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Appendices (PDF) Appendices Appendix A: Background Information for the Lewis and Clark Expedition ............................................................. 3 The Expedition: Making Ready ................................................................................................................................. 3 List of Supplies .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Timeline for the Lewis and Clark Expedition ............................................................................................................. 9 Map of the Westward Route of the Lewis and Clark Expedition ............................................................................ 19 Map of the Eastbound Route of the Lewis and Clark Expedition ............................................................................ 20 The Expedition: Putting Away ................................................................................................................................ 21 Appendix B: People of the Lewis and Clark Expedition ....................................................................................... 23 President Thomas Jefferson ................................................................................................................................... 23 Captain Meriwether Lewis (Co-Leader) .................................................................................................................. 24 Seaman (Dog and Expedition Member ) ................................................................................................................ 25 Second Lieutenant William Clark (Co-Leader) ........................................................................................................ 26 York (Slave and Expedition Member) ..................................................................................................................... 27 Sergeants ............................................................................................................................................................... 28 Privates and Corporal ............................................................................................................................................. 30 Interpreters ............................................................................................................................................................ 40 Indian Woman and Child ........................................................................................................................................ 41 Engagés .................................................................................................................................................................. 42 L&C Expedition Personnel from Departure at Camp Dubois, Illinois ...................................................................... 46 Appendix C: Lewis and Clark States .................................................................................................................... 47 Eleven States of the Lewis and Clark Trail .............................................................................................................. 49 Other States and District With Associations to the Lewis and Clark Expedition ..................................................... 60 Appendix D: Interdisciplinary Study and Assessment Materials .......................................................................... 67 A Lewis and Clark Crossword PuZZle ....................................................................................................................... 68 Questions Students Ask .......................................................................................................................................... 71 Study Questions ...................................................................................................................................................... 75 Assessment Questions ............................................................................................................................................ 78 Appendix E: Bibliography ................................................................................................................................... 80 General Background ............................................................................................................................................... 80 Lewis and Clark Trail .............................................................................................................................................. 85 Journals of the Expedition ...................................................................................................................................... 87 People Associated with the Expedition ................................................................................................................... 88 © 2001 Lewis and Clark Trial Heritage Foundation 1 Native American Cultures Relevant to the Expedition ............................................................................................ 91 Natural History and Scientific Aspects of the Expedition ....................................................................................... 95 Works of Fiction Based on the Expedition .............................................................................................................. 99 Appendix F: Resource List ................................................................................................................................. 100 © 2001 Lewis and Clark Trial Heritage Foundation 2 Appendix A: Background Information for the Lewis and Clark Expedition The Expedition: Making Ready On 14 March 1803, Meriwether Lewis left the City of Washington and his position as personal secretary to President Thomas Jefferson. Although the president had arranged meetings for him in Lancaster and Philadelphia, PA with five of his learned friends, Lewis traveled first to Harpers Ferry, VA (which is now in WV). After a month there instructing worKmen how to construct his unique iron boat frame, Lewis rode on to Lancaster, PA to study celestial navigation with Andrew Ellicott for three weeKs. By that time, Ellicott had been appointed Surveyor General of the United States. Ellicott’s home still stands; one can touch the banisters as Lewis did in 1803. By 20 May 1803, Lewis had arrived in Philadelphia where he studied field medicine with Dr. Benjamin Rush, hero of the yellow fever epidemic of 1793; latitude, longitude and mathematics with Robert M. Patterson, vice-president of the University of Pennsylvania; botany and natural science with Dr. Benjamin Smith Barton author of the first textbooK on botany in the United States; paleontology and anatomy with Dr. Caspar Wistar, author of the first textbooK on anatomy in the United States. His home too still stands. Pennsylvania Hospital, America’s first institution serving the poor, sicK and especially the insane, and where Rush, Barton and Wistar were elected to serve as physicians early in 1803, still stands today. Undoubtedly Lewis tooK the opportunity while in the city to re-visit in their homes and to consult with Governor Thomas McKean, former Chief Justice of Pennsylvania and signer of the Declaration of Independence; Charles Fevret St. Mémin, artist; Dr. George Logan, United States Senator from Pennsylvania, whose mansion “Stenton” was erected by William Penn’s secretary James Logan in 1728 and which stands today near Germantown; Alexander J. Dallas, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Mahlon DicKerson, friend and confidant; and General William Irvine, Superintendent of Military Stores and acquainted with Lewis from their service together in the WhisKey Rebellion of 1794. In this same period, until 10 June 1803, Lewis purchased over 3,500 pounds (more than a ton and a half) of supplies, equipment, clothing, weapons (including an air gun and lead for ammunition), uniforms, tents, tools, instruments, Indian gifts, drugs, medicines, vermillion, wine, pocKet pistols, blanK notebooKs, quills, dried soup and much more from twenty-seven merchants and the United States (SchuylKill) Arsenal in Philadelphia, examined and signed off on every bill of lading and arranged for it to be pacKed in thirty-five boxes, one hogshead, and a variety of Kegs for transportation by Conestoga wagon to Pittsburgh, PA via Harpers Ferry, a distance of at least four hundred and fifteen miles over the tree-blanKeted Appalachian Mountains. On 18 June 1803, Lewis followed on horsebacK via the City of Washington. While there, he wrote William ClarK inviting him to join in this grand adventure, and to his mother assuring her of his safety and certain return in fifteen to eighteen months. © 2001 Lewis and Clark Trial Heritage Foundation 3 Then it was off to Harpers Ferry. There he found his iron frame, fifteen guns and tomahawKs had not been added to the Conestoga wagon’s load, obliging him to hire a small wagon to carry those items over the mountains to Pittsburgh. Lewis’ route then tooK him west through Charlestown, FranKfort (now Fort Ashby, WV), Cumberland, MD, Uniontown and old fort Redstone (now Brownsville, PA) on the Monongahela River. During the six weeKs he struggled to get his Keelboat built, Lewis must have decided to purchase two large pirogues in Elizabeth, PA. That town was on the Monongahela River also, only nine miles from Pittsburgh.
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