Daymond John, Rose & Crown P.R. Milman William, shopkeeper I Taylor John, tailor & wood dealer Mortimer John, Hare &; Hounds P.R. & Thorne William, farmer, Dira Dendle Geo. miller (water), Town mill wheelwright 'l'remlett John, jun. farmer, Sutton Dendle William, farmer Mounsden Edwin, cooper Tremlett Wm. jun. farmer,Woolsgrove Densham John, farmer, Dowrich Newbury John, baker Tremlett William, farmer &; lap.downer, Densham Mrs. farmer, Bremridge Norrish Edward, farmer & landowner, Cross Barton "Ford Robt. Bird, farm bailiff to Lt.-Col. Town Barton Tremlett William, farmer &; landowner. Sir John Davie Ferguson-Davie bart. Norrish Edward Comins, farmer & land- Down end D.L., J.P. Frogmore • owner, Gays Trickey Herbert, butcher "Frost Henry, butcher, Bellake Norrish Samuel, farmer & landowner, I Tucker Charles, farmer, Burrows Hattin John, boot maker & shopkeeper Town Barton Twose Samuel, farmer, Ashridge Hattin Henry, cabinet maker & rate Nott John, farmer, Wellans down Wellacott John, relieving officer &; collector & assistant overseer Packer Francis, shopkeeper registrar of births & deaths, No. 1 Hattin James, tailor Palmer John, farmer, Prierton Barton district, union Hattin Richard, shoe maker Pickett Thomas, shopkeeper, tailor, & ' Westcott -, farmer, North Preedy Hattin William, farmer, Pidsley post office Wreford F. George,farmer &; landowner, Hexter James, farmer, Swannaton I Pope Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Henstill West Sandford . Hosegood Thos. farmer, Sandford Ash Powell James, farmer, Long barn Wright R. & Son (established over half Kelly Jonas, farmer, Henstill Smale Elias, builder & contractor a century), machinists & agricultural Kelly Thomas, farmer, Prellton Smale John, wheelwright implement manufacturers, agents for Lane William,jun. farmer & landowner, Snow Lewis, Lamb P.H. & baker all the leading makers, Britannia Woolsgrove Snow Ann (Mrs.), baker iron works; &; at New buildings Lewis William, farmer Stoneman William, thatcher Wright James, iron founder, West of May Richard, farmer, Ash 8toyle Richard, farmer, Prowse England iron works May Samuel, farmer, Frostland 8toyle William, farmer, Doddridge frm Wright Lewis William, implement ma Miller William Richard, blacksmith Strong Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wrigbt William, farmer, Yeoland Milman Richard, cabinet maker SATTERLEIGH is a parish, situated near the con-I window is stained, and there are 70 sittings. The register fIuence of the river Bray with the river Mole, 5 miles north dates from the year 1550. The living is a rectory, annexed from Road station on the North branch to that of Warkleigh, joint yearly value from tithe rent­ of the London and South Western railway, 5~ south-west charge £300, with 104 acres of glebe and house, in the gift of from South Molton station, on the and Devon trustees, and held since 1888 by the Rev. Matthew Thomas branch of the Ureat Western railway, and 12 south-east Loveband M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge, who resides at from , in the Northern division of the county, Warkleigh rectory. M. Byne esq. is lord of the manor and South Molton hundred and petty sessional division, union chief landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The and county court district of South Molton, rural deanery of chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is South MoIton, archdeaconry of Barnstaple and diocese of 51 I acres; rateable value, £506; the population in 1881 . Satterleigh is supposed to have derived its name was 59. from the god "Satur" or "Seatur." The church of St. Sexton, William Boucher. Peter is a small but ancient building of stone, in the Early Letters through South Molton, the nearest money order & English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a telegraph office, arrive at 9 a.rn small western bell-cote of wood containing 3 bells: the east The children of this place attend the school at Warkleigh Baker John, farmer & landowner, Baker Richard, farmer, Kings ISquire Sam!. farmr. Lower Watertown Higher Watertown Phillips WilIiam, farmer Webber William, farmer, Barton SEATON, situated on the Axe, is a bathing place, large Igypsum, and foliated fibrous copper and iron pyrites are village and parish, with a station on the Seaton branch of found here. lace is made here. Sir .Alfred Wilson the London and South Western railway, 152 miles from Trevelyan bart. of Nettlecombe Court, Taunton, Somerset, London, 22 east from Exeter, 7 south-west from is lord of the manor of Seaton, and the Hon. Mark George and 10 south from Honiton, in the Eastern division of the Kerr Rolle D.L., J.P. of Bicton, lord of the manor of Beer; county, Colyton hundred, Axminster pettysessional division, these, with others, are the landowners. The soil iel sandy union and county court district, rural deanery of Dunkes- and chalky; the subsoil is gravelly and loamy. The chief well and Honiton, and archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter. crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots, but land in the Across the Axe, an excellent trout stream, a stone bridge of neighbourhood is chiefly in pasture. The area is 2,766 acres three arches has been erected, connecting this place with of land and 55 of water; rateable value, £9,002; the popu­ Axmouth. Seaton is much frequented by visitors during lation of the parish in 1881 was 2,343, and of the local board the summer months on account of the salubrity of its district, 1,221. climate, and has greatly improved during the last few years, many buildings having been added and new streets opened. Beer is a tithing and large fishing hamlet, about 1i miles The parish is governed by a Local Board of 9 members, south-west from Seaton, beautifully situated in a deep formed in 1878. In 1886 a thorough system of drainage narrow glen on a small creek communicating with the sea: was carried out by the Local Board, and the sewage of the it is celebrated for the manufacture of Honiton lace, and town is now carried into thesea. The churchof St. Gregory here the Queen's wedding dress was made in 1839 : there are is a building of stone, chiefly in the Late Decorated style, large quarries of freestone, which employ a number of hands. with remains of earlier date, and consists of chancel with The church of St. Michael was erected in 1877-8 by the Hon. chantries, nave, aisles, south porchand an embattled western Mark Rolle D.L., J.P. at a cost of about £8,000, to serve as tower containing 4 bells : the chancel retains a piscina and a chapel of ease to the mother church at Seaton, and is a two hagioscopes, and in the south chantry is a memorial to building of freestone obtained from the neighbouring Dorothy, widow of William Starr, of Beer, gent. bur. Sept. quarries, in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, clere­ 5th, 1688, and John her son, bur. December 4th, 1629: there storied nave, transepts, aisles, western narthex porch and a is also a fiat stone with quaint inscription to John Starre, ob. towep with short spire, containing a clock and one bell: in 1633, a " Starre on Hie: " the church has been restored, and the chapel are memorials to the Starr family. Here is a previous to the restoration contained some fine oak screen Congregational chapel, erected in 1700, and rebuilt and work with open tracery, displaying the shields of Walrond, enlarged in 1880, and one for the Brethren. The Cemetery, Stowford, Holbeame and Hake, now preserved at Bovey opened in 1866, consists of about a quarter of an acre, given House: in the Walrond chantry is a tomb with kneeling effigy by the Hon. Mark G. Kerr Rolle : it contains a small mor­ to Edmond Walrond esq. of Bowe, bUT. September loth, tuary chapel of stone with a bell-cote. z640, erected by Anne (Pole), his wife: there are 415 seats. Parish Clerk, Albert Hooper. The register dates from the year 1531. The living is a Sexton, Beer, Edward Saunders. vicarage, tithe rent-charge £280, net yearly value £260, POST, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Insurance & Annuity Office.­ with residence and I~ acres of glebe, in the gift of the Hon. Henry John Akerman, postmaster. Letters through G. K. Mark Rolle D. L., J.P. and held since 1884 by the Rev. Axminster by mail cart arrive at 7.52 & 11.45 a.m. &; by Piercy John Richardson M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. train at 3.50 p.m.; dispatched at 9.45 a.m. & I p.m. by Here is a Congregational chapel, erected in 1700. Thereare train, 4.58 p.m. by cart & 5.45 p.m. by train; sunday charities of £1 7s. yearly value, and the late Lady Rolle left dispatch at 1.18 p.m £3,900 £3 per Cent. Consols to found almshouses at Beer POST, M. O. &; T.O., S.B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, Beer. lor 25 poor men and 20 women, and also £3,100 of the -Samuel Hammett, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from same stock to clothe and educate 20 boys and 20 girls. Axminster 8.10 a.m. & 5 p.m. ; dispatched at 4.40 p.m. ; A clock tower about 50 feet in height has been erected, at sunday, I p.m a cost of over £200, on a site given by Sir A. W. Trevelyan bart. Minerals, garnet, beryl, quartz, flint, chalcedony, WALL LETTER Box, Calverley lodge, cleared at 12.5°, 3.3° &; common jasper, cornelian, agate, chalk, sulphate of lime, 5.30 p.m. week days only