una mirada desde Bolivia, Brasil y Perú PROTECTED AREAS and their relationship with food security in a context of climate change: an overview from Bolivia, Brazil and Peru en un contexto de cambio climático: Manuel Ruiz Muller, in collaboration with Loyola Escamilo, Natalia Araujo and Teresa Moreira Las áreas protegidas y su relación con la seguridad alimentaria October 2017 Lima - Perú Protected areas and their relationship with food security in a context of climate change: an overview from Bolivia, Brazil and Peru Author: Manuel Ruiz Muller, Peruvian Society for Environmental Law, in collaboration with Loyola Escamilo, Natalia Araujo y Teresa Moreira. Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA) Prolongación Arenales 437, Lima 27, Perú Phones: (511) 6124700 Fax: (511) 4424365 E-mail:
[email protected] - www.spda.org.pe Konrad Adenauer Stiftung e.V./ KAS Av. Larco 109, Piso 2, Miraflores, Lima 18 - Perú Phones: (511) 416 6100 Fax: (511) 447 4378 E-mail:
[email protected] - www.kas.de/peru Programa Regional Seguridad Energética y Cambio Climático en América Latina de la Fundación Konrad Adenauer Calle Cantuarias 160 Of. 202, Miraflores, Lima 18 - Perú Phones: (511) 320 2870, (511) 731 2898
[email protected] - www.kas.de/energie-klima-lateinamerika/ First edition: November, 2017 Legal deposit, Biblioteca Nacional del Perú No.2017-16869 SBN N° 978-612-4261-27-5 Printed in: Impresso Gráfica S.A Av. Mariscal La Mar 585, Miraflores RUC 20101052771 First edition Translation: Elissa Muller. The English version of this research is a slightly summarized version of the original research document. Total or partial reproduction of this book for other than educational purposes is prohibited, except with express authorization of the author.