6 C olumbia U niversity RECORD March 8, 2002 SUBMISSION INFORMATION E-mail:
[email protected] Fax: 212-678-4817 All submissions must be received in writing by the deadline. Events are list- ed in this order: date, time, title, name/affiliation of speaker(s) or per- former(s), title of series (if any), spon- sor(s), fee and registration information (if any), phone number of contact, and location. All phone numbers are area code (212) unless otherwise noted. For deadlines & information, call Rebecca Chung, Calendar Editor, 212- 854-6546 or the RECORD, 212-854- 3282. The Calendar is updated weekly on the Web at ALENDAR http://www.columbia.edu/cu/news/cal- C endar/. Events are listed on a first-come, first-served basis free of charge. All events are subject to change; call spon- sors to confirm. EVENTS AT COLUMBIA — MAR. 8TH - MAR. 14TH Misperceptions.” Irene Finel Tickets: $8; $5 for students and Pediatric Solid Tumor Mod- Honigman. HI and ISE. 854-4623. seniors. La Maison Française. els.” Jessica Kandel, CU. Pedi- 1219 IAB. 854-4482. Miller Theatre. atrics. 305-9561. McIntosh Talks Health Conference Room, 1-113 BHS. 12:00 P.M. “Hyphen-Nation: The 12TH, TUES. Politics of Diversity in ‘A Nation 6:00 P.M. Concert. Aya 8TH, FRI. of Immigrants’ c. 1960’s – Pre- Hamada, pianist, performing Sciences 13TH, WED. 2:00 P.M. “Las Fronteras de la sent.” Matthew Jacobson, Yale. music by Debussy, Liszt, 7:00 A.M. State of the Hospi- Coca (Coca Borderlands): A CSER. 854-0507. 420 Hamilton. Granados, Takemitsu and oth- Unless otherwise noted, all list- tal Talk at Children’s Hospi- Multimedia Presenation.” Silvia ers.