45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2014) 1659.pdf FROM THE MOON TO THE EARTH WITHOUT JULES VERNE – LUNAR METEORITES AND LU- NAR DUST DELIVERY. N. Artemieva1,2, 1Planetary Sciene Institute,
[email protected], 2Institute for Dynamics of Geopsheres, Russia. Introduction: The list of lunar meteorites [1] con- required to melt porous materials, is much lower than sists of 95 names (taking into account obvious pairs) 50 -60 GPa [17]. Second, the spall effect is noticeably with the total mass of ~75 kg, which is approximately weaker in porous media [15, 18]. Another goal is to five times smaller than the total mass of lunar samples evaluate the total mass and 3He losses in the terrestrial delivered by the Apollo and Luna missions. In contrast atmosphere during the entry process. Mass losses may to “technical samples” lunar meteorites represent a be as high as 90% in typical meteorites [19]. random set of lunar material, including that from the Numerical model and initial conditions: High- far side of the Moon. Taking into account the diversity velocity impacts on the Moon are modeled using the of the available lunar meteorites probably associated 3D hydrocode SOVA [20] complemented by the with various impact events [2], the short time of their ANEOS equation of state for geological materials [21]. transportation to Earth [3, 4], and the distribution of The lunar regolith porosity is described in the frame of the crater size and age over the Moon [5], we can con- ε-alpha model [22].Tracer particles are used to find the clude that most of the lunar meteorites were ejected maximum shock compression and the initial depth of from the Moon during small impact events associated solid ejecta escaping the Moon (SEEM).