Clark University Clark Digital Commons Faculty Works Scholarly Collections & Academic Work 2000 Salute to Faculty Scholarship 2000 Clark University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Clark University, "Salute to Faculty Scholarship 2000" (2000). Faculty Works. 13. This Conference Proceeding is brought to you for free and open access by the Scholarly Collections & Academic Work at Clark Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Works by an authorized administrator of Clark Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
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[email protected]. Fifth Annual Salute to Faculty Scholarship 2000 Noon - 2 pm Lurie Conference Room Higgins University Center SALUTE TO FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP Publications and Creative Works (alphabetical by Clark author, editor or artist) 1999 - Present Aoki, Michiko. 1999. “Women’s Roles in Ancient Japan” a chapter in Women’s Roles in Ancient Civilizations: A Reference Guide. Bella Vivante, ed. CT: Greenwood Press. Bailey, Gauvin Alexander. 1999. Art on the Jesuit Missions in Asia and Latin America, 1542-1773. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. O’Malley, John W., S.J., Gauvin Alexander Bailey, Steven J. Harris, and T. Frank Kennedy, S.J., eds. 1999. The Jesuits: Cultures, Sciences, and the Arts, 1540-1773. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Bibace, Roger, J. Dillon and P. Dowds, eds. 1999. Partnerships in Research, Clinical and Educational Settings, in Advances in Applied Developmental Psychology, vol 18, Irving E. Sigel, ed. CT: Ablex. Blinderman, Charles. Mounted two websites during 1999: The Huxley File and The Piltdown Hoax, which attracted well over 20,000 visitors during 1999.