African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism African Union Commission

ACSRT Terrorism Daily News Briefs Sunday, 19 February 2017 - Edition N°1183



Agreement with regional African body signed to work on peace and security International Alert has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to accompany the Secretariat on the realisation of their strategy on peace and security issues and regional integration. IGAD is an intergovernmental body set up by its.... international-alert 16 Feb 2017 Kenya

Kenya arrests 2 suspected IS recruits deported from Turkey Kenyan police have arrested two Kenyans who were deported from Turkey on suspicion of training with the Islamic State organization in neighboring Syria, officials said Saturday. Philip Tuimur, the regional police boss for Kenya’s coastal region, said the man and woman were under.... WashingtonPost 18 Feb 2017 9fb1-2d8f3fc9c0ed_story.html Somalia

Al Shabaab claims credit of killings in Somali Capital The Al Qaeda-inspired Al Shabaab militants have claimed responsibility for twin drive- by shootings in Mogadishu, the Somalia capital on Saturday. One of the two Al Shabaab drive-by shooting has claimed the life of former Himan and Heeb administration Mohamed Omar Hagafey. He was killed at Digfeer hospital in Hodon district. shabelle 18 Feb 2017

Al Shabaab threatens more attacks in Mogadishu A senior Al Shabaab leader who is in charge of Baay and Bakool regions of Southern Somalia has threatened more attacks in Mogadishu, day after new President took over the power. The unnamed leader said Al Shabaab militants will carry out attacks against the new Somalia government installations and African Union peacekeepers’ bases in the Capital. shabelle 17 Feb 2017

Al-Shabab claims mortar attack near Somalia leader ceremony Somalia's President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, right, speaks at a handover ceremony with former president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, left, at the presidential palace with in Mogadishu, Somalia Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017. The Somalia-based extremist group al-Shabab is claiming responsibility for a mortar.... muscatinejournal 16 Feb 2017 128fa2359a1a.html

Mortar rounds land around Villa Somalia A witness says at least six mortar rounds have landed around the heavily protected Villa Somalia, the Presidential Palace of Somalia in Mogadishu on Thursday noon. Several mortar shells are reported to have hit the Palace, according to the eyewitness. The attack comes as Villa Somalia was hosting a.... shabelle 16 Feb 2017

Government Renews Condemnation to Atrocities Committed by SPLM-N in South Kordofan Sudanese government has reaffirmed its commitment on delivery of humanitarian aid to all affected people in the two States of South Kordofan and Blue Nile, and strongly condemned the atrocities that have been committed by the forces of the SPLM-N in South Kordofan of killing herders and children. 16 Feb 2017 south-kordofan

Army officer killed, others wounded in fighting with outlaws in Darfur An officer of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), Lt. Abdulla al-Tayeb Abdulla, was killed and many others, including a Lieutenant Colonel, were wounded in clashes against outlaws on Thursday in Bursa area, east of Fashir, capital of North Darfur State. Full text... panapress 17 Feb 2017 Uganda Intel hub set up in Uganda to fight shadowy rebel group Countries in Africa's Great Lakes region launched an intelligence nerve centre in Uganda Saturday to.... enca 18 Feb 2017

What became of Kony 2012 five years on Thanks to a short film that pulled at viewers' heartstrings, a charity group called Invisible Children made an African warlord a household name. Suddenly millions of people became committed to his capture. Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army began in Uganda as personality cult-turned-guerrilla group. 9news 3:52:00 AM CET CENTRAL AFRICA Burundi

Burundi, AU resolve AMISOM pay dispute Burundi and the African Union (AU) reached an agreement on Thursday on the modalities of payment of Burundian troops deployed in Somalia as part of the African Union force (Amisom), the first vice – President of Burundi Gaston Sindimwo has announced. “We are satisfied, we have discussed well with Mr. shabelle 17 Feb 2017 Cameroon

Landmine Kills 4 Cameroonian Soldiers Four Cameroonian soldiers have been killed and several others injured in a landmine explosion in the country''s Far North region, military sources told Anadolu Agency on Friday. The soldiers were patrolling in Cameroon's Mayo-Tsanaga.... plenglish 17 Feb 2017 Central African Republic

UN mission in CAR reinforces presence in restive Bambari Following ongoing rebel activity in and around Bambari in strife-torn Central African Republic (CAR), the UN mission in the country has reinforced its presence in the city with the arrival of additional troops, including a quick reaction unit and Special Forces. Full text... panapress 18 Feb 2017 Chad

DAESH se regroupe à moins de 200km de la frontière tchadienne, selon Idriss Déby Il y a quelques semaines, le 6 janvier dernier, le Tchad, par la voie de son Premier ministre, a annoncé la fermeture de la frontière terrestre tchado-libyenne "face aux périls qui menacent l’intégrité du territoire national". Les régions frontalières de la Libye ont été déclarées "zones d’opérations militaires". al-wihda 18 Feb 2017 Democratic Republic of Congo

25 civilians killed in DR Congo ethnic attack Militiamen from DR Congo’s Nande ethnic group have beheaded 25 civilians in the country’s violence-torn east, a local official said Saturday. Militiamen from the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Nande ethnic group have.... capitalfm 6:39:00 AM CET

Congo probes video showing apparent massacre by soldiers Democratic Republic of Congo's government said on Saturday it was investigating a video that appears to show Congolese troops shooting dead a group of apparent militia members armed with slingshots and wooden batons. The seven-minute video, which was shared widely on social media and seen.... reuters-in 18 Feb 2017 idINKBN15X0FH?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2 FINworldNews+%28News+%2F+IN+%2F+World+News%29 WEST AFRICA

Un mois après l’attentat, le MOC de Gao reprend les patrouilles Au Mali, cela fait un mois jour pour jour que le camp du Mécanisme opérationnel de coordination (MOC) a été attaqué à la voiture piégée, faisant 60 morts. Ce dispositif, prévu dans l’accord de paix, doit faire évoluer ensemble les combattants issus des groupes armés signataires et les forces armées maliennes. mali-web 18 Feb 2017

Nord du Mali: nouveau report de l'installation des autorités intérimaires L'installation des autorités intérimaires dans le Nord du Mali, prévue par l'accord de paix de 2015 et qui devait débuter samedi à Kidal, bastion de l'ex-rébellion, a été reportée après une contestation de nominations du gouvernement, a t-on appris samedi auprès des autorités maliennes. romandie 18 Feb 2017

Le Sahel ne sera plus un « no man’s land » accessible aux hors-la-loi L’heure est à l’action, voire, à l’efficacité après de bien profondes réflexions sur la pacification d’un Sahel embrasé, soutient le ministre des Affaires étrangères malien, Abdoulaye Diop. Interrogé par Anadolu sur l’actualité et le devenir d’une bande sahélo- saharienne embrasée, sinon d’une terre.... mali-web 17 Feb 2017 Assassinat de Ghislaine Dupont et : l’enquête impossible Marche en mémoire de Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon, à Bamako, le 4 novembre 2013. Plus de trois ans après leur disparition tragique près de Kidal (nord du Mali), les fantômes de Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon, nos deux ex-collègues de RFI tués dans le nord du.... LeMonde 17 Feb 2017 Nigeria

Boko Haram Attacks Nigerian Air Force Helicopter, Injures Airman The Boko Haram launched an attack on a Nigerian Air Force helicopter on Wednesday injuring an airman, an official has said. Ayodele Famuyiwa, a Group Captain, and Air Force Director of Public Relations and Information, confirmed the attack in a statement to PREMIUM TIMES. saharareporters 17 Feb 2017

Could Boko Haram sink Nigeria's hopes for a new oil boom? Nigeria is one of Africa's biggest oil producers and crude oil sales represent almost 90% of the country's total export revenue. But production of crude oil has fallen sharply over the past twelve months due to , where its oil reserves are. renewed militancy in the country's south east Locals in the.... ibtimes-uk 17 Feb 2017

11 dead as Nigerian troops tackle Boko Haram suicide bombers Battling multiple bombers strapped with suicide vests, Nigerian troops and civilian self- defence fighters, on Friday, repelled the fiercest Boko Haram extremist attack in months on the key north eastern city of Maiduguri. Nine bombers and two civilians were killed, according to witnesses, soldiers and police. jamaicaobserver 17 Feb 2017

Boko Haram Suicide Bombers Destroy Trucks, Wound Civilian JTF In Foiled Attack On Maiduguri An attempt yesterday by numerous suicide bombers belonging to the Islamist terrorist group, Boko Haram, to launch a major attack on Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, failed, but resulted in the destruction of trucks and the wounding of several security operatives, according to the National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA). saharareporters 17 Feb 2017

7 kamikazes, dont 6 femmes, se font exploser à Maiduguri, sans faire de victimes Au moins sept kamikazes, dont six femmes, se sont fait exploser tard jeudi dans la ville de Maiduguri (nord-est du Nigeria), sans faire de victimes, ont rapporté vendredi des responsables de services d'urgence. La population était chez elle. rtbf 17 Feb 2017 Senegal

Lutte contre le terrorisme : le Mauritanie et le Sénégal renforcent leur coopération Le Sénégal et la Mauritanie vont renforcer leur collaboration afin de lutter plus efficacement contre le terrorisme. C’est la principale résolution prise à l’issue des deux jours d’échanges entre les forces sécuritaires des deux pays qui se sont tenus à Saint- Louis. cridem 16 Feb 2017 NORTH AFRICA

14 killed in Algerian army anti-extremist operation Algeria's government says military forces have killed 14 suspected extremists in an ongoing operation in one of the country's last Islamic militant holdouts. The Defense Ministry said in a statement that nine were killed Friday and five others Wednesday around Bouira, 100 kilometers (60 miles) east of the capital, Algiers. nzherald 17 Feb 2017

L’armée décime un groupe terroriste de 14 membres à Bouira Neuf terroristes ont été tués dans la matinée de ce vendredi 17 février par l’armée à El- Adjiba dans la wilaya de Bouira, ce qui porte à 14 le nombre de terroristes abattus dans cette région depuis mercredi, indique le MDN dans un communiqué. 17 Feb 2017 Egypt

Militants kill Christian in Sinai, second in a week Suspected militants gunned down a Coptic Christian teacher on his way to school in northern Sinai on Thursday, the second killing of a Christian in less than a week in the turbulent region, officials said. Gamal Tawfiq, 50, was shot in the head by two militants on a motorbike who.... arabnews 17 Feb 2017

Cinq soldats égyptiens tués par une mine dans le Sinaï Cinq soldats égyptiens ont été tués vendredi par une mine artisanale dans le Sinaï, a-t- on appris de sources médicales et proches des services de sécurité. La péninsule est en proie à une insurrection islamiste qui a gagné en intensité depuis le renversement par l'armée du président Mohamed Morsi, membre des Frères musulmans, en juillet 2013. lorientlejour 17 Feb 2017

3 soldiers killed, 4 injured during raid in Egypt's central Sinai Three army soldiers were killed and four others injured in an explosion in the El-Halal mountain area in central Sinai, the Egyptian army said on Friday. The explosion occurred during a raid on "terrorist hideouts" by the third field army and police forces in the area. ahram-EN 17 Feb 2017,--injured-during-raid-in-Egypts-c.aspx

We killed senior ISIS operative in Sinai Egypt claimed responsibility for the death in Sinai of a senior ISIS official specializing in roadside bomb attacks and armed assaults against police and army officials. israelnationalnews 18 Feb 2017 Libya

Military says Libya strike bore critical intel Senior U.S. military officials say the massive airstrikes that killed more than 80 Islamic State militants in southern Libya last month generated critical computer data, documents and information from prisoner interrogations that the U.S. can use to track and target more fighters. Marine Gen. news-yahoo 1:14:00 AM CET Tunisia

Tunisia army clashes with militants in mountains, two killed: ministry Tunisia troops clashed with armed Islamist militants in the remote mountains near the Algerian border on Friday, killing two of them, arresting another and seizing weapons, the defense ministry said. It said the operation took place in Samamma mountains where the security forces since 2015.... reuters 17 Feb 2017 idUSKBN15W27D?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Reuters %2FworldNews+%28Reuters+World+News%29

Deux jihadistes présumés tués à Kasserine Deux jihadistes présumés ont été tués vendredi par l'armée tunisienne lors d'une opération dans la zone montagneuse de Kasserine (centre), a annoncé le ministère de la Défense. Une unité militaire "a tué cet après-midi deux terroristes et blessé d'autres éléments sur le mont Sammama", a indiqué le.... lorientlejour 17 Feb 2017

Tunisia extends state of emergency citing 'terror threats' Tunisia has renewed for three more months the state of emergency which has been in place across the North African state since a deadly Daesh terror attack in 2015. President Beji Caid Essebsi decided "to extend the state of emergency for three months from 16.... globalsecurity 17 Feb 2017

L'Etat d'urgence prolongé Le Président tunisien, Béji Caïd Essebsi, a annoncé la prolongation de l’Etat d’urgence pour trois mois supplémentaires. En Tunisie, le Président Béji Caïed Essebsi, a annoncé, ce jeudi 16 février 2017, la prolongation de l’Etat d’urgence pour trois mois supplémentaires. afrik 17 Feb 2017 prolonge,57518?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+afrikfr+%28Afrik+VF%29 INTERNATIONAL America US

Muslim terrorism does not exist Pope Francis said 'no religion is terrorist' in a welcome letter read aloud at a meeting of grassroots political movements in California. The gathering of Catholic clergy and activists comes as the world grapples with the impact of President Donald Trump's attempts to change US immigration policy. mailonsunday 18 Feb 2017

Trump wants to build 'safe zones' in Syria, make Gulf states pay for it Speaking before a rally in Florida on Saturday, US President Donald Trump claimed that only safe zones in Syria and other war-plagued countries can stop the migrant crisis, stressing that the Gulf states should pay for those zones, Sputnik reported. It is necessary to create safe zones in conflict.... azernews 7:50:00 AM CET Asia India

22 militants killed in 50 days in J&K The army has lost 26 soldiers in the line of duty in Jammu and Kashmir in the first two months of 2017, while the security forces have stepped up the heat against militants, killing 22 ultras in 50 days — the highest since 2010. While 20 army personnel including an officer lost their lives in.... thehindu 7:45:00 AM CET jk/article17328952.ece?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=RSS_Syndication Iraq Iraq forces launch operation to retake west Mosul Iraqi forces launched an offensive on jihadists defending Mosul's west bank Sunday, in what could be the most brutal fighting yet in a four-month-old operation on the city. "Our forces are beginning the liberation of the citizens from the terror of Daesh," Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said.... thedailystarBD 8:15:00 AM CET

IS kills 8 Iraqi militia near Tikrit Authorities initially said the Thursday night attack at an auto dealership in the al-Bayaa neighborhood killed at least 55 and wounded more than 60. The Islamic State group claimed credit for the bombing. The police officer and medical personnel spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief reporters. timesdaily 17 Feb 2017 Pakistan

Pakistani police kill 5 militants in counter-terrorism raid Pakistani police say that counter-terrorism forces killed five militants in an overnight raid and seized weapons and explosives from their hideout. Nayab Haider, a spokesman for the counter-terrorism department, says Sunday that the militants were members of the banned Jamaat-ul.... therepublic 8:06:00 AM CET

Pakistan 'kills 100 militants' after blast in Sufi shrine Pakistani forces said Friday they had killed more than 100 "terrorists" after 88 people died in an attack claimed by the Islamic State group on a Sufi shrine which stoked fears of a fresh surge in militancy. The devastating blast came after a series of bloody extremist assaults this week, including.... afp-english 17 Feb 2017 Turkey

Explosion hits Viransehir in Turkey's southeast A three-year old child has been killed and 15 people have been wounded in a car bomb attack in a town in southeastern Turkey, near the border with Syria, according to a provincial governor and hospital sources. Friday's explosion occurred near the lodgings of judges and prosecutors in Viransehir in.... aljazeera-en 17 Feb 2017

Un enfant de 3 ans mort dans une explosion dans le sud-est Un enfant de trois ans est mort et 15 personnes ont été blessées dans une explosion à la voiture piégée dans la province de Sanliurfa (sud-est de la Turquie), a rapporté vendredi l'agence progouvernementale Anadolu, citant le gouverneur de la province. "Le fils de 3 ans d'un greffier a perdu la vie. romandie 17 Feb 2017 Syria

Pentagon cites evidence of Islamic State “exodus” from Raqqa The Pentagon says it sees signs that the Islamic State group is preparing for the loss of its de facto capital in Raqqa, Syria. Navy Capt. Jeff Davis is a Pentagon spokesman. Davis says the extremist group’s administrative structure in Raqqa is beginning to crack. seattletimes 17 Feb 2017 raqqa/?utm_source=RSS&utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=RSS_all Europe Germany

Bill Gates: Bioterrorism could kill hundreds of millions Governments overlooking the threat of biological weapons which could one day kill hundreds of millions, Bill Gates has warned. The richest man in the world has said that biological warfare is not being taken seriously enough. He warned world leaders in Munich today that a pandemic could wipe out.... mailonsunday 18 Feb 2017 millions.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490

Selon Bill Gates, le monde n'est pas prêt à affronter le terrorisme bactériologique La communauté internationale doit réaliser qu'elle doit au plus vite se préparer à une pandémie mondiale, a estimé vendredi le fondateur de Microsoft, Bill Gates, devant la Conférence de sécurité de Munich. 18 Feb 2017

Merkel: Islam is not the source of ‘terrorism’ German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said Islam is not the source of "terrorism" and that cooperating with predominantly Muslim states in the fight against it is vital. Merkel, who has been critical of US President Donald Trump's attempt to impose a temporary travel ban on people from seven.... iran-daily 18 Feb 2017 International Organisations

Boko Haram: UN Security Council to visit Nigeria in March The UN Security Council will be visiting Nigeria within the next few weeks to discuss strategies for combating the Boko Haram insurgents and to assess the level of humanitarian crisis caused by the terror group. The Deputy Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General, Farhan Haq, confirmed to the.... peoplesdaily-online 16 Feb 2017

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