Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Sherwood Theoretical
Courant institute of Mathematical Sciences M a g n to -F luid Dynam ics D ivision Abstracts of S h e r w o o d Theoretical Meeting March 22-23, 1971 AEC Research and Develo pment Report Plasma Physics December-1, 1971 New York University New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Magneto-Fluid Dynamics Division MF-65 NYO-3O77-185 Abstracts of SHERWOOD THEORETICAL MEETING March 22-23, 1971 U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract No. AT(ll-l)-3077 UNCLASSIFIED Sherwood Theoretical Meeting March 22-23, 1971 Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University All sessions will be held in Room 109 Warren Weaver Hall [251 Mercer Street, 4th Street East of Washington Square] except session IV-b in Room 102. Where known, underlined author will present paper. Opening, 9 am, Monday, March 22 Welcome; Louis Nirenberg, Director, Courant Institute Announcements Session I, Chairman - C. L. Hedrick 1. W. A. Newcomb, "Stationary Equilibria of a Guiding- Center Plasma" (15 min. ) 2. D. Lortz, E. Rebhan, G. Spies, "Sufficient Criteria for Magnetohydrodynamic Stability" (15 min. ) 3a. R. Gajewski, "MHD Equilibrium of an Elliptical Plasma Cylinder" b. R. Dagazian, B. Coppi, "MHD Instabilities in Confinement Configurations with Shaped Magnetic Surfaces" (20 min. ) 4. N. Friedman, "Free Boundary Scylla Equilibria" (15 min. ) COFFEE 5. H. Grad, A. Kadish, D. Stevens, "Free Boundary Tokamak Equilibria with No Outer Wall" (15 min. ) 6. J. Freidberg, "Stability of the Straight, l = 1 Scyllac Configuration" (15 min. ) 7. H. Grad, J. Marsh, H. Weitzner, "A Spectral Analysis of the Screw Pinch" (15 min.
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