The Biography of America's Lake Monster
REVIEWS] The Biography of America’s Lake Monster BENJAMIN RADFORD obert Bartholomew and his broth- er Paul grew up near the shores Rof Lake Champlain, which not The Untold Story of Champ: A Social History of America’s only sparked an early interest in the Loch Ness Monster. By Robert E. Bartholomew. lake monster said to dwell within the State University of New York Press, lake but also steeped them in the social Albany, New York, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4384-4484-0. and cultural context of the mysterious 253 pp. Paperback, $24.95. beastie. In his new book, The Untold Story of Champ: A Social History of America’s Loch Ness Monster, Robert, a sociologist, Fortean investigator, and former broadcast journalist, takes a fresh look at Champ, long dubbed “America’s Loch Ness Monster.” Roy Mackal, and others who con- the Mansi photo, “New Information There have only been a handful of vened a 1981 conference titled, “Does Surfaces on ‘World’s Best Lake Mon- other books dealing in any depth or Champ Exist? A Scientific Seminar.” ster Photo,’ Raising Questions,” May/ scholarship with Champ, among them The intrigue between and among these June 2013.) Joe Zarzynski’s Champ: Beyond the Leg- researchers is interesting enough to fill Like virtually all “unexplained” phe- end, and of course Lake Monster Mys- several chapters. nomena, the history of Champ is in teries: Investigating the World’s Most There are several good books about part a history of hoaxes, and the book Elusive Creatures, coauthored by Joe the people involved in the search for examines several of them in detail, in- Nickell and myself.
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