Two Rooms Mark Adams
Two Rooms Mark Adams Born 1949, Christchurch, Te Waipounamu, New Zealand ives and works in "#ford, Te Waipounamu, New Zealand %iploma of &ine Arts, 'niversit( o$ Canter)ur( *chool o$ &ine Arts ecturer, %epartment o$ Photo,raph(, -lam *chool o$ &ine Arts .199/–991 ecturer, %epartment o$ Photo,raph(, Auckland Institute o$ Technolo,( .1994–9/1 ecturer, Carrin,ton Pol(technic and 'nitec *chool of %esi,n, %epartment o$ Photo,raph( .1991–931 ecturer, A*A *chool of &ine Arts .1994–951 *elected *olo -#hi)itions0 5419 "ceania, 6ua( Branl(, Paris, curated )( Nicholas Thomas, +eter Brunt, Adrian ocke 5418 Repatriation, Areta Wilkinson 8 Mark Adams, Two Rooms, Auckland "ceania, Ro(al Academ( of Art, ondon, curated )( Nicholas Thomas, +eter Brunt, Adrian ocke Toi Art at Te +apa, Te Papa Ton,arewa Museum o$ New Zealand 5419 :iews from Astronomers Point; Photo,raphs )( Mark Adams, Two Rooms, Auckland Areta Wilkinson and Mark Adams: C(anot(pe Photo,rams, Auckland Art <aller( Toi o T=maki 541/–17 To All New Arrivals, Auckland Art <aller( Toi o T=maki, curated )( Ron Brownson 541/ *hip *on,s, Christchurch Art Galler( Te Puna o Waiwhet>, curated )( Nathan Pohio Archives Te Wai Pounamu; Areta Wilkinson and Mark Adams, %unedin Pu)lic Art <aller(? 541@ Clevedon Garden 1998: Aori +araone B <eor,e Brown, +aul McNamara <aller(,. Whan,anui After William Aod,es; Nine &athom Passa,e, %usky *ound, Two Rooms, Auckland *i,n Aere: *ites Where the Treat( o$ Waitan,i was *i,ned in 1844, M=n,ere Arts Centre N,= Tohu o 'enuku 5414 CinderDs Presence, Auckland Art <aller(
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