Scanning Microscopy Volume 1 Number 4 Article 41 8-28-1987 Tandem Scanning Reflected Light Microscopy of Primate Enamel Alan Boyde University College London Lawrence Martin University College London Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Biology Commons Recommended Citation Boyde, Alan and Martin, Lawrence (1987) "Tandem Scanning Reflected Light Microscopy of Primate Enamel," Scanning Microscopy: Vol. 1 : No. 4 , Article 41. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Western Dairy Center at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Scanning Microscopy by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Scanning Microscopy, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1987 (Pages 1935-1948) 0891-7035/87$3.00+.00 Scanning Microscopy International, Chicago (AMF O'Hare), IL 60666 USA TANDEMSCANNING REFLECTED LIGHT MICROSCOPYOF PRIMATEENAMEL Alan Boyde* and Lawrence Martin Department of Anatomy and Embryology, University College London, Gower Street, London WClE 6BT, ENGLAND (Received for publication April 14, 1987, and in revised form August 28, 1987) Abstract Introduction Studies of the cross sectional packing The vast majority of fossil primate and arrangements of primate enamel prisms have been hominid material available for scientific study used in a number of recent studies in attempts to consists of dental and skeletal specimens, both of determine their taxonomic utility. Credibility of which are formed of the hard tissues of the body. the results has been greatly influenced by the Teeth are covered by enamel which is the most methods employed to examine enamel prism packing highly mineralized tissue formed in mammalian patterns and also by the limited sampling.