ACTA ENTOMO LOGICA SL OVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2018 Vol. 26, øt. 1: 83 –88 FIRST RECORD OF BERAEA PULLATA (CURTIS, 1834) (INSECTA, TRICHOPTERA) FOR ALBANIA Halil IBRAHIMI 1* and Mladen KUČINIĆ 2 1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, “Mother Teresa” p.n., 10 000 Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo 2 Department of Biology (Laboratory of Entomology), Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia * Corresponding author
[email protected] Abstract - Beraea pullata, a species of the family Beraeidae, is present all over Eu - ropean continent but with only few records from the Balkan Peninsula. We report this species for the first time from Albania, more precisely from Bjeshkët e Nemuna Mountains. Other sympatric species with Beraea pullata in investigated locality are: Rhyacophila fasciata, Philopotamus montanus and Hydropsyche spp. Beraea pullata is the fifth species of the family Beraeidae currently known for Albania. KEY WORDS : Beraeidae ; rare species; aquatic insects; Balkan Peninsula Izvleček – PRVA NAJDBA VRSTE BERAEA PULLATA (CURTIS, 1834) (IN - SECTA, TRICHOPTERA) V ALBANIJI Beraea pullata, vrsta iz družine Beraeidae, je prisotna vsepovsod po evropski celini, a le z malo podatki z balkanskega polotoka. Prvič poročamo o tej vrsti v Albaniji, natančneje v gorovju Bjeshkët e Nemuna. Druge z vrsto Beraea pullata simpatrične vrste na preiskanem najdišču so Rhyacophila fasciata, Philopotamus montanus in Hydropsyche spp. Beraea pullata je peta vrsta družine Beraeidae, znana za Albanijo doslej. KLJUČNE BESEDE : Beraeidae ; redke vrste; vodne žuželke; Balkanski polotok 83 Acta entomologica slovenica, 26 (1), 2018 Introduction The family Beraeidae is a small family composed of 7 genera and more than 50 species.