Imperial Yeomanry Battalion

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Imperial Yeomanry Battalion APPENDIX n ROSTER AND RECORD OP THE 34TH COMPANY I.Y. Very few of the particulars here given are from official sources or records; they are for the most part from personal memoranda and obser­ vations of the author. Much care has been taken to arrive at accuracy, and it is hoped that errors are neither of importance nor many. Abbreviations.—Some abbreviations have been used which are mostly self-explanatory. "P. Sect. HI/H." means that the man first belonfsi to Section HI., but that at the rearrangement of the Company at Senekal he became a member of Section H., and so on. " Co." sometimes standi for " County." The rank after each name is that given at Knightsbridge after enlistment. 6345 Agnew, Herman M., Tpr., F. Sect. m/H., son of T. F. A. Agnew, Esq., Bank of England, Liverpool. Lance-Corpl., April, 1900. f Wounded at Senekal, May 95, 1900. Took enteric, June, 1900. Rejoined Company at Harrismith, Oct 21.1900. Lanoe-Sergt. and Acting-Sergt. from November, 1900, to Feb. AngloBoerWar.com13.1901. Sergeant of Attached Regulars, Feb., 1901. Conunissko at Ficksburg, March 5, 1901. Dysentery at Maseru, March 10 to April 15. Returned to Ficksburg. Lord Roberts's List of Recom­ mendations for Meritorious Services dated Sept. 4, 1901. Dav tinguisbed Conduct Medal, Gazette, Sept 27, 1901. + Killed t* action at Tweefontein, Deo. 25,1901. 6264 Anderson, W. M., Tpr., F. Sect. H/L, Charing Cross Hospital, London. Attached to Military Police with 17th Brigade. Australian ex­ perience. Left Company for home at Harrismith, Nov., 1900. 6411 Anthony, W. G., Tpr., 139, Stanhope Street, Hampstead Road,N W Officers' Servant, not in Firing Line. Finally Barrington's servant, and came home with him and remnant of Company on as. Mcmckmttr Merchant, July 18,1901. Old Regular. 6265 Baker, C. H., Tpr., 81, Manor Park, Lee, Kent. Left ill at Klip Drift, June, 1900. Rejoined at Harrismith, Nov. 29,1900. Left Company at Fouriesburg, May 27,1901. 6267 Banks, J., Tpr., Belmont, Kendal. f Severely Wounded at Middlesex Kopje, Klip Nek, June 18,1200. Lung wound. Invalided home. 198 APPENDICES 497 4268 BfJrinfton, Hon. Rupert E. &, Tpr., F. Sect. HI/II., 40, Harrington Gardens, Loudon, S.W. Obtained Commission, Dee. 1,1900. Came home in command of Company on board ss. Manchester Merchant, July 18, 1901. Re­ linquished Commission, Aug. 28 (Gazette), 1901. Returned to South Africa with Commission in South African Constabulary, Jan. 16, 1902. 6288 Barton, F. W., Tpr., F. Sect. TH/IL, Lynoroft, Wallington. Corpl. Knightsbridge Barracks, Feb., 1900. Ill April, 1900. Re­ joined June, 1900. f Wounded, shoulder and leg, Bethlehem, Sept. 22,1900. Invalided home. Old Middlesex Co. Yeoman. 4285 Bell, G., Tpr., F. Scot. II/I., 124, Holland Street, Glasgow. Left Company ill near Willow Grange, July 28,1900. 6808 Blount, 0. W., Tpr., F. Sect, m/n., son of Mrs. Blount and the late Capt. Blount, R.N., Melrose, Fontenoy Road, Balham, S.W. Left ill at Beits, Deo. 7, 1900. Rejoined at Raits, Jan. 17,1901. Left ill at Elands River Bridge, Jan. 24, 1901. + Died at Mooi River of enteric, Feb. 16,1901. 6859 Blyth, W. E., Tpr., F. Sect. III/H., son of E. K. Blyth, Esq., 6, Boeslyn Hill, Hempstead. Captured at Senekal, May 25,1900. Released Aug. 28,1900. Re­ joined Company at Bethlehem, Sept. 25,1900. Left ill at Winburg, Dec. 24, 1900. »{* Died of enteric at Winburg, Jan. 12, 1901. Experience in United States 5 years, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Had been a Sergeant in a Volunteer Corps. 6864 Boughton, J. C, Tpr., F. Sect. I/I., son of Charles Boughton, Esq., Netherlands, Tillington, Petworth, Sussex. Col. Mitford'AngloBoerWar.coms orderly at Gen. Bundle's headquarters. Afterwards at I. Y. Stores at Harrismith. Rejoined Company at Harrismith, Dec. 2,1900. >f» Drowned at Clocolan in Maperi River, April 2,1901, trying to save the life of Kennard, of 36th Company, who was also drowned. Old Middlesex Co. Yeoman. 6269 Bower, Shoeing Smith, F. Sect. IV/I., The Firs, Farleigh Road, Stoke Newington. Rode in Firing Line intermittently. Left Company with Capt. Brune as his servant at Elands River Bridge, Jan. 25,1901. 6266 Bradley, E. A*, Tpr., F. Sect. I/I., brother of Messrs. Bradley, 81, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London, W. Went through the whole campaign in Firing Line. Died of enteric at Ficksburg, May 31,1901. Old Middlesex Co. Yeoman. Brooks, Qr.-Mstr. and Hon. Lieut. (Battalion Staff). Left the battalion early. Formerly in 1st Life Guards. Brune, G. E. Prideaux, Glentorr, Bideford, N. Devon. Lieut, of Section HI., 34th Company, Jan. 26, 1900. Army List date, Feb. 3, 1900. On General Boyes' Staff from May 13 to May 26, 1900. Promoted Captain. Sick leave from August 11 to Sept. 25,1900. Aide to General Boyes, Dec. 23,1900. Went home Jan. 24,1901, from Elands River Bridge. Formerly Lieut. 6th Dragoons (Inniskilling). 33 498 APPENDICES 6968 Banbury, O, Tpr., 88, Netherwood Road, Kensington, W. Left Company at beginning of the campaign at Bloemforxtein, May, 1900. Old Middlesex Co. Yeoman. 6901 Burrows, A. E*, Corpl. F. Sect. n/I., 40, Strutton Ground, Westminster. Sergt. vice Shells, May 25,1900. Left Company at end of campaign, near Ladybrand (3 miles), March 30,1901. Old Middlesex Co. Yeoman. 6344 Caldwell, J. B., Tpr., F. Sect. I/I., 60, Fairholm Road, W. Kensington. Invalided at Harrismith for home, Deo., 1900. Commission in New I. Y. Remount Dept. 4255 Campbell, H. J., Tpr., Gun Section, "Forester's Arms,- Holyhead, N. Wales. Promoted Corpl., April, 1901. Returned with Company om boars ss. Manchester Merchant, July 18,1901. 4241 Canny, H., Tpr., Gun Section, 29, Oresoent Road, Woolwich. Corpl. Gun Section wee Hall. Sergt. Gun Section vice Hall. Left ill at Warringham Store. Experience as Signaller and Sergt. in 3rd Rifles. In Woolwich Arsenal. 6349 Gholmeley, Hugh, Tpr., F. Sect. I/I., 15, Stanhope Gardens, London, S.W. Invalided at Harrismith for home, Dec., 1900. Experience is Ceylon, Assam, &c. 6278 Christy, Duncan F., Tpr., F. Sect. I/I., 1, Pennington Pari Mansions, W. Hempstead. Left ill at Harrismith, Dec., 1900. Rejoined Company, Jan. B, AngloBoerWar.com1901. Detached to Willow Grange Farm Camp. Left ill and is charge of kits at Fouriosburg, May 27,1901. Came home with detafli vid Bethlehem, July, 1901. Experience in Australia, one year. Re-enlisted in Veteran Corps. Commission in South Africa. 6342 Clifford, H. E., Tpr., Rectory Farm, Bourton-on-Hill, Moretonuv Marsh, Gloucestershire. Orderly to General Boyes. Staff. Rejoined ranks of Company, Nov. 29,1900. Left ill at Ficksburg, March, 1901. Rejoined Companj at Ficksburg, May, 1901. Remained at Harrismith, June, 1901 to join New I. Y. as Qr.-Mstr.-Sergt. Survived Tweefontein. Com­ mended in Lord Kitchener's despatch, June 23, 1902. 6243 Corner, William, Tpr., F. Sect. IH/II., Wellington, Somerset. Remained with Company and roturoed with Company on board ss. Manchester Merchant, July 18, 1901. Experience over 15 years m United States and Mexico. 244 Cowan, 0. J., Qr.-Mstr.-Sergt.-Major, 10, Wiokham Road, Brockky. Compy.-Sorgt.-Major vice Roller, May 25, 1900. Left Compaq at Vrede for Standerton, Aug., 1900. Returned to Company at Bethlehem, Sept. 25, 1900. Remained at Harrismith to join Ncv I. Y. as Regt.-Sergt.-Major, June, 1901. Returned to England. Aug., 1901. Gasetted Tempry.-Lieut., Jan. 21, 1008. Old Regular Dragoon. APPENDICES 499 6272 Gralg, Tpr., A., 17, Grand Parade, Putney, S.W. No information. Not in Firing Line of Company 84. Old Middlesex Co. Yeoman. Dalbiac, Henry Skelley, Old Family Seat at Durrington, near Worthing. Capt. 84th Company from Jan. 26,1900 (Gazette). >f* KM*d in action at Senekal, May 25,1900. Late Major Royal Artillery, 1871 to 1888. Egyptian Campaign, 1882. Distinguished himself and was wounded at Battle of Tel-ol-Kebir. Medals and Orders: Medjidie 4th Class, Egyptian with Clasp (Tel-el-Kebir) and Star. Dalgetty, F. in Adjutant at Maitland Camp. Lockerley Hall, near Romsey, Hants. Adjutant 11th Battalion I. Y., Feb. 10, 1900. Invalided home suffering from blood-poisoning at Winburg, May 16, 1900. Late Gapt. 16th Hussars, March 25,1894. 6274 Da vera, A. H., Tpr., F. Sect. HI/II., 48, Warwick Road, Ealing. Left Company at Harrismith, Nov., 1900. Became detail at Bethlehem till June, 1901. Experience in South African Constabulary, Australia, Canada, and other parts of the world. 6275 Davies, H. Price, Tpr., F. Sect. IV/II., 7, Leinster Mansions, Frognal, Finohley Road, N. Left Company ill at Fouriesburg, Aug. 2,1900. Rejoined in South African Police. Experience in Canadian Police. 4248 Day, H. H., Tpr., Gun Section, 11, Vere Street, London, W. Enrolled in Gun Section. Transferred to Company 84th at Klip Drift. Left Company ill December, 1900. Became detail at Beth­ lehem until June, 1901. 6254 Deane, H. EU, Tpr., son of Col. Geo. Deane, 13th Bengal Cavalry. ^ Killed in action at Senekal, May 25,1900. Denman, Lieut. Lord, Stony Middloton, Sheffield. Lieut. Sect. IV., 34th Company, at Knightsbridge (Army List, Feb. 3, 1900). Left 34th Company ill at Bloemfontein, May, 1900. Rejoined Battalion as Capt. of 35th Company at Harrismith, Aug. 1900. f Wounded in leg at Cornells River, Nov. 20, 1900, and invalided home. Late Lieut. Royal Scots, March 7,1894. 4240 Dixon, W. O., Sergt. Gun Section, 34, Victoria Road, Kensington, W. Conimission Lieut, vice Guthrie, May 16, 1900. Attached to 35th Company until June 18,1900. Adjutant of Battalion, vice Dalgetty, June 18, 1900. Capt., June 18, 1900. Returned in command, as Senior Officer, of Battalion on board as. Manchester Merchant, vice Lieut.-Gol.
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