Every Class in Every School: Final Report on the First National Climate Survey on Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia in Canadian Schools
EVERY CLASS IN EVERY SCHOOL: FINAL REPORT ON THE FIRST NATIONAL CLIMATE SURVEY ON HOMOPHOBIA, BIPHOBIA, AND TRANSPHOBIA IN CANADIAN SCHOOLS RESEARCHERS: CATHERINE TAYLOR (PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR), PH.D., UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG AND TRACEY PETER (CO-INVESTIGATOR), PH.D., UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA Human Rights Trust EVERY CLASS IN EVERY SCHOOL: FINAL REPORT ON THE FIRST NATIONAL CLIMATE SURVEY ON HOMOPHOBIA, BIPHOBIA, AND TRANSPHOBIA IN CANADIAN SCHOOLS RESEARCHERS: CATHERINE TAYLOR (PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR), PH.D., UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG AND TRACEY PETER (CO-INVESTIGATOR), PH.D., UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA RESEARCHERS: PROJECT FUNDERS: Catherine Taylor Egale Canada Human Rights Trust (Principal Investigator), Ph.D., Canadian Institutes of Health Research University of Winnipeg and Tracey Peter (Co-Investigator), Ph.D., The University of Winnipeg SSHRC Research University of Manitoba Grant Program Sexual and Gender Diversity: Vulnerability PROJECT RESEARCH ASSISTANTS: and Resilience (Canadian Institutes for Health TL McMinn, Sarah Paquin, and Kevin Research) Schachter (Senior RAs) Stacey Beldom, Allison Ferry, and Zoe Gross Winnipeg, Manitoba PROJECT ADVISORY PANEL: May 2011 Joan Beecroft, Jane Bouey, James Thank you to The McLean Foundation for so Chamberlain, Ellen Chambers-Picard, Tara kindly supporting the printing and distribution Elliott, Noble Kelly, Wayne Madden, Joan of this report. Merrifield, Elizabeth J. Meyer, Susan Rose, Annemarie Shrouder, and Helen Victoros Human Rights Trust Published by Egale Canada Human Rights Trust 185 Carlton Street, Toronto, ON M5A 2K7 Ph: 1-888-204-7777 Fax: 416-963-5665 Email: egale.canada@egale.ca www.egale.ca When referencing this document, we recommend the following citation: Taylor, C. & Peter, T., with McMinn, T.L., Elliott, T., Beldom, S., Ferry, A., Gross, Z., Paquin, S., & Schachter, K.
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