History of the War in South Africa, 1899-1902

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History of the War in South Africa, 1899-1902 48s APPENDIX 10. Distribution of troops in South Africa on nth February, 1900, when the march from Ramdam began. • FIELD-MARSHAL LORD ROBERTS. Commander-in-Chief's Bodyguard. 1st Cavalry brigade (Brig.-Genl. T. C. Porter). 6th Dragoon guards (Carabiniers). 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys). AngloBoerWar.com6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons (one squadron). 14th Hussars (one squadron). New South Wales Lancers. Q. T. and U. batteries, Royal Horse Artillery. 2nd Cavalry brigade (Brig.-Genl. R. G. Broadwood). Composite regiment of Household cavalry. loth Hussars. 1 2th Lancers. G. and P. batteries, Royal Horse artillery. 3rd Cavalry brigade (Brig.-Genl. J. R. P. Gordon). 9th Lancers. Cavalry division. :6th Lancers. Lt.-Genl.J. D. P. / O. and R. batteries, Royal Horse artillery. French. \ Divisional troops. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th regiments of mounted infantry. Roberts' Horse. Kitchener's Horse. Rimington's Guides. New Zealand mounted rifles. Queensland mounted infantry. New South Wales mounted rifles. Nesbitt's Horse. Ammunition Column. Field Troop, R.E. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Companies. Field Hospitals. 486 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA. 13th brigade (Maj.-Genl. C. E. Knox). 2nd battn. East Kent regiment. 2nd ,, Gloucestershire regiment. 1st ,, West Riding regiment. 1st ,, Oxfordshire Light Infantry. Det. A.S.C. Bearer coy. Field Hospital. i8th brigade (Brig.-Genl. T. E. Stephenson). 1st battn. Yorkshire regiment. 6th infantry i.st ,, Welsh regiment. division. 1st ,, Essex regiment. Lieut. -General Det. A.S.C. T. Kelly-Kenny. Bearer coy. Field Hospital. Divisional troops. Two i2-pr. i2-cwt. Naval guns. 76th battery, R.F.A. 8 1 St battery, R.F.A. Ammunition column. 38th Field company, R.E. Det. A.S.C. Field Hospital. AngloBoerWar.com / 14th brigade (Maj.-Genl. II. Chermsidc). 2nd battn. Norfolk regiment. 2nd ,, Lincoln regiment. 1st ,, King's Own Scottish Borderers. 2nd ,, Hampshire regiment. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital. I5lh brigade (Maj.-Genl. A. G. Wavell). 2nd battn. Cheshire regiment. 7th infantry 2nd ,, South Wales Borderers. division. 1st ,, East Lancashire regiment. Lieut.-General 2nd ,, North Staffordshire regiment. C. Tucker. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital. Divisional Troops. 1 8th battery, R.F.A. 62nd battery, R.F.A. 75th battery, R.F.A. Ammunition Column. gth Field company, R.E. Det. A.S.C. Field Hospital. APPENDIX lo. 487 /3rd brigade (Maj.-Genl. H. A. MacDonald). 2nd battn. Black Watch. 1st ,, Highland Light Infantry. 2nd ,, Seaforth Highlanders. 1st ,, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital. gth brigade (Maj.-Genl. H. L Smith-Dorrien). 2nd battn. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. 2nd ,, Shropshire Light Infantry. 9th infantry 1st ,, Gordon Highlanders. division. 2nd ,, Royal Canadian regiment. Lieut.-Genl. Det. A.S.C. Sir H. Colvile. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital. Divisional Troops. Two 47-in. Naval guns. 65th (Howitzer) battery, R.F.A. 82nd battery, R.F.A. Ammunition column. 7th Field company, R. E. Det. A.S.C. Field Hospital. City of London Imperial Volunteers mounted infantry. \ Grahamstown Volunteers mounted infantry. LrEUT. -General Lord Methuen, Modder River. 1st brigade (Maj.-Genl.AngloBoerWar.comR. Pole-Carew). 3rd battn. Grenadier Guards. 1st ,, Coldstream Guards. 2nd ,, Coldstream Guards. 1st ,, Scots Guards. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital. gth brigade (Maj.-Genl. C. W. H. Douglas). 1st battn. Northumberland Fusiliers. :st ,, Loyal North Lancashire regiment (four companies). 2nd ,, Northamptonshire regiment. 2nd „ King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital. Divisional Troops. Two 47-in. and two l2-pr. 12-cwt. Naval guns. 20th battery, R.F.A. 37th (Howitzer) battery, R.F.A. (four Howitzers). 38th battery, R.F.A. Detachment 14th company, Southern Division, R.G.A. Ammunition Column. Field company, R. E. Balloon section, R. E. Det. A.S.C. Field Hospital. 488 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA. Lieut.-General Sir F. Forestier-Walker. 83rd tfattery, R.F.A. 84th battery, R.F.A. 85th battery, R.F.A. A. battery. New South Wales artillery. Detachment 14th coy., Southern Division, R.G.A. 15th coy., Southern Division, R.G.A. 15th coy., Western Division, R.G.A. Two 5-in. guns 16th coy., Southern Division, R.G.A. and battn. Royal Warwickshire regiment. 1st „ Suffolk regiment. 1st ,, Royal Munsler Fusiliers. 4th ,, Royal Lancaster regiment. 6th ,, Royal Warwickshire regiment. 3rd ,, South Lancashire regiment. 9th ,, King's Royal Rifle Corps. 4th ,, .Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. City of London Imperial Volunteers. Railway Pioneer regiment. Major-General R. a. p. Clements, Naauwpoort and Colesberg. 6th (tnniskilling) Dragoons (two squadrons). J. battery, R.H.A. 37th (Howitzer) battery, R.F.A. (two Howitzers). 4th battery, R.F.A. 2nd battn. Bedfordshire regiment. 1st ,, Royal Irish regiment. 2nd ,, Worcestershire regiment. 2nd ,, Royal Berkshire regiment (four companies). 2nd ,, Wiltshire regiment. 4th ,, Derbyshire regiment. AngloBoerWar.comDetachment 14th coy., Southern Division, R.G.A. Lieut.-General Sir W. Gatacre, Sterkstroom. Two i2-pr. i2-cwt. Naval guns. 74th battery, R.F.A. 77lh battery, R.F.A. 79th battery, R.F.A. Detachment, R.G.A. (two 9-pr. guns). 1st battn. The Royal Scots. 2nd „ Northumberland Fusiliers. 1st ,, Derbyshire regiment. 2nd ,, Berkshire regiment (four companies). 2nd „ Royal Irish Rifles. 3rd ,, Durham Light Infantry. Two companies of mounted infantry. Cape Mounted Rifles. Brabant's Horse. Kaffrarian Rifles. De Montmorency's Scouts. Queenstown Mounted Volunteers. Colonel R. G. Kekewich, Kimberley. 23rd company, Western Division, R.G.A. 7th Field company, R.K. (one section). 1st battn. Loyal North Lancashire regiment (four companies). Diamond Fields artillery. Kimljerley regiment. Diamond Fields Horse. Kimberley Light Horse. Cape Police. Town Guard. APPENDIX lo. 489 Colonel R. S. S. Baden-Powell, Mafeking. Protectorate regiment. Bechuanaland Rifles. British South Africa Police. Cape Police. Town Guard. South Rhodesia and Bechuanaland Protectorate. Rhodesia regiment. British South Africa Police. Buluwayo Volunteers. Buluwayo Town Guard. General Sir G. White, Ladysmith. Naval brigade, with two 47-in. and four 12-pr. 12-cwt. Naval guns. Natal Naval Volunteers. Cavalry brigade (Maj.-Genl. J. F. Brocklehurst). 5th Dragoon Guards. 5th Lancers. 1 8th Hussars. 19th Hussars. Imperial Light Horse. Mounted brigade (Colonel W. Royston). Natal Carbineers. Natal Mounted Rifles. Border Mounted Rifles. Natal Police.AngloBoerWar.com 13th battery, R.F.A. 67th battery, R.F.A. 69th battery, R.F.A. 2 1 St battery, R.F.A. 42nd battery, R.F.A. 53rd battery, R.F.A. No. 10, Mountain battery, R.G.A. (two guns). Two 6'3-in. Howitzers. 7th brigade (Colonel I. S. M. Hamilton). 1st battn. Manchester regiment. 2nd ,, Gordon Highlanders. 1st ,, Royal Irish Fusiliers (two companies). 2nd ,, Rifle Brigade (seven companies). 8th brigade (Colonel F. Howard). 1st battn. Leicestershire regiment. 2nd ,, King's Royal Rifle Corps. 1st ,, Liverpool regiment (four companies). 2nd ,, Rifle Brigade (one company). Divisional Troops (Colonel W. G. Knox). 23rd Field coy., R.E. Telegraph section, R.E. Balloon section, R.E. 1st battn. Liverpool regiment (four companies). 1st ,, Devonshire regiment. 1st ,, King's Royal Rifle Corps. 1st ,, Gloucestershire regiment. Town Guard. 490 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA. General Sir R. Buller, Chievei.ey. Naval Brigade (Captain E. P. Jones, R.N.). One 6-in. gun. Five 47-in. guns. Eight i2-pr. i2-cwt. guns. Corps Troops. 19th battery, R.F.A. 6ist (Howitzer) battery, R.F.A. Two 5-in. guns, i6th company, Southern Division, R.G.A. No. 4, Mountain battery, R.G.A. Ammunition Column. Telegraph Detachment, R. E. "A." Pontoon Troop, R.E. Balloon section, R.E. 2nd Mounted brigade (Colonel the Earl of Dundonald). Composite regiment of mounted infantry. South African Light Horse. Thorneycroft's mounted infantry. /2nd brigade (Maj.Genl. H. J. T. Hildyard). 2nd battn. Queen's regiment. 2nd ,, Devon regiment. 2nd ,, West Yorkshire regiment, 2nd „ East Surrey regiment. AngloBoerWar.com4th brigade (Colonel C. H. B. Norcott). 2nd infantry 2nd battn. Scottish Rifles. division. 3rd ,, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Major-Genl. the 1st ,, Durham Light Infantry. Hon. N. G. 1st „ Rifle brigade. Lyttelton. Divisional Troops. One troop, 13th Hussars. 7th battery, R.F.A. 63rd battery, R.F.A. 64th battery, R.F.A. 17th Field company, R.E. loth brigade (Maj.Genl. J. Talbot Coke). 2nd battn. Somerset Light Infantry. 2nd ,, Dorset regiment. 2nd ,, Middlesex regiment. nth brigade (Maj.Genl. A. S. Wynne). 1st battn. Royal Lancaster regiment. 5th infantry 1st ,, South Lancashire regiment. division. Rifle Reserve battalion. Lieut. Genl. Divisional Troops. Sir C. Warren. One troop Royal Dragoons. Colonial Scouts. 28th battery, R.F.A. 73rd Ijattery, R.P'.A. 78th battery, R.F.A. Ammunition Column. 37th company, R.E. APPENDIX lo. 491 6th brigade (temporarily attached to 5th division). (Major-Genl. G. Barton). 2nd battn. Royal Fusiliers. 2nd ,, Royal Scots Fusiliers. 1st ,, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. 2nd ,, Royal Irish Fusiliers. 5th brigade (unattached). (Major-Genl. A. F. Hart). 1st battn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. 1st ,, Border regiment. 1st ,, Connaught Rangers. 2nd ,, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. At Springfiki.d. 1st Cavalry brigade (Colonel J. F. Burn-Murdoch). 1st Royal Dragoons. 13th Hussars. 14th Hussars (two squadrons). A. battery, R.H.A. Two Naval l2-prs. 1st battn. York and Lancaster regiment. Imperial Light Infantry. At Greytown. Colonel E. C. Bethune, i6th Lancers. Bethune's mounted infantry. Natal Police. Umvoti Mounted Rifles. Two 7-pr. Field guns, Natal Field artillery. Two Naval 12-pr. 8-cwt. guns. Detachment mountedAngloBoerWar.cominfantry. Lines of Communication. 2nd battn. Lancashire Fusiliers. 1st ,, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Natal Royal Rifles. Colonial Scouts. Durban Light Infantry Natal Field artillery..
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    1 The Management of Change - Mechanizing the British Regular and Household Cavalry Regiments 1918 -1942 Roger Edward Salmon DMS., BA (Hons). A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy October 2013 This work or any part thereof has not been presented in any form to the University or to any other body whether for the purposes of assessment, publication or any other purposes. Save for any express acknowledgements, references and/or biblographies cited in this work, I confirm that the intellectual content of the work is the result of my own efforts and of no other person. The right of Roger Edward Salmon to be identified as author of this work is asserted in accordance with ss.77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and patents Act 1988. At this date copyright is owned by the author. Signature………………………………………………………… Date……………………………………………………………….. 2 Abstract The mechanization of British Cavalry regiments took place between the two World Wars and on into 1942. This thesis describes the process by which horsed cavalrymen were re-trained in armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) and the experiences of some of the regiments managing this change. Extensive use has been made of the oral testimonies of many of the soldiers involved, a number of whom are still living, as well as regimental and War Office archives. The reason given for the delay in cavalry mechanization, cited in some military histories, much influenced by Sir Basil Liddell Hart, was resistance from the cavalry to parting from their horses.
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