authorities insist. Finally, I want to say that I will fight this These requirements are in the best interests referendum-if it is held-tooth and nail, of all persons in those areas. Local author­ publicly and privately, confident that in so ities must ensure that pollution and noise doing I will be voicing the fervent determin­ nuisance are not permitted. They must ations of the overwhelming majority of also ensure, by calling for objections to people in this State. such activity in their areas, that the rights of the people are preserved. They also have the right to ask companies of this size FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN STATE AND to assist them to finance works that will be DARRA ExPLORATION Prr. Lm.; MINING required because of the company's develop­ AT TANNUM SANDS ments. Mr. PREST (Port Curtis) (12.10 p.m.): I rise to speak on a matter that is of interest We now hear that silica is to be mined to not only my electorate but all of Queens­ and extracted from the sand at Tannum land because if the type of Government Sands. This is, I am certain, news to us action to which I am about to refer is to all. At least it is news to the people be allowed to continue, what is happening in that area. I am quite sure that there in my electorate could occur in other areas. would be objections from them if it were My interest is in the appointment by Cabinet known that sand-mining at Tannum Sands of a committee to investigate the possibility was proposed. 2442 Matters of Public Interest [16 MARCH 1977] Matters of Public Interest

Why these underhand and so-secret agree­ available. For years we in the West have ments? Let the Government come out into been putting up with eggs coming from the the open and allow the authorities closest south-east corner of the State that are some­ to the people to have a say on what is times four to six weeks old, whereas the to be required. I believe it is true that Board has now instituted a system under the worst air pollution monitored comes which it sets down a life of only 21 days from the plant of the cement company at for eggs throughout Queensland. I quote Darra. We want clean industries which from the Queensland Agricultural Journal will play ball with local authorities to ensure of July 1974, which states- that there is not a repetition of the Fraser "From the time an egg is laid, its Island incident. In that case a company, internal quality begins to deteriorate." after spending big money, was closed down and men were thrown out of work because Mr• .iones: Are those eggs date-stamped? the plant did not come up to expectations. Mr. BERTONI: I will come to that in a Let us therefore hear objections and have moment. them all dealt with now. Local authorities do a good job and they should not be over­ The eggs that are arriving in Mt. Isa are ridden by any franchise agreement. quite stale; the yolks are enlarged and fiat and break easily when cooking, and the We were told last year that the bridge and surrounding white is watery and weak. If road-works to connect Gladstone and Fisher­ anyone wishes to deny what I have said. man's Landing, where the plant is to be the "Queensland Agricultural Journal" of built, were to be given a very high priority. July 1974 gives clear examples of what eggs So they should have been. Unfortunately we are now told that the bridge is still should be like when they are broken open. in the planning stage and that the com­ Mr. Casey: It's your Government's fault. mittee that is investigating the franchise agreement will at some time or other speak Mr. BERTONI: The honourable member with the local authority concerned. If this should not worry about our Government. bridge had been built before tenders were The average buyer would naturally rather called for any construction work on the have eggs that are fresh; but they are virtually plant, there could have been a 25 per cent impossible to obtain in Mt. Isa because saving on building costs. Men and materials of the stranglehold that the board has in have to be transported 40 or 50 miles by that area. It has at least 85 per cent of road from Gladstone through Yarwun to the local market simply because it controls Targinnie. If the bridge had been con­ the hen-quota system that operates in the structed first, there wonld have been direct northern and north-western areas of the State. access to the site involving a distance of The majority of people do not want second­ only six or eight miles. This would have rate eggs. For the last seven years, the saved a lot of money. Now we will have Mt. Isa Hospital, for instance, has chosen to accommodate the work-force at Fisher­ local eggs instead of Egg Marketing Board man's Landing, which will ultimately result eggs. The housekeeper at the hospital says in a great increase in the cost of the plant. that the Egg Marketing Board eggs are never The point I am getting at today is that as fresh as the local ones. She says that this Government has set uo a committee to the board eggs are pale, runny and look investigate a franchise agreement between unappetising to the patients. She also says it and the company. As I said previously, that with a local supply they never have local authorities do a very good job, and to worry about running out of stocks and when industries such as clinker plants or that the eggs are always fresh. For that cement plants are established in an area, same reason the chief cpok at Mount Jsa the local authority should have the final say Mines prefers local eggs. He claims that because it is the arm of government closest Egg Marketing Board eggs have a "stale" to the people and will look after their or "freezer" taste. interests. We therefore ask that the Govern­ The Egg Marketing Board claims that ment looks seriously at the objections of the egg quality is one of its priority concerns, local authority before entering into this and. admits that it has been having problems agreement. with ageing. It was reported in the board's February 1976 newsletter that two board officers who recently surveyed the outer­ EGG MARKETING PROBLEMS IN NoRTH-WEST area markets indicated that eggs have been QUEENSLAND arriving at outer-area destinations in what Mr. BERTONI (Mt. Isa) (12.17 p.m.): The was almost coyly described as "a less attrac­ problem I wish to bring before the House tive condition than was originally the case." today is one that has been simmering in An effort has been made to improve the North-west Queensland for many years. quality of eggs throughout Queensland, and North Queensland egg producers have com­ in January 1977 the board introduced the plained for years that the Queensland Egg open-dating of egg cartons-a very good idea. Marketing Board has been trying to squeeze It meant, of course, that cartons would have them out of business. Northern consumers a date stamped on them so that consumers are being forced to purchase low-quality, could see at a glance the date by which the stale eggs from the board because only a board believed the eggs should be used and small number of locally produced eggs are whether they were fresh eggs of good quality. Matters of Public Interest [16 MARCH 1977] Matters of Public Interest 2443

In its February newsletter the board Whereas a northern egg producer supplies welcomed the new open-dating system. It 3.33 dozen eggs annually per head of popula­ said- tion, the producer in the south-eastern division ". . . particularly from the viewpoint floods the market with 17.5 dozen eggs of the pressure that it will put on all parties annually per head of population. These concerned with the marketing of eggs figures are taken from the Queensland Gov­ (including the Board and its Officers) to ernment Gazette. It is about time the Mini­ ensure that there is no delay in the pro­ ster for Primary Industries took more notice gress of eggs from the farm to the of members representing northern and north­ consumer." western areas and tried to eliminate some But, as I shall demonstrate, the board's of the ideas of the Egg Marketing Board and concern was totally hypocritical and false. the Hen Quota Committee. The members The next line of the article said- of those bodies are only feathering their own nests. "With an exercise such as this, it was only to be expected that difficulties would Let me give a typical example of what is occur, hut happily they were overcome happening in the North. In the Innisfail as they came to light." area there was a property on which there were 18,000 hens. The farmer sold the Yes, they were overcome all right-easily! property and the person who purchased it The Egg Marketing Board decided that it thought he would take over the hen quota. could not market the eggs in North Queens­ The Egg Marketing Board and the Hen land or North-west Queensland within 21 Quota Committee said, "No, you can't have days. It then had three options open to it: the hen quota." They took it from the to air freight eggs to northern and north­ northern division. Where did it go? It was western areas, which, of course, would be either wiped out completely to reduce over­ far too costly; to advance the date on the production or was brought down to the south­ cartons beyond 21 days, because consumers east corner. would not know that that had been done; In another instance in North Queensland, or-and this was the ideal solution-to a farmer in the Mackay area was given a remove the expiry date from any egg cartons basic quota of 6,000 hens. He then received that went west of Charleville or to North­ a letter from the board saying that he west Queensland. That was the way in could have an additional 700 hens. After which the board overcame the problem, and purchasing the additional 700 and bringing his stale eggs are continually being sent from quota to 6,700, he was told by the Egg the south-east corner to northern and north­ Marketing Board or the Hen Quota Com­ western areas. Does anyone in this part mittee, "You can't have the extra 700. Kill of the State really care? Only members them." He had to kill the extra 700 so representing northern and north-wtstern that the production of eggs in the south-east areas really care what goes on in their own corner of the State could be kept going. areas as a result of the complete monopoly It is about time something was done of the Egg Marketing Board and the Hen about that sort of thing. This is only a Quota Committee in the south-east of the murmur. As long as I am a representative State. of the western areas, I will, with representa­ The Minister advised me recently that tives of the northern areas, continue to there are 50 egg produoers in the northern demand equality. We want our areas to division, 35 in the central division and 270 be self-sufficient. We want the northern in the southern division. He said also that division to supply the northern division. almost 32,000,000 dozen eggs were produced (Time expired.) in 197 5-7 6, of which the northern division produced almost 12 per cent, the central division about 6 per cent, and the southern ADVANTAGES OF THE MONARCHAL SYSTEM division 81.5 per cent. A large part of that 81.5 per cent is going north. Mr. W. D. HEWITI (Chatsworth) (12.36 p.m.): The occasion of the visit of the Queen Yesterday I asked in this Chamber how has once again shown us the warmth and many eggs were going to northern areas. spontaneity that her presence in the Aus­ I was told by the Minister that----quite tralian community generates. There is no conveniently, I believe-the figure could not discipline that forces people out into the be supplied, that it had to come out of the streets to acknowledge her presence. They are office. The Egg Marketing Board would motivated solely by a great warmth, a feel­ have the production figures available. ing of loyalty and an outpouring of empathy Mr. Jones: Despite the production of eggs towards her. We saw that during her recent visit to this State. We are all most blessed in the southern division, one of our producers that she has been able to occupy this role was fined $1,000. for 25 years. She has 111led it with great dis­ Mr. BERTONI: I agree with the honour­ tinction and honour. able member, and I shall come to that Because she is with us once again her later. presence has stimulated discussion on the As I said earlier, southern egg producers establishment of a republic in this nation and over-produce greatly, and northern egg pro­ debate upon the advantages and disadvantages ducers are subsidising that over-production. of a republic. There have been great rallies 2444 Matters of Public Interest [16 MARCH 1977] Matters of Public Interest

and many disputations, comments and col­ was the first to concede that the residual umns of print in the newspapers. The cul­ powers were very real and that the powers mination of it all was a rally in the Sydney could in fact be invoked. Town Hall where one of the principal It is to the great credit of this nation that speakers was the journalist Donald Home. in 77 years of federation those powers have I have no objection whatsoever to this activ­ been invoked on two occasions only. We ity. We live in an age where nothing is taken all hope that they may never have to be for granted and all things are brought under invoked, but we are strengthened in the know­ critical scrutiny and review. Indeed, it is ledge that they are there. What are some part of the Liberal philosophy itself, which says that there will be discussion, argument of those reserve powers-if one might try and dispute so that all things can be consid­ to put them down in very simplistic terms? ered and all points of view entertained. But The first is the power to intrude on behalf having said that I have no objection to those of the people. If the Monarch or her repre­ rallies taking place, I argue strongly with sentative thinks that the people's interest the propositions that are advanced-the pro­ must be protected and if there are valid positions that somehow or other the mon­ reasons why an intrusion must be made, that archy is now redundant, that it has no rele­ power is there. vance or appeal and that it should be replaced The second is the power to question the with a presidential system. To suggest that actions of the Government. I suppose it is it has no appeal is to close one's eyes to one of the niceties of government that when the spontaneous response that the presence the Governor meets his advisers each week of the Monarch in our country brings about. he does not automatically assent to every­ I am concerned that the republicans are thing that is presented to him. As the ulti­ expressing their viewpoint forcefully whereas mate power in the State, he must be satisfied those who support the monarchal system are on the documents that he is being asked to not likewise supporting their viewpoint, and attest we are being beaten in the market-place. It Thirdly, the Monarch or her representative is important that we get out in the market­ maintains the integrity of the Constitution place and defend the monarchal system not itself. on the basis of sheer sentiment or pomp and pageantry, but on the very important place Those who argue for a republic claim a that it commands in the political fabric of presidential system is clearly superior. I this nation. In an increasingly materialistic suppose the best example they cite to and cynical world, in personal terms I value strengthen their case is that of the United very much the tradition, the pageantry and States of America, which by all tests that the pomp which are part of the monarchal could be applied is a great democracy. No­ system. I have no objection to them what­ one would suggest to the contrary. But even soever, and long may they be sustained. in the United States of America the powers Indeed the Americans, in particular, look at that reside in the President alone are quite our monarchal system with a sense of envy. awesome. No-one would like to think that All the things they produce when they install in our form of government such powers their head of State every four years in no should reside in any one person. The Mon­ sense can touch it, and in no sense can they arch shares the powers; and there reside touch the greater meaning of the monarchal within the Monarch certain powers of in­ system. But it is not good enough merely to trusion. She is in clear distinction from the defend the monarchy on the basis of senti­ President of the United States. Neither she ment, pomp, pageantry or tradition. If we nor any head of her Government commands go out into the market-place and defend it, the single awesome powers that the President we must do so on the basis of the very real of the United States commands. value it is to us and the great safeguard it If we want to look at other presidential is to the many traditions that we adhere to very strongly. I would put it to the Assembly systems, we should recall that a president is today that the strengths of the monarchy, not removed from but is part of the political firstly, are the reserve powers that are resi­ fabric. Surely to goodness the worst example dent in it and, secondly, the ultimate powers we could cite is the recent episode in the that it denies to others. They are terribly sub-continent of India, where with the con­ important. nivance of the President of the day con­ stitutional processes were totally suspended For hundreds of years great scholars have and the constitution was pushed totally aside. argued about and debated the reserve powers That was made possible because the Presi­ of the monarchy. Indeed, even in these dent was part of and indeed a creature of advanced years of the 20th Century no clear the political system. The Monarch, on the definition has emerged. People are still uncer­ other hand, is not part of or a creature of tain about the extent of the reserve powers, the political system; she stands quite aside and it is probably not a bad thing that an from it. exact definition has not been laid down. And it probably should not be laid down. Let me relate some of the fundamental principles of our own domestic situation. We One of the most eminent scholars from are governed by the provisions of the Con­ the Left, Dr. Evatt, in his book "The King stitution Act, which .Jays down the procedures and Dominion Governors" dwelt long and of this House and determines the life of the hard upon this very proposition. Dr. Evatt Parliament itself. Suppose some autocratic Matters of Public Interest (16 MARCH 1977] Matters ofPublic Interest 2445

Government decided that the life of the Par­ almost 7 per cent. During the past 10 years liament should be extended and that elections over half of the producers in Queensland should not take place or should be delayed have left the industry, the total number fall­ indefinitely. To whom would the people have ing from about 10,000 to about 4,500. The recourse? The only person in this State to Queensland Government cannot blame the whom they could have recourse is the guard­ Whitlam Government for that. It happened ian of the State Constitution Act-the Gov­ over a period of 10 years while the industry ernor, acting on behalf of the Queen. It is was being controlled by the Queensland Gov­ those powers, which are all-important, that ernment. justify the monarchal system. Of the producers who are left in the There are those who labour under the indu&try, over 50 per cent are suppliers to false impression that Parliaments are elected the Brisbane Milk Board area, which is for three years and that they should enjoy supposedly a good and satisfactory market an unqualified guarantee that they will serve to supply. But that is not the case for the those three years. Nothing could be further remainder of the producers, who are in from the truth. The only principle that the areas in which there is no control other Australian Constitution or indeed our own than by quota allocations made by the fac­ Constitution Act lays down is that the max­ tories. They determine the quantity of milk imum life of a Parliament will be three that the producers will supply to ~he years. There is a world of difference between factories. that and a guaranteed life of three years. For any number of reasons the life of a To return to the Brisbane Milk Board area Parliament and a Government can be term­ -I point out that almost 2,000 producers inated. Labor theorists should look at the are supplying through various country life of the Gair Government, which was factories in the south-east corner of the elected in 1956 with a very healthly majority State. In addition, over 200 producers are and only some 12 months later the assurance classified by the Brisbane Milk Board as of three years meant nothing. About 12 direct suppliers. Those 200, while rep­ months after its election that Government was resenting less than 10 per cent of the sup­ defeated in this Chamber and despatched to pliers to the Brisbane Milk Board market, oblivion. I remind the House that that hap­ supply about 40 per cent of the Brisbane pened 20 years ago this coming August; we Milk Board's requirements, and the other approach our 20th anniversary. 2,000 share 60 per cent. That is hardly With the Monarch on our shores it is an equitable system. Some suppliers individ­ timely to think well of these important con­ ually provide 2 per cent of the Brisbane siderations and recognise that 'the monarchy milk market while the average country pro­ has never been an irrelevancy, certainly is ducer supplies only .03 per cent. But it is not outdated or outmoded and commands even worse when we look further into the an important part in the constitutional life picture and discover that, of 1the direct sup­ of this nation. While those residual powers pliers to the Brisbane market, 11 major are there, and while she has the authority suppliers provide about 20 per cent of the to exercise .them, we all sleep a little sounder overall requirement. These people are cer­ and we are all aware of the fact that no tainly very well off under the system. They other person can take these powers away. certainly should be considering the facts I repeat that the great strengths of .the that I have presented. monarchy are those powers that reside in her Recently the Government set up an inquiry and those powers which, in consequence, are into milk-marketing in the south-east Queens­ denied to others. land area, but it has not accepted the recom­ mendations of that committee of inquiry. QUOTAS IN BRISBANE MILK BOARD AREA Instead, it has adopted its own system-a Mr. CASEY (Mackay) (12.37 p.m.): I rise system under which all Brisbane Milk Board to express some remarks about the very quotas are reduced by 5 per cent and a grave plight of the dairy indu:>1try in Queens­ payment of $200 a gallon compensation is land. Its organisation from the Government made to those whose quotas are reduced. point of view has, I believe, the political Rich and poor alike-the biggest suppliers implications of a Watergate cover-up and and the small, struggling suppliers-lose 5 the financial overtones of a minor Lockheed per cent. Despite the implication of the scandal. Minister for Primary Industries in the House Most honourable members have a hazy today in answer to a question from me, idea of the manner in which the dairy that was definitely not the recommendation industry is organised. The whole key ~o it of the committee. He deliberately misled concerns quotas and their allocation. The the House by trying to indicate that this system of allocation in Queensland is across-the-board reduction of 5 per cent shrouded in mystery. A few privileged was a recommendation of the committee producers are earning up to $200,000 a year of inquiry. It was not. The recommenda­ in the industry but a large propor.tion of tion of the committee of inquiry was made producers are on or below the poverty line. on an entirely different basis. The Minister In the past 12 months 300-odd producers has accepted only a very small portion of left 1the industry for all time. That is equal that recommendation, and I believe that, to about one every day. In the same period for his own particular reasons, he deliberately Queensland's milk production increased by misled the House this morning. 2446 Matters of Public Interest [16 MARCH 1977] Matters of Public Interest

Many of the poorer producers, who will that a favoured few, who are prominent in also lose 5 per cent, are on the poverty line. the National Party, are gaining the advan­ Some of them are supplying only some 22 tages. No wonder they want to sack the gallons a day to the Brisbane market. They Minister! If they want to sack him, they will still lose 5 per cent. On the other hand, must sack the Premier as well, because the 11 very rich suppliers will not even feel in this House the other day he backed the the pinch-and, as I have mentioned, the Minister 100 per cent on his handling of income of some of them is in the vicinity the dairying industry. of $200,000 annually. Under this system, as soon as things get back to normal, many This is where the smell of a Lockheed­ producers will return to the levels of their type scandal enters the picture. Allegations previous quotas. In addition, they will have been made that sums of up to $10.000 have in their pockets a cash bonus of $200 have been donated to the National Party by for each gallon they lose under the 5 per some big direct suppliers to tl1e Brisbane cent reduction. milk market in order to obtain additional quotas. Judging by the figures I have quoted Modified and special milks are not included today, it is very worth while for them to do in the figure that is being worked on. I that. Is it any wonder that they can do that, believe that they should be, because they considering the money that is available? In are beginning to constitute a significant pro­ many other areas of the State, prominent portion of the overall Brisbane market. local National Party officials and major party At the end of January the consumption donors are well looked after under the quota of the Brisbane milk market represented 105.8 system. That is a well-known and estab­ per cent of existing minimum quotas. There­ lished fact in the dairying industry. Is it fore, in actual fact, the big suppliers will any wonder that dairy farmers, who are lose nothing under this scheme. Five per among Queensland's hardest-working family cent is being taken from them, but they are groups, are asking what it is all about? already supplying 5 per cent over the mini­ mum quotas. The nett result is that they I challenge the Government today to set will retain their quotas. At least two of up a judicial inquiry into the dairying the suppliers will finish up with a $20,000 industry, that is, one presided over by a cash bonus in their pockets. judge, to investigate the quota and marketing systems and to report to Parliament. If the What will it mean to the 600 producers Government has nothing to hide, it should in the Wide Bay, Burnett and Mary Valley not fear such an inquiry. I promise the areas who are hoping to get access to the dairying industry of Queensland that a Labor Brisbane market? Only 2,860 gallons or Government will immediately set up such an less than 5 gallons per day each is available. inquiry and that its findings will be used as At approximately 50c extra a gallon, all the basis for a new system of quota alloca­ they will get out of it will be $2.50 a tions in Queensland which will be open and day, while the big direct suppliers-and public knowledge for all. It will be a system many honourable members know some of controlled by legislation similar to the legis­ them-will get $20,000 out of it. lation under which the Central Sugar Cane Quotas are controlled by the State Gov­ Prices Board was set up in Queensland, and ernment in a relatively secret way. Unlike subject to annual review. It will allow for a sugar peaks, they are not openly published better system to compensate those who want in the Queensland Government Gazette each to leave the industry. Such legislation has year. Dairying is a controlled industry. worked effectively for the sugar industry for Therefore, the incomes of those involved are 60 years and there is no reason why it controlled; but a favoured few are getting should not work for the dairying industry. all the advantages. (Time expired.) I said earlier that this matter has political implications-because the Milk Board is com­ pletely controlled by the Government through MARIJUANA Government representation. The Milk Board is under the direct influence of the Minister Mr. GOLEBY (Redlands) (12.46 p.m.): I for Primary Industries. Surrendered quotas want to bring before the notice of the House are not dealt with by an independent judicial today a problem that is increasing within body as is the case with the allocation of the community. I refer to the use of mari­ increased sugar assignments and reassignments juana, particularly among young people. in Queensland. A quota advisory committee Many devious methods are being used in its is appointed by the Minister, but it has no distribution and I, like every other responsible legislative backing and no responsibility to member of the community, am most con­ the industry. And it is most important that cerned about it. I hope that all honourable members will concern themselves with this it should have. That body is under National scourge that is at present engulfing many Party control. Three of its four members fine young people in our community. When I are members of tche Brisbane Milk Board. go round my electorate visiting many schools The dairying electorates in Queensland and see the bright happy faces of the child­ have traditionally been represented by the ren there and realise that some of them will National Party. The producers in those be subjected to the evils of marijuana and electorates, who are just battling along, realise associated drugs, I am most distressed. Matters of Public Interest [16 MARCH 1977] Matters of Public Interest 2447

I should like to see much greater public is available in others, and before this method education directed towards the problems of distribution becomes too widely known I presented by marijuana. We have all heard would ask the Minister for Health to take of cannabis, or marijuana, but few, I am action to have it fully investigated. sure, know much about it. Few would recog­ nise it as it grows and I am also sure that Mr. Houston: Do the police know about few would recognise it in its cured form. I this? believe that as a Government and as mem­ Mr. GOLEBY: I am sure the police are bers of this House we are responsible to the well aware of it, and so are responsible people we represent. I therefore urge the members of the community. Minister for Health in particular to take notice of this problem. I suggest that his A Government Member interjected. department have plastic replicas of the can­ Mr. GOLEBY: Somebody has suggested nabis plant produced so that they may be that the Trades Hall is involved with the displayed in public places to enable people to trinkets, but I cannot prove that. I would recognise it. I am sure that most members of this House do not know what the mari­ like to have this House recommend to the juana plant looks like. Government that a full inquiry be held into the distribution and sale of marijuana and Each day we read in the Press of many the public generally educated to identify mar­ new areas of marijuana plants that have been ijuana easily and thus be able to notify the discovered and those who are cultivating responsible body of places where it is being them are being fined; but unfortunately we produced. I know that in many cases it has do not know how much is being produced been produced in local gardens as a pot and peddled around the countryside, nor do plant. A team of detectives recently told me we know the areas of production. I know that they had gone to a certain place and that there is a special Drug Squad within the recovered a number of marijuana plants Police Force whose time is devoted largely which were being cultivated in a fernery to this problem. In my electorate only along with other plants. The person con­ recently a rather large area was discovered cerned did not realise that he had been and destroyed and the culprit received his innocently growing it. But in how many just deserts. It is believed that land in for­ areas is the plant disguised or hidden because estry areas was being prepared for the grow­ it is being produced purely and simply for ing of marijuana but those who were respon­ the purpose of distribution amongst our sible for it were disturbed, by either timber­ young people? I hope the Minister will have getters or forestry officers, and the project the matter fully investigated. did not go ahead. But those are only isolated cases. I and, I am sure, other members would like to know how much marijuana is CAR-PARKING IN VICINITY OF ALBION actually being cultivated and produced. PARK RACECOURSE We hear much spoken about marijuana Mr. LANE (Merthyr) (12.54 p.m.): Mr. but few realise its harmful effects. They are Deputy Speaker, I would like to-- listed and they include respiratory disease, foetal deformities, psychiatric disorders, ·Mr. HOUSTON: I rise to a point of order. impairment of the nervous system and serious When it became known that a colleague of impairment of driving ability. More seriously, mine had completed his contribution within marijuana often leads to the use of harder the 10-minute time limit, I then approached drugs. Mr. Speaker and asked that my name be added to the list, and I believe he did so. Various cults are developing in our society, What is the situation? unfortunately amongst young people, many of them in their early teens. Mr. DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr. Miller): Several methods of identifying a fellow Order! I remind the House of the well­ marijuana user have been adopted involving known fact that a list of speakers for the use of jewellery. Only recently it was debates is prepared by the Government drawn to my attention that jewellery is being Whip. A list was prepared for the debate sold in stores in our community in the form on Matters of Public Interest. I have of replicas of the marijuana leaf and that informed the honourable member for Bul­ young peopl~ are wearing this jewellery so imba that the Government Whip has indi­ they can recognise a fellow marijuana user. cated to me 1that the honourable member When a pusher sees a young person wearing for Merthyr has the time allocated to him this jewellery he immediately will try to and I have suggested to the honourable pass this dangerous drug onto him. Unfort­ member for Bulimba that he should go and unately, this jewellery is being sold in the see the Whip in his room and straighten it form of ear-rings, trinkets and anklets and out. The honourable member has chosen is the latest 1rend in identifying users of not ,to do so. I have cailed on the honour­ marijuana. I would like to think that the able member for Merthyr, and I do so again. Minister for Health could have these items of jewellery withdrawn from sale. I know Mr. LANE: Mr. Deputy Speaker-­ of one high school-not in my electorate, of Mr. HOUSTON: I rise to a point of order. course-where the practice is rife and. various students have been detected using marijuana. Mr. LANE: Don't take all my time off If it is available in one school, obviously it me. 2448 Matters of Public Interest [16 MARCH 1977] Matters of Public Interest

Mr. HOUSTON: I rise to a point of order. arises in the vicinity of Eagle Farm and When it became known that the time would Doomben racecourse and at Woolloongabba be available, I looked around the Chamber when the dogs are racing. and the Governmenrt Whip was not present. It is true that a list was supplied. I am Mr. Houston: No problem. suggesting that the name of the honourable Mr. LANE: The only thing the honour­ member for Merthyr was not on any list able member knows about dogs is feeding that was supplied then. possums and other live bait to greyhounds, and the sooner the police catch him for it, Mr. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! I accept the better. the point that the honourable member is making, but I come back to my original Mr. Honston interjected. suggestion-that a list is supplied by the Whip to the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker, Mr. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! as the case may be. Such a list was sub­ mitted, and a further name was added to Mr. LANE: I have a letter from the Bris­ that list by the Whip. I suggested to the bane _City Counci~ whi~h shows quite clearly honourable member that he take the matter tha~ 1t has J?-~ . 1_ntentwn of measuring up up with the Whip, which he declined to do. to 1ts responsibilities. I wrote to the council As far as I am concerned, the matter is recently and asked it to have the signs now closed. I have called the honourable let down. The letter of explanation that member for Merthyr. came back to me and to the person who complained to me reads- Mr. LANE: Despite the efforts of the "It is the Council's responsibility to honourable member for Bulimba to gag me put up the signs, and it is the respon­ and silence me, I intend to speak out on sibility of the Police to ensure that the this matter, which is of great importance restrictions are properly policed. There to my electorate although it probably will are considerable technical problems in the not concern many other honourable members policing of these matters in that if the in this Chamber. Police launch a prosecution, a Council officer has to go to court to indicate Mr. Houston interjected. that the signs were down prior to cars Mr. LANE: Obviously it does not concern parking in the street." the honourable member for Bulimba. There is an evidentiary requirement that a council officer go to court. The letter Mr. Houston interjected. continues- Mr. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! "Additionally, because the putting down of these signs involves overtime on behalf Mr. LANE: You go back to feeding pos- of Council employees, the Council is very sums to greyhounds. That's what you're reluctant to take any action because they famous for. do not derive any revenue from the fines which may be imposed-that goes to the Mr. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The Main Roads Departinent." honourable member will address the Chair. So, because there is no money in it, because there is not the almighty doHar in it, the Mr. Houston interjected. Brisbane City Council is forcing people to put up with indiscriminate parking of cars Mr. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! outside their residences in the vicinity of Mr. LANE: The matter that I wish to Albion Park racecourse. raise pertains to the parking of vehicles in Mr. Houston interjected. the vicinity of Albion Park racecourse, in my electorate, during race meetings and the Mr. LANE: The honourable member conflict that is currently occurring between should go back to feeding dogs. two Government departments (the Police I take this opportunity of calling on the Department and the Main Roads Depart­ Brisbane City Council to co-operate with ment) and the Brisbane City Council. ~he Police Department in ensuring that there Unfortunately, the signs prohibiting park­ 1s pro~rly regulated parking in the vicinity ing, which read "No Standing Any Time", of Albwn Park racecourse. I believe in that are erected on the streets surrounding "live and let live", and people should be Albion Park racecourse have to be unlocked allowed to go to and from their homes and folded down at the start of each race just as other people should be allowed t~ meeting. These signs prohibit parking that go to their afternoon's entertainment at hinders local residents going to or from the races or their evening's entertainment their homes and business people going to or at the dogs or the trots. This situation can from light industries and factories or places be achieved only if the city council plays of employment in the area. The Brisbane a reasonable and responsible part. City Council has refused recently to play its part by letting down the signs and dis­ Mr. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The playing the "No Standing Any Time" notices time allotted for the Matters of Public on race days and trotting nights at Albion Interest debate has now expired. Park. I understand that a similar problem The House adjourned at 1 p.m.