ALLEN COUNTY PUBL GENEALOGYGENEALI lllllilillllilililllilllllllllillllllilliillllll Abstracts of Deed Book 1 1777-1789 Ohio County (W) VA ^,ee G-"«a/o^ */ 0). Abstracts of Deed Book 1 1777-1789 ^ Ohio County (W) VA ^ Genea/. ^^i© % <?/ %. CD ail', c .^'i.TY March 6,1777. /ibrohan Viuinctrc of Derholoy County, Colooy o£ Vircinia,,do bargain and ocll tv;o acres on head of Northerly fork of iihort Creol:, ]aio\vn as Dlack»o Cabin — for use of Chio County as a court houoc. Abraham Vanmetre witness Andi^w F<xits, Conrod ^troup, JcSin Jpalen. (p.l) February 3,1773. i/illian Hawkins sold to John Wilscn, l£aid on waters of Short Creek — on Chio River to 01en»B Run. William Hawkins .vitness Jc^n Hills, David ifcClure Recorded Jan.2a,1777. (p.2) Juno 19,1778. Isaac Taylor sold to George Coridders, two hundred acres "the place vdierc I now live". Isaac Taylor ii'itness James Gillespie, Thomas Clark, James Gillespey, (p«3) December 14,177^. Nathaniel Rodford of Biiffalow C reek in Chio County, State of Virginia cold to James Caldwell of said County four hundred acres "on which I not; live called Bair Wallow, near Robert Taylor, John Justice, Thomas Gillolan, Nathaniel Redford Witness her Sacuel Johnston Jean X Redford VJilliam Carson mark William Taylor ; Robert I Fealor (P-A-) m£irk April 1,177s. William Hawkins of Buffalov/ C reek in Chio County, province of Virginia sold to James Caldwell, five hun4red acres called Bolls Place or Big Lick, joining Barney Boner, John Beach, James Bohannan (Buchannan), I William Hawkins witness James Caldwell Jr. Alexander Duglcsa (p. 5) %Pdl 3,1779. Sanuel rtCoUoch sold to Moses Williamson land on head of Buffalow Creek knovm as Jacks Camp, Joining Samuel V/illiamson. Samuel Ii£o^och Gave to Handly -• ,/-;t. .. \:,.T.Xo.j •1. ..rS'...,.^ :\>:rA t" — - :>a Ji •iOi.^J.JCCiT.-. February 17,1779. Jcoao .'iirtin of .hio county, Jtato of Virginia sold to John Datsil and Thonas llolbord of Oiio County, Virginia, ono hundred acroa nortli side of a Braiich of BuflowCx*eek known by na.'nc of Drushey .inn, joi^inc land of Adleys Rays, John Roes. Jess© /Sartin .iitncsQ M ttalnh Cotton ^ his uillian X i'ery nark (p.o) liarch 16,1775. Hercules ftoney add to Jooeph Alexander, three hundred acres of land on head waters of little l^eeUng Creek, ./itnoss Hercules Roney James Caldv/ell Jr. ' (p«/) December 17,1775. Mathias Allts sold to Josei* Alexander, four hundred acres on west fork of Buffalow Creek, Joining Andrew lloore, George Htunphrys, Jacob I-Hller, and John Hupp. his Witness Iviathias X Allts Andrew Moore raaric Gennet X Humphry mark (p. 7) June 16,177s. William Hawkins sold to Thoaaas Edgington, land on waters of Short Crook joining John Wilson. Witness V/illiam Hav/kins David M:£luro Daniel Harris (p. 6) January 25,1776. John CariJenter of West Augusta County of Colony ^ of Virginia, sold three hundred and forty acres on a Branch of ^ Buflow Creek adjoining Joseph Worloy, John Finley to Francy Reyly. Witness John Carpenter John Doddridge Joseph Worly (p.8) September 17,177^. John Boggs of (hio County, Virginia, sold to James Clerk of State of i onnsylvania, four hiondred acres en waters of Shirtees. County aforesaid, bounded by land of Isaac Loot, flichael Dennis, John Boggs and John Taylor. Witness John Boggs Isaac Leet Elieaer V/illiamson Sanuel M:Bride (p*9} J no>.' €^ ci^: X^,. Jr^.:>. "" -. trie Kovenber 27,177^5, . waiter Jordan and Henry flooro sold to John iJocoaboUicConbo) three hundred acres land en branch of 3hirtoe called Brontons Run in Uiio County, Virginia, joining William Huston, Thomas hichol and .iichard Dickoson. uitnoss Walter Jordan David jfcClure Henry Moore Kichard Yoates Willian ifcConbs (p.lO) Soptoraber o,1777. .jilliaii Caldwell of ChioCamty, Virginia, sold to James Fisk of Frederick County, Miarylazid| one part of an inprovoment nadc by Jainuel Ceborn in year of 1771 on a parcel of land on v/aters of Duffalovr Greek, joining lands of William i/illiams and Henry ;iirtin. Witness V/illiam C aldwell none (p*ll) Ojtober 14,177s. Isaac Taylor of Chio County, Virginia, sold to David V/iniamson, land on Lick Run. witness Isaac Taylor John X Been mark Eliazer Willianann John Williamson (p. II} June 3,1776, Wllliara Caldv;cll of the v/ators of Buffalow C reek, west Augusta C ounty, colony of Virginia, sold to 'Wllllami ^ V/llllaos, one hundred and fifty acres on waters of Buffalow Creek joinli^ Jesse f^aztin, Rollins I^lartln and James Flsk, Witness V/llllan Caldv/ell Thomas Bond Hobert Boyd [p. 22) April 25,1779. Samuel V/illiamson of Chio County, Virginia, sold to Joseph Arnold land on vraters of &iffalow Creek joining Thomas Wilson and MsBrydo. Witness Sanuel WlUiamson Moses Williamson, Junr. Ilirtey Handley (p. 13) June 5 , 1775. Derrick Houghland of Augusta Coutny, Virginia, sold to Isaac Iteeks, land on Buflo waters jolninc Soloman Hedges and Derlck Houghland. Witness Derrick X Houghland John Lemen, the first mark Soloman Hedges (p.23) vv -^^ /;.: cy r-^a ,/ii;"^5^; : ^ -> , ks .•..=;; ,a-,'V'- 'i •loc-o^:... .' . A.. '?:."«'B0 Vi.y^.',.. jii. .^ X iiicl .i!.'^...•il'^JO^. .toxicu tin/^t'Ctj .:,?: ^ mcA-ix . Tiarch 27,1777. Georf:c . jcC oiloch of thio County, Virginia, farmer, oold to CharlcG ..e'lla oi' Baltiiioro C ounty, Maryland, one thouaaivi and soventy-five acrcG on a Branch of Bufalow Crook, joining Francis ."cGuirc, liiccono, John Bodken, aoriuel Bruse, John Johnson Kdv/ard . orron, Thor.iac Jhanan, and ThQoas JteOueir. jitneos George I fcC oiloch Januol liuany John Doddridge (i'.14) January 16,1775- Thooias Clark, of Chio County, Virginia, sold to Jc*in Chajxaan land on Branch of Buffalow Creek. .iitneas Thoraas Clark Joooph J'yols Arthur IfcConnol (p.l5) liarch 10,1777. William Bailey of Chio C ounty, Virginia, sold to George Parks, Jr. land en Cross Creek. Witness ./illian X Bailey Francis Riley mark Thomas Taylor I p. 15) i larch 24,1777. Thomas shannon of Chio County, Virginia, sold to William Hervey, land near Thoraas ifcGulres, Samuol Peters, Edward Pounce and I'cColah ( I fco oiloch ) Witness Thomas X Shannon Jose0i Wells nark Robert I^fcGuler X mark (p.lo) Play 3,1779, Jonah Soaman of Chio County, Virginia sold to George Stephenson of Cumberland Ccunty, Pennsylvania, four hundred and fifty acres of land on Buflow Creek joining Joao0i Hedges, Jacob Newland, Jonah Seaman, Levy IHlls, Derrick Houghland and James EnoQ, Jonah Seaman lp.l7) January 5.1776. Robert Taylor of Chio County, Virginia, sold to Ezekiai BogKs, land joining Taylors, Charles ffcRobblns, John Hill and v;illiam Carson. Witness Robert Taylor Ebenezer Morten i mark John McBrido (p.l^ o iua iiay JilT79» .atrici: .cGahan of vhioCoiuity, Virginia, sold to larranco licGarri:! t\;o huiidrod acrcc, part of a tract I now live on, on w roc 3 wrcc'. J i::i..r-, Icac;: iiiloo and -indrov; acott. .iitncsG . atettck X liai^ahcin Joosc .\artin nark (p. 13) April 2,1777. .iloxc-uider junl^oo of Chio County, Virginia, sold to Jesse Hollinco\;orth of Baltinoro Tov/n, ilaryland, six hund- red acres land on \;atGrG of Liufralov; Crook on main road load- inc fron Catfish ^..i\:v-> to noutli of .-holas or Zaneburgh, joining Robert ./alicor, Janes .atten, John Jt .Clair and Richard vvsbell, .witness Alexander Dugless D, i'entocost Thos. Todd Sanuel IfcKinsie (p.l9} Septon^er 19,177^5. .;illian ^cott of (loio County, Virginia, sold to James Clark of Gunberland County, i ennsylvania, four hund- red acres land on Gross Creek joining David iRannolds, Andrew Scott and Willian Jcott. uitness , i/illiain ocott ZeaoQQ Caldwell Geoi^e Stephenson Andrew Raosey (p. 20) April 5,1779. Willian Caldv;oll of (hi o County, Virginia, sold to Simeon Brovffi one hundred acres by liatthew Tec^leton, V/ill- ion Freasor, John Tweeds and >Villian Williano. V/itness w'illian Caldv/ell JohnMcWillians vailila IfcWillians Willian Willians (p. 21) June 2S,1779. Charles Dodd, John I'cBridc and Samuel IfcBride. having on June 1, 1775 purchased fifteen hundred acres of land of Thomas Rutherford for and in behalf of his brother Robert RuthortTord —- do divide the property between then. Witness Richard Yeates Jenjamin Toalinson David rcClure (p.22) January 9»1779. Rezin Virgin of Chio County, Virginia, sold to Daniel Leet of sane place land on Jhirtoe Waters joining Jordan, Androv/ Sv/eringon and Banfield. .atness Rozin Virgin David Shepherd Lochlan ifclntosh , Brice Virgin (p.23) •; »i Y.:. r(l«*.'.; ! W/ni, I. January 9,177'>. Reason Vir^^in of .hi-.- ^. ounty, Vircinia, sold to Daniel Lcot land on ohirtco J roc;: of ono hundred and seven- ty one acres. .-itnocG Rezin Virgin David ^hci^herd Lochlan .clntooh Lricc Vircin (p.2/f) July 7,177o. John baker of hio County, Virginia, sold to John Tweed, tv/o cabinc, seven acres and forty-five and one half V/illian .i/illiams acres on Duffalo\: >. roc;: by .iatthow Tonpleton, and Jc^n Tweed of Dadsbury To\.'nGhi:', Lancaster C ounty, Penna, witness John Baker John Hall vVillian -illians Harry l^in ^^^^^^ August 20,1773. Joseph uclis of ..estnoreland C ounty, Pennsyl- vania sold to Isaac liles of Berkeley County, Virginia, cno hundred and fifty acres land on v/atcrs of Dxiffalow Creek joininf ThcMnas iritchard and : atrick IfcGahan. ./itneso Joseph v/ells Thomas Freenan John Kiccols (p.27) April ^,1775. Jamos Clenens of Augusta County, Virginia sold to Robert Taylor, land on Buffalov-/ Creek first improved by Hu^ Sidwell, joining Robert Taylor, Sanuel Johnstcn and riathaniel Redford. Witness Janes C lonens John Foster Willian C arson March 1,1779.
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