ALLEN COUNTY PUBL GENEALOGYGENEALI lllllilillllilililllilllllllllillllllilliillllll

Abstracts of Deed Book 1 1777-1789 Ohio County (W) VA

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Abstracts of Deed Book 1 1777-1789 ^ Ohio County (W) VA

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March 6,1777. /ibrohan Viuinctrc of Derholoy County, Colooy o£ Vircinia,,do bargain and ocll tv;o acres on head of Northerly fork of iihort Creol:, ]aio\vn as Dlack»o Cabin — for use of Chio County as a court houoc. Abraham Vanmetre witness Andi^w F

February 3,1773. i/illian Hawkins sold to John Wilscn, l£aid on waters of Short Creek — on Chio River to 01en»B Run. William Hawkins

.vitness Jc^n Hills, David ifcClure Recorded Jan.2a,1777. (p.2)

Juno 19,1778. Isaac Taylor sold to George Coridders, two hundred acres "the place vdierc I now live". Isaac Taylor ii'itness James Gillespie, Thomas Clark, James Gillespey, (p«3)

December 14,177^. Nathaniel Rodford of Biiffalow C reek in Chio County, State of Virginia cold to James Caldwell of said County four hundred acres "on which I not; live called Bair Wallow, near Robert Taylor, John Justice, Thomas Gillolan, Nathaniel Redford Witness her Sacuel Johnston Jean X Redford VJilliam Carson mark William Taylor ; Robert I Fealor (P-A-) m£irk

April 1,177s. William Hawkins of Buffalov/ C reek in Chio County, province of Virginia sold to James Caldwell, five hun4red acres called Bolls Place or Big Lick, joining Barney Boner, John Beach, James Bohannan (Buchannan),

I William Hawkins witness James Caldwell Jr. Alexander Duglcsa (p. 5)

%Pdl 3,1779. Sanuel rtCoUoch sold to Moses Williamson land on head of Buffalow Creek knovm as Jacks Camp, Joining Samuel V/illiamson. Samuel Ii£o^och Gave to Handly -• ,/-;t. .. \:,.T.Xo.j •1. ..rS'...,.^ :\>:rA


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Ji •iOi.^J.JCCiT.-. February 17,1779. Jcoao .'iirtin of .hio county, Jtato of Virginia sold to John Datsil and Thonas llolbord of Oiio County, Virginia, ono hundred acroa nortli side of a Braiich of BuflowCx*eek known by na.'nc of Drushey .inn, joi^inc land of Adleys Rays, John Roes. Jess© /Sartin .iitncsQ M ttalnh Cotton ^ his uillian X i'ery nark (p.o) liarch 16,1775. Hercules ftoney add to Jooeph Alexander, three hundred acres of land on head waters of little l^eeUng Creek,

./itnoss Hercules Roney James Caldv/ell Jr. ' (p«/)

December 17,1775. Mathias Allts sold to Josei* Alexander, four hundred acres on west fork of Buffalow Creek, Joining Andrew lloore, George Htunphrys, Jacob I-Hller, and John Hupp. his Witness Iviathias X Allts Andrew Moore raaric Gennet X Humphry mark (p. 7)

June 16,177s. William Hawkins sold to Thoaaas Edgington, land on waters of Short Crook joining John Wilson.

Witness V/illiam Hav/kins David M:£luro Daniel Harris (p. 6)

January 25,1776. John CariJenter of West Augusta County of Colony ^ of Virginia, sold three hundred and forty acres on a Branch of ^ Buflow Creek adjoining Joseph Worloy, John Finley to Francy Reyly. Witness John Carpenter John Doddridge Joseph Worly (p.8)

September 17,177^. John Boggs of (hio County, Virginia, sold to James Clerk of State of i onnsylvania, four hiondred acres en waters of Shirtees. County aforesaid, bounded by land of Isaac Loot, flichael Dennis, John Boggs and John Taylor. Witness John Boggs Isaac Leet Elieaer V/illiamson Sanuel M:Bride (p*9} J no>.'


ci^: X^,.

Jr^.:>. "" -. trie Kovenber 27,177^5, . waiter Jordan and Henry flooro sold to John iJocoaboUicConbo) three hundred acres land en branch of 3hirtoe called Brontons Run in Uiio County, Virginia, joining William Huston, Thomas hichol and .iichard Dickoson. uitnoss Walter Jordan David jfcClure Henry Moore Kichard Yoates Willian ifcConbs (p.lO)

Soptoraber o,1777. .jilliaii Caldwell of ChioCamty, Virginia, sold to James Fisk of Frederick County, Miarylazid| one part of an inprovoment nadc by Jainuel Ceborn in year of 1771 on a parcel of land on v/aters of Duffalovr Greek, joining lands of William i/illiams and Henry ;iirtin.

Witness V/illiam C aldwell none (p*ll)

Ojtober 14,177s. Isaac Taylor of Chio County, Virginia, sold to David V/iniamson, land on Lick Run.

witness Isaac Taylor John X Been mark Eliazer Willianann John Williamson (p. II}

June 3,1776, Wllliara Caldv;cll of the v/ators of Buffalow C reek, west Augusta C ounty, colony of Virginia, sold to 'Wllllami ^ V/llllaos, one hundred and fifty acres on waters of Buffalow Creek joinli^ Jesse f^aztin, Rollins I^lartln and James Flsk,

Witness V/llllan Caldv/ell Thomas Bond Hobert Boyd [p. 22)

April 25,1779. Samuel V/illiamson of Chio County, Virginia, sold to Joseph Arnold land on vraters of &iffalow Creek joining Thomas Wilson and MsBrydo. Witness Sanuel WlUiamson Moses Williamson, Junr. Ilirtey Handley (p. 13)

June 5 , 1775. Derrick Houghland of Augusta Coutny, Virginia, sold to Isaac Iteeks, land on Buflo waters jolninc Soloman Hedges and Derlck Houghland. Witness Derrick X Houghland John Lemen, the first mark Soloman Hedges (p.23) vv -^^ /;.: cy r-^a ,/ii;"^5^; : ^ -> , ks .•..=;; ,a-,'V'- 'i •loc-o^:... .' . A.. . '?:."«'B0

Vi.y^.',.. jii. .^ X iiicl

.i!.'^...•il'^JO^. .toxicu

tin/^t'Ctj .:,?: ^ mcA-ix .

Tiarch 27,1777. Georf:c . jcC oiloch of thio County, Virginia, farmer, oold to CharlcG ..e'lla oi' Baltiiioro C ounty, Maryland, one thouaaivi and soventy-five acrcG on a Branch of Bufalow Crook, joining Francis ."cGuirc, liiccono, John Bodken, aoriuel Bruse, John Johnson

Kdv/ard . orron, Thor.iac Jhanan, and ThQoas JteOueir.

jitneos George I fcC oiloch Januol liuany John Doddridge (i'.14)

January 16,1775- Thooias Clark, of Chio County, Virginia, sold to Jc*in Chajxaan land on Branch of Buffalow Creek.

.iitneas Thoraas Clark Joooph J'yols Arthur IfcConnol (p.l5) liarch 10,1777. William Bailey of Chio C ounty, Virginia, sold to George Parks, Jr. land en Cross Creek.

Witness ./illian X Bailey Francis Riley mark Thomas Taylor I p. 15)

i larch 24,1777. Thomas shannon of Chio County, Virginia, sold to William Hervey, land near Thoraas ifcGulres, Samuol Peters, Edward

Pounce and I'cColah ( I fco oiloch ) Witness Thomas X Shannon Jose0i Wells nark Robert I^fcGuler X mark (p.lo)

Play 3,1779, Jonah Soaman of Chio County, Virginia sold to George Stephenson of Cumberland Ccunty, , four hundred and fifty acres of land on Buflow Creek joining Joao0i Hedges, Jacob Newland, Jonah Seaman, Levy IHlls, Derrick Houghland and James EnoQ, Jonah Seaman lp.l7)

January 5.1776. Robert Taylor of Chio County, Virginia, sold to Ezekiai BogKs, land joining Taylors, Charles ffcRobblns, John Hill and v;illiam Carson. Witness Robert Taylor Ebenezer Morten i mark John McBrido (p.l^ o iua iiay JilT79» .atrici: .cGahan of vhioCoiuity, Virginia, sold to larranco licGarri:! t\;o huiidrod acrcc, part of a tract I now live on, on w roc 3 wrcc'. J i::i..r-, Icac;: iiiloo and -indrov; acott.

.iitncsG . atettck X liai^ahcin Joosc .\artin nark (p. 13)

April 2,1777. .iloxc-uider junl^oo of Chio County, Virginia, sold to Jesse Hollinco\;orth of Baltinoro Tov/n, ilaryland, six hund- red acres land on \;atGrG of Liufralov; Crook on main road load- inc fron Catfish ^..i\:v-> to noutli of .-holas or Zaneburgh, joining Robert ./alicor, Janes .atten, John Jt .Clair and Richard vvsbell,

.witness Alexander Dugless D, i'entocost Thos. Todd Sanuel IfcKinsie (p.l9}

Septon^er 19,177^5. .;illian ^cott of (loio County, Virginia, sold to James Clark of Gunberland County, i ennsylvania, four hund- red acres land on Gross Creek joining David iRannolds, Andrew Scott and Willian Jcott.

uitness , i/illiain ocott ZeaoQQ Caldwell Geoi^e Stephenson Andrew Raosey (p. 20)

April 5,1779. Willian Caldv;oll of (hi o County, Virginia, sold to Simeon Brovffi one hundred acres by liatthew Tec^leton, V/ill- ion Freasor, John Tweeds and >Villian Williano.

V/itness w'illian Caldv/ell JohnMcWillians vailila IfcWillians Willian Willians (p. 21)

June 2S,1779. Charles Dodd, John I'cBridc and Samuel IfcBride. having on June 1, 1775 purchased fifteen hundred acres of land of Thomas Rutherford for and in behalf of his brother Robert RuthortTord —- do divide the property between then. Witness Richard Yeates Jenjamin Toalinson David rcClure (p.22)

January 9»1779. Rezin Virgin of Chio County, Virginia, sold to Daniel Leet of sane place land on Jhirtoe Waters joining Jordan, Androv/ Sv/eringon and Banfield.

.atness Rozin Virgin David Shepherd

Lochlan ifclntosh , Brice Virgin (p.23) •; »i Y.:.

r(l«*.'.; !

W/ni, I. January 9,177'>. Reason Vir^^in of .hi-.- ^. ounty, Vircinia, sold to Daniel Lcot land on ohirtco J roc;: of ono hundred and seven- ty one acres.

.-itnocG Rezin Virgin David ^hci^herd Lochlan .clntooh Lricc Vircin (p.2/f)

July 7,177o. John baker of hio County, Virginia, sold to John Tweed, tv/o cabinc, seven acres and forty-five and one half V/illian .i/illiams acres on Duffalo\: >. roc;: by .iatthow Tonpleton, and Jc^n Tweed of Dadsbury To\.'nGhi:', Lancaster C ounty, Penna, witness John Baker John Hall vVillian -illians Harry l^in ^^^^^^

August 20,1773. Joseph uclis of ..estnoreland C ounty, Pennsyl- vania sold to Isaac liles of Berkeley County, Virginia, cno hundred and fifty acres land on v/atcrs of Dxiffalow Creek joininf

ThcMnas iritchard and : atrick IfcGahan.

./itneso Joseph v/ells Thomas Freenan John Kiccols (p.27)

April ^,1775. Jamos Clenens of Augusta County, Virginia sold to Robert Taylor, land on Buffalov-/ Creek first improved by Hu^ Sidwell, joining Robert Taylor, Sanuel Johnstcn and riathaniel Redford.

Witness Janes C lonens John Foster Willian C arson

March 1,1779. Edv/ard Snyth of Oiio County, Virginia, sold to Isaac cioyth of same place, two hundred acres joining Janes iiirphy and John Best.

v;itne8s Edward Smith SolomaA Belong Janes Hannan (p.28)

August 27,1779. Jonah Seanan of Chio County, Virginia, sold to V/illiam Harris of ./asliington County, Maryland, two parcels of land on waters of Buffalo Creek joining George Stephenson, John I-fclntire, Frederick I^inb, lAvnrenco Vanbuskirk, Frederick Larab, el^t hundred and thirty acres. Jonah Seanan Witness Bush V/illian , ^^. Robert Harrison lp.^9; JS>


^0-''.-'d -9

Joptcnbcr 24, 1776. ,-iliia;.i Hai/kins of west .vugusta G oimty,

Vircinia, sold land to . cter Haldibrand,

.witness uilliara Hfwklna zatrick itlJlroy John IcGolloch (p.30)

IJay 1, 1779. Isaac .iles of Chio County, Vircinla, sold to Rov»d. Josei*i Jnith of York County, Pennsylvania, one hund- red and fifty acres of land on waters of Cross Cr^ek above liingoe path fron Catfish Camp, joining Patrick I-jcGauehan and Kiclos line, Joseph ./ells, being part of land sold by Josej* V/olls to Isaac Ililes.

Witness Isaac I£Lles Joseph Wells Frederick Iamb Thonas Poak (p.31)

December 1, 1779. v/illian Dunlap of Bfu^ Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, purchaaed of James Fulton, of Chio County, Virginia, land on Shrart Creek joining Samuel Graham, J<*m Lemen, Abraham Vanmetre and Joseph Hedges containing throe hundred acres. This land was traded for land of William Dunlap in Lancaster County, i onnsylvania. Witness James Fulton Solomon Hedges Edward Robinscxi Andrew Robinson (p.32)

Kovember 30, 1779. John JCidd in Westmoreland County, Pennsyl- vaniasold to James Fulton of Bart Township. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, three hundred plus acres of land on waters of Short Creek in Chio county, Virginia, Joining land of SacHiel Grimes, John Lemon, Abraham Vanmetre and Jpsoph Hedges. Witness John Kidd Soloman Hodges Edvrard Robeson Andw, Robinson (p» 33)

February 20, 1775. Patrick IfcGahan of Chio County, Virgibia sold to Joseph Scott of Oiio County, Virginia, three hundred and fifty acres land on south Branch of Cross Creek, joining land of ixndrov; Jcott and others. <« Witness iatrickp,i]cBoha;t)r( William Scott m^k Jciin McCausland Andrew Scott (p.34) t: >f ?

June 29, 1774. Zonhaaia Dunn cold to willian Johnston, throe himdrod acres of " land on vratorG of Uuffalow Creel: called Buck.

.iitncaa ^aphaniah Dunn Gcorce Brent Lamctt Johnston (p.35)

.iucuot 24, 1775. ^ephaniah Dunn of Aucuota County, Colony of Vircinia, sold to Kennith IlcClolland of the same place, a tract of leind vrfiore Dvinn no\^ lives and next to Charles It Rob- ins land and John Ilills and Williajn Johnston.

..itncss iiephoniah Dunn Hananiah Davis Francis Riley {p.36} cjeptcnbor 10,1778.

witness Zephaniah Dunn EpJirain J dins on Rachel X Johnson niark Thonas^C hapiaon riarl:

"I do assign over all my ri£ilit, title and intorost of the prop- erty v/ithin nontioned tract of land to Hugh Gilloland, his heirs etc ac vjitncss iTiy hand tliis 30th day of liarch 17^50.

Witness Thoaas Gilleland David /icClure Jaaos Caldvrall, Junr. (p»37)

April 15, 1790. Dcnjanin Biggs, Junr., sold to James IfcKay of Chio County, Virginia, four huntoed acres of land on head of Glenn »s Run Joining J dm Warfco^d.

Charles Hedges - i.'itneos Benjaain Biggs Willlani Biggs John Biggs (p.33}

Novenbor B, 1780. Androv; Zane of Chio County, Virginia sold to John Warford of tho sane place, all ay right to land at Caintuck.

Viitness Andrew Zan© David English , ^ , John Hoi/ell (p.39)

June 12,1780. Hugh aidwcll of Chio County, Virginia sold to Jc*in Warford of tho saiie place land on - v;aters of lickingtj , ^ Creek -.'i- :

«r .atncso HUGli Jidv/oll ijli::abcth a '.cVccly :.iar: Hannah a ..heat willic;.! .-lohavcn (p.40) anril 10, 17£5l. .^d\;ard ..ndcrson of Oiio County, Virginia oold to .

.witness Edward Anderson Th onas^ dt evens on Clark ;jidrcv; Anderson nark George ivtchoson (p. 41)

Aoril 10, 1781. Frederick Lamb of Chio County, Virginia sold to Willian Lanb, tvio hundred acres of land on Duffalow Greek.

./itness Frederic I: Laxah Richard otevenoon

ThCttaas t Jt evens on nark Bonjaznin - ./ood mark {p.42;

;.pril 10, 1781. Frederick Lanb of QiioGounty, Virginia sold to k/illiaa Laab tv/o hundred acres of land on Buffalo Greek.

witness I'redorick Lanb Richard Stevenson Bonjaninx wood nark I p. 43 J

17^1. Joseph Casey of Chio County, Virginia, for ncney paid to no by John Hook, doc'd, of the sane place do sell to Jonathon Hook, heir at law to said J<*in Hook, tv/o hundred acres of land conveyed by V/illiara Flavin to said Casey on the waters of VJheoling Creek including path or road to Col. David Shepherd's r>a.ll, bounding v/ith land of John Buckoy, dec'd.

Witness Joseph Casey John V/ork * nark {p.44)

February 27, 1781. Patrick IfcGaughan of aiio C ounty, Virginia soW ono hundred acres en v?aters of Cross Creek to Mark IcHaughan Joining land of ilov. Joseph Joith. I lark is never to sell said one hundred acres as long as I, Patrick ifcOaughan do live under penalty of ono hundred pounds sterling.

"itnoss atrick X liBGaughan T~~^- _£14_lV£.^,-,4-» U«V —-t. V - ^^^„,-. U.^1^^ r,^,^M / ..A


Januar-/ 13, 17^1 wG:'iiani..ii Juiui of vhio ^.ounty, Virclnla, aold to Jcro..d;Ui ..iiis oX' t!ie aauo placo fca* ton thousand ncuncls, land ori i.ufralo Crook joininc Joaoi* Caa«y, 3aiau«l_

ulaso and - otor i.cllor.

-itnooG ^OF*ianiah JDurm

^ otor Kollcr Joroniah iHinn Jc^in Kinoor (p«47}

;.pril 2, 17ol. .citric I: . £ -^aunliai^ of Olio County, Virginia. for cood vri.ll, love and fathorlv afectioo I toear aw ohildrttn iotor ifcHauchon and .ary iCGauf^han both infants under tmnM yoaro of ago, do nivo, r;r;\nt otc.-— land vdiereon iatriok ficGaxxGhan nov; lives on nouth aide of and Joining aouth Pork of Croao Crook and joining land of Joaoph Jcott, Xoaao l-fil*8 .\ndrm

liovoni>or 21, l?^, charlos .iollo of Washington County, Penn- oylvonia, oold to iiobort Giboon of '^rfeotaoraland County, ; onnsylvania, four hundred acres land in Chio County, Virg- inia on a aidco lyinc botv;oon Titt»s Run and Painter Run. two branches of Buffalo crock joining Willian licrsihan ana . George lioColloch. Charles Wells Witness AiMQd ^'ells Joseph Wells. (p»49}

1773* David Cox odd to Gooreo Glaze land Joining Thotaas rfcOuler, Georco f lc£ olloch and Gabriel C coc.

l/itness Oa:vld C ok GooTEo rtKoy X laark Doyldwin Parson Gabriel C ok Juno tern court 17^3 X aark (p«50)

Soptenber 12, I780. liathow Korr of Fiahing Greek on the Chlo River, Chio c ounty, Virclnia cold to Barnard Dougherty of Bedford C ounty, ^ cnncylvania, land ai Fishing Creek, Join- ing John Aloxondcr.

i/itneoa :5atthew Kerr Fred B, lanb Ooorge Tato Joiaos Salter (p*$l} ' !-^ < ..T'--^: :£>: -tcl ;. -^.i : u_ r yr*. • .-- L.. Oint. c;.; : Toe

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iiay 3, 17^4. John Ueciier cold to David Bradford, attorJiey rjid interest in a certain tract of land. at lav/ "all ny richt . -itnoso John X Decker Jauuel Iriv/on mark Kbenezor ^anc , ,^, (p.52)

Jane as above with the additional information that the land is on east bank of Chio River in Yohogeny C ounty , originally taken up and convoyed by Isaac Cox to said John Decker,

April 20, 17^. Jacob l^eatt of Chio County, Virginia sold to Robert C orry, -black smith, of Chio C ounty, Virginia, two hundred and thirty acres of land on Short Creek joining Revert J dm Weats,(Wayt), Levy Hills, Jacob iyeatt Junr. , Rutherford, George Dement being improved in year of 1772.

..'itness Jacob lyeatt Jacob iyeatt Benjamin lyeatt (P.54;

June 14, 17^. Joseph Wilson of v;heoling, Virginia sold to Richard leata forty acres on »i"heata Run near Ambrose Coffee's cabin. Witness Joseph X V/ilscn John I'fcBrido oark Agness IfcBrido Agness X Wilson nark (p.$5)

UoveiAer 1, 17^4 . Ednond Pollock, heir at law of John Pollock dec»d of County of lohogany, Virginia, sold to Robert Woods of (hio County land on Glenn's Run Dottaa, improved by John Pollock in year of 1772. Witness Edmond Polke Jofxathon C ox ( Pollock) Jonah Seaman (p.5o)

Qstober 29, 17^4. Ebenozor Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to Laurance Hall tv/o hundred and eighty acres near Jan»s Ityan and Robert Scott. Witness Eboiezer Zane George Strieker Elizabeth Zane Henry Hardcastle Jeremiah i Davenport nark (p.57) ^^:"^i-

' - a.}'..

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(JCtobcr 2V, lytUf. ^bcncccr ^caie and i^lisaboth his v/ife sold to Uobort llardcastlo four hundred acres near Jilas «:iano, James iiyan, .Ludrev; Jcott und Joacph .;il3on.

witnooG Ebenozer Zaae Georcc otrickor Elizabeth Zane John Banning Jcrorxiah X Davcn .oi't .oarl: (p. 53}

IJarch 3, 17o5. John .cColloch of Oiio County, Virginia and l-iary hie vdfe, sold to Georcc icColloch of Chio C ounty, three hundred acres on .^hort Crook near Abrahan IfcColloch and John idtcholl v;ith the rovivion that any part that nay fall v/ithin that portion laid off and assigned to iiary IfcColloch

vriLdo;-; of Jaiiuol - cG olloch dec »d as her Dower shall remain subject to her Dov/cr.

.witness John IScC olloch John ..'ilson 21ary IfcColloch Hambleton ileid *P. 59)

April 20, 1734. Jacob i yeatt Junr. of Jefferson County, Virginia Innkeeper sold to Jacob lyeatt Sr. of Chio County, Virginia two hundred and thirty acres of land on 3hort Creek joining Edward Morgan, v;idov; C ochran, Robert Curoy and Levi i-flJLls.

Witness Jacob Pyeatt Jean X i'yeatt nark Mary iyeatt (x) mark John Mitchell Joseph V/illians (p.60)

April 30, 17^5. John Ilitchell in behalf of Joseph Kyle, by a power of attorney given, sold to Edward Ilorgan four hundred acres of land near Janes Garrison, John Duke and Morgan Vanmetre. John Mitchell V/itnoss David IbDlure Garland Kerr Samuel licCluro (p.61)

April 4, 1765. Joseph v^lo of Oiio County, Virginia and Jemima his wife sold to Joshua Hurd of the same County, two hund- red and sixty acreo near James Iloore,

Witness Joseph Qgle David Bradford Jemima X Cfele David licClure mark

(P.62) \'-U.'i '• Ji (3

Cctobcr 3 1 17^*5. ^-av.Tcnco Van Lu3i:iri: and hio vdfo Sobokah sold to ..illici.i ..artcnbe one hundred acres en waters of DafTalo Grce;; near .ibsolon wcllo, Georce ilcGolloch and

Lovn.0 . icrcc.

i-itncGs LauroncG X Vanbuaklrk i>avld .rClurc nark Janes Cald\;ell iiebecca X Vanbusklrk nark

(P. 63)

Cttobor 3, 1705. -xiurence Van Busl:irk and Hebecca his wife sold to Lo\7is -iorcc one hundred and nlnty-two acres of land on DuTfalo ..rcci:.

.iltness i^urencc X Vanbusklrk David iicClurc nark Janes Caldv;cll iiobecca X Vanbusklrk nark

(P.64) ilay 6, 17^. Van owcaringon sold to Elizabeth Zane four or five hundred acres land on Short Creek, joining land of John Warford and Janiel Harris.

witness Van Swearingen Richard Yeats William X Zane narlc Bartara X Yeats nark Senjanin JcAuiston (p.65)

Sept. 5, 1735. Solonan Hedges and Rebekah his wife sold to Hezekiah Hiatt, one hundred and thirty-seven acres of land on Buffalow Crock. Solotoan Hedges V/itnoso Rebekah Hedges David IfcClure mark Stephen John Francis (p.66) r-iarch 8, 1785. Grant by Patrick Henry £sqr. Governor of the C oanonwealth of Virginia for three hundred and twenty- four acres by survey bearing the date April 12, 178llh, on \7aters of Iliddle Fork of iVhooling Creek, on the State temporary line, joining '.Villian Morrison and David Hosack, Patrick Henry

(p.67) •i'i,'

'iOt^n,;-:!) Ti^!,



VAj'^'^t; iV

Novcnbcr 7, 17o5. Ilichard YoatoG of .hioGounty, (Tlrclnia, attornoy in fact for Jacob .icanor, sold to Jc*in Eoff now of Olio county, Virc;inia, i^our hundred acres on .Vhoellng crock and Grave orool: Flatt, the land havinc boon made over to uoacer by David Jhophord and joiniuc Janes M;:C onnell and Januol :jnith.

..itnoos Hichard Yeates Francis iicGuire on behalf of Javid ohepiiord Jacob Roager /indrow .ioods (P.6J)

DocG.'nbor 23, 1779. Williara Ifcl-Sahan of County of Yohoeania of the iitato of Virginia and his v;ife Ann sold four hundred acres land in Ychogany County, Virginia on the Chip River to Barnard Dourfierty of Bedford C ounty, Pennavlvania. Land called upper end of rilngo Bottom, Joining '.yilliam Great- house.

ivitness .^illiamlfcl'Iachan Samuel i-fcKibben /oine l-lachtti Jacob Bonhara iVilliam Baxter {p.69)

December 22, 1779. William rteltohan of Yohogonia County, Vir- gindlia and Anne his vriLfe sold to Barnard Dou^erty of Bedford Courounty, Pennsylvania, four hundred acres land in Yohogania County, Virginia bounded by John Docker and William Ifcliohan. I^ind nearly opposite and aoove I lingo old town.

Witness Wllllan I'icr-iachan Jacob Bonham Anne licMachan Wm. Baxter (P.70)

Cbtober 10, 1782. James Andawf? . of (hio County, Virginia, sold to David ilcClure of the sane County, one hundred and seventy acres land on tho v;aters of Duffalow Creek Joining Zachariah Spriggs, John Beck, V/illian Logan and John Wilman. James Andrews lp.70)

February 20. 1786. John Ilillo of ihio County, Virgiriia sold to Samuel feritton of C hester C ounty, ;'ennoylvania, one half of a tract of land en tho v/aters of Grace Creek containing four hundred acres. ^ Witness John Hills £benezer

p:.w* / ^ - 65

Know all Men by thee© preeenta that I Van

Swerlngen have Sargaln'd and Sold and Delivered unto -llza^eth Zone a Certain tract or porosll of Land

In Ohio County on Short Creek Adjoining the Lands for merly the property of John :Tarford and Deinlel Harria

Inoludlng the B'ornt Cabbln the Stone Oole Llok at the rorke of Said Croak and up the South Fork of Said

Creek to the Out Line of said Swerlngene Land Con- taining four or five hundred Acres of Land or there abouts be It more or Less, to have and to hold the

Said Lands and preralaseB to her the Said Elizabeth

Zane and her heirs for Ever and If the Said Elizabeth

Zane should Die Intestate then the Said Lands Shall be Invested In her Child or Children if any but if She

Inclines to Sell the Same or any part thereof then She

is at full Liberty to Dispose of it at her pleasure and will Patent the Said Lands for her Clear of all

Incumbranoes and will by these presence for Ever warrant and Defend the Said Lands to her and her heirs as aforsald having Rooeived of hor the Sum of Fifty

Pounds Current money in full for the Same as witness my hand and Seal this Sixth day of Uay ITS'*-

Test Van Sweringen C2[^L S'^

Richard Yeatee his :71111am W Zane Mark her

Barbara j) Yeatea mark Benjamin Johnston

The Above Bill of Sale was Aoknowledged In

Open Court and Ordered to be Recorded


David UcOlupe Oik

LaraL that Van. Sweyunff.en AtJbULvL on ^LL^eMi Zone,

Land gAoni Book I fa^t. k73 Skojvt Qjuttk 17^7

. • +^

/ipril h6, 17i>6. ^cf^iania Junn coid i:.lizaboth his wife of Chio County, Virginia sold to ..ovi liills of the oame County, tv/o hundred and tv/onty-ono acres of land on Short Creek, join- ing Van Jv;erlngen, Daniol Harris, Abrahan IfcColloch and

J c*in - cG olloah

.iitneaa Zephoniah Dunn Denjanin Dracgoo filxzabeth Dunn Jc*in Filton Jcjin Bukey (p. 72^

unril , 1786. John Alexander of (hioCountv, formerly Yohogania, Virginia sold to Lenard Reed of the sane County one hundred acres of land on Hamon's Creek a branch of tno Chio Hiver, land on the south side of Harmon* 3 Creek,


July 27, 17S6, Alexander iiiadie of Chio County, part formerly Ychogania, Virginia sold to Janes Campbell of same County c»e hundred and eighty-eight acres cai waters of Kings or Indian Creek called 3hugartreo run and Harmon's Run, vvitnosa B, Jc^mstone Alexander £adie William Groathouso Jane X Eadie mark (p.74)

September 4, 1786. Levy Mills and vrife Elizabeth of Chio C ounty. Virginia sold to Robert Stuart of Washington C ounty, i'ennsyivania, four hundred acres bounded by Andrew Robinson dec*d, John Nisesv/angor and Joseph Hurst Witness Levy Mills James JicKay Elizabeth Mills Jc*in Buky (P.75)

June 24, 1786. Joseph Tomlinson 3r. of thio County, Virginia sold to Joseph Tomlinson junior for and in consideration as vrell of the natural love and affection v/hich he Bareth unto his son and throe hundred pounds —«- land joining Moses Williamson, Richard Yeatos, Hol*ngsY/orth, and Joseph Tomlin- son 3r. to have the use of plantation during his natural life and after his ceceas the use of plantation to b© applyed to malntainance of his son James Tcanlinson or aa much as needed to maintain hin the rest of his lifo, remainder to go to said Joseph Tonline on Jr.

Witness Josef*! X Tomlinson David McC lure mark David Bradford (p.76) ;rf. •.,: •^j:

^' :!)


'P r-. £* }L

AuGust 7, 17o6. Larrance Vanbuskirk Jr. sold to Robert Moore four hundred acres on Buffalo;; Crook joining Larrance Van- Buskirk Jr.

..itneoa Larrance VanBuskirk


Ilarch 5, 17^. Daniel Harris and Jarah his wife of Chic C ounty, Virginia sold to Ilanbleton Reed one hundred and seven acres joining Abrahari JJcColloch and liagor Ceathon. Daniel Harris Sarah X Harris mark (p.9a)

November 6, lltt, John Jappincton and Ilargret his wife sold to John Henderson four hundred acres on waters of Harmon's Run joining Thonas >/ost and Jillian Greathouse*. Witness J(An Sappington John Henderson Ilargret X Sappingtcn James Caldv;ell mark George McC olloch David Shepherd Ebenezer Zane Jc*in Lemmon William I'fcr^ihan {p.79)

I-Iarch 5, 17^. Rubon Fourman and Ruth his wife of Chio County, Virginia, Providancc :iOunts and Hanna his wife of Fiat Ccunty (Fayette Co.) Pennsylvania sold to Jc4in C onnell of Chio County Virginia lots 24,25,32 and 71 in the town of West Liberty, Virginia laid out on a tract of land granted to Rubon Fxirman and Hannah Vanincatre jointly.

Rubon FoiTnan Ruth Forman Providence Mounts Hannah Mounts (p. 30)

I-iarch 13. 1737. Garland Car and Phebe his wife of Chio C ounty Virginia sold to Isaac Kelly of said County two hundred and seventy-three acres on v;aters of Big Wheeling Creek joining Silas 2ane, John Bucky, Benjamin Hammith(Harfflnitt) , James Rian,

Witness Garland Kerr John I'litchell Phebe Kerr Benjamin Hamraitt James I-litchell John Bucky (p. SI) ' 'f^ :>i'

.; c,C r, I

Xj^A /7 - cttober 25, I7C6, Thonas Rutherford of the Jtatc of Virginia and County of BorJiolcy sold to David .;illiainson of Chio 4^ County, Vircir^iu five hundred acrcG on the south brcmch of ohort Greek joining; Jacob lyats.

witneoD Thomas Rutherford David Bradford David Jhcphcrd liOGGC Uhaplinc (p.o2)

April 2, 1737. JancG ::illcr and liebockah his wife sold to Benjanin ./ells three hundred and forty acres in Chio C ounty, Virginia, joinin|~ Joh;: IkirriG and Israel C ox. James Miller (p. 33)

February 5, 1787. Edv/ard .:orran of Chio C ounty sold to Hugh Gilleland of said County, one hundred acres on waters of 3hort Creek joining Jaiies Garrison and Ilorgan Vanmetre. Edward Morgan Suseanah Morgan (p. §4)

April 2, I7S7. Benjar.iin Johnstone next friend to Benjamin Johnstone Jr., each of chio C ounty formerly I chogania County Virginia, sold to /ibel Joh(|stone four hundred acres on Cross Creek joining w'illian Strain, Thomas Richardson and Jeremiah Fowler, being part of a large tract deeded in the name of Benjani?^ Johnstone Jr., March 10,17^5 for one thous- and three hundred and seventy acres formerly lived on by Able Johnstone and by the inroads of the Savages had been agreeable forced to leave sane and not having entered same , to law the same becanc forfeited or liable to entry of any other perscai and said Benjanin Johnstone Sr. and Benjamin Jr. knowing the equatiblc right to bo in said Able Jcrfinstone, hath consented to convo:'' same 400 acres plus one bundled more to Able Johnstone.'

Benjamin Johnstone - Benjamin Jcdinstone Jrr (P.S5)

Febnaary 5, 17S7. John Mitchell of Chio County, Virginia 044^ acting for Joseph Kyle, sold to Edv/ard Morgan four hundred acres on Shoirb Creek. Jaid Joseph Kyle v/as assignee of Jc^in Work who was assignee of Josiah ftrice. Land joins James Garrison. John Mitchell (P.a6,f Ih T April 2, 17^7. Benjamin Johnstone next friend to Benjamin . Johnstone Jr. sold to Richard v.'clls or Called Richard Wellsiii grey beard —all of Chio County fornerly Yciiogania, VirginiA two hundred and seventeen acres of land knovm as Narrows on the River Chio joining william Greathouse, upper end of iiingo Bottom near Barnard Dougherty and mouth of Mcl>lahan*s Run, ^ Benjamin Johnstone Benjamin Johnstone Jr. (P.87)

October 9, 1736. Thomas ..'est and Jane his wife sold to Benjamin Davis three hundred and twenty acres land on the waters of I4cMechan's Run. Witness Thomas 1 West William ticl^Iachan mark John Henderson Jane X West Van Swargen mark William McDonald Job Lewis (p. 35)

April 2, 17^7. Benjamin Johnstone Senr. on behalf of himself and as next friend to Benjamin J<^nstone Jr. of Chio County, Virginia sold to George Beelor eight hundred acres in Hola- days Cove joining Alexander 'Wells. Benjamin Jc^nstone Sr. Benjamin Johnstone Jr. (p.59)

Ctetober 9, 17^6. Jon Sapington and Gemima his wife sold to Nicholas Davis three hundred and twenty acres on the waters of Cross Creek.

Witness John Sappington William McMachan Gemima X Sappingto^ Van Swearingen mark John Henderson (p.90) William Sutherlin Job Lewis J iiyVailiam r4;D onald M.T. Baker

July 16, 17^6. John Beard of Chio C ounty, Virginia sold to David Henthorn son of William Henthom, two hundred and fifty acres on the waters of .Vhee ling Creek. Witness John Beard Richard Yeats Thomas Williamson George Beelor (p. 91) ^^ aU : [y^^'i

• .<.".'' ' :: . (a, ..•, -r.' iiaixh 9, I7S7. Robert ..oodc and Lovly his \;ifo sold to iiVin xhillips sixty-scvon and cnc hall* acres in Chio County, Virginia, joi^iinf, ^ilao ^ano and Isaac Kelly.

xitncGO Robert Woods .indrev; ..oods Lovly Woods JoGc:^ ..oorehcad Joscr^ I

March 14, 17^. John ..loxander and iilizaboth his wife of Chio County, lircinia sold to John Henderson and William

Lutherlin of the saric ] lace, throe hundred and three acrea on waters of Harnon'G iiun joininc Janes Gamble, (Cair^ble)

v/itncss John Alexander Zachariah oT-ricns Van Jwerin^cn r/illian ..illiiuris Imthaniol Brov/n hdan Jc^nston Benjamin Johnston GeoTGo Beclor (p. 93)

March 5, 1?^. Ruboo Furaan and Ruth his vriLfe of Chio County Virginia and rrovidcnco Mounts and Hannah his vdfe of Fayette County, iennsylvania sold to John Groor of Chio County, lots numbered 86 and '

March 6, 1?^. Rubon Foman and Ruth his \d-fo of Chio C ounty Virginia and -Tovidonco Mounts and Hannah his wife of Fayette County, ronnsylvania sold to Daniel Vanractre of Chio County, Vircinia - lots 12, 3I, H^ in West Uberty. Reuben Forman Ruth FcttTnan .rovidonce Mounts Hannah :iounts (p.95)

Cfctobor 2, 1786. Harmon Greathouso and r-fary Groathouse formerly Ijary atull, both of Chio C ounty, Virginia do appoint Margret white formerly Margret Stull, of Frederick C ounty, I'toryland, vriLdder and relect of Peter v

'witness Harmon Greathouse Denjaoin Jc^nston I5ary X Greathouse mark ^ a9.

•illK-, >. ,,c^:r"

•>"•-,, .7.^>> •* August 25, 17fJ6. Abrahcui Chapline of county of Mercer, Virginia

appoints : loses Chaplin of Chio C ounty, Virginia his attorney to sell his land in Oiio County. Moses Chapline (p. 97)

February 16, 173?. George Beelor of Chio County, Virginia sold to Dorsey i'ontecost of Frederick C ounty, Virginia, two negroes viz. wench naincd Nan 14 years old and Negro fello (Malatto) named Isaac 22 years old — also one still contain- ing seventy Gallons conoer now in a still house at Col, Richard Yeats in Lhio County, for ninty pounds. Witness George Belor William .Vheton Edward C ary Richard Yeats (p.93)

November 17, I7S6. Lenard Reed of Olio C ounty . Virginia do appoint John Henderson ray attorney to sell land to William Sutherland (Sutherlin) whereon my mill stands containing one hundred acres. Witness Lenard X Reed Van Swearingen mark J. Crawford Valentine Mendle William Hayard Charles Ryles Charles Dodd (p.99)

May 7f 17^. John Beck and Rebecca his wife sold to Samuel Beck four hundred acres joining William Logan, Andrew Fouts, Andrew Rarasy, Samuel Grayhara and John Caldwell. Witness John Beck Allen Ifetcalf Rebecca Beck Charles Wells Stephen J dm Frances (p.lOOj

May 7, 17^. Benjamin Biggs attorney for William Biggs, sold to Samuel Beck one hundred and forty-five acres joining Benjamin Biggs, Zachariah Sprlggs, Moses Lynn, Nicholas Rogers and Benjamin Qgle. Witness Benjamin Biggs Allen Metcalf John Beck (p. 101)


Anril /-, 17^7. Bonjanin Johnstone of hio County, Virginia forncrly Ycjiorania, in behalf of hi;.i;:clf ao woll as next friend to his^^Gon i^c:ijaj;iin Jr. cold to .iilliarn Strain, four hundred ^uid fourtccii acres on v;aters of Cross Creek joining otci>han Vcichcl, Tha.iao Richardson, Abel Johnstone Richard i::lG*on and ^dv;ard Baxter.

.iitnesc BenjondLn Jchnaton Benjamin Johnston Jr. (p.102)

Ilay 1787. Charles Jtophenson of County of Nelson, State of Virginia by John LGoman attorney for Charles Stephenson sold to Daniel Callader of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania four hundred acres on v/aters of Buffaloe Creek which was granted said Stephenson Dec. 27, 17^6, Joining Henry Hervy.

John lienraon (P.103)

April 30, I7Q7. Benjamin Johnstone and as next friend to Benjam-i in Johnstone Jr. sold to Jc*n Dodd as next fritfxd to John Ashbrooke, heir at law of Thomas Aahbrooke dec»d of Washing- ton County, Pennsylvania, one hundi»ed and fifty acres on Harmon s Creek. This land tak«n over by the Johnstones during the Indian trouble, joining Nathaniel Fleming*

Witness Benjamin Johnston *i Van Swerlngen Benjamin Johnston Jr« William Gratehouse (p. 104) William Slncleair, Junr.

October Id, 17^. Hananiah Davis of Chio County, Virginia do appoint my brother in law Levy Ilills of Chlo County to recover my share of lay father David Davis s estate late of County of Cunfl}erland, Pennsylvania.

Witness Hananiah Davis Daniel Pryor Charles Norris Jeremiah WiUiams {p.l05)

C>;t6ber 1^. I7S6. Hananiah Davis of Chio County, Virginia, sold to Levi IHHs fifty acres on Mounces Creek, Yohoganla County which he v/arranted in 1773 in Philadoli^ia, 1 ennsylvania. Witness Hananiah Davis Jeremiah VJilliams Henry Cassell (p. 106) ^•- ;. -:Jn 3-5-

October 13, I7S6. Hananlah Davis sold his share in the estate of his father David Davis of Cur.iberland County, Pennsylvania to Levi liills,

Witness Hananiah Davis Daniel Prine Charles i. orris Jereniah .;illiaras (p.lO?)

April 14, I7S7. I^icholas Kailor of Chio County, Virginia, for-^^ merly Yohogania, and Mary his v;ife sold to James- Nevitt of the sn/nc place ninety and one half acres on waters of Cross Creek, part of land cranted to Kicholas Nailor by George Nailor.

Witness Nicholas Nailor William licliachon Mary Nailor Isaac Heck (p. 103)

February 2. 17iJ7. Bcnianin Johnstone Sr. and Benjamin J (tinstone Jr. sold to Beathoal Baxter one hundred acres which Baxter had purchased but left lyable to other persons and another tract of one hundred and eighty acres joining James Crawford, and John /Alexander - saving and reserving the claims of Georcc Bram or heirs of Ashbrook should either of their claims entered to effect above land unto Bathuel Baxter, Witness Benjamin Johnstcne William Graethouse Benjamin Johnstone Jr. Harmon Graethouse John Hays (p.l09)

May 7» 17^. Benjamin Davis and Nancy his wife sold to Robert Murtling two hundred acres.

Witness Benjamin Davis John Beck Nancy Davis Allen I-Ietcalf Benjamin Biggs (p. 110)

May S, 1787. John Cox and Ilary his wife of Washington County Pennsylvania sold to Van Sweringen of Chio County, two hundred and tv;enty-seven acres. John C ox as heir at law of Friend Cox. The land including Cox»s Fort was intended to be given to Benjamin Cox by Friend Cox before his death. Benjamin adreed to the sale. Jdin Cox Mary C ox (p. Ill) (feci

IJ- . ,

July 26, 17c}6. Charles Jtephciicon of Kelson C ounty, Virginia appointed J*n JBemcan of '-hio oourity, Virginia his att(a*ney to* sell all his lands in hio ounty.


June 4, 17^7. ..rchod ..cods of Oiio county, Virginia sold to Christian Keener of iialtinoro County, liaryland, merohaxit» one thousand acres land on point pleasant fork of I^Uddle Island Croel: near John wald;,'oll and Janes Caldwell.

Witness A)xhed »)/oods Zachariah o prices George Beelor , ,,«» John I lore (p. 113)

11th term of Court, 17 ol. :aryland, lialtiraore C ounty Crphans Court - i^resont - .indrew Buchanan, Thooas Solers, Isaac Van biber, Gent irustcos— Joseph Gail an or han Boy of the age of ten years is bound to George Haniiond until he shall arrive of full age to learn Trade of a farmer to be taught to deed, write and cypher as far as the Rule of three • i larch 7, 17^7 'Gillian Buchanan Copy produced at Juno Tom of court 173? in Chio County. Va. (p. 114)

July 2, 1787. Daniel Vanl'iotro of Chio County, Virginia sold to I'lorgan Vamaotro lot 31 in West Liberty. Witness Daniel Vanmetre Charles Hedges Zach Spriggs George Cox (p. 115)

June 9, 1787. Jonathon Hook, son of Elizabeth Hook of Chio CoQnty, Virginia doth voluntarily and of hie own free will put himself apprentice to Hugh Means citizen and joiner of V/ashington, Pennsylvania to learn eirt. trade — etc. to serve frcai this date during torn of nine years and nine oonths frora date, to faithfully servo his laother, not give her any trouble — etc, — and not contract matrimocoey

vd.thin said tena, or play dice , gamble etc. Witness Jonathon X Hook David Inglish (Kngliohj mark Hohn Ham Elizabeth X Hook ark (p.116) i u-, ^."V -


^ Ofc-

^^.. ;^ J J ^1

July 2, 17^. Lcnjauin Tonlinson aiid v/ife Rachel of Chio County, Virninia sold to Jacob kesesly (Kesaly) of Chlo County, Vircinia one thousand and tv/onty-five acres called Yello Creek Flatt in late County of Yohogania, on Tomlin- sons Run on the rivor botton.

./itnoss Joseph Tomllnson Jr. Moses Ghaplinc attomev for Bonj-» Benjamin Davis and Rachel Tomllnacn. Charles Hedeos (P.117)

February , 1767. John Henderson attorney for Lenard Reed late of Olio county, Vireinia sold to Jilliaa Sutherland of thio County, Vlrcinia one hundred acres with a water grist mill vrfiich v/as convoyed to Reed by John Alexander on Hamon's Creek.

Witness Lenard JC Hoses Chapline mark Charles Hodges William GreathousG I p. lis

Juno 28, 17^5. John Cox of Washington C ounty, Pennsylvania, letero tovmohip, h4ir at lav; of Friend Cox dec»d sold to Jonathon Cox, Joseph Cox and Benjamin C cac land on Chio River called C oxos Bottcsa at mouth of Buffalo Creek. Witness John Cox John. Lemon George C ox Gabriel Cox (p. 119

June 24. 1787. iatrick Ileloy, vreaver of Qilo County, Virginia sold to Williaa JcSinstcne of V/ashingtonfi County, Pennsyl- vania a lot in VI est Liberty noeir Daniel Saniaetre and James Gambles. (P.120)

April 2, 1787. John VanllDtro and Jeniny his wife sold to Abraham Vannctro one hundred acres by Daniel Pryor, I-forgcfla ' Vanbetre and John Vannotro. John Vanraotre Jemimv gave consent to sale. (P,121) . il- August 6, ly&'y. ioloaan Hedged and v.'ife Rebeckah sold to Hezekiah Hyatt, tv/cnty-one acres of land joining comer of Aaron Robinson and Duskirk. Soloman Hedges Rebekah Hedges mark

May 16, 17i^7, Bcnjanin Johnstone 3r. next friend to' General V/ashington Johnston his son, both of ChioGounty, Virginia sold to Nicholas Dorson of said County, tv/o hundred and fifty acres of land on Iiuchmore»s Bottom and Chio River.

Witness B. Johnstcm Peter Peterson Joseph V/ells Danial Pest on (Preston) (p. 123)

August 6, I7S7. oolonan Hedges and Rebeckah his wife sold to Hezekiah Hyatt ten acres of land near Buskirks.

Soloraan Hedges Rebeckah Hedges mark (p. 124)

August 7, 17^. ..'illian Harrison of ChioGounty, Virginia sold to Larrance VanBuskirk Jr. of said County, one hundred and ninety acres of land on the waters of Buffalo Creek. Witness William Harrison David Bradford Moses Chapline (p. 12 5)

June 19, 17^. Hoses Holerday and Elizabeth his wife sold to Richard Brown one half of an island in the (hio River knoim as Cove Island, jointly owned by Hoses Holaday and Benjamin Johnston. Witness Moses X Holarday William f'fcI4achan mark William Griffith Elizabeth X Holaday Edward Durben mark Richard Brown, Junr. (p. 126)

May 15, 1737. Benjamin Jdmstone of ChioGounty, Virginia next friend of his son General Washington Jcdmston sold to John Hamilton late of V/ashington County, Pennsylvania but now of the State of Virginia and Chio County formerly Idiog- ania, four himdred acres of land in Machmore*s Bottom, sell- ing the land for son in order to educate, clothe him etc. Witness Benjamin Johnston Richard Wells Stei^en Treakel Daniel Preston (p.l27) ^«-i


: . fi-a - db

April 14, 17^7. Nicholas Kailor and Mary his wife of Chic ->««-.. County, Virginia sold to Stephen Teakel of the same place one hundred and one acres on the waters of Gross Creek, being part of a tract of land granted to Nailor by George Nailor Ilarch S, I7S5, to the corner of Sapington and Baxter and George Nailor. Witness Nicholas Nailor William McMachan Mary Nailor -^ Isaac Meek {p,328y

September 3, 17^. William Hanrison sold to William Mayhal^ and James McDowell one hundred and sixteen acres joining the comer of Obideah Holms. Witness William Harrison Allen Metcalf Jdtm Greer (p.l29)

April 15, 17d6. William Gibs of Chio County, Virginia sold to Thomas Smith of the same C ounty , two hundred acres of land on the North Fork of Kings Creek, adjoining Jc4in Tolen, Witness William Gibbs G.J, Jdinston 1 Benjamin Johnston mark Dorety Johnston acknowledged by Ilary J^ary Ann Johnston his wife (p.130)

Cbtober 1, 17^. Bethual Baxter and Mary his wife sold to William Sutherland *we->»H»*pe4 twenty-six acres of land near John Alexander. Witness Bethuel Baxter George McCulock (ifcColloch) Mary X Baxter Moses Chapline mark (p.131)

October 12, I7S7. Isaac Mcv/ling son to ftiillip Nowling of Chio County, Vircinia does apprentice hinself to Jciin MbComas citizen and Mason of Washington C ounty, Pennsylvania to lem his trade or nyctery of the art to serve from August 11 last until a terra of three years from said date.

Isaac Newling i'hillip Newling B nark J ohn IIcC omas IP. 332) Tiiq*

.TIC t):'/ C>-J

tic- o-^t. =...ii ::...- n'.v :a.. . y:^^^

« ' --•'• " ,.;'•; •.•;, -T' :. KO;tL; )V^.'.-< • :; J^.: -/ '•f.:-,":j .^c 27

January o, 17o7. I.atchcrs ..,.._-

I do appoint John i-eai^ (Perry) ny attorney to call upon David TicCluc and receive three hundred and ten pounds v^ich note and Bonds I left in his hand - should he refuse to pay, ay attorney is to sue and prosecute for same.

.-'itnoas Eaekiel I Dewit James licFarland mark Polser Shilling

Washington C ounty, I'a. (p.l33)

May 11, 17^7. John Kidd of Beeson»s Town, Fayette County, Pennsylvania appoints V/illiara I-icMachan Esq. of Chio County Virginia as attorney to grant a deed to land bought by me of John Lemon on the V/aters of Short Creek joining Agness Finly and Joseph Hedges.

Mi^lftftAp Alright (Phillip) John Kidd William licWachan Ebenezer Zane (p. 134)

November 5, 17^. James Harrison heir at law to William Harrison dec'd, and Hannah Harrison his mother of Chio County, Virginia sold to Dabiel Vanl-fetre of said County -m one hundred and fifty acres of land to comer of Levy Mills, William Holmes, Benjamin Biggs and Edward Morgan.

Witness Jan»s Harrison Reuben Forman Hannah Harrison William Harrison (p.135)

November 5i 17^. James Harrison heir at law to William Harrison dec*d, and Hannah Harrison his mother sold to William Holmes of Chio C ounty, Virginia, fifty acres of land on the voters of Short Creek near Benjamin Biggs. Witness James Harrison JohnConnell Hannah Harris (» Francis Kanady (p. 136)

November 6, I7S7. James Harrison heir at law to William Harrison Senr. dec'd, and Hannah Harrison his mother, widow of Chio C ounty, Virginia sold to Levy Mills of the same County one hundred and eighty-four acres of land on the waters of Short Creek by Edv/ard Morgan, Cochran, and Daniel VanMetre, including settlement made thereon in ±773 which was granted to William Harrison Sr. July 5. 17^6, Witness James Harrison Daniel VanJietre Hannah Harrison John Spahr (p. 141) '-^od^lr.'l • "'v^ ,..o '{•x;:.^

(ru. ^

October 12, 17^. Thornas dnith and Rebeckah his v;ife of Chio County, Vircinia sold to John Tolin of the same place, two hundred acres.

i;itncss Thomas Smith George Jtrccker Rebecca X Smith Samuel iIcCelock{:icC olloch) mark (p. 142)

November 29, 17557. i.icholas Nailor and Mary his wife of Chio County, Virginia sold to Charles Wells Esqr. of the same County, two hundred and eight and one half acres of land on the v/aters of Cross Creek near John Sappington, James Navit, Stephen Traekels,

Witness Nicholas Naylor T.A. Ililer I'lary X Naylor Isaac Meek mark Van Swearingen (p. 143)

December 3, 17^. Jeremiah Fowler and Ilargret his wife of Chio C ounty, Virginia sold to Samuel Robertson of the same place two hundred acres joining Able Johnstone, Witness Jerimiah Fowler JohnConnell Margret X Fowler George McCulock mark Able Johnstone (p. 144)

December 3, 17^7. Jerimiah Fowler and Margret his wife of Chio County, Virginia soltl to Able Johnstone of the same County one hundred and ninety-six acres of land on the waters of Cross Creek near Jc*ji Edgington. Witness Jerimiah Fowler JohnConnell Margret X Fowler Thomas Maddon mark Charls Teber^im (p. 145)

January 7i 1763. Jonah Seman of Chio County, Virginia do app- oint John Handly of Kaintuckey in the County of Nelson my true and lawful! attorney to ask, demand and recover from James Sulevan of Bear grass in the C ounty of Jefferson the just and full quantity of one thousand acres of land on the waters of Salt river at the mouth of Poviangers Creek whereon said James Sulevan located a Mlletary warrant and assigned a copy of location to said Jonah Seman, given from under George Mays Hands Survey or Genral of district of Kain Tuckey,

lp.146) -v I^ M -.:,. : X


'.>C February 4, 173S. Daniel Harris and Sarah his wife sold to John Atcheson twenty acrec of laiid, Daniel Harris Sarah X Harris mark (p. 147)

I-Iarch 5, lyj^S. John Cox of ihio County, Virginia brother and heir at law to Joseph Cox late of said County, dec'd. sold to Jane Cox widov; and Relict of ny said brother Joseph all ray right and clain to the estate of said brother. Witness John Cox Charls iraither Moses Chapline (p. 148)

I«larch 6, I7S8 John Cox heir at law to Friend Cox, and William McMachan attorney for Joseph and Jonathon C ox of

I4arch 4, 17S3. ilorgan Vaninetre and Ilary his wife of Chio County, Virginia sold to John C onnell of the same place three hundred and forty-six acres of land on the waters of Short Creek to the corner of James Ryan, Edward Morgan, Abraham Vanmotre, Hanblcton Reed, Joseph Kyle and John Spaur.

Morgan Vanmetre Mary X Vanmetre mark (p. 150)

I-Iarch 4, 17^3. Wiiliara IxIIachen of Chio County, Virginia is appointed attorney by John Kidd late of County aforesaid to deed for Jc^in Kidd to William Brown of the same County, two hundred and forty-five acres of land on the waters of Short Creek to Nevilands Run and Harrisons Run.

William McI4achan


Wy 7, 1787. Benjamin Davis of Washington C ounty, Pennsylvania sold to Samuel Ramsey in the County of Chio, Virginia two hundred acres of land on the waters of Cross Creek near J dm Moirison and Robert Ilortland. Benjamin Davis (p.152)


April 7, I7C0, Jonali oonan and : larroret his wife sold to ilorgan Vanrnetre and -iary his v.-ife four hundred acres of land in the forks of 5hort Greek to the comer of Daniel Ilorgan, Van Sv;earinren and Joseph Hurst. Jonah Seaman Hargaret Seaman (P.153)

April 7, 17^3, Morgan Vaninetre and ilary his vdLfe of Chic County Virginia sold to Jonali Seaman of thio C ounty, Virginia, land on the waters of Short Creek by the land of John Spaur, Joseph Kyles and John Duke. Morgan Vanmetre I'lary I Vanmetre mark (p. 154)

April 7, I7SS. Benajah Dement and Alse (Else) his wife of Chio County, Virginia sold to James V/ilson of Chio County, four hundred acres on Little Vtfheeling Greek, by David Dement, James Caldwell Junr, and Robert Humphryes. Benajah Den^t Else X Dement mark (p.155)

April 7, 17^8, Benjamin Davis and his vriLfe Ann sold to Thomas Wiggins sixty acres land on the waters of Cross Creek, by Benjamin Davis, Sdv;ard Wiggins, John Morrison and Jonas Annspoker.

Witness Benjamin Davis Edward Wiggins Nancy Davis Henry Smith (p.l56)

April 7. 17^8. William Ilayhill and his wife I-largret, James I'fcfiowel and his wife Sarah sold to George McHabb one hund- red and sixteen acres on the waters of Buffelow Creek. Witness William r^yhall Alan Iletcalf Ilargret X Maj^all John Kirk mark John Walker James I'^Doirell Sarah X McDowell mark (p. 157)

I^Iarch 13 1 17^8. Mary Ann Cox, daughter- to Rebecca Cox of Chio County, Virginia hath of her own free will and consent of her mother bound herself to William Beard Senr. , of said County to be taught all branches of a housekeeper and to be instructed in the business of taking care of a family by her said Master s superintcndant, to be sufficiently tau^t to sow, knit and spin — etc. to dwell with her master frcsn

this date until the end of a tern of five yeaz*s, eleven :c

:wx. r)



J. .. '.i k 3/

nonths and seventeen days. Witness Rebecca Cox J ohn licC ornac X mark Samuel Glass William Beard


Jferch 13, ly^^iJ. ieterCox son to Rebecca G ox of Olio County, Virginia, of his o\m free will and the consent of his mother hath bound hii.iself to ./illian Beard Senr. to learn farming etc. for a terra of eleven years seven months and seventeen days. William Beard Witness Rebecca X Cox Jc*in McCormack mark Samuel Glass {p.l59) jferch 13, 17^3. Joseph Cox son to Rebecca C ox of

Witness William Beard John McC ormack Rebecca X C ox Samuel Glass mark


April 7, 17^5. Robert Woods and his vrlfe Lovly sold to Samuel - Gravham for sixty pounds, tv/o hundred and twenty acres bounds ed by land of John Beck, Robert Woods Lovly Woods

(p. 161)

April 7, 17^3. James Black and Martha his wife sold to Thomas r-bGuier for fifty pounds two hundred acres of land on Cross Creek bounded by land of William Williams and William McAmson, James Black I4artha Black (p. 162) r-Iay 5, 1733. Jakeraiah Allen of Chio County, Virginia bound his SCO of his ovin free will as an aprentice to James Gamble blacksmith of West Liberty, to serve from September thirt- ieth last for six years to September next.

Jacomlah Allen

James Gambell

(p. 162) >s: y[!''>^'^i-l -.0,

{• i:i.r':

:>ih .:.[

a :

:sK ":)


.. ::t^>c^} ^^

April 5, 17 S^. I, Benjamin La\vrence of Baltimore County and State of Maryland and Urath La\vronce wife of said Benjamin do appoint Alexander Wells our attorney to ccaivey and affix our nanes to a deed fcsr six tracts of lands to be made by us in Olio County, Virginia and conveyed to Charles Wells three thousand acres on Treasury warrants .

V/itnesG Benjamin Lawrence R. U';ings ¥rath Lawrence Rebecca ^Larrance (p.l64)

April 1. 17S^. Richard CXiings of Baltimore C ounty, and State of i-Iaryland and Ruth a-.'incs his wife do appoint Henry Wells our attorney to convey deeds to tv;o tracts of land in Chio County, Vircinia to be chanted to Charls iVells to one thous- and acres also to deed five hundred acres to Gharls Wells and Alexander Jells. Alexander Wells to have Richard (V^ Owings' part v;hich adjoins Charles Jells and where Alexander Wells Jr. now lives. ..'c have agreed to take out of the agreement made Juno 14, 17o0 one land v/arrant of three hund- red acres and that said Charls Wells has located the same land surveyed v/herc a man by the nsune of Bodkin claimed, and said V/ells is to have same land surveyed and retuxti cert- ificate to Richard a;ings son of 3am»l said Ofings to make over to said Wells fifty acres of land. Charls Wells Richard Owings son of Sam»l» (P.165)

Frederick C ounty. Richard Oirxings came before us —- two Justices of the Peace of Frederick County, State of Maryland and acknowledged above act. Chas. Worfield John Gwinn Wm, Ritchie, Clerk of Frederick C otinty C ourt. State of I^Iaryland. (p.l65)

July 7, 1783, Elizabeth Hook of Chio County, Virginia for and in consideration of teaching her daughter Rachel Rigden to read bv Agness Finly of said C ounty, the said Rachel being J$/ bound by her mother Elizabeth Hook and for other causes — said Elissabeth hath bound her daughter Rachel and put her a servant to Agness Finley for a term of fourteen years until she is eighteen years of age.

Eli2sabeth Hook X mark Agness Finley (P.166) .


rj^ _t

-y. klV


^^ 33

July 7, 173s. Gcorro Jtrickcr of Lhio County, Virginia sold to Robert Woodc for fifty pounds tv;o hundred and fifty cares of land on the Chio River on a plat iinovm as Long Reach, joining lands of iidv;ard Doolin and said Strieker.

Witness George Strieker Moses Chapline JohnConnell (p. 16?)

March 20. I7S6. IlagnesG I'dller of I^iladeli:4ila, merchant, sold to Charls Vancover of said City, three thousazid acres of land on the waters of Fish Creek in Chio County for one hundred and eighty pounds ten shillings.

Witness Ilagness Miller Ezekiel E. Maddock John Hallowell Miers Fisher (p.lod)

August 4 1 I7S6. Harmon Greathouse Senr and J-Iary his wife sold to Harmon Greathouse Junr. for one hundred and fifty pounds two hundred and eighteen acres of land including sawmill on Harmons Creek in Chio County joining comer of Isaac Great- house, Alex Wells and Gabriel Greathouse.

Witness Harmon Greathouse Peter Peterson Mary X Greathouse Hambleton Reed mark William Greathouse (p. 163)

August 4, 1785, Harmon Greathouse and I^Iary his vdXe sold to Jonathon Greathouse for two hundred pounds, three hundred and eighty-seven acres of land on both sides of Harmons Creek in Chio C ounty. Witness Hamnon Greathouse Peter Peterson Mary X Greathouse Wm. Greathouse mark Hambleton Reed (p.170)

August 4 1 1788, Harmon Greathouse and Mary his vdlfe sold to Isaac Greathouse for one hundred and fifty pounds, one hund- red and ninety-five acres of land including part of Cove Pond and Harmon* s Creek in Chio County, Virginia, to the corner of part conveyed to Jdinathon Greathouse and to Chio River, also near Alexander V/ells,

V/itness Harmon Greathouse Peter Peterson liary X Greathouse Hambleton Reed mark Wra, Greathouse (p. 170) \.tl.

n.-os ..(, ,ii

'4 •; «- J

•3 '.. -3"/-

lUGUst 4,17^3. Dfjiicl VanKietro- of Chio County, Virginia sold to Slenor Juith of said county and State for aix pounds lot number llo in '..'ect Liberty.

Witness Daniel Vaninetre Sarixuel licElhaney iUidrew Fouts Charls Hedges (p.l72)

August 4, 17^6. James Caldwell Junr. of Chio County, Virginia sold to Kalob Clark for twenty-one pounds, seventy-six acres of land.

Witness James Caldwell Jdbii Tilton Nicholas X Rogers mark lp.l73)

July 13, I7S5. Benjamin Johnstone Junr. of Chio County, Vir- ginia sold to Joseph IfcCune of Washington County, Pennsyl- vania for five shillings (one thousand acres being divid- ed betvreen the two men), the land being by land of I^BCloud and Abraham Croxon.

Witness Benj. Jdinston, Junr. George Beelor William Sincler William Greathouse (p. 170)

August 5» I7S8. Larrance Vanbuskirk Jr. and Rebecca his wife of Chio County, Virginia sold to V/illiam Gorrell of the County of Barkley (Berkeley), Virginia for one hundred and twenty- eight pounds, one hundred and ninety acres of land on the waters of Buffalow Creek being part of a grant issued to V/illiam Harrison for four hixndred acres and conveyed by Harr- ison to Vanbuskirk. Larrance Vanbuskirk Witness Rebecca X Vanbuskirk William Skiner mark Samuel I^fcElhaney (p. 175)

August 26, 17^S. Thomas McGuier and I-Iary his wife sold to John Rammage for fifty pounds, two hundred acres Joining the cor- ner of William Williams and William r-feicomson. Witness Thomas McGuire X Stephen J. Francis mark Moses Chapline liary X ffcGuire mark (p.176) fi.t' a:

^ - ''i*;'

. 't^

.l'?v —

^^' ^ue 1 mQ

August 23, I7O0. JcGc::h ./ilGou and- ILartha-hie-vj'ife- sold to Ezelciel Dof,gs for tv;o hundred and- forty pounds, three hund- red thirty-three acres bcinr ;.art of a grant of four hund- rflu red acres issued to ./iison in 17o7' joining Jaaes Pettitj heirs of 3ilas ^anc dcc'd, liichard Yeats, forks of ytfheels Run, Willian Zano and David iJcClurc. mark Witness Joseph X Wilson John Caldwell I'artha X Wilson John IlcColouch CicColloch) mark — Janes Hall (p. 177)

September 11, 17oo. Absolora l/clls and Ilichal his wife sold to Job Lewis for one hiuidred j-ounds, one hundred acres.

ivitness Absolom Wells Allen iletcalf Ilichal Wells John ilirl:

Robert apearc I p. 173)

August 5, 1733. UharlD Lilderbacl: and his v;ife Huhanney sold to Ephraim Eildcrbr.c for five- hiuidrod povuids, tv;o hundred and fifty-nine acrcc of land in viev; of the Uiio River to the comer of vddov: Vannetro, i.errirnan, Hoses Decker and John Decker.

iVitness Charls Bilderback WilliaA I-Ci-iachaii John Henderson Allen Iletcalf (p.l79)

September 1, 17Bo. John I'icLaughland and Elizabeth his wife sold to Robert Giffen of Uiio County, Virginia for seventy- five pounds, one liundrcd and seven acres of land on the bank of Short Creel: joining the lines of Worth,,

V/itness John X IfcLaughland i Stephen John Francis nark *^ i loses Chapline Elizabeth X IxLaughlai nark ^p.lSO)

Jxine 9, I7SS, Hezekiah Clagett of V/ashin^^ton C ounty, PM-Ht- ii^tii Ilarj-land sold to Nathaniel Morgan of Ir/ashington C ounty ilaryland for one hundred pounds, one tk-ousand acres more or less of land in Lhio County, Virginia on McElroys Fork, a br

braiich of middle Island Creek . Hezekiah Clagett Witness Henry Shryock wife Frances

Alex'd Clagett v,- Washington C o. iid. P?r AeA Az^W AoUng. iAe p^peA^ 1.80 D^td of. B^i^ Zan^ and

jjit. ^i ^Aom Van SwtJiin^tn nit iBdtntur* Md» tblt Itb dar of e«pt«te

In the y«i of our Lord on* thou««nd 8*rtn buadr«A

And Klslit7 eight Between John MoLaushlud

Md Slliabeth hit wlf* of tht ont part and

Robert QlfflD all of ohlo Oountr and State e<

Tlrglnla of the ohher part Wltneittth that

the Bald John MoLeuehland and llltabeth hie tlf* for and In Oontlderatlon of the Om of

Saventy five pounde Currant aeney of PenaylvaBU to thea In hand paid toy the Said Robert Olffaa the Reoelt wheareof It hearehy Aoknoledced bath Granted Bargained and Bold and by theae preatent* do grant Bargain and Bell

to the Bald Robert Olffln and hie Heir* part

of the Bald Traot of Land oeenad and

Poietttd by the Bald UclKighland and lllittttt

hit wife Bltuated In the County of ohle afortMld

Containing One hundred anl Beven Aorei and

Bounded a* folloeth Beglnlng at a Beeoh on

the Bank of Short Greek at th* south of a drane

and Runlng up Bald Drain lorth Eighty

Two degree* we*t tlghty perobet to a walnut

thenoe Boutb Twenty degreet Weet thirty four peroh**

to a walnut theno* Bouth SoTenty Two degreee

weet thirty light perobet to an lab thenoe South Sixty two degree* weet Sixty one perobe* to a Buok y ly* in Worth* lln* thenoe Bouth fifty tight

Degreee East tlghty tight perobe* to a blokrey

thenoe South BeTonty four degree* Ea*t /^^ !

r'r "^ A I '^^^^ ^ "^

Vlntx Sirt p«robes to » &iok«r Cora«r to «orta on tba Bank of tha OT«ek tlMoaa dovn the Creak ioooTdlng to the Saavouxal Ua&ndara tb«lrof and

Binding tbalron on* bundrad and fort; four parobaa to tba Beglnlng wltb Its appuitlnanoaa to tba said Robart Olffla and bla Balrt to tba sola u«a and Baboof of tba Said Robart

Oirfln bla balra and assigns for tvar and tb«

Said Jobn UoUugbland and IXltabatb bis alfa do Oovlnont wltb tba Said Robart

Olffln and bis Hairs tbat tba Said Jobn Uo lAugbland and Cllzabatb bis wlfa and tbalx

Belrs tbs Said paroall of Land wltb Its appurtlnanoas froa tbam and tbalr Hairs and 8 froD all manar of parsons wbatsosTsr to tbs

Said Robert Olffln and bla Heirs will for arar

warrant and Defend In witness tba Said

Jobn UoLaugbland and Slltabatb bis wlfs

Have beareunto Bubsorlbsd tbelr naaes and affixed

tbelr Seals tbe day and year wltbln wrlton

Sealed and dllaavoured

In tbe preasents of Jobn Z UcLaugbland /

Uosss Obap^ib* Elliabetb ^ UeUugbl«ndC?'8eal_^ axk ^ A True Copy froa tbe orldeglnell

Tbe Above Indenture was Aokneledged la

oapsn Court at Septeaber Tera S8 by

Jobn HcLaugbland and Cllzabetb bis wlfs

and Qrdred to bs Reoorded

Test Uosss Obapllbs 01k . ;o^ ./•? 3-^

Scptenber 1, 17o8\ i)ucan l^Geehan and Jarah of ./ashiington -

County, . ennsylvania sold to John Dobbins I-laa on Lab of - tvfo . ittsburn, . cniiGyivaiiia for eichty-eight pounds, hund- red acres of land on the north fork of Tonlinson's Run forr.ierly kno\m ao Yohocania County but now as Chio C otinty, Vircinia Joininc land of Brice IIcHeehan, Benjanin Johnston, Manuel Hulland cMd Jai.iucl Hull.

Witness Duncan IfcGeehan VJ. Bukhanon Sarah licGeehan Brice iicGeehan (p.ld2)

September 1, I7SS. Duncan IfcDeehan and Sarah of Washington County, i ennsylvania sold to Sanuel Hull of Olio County, Virginia for seventy-five pounds, two hundred acres of land on north fork of Tonlinson's Run formerly lohogania County but no\/j Chio County, Virginia.

Witness Duncan McGeehan ' W. Buckancn Sarah I4cG©ehan Brice McGeehan I p. 133)

August 4, 17^3. Larrance Vanbuskirk and Rebec kah his wife sold to John Vanbuskirk for five hundred pounds, four hundred and twenty-four acres of land cai the vraters of Chio River, join- ing land of Rezon I'umphry and James Harrison. ^ ^ Witness Larrance X Vanbuskijrk Allen Metcalf mark Wm. Boggs Rebeckah X Vanbuskirk John ydlls mark Jonah Seaman (p. 184)

August 5, 1788. Daniel Vanraetre, attorney for Wra. Gorrell, sold to i^arrance Vanbuskipk Jr. of Chio Coianty, Vij-ginia for one hundred and eighty poxinds, three hundred and fifty acres on the waters of Buffalo Creek to Larrance Vanbuskirk Senr^s line. Witness Daniel Vanmetre John Connell att. for Wm. Gorrell Moses Chapline (p. 185)

September 1, I788. Samuel Hull Jr. and Joseph Dettz of Chio County, Virginia sold to Jacob Nessley of the same county for iighty pounds one shilling and four pence, two hund- red acres of land adjoining Lenard Dobbins, John Dobbins, John Cowan, and another Jcract bounded by land of Daniel Ross, William Cowan and Andrev/ Garrard, containing one hund- red acres. Samuel Hull V/itness Joseph Detts Wm. Buckhanan Brice IicGeehan John Connell Moses Chnnlinp (T>,l.rt6^ ' ''.3i\: -.tCfJ..

i^f ^1.,:.=> ;^! •V;,,


• f - ,. /.Jiifl


I, ; ^ -Ir J

.Cc. ...If ..

.il'.^ -.0 37

/iugust 23, lyOu. Thonas :.cGuiro and Liary sold to Francis liiQ i uire for eichty-five r^ounds, one hundred and eighty-five acres of land to Charis Jells line and line of Francis iicGuire and the State line.

./itnecs Thomas McGuire Stephen Jo Francis X mark liosco Chapline Mary X M3Guire mark (p. Id?)

June 25, 17^5. I, William Gorrell of Berkeley C ounty, Vir- ginia, appoint Daniel Vanmetre of Berkeley C ounty my att- orney to sue and recover — etc. — of Larrance Vanbuskirk of Ohio C ounty, Virginia such suras and debts due me from said i^urence VanBuskiek for land or to recover the land. Witness William Gorrell David Hunter James I

J.i'. of Berkeley C ounty. I p. 188)

I, Jonah Seaman of Chio County, Virginia appoint William Shannon of Jefferson GT ounty, , ray attorney to act in the Kentucky suit of any bills, bcmds, deeds etc.— in ray interests in i.entucky. Witness Jonah Seaman Moses Chapline John Caldwell (p.lS9)

October 6, I7S8. Benjamin Larrance and Ul:eth his vdfe of Baltimore County, Maryland sold to Charis Wells of Chio County, Virginia for five pounds, five hundred acres of land on Shugartree Creek a branch of I^ddle Island Creek. Witness Benjamin Laurence George Hammond Urath Laurence Henry Wells {p. 191)

October 6, I788, Benjamin Larrance and Urath his wife of Baltimore C ounty, Maryland sold to Charis Wells of Chio County, Virginia for five pounds, five hundred acres of land on Shugartree Creek on Middle Island Creek. Witness Benjamin Laurence George Harrmond Urath Laurence Henry Wells (p. 192) sc

jv/^1 d

"at.\ C^.q



r 5/

October 6, 1785. Benjanin Larrance and Urath his viife of Balti.'nore County, Maryland sold to Gharls v/ells of Qiio Coiinty, Virginia for five ;ounds, five hundred acres of land on Sancos Run a branch of .dddle Island Creek, near land of Richard U;iiics.

./itnoGs Benjamin Laurence George Hanuond Urath Laurence Henry Uello (P.193)

October 6, 17^'u. I)enja:.iin .arranco and Urath his wife of Baltinore County, i^aryland sold to Gharls iVells oY Chic County, Virginia for five pounds, five hundred acres of land on cihugartrce Creek.

Witness Benjamin Laurence George Hanimond Urath Laurence Henry 'rfells (p. 194)

October 6, 1788. Richard Oir/ings and Ruth his wife of Balt- imore County, Maryland sold to Charls Wells of Chio County, Virginia for sixty pounds, fifty acres osa. the waters of Buffalo -Creek. Witness Richard Owings Alex Wells Ruth ttdjigs George Hammond (p.195)

October 6, 1788. Richard Owings and Ruth his wife of Balt- raore County, Ilaryland sold to Chaiis Wells for five pounds five hundred acres of land on Sugartree Creek branch of Middle Island Creek. Richard Owings Witness Ruth Owings Alex Wells George Hammond (p. 196)

October 6, I788. Richard Owings and Ruth his wife of Balt- imore County, Maryland sold to Charls Wells of Chio County, Virginia for five pounds, five hundred acres of land on Saraco Runn a branch of I-lddle Island Creek. Witness Richard Owings Alex Wells Ruth Owings George Hammond (f>.if7) .J r:\ .i ox ? r' ... '. :.:.Jix-.'

.J .,<;{, v-, ...^

,.:,: J'^ Lctobcr 6, 17o£j. Gharls <.ellG and Lilizabeth hio wife of ^hio County, Virf-inia sold to Gcorco Hanimond of the same on county andJtatc'ror fifty : ounds, fifty acres the waters of UulTalo Groei:.

iVitness Charls Wells Alex .jcIIg Elizabeth Wells Henry Jells (p. 193)

October 6, 17 So. Charls Wells and Elizabeth his wife sold to Georce Haiuiond for two hundred and twenty-five pounds, tv;o hundred and twenty-five acres on the waters of Buffalo Creek joining John xcCorraack.

V/itness Charls Wells Wn. McMachan Elizabeth Wells Henry Wells (p. 199)

October 6, 17^3. Charls Wells and Elizabeth his wife sold to Equilla Galoway of Baltimore County, flaryland for fiStj/^ pounds, five hundred acres on waters of Shugartree a branch of Middle Island Creek of Oiio County, Virginia.

Witness Charls Wells George Hammond Elizabeth Wells Henry Wells (p. 200)

October 6, 17^3. Charls Wells and Elizabeth his wife of Chio County, Virginia sold to Aquella Galloway of Baltimore County, Maryland for fifty pounds, five hundred acres of land on Shugartree Creek a branch of ttLddle Island Creek v^hich was granted to Richard Owings in 1784. Witness Charls Wells George Hammond Elizabeth Wells Henry Wells (p. 201)

October 6, 170d. Charls Wells and Elizabeth his wife of Chio County, Virginia sold to Walter Bosley of Baltimore County, Maryland for twenty-five poimds, five hundred acres of land en Samcos Rxon a branch of JxLddle Island Creek, which

was granted to Benjamin Laurence. . Witness Charls Wells George Hammond Elizabth Wells Henry Wells (p. 202) vt:

.&t'i. :,,

oJ;- Ji...;./ -,0/ ,


Cctobcr 6, 176'^. Charls ..'clla and iSlizabeth his- wife- of Chio County, Vircinia sold to ..quella Galloway- of Baltimore Couiity, ijaryland for fifty -ounds, five hundred acres of land en :ihugartrea Crco:: a branch of Iliddlc Island Creek v.'hich v;as crantod to Richard oxvincs in I7S4

October 6, 1?^';:. Charlc ./ells ojid Elizabeth his wife of Chio County, Vircinia cold to -alter Cosley of Baltimore County,

iiaryland for tv/cnt-fivo ; ounds, five hundred acres of land on iiancos riun, ;;hich ;;as granted to Richard Qrrf.ngs and con- voyed to Well£

Witness Charls Wells George HanriondHani- Elizabeth Wells Henry n'ell: (p. 203)

October 6, I7SS. Richard cwings and Ruth his wife of Baltimore County, iiaryland sold to Alexander Wells of Washungton County, i Pennsylvania, four hundred and fifty acres of land on Buffalo Creek in ^hio County, Virginia in exchange for two hundred and eicht acres lying in Baltimore County, Md.

known as Betts . arl:.

Witness . Richard Owings Bezaleel Wells Ruth Owings George Hanunond (p. 204)

October 7, 17SS. James Wilson and his wife Sarah of Chio County, Virginia sold to Thomas Kease of Montgomery C ounty, Maryland, one hundred acres of land on the waters of Little Wheeling Creek v/hich was granted to Benajah Dement and by him to Janes Wilson.

James Wilson Sarah Wilson (p.205)

October 6, 17Sd. Sanuel Bruce and Rebeckah his wife of Chio County, Virginia sold to John Welman of the same place, for seventy-five pounds, seventy-five acres of land on the waters of Buffalo Creek joining John Tilton and Alei Wells, Samuel Bruce Rebecca Bruce

• (p. 206) i\ "' c.'v *v . r-



..i^^ ,. , "VJ

1+ ' „•' -»

{: V

October 13, 17o7. Robert Huston o£ Oiio C ounty and Sarah his wife sold to Jaraiol Bradford of the same- place> for * one hundred pounds, one hundred acres of land in Chio C ou-T" nty joining John :k:Gravv, V/n. Huston dec»d, and Robert Huston.

Witness Robert Huston John C onnell Sarah Huston Sarah Edgar ^^^^^^

October 9, I7BB. John Greer sold to George Dement for fif- teen pounds, lot nunber eighty-seven in West Liberty.

Witness «Joli^ Greer Robert McClure Andrew Boggs .. , ^^ John Galbreath (p.208)

Cfctober 1, I7SS, George Edginton of Chio County, Virginia appoint son George Edgingtcn Junr. attorney to recover — etc, any noneys due me from Benjamin Jdbnston of Haiapshire C ounty, Virginia. George X Edgington mark (p. 209) N.B. also to convey property on Dillons Run in the County of Hampshire, Virginia to Benj. Johnstan. Witness George X Edgington William Griffith Esq. mark John Edgenton Wima» Enele (^_^^^,

November 3, IJBB, William i-icMachan and Ann McMachan of Chio County, Virginia sold to Valentine Mendle for two hund- red pounds, four hundred acres of land on t?he waters of Buffalo Creek. William McMachan Ann McT'lachan (p.210)

March 19, 17^7 . John Walker of Chio County, Virginia, shoe- maker, sold to Jonah Seaman for tv/enty poimds, land due Walker from the State of Virginia iinder military warrant for services under Col. George Rogers Clark, also claims of lands due Zachariah 'Williams \^ich Williams assigned to Walker and lands due ihillip Hup for his service in above mentioned Regiment of Clark.

Witness John Walker John C onnell William IfcKinley (p. 211) .a "^i i'" ''^./ .'<^:..^.... lb Lid 1


(^,G^ ^^

June 9, 170^. Lenard Boycr of Chio C ounty-, Virginia, sold to Williar.'i -jcKinlcy, aerchant of West- Liberty, a lot in Cannonsburch, ..ashincton C ounty, rennsylvania also a lot and buildinc in west Liberty, Oiio County, Virginia and one Worrell horse and saddle, three pevfter plates, one dish, one iron :)Ott at ./ashington, one blanket, one small trunk and one si-indle.

Witness Lenard Boyer Moses Chap line JohnConnell (p. 212)

January 10, I7SS. David Williamson of Washington County, Pennsylvania sold to Gasper Revonaugh of the same County for two hundred pounds, two hundred acres of land on the head v/aters of Little Grave Creek, Witness David V/illiamson William Davidson David Johnstone (p.213)

Cbtober 1, 17^3. Caleb Clark and wife Catherine of thio County, Virginia sold to William Carthrae of the same place, seven + acres on the waters of Little Wheeling Creek for the sua of eight pounds.

Witness Caleb Clark Samuel McElhaney Kitty X Clark Robert Currey mark (p.214)

Inarch 5, 17^. Edv/ard Fowler of Chi o County, Virginia and his wife Rachel sold to Walter Skinner oie hundred acres of land for one hundred pounds. Witness Edward Fowler Rachel X Fowler mark (P.215)

October I4, 17^8. Charls Dodd and his wife Mary of Chic County, Virginia sold to George Knox of the same place two hundred and two acres of land Joining David Hosack for the sum of one hundred pounds. Witness Charls Dodd William IvfcKinley Mary X Dodd Moses Chapline mark

(p.21$) t hi'

^' X3T 1» J

(•-•'. q.

L' JC»'

.-^,M.X- ^

July 4, 17^3. Jcdon Connell and yjxry his wife of Chio- County Vircinia sold to Mioses Chaplinc a lot in .Vest Liberty for tv/enty pounds, v/hich lot v;as conveyed to Connell by i-'rovidonce iiounts. John Connell Mary C onnell (p. 217;

January 5, 17c)9. Janes Ilillcr and Rebec kah his wife of Chlo County, Vircini:. sold to oariucl Adaas of the sane place for the sun of six hundred and fifty pounds, four hundred acres on Buffalo Creek Joining I:idv;ard Robinson. James Miller Rebec a Mller •~ (p.21g)

January 5, 17^9. John Ray of Ann arnold County, I«iaryland sold to Benja::iin Toulinson of .Washington County, Maryland land (amount not given} on the upper end of Mchmores bottom in Tohogania County no\: 'Jt\lo County, Virginia, for the smn of four hiindrod pounds. John Ray (P.219)

January 5, 17^9. Bcnjanin Tonlinson of Washington County, Maryland sold to Andrew Huston of Chio County, Virginia for the sum of fifty pounds, two hundred acres on the upper end of Muchmores bottom which was granted to John Ray. Benjamin Tomlinson (p,220)

January 5, 17^9. Benjamin Tomlinson of Washington C ounty, MaryJ land sold to John Greathouse of Washington County, Pennsvlvan- ia for the sum of one hundred pounds, two hundred acres being part of the land bought from Jciin Ray.

Benjajnin Tomlinson (p.221)

February 2, 17^9. Joshua Hurd of ihio County, Virginia sold to Rachel Ford, Senor, and James Ford, Huey Ford, Robert F<»^, John Ford and Henry Ford of Washington County, Pennsylvania for the sum of one hundred and ninety-seven pounds, two hund- red and sixty acres of land to be Rachel's her life time and then to the others. Land next to James Moore.

Witness Joshua Hurd Robert Ewin Samuel McC olloch Jonah Seaman (p,222) 'C. .:J:v f,t.

5- V, aj -»-. .-j X. w

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iarch 2, 17o9. .;lc:candcr iCady and Jane his wife of Chio County, \±rc±n±ci for the sua of one hundred pounds sold to Jaraes Can boil of the same place, five hundred and eight acres "of land on the waters of Kings Creek and Hariaono Creek boinc aupart of one thousand acres grant- ed said Alexander on I larch 10, 17^5 and bounded by land of John i^uick, John Little and John Hays.

Witness Alexander Edie William Ledley Jane 1 Edie George IfcC olloch niark James Nevet (P.22S)

April 7, 17S9. John M^Lain son of Charls McLain trader in the Indian Cuntry by and with the consent of David Shep- ard, James Miller, John Beck and David Chambers compos- ing a court, doth put himself voluntarily an apprentice to Henry Smith merchant in chio County, Virginia for a period of fouirteen years from this date. Henry Smith David Shepherd

(p. 229)

April 7, 17^9. Uancy McLain daughter of Charls McLain trader to the Indian Cuntry by and with the consent of David Shepherd, James I^iller, John Beck and David Chambers a court at Chio County, Virginia doth voluntarily apprent- ice herself to Janes Smith, farmer, to serve for a period of nine years, James Smith David Shepherd

(p. 230)

April 4, 17^9. John Quick and Elizabeth his wife for the sum of forty-three pounds, ten shillings sold to Samuel Wright one hundred and sixteen acres one rod four poles of land on the v.'aters of Kings Creek in Chio County, Vir- ginia being part of a four hundred acre tract granted to Quick December 2, I7S6 and bounded by land of Jaimes Camp- bell, George Arnstrong and the tempory line between Virginia and i ennsylvania. Witness Jchn Quick William Sutherland Robert Woods James Mitchell (p. 231) i Jt... _

' ^ .1

rf. « . 45

11 ^j , 17^9 xxirrance Vrjibuskirl: Jr. and hiG \;ii'G Ucbocka

for the sum of tv;o huiadred . ounds sold to ..'alter Kainc one hundred acres of land on the v/aters of Liuffaloi; (J reck

bcin^ ; art of a tract of three hundred and fifty acres.

..itncss .^irrcj^Lce Vanbusliir.. Jr. John Bed-: Alan Metcalf ilebccrJi .;illia:n .-cIIg

ly 4, 17^';. ..'alter Su:.T.iorc arid Jcnet Ju::ii:iGra his \:irc of ..ashin[;;ton C ounty, . ennsylvcuiia for the suu of four hi.uid- red :;cundG sold to Charles Russell of the County and Jtate aforesaid, one hundred and ninety-five acres of land or: the \;ators of .vheeling C reek in LhioCoiuity, Virc- ijiia bounded by the Pennsylvania otate line.

..itness V/alter Su::i'.iers GGor:-';o Beclor Jenet -3U/:i.iers uajnes -conrd

J ohn . / i 1 lia;;is on ( .233)

-^.y 4, 17 ^'9. i:idv;ard r'ov;ler and his v;ife liachel of Jiio County, Vircinia for the sun of forty-five ou:)ds sold to John .;ilson of the sane County and JtatC; one hundred and t\;enty acres of land.

.jd\.^ard r o-.^ler

Rachel X r'o\:lor ;nark

(; .234;

-iay 4, 17^9. Williarj Bucldiannon and lajrcret his v;ife for

the sun of thirty pounds sold to ; eter Hiclcnan tv;o hund- red and iiincty-tvro acres of land in Uiio C ounty, Virginia on the v/aters of .'iiddle ^/heeling Creek befjinin^ at the otatc line and bounded by land of Jacob '.ink, Ja:-ies .'.ort- oi\ and w'aJ-ter ou;;^:lcrs.

IIarr;ret Lucahaaaoii


. — v^

i-iay 4, ly^v. .''rancic i.cGuire cind Barbara his wife of Ohio County, Virginia for the sun of sovonty-two pounds sold to John .J. Her oiehty-five acres of land.

Francis l.fcGuire

Barbara X I4cGuir^ mark

(p. 236)

May 2, 17S9. Peter Nighswanger of Chio County, Virginia sold to Henry Dickson of the same County and Jtate, his land (amount not given) and did appoint David Shepherd to affix ray name and seal to the deed«

Witness Peter Nighswanger i'loses Chapline (Neiswanger) And Woods Robt roage (p. 237)

April 30, I7S9. Terence Campbell of the town of V/ashing- ton, 1 ennsylvania, merchant, appointed Moses Chapline Esq. of Chio County, Virginia his attorney to collect

all debts , moneys due and all other bilsiness etd..- Witness Ter Campbell Z ad ore Walker Archd Woods (p.23d)

No date. Joseph Dills of tumblesons (Tomlinsons) Run in Olio County, Virginia, yeoman, appoints Charles Wells as his attorney to sign a raorgage in his name - — etc. and for the use of Jacob Keasley (Neeley or Nessley) Witness Joseph Dills Robert Andrews

William X Helbet (p.239) mark

Cctober 20, 17^9. James Wells of Oiio County, Virginia purchased of John Wells. 1 Negro boy named Dick - 90 j^ounds 1 Negro girl named x oil - 60 pounds 3 feather beds with their furniture 10 pounds 1 Wagon and Geers - 10 pounds V"C ^7 IliDEX

ADAIiS Samuel


BAILEY V/illiam


BIGGS Benjaoin "'Xr'/ , ^a 50 IKDEX


XV 7^-^ .'.


aO ^ ^ &/ B^DEX

GARY Edward


COCK Thomas ^)C s^ liiDEl cummQnku Alexander >w,-ia.v ^ yy


DOBBINS John '.ii $< li.'DEI

EDGII.GTCN Ccorse ;./,•;, ;i : .-!^, Jit


FRArCES Stephen John XM'. : 57 INDEX

GAI.ffilE James ;

f f


"^ ji.k.-

;•'' \x/ i{''..'A3-3r»


HARRIS CN Hannah My.p^ ^ E.DEX

HOLIDAY Elisiabeth J ui INDEX







LEDIfil rijvl

"!\fi 6^




MOCRE Andrew ?c x^imi

.5.7)0 '4

^^. '4J ;•.. r?'..;.



:;.« IKDEX

McBRIDE Sanniel


I4cELR01C Patrick .:j.k./'rM

^^^^:^x: M:CIAIH Charles Mifr.

... a H


-^'' ""'r -^arr


': lli'i INDEX

NEWUND Jacob !a'M5.:j

"' ^^^i

^*,;'''f3F; lUDEI


RAMMAGE John jac:

t y/ ''.:^.}i^


'V*: -nr

r m5 INDEX f^

RCWEY Herx:ules HCBS Daniel 36 John

RUTHERFCEID Robert Thomas RTAN James RII£S Charles


Margret scan Andrew Joseph Robert William

7$ '^dTl]' /7^

STEVENS CN Richard f?-K •-.;' "j

-X-,- ;-

.1 a.jt^-' ^s U^DEX



VANl^TRE John iSi.''-': 77 Il^LX

John h! WOCD Benjamin aco^y-ii Abstract of Deeds Books Vol Two 1789-1794 Ohio County,W.VA -f'<><. >c* DEED BOCK 2

Anril 7, 17^'9. Zachariah ^priec, Goorgo IfcColiocli, Janes Ilitchell ond John C onnell of Chio County. Virc- inia appointed trustees for the to\m of Jest Liberty do sell to lioses Chapline lot nujnber foi*ty in West Liberty, Zachariah ^pricG Geo. I-fcC olloch Janes fitchcll John C onnell

April 7, 17^9. Zachariah Sprigc, Moses Chapline, Gcorcc I-fcC olloch and Janes Mitchell of Oiio County, Virci^^-ia appointed trustees for the to\-ni of West Liberty do yell lot fifty-nine in V/est Liberty to John C onnell.

1 loses Chapline Zach. o price Geo. .cC' olloch Janes .litcholl


April 7, 17^9. Moses Chapline, Zachariali 3 price > Gcorcc McC olloch and Janes Mitchell appointed Trustees for the to\fli of V/est Liberty, Chio C ounty, Vircinia do sell to Hesekiah Clagett lot nunber thirty in V/est Libci'ty.

Moses Chapline Zachii'jr'iali 3 price Goorcc licColioc;: JaraCG ^itcliell

(p. 9}

ipril 7, 11^9* Moses Chapline, Zachariali Spricc, Gcorcc McC olloch and Janes Mitchell of Chio Comity, Vircinia appointed trustees of the tov-m of V.'est Liberty do sell to Georce Strieker lot thirty-six in V/est Liberty.

Moses Chapline Zacliariali 3 price Gcorcc McC olloch

Janes . itchcll

(p. 10)

April 7, 17!59. Mosec Chapline, George IlcCollochs Janes liitchell and J cAin C onnell appointed trustees for the tovm of West Liberty do sell to Zachariah ^prigg lot nunb er sixteen in West Liberty.

i loses Chapline George iicColloch James idtchell John G onnell

(p. 11)

April 7, 17^9. iloses Chapline, George iicGolloch, oaincc iiitchell of Chio County, Virginia appointed trustees for the ta\in of ./est Liberty do sell to ^achariali ^prigg lot seventeen in West Liberty, Moses Chapline

George i fcC olloch Jaaes .jitchcll John C onnell


June 1, 17^9. Charls Wells and Elisabeth his v;ifc of (Jiio County Virginia sold to Thonas Selnan of the sane place tv;o hundred and ninety-five acres of land on tlic vjaters of Buffalo;-; Crook bounded by land of John Tilt on John Hai-ris and on both sides of the i>tate lir.e.

Chai'ls w'ellc Elisabeth ..clls


June 1, 17f^9. John Tilt on and Susannah his vri.fe of Oiio C ounty Virginia sold to Thomas Selnan of the sane place for tv70 hundred

Jolm Tilt on Susannah X Tilt on nari:


June 1, 17^)9. Benjamin Cfeal heir at lav; to Joseph Cgal dec»d and liary Cgal his mother and vofe of the afore- said Jacob qgal dec»d. Ilary Qgal relinguishing her right of Dcfv;er and forever quit claim to three hundred acres of land the property of said Benjamin C^al in Qaio C ounty Virginia on the v;aters of Buffalo

Creek Plus the sun of eiehteen painds Bonjarain Cgal does sell to i'lary Cgal one hundred acres of land bounded by land of Bonjarain Biggs, vailiam Biggs, Nicholas Rogers, James Curtis and David Chambers.

Benjamin cgal


i'lay 22, 1739. Benjamin Qjle heir at lav; to Jacob CJgle dec^d of Chio County Virginia sold to David Chanbors of the same C ounty and State for one hundred pounds cne hundred and six acres being part of four hundred acres granted to Benjamin Ogle heir of Jacob Cgle in December 17^6 en Buffalo C reek bounded by Benjamin Biggs,

Witness BGnjaL:in Ccle Benjamin Biggs Joh C onncll Soloman Belong (p.lo)

June 1, 17^9. Morgan Vannetre and llary his v;ifo of (iiio County Virginia for twenty shillings per acre cold to Daniel Morgan ei^toon acres and eighteen perches of land on the vrciters of Short Creek bounded by Van Sxroar- ingen. .vitness Morgan Vannetre AlQii I-btcalT '^hxy X Vannetre Joseph Varuietre V/illiam Vanmctre (p. 17)

June 2, 17^, Morgan Vannetre and Mary his vn.fc of (liio County Virginia for tv;o hundred £ind ninety pounds cold to Jonah Seaman three hundred acres on the traters of Short Creek bounded by Joseph Kite, J(*in Duke and John Vanmetre,

i/itncss Morgan Vannetre Alen Metcalf Mary X Vani:ietro Joseph Biggs mark Benjamin Biggs (p.lo)

May 30, 17 S9. Morgan Vanmetre and Tiary his \:ife of Chio County Virginia sold to William Boggs of tho scnic County and State, one hundred acres of land on Short Crock Morgan Vanmetre being heir at lav; of Joseph Vtm^ietrc dec'd land bounded by land of John Spaur, Van Sv/csu'ingen and Elizabeth Zane,

Witness ilorgan Vanmetre iilen Metcalf l-iary X Vanmetre \i»iliiai:i Boggs mark Joseph Vani.;ctrc

(p. 19)

June 2, 1739. Morgan Vancietre and 1-mry his vdfe of Oiio County, Virginia sold to Willian Vaiocietre of Qiio C ounty, one hundred and fifty acres of land on Short Creok bound- ed by land of John Spaur, William, Joseph, .^brahaji and Isaac Vaninotre. Price seventy-five pounds.

Witness Morgan Vannotre A Ion liotcalf i-Jary X Vanraetrc Benj, Biggs mark Ajaon Welle iv,,:iQ)

Juno 2, 17 o9. liorgan VcUL-.ietre and :iur/ h±o v.-ifc of a:io County, Virginia sold to Joseph Vanoetre for aie hundred and eighteen pounds, one hundred and eighteen acres of land on the south branch of Short Creek.

Witness Morgan Vani:ietrc Alcn Hetcalf Mazy X Vanmetre Wa, Boggs Eiark Absolora V/ells (p. 21)

May 4, 17^9. Benjamin Davis and .^nn his vrifc sold to Norman Anderson of Qiio County Virginia for the sum of tv;enty-six pounds seventeen shillings, cffie hundred and seven and one fourth acres and thirty-six perches of land on one of the head branches of Ijcihchans Run, upper end of i'lingo botton, being the sane land transferred by Thorias west and Jane to Benj. Davis, bounded by Williarj Griffith.

Witness Bonjarain Davis Nicholas Daviss Nancy Davis George l-k^ olloch

i-Ios e s , hap line ( p 2 2 )

June 1, I7S9. John Harris and Elisabeth hie v;ife of Uiio County, Virginia sold to Charls Wells of the saiie county and State for the sua of tv;o hundred pounds, one hundred and ninty-sl>: acres of land on the \raters of Buffalov/ Creek bounded by land of Alex Wells and John Tilton.

Witness John. Harris Hoses Chaplino Elisabeth X Mar; George ^fcC olloch ;xirk


-uly 7> 17 B9. uubon ForioiUi and Kuth his \afe of Qiio C cointy, Virginia and i rovidonco Mcoonto and Hannah hiG wixG sold to Char Is Tiberr^cm for tv;o pouiida ei^^ht ohili- ings, lot nuubor Geventy~ti:o in *i'Gst LibeiM^y,

WitnesG iieuben Forinim lietcalf iiuth Formoii Benj, Biggs rrovidence iiounts I,organ Vanraetrc Hannah .MountE;


July 6, 17S9.7&9. Reuben Forman and Ruth hia v;ife. ircnridcncc --oiUitiJ Olid Haiiaa!:: liis wii'e of '-hio G ouiity, Vxi'f^iiixa uold to CharIs Dugan of the saiae County and .^tate for the dlu.'. of three r-otindy; Ic^t iuuiiiei' eighty-seven in west i^ibeixy,

'.VitnGG;! ueuben Fori:ian Alen i^jtcalf Ruth Forr.ian Banj. I-'i£gs xrovidoxiCG .lounta i'lox-gan Vaiij,ietre rlaaiiaii IloiUita

Juno 2o, 17u9. 'i/illiara Raiiuaage of uiio oiuity loi- oiie iMXf.i of one hmidred pcAinds ''innke cTvcr r.iy i'ers anal iistat.e x,o 'jL'horaas •''•icGuii'o, Juiii Rai-ii'jc"'.ge uxid Joiuj. oiotui.

..itncGO u'iiiia:.! i icai:i' l,'.l^e I''rai'icis -^JcGuire i^iarK John X Dcvorc nark (p.26j

_o, August 17o9. ^ Sanruel icC olloch and Agness his -irifo of -^liu C vuiity^ Virginia sold to Jaaos .Ciuachan of the scjae County nnd State, for the sail of four hundred pounds, land uii tiio Vi-aters oi Buffalo CreeK of -ov/o hiincrcd a-'ia niiity- five acres boijndcd by land of Joseph tjglcj Sprigg, Vanraetre, iUid i^eiij, Biggs,

•vitness oaniuei .cC olloch Joshua Hurd Agness ?'k:C clloc!: Jno r, .Steele Peter Flerdng ('>/•- 7)

.ugust 1, 17JJ9. Robert Stuart and iiartha his v;ife of Uiio County Virginia sold to John Fai-'is of the sarae County and State for sixty pounds, one hundred acres of land joining land of Sa'iuel Frasier,

Witness Robert Stuart w^pi^"^?^^^^ I'iartha Stuart

Wn, Stuart (p,2c^)

^cptoaber 7,17u9. Agiiess finley of Oiio County Virciiiia for the DUTii of one hundred and eichty-soven pounds sold to Caleb J^iiEiphrey of County ajid ^tate aforesaid t;;o hund- red and fifty acres on the v/atera of uhoi't Creek.

Witness Agnoss X. Finley Jonah ^earaan raark Gharls Hodges Jdhn Wellnan {u,29) iieptember 7, 1739. John licGlouehland and Elizabeth his v;if c assignGC of Van Sw-earingen of Uiio G ounty '/irginia for the sura of thirty~oevon pounds and ten shillines, fifty acres cold to John Green of the aforesaid C oui;ty and :;tato, the larxd being to the corner of Daniel Harris.

John X ^fcGlouchlin mark Elisabeth X T'CGloughlin mark

(p. 30)

.'vpril 1, l7o7. Daniel Pcricn of '3iio C ounty Vir~inir. rented to John Green eleven acres 2 floods tv/enty- seven perches of land on Shoi*t Creek for ? tor.'*' of none hv^if^'rcc' and niiity-niiie years, to pay yearly rent of eight shillin;;:s.

Witness Dan '11 i^or.ine Josc]"*! Moorehe^d John 1 C-rcon Jcim Kirk raark

(p. 31)

Augi-ist h, 17^9. Janes I^fcl'hhan and Han'h his v.dfc of Oiio _ _ C ounty Virginia for the sun of four hundred pounds sold to Samuel M'C olloch of said county and State four hundred acres of la::d cr: the Q:io River to the corner of the heirs oi' Josej^ Proctor,

Witness Jaraes ^Icliochan Jacob I Kurd ilrja.-;ih .cix^chan mark Jac. D, Hull i^eter Fleming (p.32)

Septeraber 7, 17^9. Elizabeth Abdel hath put her son John Hill Abdil, lait of Qiio County and Stait of Virginia an apprentice to Jacob ».alker farraer of Chio County Virginia for a terra of fourteen years.

*?i^^fss Elizabeth X Abdel Jonah beaman mark Willia:: C nldv.'cll Jacob Wall^er


Scpteiaber 7, 17^9. Elisabeth ^.bdel hath put hir sonConnil Abdel lait of Chio C ounty Virginia cin apprentice to Jacob Wall^er farmer of Chio C ounty Virginia for a terra of eleven years,

v/itness Elizabeth X Abdcl Jonal"! Seaman mark William C aldviell Jac ob Walker

(p. 33)

3cpte2:ber 7, 17^9. We, John Jereoiali Jacob and Mary Jacob of Hampohire County Virginia do appoint our vrell beloved friend Jacob Bees on of Fayette County estate of i ennsylvaiiia our attorney to convey title of our right in and to a tract of land on the Chio River at the raouth of Grave Creek containing one thousand one hundred ajad ninty acroG of land to David Jones of Biirko County Pennsylvania. Ajid Further said John Jeremiah Jacob aiid l-k^xy Jacob do appoiat said attorney to couvey to I-tLchael Cresap younger son of Michael Cresap late of Chip- ton (Skiptaa) dec'd, one thousand eight hundred and eleven acres on the Chio River near the mouth of Fish Creek,

k.itness John J, Jacob Joseph Cresap Iliry Jacob

(p. 34)

IJovcinbef ?- , 17^. Jacob Bceson of Fayette County, x-ennsyl- vania attorney for Jchn Jeroioiah Jacobs arid ihry Jacobs of Hampshire County Virginia sold to David Jones of BurKs C ounty l-'ennsylvania for the sum of tvj-o thousand dollars one thousand one hundred and ninty acres of land on the Chio River near the mouth of Grave Crce.c,

Witness Jacob Bees on G e org e i'icC o 1 1 ocli Jchn Morgoii li i ;iyldv;in 'ars oiis ( P , 3 5 )

Cfctober 5; 17^9. James i'-fci'Iahan and Hannah his v/ife of Qiio^C ounty Virginia sold to Samuel IbC olloch of C ounty and State aforesaid for the sum of four hundred pounds four hundred acres of land on the River bani: to the cor- ner of the heirs of Joseph ll'octor.

i»itness Janes .\oIiihaii Stephen John Francis Charles »'/ells Robert I'k-C lure (p. 36)


Cfctober 17S9» Absolon Wells and hio v;ife I-iichell sold to William V/artenbay for forty pounds, tv;enty acros on v;ators of Buffalo Creek on both sides of Creek.

Witness Absni, Wells Charles iTather llichall Wells Walter C ain Allen Metcalf (P.37,

November 3, 17^9. Williaia Peterson and his v.dfe Ann sold to James Thompson for cffie hundred pounds, one hundred acres on the waters of Buffalo Creek in Chio County Virginia, to the comer of Wra. Wairbenbay.

Witness Willia]:! Peterson Allen r-Ietcalf Jinn Po/terson Wra, I-fcD cnnald Alexr Edie (p. 3^)

November 3, 17^9. Andrew Huston and I-fertha his v;ife sold to John Greath cruse for one hundred pounds, tv/o himdrod acres on the bank of Chio River cai the upper side of I'hchmore's Run being a part of the land v^hich J<*in Hay patented Cfctober lo7 17^5,

Witness Andrevr X Hust on James Welch rr.r.rk iloses Williamson Jr, I-Iartha X Huston mark


Norember ?. , 17^9* Jacob Eeccon of Fayette County an(L the State of Pennsylvania attorney for John Jeremiah Jacobs and I'lcry Jacob^b of Hampshire C ci:inty State of Virginia sold to I'iichel Cresap younger son of Michel C recap late of Skipton, !hr'/land, dcc'd, for five hundred pounds eight hundred and eleven Acres of land in Chio C ounty State of Vircir^ia on the Rivei" neai- the mouth of Fiah Creek.

Witness Jacob Deescai George I-tC olloch John Morgan Baldvrin Parsons (p. 40)

pril 4, 17"9. John ^uick and Elisabeth his vdfe of Qiio C Cfunty State of Virginia sold to Goorao ikrrastronr of Chio C ounty for orie hundree and six ijounds nintoeu shill- ings six pence, tv;o hundred and eighty five acres on v;aters of King'c Creek Chio C ounty being part of a tract sold to John Quick in I7S6, to the corner of Janes Canpbell, 2IatthevMVritchey (Ritchie J, banuiol Wright, Alexander Eddie and by Indian or King^s Ureek,

witness John ...uick 'williaxa outhorland Elii^abuth ^.uick Von 3v;oaringen ValeiitiiiO iieadcl

(p. 41;

Kovcnber 2, 17o9. dec'd, soldier in T^inth Virginia rcogii-ienu ox Uiio C oLUity Virginia) do appoint John Henderson Esq, my attorney for ne and the ori:^ans of deceased JaJiies Davis to ask dcnand and recover such lands granted by order of Congress as is justly due the aforesaid James Davis and his their orphin sons for his actual Service as a soldier in afore- said State during tv/u yeai-s and nine months and to receive all pay ruciioy —ewr— ~ Davis was entitled to according to nilitary lav;s of enlistnent etc., also to iaanage for me respecting a lot in Pittsburgh joining George Wallace Esq. to obtain a deed for sand — etc,

Witness Huth X Canpbell 'ivillian -"JcDcainold narK Ef>hraii.i Bilderbach

Acknov/ledged in Oj^en C ourt by Ruth Canpbell i-iov. 1739.


Doconber 8. 17S9. Dorsey Ponticost of ..ashingt on C ounty Pennsylvania sold to John Holdcraft of the sane County and State four hundred acjrcs in CJ-iio C ounty Virginia on the v/aters of .Mardin's Run a branch of the Chio River.

V/itness Dorsey Pontic ost Zach Sprigg George i-icC olloch John Rolfe Willian Blackney 2accheus Biggs (p. 43)

S??; ^^^^ ^^ ^'^^^^^^ his Wife sold to '^'^''oEAk ^^^'^^^r ^ovi!^^^^two hundred oner!J:^i:half^i^^•^^' pounds, nintv and acres on the waters of Cross Creek next t? ?ho ^\^^J5^i^o in Hole Tract between Wevl? anS So.^cl

'.Vitness t ,, . George I-lcColloch Charls S'^^^^ x'^^'^ovii- Hedges mark

^^^ ^^^ Morrison ^^'"''his'wli'.-^^^f ^^°:>,..r'^^^i^^?^?^f^^\^irginia ?r? n^?,, 5^ ^ ^^^^y sold to Janes Parks lor iiinty five pounds, two hundred by and forty five acre- land of Jaaes Caldwell and Gharls DoddT

jS^oricvit 't^^^^f^ Morrison .atrlck'S^land •-^^^' ^'^'''-'^

DGceniber 31, 1729. John Green and Judy his v.ifo ^uld co i'ii^ty pounds, one hundrS^ ''.\^f>^.^i^^'?.^"^^ix^ {^f acres ^"n v^uunoy ^j.rfc;inia on thu waterti of Glen's Run hv land of John V/illiams, Richard loats .uid CroJSns'^

John Green Judy Green


-ovember 23,1/^^9, Beajaain *^ie hcii- at lav; of Jacoo Vr^J-e uec'd of Uiio County Virginia fai^mer, sold to ^"' ~^^^^ °^^^^y ^^^^ 2?ate ior-c- s2i7firf?f/^^^^'''.?°^ ,^i^ty pounds, ^f^^ one hundred acres on waters of

tVitnoss . . Benjaminn John X Connell Mr:le Mark James ^3le Janes Curtis

(p. 47)

» 11

Koveinber 2?, 17 ^9 I, Benjanin Cfelc of Chio C ounty Virf^-inia, farmer, reposing Special Trust and C onf id- ence in % Beloved mother I'iary C^lo of aforesaid C oimty and State do appoint said Ilary niy True and lav:- full attorney to take care of all moneys due .mo and to sell all my lands ii: Uiio County.

Witness Benjamin (.^lo Janes Cglc Susannah Cfele Jacob Ct;le (P.43)

January 27, 1790. Benjamin Hainraitt and Ruth his v;ife of Chio County Virginia sold to Abrahaia Chapline of District of Caintuckor and State aforesaid for fifty pounds one hundred and forty seven acres on the vraters of wTieeling Creek, — bounded by Benjaniin Hanmitts line to comer of Isaac Kelley and J din Bukey.

Witness Benjamin ilanaitt Jacob Sash Ruth X Haranitt Elisabeth i-'aul iMoses Chapline

(p. 49)

June 1, 17<59. John Vanmetre of Oiio County Virgiiiia sold to Isaac Vanractre for one hundred pounds, one hundred acres on the v;aters of Short Creek by Jonaii Seaia:\n, Zachariah Sprigs and John Vanaetre.

J(±in Vannetre

Wife Jouinia Vannetre c:^ai.iincd as to vrillingncss.


February 2, 1790. Kubon Forraan and Ruth his v;ife and jrovidence Mounts and Hannah his v-dfe sold to Zachariah Sprigg of ihio C ounty Virginia for si:: pounds tv;clvo shillings three lots in V/est Liberty. Lots 13,14, 3o.

Witness l-rovidence liounts John Relfe (Rolfe) Hannah liounts Benjn. Biggs Reubin Fornian Ruth Forman


1790, Zachariah :Jprig/3 of cJiio C ouiity \rirginia sold to Jaiaes i'litchGll of the aajue G ouiity and State for sixtoen pounds, thirty .'line acres on the wat- ers of Wheeling Creek bounded by land of J onath on nooiz John Bukey and David Hogera.

Witness Zachariah oprirg JohnConnell iiliaabcth oorirr Jolm Rolfe * :aosos Chaoline (p. 52)

larch 1, 1790. iitephin Trach and Ca>pati his vn.fe.of Oiio County sold to Joshua u;ings of Baltimore County, liary- land for seventy five pounds fifteen shillings, one huridred and one acres on the \;aters of Cross Cree^ beinr part of four hundred aci'es Kra^ited to nicholas rJailor as3i!i-nee of George liailor, bounded bv Johii Sapington, i«icholas hailor, Edv/ard Baxter.

Witness Stephen Treacle Samuel Dunlap Urpali Treacle John i'JcC orniack

(p. 53)

Febru-ar^^ ?.(), 1790. liornian Aiidorson and r^ancy his vrL^e of Uiio w oiuity B-cate of Virginia acid to Brice Viers of the C ounty and State one huiidred and seven acre; on iCiiD-kens Run — the land trtunsfered to Thomas \i03-t and Jane and by the;n to Benjamin Davis and by h^n to i>lonian nnderson, bounded by v/n, Griffith, Nicholas Davis and Boiajanin Davis.

v.'itnesG Norrxvi I ilnderson George Cixrt ^-^^y^^ jQhii Virgin uancy 1 Anderson i«eiaiali Verso ji^u-l^

(i'.53,57) to:h 1, 1790.^ David Williai;ison of . asiiingt on C ounty ionnsylvania sold to Cornelius Beveii.5 for thirty pounds nojity nine ajid three fourtiis acres on the vraters of -itt-io (-t rave Crook in Qiio C ounty, Virr;inia,

Witness uaxrld Williamson oa oKxies J no V/cii':ia.n Jno Dillon (p. 54)


Jopterabor ^, 17'39. I, Dorscy i'cnticost late of 'Jash- ington County ieiincylvaiiia, ncn-r of Frederick C oiuit^^ Virginia for lovo and Fatherly aiTcctiJia I bear aul hath to\/ar-cis :t/ children hercai'tor raoatloned —1'.-- have LTtuited to ray children to \;i^o Jo£oi>h, riorgaret y;if(3 of i^Jdv/ard Ashley, Catherine, Doraey, oarali, uucy ueorgo washinj-ton and Koboka]::, seven hundred acres ix«ar the riouth of urave Crcol-: m Uiio County Vir<^^'nir f:rantcd by caid C ooaonisealth to said uorsey ^enticost .jQm^ oy tv;o patents for thi-oe hundred and fifty ad^os each and five tracts on Tiimboutones Run — etc. o*'o oract of four hundred acres on waters of Bufilov; Creek Vv^.ich said Dors ov .enticost LJr. holds in joint Tenacy vrith oamel i-icCullaftz of Oiio County altorothcr two thousand nine hundred acres children bsrotten by hici on his vrife Catherine.

J as. Ijuiis Joseph Bceler


Februaiy '.-lO^ 1790. A"

^ugust ,i6j 1/S9. v7lllia.i Black and Elisabeth his of Chio v/ifo C ounty Virginia sold to Adara Paris of the c ouiity of Derkeloy Virginia for forty five ninty ooundc acres bo-oiided by land of Sanvol Fraae^, Kobert ^towm^t - land on both sidoa of a ci-eok. Witness baimelFrauor s.'iliia:a Black Elir;abeth X Black Willian Jto^^art '"^^^ • John Faric

:larch 1, 1790, i eter kellor and his i.-ifo i^rv I'cUo- o^" fliio County Virginia sold to Rudolph Welmoii of "the " county of aiio ^tate of Virginia for t;;onty seven ^'^^'^yj-^^^^ ^--roB on {he ofS^1?fn?n 'n'^'-p'^S' waters ' ^<^^^Gd by oevomXc&i Ellis ^ino and Carter's

^-eter Hi^''% K -, Keller



April 5, 1790. Peter Cox and Hannah his v;ife sold to Benjamin -v'ells for foiir hundred ancl tcii pounds, tvrc hmdred acrco on the v/atorn c:" UiifTeicn,' Creel: bcLir'ded by .land of John li:;0 orr:'.ic]: and Icrcicl G on.

Witnoea Ictcr I Con Bald', .'in Paraonn n.\r]: Allen Iletcalf Ilazma X C ox

(p. 60} iL?.rch 1, 1790. David v^'illiajns on arid lary his v/ife of Washington oimty, Pennsylvai''.ia sold to I,athaniol Gallen of Uiio C ounty, Virginia, tv:c hiuidred acres on the ivators of Jhort Creol: bounded by la:id of Jacob r-y^att.

.t'itneas javid WilIi;i..isoji Jillir-" .'Sutherland -nrr; i/illia'iaon James Welch


April 6, 1790. Ale:\:aiider Sdio aiid Jano his v;ife of iJhio G cunty, Vir!.:;inia sold to Ja:.ies aiul WilJ.iaii Andrc-.'-s of

said County and State for fifty five , pounds, throe hund- red and four acrca adjoininf; J. Hays * liichard Bays on the v;atort3 of I'Sn^^ij Croeh.

Witness Alexander Edie Jaiiies llaydori Jane X Edie J. Gra'rf'ord rnarlc

( p . 62 )

April 3} 17Q0. Sdv/aj'd Wif-gans and Chra-ity Iiis v/ifc soj.d to Thorcs wi^;;;;:.ns for tv;enty pounds, oiiC iiundi^ed and thirty- cir;lit acres o:i the vrators of Ci-oss CrGoJ: being pia-l, of Ed^/ard '.Aigrin:: v^ottlo..icnt ri;-jit, ad.i'jinin,;;; Benjrj.dn Dav.iE

V/itncss £d\;a2^d V/iggaiis Jon. Gillet Charity X A'if:i;ans

1 1 en . I iirv i anc niai^k i£irch 3, 1790. Ja.' iiiirahali luid Fminy hiij v.-ife sold to yuii^jho'.i :iol;aid for u:o hundred a:.d forty pjuj.d;:!, one hundred and Gltjhty-rivo acres o;i uho \;al:ci',^ ..:' v;ron5:; Creeh joi::!!:^;^ laado of Uonjaraln -c:ij.i:, i:±7ai>d ..i;;:-ai:t£... Jonas .-rniE; poker and tho Jtatc Lino.

..itne>:3 .>a:.wo.l .i0.rcholl .Icily i'an.:y :.'ai'Ch(;I.J. wilii,-^" ..orricon

-;Ohn : X::.i|5;ht

v . o4 J

X79O ..iiy tor^i of U :urt, ii^xy 2/V, 1786. Uhoarat^ I, Joooph i.'cely a.':: indebted to Robei'^c ^vocdc for land I pnrcliaaed X this day sold to naid IJocde a set of blachckith tools and f.avG bo.nd foi^ £i:a\' rounds bearing datf3 of Doconbcr 22, 17S5. ..itncar. Joccch I.ecly ^hi"!!.-. Dover -rch.ibc'ld VJoods

''<¥ 3;._1790. i.acuariah oprigg; nad. Elii^abetli his \rlie L-oicL to;aiol Duinla]. for iJity owunds, one Iiandred i'jid fifty acroE on the -.Tctcra of 3hort Crooh. adjoirulnr Robt, i^m^o:::, John l^atchcli and ./illian Dunlap.

wittncss Zac Svrli'j: Woods f^;-^ L:ii:;aboth 'Spriec Vor. ij\:oarin£;en

(p. 66)

Juno 7, 17?0. Jote Michall of unlo J oanty, Vir;-ini- and Joan his vrife sold to Levris i-'carco ar.d i-hillir :io:iccl'.2 of Alle£-any County, rRnr-cyli.'^.nia for three hundr-a .-Oiuids fov.r hundred icren on tiic -vratcrc of v.neclon Greek iciclud- la.r; hie octtlenent luade in I776 joining Levy iiilla, Oa;auGl I'IcColloch, Andrev: uobisui doc'd, crossinf- i- bi-ancr t^^ Robt. Flo-inc, doc'd,

John Ilichall Jean Ilichall

(p. 67)

c 16

'^'^'' Chio Goiuity Virginia herh^t^^Ion'-.Kv.son ^''^^n?^''^ ?^, bo^ond Abraham lUley v/ith his ov;n free v/ill, aopront- ice to Reverand Janes Hughes in said County, to serve Hushes from July 22 for ten years said ^luf^ies to teach said apprentice to read, v/i^ite, corocion arithiaet -i and knowledge of surveying as v/ould qualify apprenfice to Keep an i^Jiglish ochool in this pai't of the country—

oses^haplino ^'^'^ .4/''^^ John Relfe Jaraes "liUGfies


Juno 6, 1790. /Archibald Woods and /unn his vrifo of ihio County Virginia sold to David Enoch Sr, of County, V/ash-inrton i-emisylvania for the sua of fifty pounds, hundred five acres of land on the western v;aters of oint pi^n^f^^K^^T^' "^ ^^^^ oi" ^-a-ddle Island Crock in Ui-io Countv about one and one-half mile froa near the Chio River land of Moses Chapline and Jolvi Caldwell

Said Lash (p.69)

September lo, 17^9. Benjamin JcJinstoti of Jefferson Kontuck-y C ounty sold to Richard Brov^n of (hi o C ounty for the V^rrinS sura of seventy-five pounds, three hundred fifty-nine acres a:id part of an island situate in the Chio

Ga, Jcjinston J no I-iorris on Ben'n Johnston Andrev: Kelt (p. 70)

August 17£J9. 29, Austin iJichols sold to John Waits for

"oBe^^Curry Austin i.ichols J<*in latchell (p,71)


June a, 1790. Ruben Foremaii and Ruth his \;irG of a^io County. Virginia sold to Frovidoncc .iountc of Oiio C ounty Virginia for the sura of tv;o hundred pounds oiic hund^^od and seventy tv;o and one half acres of land on the v.a^ters of Short Creek being part oi' a tract ci'-^ted by Henry Henry Esq . (i'atrick Heni-y) Governor of v'irginia to Reuben ^oremn and Ruth his wife and Hannah Vanraetre heirs and legal representatives of Abron Vanneter deceased, contain- ing three hundred and forty five acres by Survey of Jan- ^^^^y "^^^i-^^'^^i adjoining Edv7ard riorgan, John Diggs, George

'inhn^ffi^ ^^^^^ Foreman ^^th Foreman HenryHn^, l^"-rurviance Moses Chapline (p. 72)

June S, 1790. rrovidence Mounts and Hannah his Chio v;ifc of Cpunty, Virginia sold to Reuben Forenan and his Ruth wife for the sum of tvro hundred pounds / one i^ti/ifl hmidred and soveiity two and one half acres to Reuben rranted forecK-m atid Ruth his wife c'uid Hamiah nelrs Vaiimetev' of Abrain Vaniaeter deceased adjoining Benj-" anm i^iggs, i:.dv/ard liorgaii and Zachariali Sprigg,

jihn^R«i^. Providence Mounts . Hannah Mounts MosesMo^c Chaplinep^% (p. 73)

^•i^^y 3, 1790. John Cowan and Catherine his wife sold to Alexander .icC oy for the sun of thirty pounds, one red and hund- thirty t\/o acres an the horth Fork of To'alinsan's

Witness JTTJ >., John ov;cn Williaa„ o T , Andrev/ Angus McKoy jaark

(p. 75)

Juxy 6, 1789. Daniel Pryon of thio C oimty Virginia sold to I^athaniel Coalman of said C ounty and StaJef f or the sun of seventy pounds, eighty acres on the waters ' of 3h or? Creek joining John Mitchell, John Vanr^etre, William Vannetre Witness ^'^^^^n,,,^^ t -; Samuel Fultcn ^errme James I'icC oai^l

(p. 76)


July 5, -1790. .Villia.':! Vajimetre and JosGoh Vanmetrc of Oiio C ounty Vlrcinia for the siuii of thirty rounds sold to Samuel W or ley fifty acres en the v;aters of 'cho^-t G>-f^ei' adjoining Morgan V^mnetre.

<>'ituoss Jilliari Vrrxj^et-^^ Jaiaec Curtis Joseph Van-otrr Joseph .'lOrgan John Alison

(p. 77)

July 5, 1790. William Beard of Chio C ounty Virginia sold to William hoz'^d Jr, of tho County find State of possacot for tv/o hundred pounds land v/hero'the said Willian Board nov! lives kno\-ni as Ramsey's Fort on 13uffelow Crook (bought from Andrev; Ramsey; joining Aaron Robinson and Andrev; Fouts, Willian Beard Sr. to have possession f' ' he dies.

Witness Billiai-. Beard ^•loses Chapline i-.orcan Vaiunotro 'i'honian Deddry (p. 75)

August 4, 1790. David Williamson and Mary his v;ife of the Corinty of V/ashington and State of Pennsylvania for tho SUIT] of tv/o hiindred pounds sold to Benjamin Haxvoy of .Washington County Pennsylvania two hundred acres of >ond in Uiio County Virginia being part of a tract David k"/illiam3on bought of Tho::i£is Riitliorf ord on ^ brcnc'- o^ Short Creel:,

witness D^^i^

August 5^ 17^9. Dorsey Penticost of Frederick C ounty, Virginia sold to John Bale (Ball) of Fauquiro County Virginia for the sura of seventy nine pounds tv/elve shill- ings eight and three fourths ponce, one thousand one hundred acres (350 on Grave Creek, 350 cm Little Grave Creek, 400 on Tomlinson'a Run adjoining the State Line.

^.itncss Dorsey xcnticost ^-'harls i 'larch ell CharIs Smith 4, '-ent.^co5t ^di:ard christian [v. SO) /•« 15?

Joptocber 0, I790. viilliaia Kivin luid Jmio h-i

'iitilOES John iieife Jano X Uivin


^^Gpte.MDGr 6, 1790. John '•uelmeii ajid Rachel hi 3 v-i'-'e ^ixoCouiity of v'^.rcinia sold to -t-^-an vVorrel of Baltiorire oouiity .aryland for the sum of forty five pounds, seventy five acres on the wa-cers od riuifaloe Creek, laiul v;hlch 17'38 joinin^i; John Tilt on and .-.laxundor wells Jr.

"j^'^^^^ John v^oLaan v/eori:-3 Do^-^ient p?-,,-!-,^-' v •. .osiah '^^'^-- ,vaiturid.;e :4l:^^

(p. ^2}

Septe/abor 3 1790. Walter Skinner odd to Daniel Skinner ior five ahillincs, one hundred acres on vrfiich .Jaltr^r- ^^^,^^i::-l3 ^^lich ^.as conveyed tc waiter Skimmer 17o7 by on ;^ix:h :j, i^duard i-'ovier and Rachel hia vrifo.

Aitnesa 1^ - . Hichard Yoat3 ^''"""^^^^ oxinner '-arbara leats Jane leats

:;eptcnpor 6, I790. ^John :-Iitcholl ^ind his uifo Jane so^." to iVi-iiiai.-i ..arnock 3r. for the cum of one hundred pounds, rndT'ortv oeventy acres on the v^aters of Wheeling Creek joining danathon Hook, Andre;; Nicholi: and near -ylGs' and i'lomingc i.ine. ' '"^

w-itnp^q '^'^'' iitchell JS^aldv:ell ^^^ '^^'^^^^ H. Clark W'iliiaia C onnell

Witries^ , , -^'•^•laughlaiid Jane Hall t, ^-isabeth Shadrick Williams .£Glaudil,u:d John Dnnoan


June 10, 1790. Willia.-a Bailoy and Margaret hi^ v/ife of the Borrough of York sold td kVilliara Johnstone of the Tov.nship and C ounty of York^ i-ennsylvania for the su;n of one hundred and thirty five pounds, one thousaiid acre^ on Mill Run adjoiiiinr C onrad Le-atlierrix.

'witness Wu Bailey Jaiaes Edie i-fe.rgaret Bailey Jacob Purrty

(P. ^6)

(Jctober li , 1790. Williain I'fcl.fechan of (Jiio County acting for John Kidd, sold to V/illi<\;:i Haynor one hundred and thirteen acres on the waters of Sh

Witness Wn. ivic/.iachaa Caleb i^iiaphrey Charls Prather


(-tetober l+, r/90, kirrance Vanbu.'jkirk Jr. for the sura of fifty five pounds sold to John Mclntier fifty five acres on the waters of Buffeloe Creek adjoining the Is/id of Robert Hoore and William r^fclnfrtier.

Witness i.rranco Vanbuskirk Allen Mete all' David Chainbers William Ha^'mor (p. -^9,

^Jctober 5, 1790, Vifillian Ksrr of C.hxo C ounty Virginia hath put his daughter Elisabeth .varr an aoprentice tc John Pollock in the said C oiiiity unL,!! she is 01 full ago to oe taught to lioad in tac Bible and to

Rite .

Ej.iaabeth Karr v/as four yoar-s Willian Karr old on the fourth day of Apric- John Pollock last proceeding the date above vrritten. (p. 90)

Nov cab < 1790, Edv/ard Fo\';lor and Rachel his v.lfe for the sun of one hundred and eight rounds sold to Gabriel Blackney, one hundred aiid' oi^'hty acres or. the

Witness Edv/ard Fov/ler David Shcrhard iiachol A Fo',.'lei'

{v. 91)


November 3, 1790. I, Jarnes Haydon of Bedford Ta-mship do appoint my friend Mr. Willian Sutherland Esqr. of (hio County Virgin^ ray attorney to act for me in all noneys due mo . James Haydon

(p. 92}

November 1, 17c59. Peter Hickjnan for the sura of sixty pounds sold to Jonathon Taylor one hundred and fifty tv;o acres in Oiio County Virginia on the vraters of I'liddle V/heeling Creek adjoining land of Jacob Link, and Jaiaes Mart on.

Peter Hickman

(p. 93)

Cfctober 16, 1790. Reuben Foreman and Ruth his v;ife for the sum of five pounds sold to William KcKinley of Chio C ounty Virginia lot number thirty five in \iest Liberty adjoining the lot v;here Reuben Foreman no\-i lives,

V/itness Reubin Foreman John C onnell Ruth Foreman Wm. Skinner John Galbreath (p. 94)

November 1, 17o9. Peter Hickman for the sum of nine pounds sold to Joseph Biggs one hundred and forty acres on the v;aters of Middle vVheeling Creel: adjoining Jonathon Taylor, James Marton, Walter^ Summers and to State lino,

" Peter Hiclcman

(p. 95)

November 1790, Col. David Shepherd of Chio C ounty Virginia for the sum of one hundred pounds sold to Richard Yeats of the same county one thousand acres on the v:aters of Middle Island on a Branch knovm as Pursloy Lick.

David Shepherd




Cttober 2^, 1790. Benjamin Davis and Nancy his wife for tho SUM of eighteen pounds sold to John Baker fifty acres on the vmters of Cross Creek adjoining William^ Williams, Benjamin Davis Nancy Davis

(p. 97

November 1,1790. Richard Elson of Chio G ounty Virginia on the pai*t of Joshua r-i:Queen and i'larcaret nis -.vife of I'iaddi s on C ounty Virginia by Special power of attorney sold to Robert Tevis of Maddison County Virginia for the sura of pounds, fine hundred, paid to a cartain John Campbell v^o had become the purchaser of said tract and authorised said I^icQueen to convey the same to Robert Tevis the said Richard Ellson on the part of Joshua I-'icQueen has sold the land on Harmons Run in Olio County formerly a part of Yohogany County Virginia adjoining John Sappington.

Richard Elso^


July 14V 1790, William Bailey of the Borough of York and f'largret his v/ife for the sum of one hundred and ten pounds sold to William Johnstone land on I'lill Run branch of Middle Island Creek in (J^io County.

Witness William Bailey Jno Greir I-lai'gret Bailey James I-icC lerey

(p. 99:

September 7, 17^9. Stephen May of Botetourt County Virginia has appointed Robert Woods of Chio C ounty Virginia his attorney to deed three hundred and thirty one and one half acres "v;hich I sold to Isaac Robinson v;ho sold the sa/ae to Col, William I'-fcClonalian of Botetourt County Virginia", I hereby iiapov/er Robt, V/oods to convey said land to Williai:-! IIcC lenaiian

Witness Stephen :iay Arched Woods An 'Woods (p. 100)


January 3, 1790. Charles Praither (Prather) and Ruth hio v/ifG of Gharls Tovm (Wollsburg) Virr-inia for the 3u:a of tv;o Spanish I-iilled dollars and one half sold to Jacob Hoover, shooraakcr, of tovm aforesaid eight lots of fjround numbered 17, lo, 61, 62, to erect and build Dock v/orfs and other necessary buildings, to build same and use all manner of Boats and crafts i^blick Ferrys only excepted to pay Praither nine Spanish j.iilled dollars plus on first p: January 179:-- and each year thereafter .

Witness Char Is rraithcr James Griffith Ruth X Praither iisey 3irearoni;_;or mark

(p. 103)

January 1, 1791. Charls Praither and Ruth his vnLfe of Chio C ounty Virginia for the sum of seventeen shill- ings and six pence sold to Ellaey Swearin^n and Zacharicih Sv/earingen of the same County and State lots 15 and $9 in Charls Town.lh'ovj Wellsburg).

V/itness Charls Praither Samuel I]ro\/n Ruth X Praither Arched Bell mark

(p. 104)

January 1, 1791. Charls Praither and Ruth his v/ifc for the suia of seventeen shillings and six pence sold to Valentine j-iendle of the ScO-me C ounty and State lots 14 and fifty eigiit in Charls Tovm. (Wellsburg).

v/itness Charls Praither Arched Eeall Ruth X Praither Sa!:iuel Bro\ni . mark

(p. 105)

January 3, 1791. Charls Praither and his v;ife Ruth for tlie sun of t\:'j and one half dollars sold to V/altcr Spencer lots 97, 9^; 137 and 13^ in Charls Tovm.

Witness Charls Praither James Griffith Ruth X Praither Ellsey S\/earingen mark


. . Q^

DccGinber 11, 1790. Ghai^ls Traither and Ruth his uife for the sum of tv;o Spa^iish dollars sold to Edniond and Blair Aoran of Allegany G ounty Maryland, lots 19, ^0, 63 and 64 in the tv.-on of Gharls Tovni ^V/ellsburr] liiio G ounty Vir;';;inia.

Witness Gharls Praither John Burk Huth X traithor Archd Doall .'aark

(p. 107)

January 3, 1791. Gharls Pradthcr and Ruth his wife of Chio County Virginia for the siun of two Spanish dollars sold to Ruth Wells of the sane County and State lot 7 in Wellsburc.

Witness Gharls Praither Janes Griffith Kuth X Praither Ellsey Jwearin^^^en mark


Movciaber 10, 1790, l^aithers, Gharls and Ruth of Lhio G ounty Vir;:,inia for the suin of two and one half dollars sold to Jaiacs Ma.rchal of the same plane lots 9 and 53 in Gharls Tovm.

witness Gharls Praither Ja.'ac3 Burk Ruth X Praither Archd Boall K>ark Jcjaes Marshall

(p. 109)

January 3, 1791. Gharls Praither and Ruth his wife of Lhio County Virginia for the sun of t^;o and one half dollars sold to James Griffith lots 13 and 57 i^i Gharls T o\-m

witness Gharls rr:iither Ell2ey Swearin^',cn liubh I i^^aithe: John Greer aark

(p. 110)

nu:>jry 3» 1791. Gharls Praither and Ruth his v;ife of Quo County Virginia for the sur.i of tv:o and one half dollars sold to Robert Carson of the safno place, lots 103, 10/!-, 215 and 216 in Gharls Tovm(Wcllsburg)

V.'itness Gharls l^aither Ellaey Sizearingen Ruth X Praither Jaines Griffith iiark (p. Ill)


January 3, 1791. Gharls Praither and Kuth his v:ifc of Chio County Virginia for the su-iio-of one and one half dollars sold to Keuben Rood of the same place, lots 49, ;^9, 47 and i^S in (Jharls Tovai (Wollsburg). Witness Gharls Praither Jas. Griffith Ruth X Praither Ellsey Svrcaringen uark

(p. 11:2)

Kovorabor 10, 1790. Gharl3 :^raither and Ruth his \.-ife of Uiio County Vircinla for the sura of tv;o and ond third dollars cold to Jaiucs x-Iarchell of Washington County, Pennsylvania lots S and 52 in Gharls Tov-m (Wellsburg).

witness Gharls Praither

Arched Bell ,, Ruth X Praither Jaiiies BurJce mark (p. 113)

January 3, 1791. Ch?j:lc Praither and Ruth his vrife of Ihio C ounty Vircinia for the sim of tv.'o and one h:.lf dollars sold to Albin Shav; of the same place lots 5I, 90, 131 and 132 in Gharls Town (Wellsburg).

Witness Gharls I-^aither Ellsey Svfearingen Ruth X Praither James Griffith mark

(p. 114;

January 5, 1791. Gharls Praither and Kuth his v;ife of Chio County Virginia for the sun of four and two thirds dollars soJ.d to John Greer of the same clace lots 11, 12, 55 and 56 in Gharls Tarn OVellsburg).

Witness Gharls Praither Ruth X Praither

(p. 115)

. . David v;if of ^ Shepherd and Rachel his e Chio County Virginia for the sum of Seventeen ^}{iXXiM^ pounds, fourteen shillings sold to George Knox of the same County and State fifty nine acres adjoining Gharls Dodd.

witness David Shepherd William Shepherd Rachel Shepherd Gharls Dodd Vifilliam Crogan


:>venber 6, 1790. Williara Shophord o.C (.hio C ounty Vir^^inic for the tjuiu of forty pounds sold to William Hulsc t'.ro hundred cUid fifteen acres adjoining:- hadrevi WliitG and iiobert McKoy.

iitiiess .Villiaru Shonherd iezaciah Thornbeary ;Ohn w'ariders


lary '^ , 17,'1. Morgan Varuuetrc heir at la/; to jQ^reph Vaii:.ietro aoc'd, and kary his vvife of d-iio County VirriaJ for the san. .of two hundred and sigi'ity eie;ht pounds sold to Joiin Bukey one iiuxidred aj'id eighty one acres and four polos on the South fork of Short Creek adjoiniiig worcan Hurst, Vai: Sv/earingen and Daniel Mor,p;an.

v/iti:ess rlorpjan Vanaetro Daniel aorga Mary Vaniaetro Ja:aes Jlitche


Januoi-y 27., I7vi. Samuel Barr of the ':'o-.,'nship of Si.-ii-oh County of Washington State of ronn::ylv.^nia, and Sarah his v;ife sold to John Rcburn of Little Briton To^.niship of Lancaster C ounty Pennsylvania for the siun of tvrent^/- tvjo pounds, sixty four acres forinerly in Yohogany G ounty on Toiuiinson's Run beginning on the Old T emporary x^ino adjoining Robert Barr

witness Cc^.iuel Earr Robert Hobinson So.rah X Barr Thouas nary nark Williaiu Stcphinson Ja'-itcs Eager of Wash .Co. Pa, (p. 119)

anuary 22, 1791. Robei't Barr of Smith t.-wnship of Vvash- ington County i-ciinsylvania Jiid Ester hi;., v^ife sold to John Heburn of Little Eritton ta.-;nship J.c:ncacter County i'enzisylvaaia fur the curi of oigiity poundSj, tv;o hundred and forty acres or. Toinlinson's Run formeriy in Yohogany County Virginia Barr uas assignee of John IlcConias assignee of Janes V/alker (Va. v;arrant), land to the coi'nei of Duncan licgeglian, Saiauel and Ezecial Cai^thers ana Dorsey j'enticoct.

Vn'itness Robert Barr- Thoraas Bay Ester I Barr V.'iilia.'a^;$ St eph. ins on iaark Til oui.a 3 D O!Tiingt on ^p.l20)


September 6, 1790. Nicholas Rogers and his vdfo I>lary for the sum of one hundred and ninety two pounds sold to Ezecial Rogers ninety four acres on the vraters of Buffaloe Creek adjoining John Beck, Moses Linn, Castleiaan's Run and Patorson,

Witness Nicholas I Rogers William Caldwell ciark Robert Edgar William Hays (p. 121)

February 7, 1791. Willian Shepherd of Chio County Vir- ginia for the sum of twenty pounds sold to James Henthorn of the same County and State one hundred and thirty acres adjoining Andrew White and William Hulse.

Witness William Shephard Allen Metcalfe Josiah Thornburgh John Koch

(p. 122)

February 7, 1791. Reuben Rood and Huldah his wife of Charls Town {Wellsburgj Chio G ounty State of Virginia for the sum of tv/enty pounds sold to William IicKinley of West Liberty, lots if 9 and ^9 in Charls Town,

Reuben Rood

(p. 123)

January 25, 1791. John Greer and Elenor his v;ife of Charls Tovm, Chio County State of Virginia for the sum of fifty four pounds sold to Richard Speares of the same place lots 11, 12, 55 and 56 in Charls Tovm.

Witness John Greer Reubin Rood Elenor Greer Huldah Rood

(p. 124)

February 7, 1791. John Green and Judah his wife of Chio County Virginia for the sum of thirty four pounds and ten shillings sold to John Duncan of the same County and State fifty acres adjoining Daniel Harris.

John Green Judah Green

(p. 125)


September 30, 1790. Dorsey Penticost and Reubin Kemp sold to Alexander Crm/i'ord three hundred and thirty- eight acres adjoining Henry Hervey.

Witness Dorsey Penticost JohnCorbey Reubin Kemp 3t>ephen Gapin i'lattev; Reichie John Lee Robert I-fcC lure Moses Chapline (p. 126)

September 13, 1790. Docsey Penticost and Reubin Kemp both of the State of Pennsylvania County of Washington and Fciyette sold to Robert Mays of Jefferson C ounty Virginia for the sum of tv/o hundred pounds, two hundred and fifty acres on Buffaloe Creek, Witness Dorsey Pentecost JohnCorbly Reubin Kemp Stephen Gapen i^iattv; Ritchie John Lee Robt. PfcClure Moses Chapline (p. 12?)

March 7, 1790. Jonathon Greathouse sold to Jonathon Boyio and Jonathon Hunt of Chio County for the sum of one hundred pounds, one hundred and twenty tv7o acres and tv;enty perches being part of the land belonging to said Jonathon Greathouse for vrhich Harmon Greathouse 3r. obtained a patent in 17^5, adjoining William Greathouse, Thomas Edgington, Benjamin Johnstone and William Griffith,

Jonathon Greathouse

(p. 128)

March 4, 1791. Jonathon Greathouse of Ohio C ounty Virg- inia sold to John Qrr of the same County and State for the sum of two hundred pounds, one hundred and fifty- three acres on both sides of Harmon's Creek adjoining 'Williaia Greathouse, Jonathon Boyle and Thomas Edgington.

Jonathon Greathouse .



March 4, 1791. Jonathon Greathouse of Chio County Virg- inia sold to Williaa Greathouoe of the same County and State for the sum of one hundred pounds, aoveuty acres on both sides of Harmon's Creek.


(p. 130)

March 7, 1791. William Morrison and I'^ery his vrlfe of Chio County Virginia sold to Joseph r-fcKee for the su^a of fifty pounds, one hundred acres.

v/itnocs William Morrison Thomas Gray I'iiry Morrison Robert C oil Andrew Robinson (p. 131)

March 7, 1791. Jacob Link of Washington County Pennsyl- vania sold to John Brice of Chio County Virginia for the sura of one hundred and tv/elve pounds and ten shill- ings, four hundred acres on Middle fork of V/heoling Creek adjoining William Buckhannon, Alexander Woodcap Davejj and Andrei; Robinson,

Jac ob I Li:ik nark

(p. 132)

March 7, 1791. Thomas Selman and his v/ife of a;io County Virginia sold to CharIs Wells nineteen acres and tv;enty nine poles on the vfaters of Buffalo Creek,

Thor.ias Seliaiin

j-'nrc]i y, 1791. Charls Wells and Elizabeth his uifo of Lhio County Virginia sold to Thoiiuis Seliaan of the same County for the sum of nineteen pounds and ten shillings " eighteen acres and ninety poles on Buffaloe Creek adjoint ing Charls Wells and John Harris.

Charls .'/eils Elizabeth Wells

(p. 134) i-brch 7, 1791. Gharls I'Iclla and Elizabeth hii; \rl£Q of CnioCcranty Vir^tinia sold to John Harris of the 3ame G oimty for the sum of fourteen pounds, thirteen acres and oriQ hundred tvvonty five poles on the v/aters of Buffalo Creek adjoining Thomas Selman,

Char is '.ie.iis Elisabeth .VelJ

(p. 135)

•larch 7, 1991. Stephin i-'iiy of Bototourt County Vircinic sold to V/illiam I'S^C laneihan of the sane place throe b.undred and thirty one aJ:id one half acres for z'ae suia of one nundred pounds^ the land on the Chio River near loa-rer end of place called Long Reach, adjoininj;'; John C aidvrell £ind Jajnes G lemons.

Stephin l-fey

(p. 130;

l-hrch 6', 1791. Benjaiain Davis :ind Nancy his -..irG, Edi;ard V/iggans and Charloty Wiggans vrife all of Oiiio County Vir[:inia sold to John Grayhani of the sanhj County for the suji of tv/enty poujids, one hundred acres on the waters of Cross Creek adjoining Williau '..illianis ujing part of tv'o tracts taken up by Davis and Wirgans, adjoining Ignatius Jones and John Jones.

Witness Benjamin Davis Thomas bilderbach I-Iancy Davis Epliraira bilderbach iidvara Wiggans Charloty Wiggans

(p. 137)

I^rch 7, 1791. V/illiam Beard of Qiio County Virgii-ia sold to James Beard of the sajne County for' the su:.. of tv:o hundred and sixty pounds, t\io hundred eiglity six and six tenths a.cres oii the v/atcrs of Buffaloe Cr-eeK, said wni. Beard being the assignee of Andrevf Rairisoy. Land adjoining Andreir Fouts, John Buicey, John 'I'iltoii and George Beard.

Willian Bei^rd



^larch 7, 1791. V/illian Beard of Chio C ounty Vireinia sold to George Beard of the saiae County for the sura of two hundred pounds, tv/o hundred forty three and four tenths o.cre5 on the v/aters of Buffalo Creek adjoining; John Tilton, John Harris and Aarai Robinson.

Willi a:.: Board

(p. 139]

March ?, 1791. Angus I'cGoy of C ounty Virginia sold to oai.ies Blackiiiore and Ciiarls B^'.acicrjoro of the same County for the cui.i of two hundred ^iouuds, two hundred acres on the waters of Mill Creek beginning at State Line^.

Angus I-fcKoy

(p. 140) ilirch 3, 1791. Joseph Hurst Jr. heir at lav; of Joseph Hurst dec 'd and Elizabeth his v/lfo of 'Washington County i'Jaryland sold to I-iorgan Hurst of Ciiio G ounty Virginia for the sum of tv;o hundred t\;enty pounds, four hundred fifty one acres on the -waters of Short Creek adjoiiiing Van Swearin.^en, Morgan Vaiu;ictr(3 aid Levi Mils.

Joseph Hurst Elizabeth Hurst


March 7, 1791. Ignatius Jones iuid his -wife Ann sold to Archibald Elson for the sum of one Iiundred pounds, one hundred fifty acres on both sides of Cross Creek adjoin- ing Fargus Smith,

Witness Ignatius Jones John Tilt ox; Ann 1 Jones 3a:;iuel .'hrcliell jnark

(p.l/f2) l-iarch 7, 1791. Ignatius Jones and his vrifo Ann of Fayette County Pexuisylvania sold to Fargus Smith of Chio County Virginia for the sun of ninety three pounds, one hund- red fifty one acres on each side of Cross Creek it being part of the land surveyed for the heirs of John Jones dec'd adjoining Edvrard Wiggans, Archibald 'uilson and Davis.

,..i'u-ioss Ignatius Jones Willi:u-.i Juthei-land Ann X Jones Reubin Fore /nan /ff'UU^v- Henry Snith I p. 143)


L^jril 1, 1791. MosGS Chapliiie of liiio G ounty Virgiriia do cppoint ::vj brother V/iliiam Chapline of Washington C Gfunty itiryland uy attorncjr to sell one thousand acres in Olio C ounty Virr.inia on the head v/aters of roint Ploacant i'orlc p^* a branch of I'lidalo leland Creok, to ziic corner of John Caldwell,

i-ioscs Chapline


aifjuot 2, i;-790. Uoorso i')teviiison a. id Cathei-inc his i.'ife 01 ..asliingt on C ounty ^'eriiioylvanla sold to John iicC oraack of Uiio County Virginia for the au::i of four hundrod.and forty five pounds, three hunarod and forty two acres on the vrators of Buffalo Creek adjoining, James Harrison, Henry Barton and Josep Hedges,

•„'itno33 Geor^je Stevenson -i < Zac Sprig;; Catherine X Stephenson Janes i^iitcholl mark Dorsoy Tenticost (p. 145)

.o'/c-::bo:' 29; -VS^'J. HLvabeton Reed and Dolivourance his v;ire of Uiio C ounty Virginia sold to lutthyas Hedges of the sajae C oun^^y and State for the suii of tv/enty five shillings per acre, tv/o huiidrod acres on the ^/atGrs of Short Creek \rhich tract v;as granted to Haxibleton Reed aforesaid assignee of John Hedges vdio mhq heir at la,; to Esecial Hodges, adjoining Charls Hedges, Abrahara Varuuetre and Benjamin Biggs,

V/itness l!a;:ibleton Reed Jess Fulton Delivouraincc Reed Charls Hodges David Chainibcrs


.'o^/•oIuber 6, 1790. 1, Robert Tevls have appointed ny friend Richard Bro\m Jr. of Uiio County Vir^'inia ray attorney to convey a deed for one hundred acres of J and adjoining k'icholas Davis, V/illiaa Griffith, to Thomas ILiddon of Uiio C ounty,

'..'itness Robt Tevis Scluond Bajcter V/iiliarj Baxter Richard Elsai (p,li.7)


Decenber 30, I790. John _ r-atchell .md Jano hie ^.-ife of ^^ Archebald Woods of the sS C^intv^r/.^''^^''^^""^^^of the sua of ono J^^^ hundred pounds:, four hundred'"''^'''^^^ acres on the south side of Short Benjamin C?eei: tS Levy ills Haiimitt and Samuel ;.fcColloch.

V/itness . , John I.Iitchell .^idrew woods '^j^^'' ^^^'^^ inj'^f 'j^ Robt. I.fcClure -HtchelJ Sajnl Mitchell

(p. 143)

^^^el Grayhara and ^ tho Ih?;^- ^ Elenor his v^ife sold to Francis LcClure all of Oiio County for the sma of six-tv-"^ sixty tv;o acres ^joinLaf 5ar.uiolS^Jl'^cTn^^iGlass and^"h Johnfi^'-^P'Bukey.

V/itnoss John Caldwell ^''^^^^ i Grayha:n John Wallcer Tri„nrv.. ""'"'V. Rcubin ^^'^''"- ^^^y^^- Forenan ^ ,


'^ V/illia;ason 'i^;:;-^^?^- n °^^^^ and 'iary his V7ifov/aro of Pennsylvania o? a'^SV'^ ^°^^^^ sold to BenjJnS Ha^y ^''§^°^^ ^^^ ^^^^ =^^ °^ two-^hundred^ pounds,Dounr f 5,Tk^two hundred acres v;hich V/illiaiason purchased '^^ --^^ o^ Of loTof^lir'^^'^ ^ ^^^^ '"-nch

Witness n .,.,.-,,. •'''''''' °" Reubin Foreman ?L?^%;ft^ Jerh. Williams "^"^ Williamson

(p. 150)


February /+, 1791. JohnGoimell of Chio C ounty, Virginia sold to Abraham ana Isaac Vanaetre of the sajie place three hundred and foi'ty six acres bounded by land of JameiJ Ryan, Edv.'ard Morgan, Abraham Vanrnetre, Karableton Reed, Garrison, Joseph Kyle and Johjri Spaur (Spahr).

Witness JohnCoruiOll Wra. McKinly J (An Galbreath Jonah Seaman (p. 151)

April 4, 1791. nlbin Shaw and Unice his v;ife of Charls Tovrn,

Chio C ounty , Virginia sold to Andrew Snider of the sojae County and State for the sum of thirteen pounds, lot nunbcr fifty in Charls To\m{Jiow Wellsburr;).

i/itncsG Albin Shaw Wi llian Mc Mac han James Griffith (p. 153)

I-lay 2, 1791. Ephrain Bilderhack and Liddy his vrife of Chio County, Virginia sold to Charls Teal and Assa(Asa,Aslo) Teale of the same C ounty and State for the sum of three hundred and ninety pounds, two hundred and fifty nine acres on the north side of Cross Cr, joining land of Abraham Vanrnetre, Robert Meek, and the Ilingo Bottom being the same tract taken up by Charles Eildcrback in 17^5 cjid transfer-

ed to Ephraim Bildorback, and joining v.'idov; Vanj.^etrc, : loses Decker and Merriman.

Ephraim X Bildorback mark Liddy X Bilderback mark

(p. 154)

May 4, 1791. Reubin Foreman and Ruth his viife of Chio G ounty Virginia sold to James NevatlNevit) of the same County and State for the sum of three pounds lot number eighty six in the town of West Liberty.

Reubin Foreman Ruth Foreman

(p. 155)


April 11, 17SU. Samuel McElhiney of Oiio C ounty, Virrinia sold to Alexander Cunningham of Washington County, Penn- sylvania for the sum of tv/o hundred pounds lot tvfelve in the town of West Liberty, Chio County, Virginia.

v'/itness Samuel McElhiney John Galbreath John C onnell Benjn, B$ggs James Nevit (p. 156)

June 6, 1791. Jdin Bukey and Agneus hiij v/iie anc HcsaciaJi Bukey of Qiij C ounty, Virgiiiia sold to Isaac Kclley of the saine County and State for the sum of one hundred and thirty- seven pounds, one hundi'ed and eiglrity seven acres on the waters of Wheeling Creek joining land of Zachariah Sprigg, Jonathon Hook, John Fleming, John Kyle, Benjamin Hammitt and David Rogers.

John Bukey Agness Bukey Hezaciah Bukey

(p. 157)

June 7, 1791. i-rovidonce Mouiits and Kann^J-i hi3 ;;ife of Lhio County, Virginia sold to John Rclfe, attorney -.t lav;, of the Gdmo C ounty and State for the sun of seventy five pound,' lot number 2'j, in the twm of West Liberty lot of Moses Chap line.

/rovideiico Mounts Hannah Mounts

(p. 15^)

April 6, 1791. Charles Dugan ox Chio County, Virginia sold to James Nevit of the same County and State, for the sum of six pound,3, lot number '<^7 iii t/he town of V/est Liberty.

Witness Charls Dugan Alleii Metcalf Benjamin Biggs Moses Chapline (p. 159)


J\m6 7, 1791. Hathew Rankin and Matthew Hills of Washington C ounty, Pennsylvania and Elizabeth Hills wife of Matthew yip Hills sold to Thomas Rutherford of Berkeley County, Virginia for the sum of seventy five pounds, four hundred acres on Hardins Hun joining land of Crawford, Rutherford, Arthur Echols and the Chio River.

Witness Matthew Hills William Sutherland Elizabeth Hills Andrew Swearingen JfeCthew Rankin Reubin Foreman

Isaac Kelley , , (p.160)

April 4. 1791. Sanmer Fultm of Chio G ounty, Virginia sold to Jonas Mentzer of Chio County, Virginia for the sura of forty five pounds, twenty six and one half acres on the River bank and to the corner of John Wilson. Witness Samuel Fulton John Nix(m Jane X Fulton Thomas Biggs mark on Joseph Tilt ^ ^ (P.161)

Jnly 4, 1791. Jacob Hoover and Catherine Hoover his wife of Chariest own (Wellsburg) Chio County, Virginia sold to John Henderson of the same C cranty for the sam of fifty pounds, ei^t lorts ofi ground said lots being numbered 259, 260, 219, 220, 17, 13, 61, 62 in CharlesTown. Jacob Hoover Catherine I Hoover mark t (P.162)

June 25, 1791. Zachariah Sprigg and Elizabeth his wife of Chio County. Virginia sold to Hoses Chapline and John Relfe of Chio C ounty for the sum of fifty three pounds sixteen shillings three pence as tenants in common and not f as joint tenants, thirty five acres and one hundred forty seven perches near West Idberty, and land of Benj. Biggs and Reubin Foreman. Zachariah Sprigg Witness Elizabeth X Sprigg David Bradford mark


) 37

I-fay 2, 1791. David Williaiason and l^lary his v/ife of V/ashing- ton County, Pennsylvania sold to Ben jarain Harvey of Chio County, Virginia for the sura of one hundred pounds, one hundred acres of land on the v;ators of Short Creek join- ing land of Nathan Gallon.

Witness David Willianson Williaia Sutherland I^lary V/illiainson John Galbreath Nathan Gallon (p. 164)

July 5, 1791. Providence Mounts and Hannah Mounts hii, ;/ife of Chio County, Virginia sold to Revd, Jaaes Hughes, V/illiam I-fcC olloch, William Brovm, V/illiam I-fcKinly, Nath- aniel C oalraan and Moses Ghapline of said County and State for love and affectioii for the congregation of Short, Creek nov/ under the Pastoral care of said James Hughes and for five shillings, two lots iii West Liberty numbered tv/o and three for use of said congregation and they to permit those of the Episcopal and Ana baptist Churches to have the privilodge in absence of the Stated i-iinister of said congregation when any of those respect- ive teachers coae this way to preach all denominations to be peraited to bury their dead in lots 01 ground,

Vi/itness Providence Mounts Eobt. i-LC lure Hcmnah .lounts Williuia Sutherland John C ormell (p. 165)

July k, 1791. Providence Mounts and Sannah his v;ife of Olio C ounty, Virginia sold to William McKinley of the same C ounty and State and John Atchison of Washington County, Pennsylvania for the sum of twenty pounds, lots 15, 166 and 167 joining Zachariah Sprigg in V/est Liberty. Witness Providence Mounts

Kobt. i'lc Iait e ( i bC lure Hannali iiounts WilliaLi Sutherland

July 4> 1791. Benjamin Biggs heir at lav; to John Biggs dec»d of Chio County, Virginia sold to James Hughes ninister of the gosple, for five pounds ten and one half ^' acres knov.Ti as lot 2, \;est and near West Liberty joining rl-ovidcnce Mounts, Matthais Hedges and John Galbraith.

Witness Benjamin Biggs John Galbraith Beal. Pumphrey (p. 167)


July 4, 1791. Reubin Foreman and Ruth his wife, Provideace i'lounts and Hannah his v/ife of aiio C ounty, Virginia sold to John C onnell of said County for the sum of six pounds part of lot 71 in West Liberty joining Janes Gaablo, lot 70 joining V/illiaii and George .iathei/s cuid lot 32.

J'itnoss Providence i-iounts wa. 2fe thews Hannah Mouiits filzas otanaiey Reubin Foroiaan Ruth Foreman

(p. 16a}

Providence Mounts and Ilann£ih his '^^^^^'^^'iu??J*to v/ife sold i/illiam and George I%thev/s of the same G ounty and ^tate for the sura of twenty dollars Dart of lots 71 and 21 in litest Uberty joining John C onnell, Charles Tiberrin ana iioses Linn,

JoS^Lnell Providence Mounts Elias Handley Hannah Mounts Reubin Foreman

(p. 169)

July 4, 1791. Providence Mounts and Hannah his wife to sold Ellas otandly. hatter, of the same County and State ?L*^°v, ^JX' , Virginia for the sua of thirty pounds lot number I6g in West Uberty Joining Williaa ^Kinley.

R^SfS^'^V Providence Mount: Hannah Mounts Jcdm^^u^p"i°^??^-"C onnell Geo. Math errs

(p. 170)

^^®.i^^^^9.e3 "0V7 Setting in the C ounty C our-c ~^J-'(ui^' , ethi^^?t°? ^^^'^^ 5/^J"? ^^^^^ ^^^ said County witness! Bush hath bound himscli- aporenticc to John^oL Bukey5 S ^^l""""for thwelvo years eight aonths' until he roach- es the age of twenty one years to sei-^e — as a for^^tr '''''^'^^ TleofthrTe^lllf^''^' ^''^ :.rithrnetic tolhe '

Robt, Woods John Henderson David Bruce William McKinley John Bukey


April 5, 1791. John Burch of Chio County, Virginia for the sum of three pounds thirteen shillings fjold to Charls Qisler of the same C ounty and otqte, two Looms raid all their conveniences, one Sorrell C oalt two years old.

Witness John Burtch Charls Hov;ard Thonian Burch I'iartha iicC oard (p. 172}

Aucust 1, 1791. Henry Enoch and Sarah his v;-ife of Washing- ton County, Pennsylvania for the sum of two hundred pounds sold to Jeremiah //illian© of Qiio County, Virginia, four hundred Acres on the southeast side of the Chio River, joining Proctor and including Enoch's settlement made in 1775 on Fishing Creek flat. Henry Enoch Sarah X Enoch nark

(p. 173}

February 11, 1790. Betvrcen i'-iathev; C larks on , George Hughes, and Peter Baynton ^11 of the city 01 Fiiiladelphia> Penn- sylvania on the one part and David Greer of Yorlctovni, County of York, Pennsylvania of the other part '.--here- as a co;;L'nissi on of Banl-cruptcy of July ^0,17^^6 under ha-nd of his Excelancy Benj.amin Franklin president of the Sup- rene Executive Council directed Edward Shippen, i-Iathe\f i-feaoe, f'Qthev; C larks on, George Huj^^hes and Peter Bayton any four or three of then hath beeri avrnrded and isued f our-^ th against Alexander Russell of Yorktcn,.'ri, merchant, the group for five pounds sold to David Greer three tracts of land, one contain ong one thousand acres on the waters of McElroys fork, a branch of Middle Island Creek joining Ic'UKl of nei:;ekiaii Clagett, David Grier, aJi other one thousand acres also sold,

V/itnoss Mathov: Claris on John Jennings George Hughes D, Lenox Peter Baynton

ip. 171^1

i'lay 22, 17^3. Williau Mcl-iachan of Chio Co.u-,ty Virginia for the suxii of ninety pounds sold to John Tilton of Chio County land v.^est side Chio River about ti/o miles belav^; the mouth of Indian Short Creek joining i'^athJ. West and the river.

Witness \/illiam I-bMachan James i-fcGuire Francis I-icGuire Benjamin Cox (p. 17$)


Aril 26, 1791. George McColloch and Catherine hia v;ife of Chio County Virginia sold to Charls Wells of said county oAd State for the sura of eighty pounas, three hundred acres on the vjaters of Buffelo Creek oii i-Ic- Guires Run joininc land of George ^fcQolloch Juiir. IncGolloch Witness George , Thomas Sellman Catherine .-IcColloch Samuel Bood Joshua ViJells (p. 176;

August 3, I7SI. Mary Ogle of Chio County Virginia bouna her son Jacob C^le to William fethev.'S of said County, for three years seven months fifteen days to learn trade jo:.ncr.

William t'kithevra Mary MGie

{p. 177)

August 3, 1791. George Burrell an orphan ±n Chio Couiity Virginia hath of his y.-rv. free T:il3. bound himself to George R".the\:3 joiner In West i-dbe^-ty -- -- for a period of seven years and r-even laonths.

GeoiXG i'iatthev/3 George iiurroll


3e^:>tCinber 5, 1791. John Vanbuskirk oaid wife Betsy sold to Jaraes Moore for the sum of thirty five pounds, one hundred and forty acres on branches of Chio River Join- ing land of Jaraes Harrison, Rezon Humphrey.

Witness John Burskirk Allen lletcaa-f Betsy Burskirk John Kir'r Silas Hcd-es (p.r/v)

September 5, 1791. Larrance Van Burskirk Sent, and Rebecca his wife sold to John Vanosd-.l for the sum of one hundred and four pounds, one hundred and four acre£ on BuTfalo Creek joining land of William Mcl'lachan and Job Lev/is,

Witness Io.rrance a Vanbuskirk

- A. 1 1 e j-i ? Ic t c alf mark

John Kirk - Rebecca X Vanbuskirk James Moore mark

(p. 130)


Sept, 5,, 1791. Larrance Vanbuskirk and Rebecca his v;ife 'lold to Peter Schamorhorne for the sura of seventy and Oiie half pounds, seoenty and one half acres on the waters of Chio River joining land of Lewis Vanbuskirk.

Witness Larrance X V^^jibuskir!- Allen Metcalf laark John Kirk Rebecca X Vanbuskirk Jaraes Moore mark


April 4, 1791. Richard Bro\'m Jr. of C^jio County as special attorney for Robert Tevis, singleraan of Madison County Virginia sold to Thomas Madden of Qiio County land v;hich Robert Tevis had purchased from Richard Els on attorney for Joshua Mci^ueen and Margaret his v/ife.

Witness Richard Brovm Jurir-, John Connell John GoodLian Young (pa^2)

October 3, 1791. John Caldwell of Qiio County Virginia and Jane his wife sold to George Strieker of the saae County and State for the sum of;^ eighty pounds, eighty and one half acres of Ituid v/hich v;as a part of tract conveyed to John Caldvrell by William tfcljfeichan and Sidney his viife on the Qiio River joining John Boggs.

V/itness John Caldv^ejl Ja/aes Caldwell Jane Caldv/ell John Relfe

(p. 1:^3)

October 3, 1791. George Strieker of Qiio County Virgiiiia sold to John Caldv/ell for the sum of eighty pounds, eighty and one half acres being part of a tract graiited to Strieker in 17^5, on the Chio River.

V/itness George Strieker James Caldv;ell John Relfe {p.l^4J


,, 1791. Charls Pl'athcr and Ruth his v/ife of cn-^ic tov;n, Uiio Coianty Virginia cold to Vi^illi-n Haininond o-^ UaGhingtcan County Poniisylvania for the sua of fifteen shillings f.^ur pence, lots ninety and one hundred ip Charlst oivn ( Wellsburg ) ,

Charls leather auth X i'r'ather laark


Cctober 3, 1791. Charls leather and Ruth hie v.dfe of Charlst ovm for_thc su^x of one dollar sold to the Inli itantG 01 uiKirl3to\-;n, four lots being nu^Tibcred 297 ?9f^ ^99, 300 to be; used for building a School House, Meotinr House, Grave lards and other Religious purposes at the

V/itnoss _ Charls Prather \an ^^.-earingen Ruth X ftrather ts/illiaja Sutherland mork Jaaes Griffith "

(p. 1^6)

October 3, 1791. Charls Pi-athcr and Ruth his ^.r<'c of Chariot o;2i, Qiio County sold to Sanuel Brovm of ^^h^c County and State for the su::: of tv/o Dcjnds fift'^en shillings one penny, six and tv;o -chirds lot: nuinooro; 223, 224, 133, 1^4, 406, 30, in Charlst ov-m.

Charls ^Vather Ruth X Prather mark

(p. 157)

October 1, 1791. Charls ^Vather and Ruth his v;ife of tharlsta;n sold to Joiin Greer of tvxm alorcsaid for shillings p?? o^ ^£.^^.?°^i^-,^°^f^ seven pence lots 221,222, 61, 262, 332, 434, lo^

Charls Prather Ruth X Ptv'.thcr i;iark

(p. 133)


SoptGober 2^, 1791. Qiarls Prathor aiid Ruth hie vlfa of Chalrstoi-;n sold to Thorjas liarchell of the sainc place for the suri of oevon shillings six ponce, lots 31, 139, 140, 141, 1U2,

Charls il-athor Ruth i i1c*athGr mark

(p. 190)

LCtobor 3, 1791. Chai^ls i 'rather and Huth liis v/ife of Cliarls tov;r. sold to Jaiaos i'tarshall of said tov.-n for the oim of oiio pound thiijteon shillings four pence lots 10, 54. Charls Prather Ruth X Prather .-.lark

(p. 191}

October 3, 1791. ^hai-is i-'rather caid Ruth his \rifc of Charlstovrn sold to i^olloLiaii jr'orter of said town for one po.Uid foui-toeii sixillin{;;s one penny lots 405, '^9, 263,-6/,

Charls i-rather Ruth i Prather ark

(p. 192}

October 3, 1791. Charls Prather caid Ruth his vri.fe of Charlc to-vrn sold to George V/hite of Washington County, i^onnsyl- vania for eir;ht uou:ids three shilliiif.s tv/o peiice, lots 419,^417,>09;, 407, 266, 265, 226, 225, 1^^, 143, 66, 65, 33, 24, 23, 22, 21.

Charls xratiier Ruth X i rather :.iark (p. 195)

•>-Ctober 3, 1791. Charls Prather and Ruth his ;ri.fe of Char] tovj-n sold to Vi'illiam Sutherland iisq, of said county for eight sliillings four pence fraction of a lot.

Charls rrather Ruth X r-ratiior aark

(p. 197}


October 3, 1791. Charls feather and Ruth his wife of Charlsto\-m, Chio County sold to John Lynn of the sane toim for the sun of four dollars and one dine, lots 75, 76, 267, 26il. Charls Prather Ruth X Prather mark {P.19S}

Cttober 3, 1791. Benjamin Wells and Tenprance his vafe of ^io Coimty Virginia sold to Charls V/ells of the GcJTie place for the sua of ninety five pounds, four hund- red acres on the vzaters of Cross Crceic which vras granted to Benjanin by John Ash Uav, I, 17<'52,

V/itness lienjaain V/ells Jacob Nessely Wm. V/ells Joshua Wells (p. 200)

Septeiaber I5, 17^9. David Shepherd axid v;ife Rachel of Chio County sold to Jacob Kessley for tv;o hundred uounds a tract of land in the County of Harrison formerly Monongalia, on the east side of little Kanavra River including his settie.'aeiit made in 1773 at upper end of Round Bottoin near .-nouth of a creek v/hich pits into said river called Tygert alias Grape Creek.

David Shepherd Rachel Shepherd

(p. 201)

Septeiaber I5, 17^9. David Shepherd and Rachel his \cLfe of Chio County sold to Jacob Neasely for three hundred pouiids, six huiidred acres in. Harrison County on the upper side of little Kanavra river at Round Bottom, joining Shei)herds settlonont.

David Shepherd Rachel Shepherd

(p. 202)

October 12, 1791. Benjamin Biggs of Oiio County Virginia sold to V/illiam IVIcCinly (^Kinley) of the same place for throe pounds ten shillings per acre, four and one half acres on v;aters of Short Creek joining Providence i'iounts, i-ioses Llrm axxd Mathias Hedges.

Witness Benjamin Biggs Jc*in Relf James McCardell John Connel (0.20"^)


October 3, 1791. CharIs leather and Ruth his wife of Charlsto\-m, Chio County sold to John Lynn of the saae tovvn for the sua of four dollars and one dine, lots 75, 76, 267, 26!3. Charls Prather Ruth X Prather laarlc {p.l9S}

Cfctoher 3, 1791. Benjamin Wells and Tetnprance his \nfe of Lhio County Virginia sold to Charls V/clls of -che ScJDe place for the sua of ninety five pounds, four hund- red acres on the v/aters of Cross Crcei: which v/as granted to Benjariin by John Ash Nov. I, 17<'!32,

W'itness Benjaain V/ells Jacob Nessely Win. Wells Joshua Wells (p. 200)

September I5, 17^9. David Shepherd and v:ife Rachel of Chio County sold to Jacob Wessley for t>;o hundred ijounds a tract of land in the County of Harrison forracrly Monongalia, on the cast side of little Kana\;a River including his settleaent made i.n 1773 at upper end of Round Bottom xicar :nouth of a creek v/hich pits into said river called Tygert alias Grape Creek.

David Shepherd Rachel Shepherd

(p. 201)

September I5, 17^9. David Shepherd and Rachel his \^fe of Chio County sold to Jacob Neasely for three hundred pounds, six hmidred acres in Harrison County on the upper side of little Kanav/a river at Round BottojTij joining Shepherds settlenont.

David Shepherd Rachel Shepherd

(p. 202)

October 12, 1791. Benjamin Biggs of Chio County Virginia sold to V/illiam I^IcCinly (^Kinley) of the sane place for throe pounds ten shillings per acre, four and one half acres on waters of Short Creek joining Providence i'lounts, i-ioses -Linn and Mathias Hedges.

Witness Benjamin Biggs Jdtin Relf Janes McCardell

John Connel (d.20^ )


i-ioveraber 7, 1791. Jolin '^ i 11 iains on and Elisabeth William- son of Chio CouxLty Virginia for one hundred and fifty p poiinds sold to Philip Hupp of the sa:ae place one hundred acres on VTheeling Creek joining Moses V/illia;ason, Jolui Beard and Thocias V/illiamson. John Willianson Elisabeth Williauoon

(p. 204)

Septenber 3, 1791. William iici'iachan and Sidney his v/ifo of Chio County Vitrginia sold to John Caldv^ell of said County for tv:enty pounds, one hundred and sixty one acres on Chio River joining John Boggs.

Witness k/illia/a I'tci-Iachan John Boggs Sidney I^cl-hchan John uillianson Abraham Stat on; (p. 20$)

October 21, 1791. Morgan Vaniuotre and 1-iary his \rifc of Olio County for seventy five po-onds sold to John :jc- Gragor of l/ashington County Pennsylvania, one hundred acres on v;aters of Short Creek joining John Spahr and Jonah Seaman.

Witness i'iorgan Yanj,^otre Jonah Seaman i-iary X Yanmetre Viilliam i-lcColloch mark George Hu:nphey (p.206()

December 5, 1791. John i-lcGlaughland and Elisabeth his ;:ife of Ohio County Virginia sold to Robert I-icClure of the same County for tv/o hundred and fifty pounds, t\fo hund- red and fifty acres being part of a tract granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia to said Elisabeth then Elisabeth Zane by patent April 2, 17 o7, on Short Creek joining John i'icColioch, Daniel Han-is Jolm Duncan, vvillia:n V-/orth and Robert Giffen. iaark John X i-IcG laugh land Elisabeth I-k)G laugh land

(p. 207)

April S, 1791. I, William Walker and Elisabeth my v;ife appoint our friend and brother John WaUcor our attorney to sell four hundred acres on the south side of Fish Creek and on the Chio River to Hathan Ellis.

Witness William Walker John Lane Elisabeth Walker Ignatius Jones Washington County, i'onnsylvania (p. 209)


Au,f-ust 2, 1791. Janes Black of Chio County and ihi^tha his '.yife sold to llosea Chapliiie and Robert floods as tenants in cooraon and not as joint tenants, of the sane Count ' for ciclity five pounds, three imndrcd acres on Gross Creek being part of land graiited to Black in 17^7, io^n- mg Thoiaas i-icGuire and ^"illiain I-iacouson.

jjitness Ja:aes Black Joseph i-ioorehead mrtha 1 Black Allen Leeper ,^^-^i^ i^eter Joy (p. 210)

Septeiaber 6, I791. Williai-i Wallcer late of Fayette County " Pennsylvania and Slinabeth V/alker his \/ife sold to ^llis Kath:'-i of Washington Pennsylvania for one hundred and ^^^^Y pounds, four hundred acres on the east side of Miio River on lov;er side of Fish Creel-:.

^^^^^^^. , John Walker, attorney" Williari ^ A?i Tff-^-^^ ^°^ Waxker Allen ..lotcalf Elisabeth Walker ijaauel lillis (p. 21^) April 30, 1791. I, Joim I.tltchell of Uiio County Virginia lor eighty seven pounds sold to Andrew; Woods three horses eight cattle, t;;enty two sheep, four" f oath orb eds '/ith fui-niture thereto, eighteen hogs and all my lioi>3ehoul lurniture,

'^^hn • Mitchell ArchibaldAiiwK^^ woods. •Alexander iiitchell (p. 213; FcbruaiT 6 1792 John Rai-iag-e and .^eggey his vrlfe of Uiio County Vxfcgxnia sold to Jolin Henderson and •./i Ilia/a i-icUonald of the sazne Comity for oiie hundred pounds -=s Tienants an coiiiaon not as joint tenants, tv/o hundred" acres on banli of _ Cross Creek joining Willia:n V/illiaras aiid »iilliaa i'icArason,

S!^??^2 . Jolin Ra::rnage rtilliara ^utherlaxid, Janes Haydon

(p.:. 14;

} 47

August 20, 1791. Benja-Tiiii Johnoi;on Jr. and Elisabeth hio -v \i±fe of Jefferson County, Virginia sold to Esekiol Hopkins of Fayette County, Virginia five huiidrod acres in thio County Virginia on the v;atcrs of Kings Creek bounded on cast by Indiaji Creek joiiiing, V/m. Gibbs, I'Jat. Rlcchie, Williain Ladley, Janes Caiuobell, Jno. .^uick.

Benjn. Johnston Elisabeth Johnston (wote - I believe the above should read Jefferson County Kentuclcy and Fayette County, ^ onnsylv:uiia. Other deeds and records prove Johnston v/as of Ky. V.B.w.

(p. 215)

April 16, 17Sa. Thorzias Nichols of V/ashington County, roiin- sylvania and his v/ife Mary sold to V.'illian w'ilson of County aforesaid for thirty five oomids, tv.'o hundred acres on v:aters of Little Mlrieeling Creek v;hich \7as granted to Andi-ev; Nichols of Washington County, i'eiui- sylvania with his v;ife l^iy and Sonveyed by deed of ?oc to Thonas lac hols

'Witness Thonas Uichols Ben Goss Mary X Nichols ^iatthew Young rriark '••ashington County, Pa,

Andrew - 3v;earingen J.x' shington Co. ?a. (p. 217) David Rodick - Clerk of Recorded Feb. I792.

February' o, 1792. William V/ilson iOid Jinney his v;ife of Uiio County Virginia sold to John Milligan of Berkeley County Virginia for seventy five pounds, one hundred acres in Chio County joiiiing land of Nathaniel I-icDowoi: and Robert Stuart,

•vitnoss '.Villiain Wilson Robt. Stev;art Adaj^i Far is Jenney X Wilson John Stuart dark


February 6, 1792, Charls Wells and Eli::abeth of Chio County \^irginia sold to George Haniinond of said County for ten pounds, twelve and one half acres on v/atorc of Buffaloe Creek Joining Richard Uangs.

irt/itness Jo^ Charls 'Wells Connell Elisabeth Wcllt Allen Metcalf


September 3, 1791. Reuben Foriaan and Ruth his v/iTo of Qiio County Virginia sold to V/illiaia Caldwell Jr. of said County for twenty pounds, lot 119 in west Liberty.

Rcubin Forman Ruth Fornian

(p. 221)

February^, 1792. Elizabeth Cbeyon of Oiio County hath of her ovm free will and vdth conaeiit of Sarah Obeyon her nother and by order of the court bound herself as apprentice to Robert I'lcClure in V/est Liberty under tuat^ion of I'hrgret McGlure his vrife to larn housekeeping until of the age of eighteen which is seven yeacs ten months from this date.

Robt. McClure Sarah I Cbeyoii mark

(p. 222)

February 6, 1792. Eli ODeyon of Chio County hath by his oym free vrill and connent of his kosher Sarah Cboyon and by court, bound hiraself as apprentice to Constantino Qneeal in West Liberty to lax^n shoeinaking uiitil he is ti>renty oiie years of ago.

Constantino X Ciieeal mark ijarali X Obeyon i-iark (p.223)

July 20, 1791. Andrew Snider aiid Elisabeth his v;ife of Chojrlestovm Chio County sold to Alcxiinder Wells of Wasliington County Pennsylvania for seven pounds ten shillings, lot fifty in Chariest o\-rn. (Wellsburg)

Witness Andrew Snider Wra. i-icC lanahan Elizabeth X Snider itichard Speer a^irk Benjn Davis (p. 224)

April 16, 1791. Reuben Rood ana Huldaia his v;ife of Charles- town, Qiio County sold to Alexander Wells of V/ashingt on Comity Pennsylvania for two pounds ten shillings, lots ^7 and S^ in Chariest own.

Witness Rheuban Rude Charles .rather Huldah Rude Richd. Speer Joseph Wells (p. 225)

. 49

March 2g, 1792. V/illiara Ladley and Mary Ladley his vafe of Chio County sold to Nicholas Vaneraan of Washincton County Pennsylvania for one hundred and forty pounds tvrelve shillings six pence, two hundred and twenty five acres near the Qiio River in Bruces and Hitches lines, and from James Campbells to Kings Creek.

Witness William Ledlie Thomas Bond Mairy Ledlie James Hays Cornelious Criley (p. 227) i-iarch 30, 1792, William Donahey and John Morrison executors appointed in will of John Donahey late of Washington County Pennsylvania dec'd bearing date of April 3, 17iJ5 and proved in Washington County Pennsylvania May 3, 17b'5 sold to Joseph Cambell of Washington County, two hundred i acres on Harmon's Creek in Chio County Virginia, join- ing land of John Hays. Amount seventy five pounds.

Witness William Bonahay Samuel Ramsey John I4orrison William Strain Executors John Goodman Young (p. 22a)

May 7, 1792. larrance Van Buskirk and Rebecca his wife sold to John Cravrf'ord for one hundred pounds, tv;o hund- red acres on waters of Buffelow Creek joinin/' Absolon Wells Witness larrance Van Buskirk William Dunlap Rebeckah Van Buskirk Allen Metcalf Absra. Wells (p. 230} i%y 7, 1792. John Carpenter and Agness Carpenter his \/ifo of Virginia sold to Van Swearingen of Qiio County for two hundred pounds land near Chio River and adjacent to said Swearingen fort, Friend Cox and George Cox.

John Carpenter Agness X Carpenter mark


Ivlay 20, 1792. John Been of Chio County Vircinia sold to David Chanbers of Chio County for one hundred and tv;olvc pounds ton shillings, one hundred acres on v/aters of Short Creek, Gerty*s Run and Chio River.

Witness ^ohn Boon John Carnichll (Carinichcl '?) Mary Chambers (p. 232)

Koveaber 19, 1792. Edaond Baxter of Chio County sold to Willian Baxter of said County for one hundred and forty pounds, one hundred and forty acres boin^ part of ti-cxx^ granted to said Edv;ard Baxter, Witness Ednond Baxter Thomas I-iaddin VVilliaa X (p. 233)

„_ 17 J 1792, John Connell and fery his \d.fe of Cliio County sold to Robert McClure of the sane place for fifty pounds lot tv;enty five in V/cst Liberty v;hich was convoyed to Johri Connell by Reubin and Ruth Forman, Providence and Hannah Mounts in 17c^7.

John Connell I'hry C oiuieil

(p. 235)

'larch 23, 1792. Archibald V/oods and Annah his v;ife sold to Alci-cander I'litchel, Saiauel l^Iitchel and Hu^^h I'iitchel for ninety si:-: pounds five shillings as Tennants in Coimuon land iriiich v;as transfered to Archibald Woods by Jorm i'titchel and Jane his vafe in Septenber I5, 1790.

V/itness Archibald Woods Andv,^ Woods Anna Woods Isaac Kelly Robt. i'-IcClure (p. 235)

17^ 1792. John Connell and I'iary his v;ife of Uiio County Virginia sold to Williau i'iattho\;s of the saiie County and State for ten pounds, lot seventy one in West Liberty.

John Connell Mary Connell

(p. 236)

iioveiuber 16, 1791. Edinond Baxter of Chio County Virginia sold to Sanuel Muimaey of Baltimore County I^kryland for three hundred pounds, three hundred and tv.'cnty acres joi:


Itirch 7, 1792. Eiix^bc^h Perry of Uii. C..LU:ty hot:: .>f her o\vn i'ree v.all and by order of the court, boaiia hoi- daue;iiter Sucaiinah Perry* as apprentice to Jo|;ii WolLauii to iarn houaokceping — until she is cightoexi year: of ago-v/hich is si:>cteen years hence and olovc-n :;ioathc.

kVitnoss Elizabeth 1 Peri^y John Finloy :;iari: ^tittias ^Hedges John IVcllrxui I'lorj^an Van:notre (p. 24::}

Dcceuber 19, 1791 I, Tliornas S;:iith of Chio County for tv;enty pounds; Jiino ahillingc eight pence do sell to Sarah V/ella of Vi/ashin^^ton County Pennsylvania one .Nec-* Slave nruned Geoi'ge supposed to be about tMcnty one

years old, tv/o cov;^? and tv;o calves, three sheep j one feather bed and beddinr;.

V/itness Thoi.ias 3::ii^>:h Willia;n Henry Francis McGuire (p.24^J

J-ano 4, 1792. John Edington and Ann hiy v/ifo of Chio County cold to Williaia Enrle of said County for one hundred pouiidG, a^i'j hundi'od and t\;onty five acrcc on Cross Creek.

V/itness John Edgin^ton Charles Teal kiai X Edgington Asa Toal mark Eaekiel (p. 2/^J

June 4, 1792, Joim Edci'ngt on 01 ^jiio County ana iuiu n± vfife sold to George Edgiiigtoii of said Ccu-nty foi- :,l.o hundred pounds, one hundred and sixty tliree acres on Ci'ODC Creek near Alexander V/ell's iaill and I7:ri. Enr-le.

Vi'itness Joh.n Edijington Williai-i Eiigle Aiui Jidgington Asa Teiii (p. 245)

ing V/illia:a Baxter and John Sappincton.

V/itness Eduond Baxiier Thoaas Madden Wra. Baxter Wli. ^iarphey (p. 237)

May 7, 1792. John Tolin of Qiio County sold to Joseph Brovm of the sajne County for thirty pounds, one hund- red and three acres joining fetthev/ Titchie and Will- iam Monro. John Toulin

(p. 235)

May 7, 1792. Charles Prather and Ruth his vrifo of Qiio Coxinty sold to Williaj^i Sutherland of the sa^ne County and Richard Talbert of Washington County Pennsylvania for six dollars, lots sixteen and sixty in CharlesTa-zn Virginia.

Vatness Charles Prather Charles V/ells EdjTiond B:u:tor Alexr. Wells (p. 239)

I''larch 6, 1792. Providence i'4ounts and Hannah his \-i±£e of Olio County sold to Joseph Tidball, merchant of Borougl-i of V/inchester, Fredrick County tkryland for tv;enty pounds, lot twenty tvv'o in West Liberty.

Providence i'iou.atG HannaJi Mounts

(p. 240}

I^ Jonah Seaman of Chio County attorney for James Harrison ncPfi of Kaintuckey for the sua of seventy five pounds do sell to Jaivies Moore of Chio County sixty acres ibn waters of Buffelo Creek and Chio River.

Witness Jonah Seaman Williani Sutherland for Jaiaes Harrison Isaac Kolley John Caldwell



'•lay 4, 1792. Van iiv/earingon oi* -hio Couxity Virginia and George I^icCorndck of i-lashirii^ton County, JT'onnsylvania sold to '^'^illiara Hibbet of Uiio County Virginia for forty five pounds, four hundred and tv/elve acres in uhio, County v/here williani Hibbet no\-; lives.

Van 3v/earingen G. i-toCorraick

(p. 250)

June 4, 1792, William Hibbet and Sarah his v/ife of Lhio County sold to John Stephenson, tv;elve acres on \7hich said Stephenson no;-; lives.

vVillian ^ Mibot


July 2, 1792. Archibald Woods and Ami his \ of aiio County sold to John McFarland of the saine County for four hundred aiid tv/enty pounds, four hundred acres on the ^io ftiver which V/oods bought of i'reslcy iievell attorney for Willian Croghan who purchased the land of Francis Hull, joining Thomas Glenn, John Atcheson.

Archd. V^oods Ann Woods (p. 252)

June 4, 1792. Hichard Yeats and Barbary his v;ife of Olio County sold to George Bell of the saj-ie County for seventy four pounds, t\70 hundred acreo ox: -ittie wheeling Creek being upper part of Teat's tragt.

V.itness liicharci Yoats Hobert Forbes Barbary Icato


July 2, 1792. liary He-le being properly authorised by pov'/er of attorney from Benjoain C^ie heir at lav; of •Jacob Mslo dec'd, of Chio County sold to David Chaabcrs for six pounds jE\;elvo shillings, forty four acres on waters of Buffaloe Creelc Joining Aiary Ogle, James Curtis, David Charabers.

"Witness f-fery ^lo J as. Wilson 'Jaines "^le George i^olley (0.254)


Juno U, 1792. «Jchn fidgington and \i±fe Ann of thio bounty, Virginia sold to Charles 'loel and Aga ieei of aaid County for two hiindred and ninety pounds, ^seventy soven and one half acros on the north side of Cross Croek and at the lavrQV end of Tail liace by Robert -'^ek laaac Edington, Wiiliain Englo, George Sdgington.

•^itnos3 «^c^n Edginf^rtcn Allen i-ietcalf ^nn X Kdgii^gton i^obert ^'^or J'aark

Williara Sngle , ^ ,

June k, 1792. Chailes Teel and Ruth his wife and Asle Teel and Stioa^u^ah his wife of Uiio County Virginia sold to Jolin Bdgiiigton of the aarae County for tv;o hundred c.oLincl land which v/as granted to Charles Bilderback assignee of V/illiam Grea'thouee assignee of -bses Oecker and CharlYJG Bilderback granted to Ephrain Bilderback v/ho Oil i-lay 2, 1791 granted same to Charles arid Asle Teel. Said land on the v;atora of Cross Croek joininf; iiobei't

•iGck , the Ajingo Bottom, v/idovif Vanmetre, i-iooes Decker iierryraaa and John Becker.

V<'itneas Charles Teal Allen Metcalf Kuth X Teal Robert :ioore uark Williais Kngle Asle Teal Susannah Teal


Doceabcr 12, i7S'l« Harp ^'otorson of Uiio County Virt:inia 3old to Daniel ^'eterson for tv/enty pounds, throe hund- red acres on waters of ^ing'a Creek joining i^arr, Daniel i'fcCloud.

H'itneaa Harp reteroon David tJruce Margaret i'otcraon

(p. 24a)

yell to Jolin i'ic.''illlin of said County for tv/enty poundo one gray horse, onQ ccm, ten nheop, v/agon and coars— brass kettle etc,

viitno33 Harp retcrson iJavid hruce Andrev; Deiiis

^1.-..^^'^-*- H 55

_„_ 1792, Jonah ^eoiacin or Uiio County attoi-aoy for -'anies Harrison noM of tho district of Aentucky in virginj sold to Eobort ^-loore of Uaio County for five Iiundrod id" li^5^P?^^^^^^> three hiindji'ed and forty acres on v/atGr"^ of Uifialovv Crock (liid Oiio Rivor in ^iiio Couiity loialu"' " '"' lienry Barton. "

Jaines Hiirrison or by Jonaii :3oaL'ian attoriioy


AuGuet 6, 1792. CharlcG i-lrathoa- md Ruth his vafe of Charlostov;n, Oiio County sold to Jno. Fitapatrick of to;-ni aforesaid for one dollar and to pay four dollars por year, lot ai corner of Atrana arid Hig}i otroets.

^harlos -rather Ruth X ^rathoi" i'iori:

(p. ^56) Augufit 6 1792, Charles, iv.ther and Ruth his v/ifo of Cmrlestam sold to Hbr^diani Fulton, hattor of 3.aid toi^n lor t,v;ov...^ dollars,v^v^^^iAj. o, lotsj.uu;> lulJ.U.J. andana lO-cjj.j.c GharlesTov/nu, and to payJay tv/o dollars per year thereai'terthereai'tor.

Charles I leather ^uth X i^at.hcr :.'iarl:

(p. 257) fiucust 6 1792. Charles i'rather and Ruth his vafe o^^ ^"^ fiagr. William i.5c;'ahan of said Coiu.ty forrrS'iT^Tii'^one 'i dollar lots 47, 4i5, 135, 136, 174, 176 in Charlesto-.-m and to j^ay six aJid one third dollars oor yc-i

Charles n^ather Ruth X leather i-nark

(p. 260)

August 6, 1792. Charles leather and Ruth his wife of Charlost o-.n, ^io Couiity sold to Janies Perry, said to^m taniicr, of for tv/o dollars, lots lo>l and l£j2^iia Charlos tovm and to pay tv/o and four and ol\q half ninetieths dollars per year,

Charles i-rathor Rutli X i-l-athor iiiark

(p. 262

. , 56

Au^;u8t 6, 1792. Charles Prather and Rutih his wife o£ Chalkiest o;;n, Chlo Covmty sold to Jaraes Griffith of the r.sjic tovna for fivo dollars, lots 228, 227, 226 pai^ of 225 and part of lots 1 and 2 iii CharlQStov-m,

Charles iVathcr

Ruth X i rath or niarlc

( p. 263 J

August 6, 1792. Charles ^xather and Ruth his v/ife of Oiio County sold to Alexander Wells of Washington County ^'e-m-iBvlvania for five shillirL

174 > i?3, 134) 213, 2LV to pay seven shillings per year,

Charles ^ rathor xiuth 1 :rather raark


August 1, 1792. Charles i^athor and Ruth his vd.fc of Chailosto;^ sold to Archibald BqH of ^iiio County for

four dolLccrs lots 95 1 96 and to pay tv/o dollarc oius each yoar.

Charles leather Ruth X Prather


Au^^st 6, 1792. Charlos Prather and Ruth his \rifo of Charle3to\7n sold to Joseph Doddridge of v^'ashine-ton Cou-uty Pennsylvania for ten shillines lots 207 and 20S' ;L:i Chariest ov-OT and to pay fijt'tcon shillings each year-.

Charles Pr atlacr Ruth X iVather raark (p.26oi

August 6, 1792. Charles Prather and Ruth his \ of Charlestovm sold to Oliver B^ovm for four dollars lots 93, 94, 179, 130 in Charlestovm and to pay four dollars per yoai*.

Charles I-l'ather Ruth X iii'ather



August 6, 1792. Charles Prathcr arid Huth hio'G 01 Chariest cnra, Uiio County Virginia oold to Aiciauidor Wello o£ V/ashington County Ponnsylvaiiia lots 2, and part of lot 325 in CharloGto^vn. Charlos ii-ather Ruth I Prathcr mark (/•.272}

Apr-il 11, 1792, Jaiaoa Caldwell of Wheeling, Oiio County Vii'ginia sold to John Caldi^rell of the same County for five hundred pounds, four hundred acres joining John Boggs where Walter Lienny nu\-: livQ3,and joining Edward Caldhocn to the bank of the Qaio River.

James Caldvrell

I p. 274}

July 24, 1792, John Boggs ar^d I-fetr^^ his vrife of aiiu County sold to Walter Denny for three huiidrod pounds f oiu' hundi'ed and eighty acres on banic of ^iiio River belo\/ mouth of I-kiXijiley *3 Rixn joining James Caldvrell.

Witness *John Boggs J<^in Caldvrell i'lary Boggs

(p. 275)

August 7, 1792, Richard Yeats and Barbary his vafc of Cloio County sold to I-loses Shepherd of Qiio County for one huTKired and ten pourids, one hundred and ten acres near David Shepherd and Mclntire* (Another liiio

gives the acreage as 117 acres )

Witness Richcu-d Yqdxd Jaraos i-litchell Barbary ieats Elisabeth :>tLtchell (P.277/

Jidy 25, 1792. Wiilian i^ot and v.lfe Susannah of Washing- ton Couiity Pennsylvania sold to Hom-y Kristoi- of Uiio County Virginia for fifteen pounds, five hundred acres on the v/ators of Deep Cut Run joining Samuel Csburn and Williaa Randlo.

Witness Willia;a I<>et Daniel loot Susannali Leet Knoch Day Jonathon Loot (p.27v;

; 56

July 25, 1792. V/illiiVj Loot aiid auammah his vrlfo of \ia8i\tni;tori County l-'onasylvaiiia sold to ileniy Erariiontj of Uiio County Virginia for fifty pounds, ono hiindred and thirty tv/o acroa on Deop Cut iiun joinixig Hobort v/ashingf^^, WillioLi Randol and Saiauol osburn.

Witness Willia^a Loct Daniel Leot Susamiah Loot Enoch Oay Jonathai Loet (p.2S0)

July 5, 1792. Uilli-ajn Loot and v/ife of w'aahin^ton County ronnsylvaiiia sold ^o SaHxuol Csburn of thio County Vircinia for sixty pounds, one hundred and fifty five acres on v/ators of Deop Cut Run Joining Hoixry Ejoinons, V;illiain Randolph and Arthur Acols.

fitness Williaiii Loot ^aniol -kjet 3usan::iah Looi; Enotth Day Jonathon i^e-t {p,2^A}

:iay 9, 1792. Char Igg Kobinson sold to Absolom i^irtin for fifty poinds, one huiidrod acros on Glenn '3 Ruii '-^lio Couiity joini:;g John Williajras, Jolin Green and Croghans land.

Witness _ Gharlos X xHobinsob Jonn irle-Lfe wark Baa J a 5igg£; John Caldvroll Zac i^PJ^'iSL^

Septenber 1, 179^, Jahn V/iiaon and Eliiiabeth hi3 v.dfe of Uiio County Virginia sold to David Adaios of Berkeley County Virgiiiia for ninety pounds, ono hundred and tv/onty acres vdiich i/as conveyed to said ./ilson by Sdvard Foisior joining Gabriel Blokney, ^auuel Shields and V/alter ^liiiiHii^

John 'Wilson Eliiiaboth X V/iisc


(p. 2.^)4 J ScitenbGr 3, 1792. Hcubon Foreman and Ruth his v/ife of .,hi'- ocj-anty sold to John i>hav/ and Jc^n Davison of the saiue C-junty for throe i-ouiids lot 44 in west Liberty, joini;:-; iiieajaor :^niith and Van S^mai-'ingen.

Roubiii i' orG;aaii Huth Foro::icui„

li ( p . 06

1792. i^aiauel Jf'racor and Rosanriali his \ri£Q oJ^U-ilo iounty Virt;inia sold tc i/iliian .iiiliaiuaon of Gouiity and citato nforQsaxd for tv/o hui:dred ami sixty poiuxda, three huridrod and twoiity nine acres on v/aters or Little Vjlioelinf, Creek joining Axidrew Robinaai, Gabrio: Blakoncy, Richard Yeats, Jchn Ferris and Robert Ste\iart. 3anuei Frasior Hooannah Fraxiior

i-arch ^ci, 179-2. ^ar'iuol iiailltir ox Uiio Comity Vir^cinia oold to Jainoii iJtoen oi' County aTorcoaid i'or thirty tvro pounds five ohiiiings, sixty four + acres bcf':innin{_-, on the iitatG line and to corxiers of J dm ruori-ison, ber.jn Davia, boiixg partjuof land ^raiitod to i«aillcr as a settloinont right.

^vi-cneaa 3a::iuoi liaillor SO'.uel rtaiTiaey ilobt. ifliixjhlaxid John i-1c^^it i^'icKniffhti (p. 23a)

Play 21, 1792, Thomas Rutherford af Berkeley Bounty Virg- inia cUid Drusolla his vdfe sold to John Fera'io Davis of '4iio County for five shillings, eighteen acres on the Uiio River and lo\/er side of Haixiinc i^un beinf t>art of one thousand acres (^"axitod Rutherford iP- ill'),

.vitnoss TiiOiiias Ruthei-foixL ii-lr-ey ^v/e^u'ingon Drusella Rutherford «>'iliic\iii Shepherd liOsos Shepherd

3eptenber ^-2, 179^. John Ferris Davis of Fayette County 'eiuisylvariia and Cathertoe hie vd.fc sold to George Gallespieo i^r. of Washing' ton County : oniisyivania for •cv/o hundred and twenty five pounds fifteen shillinjj;s, ^nti huiidr-od and eighty five acres in i-hio County on the iiiver Uiio and ic\7er side of iiaji^dinc Run.

;-^''itnG3s Joto Ferris i^avis ^ ^'illia/n '''olls Catherine Davis ftQaorabrance i'iliiam Davis (p. 290) i!-uf':uot S, 1792. Samiiol Fulton of vliio County and Jane his '' \r±fo Qold to Alexander Fulton of the ta;,^! of .;aGhin/:;taii, Pennsylvania for tv/onty pounds land on \;atGrs of Short Greek, C^io County near. .David GhaaborG' aill don and to the Olio ^ivor.

Witness i^aniuol Fulton iilijah X Hodgoo Jane Fulton niarlc Alexr Caldvrell Boaalool V;oll3 John Relfo

3eptGiabcr 26, 179*^. David and I%ry ..iliicu^iaon of '.vaohiiig- ton County Pennsylvania sold to John /i^i^jLfi^i^M ./ of Ohio County Virginia one hundred acres on the \rj.toi-s of idttle Grave Crook joining Cornelius Bovins and Gasper Revonoug^.

V/itness David V/illia:ns on Boal ^iuanhroy ••lary Williamson Robert B. Sprigg (p. 293)

Cctober 1, 1792. Ivforgan Hurst and Hebecca his vdfe of aiio County Virginia sold to Isaac Taylor of County aforesaid i'or seventy one pounds five shillings, niuety throe acres on south side fork of Shoim Croek joining Henry ^'tills being part of three hundred and forty one acres originally granted to Joseph hurst by ^'atrick Henry at Richnond.

iiorgan Hurst Rebecca liurot

I •.294)

Cbtober 1, 1792. iiorgan Vanaotre heir at lav; of Josei^ Vanraotrc dec^d and liary his vdfe of (-hio County sold to ^ohn %koy of County aforesaid for t^yo hundred and ei^'iJity eiglit pourids. one hundred and eighty one acres on south fork of Short Creei: joining Horgan Hurst, Van S\;earincen, Daiiiol .-iorgan and Joseph Vanwotro.

i-iorgan Vanaotro I-iary X Vanvietro mark lp.29^) 295

uctobor — 1792. Richai'd Speor imd ^ary his v.dfo of Claarlestwm, '.i^iio County sold to lienor -ioor for thirty five pounds lots 11 ai:id 55 in Chariest a\;n.

^Uchaixl Spear Sarah Spoor (p.2y6y

^jtobor 2 1792. David Chejribcrs of ^hio Comity Vin-rliila sold io Jomoo Fulton oi" the saiao County coiid ^tato for tGa pounds, fivo acres on 3hort Creek.

David Ghoj.ibers

i^KjVGribor 5, 1792, Charloo ifathor and Ruth his vdi'o of v^-?o County Virciiiia odd to John Hut son of the aame County Gjad State for tvro dolliirs lots 105, 1^". Charles rather


ijovcniber 5, 1792. CharliS ^rather and Ruth hiG v/ii'o of Charlestovm i4-iio County Virginia sold to Jolin ffitch Patrick {Fitcpatrick') of Charlestovm for four dollars lot on Liberty a"cl High Streets in Charlcota\,nc

Charles ratlici'

(p. 300)

Cttobcr 1, 1792. Charlc iYathor of Charlesto\m :hio County Virginia sold to John Rolfo of V/©st Liberty for t\ro dollars lots 23 and 2k In Ch£'j:'lesto\v'n,

.vitneas Charlec i-l'athcr Eaekiol Cooper Alexander ildio John ^ Fits Patrick mark Janea Griffith Archibald Boll

of i«overabcr 5, 1792, Charles ^-'rather a^'^d ^uth hia vj-ife 6iio County Virginia sold to Charles Dugan of tho sacio Coiuity for one dollar, lot 110 in Chariest own. Charles Prather


Novcrabel? 5, 1792, Charles Prather and Ruth his v/ife of Cliio Couiity Virginia sold to v-illiam Coimoll of the County for four dollars, lots 145, 146, 1^/7, 148, and part of lot 5, in Chariest ov.ii.

Charles I-rather



\r.iie c_ Wovoiabor 5, 1792. Charloa Pratiicr and Rutli hia Olio Couiity Virginia sold to Archibald ^ell oi the same place for five pounds lojjs 107, 10^ in Charles- to\-m,

Charles i-l'ather


Oiio I^oveiabor 5, 1792. Charlea Prathcr of Chariest o\m County Virginia sold to Janes Griffith of tho sa.-iG placo for tvio dollars, lot 77 in Charlest ov/n. CharlGG i^atiior


liavQmh&r 5, 1792. Cliai-ls Prathcr and Ruth of_^io County Virginia sold to J din Connoll and Williain ikjIUjiley of the same County for one dollar part of lot five in Charlost ovm. Charles i^atnor

(p. 3^0)

Novorabor 5, 1792. Chiirlea J'rathcr and Ruth his v.dfe of Chio County VirgirJ.a sold to Nathan Griffith, black- sisith of the sana Cainty for tv/o dollars, lot 109 iii Chariestwan. Charles Prathcr

Kovouber 6, 1792. Morgan Vannotro heir at lav; to JosoT^h Vantaetro and Mary his v;ife of Chio Comity Vircinia sold to William and Goorge I-Iatthev/s of the saiae County for on c hundred and sixty five pounds one h-ondred and ^/onty four acres Joining Jol'in B-okey. ibrgan Vaninotre 2'Jary X Vaninetrc inark


Hovember 5, 1792, Saauol Bruce and Robekah his wife sold to Janes Hov-rlet for thirty throe pounds tv;elvo shillings, forty t\jG acres joining Robert Ilonr^' and Richard Powers.

Witnoas Sanuel Bvuqq Vim. Skinner Rebecca Br-uco n John Karr (pol5/, ,


•'f^ovombor 5> 1792. John Tlltm and iJuaa/ina his \rii'Q 30,'Ld to Jai;ieG Hcv;lGt Tor csue hiuiclrod zaid tventy f C'lir Mi/iX- pounds "ton shillirigs, one hiixidred and sixty six or^d throe fourths acres joining Saimiel Bruce.

John Tilt on Suoann X Tilt on


NavGJnber 5, 1792, Charlea feather of Charleotavai sold to Willian Comvrell of the same place £or two dollars lots 67 and 6S in Chariest ov/n, Charls Prathor

(p. 317;

January 7. 1793. 3arauel Fvazer and Rosaionah Ms v/ife of Chio County Virginia sold to Adan Faria of Berkeley C aunty Virsinia sixty acres in Chio Co-unty joiixln^ ~ Samuel51 Fraser, John afld Adan Farit

Saral. Fraser Rosana Frazer


January 7, 1793. Richard Yeats and Barbary his wife of Chio County Vii^inia sold to George Bell of the sajae County and State for seventy four pouzido, tv/o hundred acres on Little Wheeling Creek.

Richard loats

(p. 3^0}

Deceiaber 13, 1792. Daniel Vaiii.aotre of Berkeley County Virgiriia sold to Juraos Strode of tho Siurtd County and State for one hundred and fifty pounds, one hundred and fifty acres in Chio County Virginia joining Lew r^llls, i&'illiam Holcis, Benjamin Biggs and Edvard l^Ioriian.

Witness Daniel Vannetre Providence liounts Robt. ^icClu^e (0.32I] Vta. I^icKinley

DocGciJer 3, 1792. Ceorge Humphrey aPd Elisabeth his -.;ife of Chio County sold to John j'-icilullen of Washin(-t on County Pennsylvania for one huiidrod ar^d five oxuidc two hundred and eiglity acres joining Deirxnat- and Robert Hujnphrey.

Witness Cieorre Hu::ir,iirey Reuben Fore;:xin i':-lizabeth Hu-ii-hi^oy V/illiar:! Craguo, John Humphrey. (p. 322)


Jaiiuary 7, 1793 • Elizabeth HaisGlv;ood daugihter to ThorjD.3 Haiacltrood of Borkeloy Goimty Vircinia by ci*dor of the court hold in Chi a Coimty is boijiiid to Caleb Clark for a tern: of oevoii years four inoaths from Decerabor first.

Caleb Clark Elisabeth iiaisolA;ood


^'''5ay 4, 17^. Benjamin Johnston of Chio County Virginia as nojrb friend to Eonjainin Johnston Jr. sold to Sarauol flobioon of the oaao County for eight [jounds thirty tv;o acres on drains of the Chi o River joining Willian Gj^eathouse and Sappington.

V/itness B, JoJinstone 2ac Sprigg Bonjn. Johnstoiio Junr. Peter j^etorson IHchoJjao D ore on (P.324J

Februar>^ 4, 1793. i^iillip Hupp and Viary of Chio Coujity Vircinia sold to David dQnnv of said County for fifty SG'/on pounds ten shillings, one hundred acres on \mters of V/heeling Croo^^: joiiiing ibseo V/iHianson, John Board and Thanias V/illiai.ioon»

v/itnosG i'hilip 1 Hupp SaDuel iiitcholl Mary X Hupp Charles Elcles .'uaric


January 19, 1793* Richard Yeato and Barbary hiG v/ifo of (iiio County sold to Ebenoaor Zano aS. aaid County for oicht huiidrod and ninety five pouj'ids, throe hundred and oixfcy five acres on V/}iooli^ifi Creek and one hiuidrod and fifty five acres vrhich v/ao conveyed to Yeats by Jessee Holl4ngsworth, joining Joseph Wilson, V.'orthincton, JaniCG Galdv;ell and Joseph Tomliuson.

K'itness Richard Yeats Archibald Woods Barbra Yeats George Strieker Jo^n licColloch (^ .326} iieceaber 12, 1792. Dorsey r^enticost late of Frederick County Virginia but nw/ of Washinf-:ton County -'ennoyl- varda did about August first r/oV /aortgaee to John Bali of Frederick County sevei-ai tracts of land in '-hi County — one 02^ o . tract Tor.'J.inEon's Run contain-

ing four hm-.drod acres, the " ' other tv.-o tracts on Gr-.v Creek of three hundred and fifty acres each -—


John Ball did foreclose and ixirchsaed the laiid at public auction novr Janes h/'im of Fayette County Pennsylvania, doctor and agent for John Ball doQc sell to David Mller of V/ashington County Pennsyl- vania for tv/o hundred pounds the four hundred acres on Tonilinson^o Hua.

i'itnoss JaKtcs Lynn attornoy l^ooas i^ic Weary in fact for John iSall ^oreey -''onticost


J^hrch 1, 1793. Jc^ WilliaoDcn of (hio County Virginia sold to Daniel Carter of the saiao County, one hundred acres on the vntero of V,/heeling Creek joining John Baird, Jacob Stuckey, heirs of v;illia£i l-fcKintire, and David Denny,

John Wiliiornoon


January 1, 1793. John Williamson of Chio County sold to Jacob ^tu-key eighty five acres on the \nter3 of Wheeling Creek joining Richard Yeats, Isaac idrui and Philip Hupp, John Wiiii^^nson V-itncss Boal Pua]:jhrey Absolom ilidgoly (p. 331)

Ja nuary 1, 1793. Jcto Williarason of Chio County sold to Isaac Lvnn of the same County seventeen acres on waters of Wheeling Crook joining r^ilip liuop for thirty five shillings.

k/itness John w'illiarason Beal Puraphrey Absolora Ridgoly (P. 332}

January 31, 1793. I, Joreiniali '.viHiainson some tiiac past purchased land of James i-ic^'^han of fifty acres, do nov; sell said land to David i^ck^food .

V*itness Joro^iiah V/illianson £^lio2or Williaason Wm. Boggs Beal Puraphroy (0.333)


1792. Bonjoiain Davis aiid Kancy his v/ifo o£ Olio County sold to James loung of said County i'or tv;enty pounds, ono hundred and sixty acres on \mtGrc of Cross Crook joining John Gj-ayhara, John Jones, John Baker and Willian V/illiaias.

Witness Benjaain Davis Jacob V/allcor John i'lay I^iancy Davis Aloio' i^dio John Hondorson (p. 334) i-iarch 1, 1793. Alexander CrawfoiKi and i^iary his wifo sold to i:idward Gravrford for one hiuidrod pounds, caio hundred pounds, one hundred and sixty nine acres ai waters of Buffaloo Creek.

Alexander Crav/ford I'lary X Cra-./ford nark (p.335J iiarch 1, 1793. Alexander Cravrford and I'k^ry his vdfo sold to Josiah Crawford for one hundred pounds, 021c hundred and si:cty nine acres viiereon Alexander nv\! d\;elleth, joining Honxy Harvey,

Alexander Crairford .lary X Gra'.rf'ord mark (p. 336)

March 6, 1793. John Ramge of CMo County v;ith the consent of "'ancy Tiaiaage his daugJiter hath bound said i^'ancy as apprentice to Jolin Honderson iis... and mider tuition of Elizabeth Honderson his ^.Ifo to learn housokoepiiig, spinninc — etc. -»- to serve until eighteen years old v/hich is oiglit years i'rozi this date.

John Raiaaec John Honficrson (0.330}

Deccrabcr I5, 1792. Bonjaroin Davis and iiancy of Chio County sold to ibses Qrnis of said County for sii-cty throe pounds, one hundred and ti^enty ai:<. acres on vfators of I-Ic^lachans Run v/hich v/as transforod to Davis by Thonas and Jane "^>03t, joining V/illia.':! Griffith and Br ico Verce,

Witness Benjar.jin Davis John Hoiiderson iJancy Davis John iiaoage Xan ^vroarinr^on Jacob >'air:er John Hays Alexander Sdio (d,33^))


Aoril 1, 1793, Jchn Mclngtier and £liaaboth his v/ifo sold to Eobcrt i-iclngtier of the saiJie County for three hundrod pounds land un waters of Buffalo C^ok Join- irig iloasori i'omiJhrey, 3olocmn Hedges, Benjamn iiiis £Uid »/iiiiain Harria. (271 acros.)

Vr'itnoss Jdhn I'fcliigtier Allon I'iotcalfo Elisabeth Z i-iclri(;tici Aaron Hoagland v:i:xrk

April 1, 1793. Jfohn ''bXngtivjr a^^-d Eliiiaboth his wife of Uiio Coui'ity sold to Alexander and Sarauel V/iloon of isaid Comity and Stato for throe h-ondrod pounds tv;o hundred and fifty aca^es on vrators of Buffalo Creek joininc Wniiaia Gorroll and Solotian Hedges.

u'itnoGS John ^Iclngtier Allen Metcalf Elisabeth X iiclnf;;tior Aarc»i liogland laark

(p. 341)

April 1, 1793. Saraual Grayhan and Eleanor sold to Uobej-^i Higf'ans ^OT fifty pounds, thirty oii^ht acres on Cas^loinano Run joining; Frpjicis ^cCluro and 3a:;iuci £lli:

Sarjuel X Grayhcu.i i;iari:

' iiilGnor '^''- Grayhcuri roai-i:: (p. 342)

'Jctober 4, 179i?» Alexaiidor Addison and Jane hio xafe of Waohinijton r^emisylvania sold to Josopli Alexander o£ the sauio 3tato oix huiidred acreo on Middle Island Ci*eek.

Witneso Alexr, Addison David Allison Jean Addison John AlliBon James AiHson 343

i-hr ch 17, 1793. Roubin Foroiaan aixd Euth his -..dfo of to^'/n of V/ost liberty, Chio County Virginia sold to John Hclfo of the aaac place for throe pounds, lot 29 f in V/est Liberty, Witness Koubin For:nan iioses Ghaplino Huth Foriri^m Robt. lipCiurc •JODiah Chaoline I p. 344)

^ (>B

January 7, 1793. John Hiinl*i2*eys of ^\±o Comity Vir^iirLa sold to Janos i'^eQcL of tho sane Coiinty and State for oiiG hundred cjtid four pounds three ohillinga four i^onco one hundred and fifty acres oii the south branch of Buffalo Crock kno\m as Long Run, joining Georoc Huiaph- roy and Robert Huaphrey.

i-i'ltnocB John Huniplii'ey iiacchous Bii^c Wn. Bogca Chciris Wells i'iarch 20, 1793. Heubin Forenon and iiuth his \ri.fe of tiio tovm of V/est Liberty sold to willia-a Clayton of the saiae place for nine dollars, lot 117.

Koubin Koreiiian iiuth F or ernaJi


Api-'il 1, 1795, Robert I-feKoy of Chio County Virginia and Rachel his vdfe sold to Arthur Er\dJi lErvin} of County and State ai'orosiid for fifty tvfo pounds, eighty three acres in Uiio County joining]; Andrev? Vrhite.

Robert -sjCoy

Rachel X : ;cC cy aiark

(p. 347/

April 1, 1793. Hugli IbConnoll and Elisabeth liis vafc of '•^lio County Virginia sold to Sanucl ^cldia-'^^^on of i'enrisylvania for one hundred .^pounds, four hundred acres on ^iiddle "Vheelinc; Creek joiJiiing J din Fay.

V/itno3S Hiigh ^'ijConnoll I^avid Shepherd Elisabeth X ilcConne^ ^Qhn PtX,y>^fiW.m Hoiid^jreoTi uark Williaa GutherlaiKi

(p. 343)

April 2. 1793. ^ohn Vowels V/elrian and Rachel his \.dio sold to v/illiam Baird Seiir. for tv/o hundred pouridS; one hundred and seventy tv;o acrea on vrntors of Buffalo Creek joining Zachariali Sprigg;, David 1-icCluro, i'losos Hedges, Goorge ifcComiell, subject to an incaubrance during life time of Elisabeth Davison ~ land also join- ing Ge.-jrge -fcColloch.

V.'itnesij JdiTi WoLnan Lisa 3\yec42'iiigen

Alien I'letcalf . ^, ^

^ 69

November 5, 1792. Charles Pratker of Chio County sold to William Thorp of siiid County for tv^enty pounds lots k and S6 in CharlesTo\-.'n. Charles Prather

(p. 350)

February 4, 1792, Jolm Caldwell and Jane his v/ife sold to James Caldviell Jr. all of Chio County Virginia for one hundred pounds, five hundred acres on the Qiio River joining Francis Purcell's iwproveaent nov; ov.-hGa by John Caldv^ell in the Long Reach.

Witness »^*^ Caldv;ell Jo^ Relfe Jane Caldv/ell Jno V/iiiiarason Robert Woods (p. 352)

April 2, 1793. Charles Prathor and Ruth his vrife of Charlest'Dvm Chio Cou;nty Virginia sold to John Henderson of the same C-junty for four dollars nine pence lots 149, 150, IS9 and 29O in Chariest own. Charles Prather (p. 355)

April 2, 1793. Joseph I-^cKee sold to Jaacs Parsley fur on. e hundred pounds, one hundred acres in Chio County on \jaters of Little ^'/heeling Cr-eek being land Joseph McKee bought of WiHiaja MoiTison.

Joseph i'^icKee

(p. 357)

April 2, 1793. Reuben Foreman and Ruth his vrf.fe of tovm of West Liberty Chio County sold to Moses Chapline of the same place for three pounds lot ZB in West Liberty.

Heubin Fore^^i^i Ruth Fororaan


i%y 6, 1793. Charles Pi'ather of Chariest ovm Chio County sold to Laban Branson of the city of New York for four dollars lots 90, 91, 92, 130, 131 and 132 in Cho.rlesto\-mi.

Charles Prather

(p. 359) I%y 6


May 6, 1793. Sarah 14cGeehon and Alexander Rigth of Wash- ington County Pennsylvania executors of the v/ill of Duncan I'IcGeehon dec'^d sold to Andrew Jarard of Qiio County Virginia axid the heirs of Gershoia Hull dec'd for seventy five pounds, two hundred acres on the v;ators of Toinlinsons Run in Chio County joining Samuel Farns- v/orth, Williara Sinclair and John Co\-/an.

Witness Sarah I'fcGeehan Williara Sutherland Alexander Wright Charles Prather , ^ , (p. 361)

eiin- J%v 6 1793. Alexander WqIIs of Washington C§unty . sylvania conveyed to William Griffith of Chio County and Ann his wife the daughter of said Alexander V/ells for natural love and affection, two hundred acres joining Harmon Greathouse. Alexander Wells

(p. 363)

Fay 6, 1793. Sarah I^Geehon and Alexander Wright of of Washington County Pennsylvania executors of Duncan I'IcGeehon dec*d sold to Saimiol Farnsworth of Chio County Virginia Tor forty pounds, tv;o hundred acres on Tom- linsons Run joining Samuel Barr and Williara Sinclair.

V/itness Sarah l-bGeehon David Shepherd Alexander Wright V/illiara Sutherland Charles Frasher (p. 364)

April 19, 17 c^. EdEiund Randolph Esq. Govextnor of Virginia granted on warrant 1^964 issued August 29,1783 to I4argaret Leatherman assignee of Alexander Russell ^ assignee of David M Anderson a parcel of land containing one thousand acres in Chio County on the waters of Welroys Fork a branch of I-Uddle Island Creek joining Conrad Leatherman.

Edra, Randolph

(p. 366)

October 4, 17^. Edraond Randolph Esq. Governor of Virginia granted to Conrad Leatheriaan assignee of Alexander Dick one thousand acres on lJi±ll Run a braJbch of Middle Island Creek joining William Baaly.

Edia. Randolph


j 71

October 4, 173?. Edmond Randolph Esq. Governor of Virginia granted to Conrad Leatherroan assignee of

Edmond Randolph

(p. 36^} April 19, 17^7. Edmond Randolph Esq. Governor of Vir-rr;^ granted to Conrad Leatherwan assignee of Ale:-cander'" ^^^f,°i^ assignee of David Anderson one thousand acres on I/icElroys fork a branch of r.^ddle Island Croc]: joining William Bailey.

Edjuond Randolph


October 4, 17^7, Edmond Randolph Esq. Governor of Virginia granted to Conrad Leatherman assignee of Alexander Dick one hundred acres on J.Jill Run a branch of Iviiddle Island Creok.

Edmond Randolph

(p. 370} October 4, 17S7. Edmond Randolph Esq. Governor of inia Vir<.„ granted to Conrad Leatherman assignee of Alexa^^der ^° thousand acres on Large Run emptying into MillmJ?'? Run on north side vrhich is a branch of r.Iiddle island Creek joining WilliaiTi Bailey.

Edi2iond Randolph

(p. 371]

°^ ^^^ ^""^TJ^.^^-n^J^-^- i^^'^^i S^ ^°^ty sold to Benjamin Wells of said County for forty eight pounds fifteen shillings land joining George McColloch, ^iilliam Wells on waters of Buffaloe Creek v;hcre I-raol Cox navi lives. ,j..^ Israel I Cox Witness >n-r^i' ^"hilip X Hav/kins

mark , 3^0 Amon Wells ^PO/^;

^^^^' Austin Nicols of Chio County Vire-inii^ ^^^^i,¥'did on ' twentsfcenineth day of August I7S9 make over ? e.eed of mortgage to John Waits, three negroes naznely and Nancy for fifty I^littn'ivf'^^ three pounds. Nov, "'^^^ """^^^ the sL. "" ^"-^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ P^i^ 'John 'S^"^^^ , Waits i-Ioses Chapline Robart Curry ^JO^A.>(rj 171) John I'i, Hdul


6, 1793. Charles Prathor of CharlesTov.Ti in Uiio Coimty Virginia sold to Robert Potto of the Coiarty and State aforesaid for two dollars lots >'27, :;-2?i

in (inter Wellsburp: j

Charles rtr'athor

(p. 375)

May 6, 1793. Charles ri-ather and Ruth his wife of CharlesTo\yn '::hio Coiinty Virginia sold to Alexander £v/ing of Chariest ovr.i for nine pounds lots 70, 26, 402 and surplus adjoining them.

Charles Pi'ather

(p. 376)

May 6, 1793. Charles Prather and Ruth his wife of Chariest ovm Chio County Virginia fsold to John Sutherland of Chio County for throe dollars lots 75, 76 in Charlestown. Charles. Prather

(p. 377)

May 1793. Charles Prather and Ruth his wife of Charl- eto\'ai '^io County sold to V/illiani Cornwell of Charles- to^.'.n for seven shillings six pence lots 300, 303; 301 in Chariest ovm.

Charles l-l'ather

(p. 3^)

I^'Iay 6, 1793. Charles leather and Ruth his vdfe of Charlcstovm sold to Besalael V/ells of the saiae place for t^^o dollars lots 229, 230, 270,^^69 in Chariest o\/n.

Charles Frather


May 6, 1793. Charles rrather and Ruth his v;ife of Chariest ov/n (h±o County Virginia sold to Oliver Brov^n of the same County for four dollars and six ce.nts lots 177, 173, 217, 21iJ, 257, 253 in Chariest own.

Charles Pra^shcr


Play 6, 1793. Saimiel Hull and rlary his v/ife of Washington County Pennsylvania sold to Thomas iiailey of Q^io County Virginia for seventy five pounds, two huaarod acres on Tonlinsons Run joining John DobbiTiS,


Benjaraxii Johnston, Leonard Dobbins being part of land conveyed to Dunkin McGeehaiian in 17^35

V/itnesG Samuel Hull George Hamniond Allen Mete air tira. Boggc - Shff. (p. 3^2}

June 1793. Francis Keller and N;mcy his \Tife of Chio County Virginia for three hundred pounds sold to Peter Keller of the same place two hundred acres on Boffalo Cr eek joining Samuel Bruce and the State Line,

Witness Francis Keller Robt. McClure Zac Sorigg Nancy X Keller John lie If e mark Benjn Biggs {p.3S3)

March 22, 1793. Samuel Bruce and Rebecca his v:ife of Olio County sold to Jaiaes McGrudei* of the saiae County for one hundred pounds, one hundred and three fourths of an acre on waters of Buffalo Creek and the State- Line joining Alexander V/ells and Charles Wells.

Witness Samuel Bruce George HacuaondHacuaor Kebecca Bruce Charles Wells Samuel Glass

Jui:ie 12, 1793. Williain Holms and SusanoJi his wife of ^JiioyCounty sold to Isaac Holras of the sainc place for fifty pounds, fifty acres on the \:aters of Short Creek joining Benjamin C^le, Benjn Biggs, Daniel Vannctre and Levi Mills.

Williari Holms Susannah HoL'jis

(p. 336)

June 4, 1793. Jacob Row and his wife Katherine sold to Kenry Kuncle for one hundred pounds land on Wheeling Greek joining John Whitsle (Wstael).

Jacob Rov/e Catherine X Ro\;e mark

(p. 337)


July 1, 1793. Matthias Hedges aiid his v/ife i'-lary Ann of Chio County sold to Moses Chapiins of the same Gou-ity for two hundred and fifty pounds, tv;o hundred acres or: **< Short Creek v;hich was granted to Hamilton Reed assignee of John Hedges v;ho vjas heir at la\; to Bzekiel Hedp;es. Lfind joiJiE Charls Hedges, Abrahaia Vaniaetre and Benja;.ain Biggs.

Matthias Hedges Mary Ann X Hodges inark

Juno 26, 1793. Charls Dodd and i^kry his \iife of Chio County sold to Jno Williamson son to Moses Wiiiia:a~ son of County aforesaid for tv;enty pounds, four hund- red acres including the forks of Middle ^lU/:iWit Island Creek.

Witness Chs Dodd Reubin Foreman I'lai-y X Dodd Robt. Giffin :nark Vi/.Ti. Morrison (p. 390;

July 1, 1793. George Strieker of Oiio County Virginia soldto John Strieker of Ba-ltiniore County x-laryland for one hundred and fifty pounds, one hundred and fifty nine acres being part of a survey loadc to George Strieker of two hundred and thirty five acres in Chio County on the Chio River joining John Boggs and doa-rn river to John Caldv.'ell.

V/itness George Strieker Arhd, Wood Jno Mc Knight (p. 391/

May 23, 1793. Charls Dodd and Mary his wife of Chio Couity sold to George lOiox of said County for fifty poiuids one hundred and thirty tv;o acres ixi (h±o County on the State Temporary Line.

Witness Charles Dodd Reubin Foreman Mary X Dodd Robt. G iff en mark Wis, Morrison

(p. 392)


April 6, 1793. Moses Chapline and ^'hry his wife of the tovm of V/eot idLberty Ohio County Yiri:;inia sold to John Rclfo of the saije place for twenty seven pounds land in Qiio County vrfiich v/as conveyed to said Mosos Chapli^iv and John Relfc as tenants in comraon by Zachariah Spri^:^ and Elizabeth his v;ife.

I-Ioses Chapline i-lary Chapline

(p. 393)

December 20, 1792. V/illiam Morrison and l^ry his vafo sold to Robert Giffin all of Chio County for one hundred and fifty pounds, tv/o hundred and ninety eiglit

Witness William Morrison John Caldv;ell James Nevit Jajiies Caldv;ell Junr. (P.39A-)

July 1, 1793. Nancy Preston daughter to Elisabeth Skermehorn of Chio County Virginia hath by her o\m free will and consent of her mother bound herself to Sa/auel Dunlap to be taught house vdfery to serve twelve years and eleven months. Samuel Dunlap Elisabeth X Skcrnihorn mark

(p. 395)

June — 1793. Joseph Hedges of Chio County Virginia sold to Caleb Pmuphrey, Nicholas Pvunphrey and V/u. Hajiier trustees of Qiio Surket of the I-iothodist Episcopal Churchj for five shillings lot of land for use of aforesaid i-iethodist Episcopal Church.

Joseph Hedges

(p. 396)

August — 1791. William Haymcr of Chio County Virginia sold to Caleb Pumphrey of said County, thirty four acret on v^aters of Short Creek.

kJ'illia^ Hanaar



August — 1791. Caleb i'uranhrey of Chio County Vir,r.i>iiii sold to William Hamer of the same Gouiity tv;enty acres on Short Creok.

Caleb i''u::ii>hrey

(P. 397)

July 1. 1793, Caleb x-ujaphrey of Lhio County Virginia sold to Henry -Lia^o of the same County for forty one pounds four shillings five pence forty seven and three fourths acres on v/aters of Short Creek joining Agnes fi Finley being part of land granted to Agnes Finlcy %y i,j 17<^4 and by her to Caleb i^phrey.

Caleb rii-iphrey


October 7, 1793. Charls leather of Charlsto\m in Qiio Couiity sold to Jaues i^larshall of County aforesaid '-^ for four dollars lots I7I, 17^, 211, 212 in Charlstov^n.

Charls Prather

(p. 399)

October 17, 1793. David Hoswick and Jinnett his vdfe of C^io County sold to V/illiam Orr of "i^ork County Penn- sylvania for three pounds, three hundred acres on ;;aters of Little V/heeling Creek Qiio County joining Richard leats. David Hoswick Witness •- Jannot Hocv;ick V/m. Clajcton Robt. ^''^Kay V/ci, Morrison

( 0.402) fey 7, 1793. We, John Sapington of i'taddison County Kentucicy and Elisabeth Tippings of County and State aforesaid have appointed our friend Edraond Bajcter of County and State aforesaid our attorney to sell a tract of land kncn;n as Ritch hill on the v;aters of Harmons Creek in Qiio County Virginia of the estate of John Baxter late of Qiio County doc'd to v.-hom we are executors.

John Sappington Elisabeth Tippings

(p. 403)


October 7, 1793. John Sappington of Madisori County Kentuclcy oxocutor and Elizabeth Tippings of the saaie County and State executrix of the will of John Baxter late of Chio County Virginia dec'd and Ednond Ba>:ter of J'kdiscn County Kentucky sold to usa CXfings of Baltimore County I-kryland for two hundred and forty four pounds four shillings, land in Chio County Virginia joining Jaraes Cravjford, John Sapping- ton Senr. and on v/est side of Haraons Rim.

Witness John Sappington Bez. Wells Elizabeth Tlppens Ecbaond Barctor

(p. 404)

July 27, 1793. John Henderson and Elizabeth his v;ife of Chio County, V/illiaia McDounold and Offa his vdfe of Mason County Kentucky sold to John I'fcCoinbs and Rachel his vrifc of Chio County for one hundred ^pounds tvK) hundred acres in Chio County on Cross Creek joining William Williams and WiHian >ilcCombs.

Witness John Henderson Archibald l-feDonnold Elizabeth Henderscn Alexabder McKoy William McDomiold John McDonnold

(p. 407)

June 7, 1793. Richard agings of Aiuiarold County Mary- land, farmer, sold to David Moore of Baltiniore To\m dryland, inspector of flov>;er, for one hundred and fifty pounds, six tracts of land in Chio County of five hundred acres eac h.

Witness R. a/ingj James Alen Peter CWings of State of %r>'-land. (p,40S)

June 11, 1793. Benjamin larranco of Baltimore County ^]aryland sold to David Moore of Baltimore County l-feryland for tv;enty pounds, two tracts of land in Chio County of five hundred acres each.

V/itn ess Bonjarain Larranco George Clingan Jacob Kuhn of Ma ryland (p. 411}


October 7, 1793. Larrance VcuiBuskirk: and Rebecca his v/ife sold to Jobe i«wis for one hundred dollars fifty six acres on Buffalo v/aters joining Absolora y/ells and John Vanosdall,

larrance X VanBuskirk mark Robocca X Van BusKiri-: mark

(p. 4120

November B, 1792. Alexander Smith Piatt of V/cston iri County of Fairfield State of Connecticut sold to Richard Nichols of said Nevrfcon(the above Westcn must have been mistake of person who recopied deed book) for one hundred and thirty five pounds, one thousand acres on waters of Middle Island Creek in Chio County joining Elijah Hawley, and another one thousand acres in same location.

Witness Alexander Smith Piatt Daniel Ferry Wm. Edmond of Fairfield County, Novrton, (p. 413)

November 4, 1793. William Vanmetre and Rebecca his vrlfe of Olio County Virginia sold to Jonah Seaman of the same County for eighty pounds, eighty acres on v/aters of Short Creek being part of a tract granted to Morgan Vaiimetre heir at law of Joseph Vanmetre dec'd in 1791. Said Morgan conveyed the land to William Van-iietre.

William Vanmetre Rebecca Vanmetre


November 4, 1793. V/illiam Vanmetre and Rebecca his vd.fe of Chio County sold to .Jonah Seaman of the sa-'ae County for thirty six pounds, thirty six acres oii Short Creek joining Wm, Vanmetre, Jonah Seaman being land granted Joseph Vanmetre ounlS in 1791, said Joseph conveyed to V/illiam Vanmetre, land joining Abraham and Isaac Vanmetre.

William Van::ietre Rebecca Vaniactre


. 79

Kovoraber 5, 1793. Caleb Hitchcock and Joannah his vafo of Olio Comity sold to Daniel Goodyear of Northbury To\-;nship Connecticutt, five hundred acres on v/aters of I^Uddle Island Creek joining Robert Coalman and William l-fetherlands

Witness Caleb Hitchcock Williain Clayton Joannah Hitchcock

(p. 415)

July 27, 1793. John Henderson and Elisabeth his v.-ifo of Chio Ccainty, William I-fcDoianold and Offa his v/ife of I'iason County Kentuclcy sold to John McCombs and Rachel his vd-fe of Chio County for one hundred pounds, tv/o hundred acres on Cross Creek joining Williani Williarao and V/illiaxa McAcison.

V/itness John Henderson Archebald McDommld Eliaabeth Henderson Alexander r-bCoy John l^fcDonnaM (p. 416}

June 21^ 1793. John Quirui of Chio County Vir^^inia cold to T'loscs Chaplinc and Robert I'fcClure of said County for fifteen pounds fifteen shillings eight pence, one gray mare nine years old, one sorrel ware four years old, one black cot;, five sheep, tuo larabs, t^w'o chests, one feather bod and bed clothes and all my Fall crops of five acres v/heat, five acres of rye.

V/itness John siuinn Robert Higgans Williaia Caldv/ell John Cald\;ell (p. 41^)

Noveiabcr 6, 1793. Alexander Wells of Washington County Pennsylvania and William Griffith of Qtiio County sold to ^hry Charles of Chio County one hundred and ninety acres called Bottoa on the Q-iio River belonging to Wells and two hundred acres belonging to V/xa. Griffith joining Harmon Greathouse, to pay 'debt to ikry Charles of tv/o hundred and seventy pounds.

Alexr Wells Williara Griffith

(p. 419)

) 80

Hovember 1$$ 1793. Samel I-Iarshall aiid Faimy his wife sold to John Rov;land for sixty pounds, tvxo hundred acres on Cross Creek joining Benjamin Wells and Baldwin •t^earse.

^=^*^^^? Samel r-larshall ^fP?^ ^anny X I^shall wf??? "' William Rolans mark I^tthev'^ Rov;land (p.420j

October I5. 1793. Thomas Rutherford of Berkeley County Virginia and Dras ilia his wife sold to George Chapman the 01 same County for four hundred pounds, eight hundred and fourteen acres on the Qiio River on lovrer side of Hardms Run joining John Poust Davis cmd cros^ng the Run.

Tliomas Rutherford T.T^"^5fJu ^ ^ T Rutherford Jr. D. Rutherford

{p.421) April — 1793 Conrad Paters on and Ukxry his vdfe of On' McCoskey °,?!^^y/^^J L° '^Sf^Pi^ (J^iikey) of ?he saS^ ^^""^ P^^ ^^^^ shillings, one hund- red£^ri andf^H^^f^r^yei^ty one acres on head v^aters of 'Roberts Run ^S? ^^'n^?''.^^''^^ °^ Benjamin Johnstone Sr. and J? joining Daniel McCloud and Abraham Croxton. ^^^^^ ^^^— L'SrForeman Josias Gamble (p.42^j September 2, 17^6, Benjamin Johnstone and Benjamin ""^ ^^° ^oun^y sold to Conrad patersPnJ^^*'^'\^'^-u^°5^on three hundred and t\/enty acres for five sh-iJJ- ings, joining Daniel l^Cloud and Abraham Croxten.

S- c^rS^Tp . -Johnston cS'liSlSL'k ^^^ '^°^^^- John Adams (Benjn Johnston Jr. signed in Jefferson Co, Ky.

(p. 423)


December 2, 1793. Rebockah, free Negro V/oman of Chio County Virginia hath of her ovni free vd.ll bound her- Mi son Jeremiah apprentice to Samuel Adams of the same County to learn the Tanning trade for seventeen years six months and twenty days. Robekah X mark Samuel X Adams mark


January 1, 1794. Charles Prather of GharlesTovvii Chio County sold to Isaac Robbins of the same place for three dollars and two cents lots 304, 305 in Charles Tov^. Charlies Prather


January 6, 1794. Charles Prather of Chariest ov^/n sold to Gideon Batchilder of the same place for three dollars lots I65, I66, 205, 206, 245, 246.

Charles Prather

(p. 429}

Seotember 2, 17^6, Benjamin Johixston as ne:ct friond to Benianin Johnstone Jr. both of Chio County Virginia sold to Peter Peterson of the saiae County for five shillings, six hundred and forty one and one fourth acres on waters of Kings or Indian Creek joining John Mcl^llan, on the temporar>^ State line, Wiiliaa Barr, Beelers, and McClouds.

Witness Benjn Johnston Ccmrad Peterson Benjn Johnston John Adams (p. 429] (Benjn Johnston Jr. signed

in Jefferson Co, Ky, )

November 1, 1793. Adam Sglman sold to Henry V/ood of Washington County ffk^^fti^.H I'larjaand, three s lav on for one hundred and fifty pounds.

Witness Adam SeLoan George Hammond (P.43IJ

October $, 1793. iiac Sprigg and Elizabeth his v/ii'e of Qiio County sold to David Bradford esq. attorney at law of V/ashington County Pennsylvania for tv/o hundred pounds t\/o hundred and sixty nine acres on Short Creek joining Benjn Biggs, Jaiaes Andrev;-s and John Beck.

V/itness Zac Sprigg J, Penticost Elizabeth SoriF^'" G. Blakney A. I-icClure (P. 432)

January 7, 1794. William I%rkloJid at Chio Couxity sold ito Henry Konkloy{Conkley; of V/ashington County Penn- sylvania for one hundred and seventeen pounds ten Shillings one hundred and fifty acres on Big Vifheeling Creek joining Jonathon I-1arklands settlement vfhich MEiS assigned to WiHiau %rkland.

Witness William r>feirklaiid Allen I'fetcalf

Wm , Boggs Deliverance Bro\-jn (p.433)

Septeober 20, 1793. Zachariah Sprigg and Eiizabth his \f±Ie of Olio Co-onty sold to James Caldvrell Jur. of the sarae plac e for two hundred and sixty tv/o pounds ten shillings tv;o lots in Wost Liberty,

Witness Zac Sprigg _ Woses Chapline Elizabeth Sori'-p AndviT. Archibald John mtchel (p. 435 November 26, 1793. James Caldwell sold to David Bradford for five hundred pounds two lots in West Liberty where cm Zachariah Sprigg iicai lives. Lots 13 and 14.

Witness James Caldvrell Moses Chapline Wm. i'lattiiews John McElroy (p. 436)

August 12, 1793. James Caldwell Junr of Oiio County and Frances his wife sold to Jesse Hukill Sr. of Carrol County dryland for two riui.clred and sixty pounds three hundred and twenty four acres on v;aters of Little Wheeling Creek joining Benjah Dement and Hoses Chapline. Witness James Caldv:ell Jui-. ono. Caldwell Frances CaldweH ^acnariah Sprigg Andw Archbold Alexander Caidvell, Jose^^h Galdirell (--..437)


No date. Zachariah Sprics sold to David Bradford oo ; of Washington Coujity Peimay Ij^ania for two hundred and tiixty five puiuida tvielve Kshiilings nine ponce; five 3.lcives cattle, oheep all household furniture.

Witness Zac Spriff 0, x'enticoGt

G , Blaknyy Andv: I'IcClure vo./,39)

ripril ^7, 1793. Richard Yeats and Burbary his \;ife ol Qxio County sold to Archibald Woods of said County for fuur hundred and eighty poui'ids three hun-'r-d aiid four acres oii vrators of V.liGeiin(: Crep!-' '/hich yaa assigned to loats by iVillian Zanc joi-ni^'- Ja;-;o£ Aian, John Greene axid John ticCollcch. John riitchel Richard Yeat: '^aaniel ifcColloch BarbajL-a leat; Jaises DiMiloy David Dille Joseph Toalins on Jur. (p. 440) February 3: 1794. Wlllia- Boges of !^io County uold to i-autthov/ Anderson of V/ashington County fifeinisylvaiiia lor one hundred pounds, one hundred acres on Sliort break joining John Spalir, Van Sv.-earingen and •Cij-i^abeth ^ane.

""^ v'/itness Allen :-fetca If W^i CaldHell Elzy Sv;earingen (p. 441; Septe;;iber 20, 1793. John Groor and Elenor his v.lfp of Western lerritoiy County of Kai^iilton and ta^,^l ;f appoint }:'^^i''^^^ Jo^in Gonnell of Yireinia and tov^i Ox Charlestovrn our attorney to sell lots in Charles- town. Oiii-o County. witness John Greer Jaiues Sraith Elinor Greer Oliver Bro\m (p.442j



September 21, 1793. Elonor hloore of V/estern Territory Hairdltcai County town of Clnninnati sold to Connell and McKinly of Chio County in Charlestown for tv;o hundred pounds lots 11 and 55 in Chariest ovm..

Witness Elianor I-Ioore John Greer Oliver BroMH (p. 443)

January 24, 1794. James Caldwell and Elizabeth hio v.dfe of Chio County sold to Alexande?* Pettit of the lijjace for one hundred pounds sixty five acres.

Jaraes Caldv;ell Elisabeth Caldv^cll

( p . 444

February 3, 1794. John Hays and Elizabeth his v;ife of Chio County sold to Joseph Johnston for seventy nine pounds one hundred and four acres on the north side of Harmers Creek joining "Thomas Hays, Joseph Caapboll and James Campbell Sr.

Witness John Hays Williaia Sutherland Robert Stevenson (p. 445)

^%rch 4, 1794. Charles I'rather of Chio County sold to ^^athan Rieves, tanner, of Washington County I'emisyl- vania for fift een pounds lots 3, 247, 2^ in Charlec- to\m.

Charles .rather

(p. 445)

I'^rch 4, 1794. Charles leather of Charlestovvn sold to Moses Congleton of Washington County Pennsylvania for three dollars lot 67 in Chariest o\vn Chio County.

Charles I'rather


March 4, 1794. Charles leather of Chariest ovm Chio County sold to Robert Caldv;ell and Saiauel Siriith of Chariest ov/n, nerchants, lot 6.

Charles .'rather



March — 1794. Johii Connell of Charlesto\,ii Qiio County attorney for John Greer of Cincinnati Hamilton County M North V/est Territory sold to Jaaec Berry of Charles tovai for ten pounds lots ISl, 1^2, 220 ^d 222. John Greer

(p. 449)

April 15, 1793. Charles Prather and Ruth his vjifo of Chariest oa^m Chio County leased to Leban Brunson of Nev; York city land above raouth of Buffalo Creek in Charlesto\fn for ninety nine years for tv/o thirds of a dollar yearly.

Witness Charles Pi'ather Jas. Griffith Ruth X Prathor Alexr V/eils .-ncu'Ic


February 27, 1793. Abraa Chaplino sold to Da¥id Bradford for three hundred and thirty seven pounds tv;o tracts in Chio County on the head v/aters of Little V/hccling Creek joining John I-IcColloch, Benjamin Hainmitt and Richard leats of one hundred and ninety acres and one hundred and forty seven acres joining the first tract and John Bukey. Abraham Chapline


I'larch 5, 1794. George Beoler and Jane his wife of U'lio County sold to Richard Brown of the sajno place for three hundred and fifty pounds eight hundred acres oii the Uiio River known as Holidays Cove joinin^: Alexander WqHs.

George Beeler

(p. 453)

%rch 3, 1794. «Jaraes Caldwell and Elisabeth his vafe of Chio County sold to John Williaais of the same County for tv/o hundred pounds land on waters of Wheeling Creek joining Samuel Caldv;ell, Ebonezer Zane and Rob- ert Snodgrass.

Jaiues Caldwell Eli:;:aboth Caldwell

(p. 454)


March 3, 1794. James Caldwell and Elizabeth his wife of Chio County sold to Samuel Caldvrell of the same County for tvfo hundred pounds two hundred and fifteen acres on Wheeling Creek joining Ebenezer Zane and Jonathon Zane.

James Caldwell Elizabeth Caid\'rcll


April 3, 1794. James Caldwell of Chio County sold to Alexander and Joseph Caldwell as tennents in Common and not as joint tenants for foiu* hundred pounds four hundred acres beginning at mouth of Wheeling Creek and running dovrn river Chio to corner of .John Caldv/ell.

James Caldvrcll

(p. 459) r-larch 3, 1794. Robert Stewart and Mirtha his wife of Chio County sold to John Stewart of the same County for thirty pounds seventy acres joining John I-Ielegan, Levi Mills and Stephen Burkham.

Witness Robert Stewart William Porter Ifertha Stevrart William Stevnirt Mary Stewart (p. 459)

April 1, 1794. Alexander Wells of Washington County Pennsylvania sold to John Henderson of Chio County Virginia for twenty pounds ton acres on Chio River opposite old Mingo Town,

Alexander V/ells

(p. 462)

September 4, 17^6. Peter Peterson of Washington County Pennsylvania sold to James Brown of the same County and State for five shillings one hundred and thirty acres in C^io County Virginia vfhich Peter Peterson purchased of Benjamin Johnston which land joins the temporary State line of Virginia and Pennsylvania and land of John Mc^^llen. Right of Dower of ttxry said Peter Peterson's wife hath been signed.

Peter Peterson

(p. 462)


April 7, 1794. i^ioses Chapline and Mary his wife Robert a^id Woods and Lovely V/oodo his vdfo sold to John latton for twenty shillings six pence per acro?^ tliree hundred acres in Chio County on Cross Creek aad waters of Buffalo Creek bein^ oart of a tract offJve hundred acres granted to Jaaos Black joininr Thonn-^nona. ^icGuire ;md Willian I'fcCoaon. ^

Hoses Chapline (p. 464] Vnxiy Chapline Robert V/oods Lovely V/oo

uiio uounoy sold to Jaaes Fluharty of the sariP Gon-n-t-Ar'^^ for ten dollars lot 73 in West Ube^^y!

ftcovidence Mounts Hannah Mounts

(p. 465) December 2, 1793. Reubin Foreman and Ruth Olio his ^-/ife of County sold to Provedence I^bunts for of the^amo nlac three nounds lot 34 in West Liberty.

aeubin Forenan'°''°''' JohnjiKn^'i^,Spahr irtuv

p. 467. ) April 30 Derrick .1794. Hogland and Elisabeth his vdfo

a^o 01 ^; Oreek to Gardner's HuJSi.

V/itness n j , -.r ""^'^^^" Allen ivietcalf '''''''^^, Isaac I-ieeks v.. , "f^^V u James Hoglan -lizabeth X Hoglan ^ uark

(p. 469) %y5 Hezekiah > 1794. Dunn and Rachel his v;ife of Chio ^' ^^^" nSinH ?°^S ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ hundred aiid si^^"^ °" '"'"^^^ °^ CasseLaan.s Run S-2Sph?ey!"' Joinin

Heaekiah Dunn Rachel Dunn

(p. 470 J


April 10, 1794. John Hays arid Elizabeth his v/ifo of 'Oiio County sold to Janes Canron of Washington County I'emi-- sylvania for sixty pounds tv;o hundred acres on north side of King's Creek in Qiio County joining V/illiaa I^iinro on the vreat, Moorhoad on the east and John Hayo on the tsouth.

Witness John Hays to:i^ En.abeth X H,,3 ^'^^^^ Richard Hays (p. 472} May 2, 1794. Henry Siaith and Sary his vjlfe of Chio Couiitv to sold Cooael J^flaver of County afiresaid for one hundred and lifty pounds land on Buffalo Creek joinir^ Robert Ager.

Henry i^iaith Sary I 3^1th mark (p. 473] July 1 1^93 George Strieker of Qiio County sold to John Strieker of Baltimore County l%ryland for one hundred and fiftv pounds one hundred and fifty nine acres John joining Boggs settleaent on Chio River bank thence do\-m river to John Caldvroll.

^^^^^^ ''^'^'^'^ ArSaM Wo.ods Uol'in l^icKnight

(p. 475,

^^^ ./^""^^ ""^ ^^^ William^UlVit'u l^^^ ^o^ty sold to Henderson for sixty -= ei^^t pounds five c:hiiU- = seventy eight acres on waters of Short Creek \*icirv''-""^ granted to Morgan Vamactro.

Jonali Seaciaii

(p. 477) ''^"^ ^fcColloch Cnunll^'l.,^^^?.^ ajid Agnes his uife of Chio ~? to Daniel Harris of the same County for onennfhundredJfnl and forty pounds Uro hu2idrod acres on the ^lio iiiver.

Saauel . McColloch qJSi^^^ r T? !!.!?^.^^'"\^^^^^^ Agnes I4cColloch ^^ndrev; Archbold Charles Hedges (P.479j


February 15, 1794. Charles leather publicly deiuandeci the GUJii of one dollar and tv;o iuid one hall" cento of V>/illiai.i Cornv/ell it being the annual rent of lot 67 but said rent not being ptiid said Charles Prather does reenter said lot and claim sane.

V/itncss Char.' les ^rather •Janes Griffith Thonas Marshall Michael Rouse (n.4^1]

April 25, 1794. r-hrgaret Struo heir of Conrad Strup of Fayette County Pennsylvania sold to Adam Grind- staff of Chio County for eighteen pounds tv/o hundred acres on waters of V/hceling Creek.

V/itness i-largarot X Stroo}) John Caldv:ell mark Thomas Hay^'/ard Henry Sr-iith Henry Jolly (p. 4^2)

June 2, 1794. Dr. George vVhite of Charle3to\m Uiio County sold to Archobald Ellison of the sainc tovm. for fifty dollars lot 24 and a fraction in Charles- tovm.

George VAiite

(p. 434)

May 15, 1794. Daniel Davison aiad f'rudance his v;ife of Harrison County Virginia sold to John Davis of the County and State aforesaid for one hundred poundc three hundred acres in Chio County on Long Run known as Robinsons fork a branch of I'4iddlc Island Creek. Daniel Davison v;as assignee of John P. Duvall v;ho v/as assignee of i-Iichael Koyer.

Daniel Davison i^rudence Davison


Juno 2, 1794. Dr. George VJhite of Charlesto\m Chio County sold to Moses Congleton of V/ashington County Pcniisyl- vania for five pounds lot 23 and a fraction in Charles tov'/ia.

George l-'hito



May 16, 1794. Daniel Davison and I^udence his wife of Harriscaa County Virginia sold to heirs of Jacob Davis dcc'd of the same place for one hundred -rounds land on Long Run kno\-jn as Robinson's fork a branch of Middle Island Creek in Ohio County.

Daniel Davison Prudance Davison

(p. 490}

July 7, 1794. Nicholas Davis and Rebecca his v;ife sold «ssr' to Wiilian Wallace for three hundred and nineteen pounds three hundred and tv/enty acres except for one acres v/hieh is reserved for use of the Church of England, on the vraters of Cross Cr^^k in ihio County.

Nicholas Davis Rebecca 1 Davis iiark (p.492}

July 7, 1794. Charles Prather of Chariest own Chio County sold to James Marshall of Chariest ovvn for six dollars lots 251, 252, 253.

Charles Prather

(p. 493 J

July 7, 1794. Charles Prather and Ruth his vrifc of Oiio County sold to John Connell of the same Comity for five pounds lot 403 in Chariest o\-m.

Char'les i'rathor

(p. 494)

July 17, 1794. Charles x>ather of Charlestovm Chio County sold to Robert Withrov/, joiner, of the sajue place for three dollars lots 169, 209, 210.

Charles Prather

(p. 495)

July 1, 1794. Charles Prather of Charlestovfn sold to William L. Kinner of the same place for tv/o dollars and five cents lots 254,255,256,294,295, 296.

Charles iVather

(p. 496]


Charles Prathor

(p. 49^]

July 7, 1794. Chatles Prather of Chariest ov^m Chio County sold to Elijah Cole, carpenter, for fifty dollars lots 25, 69, 401 in ChailestOTini.

Charles Prather

(p. 499)

July 7, 1794. Charles leather and Ruth his -..afe of Charlestovm sold to James McMillen of the sa:ae Dlaco for one dollar lots I29, 291,292, 293.

Charles Prather

(p. §01]

July 7, 1794. Charles Prather of Charlestovvn Chio County sold to Daniel Nichols and John Reves, tanners, of Washingtcn County Pennsylvania for four dollars lots 167, 16^ in Charlest own. Charles I'^ather


January 7, 1794. Charles lirather of Chariest ov/n aiio County sold to Janes Holms, carpenter, of CharlcGto\.'n

for five pounds lot 404 arid a fraction .

Charles ^-Yather

(p. 504)

July 7 J 1794. Derrick Hogland and Elizabeth his \;ifo of Olio County sold to John Shepherd of the same ?lace for tv/o hundred pounds one hundred and ninety six acres on v^aters of Buffalo Creek to the comer of John Stoneoan, Isaac Meek, Joseph Hedges and V/illiaa Bonar.

Isaac Meek Derrick X Hogland John Stoneraan nark William Brown Elizabeth X Hogland ;nark




October 20, 1793. «John Mitchell of Chio County sold to David Chaiobers of the same place for tv/o pounds one half acre and one half aero on east side of Short Creek for use of Butting of dams together,

Witness John ItLtchell Caleb ^uinphrey Richard Worth (p. 507)

August 30, 1794. Esther Croxton, John Edie, Abraham Croxtoa, V/iHiam Croxton, Esther Pillars of Ohio County sold to David Bradford attorney at lavr of Washington County Pennsylvania v;itnesseth that said Esther Croxton, John Edie, and Robcclcah his v/ife, Abrahen Croxton, Winiam Croxton and %ry his vafe, Esther •iillars for one hundred pounds do sell to David Brad- ford one hundred and tv;enty acres joining Josooh Caskey beiiig part of t3ract granted to Abraham Croxton'.

Esther Croxton John Edie Abr aham Croxton V/illiam Croxton ^4iry Croxton Esther X Pillars mark


July 22, 1794. Jaiaes Hall of Chio County being indebted to William Croghan of the State of Kentucky in the sura of throe hundred pounds does grant to said WiiHan" Croghan land on Glen's Run arid Short Creek bcinr the same land which Croghan sold to Hall.

James Hall W?i1/^°°B^William oro\m Deliverance Brown (p. 509) September 9, 1794. Alexander l-1cCoy and Sarah his wife of Ihio County sold to Ferdinand Moore and Hugh KcCutsen as tenants in common and not joint tenants for one hundred and eighty pounds four hiondred acres on laddle Wheeling Creek joining William Qrr, Andrew White and Robert McCoy.

l^^^^ess Ale:^ndor i-lcCoy Denj. Biggs ^ Win. Boggs Mioses Chaplin (P.510/


Moveiaber 19, 1792. Doroey Penticost Esq. of Washington Coxinty Pennsylvania appointed JoGcoh Penticost esq. of the oamc County his attorney to act in all v/ays resp pecting any of his lands in Pennsylvania.

V/itness Dorsey Penticost Joseph Carapbell Dorsey Penticost (p. 511)

September 2, 1794. Joseph Penticost of Washin^^ton County Pennsylvania attorney for Dorsey Penticost of the State of Kentucky and Catherine Penticost vxife of said Dorsey sold to William Hudson of Chio County for forty five dollars three hundred acres on Buffalo Crook in liiio County joining Henry Har vey, George McColloch Jr. and Israel Cox. Joseph Pentecost

(p. 512]

April 5, 1794. Sarauel Graham and Elinor his vd.fe sold to Saauel King and John King for two hundred and tv;enty pounds tv.'o hundred and tv;exity acres joining John Beck.

V/itness Saauel X Grahaa Saiauel Fulton mark Archabald I-IcKinly Elinor X Graha/a w'illiaja Logan Moses Chaoline (p. 514)

August 5, 1794. Samuel Caldwell and Jane his \;ifc of ^hlo County sold to Moses Chapline for four hundred pounds tv;o hundred and fifteen acres on Wheeling Crce'-'- to the comer of Ebeneaer Zane and Jonathon- Zane.

Witness Samuel Cald\7ell Josejoh Tonlinson Jajiies Galdv;ell Jane Caldv/ell John Caldvrell (P.515)

August 6, 1794. «Jaiae3 Caldv;ell and Frances his vrifo of Chio County sold to William Boggs of the sarac County for seventy pounds three hundred acres on Middle Island Creek.

Jaaes Caldv/ell

(p. 51^;


October 6, 179/+. Ih August 7, 17o6 Robert Moore \ras granted by I^rrance Van Buekirk four hundred acres cai Buffalo G^'eok and has since aold said land to his Gon John Moore and na\f to better secure the land to Jc^, Robert and Sarah his vri.fc do sell the land to John Moore for four hundred and fifty pounds.

Robert Iloorc Sarah Moore

October 3, 1794. Isaac Robbins of Chariest o\m Chio County sold to Tharias Knox of the same place for ten dollars lots 304, 305 in Chariest o\-;n.

Isaac Robbins

(p. 513^)

October 6, 1794. Nathan Griffith of (^io County sold to Elisabeth Hook, wido\-/, of said County for ^rcnty dollars lot 109 in Charleston.

Wathan BriiTioh

(p. 519)

October 6, 1794. 'John Connell and V/illiam I'IcKinlcy of Chio County sold to Christey Gallcndino of the sane place for tv;o hundred dollars lots 11, 55 join- incRichard Speer.

John Connell Wm. I'icKinlcy


End of Deed Book 2.



Niuaeralo in parenthesis indicate nuiabor or times a name appears on a given page. m^^^

s yo

BECK BCKAR John 27,32,93 William 91 BEEIER (BEELCBj BCHD George 16, S5 Jane Thomas 49 Joseph 13 BOCLE BEESCK Jonathon 2a Jacob 7,3 BRADFCRD BELL David 36, 32(2), 33, 35, 92 Archibald 25,56,61,62 BRUCE George 54,63 David 33,53/2) BERRX (BARYj Hebekah 62,73 James Samuel 19,62,63,73 Thomas 26 BRICE BEVINS Jcbn 29 Cornelius 12,60 BRCNSON (BRUNSCK) BIGGS Laban 70,35 Benjamin ^'^' BROWN Deliverance 32,92 74,32 James John 17,37 $6 Joseph 21 Joseph 51 Oliver Thomas 36 56,72,33 Richard William 3 16,35 Zaccheus 9,63 Richard Jr. 32,41 Samuel 23,42 BIIDERBACK William 20,37,91,92 Charles 34,53 BWKHAWNCK Ephraim 9,30,34,53 Uddy Samuel 63 34 William Thomas 30 29 BUCK BUKEI Agnes Elizabeth 13 35 James 46,37 Hezakiah 35 Martha 46 John 11,12,26,30,33, William 5,13 35,36,60,62,^5

BLACK24CRE BURCH Charles 31 John 39 James 31 Thomas 39 BLAKNEI (BUCKNEI) BURK James Gabriel 20,53,59 24,25 John 24 BOGGS Ezekiel BURKHAM John Stephen 36 BURRE LL Mary George 40 William 3,33,93,


BUSH Peter


CHAMBERS C^NELL David 3^32^50,54,60 l9Hrl, 1,21,34,35,37,33, 50 41,44,47,50,62,63 35,00,94, CHAPUNE Mary 50,50. Abrara Williaa 19,61 COOPER Josiah 67P 75,^ Eaeiciol 61 Moses 1(2), 4,11,16, 2a,32,35j2},36, CCRBa John 23 37»i6,70,74,75, 79,^7,32,93 C CRNWE William LL 32 V/illiaa 63 , 72 , 39 CHAPMAN CCWAH C-Gorge ^0 Catherine 17 CHARIiSS John 17,70 Mary 79 CCK OiaiSTIAN Benjainin 39 Edv/ard IS Friend 49 Goorge 49 CUGETT Hannah 14 Hezekiah 1,39 Isreal 14,71,93 Peter 1/+. CUITCti CRAWFCRD William 63,79,37 Alexander 23,66(2) CLAHK Edv^ard 66 Caleb 64 J. 14 H. 19 Jaiaes 77 Josiah 66 QURKBW ^



100 mmu il^fV V loi

FULTCN GEEEN James 61 John 6,10,20,27,63 Jaae 36, 60 Judy io;27 J©ss 32 Samuel 17,36,60,93 OREER (GRIER) David 39 GALKtEATH Elenor 27,^3 John 21,34,35,37(2) John 22,25,27,42,33 a5 QALLCW Nathan 37|2) GREATHOUSE Nathaniel 14 Harmon 2^,70,79 John S GALLENDINE Jonathon 28,29 Christy 94 William 25,29,53,64 GAHBUE GRAWDSTAFF (GRINDSTAFF) James 3$ AdaJa B9 Josias $0 GAPIN GRIFFITH Ann Wells Stephen 2^ 70 24,25,34,42, GE IMS PIE 56,61,62,^5, 89 George 59 Nathan 62,94 William Li2, GIBBS 28,32, 66,70,79,91. William 47 HAISELWOO) GIFFEN Elizabeth 64 Robert 45,74,75 Thomas 64 GILIET HALL Jno, 14 James 19,92 GLASS HAXMCR,HAMAR,HAI4ER ETC, Samuel 33,73 Willi, 20,75(2), 76 GLENN HAMMJTT Thomas 54 Benjamiin 11,33,35,^5 GOCDYEAR Ruth 11 Daniel 79 HA^CKD LL George GCRHE William tl-'' William 67 HARRIS GGBS Daniel 6,27,45,SS Ben 47 Elizabeth John GRAHAM(GRArHAM} 2,4,29,31 William 67 Elenor 33,67,9333 JdbaJdbD. 30,6630 HARRIS CU Samuel 33,67,93 James 32,40,51,55 GRAI HARVEI, HERVEI Thomas 29 «^ z'l^,'^,''




HCWIfiT INNXS James 62,63 Jafl. 13

HUDSOi JACCB William 93 Jeremiah 7 John Jereialah 3 HUGHES Mary 7,3 George 39 James 16,37(2) JARARD, JARRED Andrew 17,70 HUKILL Jesse Sr. B2 JEHKINGS John 39 HULL Gershom 70 JCHNSTai,J(jmSTCMB Jac. D. 6 Benjamin 16(2), 26,64, 30, Mary 72 31 Samiel 72 Benjamin Jr. 47,64,30,31 Elizabeth 47 HUI3E Qa. (Gabriel) 16 William 26,27 Joseph 34 William 20,22 HUMPHREC Eliaabeth 63 JQLia: George 45 1 63, 63 Henry 39 John §^,^7 Robert 63,68 JCHES Ann 31 HUNT David 7 Jonathon 23 John 30,31,66 Ignatius 30,31,45 HUPP Mary 64 jor Phillip 41,45,64,65 Peter 46 HURD KARR Jacob 6 Joshua 5 HURST EUaabeth 31 Joseph 31,60 Josei^ Jr. 31 Morgan 26,31,60 Rebecca 60

HUSTCU Andrew l^Iartha

HUTS ON JcAin 61


Kumsui fl. *105

MARSHALL MITCHELL Charles 16 Alexander 46,50 Fanny 15,^0 Elizabeth 57 James 24,25,43,76, Hugh 50 90 James 1(2), 12, 26, Samuel 15,31,^0 32,57 Thomas 43,^9 Jane, Jean 15il?,33,50 John 1M2), 19,33, mRTIN 46,50,32,33, Absolom 53 92 James 5i^ 21 Samuel 33,50,64 mTHEWS MCKRO George 36(3), 40, 62 William 51,^3 fh^sae William 3^(2}, 40, 50, MOCRE 62 David 77(2) " Elenor 60, 34 MAI Ferdinand 92 John 66 James 40 Stephen 22 (2), 30 John 94 Robert 20,53,55,94 MEASE Mathew 39 MCREHEAD Joseph 6,46 MEEKS Isaac ^,91 MCRAN Robert 34,53 Blair 24 Edmond 24 MEGEEHCW,MEGEGHAN Duncan 26. 70 MCRGAN Sarah 70(2) Daniel 3,26,60 Edward 17,34,63 I-IENDEL Joseph 13 Valentine 9,23 MCRRI3CM MENTZER John 16,49,59 . Jonas 36 Mary 10,29,75 William 10,15,29,70,75 MERRIMAN 34 MOUMTS METCAUE Hannah 5il7.11,35,37 Allen 3,3,14,27.35, 38(3), 50, 51, 37 40,46,47,49, Providence 5,11,17,35.37, 53 33,44,50,51,63, 37(2) MILIAR


HfcAI^eCN (Mac 01113 on)


McMX a:4- '< loa

PAHSCNS '^.idi \ 109



SEAMAN SNCDGRASS Jonah 3,34,45,51,55 Robert S5 SPAHR,SPAUR SELMAN John 3,4,34,45,^3,^ Adam Bl Thomas 2,29,30,40 SFEER Richard 27,48(2), 60, 94 SHAW Sary 60 Albin 25,34 John ^8 S FENCER Unice 34 Walter 23 SHEPHERD SFRIGG David 21,25,44,57 Elizabeth 12,15,36,75,^2(2) John 91 Robert B. 60 Moses 57,59 Zachariah 1,2,11.12,15, Rachel 25,44(2; 32,35,36,37,58, William 26,59 68, 75, 82(2), 83 SHIEIDS STAND LEY (HANDLE!) Bttnisjl 5" Ellas 38(3) SHIPPEN


STRICKER John 74,33 STRCDE James 63 STROOP,STRUP C anrad 89 Margaret 39

STUCKEI Jacob 65 SUMMERS Walter 21

SUTHERIAIJD John 72 William 9,14,17,21,25,

27,31,36,37 3 , 42,43,46,51(2) 34

SWEARINGEI^ Andrew 36,47 EOT 25.25,59,33 Van 3.6,15,26.31,42, 53,^3 . . ,^^54, Zachariah. 23



VANC6DALL WEST John 7^ Jane 66 Nathaniel 39 VENKEMAUjVANEMAN Thomas 4,12,66 Nichola» 49 WETZEL VERSE, VERGE John 73 Brice 66 Nemlah 12 WHITBRIDGE Josiah 19 VIRGIM Jdm 12 WHITE Andrew 26,27,66,92 WAITS, WAIT George 43,39(2) John 16,71 WIGGANS WALKER Charity I4 Elizabeth 45,46 Charloty 30 Jacob 6,7,66 Edward 14,15,30,31 John 33,4f,46, Thomas lif William 45,46 WILLLU© WALLACE Jeremiah 33,39 John 10,53,60,35 Shadrick 19 WARTENBI William 22,30,46,66, William $ 77,79 WASHINGTCM WILHAKSCK Robert 5S David 12,14,13,33, 37,60 WELCH Eliezer 65 James 3,14 Elizabeth 45 Jeremiah 65 WELLI.IAN John 45/2), 65(3) John 6,12,19,6a 74 Rachel 19,66 %ry 14,13,37,60 Rudolph 13 Moses 45,64,74 Moses Jr 3 WE LIS Thomas 45, 64. William 59 Absolom a, 49. 73 WIISCK Alexander 2,4,19,43(2), Alexander 67 51,56,57,70, Elizabeth 53 79,35,36 j£Lmes Amon ^'71 ^ Jixuiey l^ Benjamin 14,15,44,71,30 John 13,36,53 Bezaleel 60,72 Joseph 64 Charles 2,4,10.29,30, Samuel 44,47,51,73 William 47^2) Elizabeth 2,29,30,47 Joseph 43 WITHRCW Joshua 40,44 Robert 90 Michall 3 Ruth 24 WOCD Sarah 52 Temprance 44 William 44,59


WOCDS Andrew 15,33,46,50 Aii0 16,50,54 Archibald 15, lo, 33, 46, 50, 54 S3 Lovely B7 Robert 15,16,46,50,^7 WCRIEY Samuel 1$ WCRREL Amon 19 WCRTH Richard 92 William 45 WRIGHT Alexander 70 (ii) Samuel 9 YEATS Barbara 19,54,57,63,64,^3 Hone 19 Richard 10,19,21,54,57,59,63,64,76,^3,35 YOUNG Henry 10 James 66 John G. 41,49 Matthew 47 ZAHE 3 Elizabeth :#,45,33 Jonathon 36,93 Ebenezer 64,35 William 33 ^ :-. .. •-

Abstract of Deeds Books Vol 3 1789-1795 Ohio County,W.VA

^ ^kL CD '< ,^

^ v<> DEED BOOH 3

January 3,1794. Absolom Wells of JChio County, Virginia and Michel his v/if e sold to James Marchell (Marshall; of the town of Washington, Pennsylvania four hundred and fifty acres for four thousand and forty one dollars.

Witness Absolom Wells George Haomon d I'tLchel V/ells John Loughy

(p. 2)

January 5, 1795. David Williamson and Mary his wife of Washington County, Pennsylvania sold to John Willson of the sa me County and State for the sum of one hundred and twenty five pounds, one hiindred and seven and one half acres on Short Creek in Qxio County, Virginia, Joining Nathan Gallion, Benjamin Harvey, being part of the land surveyed in pursuance of a Military Warrant issued to Robert Rutherford who assigned same to Thomas Rutherford v^o obtained a patent for five hundred acres Doc. 23,1779,

Witness David V/iliiaras on Rob t. McClure Mary Williamson Jc^n Connell Moses Taylor

(p. 3)

November 3, 17944 Charles Prather of Charlestcaaai, Chio County, Virginia sold to John Smith, tailor, of the same place for four dollars two lots on Ohio and High streets not numbered.

Charles Prather


November 3, 1794. Charles Prather of CharlesTov-m, Chio County, Virginia sold to Elijah Cooper for the sura of four dollars, lots 306,307,227, and 22g in CharlesTovm.

Charles Prather


oveinber 3, 1794. Charles Prather of CharlesTovm, Oiio County, Virginia sold to Joshua Carr of Washington County Pennsylvania for the sum of tvfo dollars lot 05. (Name also spelled Kerr}

Charles Pra-chor


November 3, 1794. Charles Prather of CharlesTovm, Chio County, Virginia sold to Bonjar.iin Spry, cord v;indcr, of V/ashingtai County, Pennsylvania for the suci of four dollars lots 249 ^d 250 in CharlesTo\TO. Charles Prather


November 3, 1794. Charles Prather of Charlesl'tn'm sold to Moses Congleton of CharlesTo\;n for the sua of fo-or dollars lot 117 in CharlesTov/-n. Charles Prather

(p. 9)

August 4, 1794. Charles Prather of CharlesTov.n soOd to John Relfe, attorn ey, of West Liberty for the sitii of four dollars lots 191,192,231,232 in CharlesTovm.

Witness Charles Prather Jas. Griffith Jas. Marshal (p.lOj Isaac Robbinc

Noveabcr 3, 1794. Charles Prather of CharlesTovm sold to James Forsythe of CharlesTovm for the sura of eight dollars lots 115 and 116. Charles Prather

(p. 11)

November 3, 1794. Cha rlcs Prather of CharlesTa/ii sold to Robert Caldv;ell of CharlcsTovfli^ for the suz:i of four dollar s lots 272,273,310 311. Charles Prather

(p. 13)

Qiio November 3, 1794. Charles Prather of CharlesTov/n, County, Vircinia sold to V/iHiaiu I4:Connel, carpenter, of CharlesTovm for the sua of twenty poimds lots 2'/, 2S, 71, 72. Charles Prather


November 3, 1794. Charles Prather of CharlosTo\ni dold to William Wilson of Chic County for si^: dollars lots 314 315, 313, 319. Charles Prather

(p. 15]

November 6, 1794. Zachari£.\h Sprigg and Elisabeth Spri^^gs his v>;ife of the tovm of West Liberty sold to Jacob CroGS ^^ the sa me place for tv/enty pounds, lot 3^ in West Liberty.

V/itnoss Zac Sprifes Robt. Higga ns Elisabeth X^ Soric-s Moses Cha pline ;.iarK Richa rd Spea r

(p. 16)

November 3, 1794. George Edgington of Chio County sold to Samuel Litton Sr. and Samuel Litton Jr. of the same County for tv;o hundr ed and forty four dollars ten shillings, one hundred and sixty three acres being part of a tract patented jso John Edgington, near Alexander V/ells and William Engle.

Witness George Edgington Za chariah Sprigg I^ry X Edgington Garrat Snedigar mark George Edgington

(p. 17;

November 1, 1794. William Logan and his vrifc Jtiry of Qiio Comity sold to Garrit Snedigar of the same Co-onty for tv/o hundred pounds, one hundred and fifty acres on v;aters of Buffa lo Creek joining John Beck, David McClure and Moses Hedges.

V/itness William Logan Moses Cha pline Mary X Logan Elzy Svrearrngen mark Philip Doddridge (p. 13}

January 5, 179$. Lewis Williams of V/ashington County_, Pennsylvania sold to David Dennoy of Chio County, Virginij for tv/o hundred pounds, four hundred acres in Chio County on the v;aters of Vflioeling Creek joining Silas Zane and Zachariah Sprigg.

Lcvj'is Willians (pa9j

Undated. .«o Joseph and Jemiiiia ^le of Fountain ^liM-H T'ovmship, St. Clair Comity, Chio Territory North V7cst of Uiio River do appoin. t our sai Benja^Tiin qgle of the sa:ae pla CO our attorney to sell land in Chio County, Virginia betv/een Buffalo Creek and Short Creek containing t'v^o hundred a cres near Joseph Hedge and V/illiam Boner.

Witness Joseph Cble Benjamin Biggs Jeiaiaa X C^le George Biggs aiark vv'illiara Brunhaus


January 5, 1795. Robert Giffin raid Mary his ;iifc.-sold to Daniel Giffin and John GiffeJi sons of said Robert Giffeii all of Olio County Virginia, for one hundred and fifty pounds, tv;o hujidred and iiinety eight acres joining JosGi-)h -icGce.

V/itness Robert Giffen Ja iaes Chambers .-lary Giffen David Cha::ibers


JanuaiT 5, -1795 Robert Stev/art and ioar-cha his v;ife sold to Daniel T'erril all of '-hio C junty Virginia for tv/o huiidrod and thirty pounds fifteen shillings, tvro hundred and thirty acres joining Henry Dickenson, Joh:i Stev;art, William V/ilson and Andrev; Robinson.

Witness Robert StG\;art David Chambers i'krtha Stev/art Reuben Foreman S a.'au c 1 ii ob ins on

(p. 23)

Virginia Janua ry 5, 1795. Absoloa Wells of Chio County Dold to Joaes Marshall of the saae Coiznty, lots 6,9,13 in an addition to CharlesTovm on lo\;er side of Buffalo Creek. Absolora Wells

(p. 24)

oijinty sold to January 5, 1795. Absolora Wells of Chio C Alexan der Wells of Washington County Pennsylvania lots 3,5,7,12,15,1^ on the lovrer side of Buffalo Creek in CharlesTov/n.

Absolor.i Wells


v/ife of Janua ry 6, 1795. Absolora Wells and i-Iichel his Chio County sold to Ann ^fcl^ahan (widov^ and executrix of lots 2,11, of late William McMahan dec'd. ) remainder 16, 19 in CharlesTovm. Absoloa Wells

(p. 27)

County Ja nuary 5, 1795. James r^feirshall of 'iiio Virginia sold to Alexander Wells oi Washington County Pennsylvan- ia lot 22 in the addition to CharlesTov/n.

Jazaos i'lax'shall

(p. 28)

sold to Januaiy 5, 1795. James Marshall of thio County /urn I'lci-lalian executrix of Williai:; iIc^iahan dec'd lot 23 in Addition to CharlesTo\m belw Buffalo Creek.

James I'lar shall

(p. 29)

v/ife of J-nua ry 5, 1795. John Tilton and Susannah his '^ Chio County sold to John Brovm of the same plac e for four hundred and fifteen pounds tv/elvc shillings six pence, three hundred and fifty acres on Buffalo Creek. John Tilton Susannah X Tilton mark

(p. 31)

JmiQ 1, 1794. Williaja McKlnly and Jane i-IcXinly his v;ife of IVest Liberty sold to Jacob Croes of the same place for nine hundred and ten pounds a lot in West Liberty vvhere I^Kinly has a store.

V/itness Wm, McKinly Zac Sprigg Jane McKinly Josiah Cha plinc Jolin Helfe

(p. 32)

December I5, 1794. Edv;ard Tiffin and I^hry his v;ife of Berkeley County Virginia sold to John Cuppy Jr. of Chio County Virginia for one hundred and seventy nine pounds fifteen shillings, five hundred and one half acres being part of a tract gx-c'jited to Liartha Evanc and I-kry V/orthington {n.o\i f-lary slid \/ife of Ed\/ard Tiff on) daughters and legatees of Robert Worthiugton dec'd) and divided between Isaac Evans and Edv;ard Tiffin in 17c^, laad on Chio River.

Witness Edv/a rd Tiff en John Vfiiitting Mary Tiffeii Shoaas Edv.'in Peggy Tiffin (p. 33)

Janui^- 6, 1795. Benjamin C^le of Fountain Tov/nship St. Clair County, Uorthvrest Territory, attorney for Joseph and Jemima Cjgle sold to Beal Puiiiphiy of Qiio County Virginia, tv;o hundred acres on Buffa lo and Short Creeks joining William Boner, Duke, Vi/m. Dunlap and Joseph Hodges, land v;a3 patented to Jemima '->/}iite (no\; %le) and Elisabeth tfeeks (no\/ Puiuphry), sold for the su-m of si:cty pounds.

Benjamin C^le

(p. 34)

SepteiJigr 25, 17^7. William Semple of Philadelphia, merchant, sold to Fraacis Gurney of the came place for one hundred and tv/enty pounds, onGothousaiid acres about tiiree i-iiles from the -iiio River on the head vj-a tcrc of Point Pleasant fork, a branch of Middle Island Creek, joining Moses Chapline and Archibald Woods.

Witness Wm. Semple Geo. Pluiastead V/rn. Pillard (P.35)

August 5, 1794. Justice of the Peace John Caldwell 3v;ore thatthe vras v;ell acquainted in the Spring of the year with a certa in Joseph Procter, frequently being at his house belov/ Fish Creek on the Qiio River and did hear him acknowledge female child named Nancy as his and she vras esteemed by neighbors as such and Caldwell further said that Procter shortly after was retted by Indians a nd that to the best of his Icnowledge no other child but the a bove named Nancy bv his wife Caldwell applied on behalf of the heirirto said Joseph Procter for four hundred acres on Chio River Icnovm as Procter's lower pla ce and had it omrveyed.

Witness John Ca Idwell Ebenezer Zane Robt. McClure (p. 37)

Februa ry 2, 1795 . James Griffith and Jemima Griffith his vafe of CharlesTo^m, Chio County sold to Gideon Bacholder of Cha rlosTovm for fifteen pounds a lot in CharlesTovm. James Griffith Jemima Griffith


February 2, 1795. James Griffith and Jemima his vrifc of CharresTo^m sold to Jcdm Henderson of Washington County Pennsylvania for fifteen pounds lot 325 in Chariest ovjn.

James Grii'fith Jemima Griffith

(p. 39)

February 2, 1795. James Griffith and Jemima his wife sold to Esekiel Cooper of CharlesTown for ten pounds a lot in Cha rlesTovm.,

James Griffith Jemimah Griffith


February 2, 1795. John Cuppy a nd Elizabeth Cuppy his v/ife of Olio County sold to Benjamin Jackson for tv70 hundred pounds, four hundred acres on Chio River neai* Tomlinsoh»s Run being part of a tract granted to I4artha Eva ns and I4ary Worthington.

John Cuppy Elizabeth Cuppy

(p. 41)

February 1795. Charles Prather o£ Chio County sold to klozcDjadcr V/ells of Washiiagton C oui:ity Pennsylvania for throe pounds, lots 3 CO and 309 in CharlesTovrn. Charles IVathcr Ruth Prather


February 1795. George V/liitc of CharlGsTovm sold to Williaa Conrlcton of CharlosTov-'n for forty dollars lots 407 and 417.

V/itness George tfaitc Jas. Griffith r-iLchael House (?.43i

February 2, 1795. Charles Prather of CharlesTovrn sold to ElijcJa Cooper of the sane place for tv;enty dolla rs lots 267 and 26S in CharlesTo^m. Cha rles Prather


March 2, 1795. John Henderson and Elisabeth his v.-ife sold to James Hunter for fifty pounds, one hundred acres on Hojrnai's Creek in Chio County.

Jiahn Henderson Elizabeth Henderson

(p. 45 J

i'laroh 2, 1795. John Henderson and Elisabeth his wife sold to Deiniss Caha el for fifty pounds, one hundred acres on head of I-icI'Iahan's Run in Chio County. John Henderson Elisabeth Henderson


March 3, 1795. Robert Higgins of Qiio County sold to Abraham Rogers of sa id County for tv;o hundred dolliu-- one hundred and nineteen acres on Loug Run, Robert Higgans

(p. 47) ll o

Covuity cold to March 3 1795. Robert Hiccens of Oiio John'Cruisln of the saiac place for three hundred dollcjrs and CaGtlor.iaii tv:o hundred and forty acres on Lonr Run Run, joining Sa auel Griraes, John Beck, John Patcrson, Lazarus Ryan and Philip Sraith. Robert Higp;ins

(p. 4a}

February' 20, 1795. Thonas :-'hddin and Itrcrct his -..'if of Lhio County sold to Gcorce Teal of the came County for five hundred pounds, four hundred acres on the v/atcrc of Cross Creek. Thonas i^nddin

(p. 49)

February 27, 1795- Robert Huston, and Sa rah his v.-ife of Chio C'ounty sold to V/illian Farris of the same County for three hundred and eiEhtcen pounds fifteen shillings, three hundred acres joining Bcnagy Dement, Samel Bradford dec'd, William Huston, James Curtis and Thomas Rutherford.

Witness Robert Huston Jolin Farris Sarah Huston John Wayt William Fan-is

(p. 50]

of 'Jnio i'iarch 2, 1795. Elsey and Zachariah Svrearin4^en County sold to John Connell of the same pla cc foi- forty dollars lots 15 and 59 in CharlesTOT-m. Elsey Sv;earingen Zachariah Sv^earingen


v/ife of Uiio March 4, 1795. John Hays and Elizabeth his County sold to Daiiiel Sv/earingen of the same place i or arid tliree hundred and seventy two pounds, two hundred sr;c acres on Harmon Creek. John Hays

(p. 53)


his v/ife Deccnber 30, 1794. Willian^Gorrell and JW Jonn oi or Der^'el3'>'- County, Virginaa sold to bhoriierd Chio County for one hundred and ninety pounds, one hundred and ninety acres on Buffalo Creek joininr Ja:.ies Vhore. Willioji GorrGll I'lary Gorroll


attorney for JrJie March Te-'-"i Court 1795. 'J^hn Dover in i'Ui- B*evcr adiainistrators of Sampson Bcver doc'd, Robort \lhxte suance of a bond given by said deceased to hiuidrcd and of Washington County Pennsylvania for two t-onty five acres in Chio County — I, John Bevcr oi County Pennsylvania do make over to Robert i^'i'lerhany joininc \VhitG the tv;o hundred and tv/cnty five acres John Caldwell, James Caldwell and John Boggs. John Bcver f or . V/itnesE , . ^ u^,. ,^ ( BoverB Sanucl Brady Janoc-^^cigc (Jano)Jano ) Kins Dickison (1^56)

1795. J^n Bever attorney for James Bcver I-iarch to odmiiiictt-L'tor for Saiapson Bcver dcc'd do :;ia .:e gvoi- three Joseph Scott of V/a shington County Pennsylvania, hundred and forty six acres in Chio County joinmc John Boggs and John Caldv/cll. John Bever for Jc'J2os Bovcr

(p. 57)

cold to February 21, 1795. David Denny of Chio County Sanuel latchell of the sa me place for seventy live pounds, one hundred acres.

\7itncss ^^^i^ ^^'^^ James Denny Liargrct Deniry David Derjr/ ..5;

hi •larch 2, 1795. '^^^^ Henderson and Elisabeth pijlaco of Chio County sold to Nehemia'Nehemiah Vier of the sa::ie brancn oi tvro hundred and four acres on a head of a Run joinin- I-ic^lahansI-ic-^^'feiians Run and a branch of BHari:ions Do::ias Cahacl and James Hunter. John Henderson Elizabeth Henderson

(p. 59)


Peim- Iviarch 3, 1795. NatJia^mEllis of Washington County sylvania sold to Isaac V/ilson for tv/o hundred dollars fifty acres at aouth of Coon Run on Chio River bank foraerly granted to V/illian Walker assignee of Nicholas Coon. Nathan Ellis


March 3, 1795. Nathan Ellis of V/nshington C oiuity ron:.- sylvania sold to i^iilip Hupp for ono hundred dolla rs land on river bank below Fisli Creek. Nathan Ellis

(p. 62)

DeccLibcr 9,1794- Sa:.Tuel Iiu;xioy of Baltiaoro County i'Jarylaiid sold to John Hendriclcs of Pennsylvania for three hundred pounds, three hundred and tv:enty acres joining Willian Baxter and John Sapnington.

V/itness Samuel Mu:;u;iey Francis Bra:n Sappington Geo i'iurdock of Frederick County, Md.

(p. 63;

Dccenber 25, 1794. John P. Devall of I'hson Coanty Kentuclo/- sold to Daniel Davison of Harrison County Vir-^inia for two hmidred dollars, four hundred acres oxi tfirginia Holler Camp Run, a br:.Uich of Middle Island

VJitness John P. Devall William Lo\7ther I-Ia>:l Ariistrong Wn. V/ilson r.'ath Davison (0.65)

Deco:.ibor 25, 1794. John ?. Devall of llason County, i.ontucky sold to John Davis of Harrison County Virginia for five hiuidrcd po^jjids, five hundred acres on the waters of I-iiddle Island Creek.

w'itness John P. Devall 'w'illiaij Wilson Natli Davison ila:>:'l Ariastrong D-iiel Da vison (p.66)


February 16, 1795. Barney Conner, schoolmaster, of Chic County is inbebted to James V/ilson for six pounds therefore does sell to said Jaues Wilson one red and v;hitc co\'7, one pot, one feabo oven, one skillet, one \^4leel, two blankets Wilson to give theia back if Conner ca n pay the six pounds in ten months.

Witness Barney Connor William Facet Sarah Wilson


Hovombor 13, 1791, Bethel Baxter and I^'Iary his \jifc sold to John Packman for ninety pounds, tv;o himdred and eighty three acbes one roo«i twenty five poles of land on south side of Harmon Run less a triangle I sold to Vim. Sutherland on the creek hill.

V/itness Bethel Ba xtor Thomas I'iaddin h'lSiXy X Baxter Wm. i-iirphey mark Richard Els on

p. 69

April 6, 1795. GGor>'?G Beelcr of Ihio County sold to Daniel Preston of the same County for twenty pounds tv/o hundred and sixty nitie acres joining Thomas Ralstoi and James Kei'medy. George Boeler

(p. 70)

I'iarch 24, 1795. George Beoler sold to feter Orovi for thirty tv;o pounds, tv;o hundred a ores. George Beelcr


March 2, 1795. John Shejphcrd and xiartha his wife sold to George I'bnab (LbBab") for tvfenty four dollars, nine acres on Buffalo Creek.

V/itness John Shepherd Abs'm Wells >5artha Shepherd John Greon Elisha Haze (HaysJ

(p. 72)


I'lay 20, 1794. John Caldv/ell and Jean his v;ife and Archibald Woods and Ann his v/ife of Chio County sold to Richard Nichols of the State of Coniiecticut for one thousand dollars, ten. thousand acres on v/aters of I^iicidle Isla^ Creel: joining Charles Dodd.

V/itness John Caldwell John I'lcColloch Joan Caldv/ell Robeii: 'IcClure Archibald Uoods Jaraes Caldv;Gll Jr. Ann V/oods

(p. 73 J

I'hy 20, 1724. James Caldv;oll and tliaabeth his v^ife,

I-Ioscs Chaplino and Ma r:,'' his v/ife, John Caldwell and Jane his v;ifc, Archibald Woods and Ann his \;ife sold to Richard Nichols cf Connecticut for four thousand dollars forty one thousand acres on Middle Island and Fishing Creeks.

Witness Jaines Caldwell John McColloch Elizabeth Caldwell Jaues Caldv;oll Jr. Moses Chapline Robt. McClurc hhry Chapline John Relf e John Cald\;ell Jojie Caldwell Archibald V/oods l^Jl V.'oOdS

(p. 74) k-or±l 6, 1795. John. Shepherd and Martha his v;ife sold to A bsolom V/clls for one Guinea Per acre, one hundred and seventy tvro acres on Buffalo Creek near Ja mes Moore and George McHabb.

V/itness John Shepherd Joseph Biggs Martha Shepherd Adara Selnan Aaron Hedges


September 26, 1794. Wiiiia.*n V/ilson ,and Jean his wife sold to John Stueard and V/illian Stuorard for tV;onty six pounds, fifty acres on Peters Run near John Milligan Henr^' ^iclcison and Arxdrew Nichols. Witness Willian Wilson John Miiliga n Jane V/iison Reubeii Foreman

(p. 7^)


March IB, 1795. V/illiaa Lev;io Kinner and Nancy his v;ifo Gold to Benjaiiiin Spry for tvrenty pounds lots 2^,255, 2$$, 294, 295, 296 in CharlesToim.

V/itness William L. Kinner Richard Spur(Spahr) Nancy Kinner Jas. Griffith Robert Caldwell (p. 30}

April 1, 1795. Sanrucl Buchannon and I'lary his \/ifc sold to Jaaes Bucha^i^ion for one hundred pounds, foui- hundred acres.

Witness James Moses Shepherd i-Iary Buchannon Robt. Potts \'ha. Mclntire


August 22, 1794. Sanuel I-Iarshall and Fanny his vrife sold to Major IValkcr for eight pounds, forty three and one half acres on Cross Creek.

Witness Sa rauel Marshall James Leepor Sr. Fanny Mcarshall Fargus Snith Francis I'lorrison 33)

Aoril 6, 1795. John ivblntirc and Elisabeth his \<±£e sold to William Robison of V/est Liberty for fifty niiie pounds, fifty nine plus acres on Buffalo Creek joining Lav,rence VanBuskix'k, Sa muel Wilson and John Moore.

'Witness John l-lclntire John Relfe Elizabeth Mclntire John Shav; John Risk (p. 34)

April 5, 179$ John Shav; and Jeraimali his vafe, John Davison and Elisabeth his v:ife sold to John Kirk for ten pounds a lot in V/est Liberty.

V/itness John Sha\.' John Caldvroll Jemina h Shav; V/illisjj Robison John Davison John Relfe Elizabeth Davison

(p. 0^6)

April 7, 1795. William Baird Sr. sold to Robert Je:ai3on Jr. for oiic hundred pounds, one hundred and seventy tv/o acres on Buffalo Creek which \;as patented to Voa-;els V/itrrn in 17c50 joining Zachariah Sprigg, David McGlure, heirs of Moses Hodges, George McColloch, subject to an Incumbrance during life of Elisabeth Davison.

Witness V/illiaa Baird John Baird George Baird

(p. 37)

April 5, 1795. Peter Seamehom and Elizabeth hie \:ire sold to V/altor Cain for sixty pounds, seven and one half acres on v/aters of Chio River joining Levas VcoiBuskirlc.

Peter X Sea;aahoru mark Elizabeth X Scan.^Jiorn nark (p.o>a)

Noveraber 9, 1793. Van Sv^caringen sold to Samuel Brady

and Drusilla his wife for five hundred pounda. , one hundred acres on Short Creek joining Janes Ryan.

V/itness Van Sv;earingen Zachariah Suearingcn Elzey Svrearingen

I p. 39]

April 6, 1795. Aie:

AlexoJider Pct"cit RosarmaJi Pcttit

(p. 90]

iio date. John Gaznpbell of V/ashington County Pennsyl- vania sold to George Gillespie for two hundred and tv;enty five pounds, one hiuidrcd and eighty six acres on Hard ins Run.

John Caj-apbell George Gillespie

(p. 91;


April S, 1795. Samuel Buchannon and Mary his v/ifc sold "to Thomas Buchaiuion for one hundred pounds, four hund- red acres.

V/ltness Samuel Bucha^^on rloses Shepherd i'lary Buchannon Robert Potts V/m. I'lclntire

(p. 92}

August 23, 1794. Charles Prather reclaimed lot 272 pfi^ in CharlesTovm \ihich \;as sold to Robert Potts. Witness Jaiiies Griffith James I-hrsha 11 Gideon Batchilder (p. 93)

April 3, 1795. Valentine I-Iendel and Mary his v;ife sold to George ^Vhite for seventy one dollars and seventy five cents lots 14 and 5S in CharlesTov'xn.

Valentine Ifcndle i'iary .iondlc


April 6, 1795. Benjamin Naylor and Deborah his vafe sold tu Samuel Archer and James Hindman both of Wash- ington County Pennsylvania for tv;o hundred and tv/enty seven pounds five shillings, tv/o hundred and tv;o acres on Cross Creek which was granted to Samuel i^aylor the father of Benjamin and v;illed to Benjamin, land join- ing Sai.iuol Steon.

Benja:ain Hay lor Deborah Haylor


April 6, 1795. Ja;aes Ryan and Catherine Pettit sold to Heaekiah Bukey for one hundred a^d tliirty seven pounds on<:: hundred and thirty seven acres in the foi4:s of Short Creek joining Morgan Vanmetro, Daniel Morgan^ Van Sv;earingen, Edv/ard Morgan, being a tract granted Jcj:ies Ryan heir at lav; of Thomas Ryan dec'd.

James Ryan Catherine Ryan (Catherine married Silas Zane and 3rd James Pettit]

(p. 97)

sold to April 6 1795. *^ohn Shepherd and his vrife Leah Hathan Shepherd for four hundred pounds, one hundred acres on Buffalo Creek joining Joseph Hedges and V/illiam Bonar. John Shepherd Leah Shepherd

(p. 9^)

A orll 7, 1795. DsJiiel l-lorrom and ikirgaret his V7ifc 'sold to T'lathev/ Anderson for eighty dollars, eleven acres and one h'^idrcd forty si:c polos in Tories of Short Creek. Daniel .'iorcan I-iargrct -'lorgan


January 1, 1795. Jci:^ hlcOomh aiid Rachel his v;ife sold to Ja:aos V/ilcon for one hundred pounds, sixty nine acres fifty nine poles axid six tenths.

John I'icConb Rachel I-icConb

(p. 100)

Aoril 5, 1795. Peter Keller and May his v;ife sold to Christian Hootnian for four hundred and eighty pounds tv.'o hundred and seventy t\;o acres joining Jcrei-iicdi Ellis and Christopher V/inters.

Peter xloller 1-b.xy .lei lor

(p 101;

lio date. Christian Hootraan and I-b.ry his wife sold to George iCitts for tv;o hundred dollars, one hundred and fifty eight acres being part of land he purchased of Peter Keller.

Christian HootrxaJi ilary Hootnan

(p. 102 J

A^ril 6, 1795. George Gillespie and Jeai. his v;iic sold to John Ca;:ibell of V/est Morcland County Pennsylvania fox" one thousiuad dollars, one hundi'od eighty six acres

on . J-iio River and lov;or side of Hardins Run.

George Gillespie Jane Gilles pie



ilarch 6, 1795. Henry fiercer Babb of Fi'cderic:-: C j^jin:-/ Virginia sold to Thoi.ias lee of Uiio Comity said HcJrry i-brccr Babb heir at la\/ of Thonas Babb dec'd -- fur f oLLT hundred eighty seven dollars and ijixty Geven centG, t\:o hundred and nine acrec on Crocs Crock joining Francis I-IcGuirc, Baldv;in Parson, Charles V/ells c.nd Daniel Galendine.

Hoin^/ I'brcer Babb

(p. 10/

A::irll 6, 179$. Hcnr-y -fcrcor Babb of Frndcric;: County Virt^ii-la heir at la\/ ux Tlioaac Cabb doc'u sold to Francis McGuire of Lhio County for four hundred foi-uy fivo dollars and sixty seven cents, one hundred and ninety one acres on Buffalo Creek joining Georrre Stevenson, Daniel Calcndine, Bald^an .-^arson and the road fron CharlesTo\7n to V/ashincton Pennsylvania,

Henry I-Icrcer Babb

(p. 106)

January 2y, 179$. David Shepherd and Rachel his \jifc sold to Joseph Terrell for 3i::ty pouiids, one himdred and twenty acres.

Witness David She^oherd David Mclntire Hrchel Shc-^hord ;':.i. Shepherd Heackiali Thornburg


Ma.y 4, 1795 . John i-icFarland and Elisabeth his v;ifo sold to James HcFarland for one hundred pounds, four hundred acres joining John Atkinson, James Hall, and James Snodgrass.

Jolin I-IcFarlc:;id 31i::abeth McFarland


January 29, 1795- David Shepherd and Rachel his wife sola to Hciiekiah Thornberry for ten pounds, tv:o hund- red and thirteen acres on bank of Little V/heeling Croc

V/itness David Sheohord David Ilclntirc Rachel Shephox-d w'm. Shepherd ViTilliaii V/aruack (0.109;


May 4, 1795. Adam Selman and Mary his wife sold to James Howlet for seventy five pounds, seventy five acres joining Alexnader Wells Jr. on the waters of Buffalo Creek and joining Charles Wells. Adam Selman Mary X Selman

(p. 110)

May 4, 1795. James Caldwell, Zac Spriggs, John Beck David Chambers justices of the Peace of Ohio County hath put Elizabeth Hardwood to serve Morgan Hurst, farmer, until she is by law of age. Morgan Hurst

(p. Ill)

March 3, 1795. John Foot and Prudence Linn wife of Moses Linn decJ^d for six hundred and ninety one pounds hath as Guardian of heirs of and as executors od said Moses Linn, sold to John Foot sixty nine acres of land. Prudence Linn

(p. 112)

May 4, 1795. Jacob Cochran attorney for Joseph Goddard and Frances Goddard his wife s^ld to Thomas Steward for twenty pounds, one hundred thirty three and three fourths acres. Jacob Bochran

(p. 113)

November 6, 1795. William Shepherd sold to William Stephenson for thirty three pounds, one hundred and twelve acres.

Witness William Shepherd Soloraan Nighswanger John Clark Elizabeth X Nighswanger raapk (p. 114)

January 29, 1795. David Shepherd sold to Francis Duke for twenty pounds, forty two acres on waters of Short Creek joining Morgan Vanmetre, John Van- metre and William Dunlap. David Shepherd

(p. 115)

o • 20

to Samuel May 4 1795. Jacob Cochran and Mary his wife sold Huston for sixty pounds, one hundred and fifty seven acres Jacob Cochran

(p. 117)

Adam May4, 1795. John Brown and Jean his wife sold to acres join- Selman for if ifty three pounds, fifty three ing James Howlet on the waters of Buffalo Creek. John Brown Jean X Brown mark


Goddard May 4, 1795. Jacob Cochran attorney for Joseph and Frances Goddard his wife sold to James Goddard for sixty pounds, one hundred and ten acres. Jacob Cochran

(p. 119)

Yeats September 13, 1794. William Shepherd sold to Thomas acres for one hundred pounds, one hundred and twenty two joining William Hulse, John Fay and Hugh McConnell.

VTitness William Shepherd John Harris

Adam Faris , _ _ . (p.l20j

wife sold to May 4, 1795. James Howlet and Margaret his John Brown for one hundred pounds, fifty acres on Buffalo Creek James Howlet Margaret X Howlet mark

(p. 121)

Joseph Goddard May 4, 1793. Jacob Cochran attorney for and Francis his wife sold to Stout Chamberlain for thirty pounds, eighty acres on waters of Little Mill Creek joining John Custard. Joseph Goddard

(p. 122)

Goj^ddard attorneys May 4, 1795. Joseph Cochran and John for Joseph Goddard sold to William Ryan for sixty pounds, one hundred acres joining Joseph Nevil and Benjamin Johnston. Joseph Goddard Frnaces Goddard (p. 123,


June 1, 1795. Conrad Peterson and Mary his wife sold to Richard Cullen for one hundred dollars, one hundred and eighty eight acres on Halbuts Run joining Daniel McCloud, Nathan Baker, and George Beelor.

Witness Conrad Peterson George X Chapman Mary X Peterson mark mark James Nevile (p. 124)

June 1, 1775. Charles Pratner of Charlestowi sold to Isaac Robbins, schooLnaster, for twenty nihe dollars lot 3. Charles Prather

(p. 125)

June 1, 1795. Charles Prather sold to George Matheot ofAnnarundle County Maryland for thirty dollars, lots 113 and 114 in CharlesTown. Charles Prather

(p. 127)

June 1, 1795. Benagy Dement and Alice his wife sold to James McClain for one hundred pounds, one hundred acres on waters of Little Wheeling Creek.

Witness Benajah Dement Albin Metcalf Aless Dement Ellry Swearingen Isaac Taylor (P.12S)

November 6, 1794. William Hulse of Berkeley County Virginia sold to Henry Bell of Ohio County for forty pounds, two hundred and fifteen acres in Ohio County joining Andrew White and Robert McCoy.

Witness William Hulse Moses Shepherd Elizabeth Hulse James Moor Abraham Shepherd Jacob Whitzel

(p. 129)


March 24,1795. George Beeler and Jane Beeler his wife sold to John Davis of Washington County, Pennsylvania for twenty four pounds, one hundred acres beginning at the temporary State line.

George Beeler

(p. 130)

June 1, 1795. John Connel and Mary his wife and Ivilliam McKinly and iJane his wife sold to Samuel Smith of Washing- ton County, Pennsylvania for sixty two dollars and fifty cen^s, lot number 5 in CharlesTown,

John Gonnell Mary Connell William McKinly Jane McKinly

(p. 130)

June 1, 1795. Reason Pumphrey and Sophia his wife sold to Nicholas Pumphrey for six hundred dollars, one hundred and sixty three acres on the joining Lawrence VanBuskirk.

Reason Pumphrey Sophia Puraphrey (pa32)

May 19, 1795. John Strieker of Baltimore Town, Maryland, merchant, appoints Moses Chapline of Ohio County Virginia his attorney to sell his interest in one half of a certain parcel of land in which Archibald Woods is jointly inter- ested. John Strieker

(p. 133)

March 22, 1792. We, Joseph Goddard and Frances Goddard do appoint John Goddard and Jacob Cochran our attorneys to collect from our debtors all momies due or any legacies.

Witness Josepfe Goddard Thomas Dawson Frances Z Godaard Charles Blackraore mark

(p. 134)

1795. James Griffith and Jemima his wife sold to Alexander Wells of Washington County, Pennsylvania for twenty fige pounds part of lots 1 and two in CharlesTown.

James Griffith Jemima Griffith (p. 135)

March 2, 1795. Nathan Ellis and Itoryann his wife sold to Robert Woods for four hundred and sevrnty five dollars two hundred and eighty acres on the south bank of Fish Creek to the mouth of the creek, Joining Philip Hupp.

Nathan Ellis Maryann Ellis

(p. 136)

July 6, 1795. Isaac Robins of CharlesTown, schoolmaster sold to William Wox^enbe for thirty two dollars, lot 63 in CharlesTown,

Isaac Robins

(p. 137)

November 6. 1794. William Hulse of Berkeley County Virginia sold to Henry Beall of Ohio County for forty pounds, two hundred and fifteen acres joining Andrew IVhite and Robert McCoy. (Beall also spelled Bell) William Hulse Elizabeth Hulse

(p. 138)

July 7, 1795. Thomas Williamson and Elizabeth his wife sold to Henry Hufman for eighty pounds, two htindred acres known as Toms Cabbin, Joining Josiah Brown, David Denny, and Francis Boggs. Thomas Williamson

(p. 140)

July 6, 1795. Samuel Beck, son of Joshua Beck, sold to William Wilson for one hundred and six pounds, one hund- red and forty five acres Joining Benjamin Biggs, Zachar- iah Sprigg, Moses Lynn, Nivholas Rogers and Benjamin Ogle.

Witness Samuel Beck 2d Samuel Beck 3d Alexander Beck Jn Beck (p.lU)

June 2, 1795. Benjamin Johnston Jr. for his deceased father, sold to William Sinclair five hundred and thirty actes on little Cove.

Benjamin Johnston



July 6, 1795. Fredrich Tague of Washington County, Penn- sylvania sold to Mary Wietcell wife of John V.hetcell, dec'd, and Martin Whetcell. Lewis Ivhetcell, Jacob V.'het- cell, Kathan Gutry (Gosney) and Lucy his wife, heirs at law of John Whit cell dec'd, for /^ji/ hundred pounds, one four hundred acres on bank of Big Wheeling Creek.

Mary X Whetcell mark Martin X Whetcell mark Jacob 'A'hetcell

(p. 144)

July 6, 1795. James Marshall and Agnes his wife of CharlesTown sold to John Agnew of the said tomi for five pounds, lots and parts of lots 10, 54,251i252. James Marshall Agness Marshall

(p. 145)

January 29, 1795. James Ogle heir at law of Benjamin Ogle, and Elizabeth his wife and Mary Ogle sold to Soloman Porter for eighty six pounds and ten shillings eighty six and one half acres on Buffalo Creek, join- ing Nicholas Roger being part of a tract granted to Benjaraih Ogle heir at law to Jacob Ogle and conveyed by him to Mary Ogle and part claimed by James Ogle by heirship.

Witness James Ogle Zach. Biggs Elizabeth X Ogle Jacob Ogle mark Joseph Porter Mary Ogle

(p. 146)

July 6, 1795. John Boggs for sixty pounds sold to Levy Damold two hundred and fifty acres joining Abner Cloud,

John Boggs I'lai-^y Boggs

(p. 147)

July 6, 1795. Sely Rily hath bound hi» son Abraham l.iley unto John Long to learn the Tanning trade — from this date til July 22, ISOO. hei' Witness Sely X Riley John Kerr mark James Hughes John Long

(p. 143)


April IS, 1795. John Vance and Ann Vanca of Allagania County, Pennsylvania sold to Walter Buchanan of Ohio County, Virginia for eighty five pounds, one hitndred and seventy acres on waters of Wheeling Creek joining

David Hosack, Alexander V/oods of Davy , and V/illiam Morrison.

Witness , John Vance William Caldwell r'' '' Agness Vance Sm, Hedges V.'aitman Sipple Joseph Caldv^ell

(p. 149)

August 4, 1795. Thomas Tarr and Thomas Tarr Jr. of Wash- ington County Pennsylvania doth bind Thomas Tarr Jr. to

Benjamin Spry of CharlesTown , as aa apprentice to learn to be a shoe and boot maker, for six years.

Thomas Tarr Sr. Thomas Tarr Jr. Senja. Spry

(p. 150)

April 20, 1790. Samuel Marshall and Fanny his wife sold to John Graham for one hundred and fifty pounds, two hundred and fifty acres on Cross Creek Joining John Rowland, Baldwin Parson and the State line.

V;itness Samuel Marshall Archibald Elson Fanny X Marshall John 1 Williams mark mark John X Johnston mark (p. 151)

April 21, 1795. John Graham sold to Archibald Elson for one hundred and fifty pounds, two hundred and fifty acres on Cross Creek Joining John Rowland ana Baldv/in Parson. (This deed security for wheat)

Witness John Graham George Davis John X V;illiams mark John Johnston X mark (p. 152)


August 3, 1795. Ebenezer Zane and Eli2ab«th sold to Goloman McColloch for twenty five dollars, lot 30 on Ohio River in said tovm at mouth of Wheeling Creek,

Ebeneaer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 153)

S 1795. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth hi« wife sold to Robert Vvoods for one hundred and twenty two dollars lots 5,13,30,^2.

Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 154) 1795. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to Andrew Woods for one hundred and two dollars lolb 3 joining Henry Smith, Archibald VJoods and Andrew Woods,

Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 155)

1795. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth Zane his wife sold to Isaac Kelly for sixty four dollars lots 19, 33,^4.

Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 156)

August 1795. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to James Nelson for thirty five dollars lot 24 in the new town laid out by Zane.

Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 157)


July 1795. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to Elijah Woods for fifty dollars lots 9 and 68 bounded by Andrew Woods. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 15^)

his wife August 3, 1795. Charles Tibugan and Desemona of West Liberty sold to William Robeson of the same place for forty two dollars lot 72 in West Liberty. (p. 159) Charles Tibughin Desdemona Tibughin X mark

his wife August 5, 1795. Joseph Alexander and Margaret sold to Colvin Cary for one hundred pounds, three hund- red and fifty acres on Middle Island Creek joining said Alexander. Joseph Alexander Margaret Alexander

(p. 160}

sold to August 5, 1795. John Caldwell and Jane his wife James Caldwell for seventy eight pounds fifteen shill- ings, ninety acres. John Caldwell Jane Caldwell

(p. 160)

September 7, 1795. Nathan Reeves of Washington County Pennsylvania and Ann his wife sold to Charles P rather of Ohio County Virginia for fifty pounds a part of lot three in CharlesTown. Nathan Reeves Nancy X Reeves mark (p. 162)

September 7, 1795. William Munroe and Jennet his wife sold to John Wyly for four dollars, one hundred and forty two acres on waters of King's Creek and Roberts Run joining John McMillen and Joseph Brown.

William X Munro mark

(p. 163)


September 7, 1795. Edward Morgan and Susannah his wife sold to Joseph Morgan for one hundred pounds, three hundred acres joining James Garrison, Hugh Gilliland and Morgan Vanmetre. Edward Morgan Susannah Morgan


September 7, 1795. Hugh Cowan and Isabella his wife sold to 'Jilliara Bane for five dollars, one hundred and ninety six acres on waters of Tomlinson Run,

Hugh X Cowan mark Isabella X Cowan mark

(p. 165)

September S, 1795. Isaac Leet and Andrew Swearingen executors of will of Van Swearingen dec'd sold to Jacon Nesly (will recorded Jan. 1794) for segenty five pounds, five hundred and fourteen acres in Ohio River.

V/itness Isaac Leet Reubin Foreman A. Swearingen Richard Elson Executors


May 15, 1795. Benjamin Payette Jr. and Jacob Payette Jr. and Nancy his wife sold to John V/addle late of Cumb- erland County Pennsylvania for five hundred dollars land joining Levi Mills, John Morgan, Edward Morgan, William Cochran dec'd and Robert Curry. Benjamin Payette Jacob X Payette mark

(p. 167)

May 15 > 1795. John Waddle late of Cumberland County Pennsylvania sold to Jacob and Benjamin Payette of Ohio County for securing payment of two hundred aiid thirty five pounds owed them by said John Waddle tv/o hundred and twenty five acres if money is not paid,

John V.'addel




September 1795. Providence Mounts and Hannah his wife sold to William Caldwell for eighty dollars, lot 22 in West Liberty joining Allen Metcalf

Providence Mounts

(p. 169)

September ^, 1795. William Wilson and Agness his wife sold to Joseph Martin for thirty dollars lots 314,315, 31^, 319 in CharlesTown. William Wilson

(p. 170)

September 7, 1795. Joseph Eastwood was apprenticed to Levi Hardesty, shoe maker, for five years nine months.

Levi Hardesty Joseph Eastwood

(p. 171)

September 7i 1795. Morgan Vanmetre and Mary his wife for thirty five pounds sold to Jonah Seaman one hund- red and fifty acres on Short Creek — said Morgan Vanmetre being heir at law of Joseph Vanmetre dec'd, joining John McGolloch, Elizabeth Gean (Zane) William Boggs and William Vanmetre.

V/itness Morgan Vanmetre Moses Chapline George Mathews William Vanmetre

(p. 172)

September 7, 1795. Isaac Taylor and Marey his wife sold to Morgan Hurst for one hundred and twenty five pounds, ninety five acres on south fork of Short Creek joining Levi Millsj

Isaac Taylor Marey Taylor

(p. 173)


September 1795. Providence Mounts and Hannah his wife sold to Allen Metcalf for sixteen dollars lot 23 in West Liberty, Joining John Relfe.

Providence Mounts


October 6, 1795. Charles Prather of CharlesTovm sold to Jacob Lefler of Washington County Pennsylvania for seventy dollars lots 19, 302, 303 in CharlesTown. Charles Prather

(p. 175)

April 2, 1795. Samuel Marshall and Fanny his wife sold to Francis Morrison for fourteen pounds, seventy three acres on Cross Creek and the State line joining Benjamin Wells and John Rowland.

Witness Samuel Marshall John Morrison Fanny X Marshall Joseph Morrison mark Joseph Morrison Junr. Major Walker (p. 176)

September 20, 1795. Daniel and John Giffen sold to George Roberts for two hundred pounds, two hundred and ninety '^j. eight acres joining James Pursley.

Witness Daniel Giffen James Hall John Giffen VJaitman Sepple Jno. Steele (p. 177)

May 5, 1795. Jonas Mentzer and Susannah his wife of Western territory in Settlement of Indian Shortcreek sold to John Fulton of Ohio County for fifty three pounds twenty six and one half acres joining John Wilson.

V/itness Jona Mentzer James C£ildwell Susannah Mentzer Wm. Skinner Zachariah Sprigg (p. 173)

October 5, 1795. Baldwin Parsons and Rachel his wife sold to Benjamin Wheeler for twelve hundred dollars, two hundred acres on Cross Creek and Buffalo Creek.

Baldwin Parsons

(p. 179)


October 5, 1795. Moses Orms and Elizabeth his wife sold to Thomas Creighton for ninety three pounds fifteen shill- ings, one hundred and twenty six acres on McMachen^s Run Joining William Griffen and Brice Vier.

Witness Moses Orms Richard Elson James Walla ce (p. ISO)

October 5, 1795. Charls Prather of CharlesTown sold to Sebastion Deare of the same place for six dollars, 4 lots.

Charles Prather

(p. 131)

July 20, 1795. Nathaniel Morgan of Washington County Maryland sold to Benjamin Tyson of County and State afore- said for one bundled pounds, one thousand acres on McElroy fork a branch of Middle Island Creek.

Nathaniel Morgan Judith Morgan

(p. 132)

October 6, 1795. Elijah Cole and tortha his wife sold to Josias Reeves of Washington County Pennsylvania for ninety pounds lots 25 i 69, 400 in CharlesTown. Elijah Cole

(p. 133)

June 1, 1795. Alexander Fulton of Washington County Pennsylvania sold to John Fulton of Ohio County Virginia for sixty dollars land in Ohio County.

Witness Alex'dr Fulton John Relfe Zac. Sprigg Robt. McClure

(p. 134)


October 5, 1795» Moses Orms and Elizabeth his wife sold te Thomas Creighton for ninety three pounds fifteen shillings one hundred and twenty six acres on McMachens Run, join- ing William Griffin and Brice Vier.

Witness Moses Orras Richard El son James Wallace (p. 1^0)

October 5, 1795. Charls Prather of Charlestown sold to Sebastian Deare of the same place for six dollars, four lots.

Charles Prather

(p. 131)

July 20, 1795. Nathaniel Morgan of Washington County, Mary- land sold to Benjamin Tyson of the County and State afore- said for one hundred pounds, one thousand acres on McElroy Run or fork, a branch of Middle Island Creek.

Nathaniel Morgan wife Judith Morgan

(p. 132)

October 6, 1795o Elijah Cole and Martha his wife sold to Josias Reeves of Washington County, Pennsylvania for ninety pounds, lots 25, 69 and 400 in Gharlestowno

Elijah Cole

(p. 134)

June 1, 1795. Alexander Fulton of Washington County, Penn- sylvania sold to John Fulton of Ohio County for sixty dollars land conveyed to Alexander and Jane Fulton by Samuel Fulton.

Witness Alex'dr Fulton John Relfe Zac. Sprigg Robt. McClure

(p. 135)

September 4, 1735. Joseph Goddard of the State of Kentucky sold to Stout Chaimberlain for three hundred dollars, eighty acres of land.

Witness Joseph Goddard Benjamin Biggs Frances Goddard Philip Doddridge Elsey Swearin^en

(p. 136)


November 2, 1795. Joseph Goddard and Frances his wife ol' Morrow County, Kentucky sold to James Stout of Ohio County Virginia for sixty pounds, two hundred acres on the waters of the Ohio River joining Jacob Ccchron.

Witness Joseph Goddard Benjamin Biggs Franees Goddard Philip Doddridge Elsey Swearingen (pol87)

November 4, 1795. Jonathon Taylor sold to George Gibson and John Hyde for sixty pounds, one hundred and fifty acres on the waters of Middle Wheeling Greek joining Jacob Lind to the State line and James Martin.

Jonathon Taylor

(p. 188)

June 17, 1795. Moses Decker of Knox County, Territory North- west of the Ohio, yeoman, appoints Jacob Walker of Ohio County, Virginia his attorney to sell four hundred acres to Robert Meek of Ohio County, Virginia being land Moses Deck- er bought of Charles Decker and sold to Robert Meek in 17S3.

Witness Moses Decker Richard Johnson Jno. Thomson Abraham Snepp (p.lS9)

October 13, 1795. Charles Wells and Elizabeth his wife sold to Adam Selman for six hundred dollars (plus twenty) two hundred and thirty three acres on the waters of Buffalo Creek joining John Harris.

Witness Charles Welli Moses Chap line Sam Caldwell Junr. Jno. Relfe (p. 190)

October 13, 1795. Charls Wells and Elizabeth his wife sold to Bennidick Wells for four hundred pounds, one hundred and thirty and three fourths acres of land on Buffalo Creek.

Witness Charls Wells Moses Chap line James Caldwell John Relfe (p. 191)

November 2, 1795. Charls Wells and Elizabeth his wife sold to Rev. James Hughes, William Beard Jr., Henry Harvey, William Crithers, William Buchannan and John Moore for love and affection theyihold for the congregation on


Buffalo novj under the care of said James Hughes and for three pounds, two and one fourth acres being part of land said Charles Wells now lives on, on the road to John McCormacks.

Witness Charles \;ell6 William Beard Isaac Meek

(p. 192)

November 2, 1795. John Connell of Charlestown, attorney for John Greer and Elenor his wife late of Charlestown sold to William Congleton of Charlestov;n for sixty dollars lots 40S and 41^ in Charlestown.

John Connell

(p. 193)

October 22, 1795. William Shepherd sold to William McColloch for twenty eight pounds fifteen shillings one hundred and fifteen acres on waters of Big Wheeling Creek.

Witness Wm. Shepherd Wm. McKinley Jno. Steel John Connell (p. 194)

October 1795. William Sutherland and his wife and Richard Talbut and Temprance his wife of Washington Coiknty, Oennsylvania sold to Josias Reeves of Washing- ton County, Pennsylvania for forty dollars lots 16 and 60 in Charlestown,

Richard Talbott Temprance Talbott

(p. 195)

October 13) 1795. Adam Selman and Mai^- his wife sold to Charls Wells for sixty six pounds, sixty six acres on Buffalo Creek joining John Tilton.

Witness Adam Selmaa Moses Chapline James Caldwell Junr. John Relfe (p. 196)

o ^ 35

Chaplme ol December 5, 1795. Moses Chapline sold to William Washington County, Maryland for five pounds, one thousand acres on the head waters of Point Pleasant fork a branch of Middle Island Creek, joining John Caldwell. Moses Chapline

(p. 197)

December 30, 1795. Gasper Revonough of Washington County Pennsylvania sold to Christian Huteraan of the same State and County, two hundred acres on the head waters of Little Grave Creek.

Witness Gasper X Revenough Jeremiah Ellis mark George Kitts Lazerous Cole (p. 198)

November 11, 1795. George McNabb and Martha his wife sold to Isaac Holms for one hundred and fifty pounds, one hund- rea' aiind thirty acres on the waters of Buffalo Creek.

Witness George McNabb Nathan Griffith Martha McNabb Samuel Holms Joseph Holms (p»I99)

DeccTiber 7, 1795. Hezekiah Bukey sold to James Johnson and James Eagleson both of Cross Creek Township in Wash- ington County, Pennsylvania for tvro hundred and thirty nine pounds fifteen shillings, one hundred and thirty seven acres in the forks of Short Creek, Ohio County, Virginia joining Pforgan Vanraetre, Daniel Morgan, Van Swearingen being a tract of land granted to James Ryan, heir at law of Thomas Ryan, dec'd who was assignee of Philip Bile. Hezekiah Bukey

(p. 200)

December 7, 1795. William McConnell of Charlestown sold to Michael Carrol of Charlestown for one hundred dollars lots 27 and 71 William McConnel

(p. 201)

to December 7, 1795. Daniel Teril and Jenney his wife sold Robt. Stewart one hundred and twelve acres for one hundred pounds, joining Andrew Robinson and Wilson.

Witness Daniel Terril Philip Witten, Robert Giffen, Jenney X Terril John Duncai marV (r>.?0?)


December 7, 1795o Moses Decker sold to Robt. Meek for three hundred and seventy pounds, three hundred and eighty two acres on waters of Cross Creek joining Merryman, and William Greathouse.

Witness Moses Decker James Wallace Reuben Foreman (p. 203)

July 21, 1794. Richard Yeats and Barbary his wife of Clark County, Kentucky sold to John Blackmore of Fredrick County Virginia for one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars two hundred and eighty three acres on Wheeling Creek, Ohio County, Virginia joining Moses Shepherd,

Witness Richard Yeats William Hazelrigg Barbara Yeats (Clark CO. Ky.T jp_^^^,

October 15, 1795. James Caldwell Junr. and Frances his wife sold to John Strieker of Baltimore, Maryland for one hundred sixty eight pounds fifteen shillings, ninety acres in Ohio County Virginia on the Ohio River joining William McMachen,

Witness James Caldwell William Caldwell Frances Caldwell Philip Doddridge Allen Metcalf (po206)

December 9, 1795. David Denny and Margaret his wife sold to James VJatt of Washington County, Pennsylvania for forty pounds, one hundred acres on Big Wheeling Creek joining Moses V/illiamson and Jno. Baird. Witness David Denny Allen Metcalf Margaret X Denny Zach. Biggs mark Philip Doddridge (p. 207)

July 12, 1795. William Glenn heir at law to Thomas Glenn dec'd, of Hardin County, Kentucky for four hundred and eighteen dollars sold to Moses Chapline of West Liberty Ohio County Virginia land on the Ohio River and Glenns Run joining Thomas Glenn dec'd who settled there in 1774. my elder brother (of William).

Witness William Glenn John Relfe J.W. Hilliard James C?ldwell (P.20S)


and Mary his wife sold January 4, 1796 o Thomas Johnston and twehty to George Chapman for five dollars, two hundred Johnston, seven acres being part of a tract granted to Jacob

Witness Thomas Johnson Robert Bowers John Hall croft Saml. Fanns (p. 210)

Rebeckah his wife January 4, 1796. Samuel Farnsworth and pounds sold to George Chapman for one hundred and fifteen Barr, two hundrea acres on Tomlinson Run Joining Samuel Andrew Jarrara and William Sinclair.

Witness Samuel Farnsworth Farnsworth Robert Bowers Rebeckah X John Hallcroft ma rk John Milligan (p. 211)

Damuel Eastwood December 30, 1795. Johnin (UstCM.! Senr. sold to Creek for ten shillings, two hundred acres on Wheeling Run. and Peters .^ Witness ^^^^ ^^2^' 2®"^' Grist • JamSs Cummons Elizabeth X ^^^^ John X Grist, Junr. nark ^p.^J-^;( o^o] Ames Heswood (Eastwood ?) County, Mar-y- Seotember 15, 1795. Abner Cloud of Montgomery ' and Ruth land sold to Abner Cloud Junr. of the same place shillings, Hays of Chester County, Pennsylvania for fivp thousand four hundred acres on the ridge between Little one thous- Creek and Wheeling Creek. Also a parcel of one Grave tnous- and three hundred and forty acres, a parcell ol one and four hundred acres and one of one thousand acres. Cloud Witness Abner Daniel Reintzel Charles Magruder (p. 213:

1796. John Hallcroft and Rachel his wife of January 4, Ohio Washington County Pennsylvania sold to John bpyvey of four County Virginia for one hundred and fifty pounds, hundred acres on waters of Hardin's Run.

Witness John Hallcroft Hallcroft Robert Bowers Rachel Reubin Foreman George X Chapman mark (p. 215)


December 1, 1795. George White of Charlestown sold to James McMillen for forty dollars, lot 20 in Charlestown. George White

(p. 123)

January 4, 1796. Alexander Cowan and Ann his wife of Wash- ington County Pennsylvania sold to George Swinehart of the same place for ten dollars, one hundred acres on head waters of Tomlinson Run joining William Sinclair, John Blackburn and Andrew McBlure.

Witness Alexr. Cowan William Sutherland Ann Cowan George White ^^^^^^^

Wash- December 4, 1795. Alexander Cowan and Ann his wife of ington County, Pennsylvania sold to Andrew McClure of Ohio County Virginia for one hundred and sixty dollars ninety six and one half acres on Tomlinson' s Run joining Hugh Cowan and John Bever.

Witness Alexander Cowan William Sutherland George White Robert Woods (p,.229)

October S, 1795. Robert Woods and Lovy his wife sold to James Woods for three hundred and fifty dollars, two hundred and six acres joining the Ohio River below mouth of Fish Creek, Philip Hupp and Nicholas Coon heir at law to Adam Coon dec'd.

Witness Robert Woods William Brown Lovely Woods Andrew Woods

Archibald Woods . ^^^. (p,220) July 18, 1795. .... Robert Woods and Lovely his wife sold to Moses Chaplme lor two hundred pounds, four hundred acres being part of a tract which Robert Woods now lives on - on Ohio River bank joining heirs of Thomas Glenn.

Witness Robert Woods Alexa. Caldwell Lovely Woods Solm. McColloch Susan Caldwell

(p. 221)


May 20, 1795. George McColloch sold to William Hutson for forty five dollars, three hundred acres in partner- ship with Dorsey Pentecost, on the waters of Buffalo Creek joining Henry Harvey and George McColloch Jr.

Witness George McColloch John W. Hilliard James Caldwell Benjamin Biggs ^^^^22)

of Virginia April 7, 17^7. Edmund Randolph Esqr. Governor grants to John Grice three hundred and twenty acres in- cluding his settlement of 1776, on waters of Wheeling Creek joining Jonathon Hook.

Edmund Randolph Moses Chapline

(p. 223)

January 20, 1796. Moses Chaplime of Best Liberty and Mary his wife sold to John Lee, merchant, of Hagerstown for one thousand one hundred dollars, two hundred and fifteen acres on Wheeling Creek joining Ebenezer Zane. Moses Chapline Mary Chapline

(p. 223).

January 12, 1796. Philip Hawking sold to Joseph McCune a certain mulato woman slave named Kate for seventy six pounds.

Witness Philip X Hawrcins Moses Chapline mark Francis Hardesty (p. 224)

of February 5, 1796. Elijah Cooper and Deborah his wife Charlestown sold to Hezekiah Griffith of the same place for fifty dollars lots 267, 26a, 306, 307. Elijah Cooper DeboBarh Cooper

(p. 224)

February 2, 1796. Matthew Wallace of York County, Pennsyl- vania and Susannah his wife sold to Thomas McCroom of Washington County, Pennsylvania for seventy two pounds land on south side of Buffalo Creek. Matthew Wallace Susannah Wallace

(p. 226)


and Margaret his wife sold to M.r..h <^ 17Q6 Joseph McCune "" pounds, thtsfe hunhrea and nine "^Calvln CarW for oL hundred acres on Frandstaff Run. Joseph McCune Witness Margaret X McOune V;m. Shepherd ^g^^^ Wm. Scott (p,229)

Joseph McKune for one M....h A 1796 Calvin Carey sold tp hundred and fifty acres on Mxddle ''"'one hundred poSndl; three Island Creek. Calvin Carey Witness Willi«m Shepherd

. Williara Scott (p. 228) and Catherine^hls^wlf.aold^^^ Ha.=h 7, 1V96. John Snodgraos ox wao James and Joseph ^ thirty three cents ."' £~:1i^r^.in/a ,o..„. fc^reronTr^jf C^r W^ Williams. Daniel Calendin and William John Baker Hally Baker


Washington County, Penn- d 17QA Samuel Caruthers of

Dorse/ P.ntecu Tomlinson Run joining Robert Barr, Duncan McKeehan. Samuel Caruthers Witness John Cook George Banfield (p. 229)

wife^sold^to Hedges and Rebecca his March 7, 1796. Charles join- sH^lrore^doilfrr-velltfa?rtS on Short Creek fnrf Boner. ing Benjamin Biggs and William Charles Hedges Rebeckah X Hedges mark

(p. 230)

March 7, 1796. John Duke and Catherine his wife sold to Joseph Hedges son of Charles Hedges for three dollars and thirty three cents per acres, thirty acres and one hundred and six poles on Short Creek.

John Duke Catherine Duke

(p. 231)

March S, 1796. Reubin Foreman and Ruth his wife sold to James Caldv/ell, Zachariah Sprigg, Ebenezer Zane, John Boggs, Joseph Tomlinson, George McColloch, Robert V.oods, Benjamin Biggs, John Beck, William Griffith, William Sutherland, John Henderson, Robert McClure, George Cox, Richard Wells, Alexander Stephenson, Justices of the Peace of Onio County for one dollar, two acres for use of the public in West Liberty. Reuben Foreman Ruth Foreman

(p. 232)

January 19, 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to John Relfe, attorney at law, for forty five dollars, lot 41 in Wheeling whereon Alexander Pettit has erected a house. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane


March 7, 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to John McColloch for eighty dollars, lots 7 and 11 in Wheeling, Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane


November 1795. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to John i^MttHi^ McDonnald for seventeen dollars, lot 101 in \,Tieeling. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

'.p. 235]

November 1795. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to George Cookas for seventy five dollars, lots 47 and 16 in Wheeling. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane (po235)


November 1795. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to William McConnel for forty nine dollars, lots 102,103, 104 in Wheeling.

Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 236)

November 1795. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to Samuel Parr for thirtyseven dollars lots 64 and 25 where Stephen nov/ lives.

Ebenezer Zane Elizabetn Zane

(p. 237)

November 1795. Ebenezer Zane and Elisabeth his wife sold to Archibald McDonnald for thirty dollars lot 55 in Wheeling,

(p. 237)

1790. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth Zane sold to John Mills for a sura, lots 9^ and 106 joining John McColloch Sr. and Junr. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane


March 2, 1796o Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth Zane sold to William Waddle for forty dollars lot 52 on which Waddle now lives. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 239)

February 1, 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth Zane sold to Alexander Pettit for sixty dollars lot 17 in Wheeling.

Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 239)

March 7, 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth Zane sold to William(Sinclair) St. Clair for thirty five dollars lot 56 in Wheelingo

Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 240)

1796. Ebenezer Z?no and Elisabeth Zane sold to William Dement for thirty five dollars lot 25 in "Wheeling. Ebenezer Zane

Elizabeth Zane

(p. 241)

March 2, 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth Zane sold to Samuel Emchannon for forty dollars lot 10 in V.'hc-cling. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zanc

(p. 241)

1790. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth Zane sold to Thomas Walker for forty seven dollars lot 53 in V,1ieeling joining James Templeton. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane


March 9, 1796. Reubin Foreman and Ruth his wife of West Liberty sold to Jacob Croes and Jane his wife for one dollar a lot in West Liberty.

Reuben Foi'e:Ti:-.n Ruth Foronian

'> 0.250)

November 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth Zane sold to James Knox for forty dollars lot 22 in Wheeling. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane


March 3, 1796. Ja.nes Andrews and Mary his wife, Willia.a Andrews and Elizabeth his wife sold to Robert Tilin, William Tilin and Robert jtorehead for two hundred and thirty dollars two hundred acres being part of land granted said Jamea and Di^vis' line, Williara Andrews by John Little , near widow Joseph Ralston, Williara Gibbs and James Carabel.

Witness James X Ancrev7S \7illiam Ledlie mark Robt. Cambelle William Andrews (po24^)


March 9, 1796. James Andrews sold to William Andrews for three hundred dollars, one hundred and four acres.

James Andrews (p. 246)

March 10, 1796. John Relfe and Jane his wife sold to Rich'd Spears of Charlestwon for four dollars lots 190,192, 231, 232 in Charlestown.

John Relfe Jane Kelfe

(p. 247)

March 8, 1796. John Beck sold to Thomas Beck for one hundred dollars, one hundred and sixty acres on Buffalo Creek join- ing Andrew Ramsey and Samuel Graham.

John Beck ,

(p. 24^)

March 1796, Thomas Creighton and Mary his wife of Washington County, Pennsylvania sold to William Lee for one hundred and fifty one pounds four shillings, one hundred and twenty six acres on McMachan Run joining William Griffith and Brice Vier. Thomas Creighton

(p. 2.9)

April 4, 17''96. John Morgan and Sarah liis wife sold to Mordecai Morgan for one thousand dollars, one hundred and twenty acres on Short Creek joining Edward Morgan.

Witness John Morgan James Gamble Sarah Morgan

(p. 250)

April 5, 1796. Charles Prather of Charlestown sold to Robert Carson, tanner, for one dollar and ten dollars lots 243, and 2^8 in Charlestown.

Charles Prather

(p. 251)

April 4, 1796. Charles Prather of Charlestown sold to Caleb Griffith for one hundred dollars lots on Ohio Street and High Street in Chariestown.

Charles Prather

(p. 252)

Charles Prather of Charlestown sold to aorii 5 rnb. dollars two lots ^ Samuel Geri-en of tne place for tv.o Charlestown. on Green and High Streets in Charles Prather

(p. 253)

to John Hays and Elizabeth his wife sold April 4, 1796. hundred and uweuty Potts and James Potts for two ^^obek Creek. pounds, twenty six acres on King John Hays Viitness J. Edie Danl. Preston Root. Parks (p. 254)

of '^'fest Reuben Foreman and Ruth his wife 'Aor^-n L 1796 twenty one aollars sold to'john Long tanner for "llbtrtf cents, lots ^1 ana ^^ and thirty three and one third in West Liberty. Reuben Foreman VJitnoss Providence Mounts Absolom Ridgely Abraham Robain (p.265)

wife Davld Shepherd and Rachel his To,,„ = rnr 7f> 1796 '° '^sl?^ ?o'phI?i; Wh?tten^fo/one ^-^ftj.fone ciOr.=s ^.^l^-^^.^jrj.iaxng ^o.m pounds, two hundred and thirty I<(itchel. David Shepnerd V/itness Hezekiah Thornsbery Rachel Shepherd David Mclntire Junro William Shepherd, (p. 257)

Alexander and Hugh l.:itchexl. John Mitchell

(p. 258)


Janua-rv ?.6, 1795. David Shepherd and Rachel hit> wife sold to .'Cinyey Dicheson for eight:^ live pounds, one hundred and seventy acrer? joining John I'itcheil.

Witness David Shepherd Hezekiah Thornbery David Mclntire Rachel 3 hop herd William Shepherd, Junr.

(p. 258)

May ?, 1796, C?lvin Carey sold to Jof-eph IcKune for one hundi-ed pounds, three hundred and fifty icres on Middle Island Greek.

Calvin Carey

(p. 260)

March 2, 1796. Joseph McKune and Margaret his wife cold to David Burch for tiventy nine pounds, fifty eight acres joining William Martin,

Witness Joseph McKune Joseph Gess i-Iargaret Mcilune


March 10, 1796. James Hall and Sarah his wife sold to Isaac Taylor for one thousand nine hundred and fifty L;ix. dollars, four hundred acres on Glenn's Run joining Snodgrass, McFabland and John Vvilliams.

V/itness James Hall Robert McClure Sarah Hall Moses Chacline Tachues (Zacheus) Biggs


May 2 J 1796. Isaac Meek and Rachel his wife sold to Reason " Furaphr^y for five hundred aoliars, three hundred and eighty four acres on Buffalo Creek,

Isaac Keek Rachel X ieek mark

I p. 255)

Januaiy 29, 1795. David Shepherd and Rachel nis wife sold to William Warnick for one hundred and twelve pounds, two hundred and twenty four acres joining Joseph Terrell Philip V.Tiitton and Kensey Dickeson.

Witness David Shepherd David Mclntire, Junr, Rachel Shepherd Hezekiah Thornsbury (p.2H)


fifty six pounds James Reed sold to William Merick for 1796. of Buffalo Creek aAd five shillings land on the south branch and John Humphrey. SSovm II Long Run joining George Humphrey James Reed Agness Reed


fifty six pounds James Reed sold to William Merick for 1796. on the south branch aAd shillings, seventy five acres me near George Humphrey, of Buffalo Creek known as Long Run, James Reed Agness Reed

(p. 265)

West Lib- William McKinley and Jane his wife of Mav 2 1796. Charlestown for one hund- erty sold to Hezekiah Griffith of and in Charlestown. red and fifty pounds, two lots 29 ^9 William McKinley Jane McKinley.

(p. 266)

McMillan and Jane McMillan his wife of Mav 2 1796. James County Penn^ sold to Sa^el Agnew of Washington "'^hlrllstiwn ana in sylvania for seventy pounds, lots 291, 292 ^yj> Charlestown.

\^ James McMillan V Jane McMillan

(p. 268)

Jane his wife of Charlestown 2 1796. James McMillen and May same place for five pounds ^soid to Hezekiah Griffith of the lot 129 in Charlestown. ^^^^ McMillen Jane McMillen


sold to William Waddle for May 2. 1796. William St. Clair fifty dollars lot 56 in Wheeling. William StiClair


Little Britain Township of October 13. 1795. John Ruburn of Pennsylvania, yeoman, sold to James Hend- Lancaster CouAty, Pennsylvania cefird TowAship of York County, erson of Chan Virginia join- and forty acres in Ohio County, two hundred ^arruthers Dorsey ing SuScafMcSeehe^'sanel and Ezekiel and Ester his wife Pentecost, which he bought of Robert Barr


Also sixty four acres bought of Samuel Barr and Sarah his v/ife.

Witness John Reburn Jacob Slo. Caesner Jane Henry Jno. Jos. Henry (p»270)

May 2, 1796. Richd. Boys and Margret his wife of Allegh- eney County Pennsylvania sold to Alexander Campbell of Ohio County Virginia for four hundred and forty dollars three hundred and twenty six acres on the waters of King's and Harmon's Creeks near Philip Beal, Hugh Armstrong, Andw. Dunn and Joseph Ralston.

Witness Richard Eoys George Cox Margret Boys John Bukey Zac Sprigg (p»273)

December 19, 1795. Samuel Caldwell of the city of Phila- dejiphia, merchant, sold to James Caldwell, Archibald Woods John Caldwell and Moses Chapline all of Ohio County, Virg- inia for two thousand pounds, twenty one tracts of land containing in whole seventeen thousand acres.

Witness Samuel Caldvvelj Richard Hurst Dav. Caldwell (p. 274)

February 23, 1796. John Wells son of Thos. Wells of the State of Kentucky sold to Richard Wells son of James of Pennsylvania for seventy pounds money of Kentucky land on both sides of the mouth of Cross Creek joining Abraham Vanmetre.

V/itness John Wells John Johnston Dinah Wells John Wilson of Mason Co. Ky. Mason Co. Kyo Francis Wells (p. 277)

March 7i 1796. William McKinly and Jane his wife of West Liberty sold to John Connell of Charlestown for fifty dollars lots 97,9^,137,13^ in Charlestown. William McKinly Jane McKinly

(p. 278)


Ghapline January U, 1796. Alexander Caldwell sold to Moses acres at the for dne thousand dollars half of four hundred mouth of VJheeling Creek.

Witness Alexander Caldv-ell Jno. Wo Hi Hard Charles Liberghen Beck Samuel (p„279)

in Rennsalier September 12, 1794. Joseph Spencer of Hosick Pennsylvania sold to John D. Dickison for nmeuy County Ferine pounds lot 18 on Middle Island Creek near Isaac containing one thousand acres. Spencer Witness ^°^^P^ Elijah James Servat Nichs. M. (p,2ai)

in the County September 12, 1794. Joseph Spencer of Hasick James Dale of of Renssaieer sold to Elijah James and Lansingburgh in Rennsaleer County, [H.) '^^''''^'^^};l\,i''\^.^^^.on .4iddle Island ninety pounds a tract of one thousand acres Creek, (Rennssaleer Co. probably N.Y.) Spencer Witness J°s^Ph Jno. D. Dickenson Nichs. M. Servat N.Y. Jno. W. Hillard Alexn. Caldwell Chapline Moses 282) Ohio Co. Vao (p.

Isaac Hillard of Fairfield County, Connecticut No date. City, his wife sold to William Bowne of New York and Sarah thousand merchant, for ine hundred and ten pounds, twelve Greek. seven hundred and ten acres on Middle Island

uHtnp^c; l^aac Hillard Hillard ViVllll Sturgesc.„^„.. Sarah X Deborah mark John Sturges (p.284J

wife sold 1796. Neheraiah Viers and Lurannah his Anril 19. hunored and ^ John Henderson for two hundred pounds, one to and Lilii-^m nine acres on McMachans Run near Richard Wells Greathouse. I Viers Witness Nehemiah ^'^^^ James Wallace George Edgington Levy X Morris -'^ar^^ (po286)


May 23, 1796. James Campbel Sr. and Patience his wife sold to John Svjearingen for six hundred ponnds, four hundred acres on the waters of Harmon's Greek.

V«itness James Campbell James Wallace Patience X Campbell Daniel Swearingen mark Robert Campbell


May 14, 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to George Harrison, judge, of the borough of Willmington, Delaware, limner, for one hundred dollars lot 51 in Vi^heeling, (this name may be George Harrison Judge)

Ebenezer Zane iilizabeth Zanr

(p. 289)

April 20, 1793. I do appoint Wilks Hillard my attorney to transact a parcil of land bought from Isaac Hillard five hundred acres and he my attorney to sell the land.

Witness George Parry Richard Br eats (p. 291)

May 2, 1796. Samuel Osburn and Sarah his wife sold to Roger Hill for two hundred pounds, one hundred and sixty five acres on Deep Cut Run near Henry Emmons, Hugh Pjigh, William Raridolph,and Thomas Johnston,

Witness Samuel Osburn Moses Chaplin ;;;arah X Osburn James Caldwell mark Isaac Taylor

(p. 291)

June 6, 1796, Adam Grindstaff and wife Elizabfebh sold to Robert Linn for thirty seven pougids and ten shillings, one hundred acres on Wheeling Creek,

Witness Adam X Grindstaff James Caidv/eil Jr. mark Charles Russell Samuel Ellis (p. 294)

» » 51

June 6, 1796. Philip Whitten and Ruth his wife sold to the trustees of the Short Creek Congregation, namely Robei-t Correy, John McCune, Sanue]. Robinson, Robert Stewart under care of the second associate reformed Presbyterian of Pennsylvania, for five shillings, one acres of land joining Samuel Robinson and Philip Whitten

Witness Philip Witten Zac. Sprigg Ruth X Witten Samuel Buchannon

(p. 295)

April 4, 1796. James Griffith and Jar::ima his wife of CherlGs- ton sold to Michael Rouse of the sane pls.ce for one hund- red dollars lot 57 in Charlestown.

Witness James Griffith George White Jammie Griffith Jas. Marshall John Agnew

(p. 296)

June 6, 1796. Adam Grindstaff sold to Andrew Hanna for thirty seven pounds and ten shillings, one hundred acres on Wheeling Creek.

Witness Adam X Grindstaff Charles Russell mark James Caldwell Jr. Elizabeth X Grindstaff Samuel Ellis mark

(p. 297)

June 6, 1796. Samuel Beck late of the County of Kent, State of Maryland sold to Thomas Beck of Ohio County, Virginia for one thousand dollars, two hundred and twenty six acres on Buffalo Creek

Samuel Beck

(p. 298)

June 6, 1796, Sanuel Beck late of Kent County, State of Maryland sold to Samuel Beck of Ohio County Virginia two hundred and twenty six acres of land on Buffalo Creek for one thousand dollars o Near John Beck settlements

Samuel Eecl;

(p. 299)

May 3, 1796, John Swearingen sold to James Campbell for six hundred pounds, four hundred acres en Harmon's Creek.

Witness John Swearingen James Wallace Daniel Swearingen Robert Campbell ^ (d.^OQ]

o 52

for Martin VJhitsel sold to Jacob vv'hitsel Tnnp 6 1796. being land Lp'thousl'^d dollars, one hundred acres it

sfti* Louis Whitsel. Martin X V/hitsel mark

(p. 301)

Maryland. I, Nicholas Aoril 30,1795. Baltimore County,

Pennsylvaniao sen iSnd in Washington County, Nicholas Ridgeley Witness Geo. Gouldth Presbury Sara'l \fincent (p»302)

Ohio County, Virginia Mathew Ritchey Witness Isabella Ritchey John Ritchey (p. 303)

VJycoph. Matthew Ritchie Witness Isataelle Ritchie John Ritchie (p. 304)

^eru.syiv Smith of V'ashinieton (.ounty wheeling .he line. ^?ttf:;4arS..Sr::erBodt ^^:^^lr.a James Knox Witness Reuben Foreman j^^^h Knox James Hughs Providence Mounts (p. 305)


his wife sold to May 3, 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth William St. Clair for fifteen dollars lot 95 in Wheeling. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 306)

wife sold to July 4, 1796. John Graham and Sarah his Morrice Baker of Washington County Pennsylvania for two hundred and twenty five pounds, one hundred and ten acres on Cross Creek. Witnps^ John Grayham ^amefwallace Sarah Grayham Maurice Baker (p. 307)

1796. John Grayham and Sarah his wife sold to July 4, hundred James Cole for one hundred and forty pounds, one and thirty five and three fourths acres on Cross Creek. witnpss «Joh^ Grayham Grayham !imes Wallace Sarah Morice Baker (p. 308)

wife 1796. Charles Russell and Polly Russell his May 5. Taylor of Washington County Pennsylvania sold to Jonathon five and John Miller of the same county and state for hundred pounds, one hundred and ninety five acres on Wheeling Creek in Ohio County Virginia. Charles Russell Mary Russell

(p. 309)

of U.S. 1796. John Cruson of Northwest Territory July 4. County sold to Absolom Ridgely and Isaac Taylor of Ohio and two hundred and twenty five poinds, two hundred for John forty acres on Castleman's Run, near Samuel Grimes, Beck, John Tater, Lazarous Ryan and Philip Smith. Cruson v;itness John John Dawson Zac Sprigg Thomas Sutherland (p. 310)


Pennsylvania Samuel Strain of Washington County Julyy 1,1 1796. Lackey of Ohio Elizabeth his wife sold to ^lexr. Ld two pounds ^^n shillings, County, carpenter, for fifty joining Thomas Madden. one huAdred and forty acres Samuel Strain Elizabeth Strain

(p. 311)

and Elizabeth his v.ife of Tnlv 1 1796. Sanuel Strain

Samuel Strain Elizabeth Strain

(p. 313) Pennsyl- Strain of Washington County Julvouiy X,1 ^'^^*1796. Samuel oi . ,_^.. Carsweli ^.T y.^^ ^ife sold to James

County joining Thomas Madden. Samuel Strain Elizabeth Strain


Ruhima his wife sold to -7 MQf^ Jacob iVhetsel and

of said Jacob Whetsel Jacob Whetsel Ruhima Whetsel

(p. 315)

sold to John Connel and Mary his wife August 3 1796. hundred dollar, '"'john^Caldwell for one thousand ^ight forty sxx three hundred and ^J^tL^nh Va^et?e and Morgan Vanmetre heir at 1^^ o^/°^^P^ -- ^astJ'^^^f,^!brauch oiof Shortohort conveyed to John Connel land o"^, Abraham Vanmetre, John Spahr. C?eek joining James fiyan. John Connell Mary Connell

(p. 316)


August 1, 1796. Charles Wells and Elizabeth his wife sold to Samuel Bordon for six pounds, thirteen and one eighth

acres on Buffalo Creek .

Witness Charles Wells James Caldwell; Junr. Edward C. Owen Abraham Sells


July 30, 1796. Robert Carson and Margret his wife of Mingo Bottom on west side of Ohio River sold to Job Lewis and James Burk of Ohio County for forty pounds lots 215, 216 in Charlestown Virginia.

Robert Carson Margaret X Carson mark


July 30, 1796. Robert Carson and Margret Carson his wife of Mingo Town in V/estern Territory sold to George White of Charlestown Ohio County for sixty dollars lots 103, 104 in Charlestown,

Robert Carson Margret X Carson mark

(p. 319]

August 1, 1796. Charls Prather sold to Christian Calend- ine of Charlestown for six dollars lots 292,293,294 and three lots not numbered. To pay six dollars a year,

(p. 320)

August 1, 1796. Charles Prather sold to Samuel Bruce, a free negro, for twenty dollars lots 170,12^,127,

Charles Prather (p-322)

July 13, 1796. Robert Withrow of Chariestovm sold to Samuel Miller for fifty dollars lots 209,210 169.

Witness Robt. Withrow James Griffith Hugh Griffith Richard Speare

(p. 323)


May 19, 1796. William Griffith and Ann his wife sold to Alexr. Wells Sr. of Washington County Pexinsylvania for five shillings, two hundred acres on a small branch of Harmon's Creek joining Harmon Greathouse. (Land had been conveyed by AlexR. Wells to William Griffith and Ann in 1793)

William Griffith Anne Griffith

(p. 324)

June c, 179c. John Strieker s.nd Martha his wife of Bait- inci-e Tov/n Maryland sold to Archibald Weeds of Ohio County for eight hundred dollars, eight thousand acres on Proctors Run and Fish Creek joining Gunning Bedford Samuel Owings and George Strieker,

Jofen Strieker Martha Strieker

(p. 325)

July 5, 1796. V;illian Chapline of vvashington County Mar>'land sold to Thoaas Cramton of the name place for one hundred and eighty severi2pounds ten shillings, one thousand acres on head waters of Poi^t Pleasant fork a bratich of Middle Island Creek joining John Caldwell.

Wm. Chapline

(p. 326)

Decen;ber 21, 1795. John Strieker of Baltimore Town

Maryic^.nd,'cliant , sold to V.'illiam Hammond of Bait- more County, farmer, one thouvsand acres on Fish Creek and Ohio River in Ohio County Virginia, within four miles od said river, for one hundred seventy pouj^dso

Witness John Strieker James Calhoun Nicholas Rodgers Baltimore. (P.32S)

'uly 5, 1796. V/illlain Ghanline of Viashinjjton County Maryland sold to Thomas Crarapton of the sajrie place for one hundred eighty seven pounas ten shillings, one thousand acres on head waters of Point Pleasant fork a branch of Middle Island Creek joining John Caldwell being a tract which was granted to Moses Chapline.

Witness Willaim Chaoline George Scott Wia. Good

(p. 330)


July 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to Archibald Woods for one hundred eighty eight dollars and sixty cents, five and one third lots on bank of Ohio River above the mouth of ViHieeling Creek lots 2,29,65, 66,90,40, joining John Mclntire, Andrew Woods, Robert Woods, in Wheeling.

Ebenezer Zane

(p. 331)

August 3, 1796. Archibald Elson sold to John Graham for one hur\dred fifty pounds, two hundred and fifty acres on Cros.s Creek joining John Rollins, Baldwin Parson, Samuel Dunlap and State line.

Witness Archibald Elson James Wallace Richard Brown, Junr.

(p. 332)

May 6, 1795. I, DeTid Bradford do appoint James Bradford and Jaires Allison both of Washington County Pennsylvania my attorneys to sell real and pertonal estate within the state of Pennsylvania.

Witness David Bradford James Dorman V.'illiam Chandler (p. 333)

August 3> 1796. Zachariah Swearingen and Phoebe his wife sold to Fiobert Brown for one hundred sixty seven pounds one shilling three pence, foi'ty nine and one fourtn acres on Sheer Creek joining t-lorgan iiurst ana wiaow Brady.

Witness Zachariah Swearingen James Wallace Phoebe Swearingen Beal Pumphrey (p. 334)

March 5, 1796. John Fitspatrick and Charlotte J'itspat- rick his wife sold to Hezekiah Griffith of Charlestovm for fifty dollars, eight lots not numoered in Charles- tovm.

Witness Jofen X Fitspatrick James Griffith mark Jas. Marshall Richd. Sherr

(p. 335)


July 7, 1796. James Bradford and James Allison attorneys for David Bradford late of the tov/n of VJashington, and Elizabeth Bradford his vdfe sold to Zachariah Spriggs of West Liberty two hundred and ninety nine acres of land also negroes and furniture.

James Bradford James Allison Elizabeth Bradford

(p. 336)

June 1, 1796. Josua Howard of Frederick County Maryland sold to Archibald Woods of Ohio County whereas James Howard late of Annarundel County Maryland dec'd, by will of I7B5 did appoint Ephraim Howard and Josua Howard his executors, Josua Howard as remaining executor does sell for ten pounds, two tracts of five hundred acres each on Middle Island Creek, joining Moses Ghapline.

Witness Josua Howard Wm. Owings Saral Owings

( Frederick Co. Ma.) (p. 335^)

June 1, 1796. Josua Hov;ard executor for James Howard, of Frederick County Maryland sold to Archibald Woods for ten pounds five hundred acres on Middle Island Creek.

Witness Josua Howard Wm. Owings Saml. Owings (p. 340)

August 25,1796. John McComb and Rachel his wife sold to Charles Teal for fifty pounds, three acres on Cross Creek.

Witness John McComb Jas. Griffith Asa Teal John Adaras jr. {p.}L,3)

September 5, 1796. John Tilton and Susannah his wife sold to Adam Selman for one hundred and fifty dollars twenty nihe and three fourths acres on Buffalo CreeK.

Witness John Tilton Philip Dodridge Moses Ghapline Susannah X Tilton Elzey Swearingen mark

(p. 344)


September 5, 1796. John Edgington and Ann his wife sold to John Adams for two hundred and forty pounds eighty acres on Cross Greek joining William Engle ana AsaTeal.

V/itness John Edgirigx,on James Wallace Ann Edgmggton Alexr. Campbell


September 5, 1796. John Vanbuskirk and Betsy his wile sold to Sarauo] Osburn for five hundred and thiri^y seven dollars, eighty nine acres on Buffalo Creek. John Van BusKirK Betsy VanBuskirk


June 23, 1796. John Wallace of Blunt County State of Tennessee soldjii to John Reed and Standish Ford of Philadelphia Pennsylvania, merchants, for two thousand one hundred and forty nine pounds fourteen shillings, fifty seven thousand three hundred and twenty six acres on Red Bank Creek in Ohio County Virginid joining ?Tathan Gregg.

Witness oohn Wallace . John Smith David Taylor Jaraes Dilworth (Tenn.) (po34o)

August Ic, 1796. Alexander Wells of Washington County ""Pennsylvania sold to William Griffith of Ohio County for natural love and affection ne beareth to William Griffith and for the sum of five shillings, two hund- red acres on small branch of Harmon's Creek joining Harmon Greathouse in the cove. The land \^ras granted to Alex. Wells who deeded it to William and Ann Griffith(Ann Wells) who deeded it back to Alex. Wells and now Wells back to Griffith)

Alexander Ivells

(p. 343)

September 5, 1796. Richard Elson and Mary his wife sold to Richard Turner Elson for one hundred pounds one hundred acres joining Baxter. Richard Elson

(p. 349)


July 9, 1796. William Shepherd sold to Susannah Henthorn for forty pounds, seventy three plus acres joining James Henthorn and William Stephenson.

Witness William Shepherd Benjamin Mills Matthew Howell

(p. 349)

June 3, 1796. John Kelly of Bourbon County, Kentucky sold to John Wallace of Blount County, Tennessee for five hund- red pounds, fifty seven thousand three hundred and twenty six acres on Red Bank Creek joining Nathan Gregg in Ohio County,

Witness John Kelly James Jackson George Coplin (p. 350)

September 5> 1796. Robert McCoy and Rachel his wife sold to Joseph McKee for two hundred pounds, two hundred and twenty eight acres joining Arthur Erwin.

Robert McCoy Rachel X McCoy mark (p. 351)

September 5, 1796. John VanBuskirk and Betsy his wife sold to Benjamin Foster and William Storer for nine hundred and ninety two dollars, two hundred and forty eight acres on the Ohio River ^eiaiHg which was granted to Lawrance VanBuskirk and conveyed to John VanBuskirk.

John VanBuskirk Betsy VanBuskirk

(p. 352)

February 11, 1796. Ellzey Swearingen set free negro Samuel Benec late the property of Van Swearingen dec'd. Said negro was bought of the estate of Van Swearingen by Ellzy Swearingen.

Witness Ellzey Swearingen A. Swearingen Isaac Leet (p. 353)

July 4, 1796. John Basbier of Washington County , Pennsylvan- ia hath bound kiaseif his son David as apprentice to John Foot of Ohio County to learn Boot and Shoe making, for three years six months and thirteen days.

John Foot David Kase Beer John Kase Beer

. Li

July 13, 1796. Robert Withrow of Charlestown sold to Samuel Miller of the same place for fifty dollars, lots 209,210, 169 in Charlestown.

VJitness Robert Withrow James Griffith Hugh Griffith Ricd. Speare (p. 355)

August IS, 1796. William Tippins of Washington County, Penn- sylvania doth apprentice himself to Benjamin Spry of Charles- town to learn shoe and boot making, for four years from next September first.

Witmess William Tippins Benjamin Spry

(p. 356)

February 4, 1796. John Black of Washington County, Pennsyl- vania sold to Joseph Dorsey of Washington County, Pennsyl- vania, for one hundred pounds, four hundred acres in Ohio County joining Charles Dodd.

Witness John Black Henry Purviance John Simonson John Purviance of Pa. (p. 357)

April 18, 1795. Wm. Hammer and Mary Hammer his wife sold to Mark McDowel for one hundred and twenty five pounds, one hundred acres on Ohio River joining Vv'ra. Brown and Cab. Pumphrey

Witness William Hammer Zac. Sprigg Mary Hammer Joseph Caldwell Thomas Sandhorn Isaac Meek (p. 358)

September 1796. Richard Elson and Mary his wife sold to John Harris Elson for one hundred pounds, one hundred acres joining Henson Elson and Caleb Merryman. Richard Elson

(p. 359)


September 1796. Richard Prison and xMary his wife solci to Archibald Hanson Elson for one hundred pounds, one hmndred acres joining Richard Turner Elson.

Richard Elson

(p. 360)

April 20, 1794. William Worth of the township of PittL Grove Salem County New Jersey, yeoman, sold to David Evans of New Briton township Bucks County Pennsylvania, two thous- and six hundred acres on Fishing Creek in Ohio County joining Benjamin VJynhoop - for three hundred and seven dollars and thirty three cents.

Witness William Worth Thorns Morris James Evans Bucks Co. Pa. (p. 361)

October 3, 1796. James Kenedy and Agness his wife sold to David Bruce of V/ashington County Pennsylvania for two hundred dollars, one hundred acres joining Joseph Ralston and Wm. Clokey.

V/itness James Kennady Vt'illiam Sutherland Ann X Cannady Jos, Ralston mark


April 4, 1796. James Kennedy and Agness his wife sold to William Clokey for five dollars one hundred and fifty acres joining Edward Ratcliff, Daniel Preston and Joseph Ralston.

V^itness James Kannady Wm. Sutherland Rich. Wells Elijah Rittinghusent

(p. 36,4)

October 3, 1796. James Kennedy and Ann his wife sold to David Davis for one hundred dollars fifty acres on King's Creek joining David Bruce.

Witness James Kennedy William Sutherland Ann X Kennedy Jas. Rolston mark

(p. 365)


June 27, 17^7. Beverly Randolph, Lt. Governor of Virginia granted to Ezekiel S&nford one thousand acres on Middle Island Creek in Ohio;^ County joining Obadiah Primm and William Netherland.

Bererly Randolph

(p. 365)

September 2^, 1796. Larance Hall of Bourbon County Kentucky sold to Robert V/oods of Ohio County for eight hundred and forty dollars, two hundred and eighty acres on Glcr.n'i: Run and waters of Vvheeling Creek joining Robert Hardcastlf and James lyan.

Witness Laurance Hall Henry Smith George Strieker Andrev; V/ood

(p. 36$)

September 24, 1796. George White of Charlest«rwn sold to Robert V.ithrow for fifty dollars one half of lot 66 and one half of lot 22 in Charlestown.

George ViTiite

(p. 367)

September 24, 1796. George White of Charlestown sold to Moses Congleton for forty nine dollars, one half of lot 66 and one half of lot 22 in Charlestown.

George White

(p. 36$)

No date. I, Isaac Hillard of Reading, County of Fairfield Connecticut do sell to Nathaniel Delavan Jr. of Paulings- town, Dutchess County New York for twelve thousand acres and twenty five Spanish dollars, one half of twelve thou- sand acres about twelve miles from Ohio River and two miles west from the temporary line between Virginia and Pennsylvania and about eight or ten miles from Colonel Shepherd at VJheeling Creek in Ohio County.

Isaac Hillard

(p. 369)

. 6^.

and Mary his wife of Aue-ust 25. 1794. Nathaniel Delevan Dutchess County Mew York ^ola to Daniel Delevan ^PauldiAg, one ^alraamin, V.'estchester County Kev lork for of IJorth Creek and hundred pounds, oAe thousand acres on Wheeling joining the temporary State line. Nathaniel Delevan Witness,,.^ Matthevj Palersorz Nath. Delevan, Jr. (p. 370)

ter County, 1796. Daniel DeLavan of u'estches February 23, Yoric i^entieinan, sold to Robert ;:hiuing of Xevv Ke-.v- ^ thousand acres on Fish City for four thousand dollars, one Creek and the temporary line.«€&^?-¥iM©fei*y Daniel DeLevan VJitness Timothy Titus Flaman Ball N.Y. (p. 371)

of Paulding, Dutchess Au£ust 25. 1794. Nathaniel Delaven Jr. York sold to Daniel Delevan of North Salem county 'New land Westchester County New York for one hundred pounds, on Fish Creek Ohio County Virginia. Delevt Witness Nathaniel Mathew Paterson Mary Delevan Nathl. Delevan Jr, (p. 373)

Renssel 12 1794. I, Flores Banker of Lansingburgh, Aueust of ,Pauld ^aer County n;w York do sell to Nathaniel Delevan 1land in Ohio ing, Dutchess County New York for ten pounds, line CountyPnnntv on Wheeling Creek and temporary State Banker Witness Flores William Banker Floris E. Hicks N.Y. (p. 374)

Nathaniel Delevan Jr. of Paulding, Dutcness County 1794. Westchester County Nev; York sold to Daniel Delevan of about twelve New York one half of twelve thousand acres temporary- miles from Ohio River and two miles west irom at .vhee..- line and about ten miles from Colonel Shepherd ing Creek Ohio County Virginia. Delev:^n Jr. Witness Nathaniel Cornl. Delevan Agness Delevan (p. 375)


March 13, 1794. Timothy Titus of New York City, yeoman, and Mary his wife said Mary Titus being the only ehild and heiress at law of Isaac Norton late of said Nevv York City dec'd and Elizabeth Norton widow and re- lict of said Isaac Norton dec'd, sold to Robert Whit- ing of New York City for one hundred pounds, one thous- and acres on the waters of Middle Island Creek in Ohio County Virginia.

Witness Timothy Titus John Wrang Mary Titus Fleman Ball Elish, I'-Jorton N.Y. (p076)

March 13, 1796. Timothy Titus and wife Mary of New York City said Mary Titus being the only child and heir- ess of Isaac Norton late of said New York City and Eliz- abeth Norton widow and relict of said Isaac Norton dec'd, sold to Robert Whiting of New York City for one hundred and four pounds three shillings four pence, one thousand acres on waters of V/heeling Creek and the temporary line between Virginia and Pennsylvania, in Ohio County, Va.

Viitness Timothy Titus Jno. Shange Mary Titus Flamen Ball Elizabeth Norton

(p. 378)

March 11, 1796, Henry Purviance of Washington County Pennsylvania sold to Robert McClurft of West Liberty -- Purviance being attorney for Jolm Hollingswo.vth so con- stituted by deed of February 5, 1795, which sid John was attorney for his father Jesse Hollingsworth — does sell to Robert McClure for three hundred pounds for use of said Jesse Hollingsworth, four hundred acres joining Rob- ert Woods, lands of Ebenezer Zane and Richard Yeats,

V/itness Henry Purviance James Caldwell Zac. Sprigg Vvilliam Caldv/ell James Caldwell Jr.

(p. 379)

October 4, 1796. James Reeves and Sarah his wife sold to James Wallace for fifty dollars lots 255, 256, 295, 296 in Charlestown.

Witness James Reeves William Sutherland Sarah Reeves James Griffith

(p. 381)

c 66

Elizabeth his wife sold October 4. 1796. Jonah Seaman and nine dollars to Thomas Feely for one hundred and sixty ninety seven and one fourth acres on Short Creek. Jonah Seaman Elizabeth Seaman


sola to James June 1, 1796. George White of Charlestowit Magrudy for seventy one dollars and seventy live cents lots 409 and U9 in Charlestown. George White

(p. 383)

for July 13, 1796. George White sold to Joseph Doddridge Charlestown. tv/o hundred and fifty dollars lots 265, 266 in George White

(p. 384)

bound to May 1 1799.(1796?) I, James Campbell £r. being George Teal, Peter Teal, and John Teal Sr. of said George sixteen dollars for the sura of four thousand six hundred and -- do sell to them five hundred and seventy seven acres on Indian Creek*

Witness '^-'^-es Campbell James Vvallace William Scollis Alexr. (po385]

October 1796. Lazarous Ryan and Elizabeth his wife sold 3, acres to John Davison for one hundred dollars, one hundred on Buffalo Creek joining John Patterson and Joseph Biggs Lazarous Ryan Elizabeth Ryan

(p. 386) Vanmetrefor October 3, 1796. John Patten sold to Morgan four dollars per acres, six acres on Cross Creek join- ing John McCombo

Witness ^ol^n Patton James Reeves Mary X Ramay mark Thomas Cook (Pc387)


June 22, 1796. Elizabeth Edgar doth lease to John Aldridge the farm on which she dwells.

Witness Elizabeth Edgar Joel Patterson John Aldridge John Taylor


November 5, 1796. David Hosack and Jannet his wife sold to Thomas Hosack for one hundred pounds, one hundred and thiz'ty acres.

VJitness David Hosack Samuel Freezer Jennet Hosack Thomas Orr Robert McCoy


November 5, 1796, William Orr of York County Pennsylvania sold to Samuel Frazer of Ohio County for two hundred pounds three hundred acres on Little Wheeling Creek joining George Bell.

Witness William Orr Mas Orr Bert McCoy n Milligan (p.390)

November 7, 1790. William Orr of York County Pennsylvania sold to Samuel Frazer of Ohio County for one hundred and ten pounds land on Wheeling Creek joining Thomas Orr and David Hosack.

V/itneso Samuel Frazer John Milligan


February 24, 1796, Peter Fleming and Nancy his wife sold to Andrew V/oods for forty dollars, one fundred acres on Big Wheeling Creek joining Rudy Haughraan and Martin Whetselo

Witness Peter Fleming Elijah Martin Ann Fleming Andrev/ VJood Jr. Robert Woods


November 7, 1796. Charles P rather of Charlestown sold to Jacob Airheart of Charlestown for six dollars four lots, near Samuel Garren,

Charles Prather



1796. John Hutson of Charlestown sold to Richard November pounds Wells of Washington County Pennsylvania for fifty lots 105 and 106 in Charlestowno John X Hutson mark


sold to October 13, 1796. George White of Charlestown Richard Wells of Washington County Pennsylvania for sixty five dollars lot next to lot number o5. Witness George White Benjamin Biggs Hugh Griffith

William Skinner . ^^_. (po395)

November 8, 1796. Alexr Wilson and Mary his wife sold to Samuel Wilson for three hundred pounds, two hundred and fifty acres joining Reason Puraphrey and William Gorrell.

Witness Alexander X Wilson James Caldwell Jr. ni^J^k John Humphrey Anson Wells (Araon?)

(p. 395)

October 10, 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to George Knox for forty dollars lot number 12 m Wheeling joining John McCollough and Robert Woods. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane


October 10, 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to Daniel Moore for thirty five dollars lot num- ber 50 in Wheeling, joining George Bealo Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 397)

June 28, 1796. Ebenezer Zane and Elizabeth his wife sold to Abraham Linley for seventy dollars lots numbered 54 and 112 in Wheeling joining Thomas Walker. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane


. 69

Elizabeth his wife n ^^v^.r. in 17Q6 Ebenezer Zane and thirty five dollars lot nun^o- °'^sol5 io'jiles Satfer for er 45 in V/heeling. Ebenezer Zane Elizabeth Zane

(p. 393)

Jacobs and wife Mary of Julv la 1796. John Jerremyah

County John J. Jacob Mary Jacob

(p. 399) Virginia John Blackmore of Frederick County May 1796. Virginia for ^sold to John Eoff of Berkeley County pounds, two hundred and three hundred and twenty five joining Moses Shepherd. thirty two and one fourth acres Blackmore Witness '^^^^ Jacob H. Manning Moses Shepherd John Baler Jr. James Buckhannon William Thornb rough George Mercer VJill Bennen Henry Albig / .qq) William Shepherd ^^•'*' and Judith his wife n^^cember 3. 1796. John Williamson his wife and Jane and ?homas Williamson and Elizabeth widow of Moses Williamson '^^^^^^^t^'^/'^^/^^f^llltland seventy Beall for one thousand six hundred Basil and one half acres pounds, three hundred and eighty four Thomas. Jona and ?n Shaking Creek which was willed to Jane Williamson by Moses Williamson.

T.H4-r,«oc= John Williamson

Williamson Samuel Thomas Williamson TZt^ll'A'r'' Kli= S :.son

(p. 402)


September 7, 1796. William Wilson leased to William Rob- ' ertson twent acres of land adjoining Nicholas Rogerr, and John Foot, for five years.

Witness William Wilson Samuel Ellis William Robertson Nicholas Pumphrey James Caldwell Jr.

December 5, 1796. Isaac Linn and Mary his v^ife sold to -^ Basil Beall for one hundred and fifty pounds, sevenLeen acres of land near Wheeling Creek joining James Watt.

Witness (p.404) Arthur Carter Isaac Linn Samuel Williamson Mary X Linn Francis Hoggs mark

December 6, 1796. James Fluharty Sr. and James Fluharty Jr. v/itness that said James Fluharty Jr. does bind himself as apprentice to James Fluharty Sr. to learn the trade of blacksmith and gunsmith, for two years and seven months.

Witness James Fluharty Jr. Elsy Swearingen James Fluharty Sr.,

(p. 505)

December 3, 1796. Thomas Williamson and glizabeth his wife sold to Francis Boggs for fifty pounds, one hund- red acres on Big Wheeling Creek joining Moses V/illiam- son and Joseph Tomlinson.

Witness Thomas Williamson Wm. Shepherd Elizabeth Williamson Robert Gilkeson X mark Arthur Carter Basil Beall (p. 405)

December 2, 1796. Thomas Williamson and Elizabeth his v\ife sold to Samuel Williamson for ten pounds fifteen and one half acres.

Witness Thomas Williamson Moses Shepherd Elizabeth Williarason William Sheoherd X mark Basil Beall' Arthur Carter Francis Boggs (p. 406)


December 3, 1796. Moses Williamson and Christiana his wife sold to Robert Gilkison for thirty pounds thirty acres joining Joseph Tomlinson.

Witness Moses Williamson Wm. Shepherd Christiana Williamson Basil Beall X mark Francis Boggs (p. 407:

September 6, 1796. Reuben Foreman and Ruth his wife sold to Thomas Sandham for twenty five dollars lot number 181 in West Libertyo Reuben Foreman Ruth Foreman

(p. 408)

October 11, 1796. John Skinner Webster of Baltimore Town Baltimore County Maryland by John Wilson his attorney sold to Joseph Morton of Ohio County Virginia whereas John Lee Webster late of Harford County Mary- landddeeeased did in his lifetime bargain and sell to said Joseph Morton four hundred and seventy acres on Harmon's Creek in Ohio County Virginia joining Thomas West, Edward Logsden, Bethuel Barton, John Alexander, * and John Sappington said iMf^ land was not convey- ed by John Lee Webster John Skinner VJebster does nov/ convey said land to Joseph Morton.

Witness John Skinner Webster Jos. Soloman John Wilson, his attorney Jacob Hanson

(p. 409)

January 3, 1797. James McMecken and Hannah his wife for twenty three tiQ41»»el and sixty dollars sold to Provid- ence Mounts two hundred and ninety five acres of land joining Benjamin Biggs and Joseph Ogle.

Witness James McMecken Samuel Sims Hannah McMecken Reubin Foreman X mark

(p. 411)

January 3, 1797. James McMecken and Hannah his wife sold to Samuel Sims for one hundred dollars fifty acres on the Ohio River. James McMecken Hannah McMecken X mark

(p. 413)


January 2, 1797. Rebeckah Bruce executrix of Samuel Bruce sold to Robert Henry for one hundred and thirty three pounds twelve shillings, one hundred and sixty seven acres on BuffalomCreek.

Witness Rebeckah X Brov.'n Garret Snediker msirK Patrick McGarven Daniel Kelly {p.U3t

January 2, 1797. Thomas Edgington and Patty his vjife sold to George Wells for six hundred and ninety dollars, one K)^ hundred and thirty two acres on Harmon's Creek.

Witness Thomas Edgington James Wallace Patty Edgington Brice Hays (p»415)

February 6, 1797o John Caldwell and Jean his wife sold to Mary Lowrey for one hundred dollars lots numbered 3>46, and 59 each lot to be two acres in Eaekiel Town,

(note - Ezekiel Town no\'i New Martinsville, V.'. Va. )

John Caldwell Jean Caldwell


December 13 i 1796. John Caldwell and Jane his wife sold to Thomas Wells of Greene County Pennsylvania for two hund- red pounds two hundred and fourteen acres on Middle Island Creek about three miles below Point Pleasant.

VJitness John Caldwell James Wallace Jane Caldwell James Caldwell Thomas Smith (p.4ig;

January 24, 1794. Anthony Burritt of South Gary, Liteh- field County Connecticut for the sum of seventy five pounds sol^i to Jay Thompson and Beal N. Lewis of New York City one thousc.nd acres on Middle Island near Peter Williams.

Witness Anthony Burritt David Weldman Oliver C. Hatfield (p. 419)


January 24, 1794. Anthony Burritt of South Gary, Litch- field County Connecticut sold to Jay Thompson and Beal N, Lewis of New York City for seventy five pounds, one thousand acres on Middle Island Creek joining Jaboz Bacon and Robert Cleraans,

VJitness i-nthony Burritt David Weldman Oliv^^r Chetfield (p. 420)

John Mitchell sold to Samuel Chambers for forty dollars paid by David Chambers in his life- t,irae, ten acres on Short Creek -- but if Samuel Chamb- ers should die under the age of twenty one years and without issue the land is to go to Mary Skinner and Margaret Chambers,

John Mitchell wife - Jane Mitchell

(p. 421)

April 4, 1796. George Kitts and Deviila his wife sold to Fetty Kitts for two hundred and fifty three dollars ninety five acres on Buffalo Creek and the State line.

Ceorfee X Kitts mark Savills X Kitts mark

(p. 423)

February 6, 1797. John Mitchell sold to John Kormichael for one hunared dollars fifty acres on Short Creek.

John Mitchell Jane Mitchell

September 1, 1794o Soloman Porter, coi-dwinder, sold to James v.ilson, carpenter, for twenty dollars lots 29 and 405 in Charlestown,

Soloman Portor Sarah X Portor mark



February 6, 1797. Jacob Lefler of V/ashington County Penn-

sylvania sold to Nathan Reeves of VJashiagton County .- enn- sylvania for one hundred dollax^s lota 302 and 303 in Charlestov/n.

JacoD Lefxler Janie Leffler

(p. 426)

February 7, 1797. David liosack sold to Adam Hosack for one thousand dollars three hundi-ed acres on Middle Wheel- ing Creek adjoining laud of \valter Buchkannon and the State line.

Witness David Hosack William Sutherland James Wallace John Relfe

(p. 427)

Septeraber 14, 1796, Willianj Moore of :iuiitingdoa County Pennsylvania sold to James Ashman of the same place eight hundred acres on Proctor's Run aojoining George Strieker and Thomas Owings for one hundred and ten pounds.

Witness Wm. Moore Benjn. Elliot R. Allison

(p. 429)

Octob^-r 10, 1796. Robert Moods and 'Ufyj his wife sold to Obadiah Pedan for one thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars four hundred acres on the Ohio River at the upper end of Long Reach.

Robert Woo us Lovely Woods

(p. 431/

Septe:nber 3, 1795. Soloman Hedges and Rebekah his wife sold to William Hudson for one hundred and fifty pounds fifty acres on Buffalo Creek,

Witness Soloman Hedges Isaac Meek Rebekah X Hedges Jaiaec Hoagland mark Willia:a Hedges

(p. 433)



Numerals in parenthesis indieate the number of times a name appears on a page.

Adams John 59 John Jr.


Boggs Beall 23,69,70 Basil 70 Frsuicis John 10,24,41 George 24 Philip 43 Mary William 29 Beck 23 Boner (Bonar) Alexander 4,6,17,40 John 3,9,19,23, William 41,44,51,53 Joshua Bordon Samuel 23,49,51(2) Samuel 55 Samuel Jr. 51 Samuel 3rd, 23 Bowers Thomas 44,51 Robert 37

Bedford Bovme Gunning 56 William 49

Beeler (Beelor) Boys George 12(2), 21, 22, Margret 43 Jane 22 Richard 43

Bell (Beall) Bradford George 67 David 57,53 Henry 21,23 Elizabeth James 57,53 Bennen Samuel 9 Will 69 Brady Bever Drusilla 15 James 10 Samuel 10,15 Jane 10 Widow 57 John 10(2), 3d, 40 Sampson 10(2) Breats Richard 50 Biggs Benjamin 4,23.32,39, Brown 40,41,63,71 John 5,20(2! George Joseph 27 Joseph 13166 Josiah 23 Richard Jr. 57 33,61 Bile William Philip 35

Black ^"^Savid 62(2) John 61 Rebeckah 72 Samuel 72 Blackmore (sometimes Blackburn) Charles 22 Brunhaus John 36,69 William 4

Blackburn Buchannon John 33 James 14,69 Mary 14,16








Evans David Isaac James Martha


Good Grindstaff (Grandstaff) Wm, 56 Adam 50,51 Elizabeth 50,51 Gorrell Mary 10 William 10,68

Gosney (Gutry) Jucy 24 Nathan 24

Graham (Grayham) John 25(2), 53(2), 57 Samuel 44 Sarah 53(2)

Grandstaff (C Adam Elizabeth






Lewis Marshall Beal N. 72 Agnes 24 Job 55 Fanny 14,25,30 James 1,2, 5(3), 16, 24, 51 Liberghen Samuel 14,25,30 Charles 49 Matheot Lind George 21 Jacob 33 Martin Linley Elijah 67 Abraham 6g James 33 Joseph 29 Linn - Lynn William 46 Isaac 70 Mary 70 Mathews Moses 19,23 George 29 Prudence 19 Robert 50 Meeks Elizabeth Litten Isaac 34,46,61,74 Samuel Jr. 3 Rachel 46 Samuel Sr. 3 Robert 33,36

Little Mendel John 43 Mary 16 Valentine 16 Logan Mary Mentzer William Jonas 30 Susannah 30 Logsden Edward 71 Mercer George 69 Long John 24,45 Merick William 47(2) Loughy John 1 Merryman Caleb 61 Lowther William 11 Met calf Albin 21 Maddin Allen 29,30,36 Margret 9 Thomas 9.12,54(2) Miller

John 53 , Magruder Samuel 55,61 Charles 37 Milligan Magrudy John 13,67 James 66 Mills Manning Benjamin 60 Jacob H. 69 John 42 Levi 28,29



N. 36

McGarven Patrick 72

McOee Joseph

McGeehan Duncan 40,47

McGuire Francis Id

Mclntire David 13,45 David Jr. 45 Elizabeth 14 John 14,57 William 14,16

McKee » Joseph 60

McKinley -McKenley Jane 6,22,47,43 William 6,22,34,47,43

McMahan - McMachan Ann 5(2) William 5(2), 36

McMecken Hannah James

Parson Baldwin Rachel








Wells VanBuskirk Benjamin 30 Betsy 59,60 Bennediet John 59,60 33 Charles IS, 33(3), 34, Lawrence 14,22,60 19, 55 Levds 15 Dinah 43 Elizabeth 33(2), 55 Vance Francis 43(2) Agness (Ann) 25 George 72 John 25 James 43 John 43 Vanmetre Michel 1,5 Abreham 43,54 Richard 41,43,49.62,63(2) Joseph 29,54 Thomas 43,72 Mary 29 2d Morgan 16,3(C( 19, West 66 29(2), 35, 54, Thomas 71 William 29 Wheeler Viers Benjamin 30 Brlce 31,32,44 Lurazmah 49 Whetzel- Whetcell - Whitsel -Wetzel Neheraiah 49 Jacob 21,24,52,54 John 24,52,54 Waddle Lewis 24,52 John 2d(3) Martin 24,52,67 William 42,47 Mary 24 Ruhima 54 Walker Jacob 33 White Major 14,30 Andrew 21,23 Thomas 43,68 George 3,16,33.51,55, William 11 63!2);66!2) 63 Jemima 6 >i Wallaee Robert 10 James 31, 32, 36, /j9 51,57,59,65, Whitten 74 Philip 45,46,51 John 59,60 Ruth 51 Matthew 39 Susannah 39 Whitting John 6, /g Warnaek Robert 64,65(2) William Id, 46 Williams Watt John 29.46 James 36,70 Lewis 4 Peter 72 Wayt William 40 John 9 Williamson Webster David 1 John Lee 71 Christiana 71 John Skinner 71 Elizabeth 23,69,70(2) Jane 69 Wells John 69 Ab so lorn 1»5U ,13. Judith 69 3,5(2),d(i), Alexander Mary 1 19,22,56,59 Amon 6&




MAR 05