Institute for Astronomy University of Hawai'i at M¯Anoa Publications in Calendar Year 2013
Institute for Astronomy University of Hawai‘i at Manoa¯ Publications in Calendar Year 2013 Aberasturi, M., Burgasser, A. J., Mora, A., Reid, I. N., Barnes, J. E., & Privon, G. C. Experiments with IDEN- Looper, D., Solano, E., & Mart´ın, E. L. Hubble Space TIKIT. In ASP Conf. Ser. 477: Galaxy Mergers in an Telescope WFC3 Observations of L and T dwarfs. Evolving Universe, 89–96 (2013) Mem. Soc. Astron. Italiana, 84, 939 (2013) Batalha, N. M., et al., including Howard, A. W. Planetary Albrecht, S., Winn, J. N., Marcy, G. W., Howard, A. W., Candidates Observed by Kepler. III. Analysis of the First Isaacson, H., & Johnson, J. A. Low Stellar Obliquities in 16 Months of Data. ApJS, 204, 24 (2013) Compact Multiplanet Systems. ApJ, 771, 11 (2013) Bauer, J. M., et al., including Meech, K. J. Centaurs and Scat- Al-Haddad, N., et al., including Roussev, I. I. Magnetic Field tered Disk Objects in the Thermal Infrared: Analysis of Configuration Models and Reconstruction Methods for WISE/NEOWISE Observations. ApJ, 773, 22 (2013) Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections. Sol. Phys., 284, Baugh, P., King, J. R., Deliyannis, C. P., & Boesgaard, A. M. 129–149 (2013) A Spectroscopic Analysis of the Eclipsing Short-Period Aller, K. M., Kraus, A. L., & Liu, M. C. A Pan-STARRS + Binary V505 Persei and the Origin of the Lithium Dip. UKIDSS Search for Young, Wide Planetary-Mass Com- PASP, 125, 753–758 (2013) panions in Upper Sco. Mem. Soc. Astron. Italiana, 84, Beaumont, C. N., Offner, S. S. R., Shetty, R., Glover, 1038–1040 (2013) S. C.
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