Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 16 MARCH 1977 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice 2425 WEDNESDAY, 16 MARCH 1977 silvicultural operations in management of plantations and hardwood forests, as well as harvesting operations. There are no present plans for staff reduction, but this Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. H. Houghton, will be dependent on funds available in the Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair future. at 11 a.m. (2) No. PAPER ( 3) The question of replacing the pres­ ent generators is under investigation but The !following paper was laid on the no decision has been made. table:- ( 4) No, but the present generators are Proclamation under the Acquisition od' at maximum production and are incapable Land Act 1967-1969 and the State of providing power to both private houses and Regional Planning and Develop­ and departmental married quarters. Hence ment, Public Works Organization and the department has been unable to supply Environmental Control Act 1971-1974. power to all its employees up to this time. (5) Occupation permits are limited to a QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE term of seven years under the Forestry Act. 1. FORESTRY DEPARTMENT PLANS FOR JIMNA ( 6) Transfer to other than departmental employees may be permitted subject to Mr. Burm;, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Lands, Forestry, National Parks acceptance of such conditions as laid down and Wildlife Service- by the department. ( 1) What are the long and short-term (7) No. plans o!l' the Forestry Department for the (8) No decision has been made to alter township and work-force at Jimna? the current planting programme at Jimna. (2) Has the Forestry Department agreed (9) No. to finance the provision of S.E.A. power (10) Yes. to this township? ( 11) I am not aware of any proposal to (3) If not, has the department any connect power to Sunday Creek. plans to provide additional new plant at the powerhouse? I propose to issue a statement later in the day to put this whole matter in proper ( 4) Has the department planned to perspective. supply power to only those living in Forestry Department married quarters and 2. RoAD-MARKING AT "STOP" SIGNS buildings? Mr. Lamond, pursuant to notice, asked t~e (5) Will the occupation permits that Minister for Local Government and Mam provide seven-year leases for local resi­ Roads- dents be reviewed so that terms can be extended? ( 1) Is he a:ware that the Brisbane City Council has introduced a system of road­ (6) Can the leases be transferred to marking at intersections where "stop" signs residents who do not work for the depart­ exist by extending the white stop Jine. in ment but who wish to use the homes as line with the kerbing and channellmg, week-enders? resulting in a vehicle crossing the accep~ed (7) Can the leases or permits be free­ pedestrian traffic walk area before havmg holded? to stop, and that in many cases where this new marking has .been carried out pedes­ (8) Has any decision been made on the trian road-markings have been eliminated? future planting of pine? (2) Does this represent a further hazard (9) Js there any future plan that in­ to the pedestrian? cludes the termination o[ planting of pine? (3) What advice has he received from (10) Have the Forestry Department the Queensland Road Safety Council in premises at Sunday Creek been taken over connection with this apparent dangerous as an environmental school? planning? (11 ) Will S.E.A. power be connected to Answers:- Sunday Creek and, if so, can it he then connected .from Sunday Creek to Jimna? (!) The Brisbane City Council should be implementing the provision of t~e Mar:ual Answers:- of Uniform Traffic Control Devices which, (!) J imna is the headquarters for Jimna in these respects, is in accordance wit)! forestry subdistrict comprising 47 000 hec­ Australian Standard AS 17 42 and thus IS tares of high-quality hardwood forest and national practice. established hoop pine plantations. 2 595 (2) The manual states that the location hectares of hoop pine plantations have been of individual stop bars is a matter for established since 1938-39. The present engineering judgment taking a~count of work-force, comprising 46 wages and five visibility, clearances and pedestnan safety. salaried staff, is engaged on continuing Should the honourable member know of 2426 Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice any which he feels may be a hazard to situations at Burketown, Karumba, Cairns, pedestrians, I ask that he let me know of Mareeba, Gordonvale, Innisfail, Ingham the location involved and I will arrange and in many communities adjoining these for these to be examined by Main Roads areas. I am sure honourable members on Department and Brisbane City Council both sides of this House will join with me traffic engineers. in acknowledging the outstanding and (3) The Road Safety Council gives advice unselfish efforts of these men and women to my colleague the Minister for Trans­ who have done so much to provide for port. the safety and well-being of Queensland citizens affected by the recent disasters. 3. JOHN Row BRIDGE, INGHAM; EFFECT ON 5. DISTRIBUTION OF EGGS FLOOD LEVELS Mr. Bertoni, pursuant to notice, asked the Mr. Row, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Primary Industries- Minister for Water Resources- Will he authorise an immediate investi­ (!) How many eggs were sent to the gation and hydrological study by the northern division from the Egg Marketing Irrigation and Water Supply Commission Board from each of the central and south­ into the effect of the structure of the John ern divisions in the years 1974, 1975 and Row bridge at Ingham upon the flow of 1976? floodwaters of the Herbert River when (2) How many eggs were sent to Mt. that river submerges the bridge as it did Isa, Longreach and Charleville in the in the past week, causing serious damage same years? to bridge approaches and adjoining private property? Answer:- (1 and 2) This information is not readily Answer:- available but will be passed on to the hon­ ourable member as soon as it can be com­ I have arranged for the Irrigation and piled by the Egg Marketing Board. Water Supply Commission to collect data relating to the possible effect of the John Row Bridge on flood levels in the Herbert 6. MR. SEllASTIAO MAlA'S TENURE OF River. These data will be analysed and "TURN-OFF LAGOON" appropriate observations made to the Main Mr. Bertoni, pursuant to notice, asked the Roads Department. Minister for Lands, Forestry, National Parks and Wildlife Service- 4. STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE IN NORTH ( 1) What are the terms and conditions QUEENSLAND DISASTERS on the property "Turn-off Lagoon", which Mr. Row, pursuant to notice, asked the was recently acquired by the Brazilian Minister for Police- Mr. Sebastian Maia? ( 1) Has his attention been drawn to the (2) Was this property previously an recent editorial in "The Herbert River occupational lease or other short-term EXcpress" praising the activities of State tenure renewed annually? Emergency Service personnel during the (3) Have any applications for a change Ingham flood situation? of tenure been received from Australian (2) Does he support the sentiments ex­ investors prior to the acquisition by the pressed in the editorial regarding the ex­ Brazilian and, if so, why were they cellent work undertaken by State Emer­ refused? gency officers and volunteers in disaster Answer:- situations in a number of areas of North Queensland this year? ( 1 to 3) "Turn-off Lagoons" expired holding is held as an occupation licence in the name of Lawn Hill Pty. Limited. It is Answer:- understood that Mr. Maia has acquired the ( I and 2) I have read the editorial shares in Lawn Hill Pty. Limited. referred to by the honourable member An application to lease the area as a which appeared in "The Herbert River pastoral holding was received from Messrs. Express" on 12 March and give my full C. J. Murat and T. Dukes of Mt. Isa. They support to the sentiments expressed therein. were informed that as the land would be There can be no doubt that the State required eventually for future public pur­ Government's move to establish a counter­ poses it was intended to grant the present disaster department known as the State occupiers continuity of occupancy for Emergency Service has saved lives and grazing purposes under an annual occupa­ much valuable personal property in flood tion licence for the time being. and cyclone situations in Queensland over The proposal to grant a special lease to recent years. Lawn Hiil Pty. Limited, and consideration No praise can be too high for the efforts of the conditions to be attached thereto, of State Emergency Service officers, police have been deferred until a firm policy and civilian volunteers who, over the last decision is made on the type of manage­ four months, have coped with emergency ment to be adopted to control similar Questions Upon Notice (16 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice 2427 special areas of land such as this through­ 9 and 10. SUPPLIES OF WHOLE MILK out the State. Investigation in this respect is being carried out in conjunction with the Mr. Casey, pursuant to notice, asked the ongoing review and rewrite of the Land Minister for Primary Industries- Act. ( 1) Who sets the quotas for whole-milk suppliers to wholesale vendors in the Brisbane Milk Board area for (a) country factories and (b) direct suppliers? 7. MR. SEBASTIAO MAIA's FUNDING OF CATTLE PROPERTY PURCHASES (2) Who sets the quotas for whole-milk suppliers to other factory areas in Queens­ Mr.
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