ROCKERS | DVDS & FILMS | Rago Magazine

Home Reviews DVDs & Film ROCKERS ROCKERS Written by late Tuesday, 26 May 2009 11:34


Rockers, was originally released in the late 70’s and on its 25 th anniversary it has been re-released. Rockers is the story of session drummer “Horsemouth” who decides to start his own record distribution company in downtown Kingston Jamaica and all goes well until the local mafia steal his motorbike. This movie was absolutely massive when it was first released as it featured nearly ever big artist on the island, stars like , Big Youth, Jack Ruby, , Dirty Harry, Jah Wise and to name a few all have parts in the movie. You really get a feel what it was like in Jamaica in the late 70’s with the fashion, music and culture.

2 of 3 6/1/2009 9:36 AM ROCKERS | DVDS & FILMS | Rago Magazine

The re-release has been digital remastered and looks crystal clear compared to the 70-‘s version. The DVD comes with lots of extra features like directors commentary, interviews with the director and producer, trailers, music videos a biography on all the actors and artists that featured in the movie which I found a good touch. It also comes with a 16 page booklet which includes a Jamaican patois dictionary for those that are not up to date with the Jamaican slang. This is a classic piece of reggae history all on one DVD you definitely need this in your collection. This is a must buy.

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