A Contribution to the History of

'By ESTHER CLARK WRIGHT B. A. (Acadia) Ph. D. (Radcliffe and Harvard)

DEDICATION To His Honour the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick, who is proud to be a descendant of Alexander Clark, Loyalist.


~HE information for this study of Alexander Clark, Loyalist, -l9 has been gathered from many sources. Considerations of space forbid the citation of sources for each item of information, whether printed, manuscript, inscriptions on tombstones, or personal recollections. For' the New Jersey history, use was made of various his­ tories of the state, of the ArchiYes, published by the New Jersey His­ torical Solci.ety, and of other materials in the library of the Monmouth County Historical Association at Freehold. The Historical and Genea­ logical Miscellany: Data Relating to the Settlement and Settlers of New York and New Jersey, by John E. Stillwell, 1906, was particularly valuable. For the New Brunswirk history, and for the genealogical data, I am indebted largely to the kindness of nunwrous descendants of Alexander Clark, and their wives, who have answered my many queries and have shown me family records. I am particularly indebted to Mrs. Hedley V. Upton, without whose assistance this study would have been impossible; to Mrs. Simeon H. Jones, who very graciously let me use the vast amount of information gathered by her son and others; to Mr. Inglewood Flower, to Messrs. David and Chesley Clark for permission to copy from letters and other documents in their pos­ session; to Miss Barbara Clark, Mrs. C. A. Gilbert, Mrs. Wm. Rice, Mrs. Lewis F. Strout, and many others who have written at great length; to Mrs. Chas. W. Sprague for showing me the Family Bible of Alexander Clark, which she allowed me to deposit in the Provincial Museum of New Brunswick; to Miss Otty for allowing me to look at her copy of the Gagetown Church Records. In compiling the list of the descendants, I have preferred to group them by families, rather than by generations; e.g., the descendants of the oldest son, John, are taken up first, and of these, the family of his oldest son, Alexander, is listed, and the descendants of Alexander's oldest child given as completely as known before the second is taken up. The superior numbers refer to the generations, and can be used to compute relationship. Thus, George0 and William• would be fourth 1 cousins, if descended from different sons of Alexander ; if descended from John', they would be third cousins; if both descended from Wil­ liam", John', they would be second cousins. The abbreviations are ob­ vious, b. for born, m. for married, d. for died, dau. for daughter. Brackets around the last name of a wife indicate her surname by a former marriage. I am acutely conscious of the many gaps in the list of descendants, but I ho2e that sufficient additional information and corrections will. be sent me to make it imperative to publish at some future date a re­ vised and extended study. I shall be very glad to receive and note down all corrections and additions which are sent me. ESTHER CLARK WRIGHT. W olfville, Nbva Scotia, September 10, 1940.

Alexander Clark's descent.

William Clark m. Elizabeth d. 1709. I d. 1693 I William Alexander m. Sarah Van Horne Anne d. 1728 d. 1730 I I I I I I William Richard John m. Anna Dorn Benjamin Mary Elizabeth d. 1777 I d. 1801 I I I I Alexander m. Mary Hoff Cornelius John Nicholas Mary Leah d. 1825 d. 1836 I I I I I I Anne Abigail John William Gershom George

ALEXANDER CLARK} LOYALIST "Alexander, son of John and Anna Clark was born September 20th in the Year of ouq Lord 1743." So runs the first item in the family Bible, purchased evidently after Alexander Oark and his fam­ ily came to New Brunswick with the Loyalists in 1783. The account of the family is probably written in his own hand, the meticulous hand which worked outJ the problems in arithmetic in a book in the Saint John Museum, "Alexander Clark, His Book, December ye 5, 1763." The statement in the Bible does not mention the place of his birth, which was the township of Freehold, in Monmouth County, New Jer­ sey, nor does it mention that he was the oldest son of John and Anna Clark. John Clark, yeoman and blacksmith, died March 17, 1777, aged 58 years, 16 days, and was buried in Topanemus burying ground, as his father and grandfather had been before him. His wife, Anna Dorn, daughter of Cornelius Dorn ( van Dorn, Dooren, Dorne, the name is variously spelt) of •Middletown, Monmouth Co., lived until 1801. Her will, which was drawn up in 1795, perhaps too soon after the Revolution, makes no mention of the eldest son, Alexander, nor of the second son, Cornelius, of whom no trace has been found, but leaves her property to John and Nicholas and the daughters, Mary and Leah, all four of whom had remained in New Jersey. There is evidence that she had not forgotten her oldest son, however, for one of his desc~n­ dants has a letter written September 22, 1800, the year before she died. Hoping these may find you and Afl the family and· Al the Children and their familyes in the same. I have sent several Let­ ters before the Re , this I have Not had a Letter in Upperds of two years Before this and the time seemed Long as I under a Decae of Old Age. My Brother Cornelius Dorn Lived with me this Several years and Dyed Last Marcp I wish I Cold See you Once More I Cold Give more Particular Accompts and 1I1Pre Satisfaction Than I Can By Righting I Desire to Be Remembered to All my Gran Children and family I remaind your Loving mother till Death (in different writing) Anna Clark John Clark in New Jersey had named his oldest son for his own father, and his second son for his wife's father, a custom which came with the family to New Brunswiq;:. John was the third son of Alex• ander and Sarah van Horn Clark. Alexander Clark died in 1730, at the age of 37, and left a small family, William, Richard, John, Ben­ jamin, Mary and Elizabeth, all under age at the time, so that his wife 7 Sarah, h~r brother Cornelius van Horn of Freehold, and William Laurence, Jr., of Middletown, were appointed executors. This Cor­ nelius van Horn ( e) was the founder of one branch of the van Horne family-there are at least three families of the name-and had mar­ ried, for his second wife, Elizabeth Laurenc,e. Alexander Clark's bro­ ther, William, who had died in 1728, had also married a Laurence. Alexander Clark's tombstone said that he died "with the cancer": the cause of his brother's early death is not given. They were the sons of William and Elizabeth Clark, whose names were recorded on a stone at the T opanemus burying ground. "William Clarke, of Kingdom of Scotland, died May 26, 1709, aged 63 years. Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Clarke, born in Scotland, died Dec. 25, 1697, aged 42 years." About the year 1684, the colony of East Jersey was made available for settlement through its purchase by a group of proprietors, of Scottish and Quaker connections, who set about making arrangements for dearing the land and establishing plantations. They brought out with them or sent out groups of servants to start on this task, and many thrifty Scots yeomen, and many Scots .who were victims of relig­ ious persecution, took advantage of the opportunity to get their pas­ sage paid and their living for the first few years assured, while they became accustomed to the country and looked for the landj on which they could expend their capital. William Clark and the neighbours who witnessed his will were among this group. William Clark him~ self seems to have come out with Robert Fullerton, brother of the Laird of Kennaber, in a ship that sailed from Montrose, with 130 souls on board, and reached Amboy some time in October, 1684. In 1691 William Clark began buying land. He bought 100 acres at Topanemus from Alexander Napier or Neper, referred to in his will as the plantation, called Huckleberry Swamp, bought of Alexander Neper. He bought also 486 acres in Wickatunk, the same district in Monmouth Co., land originally granted to Thomas Hart and sold by him to Richard Ashfield of New York, who sold it to William Oark in 1695. 32 acres of this property were sold to Thomas Lawrie in 1696, but the rest seems to have remained as part of William Clark's estate. He was one of a company, in which are included the neigh­ bours mentioned in his will, Alexander Napier, John Brown, John Hebron, Patrick Imlay, John Baird, William Laing, and other Scots who came out about 1684, who bought a site for a dock on Matawan Creek, adjoining land originally granted to Thomas Hart. One other bit of New Jersey history has bearing on the Clark family history. Mention has been made of the Topanemus burying ground whern the three generations who died in New Jersey were bur­ ied. The church at Topanemus had been founded as a Friends Meet­ ing by George Keith, a Scot intended for the Presbyterian ministry,

8 who turned Quaker about 1664 and was a dose associate of Robert Barclay and William Penn, two of the Jersey proprietors. George Keith was made Surveyor of East Jersey and came out in 1685, accom­ panied by six servants to clear land for him. At a later date, George Keith developed doctrines displeasing to the Society of Friends, and eventually, after his return to England, he conformed to the Estab­ lished Church. He returned to America on a preaching mission and persuaded the church at T opanemus to follow him into the episcopalian fold. St. Peter's in Freehold, the successor of the Topanemus Church, had as rector before the Revolution the Rev. Samuel Cooke, whose Tory views were so pronounced that he was forced to flee. He took with him the church records, but whether he left them in England, whither he first went, or whether he carried them with him to New Brunswick, where he became the first rector of the church in , is not known. It is not without significance that Alexander dark, whose fore­ fathers were buried in Topanemus burying ground and who was pre­ sumably a parishioner of the Rev. Samuel Cooke, adhered to the King's cause. ALEXANDER CLARK'S FAMILY Alexander Clark had married on November 10, 1763, Mary, daugh­ ter of William and Abigail Hoff. He had thus followed the example of his father and grandfather in marrying into a family of Dutch descent. The Hoffs or van der Hoffs of New Jersey were descended from four brothers, John, William, Leonard and Thomas van der Hoff, who came from Amsterdam in the latteJJ part of the 17th century or early part of the 18th century, and suffered shipwreck off Sandy Hook. Mary Hoff was born March 19, 1745, and died in New Brunswick, March 21, 1836, two days after reaching the age of 91 years. "The whole course of her life was marked by strict Christ~an principles, and at its close she enjoyed the comforting and lc;heering prospect of a blessed immortality through the merits of Her Redeemer": so the newspaper account of her death commented. It also remarked that she left a number of descendants, a statement that can hardly be considered exaggerated when the incomplete lists now available show that there were at least 80 descendants at the time. Five children were born to Alexander and Mary dark before they left New Jersey: Anne, born August 29, 1764; Abigail, February 22, 1766; John, April 4, 1768; William, March 2, 1770; Gershom, April 27, 1774. What became of Mary dark and her small children during the Revolutionary War we can only conjecture. Anne, the oldest, died September 11, 1781, and her death may have been due to the troublous times. Alexander dark had "run away to join the King's army," the zealots of Monmouth County reported, and his property had been seized, along with that of other Freehold Tories, before May 1779, when public nottc;e was given to "all persons having any claims, interest 9 or demand in or upon the estates of the following fugitives and offen­ ders ( against whom inquisitions have been found and final judgment entered in favour of the state) to exhibit their respective accounts fairly stated in writing to the Judges of the/Court of Common Pleas in the county of Monmouth. . . ." Mary Clark m.ay possibly have found refuge with her husband's brothers, who remained in New Jersey, or she m:ay have found refuge with her sisters, of whom she had at least three. One of them, Miriam Zutphen, wrote to her from Middleton, (Middleton, Monmouth Co., presumably) under date of March 26, 1786, to ask for news of her. It mentions that Sister Mains had had a letter from Mary, dated October, which had said that they were making ready to move up the river to their land. Miriam gave news of their aged father, and of Sister Mains and Sister Briton. Elizabeth Hoff had married Andrew Mains, a soldier in the First Regiment, Monmouth, who had been wounded at Germantown, October 4, 1777. Whatever had happened in the years between 1776 and 1783, at the end of the time Alexander Clark wM able to get his family to• gether and to bring them and many possessions to New Brunswick. He brought, for instance, the deeds of the property he had owned in Freehold, a book of carefully worked out arithmetic problems, and several pieces of furniture, one of which is still in existence, a maple desk, with the initials A C, and the date, 1769, inlaid in the cover. Alexander Clark drew lot 1232 in Parrtown, on the north side of Great Britain Street East, between Carmarthen and Wentworth Streets. After his widow's death, the lot was sold by his executors, William and Gershom Clark. Lot 1231 was drawn by John Paul, a native of Lanark, Scotland, who had fired the first shot on the British side at Lexington, and had been severely wounded in the engagement. John Paul married his neighbour's daughter, Abigail, then the oldest of the family, pro• bably before the Clarks moved up to Maquapit Lake, which they seem to have done about 1786. Both Alexander Clark and John Paul held position~ in the Ordnance Department, Alexander as Armourer from i805. They were also associated in the grant of land on Maquapit Lake, the deed for which was registered Feb. 29, 1796, as a grant of 4024 acres to Alexander Clark and 17 others. The 17 others were John Paul, William Bridgeman (Bridges?), William Clark(e), John Clark ( e) , Samuel Meyers, William Smith Jr., Esther Dunn, James, McLean, John Russell, Joseph Abbott, John Upton, William Smith Sr., John Lun ( n), George Porter, Jacob Cook, James Peters Esqre., Gers• horn Clark(e). It will be noted that Alexander Clark's three sons, John, William and Gershom, are included among the grantees. A fourth son, George, was born August 7, 1787. John left Maquapit Lake and settled on the 10 W ashademoak; William and Gershom remained on the original grant; George seems to have settled in Saint John. How or why John migrated to the Washademoak I have been unable to discover; possibly he went there to run a grist mill. In a petition asking for land on_ the Salmon River ( head of Grand Lake), a petition dated Wickham Township, August 1, 1810, he describes him• self as forty-two years of age, "had 300 acres of Land seven Children but being unfortunate was under the Necessity of parting with it, but since purchased 200 Acres more and now in a Capacity of Occupying man." In another petition, dated April 25, 1814, he describes himself as aged 49 years-he seems to have aged greatly in the intervening four years-"lately lost my wife have Eight Children came to this Province 1783 have had a hundred and Seventy Acres of Land," which raises the sort of difficulties usually designated as another headache for the historian. His own list of his children in the Family Bible makes no mention of any child born between 1810 and 1814, and no mention of any wife in that period. John's descendants spread up and down and across the Washade­ moak, towards the Belleisle, and intermarried with Queens and Kings County families. Today they are to be found all over central and south­ ern New Brunswick, throughout Canada and the United States. Wil­ liam's and Gershom's families, who remained at Maquapit Lake, with a few exceptions, lost touch with John's descendants. The ex:ceptions are interesting. One of William's sons went to the Washadempak, married a granddaughter of John, and was lost sight of by William's descendants. Gershom's son, George, and John's son, William, moved up the St. John river to Queensbury and a marriage united the fam­ ilies, but this time John's descendants up river were lost to the rest of the family. In general, William's and Gershom's families married on the Maquapit side of Grand Lake, but three of Gershom's children crossed Grand Lake and married there. Some of William's descendants are to be found between Maquapit Lake and Fredericton, but most of them are scattered widely across the continent. Gershom's descendants are scattered also, but a larger proportion are to be found in New Bruns­ wick. There is some tendency for Fredericton to be their centre, as there is some tendency for Saint John to be the meeting place of John's descendants. George may have gone down to Saint John 'in 1805 with his par• ents when Alexander received the commission as A'.rmourer. In 1814, when he and John's three sons and Gershom's oldest two petitioned for land on the road leading from the J emseg to the W ashademoak, George is described as a resident of Saint John, with a wife and three children, and ini 1817 when he sold his lot to his brother John, he is describ-

11 ed as a carpenter. After George's disappearance, the family may have scattered among the relatives-certainly they were difficult to trace, and their descendants were mostly unaware of their relationship to other branches of the family.

DESCENDANTS OF JOHN" John", eldest son of Alexander1 and Mary Clark, was born April 4, 1768, in East New Jersey. On August 19, 1790, he married Sarah ---, who was born in Edentown, Niorth Carolina, October 6. 1772, according to the Family Bible. She died August 22, 1805, aged 32 years, 10 months, and 15 days. Alexander", b. Aug. 10, 1791, m. Elizabeth Titus. Mary", b. Jan. 25, 1793, m. James McAlary. William", b. Jan. 10, 1795. d. Sept. 16, 1872, m. (1) Rachel Springer, m. (2) Sarah M. --, m. (3) Susannah -­ (Heustis). Archable', b. Sept. 22, 1796, d. Feb. 14, 1797. Gershom", b. Feb. 17, 1799, m. Ann Nickerson. Abigail", b. July 18, 1801, m. Amos Corey, Feb. 1, 1820. They had no family. Sarah Ann', b. Aug. 12, 1803, d. Sept. 3, 1823. Hester L.", b. Aug. 13, 1805, d. May 22, 1835, m. John Worden. In a petition for land in 1814, John mentions that he had eight children and had lately lost his wife, but I find no further tralqe of this marriage. He married May 2, 1815, Mary Beveridge, dau. of David Beveridge of Saint John. She died April 21, 1819, aged 34. Eleanor Elizabeth", b. April 3, 1811, d. Nov. 1, 1901. Jolin', b. June 25, 1818, d. Jan. 6, 1819. On February 24, 1820, John Oark married Mrs. Elizabeth Wig• gins at Grand Lake. She may have been Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. John Leavitt, married to Benjamin Wiggins, June 24, 1803. On a separate sheet of paper in the Family Bible there is a more complete list than that on the front cover, and it gives this name: Harriet M. Briggs", b. Dec. 9, 1822. There is some tradition of the existence of a Harriet, who died young. One of Eleanor Elizabeth's daughters was named for her. Alexander" (John') b. 1791 on Jan. 27, 1814, married Elizabeth Titus, b. March 1, 1792, d. Nov. 1887. Sarah Martha', b. Nov. 22, 1814, d. March 8, 1900, m. James Belyea. Elizabeth', b. Sept. 19, 1816, d. Dec. 18, 1906, m. Gershom" (William"). See descendants of William•, p. 43. William Henry•, b. Jan. 18, 1819, m. Mary Ann Ellison. 12 Frances Ann', b. April 9, 1821, d. May 15, 1907, m. Butler Thorne. Edwin•, b. Aug. 28, 1823, m. Deborah Ann McCready. Mary Jane', b. May 16, 1826, d. 1886, m. James Hetherington. John Paul', b. Sept. 17, 1828, d. April 2, 1907, m. Mary Hughson. Abigail Paul', b. Sept. 17, 1828, d. Dec. 8, 1881, m. Thomas W. Sprague. Eliza Rebecca', b. Nov. 26, 1830, m. Henry Wetmore. Margaret Emeline', b. Nov. 26, 1833, d. Sept. 8, 1910, m. \Vil­ liam Somerville. Eunice Perley', b. Jan. 13, 1836, d. Feb. 6, 1910, m. William W olsley Vail. Sarah• (Alexander", John') 1814-1900, who is presumably the Sarah Martha to whom John leaves a bed and other possessions, married James Belyea. 5 Harriet Matilda Belyea , b. July 11, 1843, m. George Hughson. Alexander Belyea5 m. Celia Watson. Deborah Belyea5 m. James Henry Wilson. Harriet Matilda Belyea5 (Sarah', Alexander", John") 1843, married George Hughson, 1838-1900. Charles Hughson", b. Feb. 21, 1867, d. Nov. 31, 1899. Hattie Matilda Hughson', b. March 1, 1869, d. Sept. 1935'. Sarah Belyea Hughson', b. March 23, 1871, m. (1) Isaac Stev- ens, m. (2) Moore. James W. Hughson', b. July 5, 1873, m. Mary Eva Giggey. 7 Walter Ernest Hughson , North Reading, Mass., m. Agnes Day. Helen Hughson' James Hughson" William Hughson" Barbara Hughson' Robert Hughson" Mary Hughson' Agnes Hughson' m. Sidney Jamieson. Ronald Giggey Hughson7 m. Katherine MacMillan. Mary Lou Hughson" John Hughson' Frances Roberta Hughson' Annie Vesta Hughson', b. Aug. 24, 1876, m. Alfred Aikens, Winnipeg. George M. Hughson", b. Nov. 12, 1881, d. April 10, 1907. Alexander Belyea" (Sarah•, Alexander", John') married Celia Watson. Frank Belyea" 13 Deborah Belyea" (Sarah', Alexander", John') married James Henry Wilson, b. February 6, 1837, 8th son of Samuel and Deborah Tilton White Wilson. Annie Wilson' m. William Patch. Pennery Wilson", Amesbury, Mass., m. Jennie Mullin (Holder) Almeda Wilson7 m. Paul Adams. Paul Wilson Adams" Frances Wilson7 m. Hugh Ewing. Henry LeRoy Wilson7 m. Hazel Gray. LeRoy Wilson8 Allan Wilson' Delight Wilson" Douglas Wilson" Frances Wilson" Alma Wilson' HermaG Wilson", Toledo, Ohio.

8 2 Frances Ann' (Alexander , John ) 1821-1907, married on July 11, 1839, Butler Thorne, 1813-1876, son of Michael and Rebecca Worden Thorn ( e) , and grandson of Melancthorn and Hannah Butler Thorn ( e) who were Loyalists. Charles WiJliam Thorne", b. April 20, 1841, d. 1924, m. Blea• nor Ann Musgrove. Sarah Elizabeth Thorne•, b. April 3, 1844, d. Nov. 27, 1919, m. Jedediah Day. Eunice Emmaline Thorne", b. Sept. 21, 1846, d. Dec. 13, 1913, m. Joseph A. Mann. Wilford Bevan Thorne", b. Oct. 21, 1848, d. April 14, 1927, m. Emma Benjamin. Edith Melvina Thorne", b. April 23, 1851, m. Capt. William Thomas Armstrong. Moses Judson Thorne", b. July 14, 1853, m. Susan Drake. Benjamin Wetmore Thorne", b. Oct. 19, 1855, d. Oct. 10, 1929, m. Maria McLaughlin. Leveret Herman Thorne", b. Aug. 18, 1858, d. April 26, 1927, m. Elizabeth Hill. Arthur Wellington Troop Thorne", b. April 15, 1861, m. Jose­ phine Orchard. Marguerite Thorne', b. Dec. 3, 1897.

2 Charles William Thorne• (Frances Ann', Alexander•, John ) 1841- 1924, married on Sept. 10, 1870, Eleanor Ann Musgrove, 1842-1907, daughter of A. G. and Mary Musgrove. Henrietta Ulalia Thorne", b. Nov. 5, 1871, m. Elijah Straight, Dec. 1909. Florence Iva Thorne", b. July 11, 1874.

14 Butler Good Thorne", b. Feb. 1877, m. Alice William Alexander Thorne7 Ernest Thorne7 Qorothy Thorne7 Walter Ethelbert Thorne' James Nevin Thorne7 Alexander Weatherall Thorne', b. Dec. 1, 1882, m. May Haldane 1 Haldane Everett Thorne , b. July 6, 1910, m. Nellie B. Pugsley, June 28, 1933. Charles Alexander Thorne" Sarah Elizabeth Thorne5 (Frances Ann', Alexander", John") 1844-1919, m~rried on Dec. 25, 1862, Jedediah Day, b. Dec. 3, 1830, d. Aug. 18, 1899. Serenia Jane Day', b. Oct. 21, 1863, d. Sept. 25, 1919, m. (1) George Henry Barnes; m. (2) Alfred Straight. 0 Finetta Adeline Day , b. Sept. 4, 1865, m. Simeon Hatfield Jones. Jedediah Butler Day", b. Feb. 7, 1868, m. Phoebe Ethel Mott. Wilford Chester Day", b. Sept. 28, 1870, d. Tu.-.~ 1 \ 1933, m. Emma Crabbe. Emma Frances Day", b. Sept. 22, 1873. Frank Steeves Oay", b. Nov. 22, 1877, m. Florence Isabella Black, Aug. 9, 1911. 7 Cecil Roy Day • Serenia Jane Day" (Sarah Elizabeth Thorne", Frances Ann•, Alexander", 2 John ) 1863-1919, married George Henry Barnes, 1861-, and sec­ ondly, Alfred Straight. Erwin Elmer Barnes7, b. March 14, 1885, m. Margaret Jane Brown, Dec. 22, 1909, Vancouver. Elmer George Barnes" Gordon Barnes" 1 Jennet Serena Barnes , b. May 24, 1887, m. Malcolm Steeves, 1911. Lloyd Barrie Steeves" Harold Birch Steeves" 1 Mabel Adelia Barnes , b. May 8, 1889, m. Frank Hutton Blake, Aug. 5, 1908, Saint John. Hazel Dorothy Blake", b. Nov. 10, 1909, m. Wm. Knight Ralph Gordon Blake", b. Sept. 30, 1912. Finetta Adeline Day' (Sarah Elizabeth Thorne", Frances Ann', Alex­ ander', John") 1865-, married on May 5, 1883, Simeon Hatfield Jonei;, b. Dec. 5, 1860. 7 Frank Wilmot Jones , b. Dec. 27, 1883, m. Ida Matilda Belyea, July 14, 1920. 15 Frederick Ernest Jones", b. May 18, 1921. Laurence Roy Jones", b. Sept. 27. 1923. 7 Frederick Sim'eon Jones , b. Jan. 11, 1889, m. Florence Camp• bell, Ottawa. Barbara Evers:field Jones", b. Nov. 4, 1931. William Roy Jones', b. March 21, 1892, m. Hazel Chambers. Elena Jones" Raymond Jones" Etta Lorena Jones" Alexander Jones" 7 Harold Milton Jones , b. July 11, 1894, m. Muriel McAllister. Alison Jones" Gladys Jones" Florence Jones" Georgie Jones" Barbara Jones" Shirley Jones' Dora Jones" Frederick Jones" 7 Finetta Elizabeth Jones , b. April 21, 1896, d. Nov. 1, 1900. 7 Elena Irene Jones , 6. May 22, 1901, m. D/arrell Robert Phillips. Peter Darrell Bremner Phillips", 6. Dec. 3, 1931. 7 Etta Lorena Jones , 6. Dec. 4, 1903. Jedediah Butler Day" (Sarah Elizabeth Thorne", Frances Ann', Al~x­ 2 ander ", John ) 1868-, married in 1897 Phoebe Ethel Mott, daughter of Rev. 0. N. Mott, d. Dec. 24, 1932. Harold Nelson Day', m. Grace Irwin, 1923, Saint John. 7 Hazel Lavinia Day , m. S.. Lawrence Seeds. 7 Elsie Day , m. Eldon Fletcher. Barbara Allen Day' Wilford Chester D~y• (Sarah Elizabeth Thorne", Frances Ann', Alex­ 2 ander", John ) 1870-1933, married Emma Crabbe, in 1897. Florence Day" 1 William Leslie Day , d. Sept. 29, 1931, m. Gladys Bedford Martin, Feb. 9, 1929. Ernest Day', d. 1931. Charles S. Day' Wilford Bevan Thorne" (Frances Ann', Alexander" John") 1848-1927, married on Sept. 3, 1873, Emma Benjamin, d. Oct. 24, 1887. Edward Leonard Jewett Thorne", b. Ott. 24, 1874. John Milton Thorne", b. April 9, 1878. Arthur Wilmot Thorne", b. Sept. 5, 1880. m. (1) Margaret 5 Edith Armstrong" (Edith Melvina Thorne , Frances Ann•, Alexander", John") 16 7 Margaret Edith Thorne , b. April 29, 1910 (adopted by A. Walker Perry and Ethel Maude Armstrong• her mother's sister.)

2 Edith Melvina Thorne• (Frances Ann', Alexander", John ) 1851-, married on Feb. 2, 1868, Capt. William Thomas Armstrong, b. April 26, 1844. Malcolm W. Armstrong", b. Jan. 22, 1870, d. June 29, 1898, m. Sarah E. Belyea, Nov. 22, 1893, d. Sept. 17, 1900. Charles Roy Armstrong', b. Sept. 12, 1895. 7 William Elias Armstrong , b. May 14, 1897. John E. Armstrong", b. Oct. 16, 1871, d. June 13, 1912. Mary Agnes Armstrong", b. Aug. 14, 1873. Margaret Edith Armstrong", b. March 10, 1875, d. May 5, 1910, m. Arthur Wilmot Thorne• (Wilford Bevan Thorne", 2 Frances Ann', Alexander", John ) Margaret Edith Thorne' Ethel Maude Armstrong•, b. June 15, 1876, m. A. Walker Perry. 0 William B. Armstrong , b. Oct. 30, 1878, d. July 2, 1879. William T. Armstrong", b. May 18, 1880, d. Dec. 27, 1880.

2 Moses Judson Thorne" (Frances Ann', Alexander", John ) 1853-, m. on June 28, 1881, Susan Drake, b. April 18, 1860. Frank Drake Thorne', b. April 18, 1891, m. Genevieve A. Cronin, Sept. 21, 1929. Wellington Troop Thorne', b. April 30, 1895, m. Nina Chase.

5 2 Benjamin Wetmore Thorne (Frances Ann', Alexander", John ) 1855- 1929, married on Dec. 31, 1877, Maria McLaughlin, 1855-1929. Arnold Brundage Thorne", b. Dec. 23, 1878, m. Elva Etta John­ stone. 7 Thorne , b. June 6, 1911. Annie Maretta Thorne•, b. May 19, 1880, m. Guy G. Watters, April 4, 1907. Lois Addy Watters', b. July 10, 1909. Ronald Watters7 Mary Watters7 Flossie May Thorne", b. March 5, 1882, d. May 14, 1900. Harry Wakefield Thorne", b. Nov. 22, 1886, b. Minnie Win• nona Smith, daughter of James R. Smith, Sept. 30, 1919, Springhill, N. S. Hazel Alma Thorne", b. Oct. 1, 1890. Ralph Allison Thorne", b. Feb. 10, 1897, m. Audrey Louise Mc- Colgan, Oct. 22, 1919, Fairville.

5 3 2 Leveret Herman Thorne (Frances Ann', Alexander , John ) 1858- 1927, married on Aug. 26, 1885, Elizabeth Hill, daughter of Charles Hill, d. June 26, 1900. 17 Frances Clark Thorne", b. July 24, 1886, m. Richard deC. Thomas, May 22, 1902. Arthur Thomas' Harold Thomas" Dyson Thomas" Herman Leveret Thorne", b. Oct. 24, 1887, m. Ottie Cromwell. Erminie Thorne" Constance Thorne' Mary Hill Thorne", b. Feb. 22, 1889, m. Joseph Beville Patchell, March 16, 1927. Mabel Gertrude Thorne" b. Oct. 22, 1890, m. Frederic Manning. Penney W. Manning' Margaret Wittier Thorne", b. April 26, 1893, d. March 20, 1906. Jane Eliza Thorne", b. Jan. 23, 1896. Allan Sydney Thorne", b. March 4, 1900.

2 Charles Edwin' (Alexander", John ) b. 1823, married Deborah Ann McCready. Elzena' m. Richard Titus. Maretta' m. Havelock Sherwood. Wilmot" m. Annie D,eWitt, Avondale.

2 Mary Jane' (Alexander", John ) 1826-1886, married Grierson Hetherington. Robert W. Hetherington" m. (1) Maria Todd; m. (2) Isabel MacKenzie McLeod (Noyes) George A. Hetherington' m. Sybil McIntyre. Mary McIntyre Hetherington". Ellery M. Hetherington", Kansas City, m. (1) Annie Black­ adar. Helen Hetherington" m. Dorothy --­ Margaret Hetherington" m. Abner Jones. Robert W. Hetherington' (Mary Jane', Alexander", John") married Maria Todd. Harry Hetherington" Mary Jane Hetherington" m. Robert E. A. Mitchell. George Robert Mitchell' m. Helen Elizabeth Noble. Margaret Mitchell' m. Cyril Merryweather. Lois Hetherington Mitchell' Muriel Mitchell' Margaret Augusta Hetherington' m. Harry H. McIntyre. George McIntyre' · Sybil McIntyre' Katharine McIntyre'

18 2 Margaret Hetherington' (Mary Jane' Alexander', John ) married Abner Jones. Carey Grierson Jones" m. Laura Linton (Pitt) Louise Jones 7 Leslie Jones" Louise Jones" m. Frank Small. Grace Small' Harold Small7 Ellery Jones" Albert Elmo Jones", Kansas City, m. Marie Hess. Ellery Jones' Robert William Jones" Mary Jones" m. Roy Robertson, Saint John. Margaret Robertson 1 Gordon Robertson 7 Helen Robertson' Grace Jones" m. (1) Kenneth Allaby; m. (2) Johnson. Gordon Jones"

2 John Paul' (Alexander', John ) 1828-1907, married Mary Hughson, b. Sept. 15, 1831. Cecilia•, b. April 18, 1861, d. Jan. 1936, m. John Andrew Brewer Estella Brewer' m. Frank Manzer. Jessie Manzer' Myles Manzer" m. Mildred Duncan Beatrice Ruth Manzer" Joan Marie Manzer" Sharon Lee Manzer' Mildred Manzer' Norman Percy Brewer' m. Augusta Robbins. John Oark Brewer" m. Mary McLeod Harry Sinclair Brewer", Plaster Rock, m. Melissa Mac• Innis Verna Margaret Brewer' m. Fred Bradford Melissa May Brewer' Lloyd Clifton Brewer' Russell Frederick Brewer" Robert Blair Brewer' Claire Cecilia Brewer" m. Philip Gallop Albert Kenneth Brewer" Ian MacLaren Brewer' Jean Isabelle Brewer" Alexander Maclnnis Brewer' George Edward Brewer' John William Brewer' Robert Moore Brewer' m. Lauretta Armstrong 19 Vernon Bertrand Brewer', killed at Vimy Ridge Guy Blanchard Brewer" Ian Maclaren Brewer',d. Oct. 20, 1925.

2 Abigail Paul' (Alexander", John ) 1828-1881, married Thomas W. Sprague, Hatfield Point. Charles Wesley Sprague', m. Margaret Vail' (Eunice Perley', 2 Alexander", John ) Frederick Sprague', d. aged 17. Laura Keate Sprague" m. James darence Lake Charles Wesley Sprague' (Abigail Paul', Alexander", John") married Margaret Vail' (Eunice Perley', Alexander", John"). Gilbert Sprague' m. Ivy Latter Charles Wesley Sprague 7 Eunice Sprague' m. Roy Boland William Boland' Margaret Boland' Carol Ann Boland' Doris Sprague" m. Kenneth Parsons Arthur Kenneth Parsons'

2 Laura Keate Sprague" (Abigail Paul', Alexander", John ) 1867-1939, married James Clarence Lake. Waitie Maud Lake', b. March 26, 1893, m. Jones Harry Lake", b. March 29, 1897. Allie Eveline Lake', b. April 22, 1900. Ethora Jane Lake", b. Jan. 17, 1903. Gertrude Pauline Lake", b. Dec. 25, 1906.

2 Eliza Rebecca' (Alexander", John ) 1830-, married Henry Wetmore. Rainsford H. Wetmore", d. 1937, aged 80. Ada Wetmore" Lelia Wetmore" m. William Jamieson Abigail Matilda Wetmore", b. March 27, 1863, m. James M. Denton James Ellery Wetmore", m. Ida Wright, dau. of M. W. and Matilda Olts Wright. Kenneth Winslow Wetmore' Frank Uriah Wetmore" m. Lois Flewelling Abigail Matilda Wetmore" (Eliza Rebe&:;a', Alexander", John") b. 1863, married James M. Denton, of The Grant, Kings Co., N. B. Bessie Elida Denton", b. Sept. 3, 1883, m. Lemuel Hamilton. Dorothy Eleanor. Hamilton' m.-McMillan Audrey Mae Hamilton' Cara Augusta Hamilton' 20 Murray Lemuel Hamilton7 m. Blanche Lorena Scribner Fiorence Lorena Hamilton' Kenneth Bruce Hamilton7 Roy Ellery Hamilton7 Florence Ida Hamilton7 Henry Frederick Denton", b. Oct. 1886 Ada Suctilla Denton", b. Oct. 20, 1889, m. George Edgar 7 Nita Florence Edgar , b. Feb. 28, 1910, m. James Melick Merlyn Louise Melick', b. Feb. 12, 1940 7 Arthur Burton Edgar , b. Aug. 27, 1911 7 Greta Blanche Edgar , b. Nov. 17, 1912 7 Dora Mildred Edgar , b. Nov. 27, 1913 7 Beryl Francis Edgar , b. Nov. 8, 1914 7 Murray Usher Edgar , b. Dec. 15, 1916. Helen Areta Edgar b. Sept. 3, 1918. Clara Blanche Denton", b. March 12, 1892, m. John Harford Mills 7 Mildred Adeline Mills , b. April 18, 1916 1 Edna Elizabeth Mills , b. Aug. 12, 1917 7 Agnes Joan Mills , b. July 7, 1922 Nellie May Denton", b. May 13, 1895 Frank William Denton", b. Oct. 13, 1898, m. Florence Johnston Charles Johnston Denton' Greta Sharp Denton", b. 1900 Charles Weden Fowler Denton", b. June 9, 1906 Frank Uriah Wetmore' (Eliza Rebecca•, Alexander", John') married Lois Flewelling Frank Wetmore', Salem, Mass. Joan Wetmore'

2 Margaret Emeline' (Alexander', John ) 1833-1910, married William Somerville, son of Andrew and Janet Buchanan Somerville, Scottish settlers between the Belleisle and the W ashademoak. William Beverley Robinson Somerville, M.D., m. Cecilia March of Newfoundland Ella Lynette Somerville' m. Hoyt Davis Foster, Orono, Maine Charles Haddon Spurgeon Somerville" d. in infancy Eunice Annabef Somerville' d. in infancy Marshall Tilley Somerville' m. Annie Jane Belyea Eldon Bickford Somerville' d. aged 20 Elizabeth Jane Somerville' m. Sylvester Zebulon Long Henry White Somerville' d. July 23, 1940, m. Etta Roberts Margaret Maretta Somerville' d. aged 13

21 Marshall Tilley Somerville" (Margaret Emeline', Alexander", John') married Annie Jane Belyea, and moved to Saskatchewan Nellie Maretta Somerville" m. James Egerton Bready, Still­ water, Sask. Allan Somerville Bready' b. 1920 James Marshall Bready" b. 1924 Annie Myrtle Somerville" m. Willard Miller Malcolm Somerville Miller' m. Marion Morrison, Mon­ treal Sharon Miller' Marion Helen Miller' m. Kenneth Morrison Sylvia Angeline Morrison" Sandra Aileen Morrison" Wesley Ganong Miller' Marshall Willard Miller' Lewis Beverley Miller' Beulah Lynette Miller' Mabel Cecilia Somerville" m. Talmage Higgins, Rosetown, Sask. Edna Margaret Higgins' Phyllis Lorna Higgins' Keith Higgins" Robert Higgins" Ruth Higgins' Eliza Mary Somerville" m. James Ebenan Margaret Emeline Somerville" m. Hector Coulter, Rosetown, Sask. Donald Coulter' Lloyd Coulter' Lois Marie Coulter' Darlene Margaret Coulter' Hazel White Somerville" m. Hugh Alexander MacDonald, Saskatoon Douglas Hugh MacDonald' William Somerville MacDonald' Beverley Ann MacDonald' Eldon Beverley Somerville'

4 2 Henry \Yhite Somerville" (Margaret Emeline , Alexander", John ) married Etta Roberts Helen Margaret Somerville" b. 1916, m. Gerald Connell Emma Jane Somerville' b. 1918. Elizabeth Roberts Somerville' b. 1920 Charlotte Eleanor Somerville" b. 1925 Mary Lynette Somerville' b. 1927

2 Eunice Perley' (Alexander", John ) 1836-1910, married William Wols­ ley Vail, son of Daniel and Jane Hatfield Vail 22 Marshall Beverley V:ail' m. Ada Belle Whitney Elizabeth Vail' m. David W. Sprague Charles E. Vail' m. Selena Olts Gilbert H. Vail5 m. Lauretta Titus Margaret Vail' m. Charles Wesley Sprague" ( Abigail Paul', 2 Alexander", John ) Arthur Vail' m. Julia Case Mary Vail' m. Clarence Davis Daniel Vail' m. Olive Richardson

2 Marshall Beverley Vail' (Eunice Perley•, Alexander", John ) married Ada Belle Whitney of Avondale, Carleton Co., whom he met while 4 visiting Charles Edwin Clark • Lulu Vail" m. Robert Kendall Beverley Kendall' Walter V,ail" m. ( 1) Grace Woolly Whitney Vail' m. (2) Sadie Cameron Murvale Vail" m. Emily Oram Ada Vail' Pearl Vail' Ruby Vail'

3 2 Elizabeth Vail" (Eunice Perley•, Alexander , John ) married David W. Sprague of The Grant, Kings Co. (Sprague's Grant) Roy Sprague" m. Eileen Bryant Sterling Sprague" m. Hazel Maxwell David Sprague' Ronald Sprague' Hazen Sprague" m. Emily Sprague Leila Sprague' Geneva Sprague7 Everett Sprague'

Charles E. Vail' (Euni'ce Perley•, Alexander3 John') married Selena Olts. Herbert Vail" m. Greta Wall Harold Vail" m. Eva Rolston Mary Ellen Vail' Vivian Vail" m. Roy Currie, D.D.S. Margo Currie' Reid Currie' Gilbert H. Vail' (Eunice Perley•, Alexander", John') married Lauretta Titus. I-!arry V:ail• m. Helen Stewart Gilbert Vail" 23 Alison Vail' Murray Vail" m. Alma Landry Alison Vail' Ronald Vail' Treva Vail" m. Cecil MacDonald Treva MacDonald1

2 Arthur Vail" (Eunice Perley\ Alexander', John ) married Julia Case, Belleisle. Cecil Vail" m. Estelle Betts Burton Vail' Lawrence Vail' Douglas Vail7 Donald Vail' Leslie Vail" m. Helen Gaynes Perley Vail" m. Lena Russell Royden Vail' Arthur Vail' Perley Vail7 Lionel Vail' Allan Vail' Lloyd Vail' Curtis Vail' Lola Vail' m. Douglas Thorne Donald Thorne' David Thorne' Audrey Vail" m. Richard Murphy Ronald Murphy' Pauline Vail" m. William Jodrey Marshall Vail' m. Kathleen Regan Iris Vail' Frances Louise Vail' William. Vail' m. Anna Fraser Audrey Vail' Daniel Vail" (Eunice Perley\ Alexander", John") married Olive Rich­ ardson, Sydney. Gertrude Vail' m. Reginald Ingraham Reginald Ingraham1 Ronald Ingraham' Everett Vail'

2 Mary• (John ) 1793-, married James McAlary, b. 1795, d. Feb. 8, 1872. James McAlary• m. Phoebe Heustis Alexander McAlary\ b. Aug. 24, 1826, d. Dec. 25, 1910, m. Julia Balmain 24 Mary McAlary' m. George MacDonald Eleanor Mc:Alary' m. William White, known as Squire White Sarah McAlary' m. Thomas Earle MacDonald

2 James McAlary' (Marya, John ) married Phoebe Heustis. Joseph McAlary' m. ( 1) Ada Armstrong Hazel McAlary' Helen McAlary' m. Garfield Neal m. (2) Margaret Estabrooks Ronald M_cAlary' Arthur McAlary' Marjorie McAlary" Alice McAlary' Frederick McAlary' m. Margaret Hastings

2 Alexander McAlary' (Marya, John ) 1826-1910, married on Jan. 27, 1859, Julia Balmain, dau. of William and Eleanor What Balmain, 1834-1919. William F. McAlary", b. 1860, d. June, 1860 Melissa Gertrude McAlary', b. Sept. 4, 1861, m. Robert May Marion May', b. Sept. 7, 1881 James S. May',, b. Aug. 31, 1882 Lillian May", b, Dec. 23, 1882, m. Galen Noyes Marion Noyes7 m. Fred Couch Lillian McAlary", b. Jan. 14, 1865, m. Herbert Henderson - Herbert F. Henderson" m. Adeline Lewis Kendall L. Henderson" Barbara L. Henderson" Harry Henderson' Ella May McAlary", b. June 17, 1868 James William McAlary", b. Jan. 15, 1872, m. Helen Allison John Boyd McAlary', b. Feb. 3, 1877, d. May 29, 1936, m. Amy Williams Irene McAlary" m. Gurney Coolin John Coolin" Alexander McAlary" m. Folkins Harry McAlary' Elizabeth McAlary' Adrian McAlary" Margaret McAlary" Elinor McAlary• Mary McAlary' (Mary", John") married George MacDonald. Emma MacDonald" Georgie MacDonald", Orange, N. J., m. Harry Newman Harry Newman" Harriet Newman" 25 Grace Newman' Edith Newman' Calvin MacDonald", d. 1940 Ulalia MacDonald'

2 William' (John ) 1795-1872, married Mar. 14, 1820, Rachel Springer, d. June 4, 1844, dau. of William and Sarah Thurston Springer, bap­ tized by the Rector of Gagetown, Aug. 27, 1797. William Henry', b. 1825, d. Apr. 30, 1888, m. Susannah Gaunce Akerley Hiram Uriah', b. July 14, 1832, d. Dec. 26, 1908, m. Catherine E. Wood John Thurston•, b. Oct. 31, 1836, d. Sept. 5, 1917, -m. Henrietta• 2 (George', Gershom ); m. (2) Alice Balmain' (Emily", 2 Gershom ) William' may have married secondly Sarah M., who died Dec. 16,. 1849. He married lastly Susannah -- (Huestis), who died in 1877, aged 77.

2 William Henry' (William', John ) 1825-1888, married Susannah Gaunce Akerley, dau. of Valentine P. and Armina Lawson Akerley, Belleisle. After William Henry's death, his widow married ThomaS, Babbitt, but is buried beside her first husband at The Barony. Frank Hartley", b. 1855, d. Feb. 11, 1918, m. Annie Jerusha Knox Sarah Olive", b. June 15, 1853, d. Sept. 10, 1920, m (1) Asa_ Hartley; m. (2) Joseph A. Fanjoy Charles Haddon Spurgeon", b. 1857, m. (1) Lorena Bates; m. (2) Bertha Ulouth Armanilla V.", b. 1868, d. Nov. 25, 1877

2 Frank Hartley" (William Henry', William", John ) 1855-1918, mar­ ried Annie Jerusha Knox, 1854-1939. Bessie Permelia°, b. March, 1880, m. John Randolph Pugh Vivian Pugh', b. May 2, 1912 Cecil Pugh', b. Feb. 13, 1914 0 Martha Knox , b. Feb. 1882, m. James Campbell Smith of Ber-­ muda, living in Acme, Alberta Clarence Smith', b. 1910 Marjorie Smith', b. Aug. 17, 1912 Bertie Eliza 0, b. 1884, m. (1) Frederick Floyd Greene Lyman Greene' m. (2) William Smullin George William", b. 1886 Alice", b. March 20, 1889, d. Feb. 17, 1902 Nellie Maud', b. Dec. 10, 1891, m. John Sharve

26 7 Burdette Sharpe , b. Sept. 20, 1920 Mary Sharpe', b. May, 1923 7 Helen Sharpe , b. Nov. 1926 Alice Mildred Sharpe', b. Jan. 1927 Hazel Sharpe', b. 1929 Annie Mildred', d. in infancy Frank William', b. April 17, 1897, d. Aug. 28, 1919

2 Sarah Olive" (William Henry', William", John ) married Asa Hartley. Lottie Hartley' m. William Smullin Annie Smullin', b. Oct. 15, 1897, m. Walter Caverhill, Otis, York Co. Eugene Caverhill" Gerald Caverhill' Marion Caverhill' Inez Caverhill' Nancy Ann Caverhill" 1 Lulu Smullin , b. May 7, 1899, m. Chester Sharpe Bertram Sharpe' Charlotte Elizabeth Sharpe" Dale Sharpe' Robert Sharpe 8 7 Nellie Smullin , b. Feb. 4, 1909, m. John Johnston, New- burg Floyd Johnston" Keith Johnston' Darrell Johnston' Jessie Smullin', b. April 30, 1912, m. Clarence Gibson, Southampton Jeanette Gibsol'!' Winnie Smullin', d. aged 3 William Hugh Smullin', d. aged 5 7 Hughina Smullin , d. aged 5 mos. Mary Jane Hartley" m. Thomas Stickels, Devon William Asa Stickels', b. March 5, 1903 Olive Lorena Stickels\ b. March 3, 1904, m. Paul Weed Donald Weed' Ernest Weed" Paul Weed" Darrell Weed' June Weed' Mervell Hartley Stickels', b. Jan. 30, 1906 Albert Frederick Stickels', b. Oct. 9, 1909, m. Florrie Byles Darlene Stickels' David Stickels" 27 Sarah Olive" (William Henry', William", John') married (2) Joseph A Fanjoy. Mabel F. Fanjoy", b. May 21, 1884, m. Robert L. Schnare, Aug. 9, 1911 7 Violet N. Schnare , b. July 15, 1914, m. Victor J. Bele­ vick, Jan. 30, 1936 Dixie L. Belevick', b. Sept. 13, 1937 Victor G. Schnare', b. Oct. 26, 1916 Robert L. Schnare', b. Feb. 12, 1924 Louisa E. Fanjoy•, b. July 31, 1885, m. Kelvie Schnare, April 11, 1906 7 Olive V. Schnare , b. Oct. 11, 1907, m. Stanley L. Went• zell, April 8, 1925 Robert S. Wentzell", b. Sept. 12, 1931 Jean 0. Wentzell', b. May 12, 1933 Mildred R. Schnare', b. Dec. 27, 1908, m. Ivan H. Con- rad, Dec;., 1929 Nancy A. Conrad', b. April 2, 1935 Richard A. Conrad', b: July 2, 1936 David Allen Conrad", b. Sept. 11, 1938 7 Melda L. Schnare , b. Oct. 5, 1910, m. (1) James Give)l, Jan. 6, 1929 Mildred L. Given", b. Feb. 10, 1930 m. (2) George Wine Cecil J. A. Schnare', b. Dec. 23, 1911, m. Lillian Palmer, Sept. 4, 1932 Richard L. Schnare", b. May 28, 1933 Donald E. Schnare', b. Aug. 20, 1935 Caroline J. Schnare', b. Feb. 22, 1938 Gerald Schnare', b. March 3, 1939 Pearl L. Schnare', b. March 27, 1914, m. Charles Stevens, Jan. 6, 1940 Dora L. Schnare7, b. May 21, 1916, m. Stewart Guthrie, March 2, 1936 Charles M. Guthrie", b. Dec. 16, 1937 7 Raymond 0. Schnare , b. March 3, 1919 Winifred C. Fanjoy•, b. Feb. 21, 1890, m. John F. Butler, Feb. 6, 1914 7 Ann E. Butler , b. July 30, 1915 7 Josephine L. Butler , b. Feb. 15, 1917, m. Norman H. Watts, Dec. 19, 1Y37 Josephine E. Watts', b. Sept. 23, 1938 Ellen L. Watts", b. May 14, 1940 1 Winifred F. Butler , b. March, 1918 Phyllis D. Butler', b. Aug. 19, 1922

28 Charles Haddon Spurgeon" (William Henry•, William", John') b. Nov. 10, 1857, married (I) Lorena Bates Lillian' m. Harry Hazlett, Caribou, Me. m. (2) Bertha Ulouth Charles" Frances", b. Nov. 15, 1908, m. Basil Patriqum, Londonderry, N.S. Evelyn Patriquin', b. Nov. 7, 1935 Marshall Patriquin', b. Jan. 22, 1938

5 Lillian" (Charles Haddon Spurgeon , William Henry', William", John") married Harry Hazlett of Nashwaaksis, N. B. Bernice Hazlett' m. Alfred Wardwell Roberta Wardwell' Robert Wardwell' Lloyd W ardwel!8 Philip Wardwell' Galen Wardwell' Betty Wardwell' Phyll1s Hazlett" m. Manzer Cray Merle Crays Lillian Crays Betty Cray" Donald Cray' Ramona Cray" Eldon Hazlett' m. Myrtle Whipple Donna Hazlett" Margaret Hazlett' Jann~tte Hazlett" Mabel Hazlett' m. Donald Wellwood Rodric Wellwood' Lois Well wood' Allen Wellwood' Lena Hazlett' m. Clyde Dickson Mervil Hazlett' m. Kathleen Thompson Margaret Hazlett' m. Burnam Morrell Maynard Morrell' Burnam Morrell'

2 Hiram' (William", John ) 1832-1908, married on Oct. 20, 1853, Cath­ erine E. Wood, 1827-1905. Mary Annie,_ Milner', b. J1-1ly 20, 1853, d. Sept. 30, 1877 William Allan', b. July 24, 1857, d. April 15, 1938, m. Martha Atherton Olivia C.', b. Sept. 5, 1864, d. Sept. 18, 1864 Alice E.", b. Jan. 4, 1866

29 Rachel Alberta", b. Aug. 12, 1868, d. May 23, 1883 Orlan Seymour', b. Aug. 27, 1869

2 William Allan' (Hiram', William", John ) 1857-1938, married on March 8, 1882, Martha Atherton, who died May 23, 1935, at Wood­ stock. Artemas Ward", b. May 27, 1883, m. Lina Scott, June 14, 1905 Grace6 m. Ethan McKilligan, San Pedro, California Bertha• m. Robert Henderson, Woodstock Frances Henderson', b. April 23, 1925 Mary Henderson' Alfred Henderson" Allan Henderson' George Robert Henderson' Annie Mildred', b. Feb. 15, 1885, m. Bernice Boyd Dyke­ 2 man" (Gershom Dykeman', Sarah", Gershom ) See descendants of Gershom', p. 52. George H." m. Frances Fowler, Fredericton Elizabeth', B.A., M.Sc., m. Lawrence Richardson of Australia, now of New Zealand Douglas' m. Buda Todd, 1940 Orlan Seymour" (Hiram•, William", John") b. 1869, married (1) Rhoda Churchill. Alice' d. 1918 Mabel' m. Harry Leach, Woodstock Ortan Leach' Winston Leach' Karl Stanley Leach' Marie Leach' Shirley Leach' George Leach' Agnes Leach' Edward", m. Mary Augerton, New York Joan' William Edward', b. Jan. 1, 1936 Winston", m. Mona Lipsett Mary', b. 1931 Jean', b. 1936 Joy', m. Leo Papineau, Dbrchester John Thurston' (William", John') 1836-1917, married on Jan. 6, 1859, Henrietta4 (George', Gershom') 1834-1901. Edgar Lockwood', b. Dec. 2, 1860. d. Oct. 12, 1885. William George', b. Oct. 1, 1865. m. Harriet Hannah Richard­ son, dau. of Ira and Hannah Gross Richardson of Albert Co., Apr. 25, 1894.

30 Esther Isabell", b. May 4, 1895. m. Conrad Payling Wright, of London, July 31, 1924. John Thurston', b. Mar. 13, 1899. d. Oct. 17, 1921. Alden Richardson" b. Sept. 23, 1903. m. Helen Crowe, dau. of David and Jennie Holder Crowe, Sept. 5, 1928. 7 John Thurston , b. Mar. 29, 1931. 7 Nancy Alden , b. Feb., 1937. Ella Blanche Gertrude", b. Apr. 8, 1869. m. Croley Vernon Wells. Hubert', b. Feb. 11, 1871. d. Mar. 28, 1891. m. (2) Alice Balmain' (Emily', Gershom") Gershom" (John") b. 1797, married Ann Nickerson, whose mother was a Thurston. John', d. aged 20. Mary' m. James Flower Amos', went to sea and was never heard of again. Sarah', m. John Hetherington Phoebe Ann4, m. Stephen Collins Moore William Eastman', m. Elizabeth Harper Eliza', m. Wesley Snider Lois', b. Feb. 16, 1837, m. Charles McKenelley , Rachel', b. Sept. 16, 1841, d. July 14, 1915, m. John" (George"). 2 See descendants of George , p. 65. Harriet', m. Robert Colpitts

2 Mary' (Gershom', John ) married James Flower, son of Anthony Flower and Mary Green, who were married July 14, 1820, by the Rector of Gagetown. Anthony Flower was an Englishman, whose father had been in the transport business. Anthony had been on a ship at the time of the Battle of Trafalgar. His descendants possess several of his paintings. Inglewood Flower", b. 1853, m. Ella MacDonald, b. 1862, d. 1938. Elizabeth Flower', m. ( 1) Joseph Green, who was killed in a fire · at Buffalo. James Albert Green", d. 1938, Waco, Texas, m. Tina m. (2) Dr. Bailey, Kansas. Cordelia Flower', m. Charles Lowery, Boston. Beatrice Lowery", m. Henry Stackpool Martha Flower", Lake Archer Anthony Flower", m. Nellie Tidd Fred Flower" George Flower" m. (2) Flora Tidd 31 Tames Flower• Charles Flower" Flora Flower" Marjorie Flower" Ethel Flower" May Flower• George Frederick Flower", m. Elizabeth Walley James Howell Flower' Frank Whitfield Flower•, m. Mary Erner N;ancy Flower' James Flower' Mary Flower•, m. Frederick Lawson Mary Jane Flower' James Whitfield Flower', LLB., 1869-1898

2 Sarah' (Gershom", John ) married John Hetherington Annette Hetherington", m. John Connell Walter Connell', went to the Klondyke m. (2) Stevens Emma Hetherington", m. Edwin Duval Bessie Duval", m. Stuart Weldon Amos Hetherington' Hedley Hetherington", m. Louise Annet of Scotch Settlement, York Co. Her mother was a Pickard. George Hetherington' Malcolm Hetherington', m. Mary Christie Harry Hetherington', Chemist with the DuPont Co., sent to the Far East. Luella Hetherington', m. Roland Pigrain Harold Pigrain'

3 2 Phoebe Ann" (Gershom , John ) married Stephen Collins Moore, a Baptist minister, who retired to Albert County where he kept the light at Waterside. Annie Moore', m. Gilford Jones Ida Moore" Florence Estella Moore", m. Avery Anderson John Moore', m. Sarah Cairns (McKinley)

3 2 Annie Moore" (Phoebe Ann', Gershom , John ) married Gilford Jones. Cecil Jones", m. (1) Annie Swanson (Dunphy) Aubrey Jones' Reba Jones', d. aged 10 James Jones 7 m. (2) Maud Adam~ Gilford C. Jones' Winburn Jones' 32 Ernaline Jones 7 Harold Jones' Evangeline Jones' Frederick Jones' Roy Jones' Roy Jones" m. Florence Steeves Dalton Jones7, m. Hicks Roy Jones" Madeline Jones', m. Charles Dawson Ronald Jones', m. Florence Smith Roy Jones' Gerald Jones" Mildred Jones" Jones' Ethel Jones', d. aged 18 Hilton Jones', m. Annie Arsenault (Barbour) Elva May Jones' Colin Jones", m. Mildred Cobby, Hill, N.H. Donald Jones' Priscilla Jones', m. Hollin Rogers, Alexandra Etta Jones' Marjorie Jones', m. Rush Rousseau, Franklin, N.H. Beulah Jones', m. Hans Lobsien, Franklin. Charlotte Jones', m. Richard Emerson, Franklin. Colin S. Jones' Patricia Jones' Harold Jones", m. Thelma Akerman Glennie Jones", m. Henry Olson. Irene Olson' Dudley Olson 7 Henry Olson7 Alene Jones", m. Earle Robison Geraldine Robison

2 Florence Estella Moore" (Phoebe Ann', Gershom", John ) married Avery Anderson of Waterside, and lives at New Westminster, B. C. Walter Anderson", m. Florence Donaldson William Anderson 7 Betty Anderson 7 Ora Anderson', m. Marjorie Hannis. Gilbert Anderson 7 Marjorie Anderson' Nellie Anderson', m. Gordon Barbour, Harvey Howard Barbour' Douglas Barbour' 33 Luella Anderson", m. ( 1) Earle Stuard Earle Stuard' Lloyd Stuard' Jacqueline Stuard', m. (2) Herbert Bennett Josephine Anderson" m. (1) Roy Smith (killed in accident in California.) Vaughn Smith" m. ( 2) Harold Grant Ethel Anderson", m. William Donald. Diane Donald' Vesta Anderson" m. Walter Hewitt, Washington State Beverley Hewitt'

4 2 John Moore" lPhoebe Ann , Gershom", John ) married Sarah Cairns (McKinley). Florence Luella Moore', m. William Green. William Moore Green' Amy Florence Green' George Hudson Green' Barbara Evelyn Green' Ronald Clark Green 7 Lillian Sarah Green'

2 William Eastman' (Gershom", John ) married Elizabeth Harper of Portland, Me., and they went to Michigan to live. David' Willis" Roy", d. in the Spanish War. Sherman" Anna~ Harriet"

2 Eliza' (Gershom", John ) married Wesley Snidet. Sarah Snider", m. Ezekiel Fenwick Ann Snider", m. Parker Amos Snider" Adelaide Snider', m. (1} James Pearson m. (2) James Havelock Snider' m. Christantia Snider

2 Sarah Snider" (Eliza•, Gershom", John ) married Ezekiel Fenwick, Keir­ stead Mountain. Wesley Fenwick", m. Maud Lloyd Lloyd Ezekiel Fenwick', m. Lillian Stackhouse John Wesley Fenwick", b. Oct. 5, 1939.

34 7 Hoyt Fenwick , Baptist minister, The Glades. m. Helen Tozer Vivian Fenwick" Margaret Fenwick" Byron Wesley Fenwick" Alma Maud Fenwick", m. Oifford Secord, Long Creek. Walter Fenwick Secord" Hilda Fenwick7 7 Freda Fenwick , m. Ralph Pearson Clarence Ralph Pearson" 7 Stewart Fenwick , m. Margaret Murray Ruth Fenwick" Shirley Fenwick" Murray Stewart Fenwick" 7 Oswald Fenwick , m. Eva Johnson Velma Doreen Fenwick" 7 Grace Fenwick , m. William Jamieson Ezekiel McLeod Fenwick", m. Earl Fenwick7 Helen Fenwick7 Maud Fenwick", m. Melbourne Gibbon, Saint John. Zerbersa Gibbon7 m. Jack Brayley Verda Gibbon•, m. Armour Brown Melbourne Gibbon•, m.

2 Lois' (Gershom", John ) 6. Feb. 6, 1837, married Charles William Mc­ Kenelley, 6. Jan. 9, 1840, d. Aug. 15, 1906. Sterling Whitefield McKenelley', b. Feb. 12, 1865, d. Dec. 25, 1927, m. Anna McLean. Elizabeth Ann McKenelley', b. Mar. 10, 1892, d. May 14, 1892, 2 m. Adelbert Clark' (John", George ). See descendants of 2 George , p. 65. Harriet Sophia N. McKenelley', b. Nov. 29, 1870, m. Frank Holmes, Barnstead, N.H. Frank Holmes' Agnes Holmes" Mary Amelia McKenelley", b. Oct. 18, 1872, m. Edward Aiken, Farmington, N.H. Antenette Vitteto (Nettie) McKenelley', b. June 28, 1875, m. Sheldon McLean, Belleisle Creek. Freeman McLean' Effie McLean" Nina McLean" Emerette Laura McKenelley', b. Aug. 1, 1870.

35 Sterling Whitefield McKenelley" (Lois', Gershom", John") 1863-1927, married Anna B. McLean, b. May 7, 1871. Talmage S. McKenelley", b. Apr. 2, 1892, m. Margaret Barrows (Coussons) Agnes M. McKenelley", b. June 9, 1893, m. Charles Perry, Aug. 2, 1912. Sterling Perry' Eldon Perry7 Talmage Perry' Annie Perry' Edna Perry' Phyllis Perry' Rubena Perry' Charles B. McKenelley", b. Mar. 6, 1895, Newcastle Creek, N.B. m. Ina Branscombe, July 23, 1919. Weldon McKenelley' Freda McKenelley7 Russell McKenelley' Lois A. McKenelley', b. Mar. 19, 1899, m. Thomas Crawford, July 13, 1921. Carson Crawford7 Howard Crawford' Leona Crawford' Edna P. McKenelley", b. Aug. 6, 1901, d. May 4, 1921, tn. Harold Brown Mary A. McKenelley", b. Dec. 23, 1921, m. James deCourcey

2 Harriet' (Gershom', Joiin ) married Robert Colpitts. Harry Colpitts", d. in Vancouver in 1938, unmarried. Ella Colpitts", m. John Teare Harriet Colpitts", m. John Tabor Helen Colpitts', m. Chenery Robert Inglewood Colpitts", d. aged 20

2 Hester L." (John ) 1805-1835, married John Worden, Feb. 16, 1826. John Worden', d. aged 19. Archibald Worden', d. 1912, Montana. Abigail Worden', m. Samuel Fairweather. m. ( 2) Akerley Jane Maria Worden', b. Jan. 9, 1834, m. Charles London. Abigail Worden' (Hester L.,3 John") married Samuel Fairweather. Gilford Fairweather" Stephen Fairwe~ther', m. Emma Fairweather", m. Wiley

36 Jane Maria Worden' (Hester L.3, John") 1834-1, married on Nov. 7, 1857, Charles London, b. Nov. 25, 1825, Bauld Hill. Byron Wilmot London', b. Nov. 28, 1859. Edith Evaline London", b. Sept. 1, 1861, m. Graves. Cyrethea Maud London", b. Feb. 17, 1863, m. John Asa White. George White", m. Harold White' Otto White' Lewis White', m. Marion White' Harold White" Hartley Welbridge London', b. July 3, 1864. Stephen Arthur London', b. May 2, 1866. Hilford Hansfield London", b. Jan. 13, 1868, m. Mary Orr Smith. James Wellington London", b. Nov. 14, 1869, Wisconsin, m. Hartley London. Otto Leopold Ceylon Emerson London", b. May 9, 1871, Bos­ ton 5 Charles Anderson London , b. May 2, 1873, m. Laura Belyea. Cecil London", Boston. Florence London" Jepson Fairweather London", b. July 6, 1877, m. Alice Parker Edna London" Woodrow London" Allison London" Kilburn London•

2 Hilford London' (Jane Maria Worden•, Hester L.3, John ) married Mary Orr Smith. Vera LondQn°, m. Bruce Morrell. Katie Morrell' Christina Morrell' Vera Morrell' Hilford Alvin Morrell' Ralph London• Roy London", m. Edna London", m. Arnold Mott Ruby Mott' Thelma Mott' Eileen Mott' Ruth London', m. Arnold Reicker Grace Reicker 1 Bliss Reicker1 Donald Reicker1 Rowena Reicker1 37 Holly Reicker' Kenneth London", m. Bessie Stackhouse Irene London' Blake London' Ralph London' London' Jepson London", m. Willard London" Lewis London" Byron London'

2 Eleanor Elizabeth" (John ) 1817-1892, married January 10, 1835, Amos Straight Mott, b. Apr. 3, 1811, d. Nov. 1, 1901, sixth child of Adam and Sarah Bulyea Mott. 4 Daniel Black Mott , b. June 29, 1836, m. Mary Victoria Wig­ gins. Joseph Belyea Mott', b. Dec. 3, 1837, m. Melissa Vail. 4 John Clark Mott , b. Sept. 8, 1839, m. ( 1) Charlotte Elizabeth White. Georgie Ella Blanch Mott'_ m. (2) Matilda Mitchell (Green) 4 Mary Elizabeth Mott , b. Dec. 29, 1840, m. Donald MacDonald. James Austin Smith Mott', b. Oct. 15, 1842, m. Maria Elizabeth Bennet. Amos Straight Mott\ b. Aug. 22, 1844, m. Mary Parker. 4 Harriet Jane Mott , b. Apr. 14, 1846, m. Charles Courser 4 Charles Ernest Mott , b. Dec. 25, 1848. Emily Melissa Mott', b. Aug. 30, 1850, m. William Henry White. Charlotte Augusta Mott', b. Mar. 30, 1852. Pauline L. Mott', b. Nov. 27, 1854. 4 George Frederick Mott , b. Feb. 1, 1857, m. Mary Flewelling Henry Havelock Mott", b. Nov. 2, 1858, m. Harriet Newell Hopper. Thomas Partelow Mott', b. May 27, 1861, m. Helen Riley.

Daniel Black Mott' (Eleanor Elizabeth", John") b. 1836, married Mary Victoria Wiggins. Elgin Emerson Mott" Edith May Mott", m. David Wasson. Ethel Wasson• Everett Wasson" Frederick Wasson" Greta-Belle Wasson" 5 Marsliall Everett Mott , m. Mary Fleming John Mott'

38 Alice Mott" Amos Mott" Clarence Hanford Mott", m. Ella Orchard. ~ Cora Mott" Gladys Mott' Eva Mott" Otis Mott" Arthur Mott" Minnie Ella Mott", m. Robert Wasson. Freida Wasson 6 William Wasson" Elfin Wasson" Ronald Wasson 6 William Wiggins Mott", m. Sarah Phillips.

Joseph Belyea Mott4 (Eleanor Elizabeth", John") b. 1837, married Melissa Vail. Walter Mott' Fred Mott" Edward Mott" Ella James Mott"

2 Mary Elizabeth Mott' (Eleanor Elizabeth•, John ) b. 1840, married Donald MacDonald. Sophia MacDonald", m. Weldon Fowler. Edna Fowler" Grace Fowler" William MacDonald", m. (1) Elizabeth Aborn. Catherine MacDonald' Donald MacDonald" Frank MacDonald" Helen MacDonald" m. (2) Marion Janet-Eleanor MacDonald1 Ruth MacDonald' m. (3) Susan (McDonald) George MacDonald" Annie MacDonald"

2 Amos Straight Mott' (Eleanor Elizabeth", John ) b. 1844, married Mary Parker. Frank Mott" Maud Mott" m. Philbrook Eva Mbtt", m. Anderson. Jasper Mott" 39 2 Harriet Jane Mott' (Eleanor Elizabeth•, John ) b. 1846, married Charles Courser. Annie Elizabeth Courser", m. Georgie Annie ---• Emily Grace ---• Edward LeRoy Courser', m. John Courser' .Annie Courser" George Courser' George Frederick Mott' (Eleanor Elizabeth", John') b. 1857, married Mary Flewelling. George Ernest Mott", m. Ralph Mott' Philip Mott"

3 2 Henry Havef"ock Mott' (Eleangr Elizabeth , John ) b. 1858, married Harriet Newell Hopper, dau. of Rev. J.E. Hopper, DD., Mar. 6, 1880. Harry Claire Mott", b. Oct. 11, 1890, m. Anna Lillian Macdon­ ald, dau. of Jacob Macdonald Eleanor Jean Mott", b. Sept. 17, 1917. Amos Claire Mott", b. Jan. 11, 1921. Thomas Partelow Mott' (Eleanor Elizabeth", John") b. 1861, married Helen Riley. James Austin Madison Mott", m. Earl Mott" Louis Partelow Mott", m. Jean Mott" Donald Mott" William Frothingham Mott"

DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM' William', second son of Alexander1 and Mary Clark, was born March 2, 1770. He married (1) Magdalene Balmain, 1778-1814, daughter of William and Margaret Nevin Balmain. William Balmain (the name was sometimes spelled Belmain) was born in Scotland, came to New York in 1773, and to Saint John with the Loyalists in 1783 in the Ship Otter. He died in Saint John in 1809 at the age of 72. He settled on Grand Lake, where many of his descendants still live. Wil. liam and Margaret Balmain had three sons, John, William, and Henry, and six daughters, Christine, Margaret, Julia, Magdalene, Catherine, and Mary. William's son, Abner, married Emily", dau. of Gershom Clark". Julia Balmain married John Hanselpacker, and her daughters Matilda and Catherine married Clarks, and her son, William married Mary Ann3 (George") Clark. 40 Margaret", baptized 1800, d. unmarried Alexander', baptized 1800, m. Ann Murray William", baptized 1802 Mary', baptized 1802 · 2 Richard', baptized 1806, m. Phoebe' (Gershom ) George', baptized 1808 Gershom•, m. Elizabeth• (Alexander', John') Paul', b. 1809, d. Jan. 23, 1882, m. Nancy Mackenzie, d. Nov. 1, 1893, aged 74. They are burieq at Scotchtown. Julia Ann", m. Benjamin Atherton; when she died he married 2 her niece, Sophronia' (Alexander", William ) Balmain". He and his cousin Clark Balmain are reported to have gone South and have not been heard from since the Civil War. William" married secondly Elizabeth James, widow ofl Samuel Stickney, who was drowned in July 1815. Elizabeth died August 15, 1847, in the 72nd year of her age, and is buried beside her first hus­ band in the Sheffield Cemetery. Isabell Stickney, one of her eight 2 daughters, married George' (Gershom ). James Henry', m. Hannah Finch. Alexander" (William") b. 1794, bapt. 1800, married Ann Murray, dau. of William and Margaret Murray, natives of Argyllshire, who came out from Scotland in the "Jessie and Flora" in September, 1819. · Stephen James', b. 1832, d. 1918, m. Hannah Cowperthwaite. George Archibald', b. 1842, m. Ethel' Hazel' Myrtle' Veneta" Charles B.', d. 1874, unmarried. Elizabeth', m. (1) Thomas Heustis, b. July 11, 1827. Flora Heustis", m. Bradford. m. ( 2) Daniel Harbour Barbara', m. Amos Thompson Julia A', b. 1834, d. 1869, m. Thomas Thompson. Stephen James' (Alexander", William") 1832-1918, married Hannah Cowperthwaite, of Douglas, York Co., Sept. 26, 1860. Barbara S.", b. Dec. 31, 1861, St. Paul, Minn. Lily Grace", b. Dec. 31, 1861, d. Jan. 2, 1862 Mary Alexandra• Anna Jane", d. in infancy Henry Cowperthwaite" m. Julia Brown, 1906 Newton Brown", b. 1907, d. 1912 Burnham Cowperthwaite' 41 Stephen Rowe' Barbara May' Louise Campbell6, Oklahoma, m. Edwin R. McNeil!, 1913.

2 Sophronia' (Alexander•, William ) married Lewis Heustis, b. Mar 19, 1825, brother of Thomas Heustis, whom her sister Elizabeth married, son of Lewis and Ann Carle Heustis. Murray Heustis5 m. G;orgie Hazen Annie Heustis' Lewis Carl Heustis0 Nellie Heustis' m. Ray Parent, Douglas, York Co. Elizabeth Heustis Parent" Lewis Frederic Parent' Georgie Heustis" m. Roy W. Jones, Hainesville, York Co. Florence Marie ·Heustis Jones" Ronald LeRoy Jones" 0 Murray Heustis , Montreal, m. Frances Henderson Marie Heustis' Robert Heustis7 Annie Heustis' m. Gideon Bailey deBlois Bailey" m. Lena Carlton Dorothy Bailey" Gwendolyn Bailey' . Murray Heustis Bailey" m. Jennie Ferguson Jack Bailey' Mildred Bailey'

2 Sophronia' (Alexander', William ) married, secondly, Benjamin Ather­ 2 ton, whose first wife had been Julia Ann' (William ). May Atherton' m. George Hoegg Warren D. Hoegg0 Nellie Hoegg' Nellie Atherton" m. Capt. Charles Taylor Donald Fleetwood Taylor' m. Edith White Joan Taylor' Harrison Taylor' Fleetwood Atherton' Donald Atherton" dau.• dau.• Vernetta Atherton• m. William J. Spencer

2 Barbara' (Alexander", William ) married Amos Thompson. Amos and' Thomas Thompson, who married her sister Julia, were sons of Samuel Thompson who ran away from Norway, and landed in Saint John, where he married Brown. The Thompsons are buried at; Lakeville, Carleton Co.

42 Bertha Thompson', b. Feb. 25, 1861, d. June 13, 1888 Alastair Thompson", B. C. Julia M. Thompso~5 m. Magaw, B. C. William Thompson", b. Jan. 11, 1863, d. Feb. 11, 1868 Randolph Thompson', B. C.

Julia A.' (Alexander" Willian/) 1834-1869, married Thomas Thompson 1833-1918. After her death, he married Sarah Corbett, of Carleton Co. Frederick Thompson" ---Thompson' m. Perkins Mabel Thompson• Dewburg Thompson", d. 1939, in Boston Lewis Thompson• ---Thompson" Bessie Thompson' Thomas Thompson• Charles Thompson• Marion Thompson" Lewis Thompson"

2 2 Richard" (William ) baptized 1806, married Phoebe" (Gershom ) Selina' m. Thomas McCoy Alice McCoy' m. Barker, Carleton Co. Hayden Barker' Donald Barker" Herbert McCoy' Seymour McCoy' m. Celia Tapley (Chase) William McCoy' Charles McCoy" Hayward McCoy', d. aged 17 Genevra McCoy" Violet McCoy" m. Basil Carson, Stanley Ray McCoy" m. Bertie Denton Everett McCoy" m. (1) Bastin (Hamilton) m. (2) Percy McCoy" d. in infancy Emily Jane• m. Cornelius VanDine Sarah VanDine". d. aged 20

Gershom' (William") married Elizabeth' (Alexander", John") 1816-1906 Magdalene Balmain', b. May 13, 1840, m. Burpee Boyd Elizabeth Titus', b. Feb. 6, 1842, m. Charles Green Dorcas Ann' m. William Johnson Sarah Jane' m. John Birnie Julia Atherton• m. William Case Alexander Brazila', b. 1850, d. Aug. 7, 1855 William Amasa• m. Ianthe Jane Mullin

43 Abigail Rebecca', b. 1855, d. April 4, 1860 John James', b. April 1856, d. Dec. 1939, m. Annie Henderson Judson Burpee' m. Margaret McIntosh Donald', Kingston, Jamaica, m. Mary Magdalene Balmain' (Gershom", William', and Elizabeth', Alexander", 2 John ) b. May 13, 1840, married Burpee Boyd of Goshen. They moved to the West and afterwards to Salem, Mass. Burpee Boyd' Julia Boyd' Annie Boyd' m. Murray Elizabeth Boyd" m. Hamilton Dorcas Ann' (Gershom", William', and Elizabeth', Alexander', John") married William Johnson. John A. Johnson" m. Nina Jean Sharp Case Jean Johnson", d. aged 18 Gersliom Clark Johnson", Brooklyn, N. Y. William Johnson", Syracuse, N. Y., m. Alberta Morrison Dorcas Alberta Johnson" Sarah Jane' (Gershom", William', and Elizabeth', Alexander", John") married John Birnie, Goshen. Wiley Birnie' Julia Birnie" m. William Crawford Julia Atherton' (Gershom", William", and Elizabeth', Alexander", John") married William Case, Springfield. Fred Case", Woburn, Mass. William Case• Freda Case" Barbara Case• Ira Case" Paul Case" Bliss Case', Woburn, Mass. Roy Casf'" Julia Case" m. Arthur Vail" (Eunice Perley•, Alexander", John") See Descendants of John', p. William Amasa' (Gershom", William", and Elizabeth•, Alexander", John') married Ianthe Jane Mullin of Butternut Ridge. Nain" m. (1) Harry Trowsdale; m. (2) James F. Allen Stella" m. Watson Isnor Warren H. Isnor" m. ( 1) Mamlla Butler W. Haldane Isnor7 m. (2) Carrie Webber Elizabeth Isnor7 Marion Nain Isnor" m. P. Jerome Lee

44 Marilyn Lee7 Enid Ianthe Margaret Isnor" Bessie5 m. Albert H. Hammond, Wellesley, Ma~s. Elizabeth Hammond" m. Ralph Farnham Frederick Farnham" Hollis Hammond' Esther' m. John Slocum

3 2 3 2 John James' (Gershom , William , and Elizabeth', Alexander , John ) 1856-1939, married Annie Henderson, d. 1936. 5 Bertha , Millerton Olive M.5, Prince George, B. C., m. Martin Henderson Lettie E.5, Viking, Alta., m. George S. Young 5 Edna , Kamloops, B. C., m. Fred Hindley Hazel', Los Angeles, Cal., m. Stephen J. Horn Frank Henderson'

2 James Henry" (William ), the son by the second wife, Elizabeth James (Stickney), married Hannah Finch, 4th dau. of the late Capt. Henry Finch, July 3, 1845. Henry' m:. Blanche Chase William' m. Agnes Wilson, of Kent Co. Esther' m. Arthur Wasson

2 Henry' (James Henry", William ) married Blanche Chase. Mary' m. Edward Davis William" m. Sarah Ferris Donald' m. Helen Shields May" Hazen' Grace' m. Edgar Camp, Sheffield Beatrice' Winslow' m. ( 1) Grace Miles Errol", drowned Herbert" Winslow" m. Williams m. (2) Fox Harry' Fred LeRoy"

2 Esther' (James Henry", William ) married Arthur Wasson. Harry Wasson" m. Idella Moore Julia Wasson" m. Boyd, Georgetown, Mass. Bertram Wasson' Robert Wasson" George W assen" m. Blanche Chapman Charlie Wasson' 45 Edith Wasson' m. Ralph Colwell Ronald Colwell7 Eva Wasson" m. Thomas Carle John Chipman Carle" m. Jessie Louise McCallum Upton" 2 (Jennie', Jesse", Gershom ) Jennie Carle' m. Donald Bridges

DESCENDANTS OF GERSHOM' Gershom', third son of Alexander1 and Mary Clark, was born April 27, 1774, in East New Jersey, and died in 1856. He married (1) Sarah Sowers, dau. of John Andrew Sowers, of German descent, a ship carpenter by trade, who married Sarah Langley of Boston in 1779. The Sowers settled first at St. Croix and afterwards at Fanjoy's Point, Grand Lake. The children of Gershom2 and Sarah Clark were baptized by the Rector of Gagetown on February 14, 1802. Sarah died April 14, 1803, aged 25 years, 3 months, 28 days, and was buried at Gagetown, where the quaint inscription on her tombstone may still be sren. John Paul', 6. 1796, m. Foshay Mary Ann' m. (1) James Chapman, Aug. 21, 1822; m. (2) Mooers; m. (3) Bartlett Hallett, Sept. 26, 1849 Alexander', 6. 1798, m. Charlotte Austin Abigail' m. John Paul, Jr., July 8, 1821 Gershom married secondly, on November 10, 1803, Elizabeth Carle, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Sloat Carle, Loyalists from Tarry­ town, Dutchess Co., N. Y., who came to Saint John in 1783. Elizabeth, who was born March 8, 1786, was the seventh of their 12 children. The children of Gershom and Elizabeth were: Sarah', b. Sept. 26, 1804, d. Sept. 6, 1873, m. Richard Dykeman Thomas", baptized Oct. 19, 1806, d. aged 21 George", baptized Feb. 26, 1809, d. June 4, 1878, m. Isabell Stickney 2 Phoebe' m. Richard" (William ) See under Descendants of Wil- liam2, p. 43. Emily' m. Abner Balmain William Henry' m. Matilda Jane Hanselpacker Jesse' m. Margaret Campbell Cowperthwaite Albert Desbrisay' m. Mary Ann Chase

2 John Paul Clark' (Gershom ) 179--18, married Foshay. William Henry' m. Annie Orchard They had no children, but an adopted son, George Clark, married Lucelia• (William Henry', Gershom") Matilda• m. Oscar Little

46 Phoebe• m. William Manning John Manning" d. in boyhood 2 Matilda• (John Paul' Gershom ) married Oscar Little, son of William Bell Little, M.D., b. in England 1798, graduated at London in 1819, moved to New Brunswick, married Mary Ann Fowler. Herbert Little' Joshua Little' Malcolm Little" m. (1) Grace Ferris Ira Little' James Little5 Charles Little'

2 Joshua Little' (Matilda"', John Paul', Gershom ) m. (1) Matilda Little' Walter Little' m. Mary Bell Bessie Little' m. William Cameron Hazel Little' m. Logan Percy Little" m. Freda Titus George Little' m. Dorothy Shaw

2 Malcolm Little' (Matilda•, John Paul", Gershom ) m. (1) Grace Ferris Wesley Little• Woodford Little6 m. (1) Elizabeth Clark, dau. of Frank CJark of Young's Cove Marie Little" Gordon Little" m. (2) Annie Thompson Fems Maude Little' Lottie Little" m. Fred Brown, Gagetown Fred Little' d. aged 2 William Little' Ira Little" m. Graham Chester Little' Lowell Little" Jennie Little"

2 Alexander' (Gershom ) 1800-18 , married Charlotte Austin, dau. of Samuel Austin, a Loyalist from Viirginia, who married Eva Gabel. Henderson•, b. Feb. 6, 1837, d. Oct. 28, 1915, m. (1) Hannah Read; m. (2) Lucy Ann Gill, d. March 18, 1926, aged 78 Sarah., b. 1841, d. 1936 Lucy•, d. in infancy George N.', b. 1844, d. 1937, m. Kate Crawford Nellie' Nan' m. Charles Fillmore, son of W. Colpitts Fillmore · Donald Fillmore• 47 Henderson' (Alexander", Gershom") 1837-1915, married Hannah Read Mabel', Auburn, Washington, m. R. E. Hemphill Pauline Hemphill" m. Charles Muttart George Muttart' Charles Muttart' William Hemphill' Gladys Hemphill' Lewis', d. 1938 Lily5 m. Leslie Sharpe Stella0 m. Fred Sansom, Stanley, York Co. Scott Sansom' m. Cora Dorcas Mary Joan" Shirley' Donald' Bertha Sansom' George'

0 2 Lily (Henderson•, Alexander", Gershom ) married Leslie Sharpe, Scotch Settlement, Yark Co. Pearl Stella Sharpe" m. Cecil Ingraham, Dumfries George Edward Sharpe", Baptist minister at Flatlands, m. Al- berta Johnston William Leslie Sharpe'' Ruth Evangeline Sharpe' Alexander Graham Sharpe' Harold Ernest Sharpe", Keswick, m. Lucy Yerxa Gerald Moses Sharpe' Harold Russell Sharpe' Arthur Leslie Lewis Sharpe' m. Vera Pearl Brewer Merle Allison Sharpe' Mildred Alma Sharpe' Harold Holland Sharpe' Raymond Arthur Sharpe' Elwood Storey Sharpe Gladys Mabel Sharpe' Hazel Elgina Sharpe" m. Donald Corey, Lower Southampton Lily Maude Corey' Hubert Eugene Corey' Florence Marion Corey' Violet Pearl Corey" Vernon Harold Corey' George Cedric Corey' Alexander Owen Corev' Helen Corey' · Lloyd Corey' Charles Edward Corey' 48 Oscar Edwin Sharpe" m. Pauline Brewer George Leslie Sharpe' dau. b. Sept. 4, 1940' Ada Mildred Sharpe" m. Harry Fleming, Scotch Lake Kenneth Sharpe Fleming' Mary Mabel Fleming' Clara Emmaline Fleming1

2 Abigail• (Gershom ) married John Paul, Jr., on July 8, 1821. John Paul, Jr., was presumably the son of the Loyalist John Paul, who mar• ried Alexander Clark's daughter, Abigail'. There was one child. Sarah Elizabeth Paul', d. Oct. 25, 1906, aged 84, m. John Hol­ den, formerly of Phillips Norton, Somersetshire, in July, 1842 Charles Holden, M.D.', d. April 28, 1906, m. Sarah Wetmore William Oakle Holden" Alfred Holden" Robert Holden' Susan Holden' m. John Stewart Alice Holden' m. John Gardner

2 Charles Holden, M.D." (Sarah Elizabeth Paul', Abigail•, Gershom ) 1844-1906, married Sarah Wetmore, daughter of Judge Andrew Ra,ins­ ford Wetmore. Louisa Rainsford Holden' m. Philipse Robinson John Chene Holden' m. Ardyth Balfour Ardyth Holden' m. William Halliday Betty Holden' m. Whitfield Buggey Margaret Lansdowne Holden' m. Charles Patrick Holden, M.D.' m. Agnes Taylor Charles Patrick Holden 7 Sarah Elizabeth Holden• m. Winslow Kathleen Gardner Holden" Margaret Lansdowne Holden" (Charles Holden', Sarah Elizabeth 2 Paul', Abigail', Gershom ) married Andrew George Blair. Elizabeth Blair' m. John Zaldivar Machado Nora Blair' Andrew -George Blair" m. Audrey Blakeney Andrew Blair" Nancy Blair" Charles Blair' John Blair' m. Diana Cowan Wendy Blair' Donald Blair' Mary Marjorie Blair' 49 Susan Holden" (Sarah Elizabeth Paul•, Abigail", Gershom") married John Stewart. Robert Holden Stewart' m. Allie Wills Patricia Stewart' Bebe Stewart' Caroline Stewart' John Stewart' Nellie Stewart" Mary Stewart" m. Frederick Burbidge George Burbidge' Frederick Burbidge' Sarah Stewart' m. Edward Hart John Stewart Hart' Edward Stewart .Hart' Joyce Stewart" Eileen Stewart" m. Kenneth Racey Joyce Racey' Alan Racey' Stewart Racey'

5 2 Alice Holden (Sarah Elizabeth Paul', Abigail', Gershom ) married John Gardner Charles Gardner• Phillip Gardner'

2 Sarah" (Gershom ) 1804-1873, married Feb. 5, 1823, Richard Dyke­ man, b. Dec. 23, 1'.798, d. July 6, 1874, son of Moses and Phoebe Curry Dykeman, and grandson of Garret Dykeman, a Loyalist. John Dykeman', b. Oct._ 20, 1823, d. March 18, 1891, m. Amanda Cottle Gershom Dykeman', b. 1827, d. 1827 Elizabeth Dykeman', b. Dec. 23, 1827, d. Dec. 18, 1847 Moses Dykeman', b. Aug. 30, 1928, m. Sarah Cottle Thomas Dykeman', b. Oct. 13, 1831, d. 1909, m. (1) Frances Perley; m. (2) Marion Hatfield George Dykeman', b. Dec. 26, 1835, d. 1858 Gershom Dykeman', b. Oct. 21, 1840, m. Ann Dykeman Frederic Dykeman', b. Feb. 6, 1843, d. 1862 John Dykeman' (Sarah', Gershom') 1823-1891, married Amanda Cot­ tle, b. June 30, 1830, d. Feb. 8, 1889, dau. of Nathaniel and Frances Lounsbury Cottle. Nathaniel Cottle's father was a Loyalist from Martha's Vineyard, his mother was Catharine Fletcher. Frances Louns­ bury's parents were John Lounsbury and Sarah Dingee, who settled first at Gagetown and then moved to Waterboro. Elizabeth Jane Dykeman", b. Feb. 11, 1855, d. May 23, 1926, m. Miles Olmstead 50 Myra May Dykeman", b. Nov. 27, 1856, d. July 1, 1878 Bliss Dykeman", b. Jan. 9, 1860, d. June 9, 1860 Richard Dykeman", b. Jan. 29, 1862, moved to Seattle, m. Mary Lockwood Roe Dykeman" Robert Dykeman• Frances Dykeman", b. March 22, 1864, d. April 24, 1924, m. James Olmstead Minnie Drkeman", b. Oct. 14, 1865, m. (1) Fred Dykeman; m. ( 2) Robert Barr Amanda Dykeman", b. July 1, 1867, d. Oct. 20, 1903 Grace Dykeman", b. Oct. 28, 1870, d. Nov. 27, 1870 King Dykeman", b. May 15, 1874, d. Aug. 1930, m. Luella Hines of Seattle John Dykeman" Ruth Dykeman•

Elizabeth Jane Qykeman" {John Dykeman', Sarah", Gershom") 1855- 1926, married Miles Olmstead, 1851-1929. Myra Blanche Olmstead", b. July 3, 1876, d. Jan. 14, 1924, m. ( 1) Albert Erb 7 Hazel May Erb , b. Jan. 8, 1898, d. 1934 7 George William Erb , b. Nov. 11, 1899, m. Lena Yorlc;e Curtis Erb8 Frances Erb' 7 Myrtle Elizabeth Erb , b. March 6, 1909, m. Frank Youid Frances Y ould' David Y ould' m. (2) John McBay Harold Kingswood Olmstead", b. Jan. 8, 1882, m. Cora Colwell Phyllis Eileen Olmstead', b. April 25, 1912, m. Gordon Foster Donna Corinne Foster•, b. July 6, 1936 7 Donna Elizabeth Olmstead , b. July 18, 1916, m. Graeme Allwood Frances Lounsbury Olmstead", b. Oct. 27, 1889, m. Milton Colwell 7 Merville Olmstead Colwell , b. July 23, 1912 Edrey Chanla Colwell1, b. Oct. 3, 1916, m. Guy Mc­ Gowan Myra Dawn McGowan•, b. Oct. 25, 1939 Myra Bernice Colwell', b. July 28, 1924 Frances Dykeman" (John Dykeman', Sarah", Gershom") 1864-1924, married James Olmstead Minnie Merville Olmstead', b. Jan. 1899, d. Jan. 1901 51 Caude Troop Olmstead", B.A., B.D., b. Oct. 16, 1896, m. Hazel "Casey, James Olmstead' Vaughn Olmstead' Gershom Dykeman' (Sarah', Gershom") 1840-19 , married Ann Dykeman. Gertrude Dykeman" m. Byron Brewer Ernest Dykeman" Eva Dykeman" m. Coles Kitchen Gertrude Kitchen• m. Roy Mosher Orland Kitchen" m. Myrtle Foshay Paul Kitchen', Truro Lila Kitchen• m. Gordon Scott James Earl Kitchen• Josephine Kitchen" Bernice Boyd Dykeman" m. Annie Mildred" (William Allan", 2 Hiram', William', John )

1 Bernice Boyd Dykeman" (Gershom Dykeman•, Sarah", Gershom ) married Annie Mildred" (William Allan", Hiram•, \Villiam", John") of Woodstock Allan Boyd Dykeman" m. Minnie Smith, Florenceville, 1935 Helen Ann Dykeman', b. June 30, 1936 Ruth Elizabeth Dykeman', b. March 26, 1939 Ronald Wellington Dykeman", b. Jan. 1912, m. Madeline Dick­ inson, Canterbury, Sept. 10, 1938 Mildred Bernice Dykeman', b. Aug. 14, 1917, m. Wallace Dick­ inson, June 17, 1936 Ella Blanche Dykeman", b. Nov. 2, 1922 Gertrude Elizabeth Dykeman", b. March 26, 1925

2 George" (Gershom ) 1808-1878, married Isabell Stickney, 1810-1886, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth James Stickney. Samuel Stickney's father, Isaac, was one of the first settlers at Maugerville, to which he came from Rowley, Mass. Samuel Stickney was drowned in the St. 2 John river in July, 1814, and his widow married William Clark • George" was the first· of the Clarks to move up to Queensbury on the St. John river, where he was followed by the sons of his cousin, Wil­ liam" (John"). Several children died in infancy: one is buried in the Clark Cemetery at Maquapit Lake. Henrietta', b. Feb. 4, 1834, d. July 17, 1901, m. John Thurston' (William', John') See descendants of John", p. 30. Annie Elizabeth*, b. 1854, d. June 20, 1909, m. George Albert Lounsbury, d. March 23, 1902, aged 46 52 Maude Lounsbury", b. Feb. 23, 18 , d. 19 , m. Herbert MacDonald, Chatham John Lounsbury MacDonald" m. Bernice Price Herbert John Lounsbury MacDonald7 Jean MacDonald• Holland Lounsbury", d. 1939, m. Greta Lamkie Emily' (Gershom') whose name is spelled Amelia in her father's will, married Abner Balmain, d. 1881, aged 63, son of William and Eleanor What Balmain, and grandson of William and Margaret Nevin Bal­ main. Alice Balmain', b. Oct. 24, 1852, d. 1931, 2nd wife of John 2 Thurston' (William", John ) Bessie Balmain', b. 1854, d. 1931, m. McGill William Balmain', b. April 23, 1859, d. May 6, 1934, m. (1) Agnes Lister, 1861-1897; m. (2) Susan Williams, d. June 10, 1934 Havelock Balmain' George Balmain', b. 1862, d. 1930, m. Helen Hume Asa J. Balmain', b. 1866, d. 1930

2 William Balmain' (Emily', Gershom ) 1859-1934, married (1) Agnes Lister of Grand Lake. 5 Laura Louise Balmain , b. Nov. 29, 1884 Georgina Lister Balmain', b. Dec. 31, 1885, d. 1916, m. Walter E. Stone Arthur William Balmain Stone", b. Sept. 1, 1916 Annie Mildred Balmain', b. Oct. 2, 1893

2 George E. Balmain' (Emily•, Gershom ) 1862-1930, married Helen Hume. Douglas Balmain" · Mary Emily Balmain" m. Wilfred Broadfoot Storey Balmain" Creighton Balmain" m. Pauline Hay Frank Balmain"

2 William Henry• (Gershom ) on Nov. 8, 1845, married Matilda Jane Hanselpacker, b. Oct. 3, 1818, d. Oct. 12, 1890, dau. of John and Julia Balmain Hanselpacker. Alexander' m. Charlotte McMann Charles' Harvey' m. Susan Colwell George• m. Katharine Sturgeon Lucelia' m. George Clark, adopted son of William Henry' 2 (John Paul', Gershom ) Ethel' 53 Alexander' (William Henry", Gershom") married Charlotte McMann. Roy" Charles" Leslie" Sarah" George' (Wi1liam Henry", Gershom") married Katharine Sturgeon of the Miramichi. Ida" m. Elmer Humes William Alexander" m. Idella Bird Helen" m. Donald McCormack Donald McCormack' Richard McCormack' Kathleen• Laura' m. Robert Donovan, Nashua, N. H. George W .5 m. Harriet Ellen Hammond Kenneth Bertram' m. Gladys Jardine George' Marie' Shirley' George Wilbur" m. Constance Lillian Staples Chester Ludlow' m. Elsie Gerrish Donna Mae' Margaret Ellen Irene• Frank Hammond' Theodore Robert" Audrey Eileen" m. Stuart Watkins William LeRoy" Harry R." Frederick" Gifford' Stella" m. Fred Thomas, Nashua, N. H. Roy Thomas" George Thomas" Ralph Thomas" Dorothy Thomas" Frank" m. Mary Kirvan Betty Ann" Patricia" Ralph'

3 2 Jesse (Gershom ) 1824-1891, married Margaret Campbell Cowperth• waite, 1831-1903, of Douglas, York Co. Maretta Barbour', b. May 15, 1853, d. May 21, 1853 Archibald Nelson', b. July 21, 1854, m. Ida M. LeBard Thomas Albert', b. Dec. 22, 1855

54 Chesley Burton', b. Sept. 26, 1857, m. (1) Sarah McMann; m. (2) Sarah (Watson) Frederick Marshall', b. Nov. 22, 1859, d. April 20, 1890, m. (1) Ella Lawson, dau. of Capt. Lawson of Australia; m. (2) Addie Flower, dau. of John and Mary Close Flower David Cowperthwaite', b. J~y 6, 1862, d. Aug. 17, 1862 David Cowperthwaite', b. Aug. 23, 1863, m. (1) Frances Em­ berley; m. (2) Sarah Earle (Slauterbeck) Carrie Campbell', b. April 25, 1865, m. Frank Vandine Emma Annie Hippesley', b. Feb. 27, 1867, d. Jan. 24, 1940, m. John Denton, Douglas Harbour Beecher Lloyd George Denton" Addie Eliza•, b. Jan. 31, 1869, d. Dec. 18, 1870 Mary Elizabeth', b. Sept. 27, 1871, m. John Pickard Jennie Louise•, b. Sept. 21, 1876, m. Hedley V. Upton

2 Archibald Nelson" (Jesse", Gershom ) b. 1854, married Ida LeBard. He lives in Millinocket, Me. Frederick Liewellyn', b. July 27, 1883 5 Mary Annie , b. March 17, 1887, m. Joseph DeLisle Thelma Elizabeth Delisle' m. Haworth Adrienne Madeline DeLisle" Iris Lenore DeLisle' m. Wyllie Bettina Marjorie DeLisle' m. Piecuch Donald Joseph DeLisle" Jesse Raymond•, b. May 28, 1889, d. Oct. 18, 1932 Essie Louise•, b. May 3, 1891, m. Isaac Dawe 5 Leo , b. May 24, 1893, m. Blanche Emily DeLisle Bettina Mary" Nelson Leo0 Ida Selina" Lenore Blanche" Dorothy Cecile" Archie Raymond" Leo Burr' Margaret Maye" 5 Ida Elzada , b. Feb. 22, 1895, m. Henry Cressy Carleton Clark Cressy" Ida Cressy" m. Kenny Archibald McCallum", b. Aug. 14, 1896, m. Marie Cunningham Adelbert Bruce", b. Dec. 13, 1900, m. (1) Margaret Burgess Adelbert Bruce" m. (2) Catherine Barron Bettina Catherine"

55 2 Chesley Burton' (Jesse", Gershom ) b. 1857, married Sarah McMann, and afterwards Mrs. Sarah Watson. Walter McMann5 m. Beatrice Hovey Frederick Alexander' m. Edith Campbell Freda" Donald' Norma" Arthur" m. Lillian Palmer Doris' Ronald' Edith" m. Robert Beam William Beam•

4 2 David Cowperthwaite (Jesse", Gershom ) b. 1863, married Frances Emberley of Newfoundland, 1868-1920, and secondly, Sarah Earle (Slauterbeck), dau. of John Robert and Elizabeth Carman Earle. 5 Percy , b. 1890, m. Cora Colwell Harold Bertram', b. 1894 Dorothy Aline' Frank Campbell5, b. 1896, m. Bertha Macfarlane Lillian', b. 1898, m. Andrew Harris, Tracy Ronald Harris", b. March 4, 1920 Cecii Harris', b. 1923 Archibald Ernest' Ernest Spence', b. Nov. 3, 1934 Arlene Frances", b. May 1, 1937 Donna Marie", b. Dec. 16, 1938

2 Mary Elizabeth' (Jesse', Gershom ) b. 1871, married John Pickard of Marysville. Mary Pickard' Jesse Pickard' m. Madeline Brown Herbert John Pickard" May Pickard' Harry Pickard' Marilyn Pickard" Nellie 'E>ickard" m. Milford Porter John Porter" Ronald Porter' Donald Porter'

4 2 Jennie Louise (Jesse', Gershom ) b. 1876, married Hedley V. Upton of Maugerville. Margaret May Upton' m. John Henry Harvey, M;mgerville Clarence Upton Harvey", b. July 17, 1920 Karl Dawson Harvey", b. Aug. 5, 1923

56 Gerald Vickers Harvey', b. Jan. 24, 1925 Charles Hedley Harvey", b. March 29, 1932 Nora Thompson Upton" m. John Dawson Pugh, Burtt's Corner John Douglas Pugh", b. Sept. 29, 1925 Malcolm Hedley Pugh", b. July 24, 1927 Hubert MacKenzie Pugh", b. Aug. 3, 1928 Keith Thompson Pugh', b. June 21, 1931 Lowell Dawson Pugh", b. May 1, 1933 Caroline Jean Pugh", b. June 27, 1937 Hazel Kathleen Cowperthwaite Upton• m. Sidney Moore, West• wood, Mass. Sidney Laurest Moore', b. Oct. 7, 1925 Jean Louise Moore", b. March 7, 1928 William Henry Moore", b. Feb. 1, 1929 Jessie Louise McCallum Upton• m. John Chipman Carle" (Eva 2 Wasson", Esther', James Henry", William ) Margaret Ann Carle' and 7, b. July 15, 1929 Thomas Flewelling Carle' and 7, b. March 15, 1936 Mabel Upton5 m. Ralph Harding Ralph William Harding", b. Aug. 26, 1937 Philip Hedley Harding", b. Nov. 17, 1939 Marion Upton' m. George Yeomans Georgina Joan Yeomans', b. Sept. 9, 1937

2 Albert DesBrisay" (Gershom ) married Mary Ann Chase. Alvin Douglas', b. April 10, 1863 George E.', b. June 30, 1864, m. Hannah McMinnamin Elizabeth J.', b. Oct. 8, 1866, m. Dougherty Harry S.', b. Jan. 14, 1867, m. Annie Morgan William A.', b. April 11, 1868, d. Jan. 1868 Charles L.', b. Jan. 12, 1870, m. ( 1) Inez Clarke; m. (2) James Franklin', b. Sept. 13, 1873, d. Dec. 27, 1939, Centralia, Wash. m. Jessie Edgar, Arthurette Reginald' Bona' Florence' Alice"

2 George E.' (Albert D.' Gershom ) b. 1864, married Hannah McMinna­ min. They lived in Fredericton. Mary Ellen' m. Henry L. Bishop Edna Ellen Bishop" m. Roderick Brewer Betty Ann Brewer" George Whitman Brewer7 Donald Brewer" Allan Hayward Bishop" m. Violet Allen

57 Leonard Allen Bishop 7 Beatrice Marie Bishop7 Clowes Bishop" Joyce Bishop" m. G.!orge Langmaid Frank Langmaid1 Elizabeth Bishop" Frances Bishop• Henry Addison Bishop" Henry Addison5 m. Ella Haining Kenneth" Ruth' Charlotte' Franklin' m. Dora DeMercant, Victoria Co. Ardyth' Isabel" Richard' Avis' Eleanor" George Sidney' Merton Addison" George Albert' m. Grace Garnet, St. Stephen Lois" Marjorie' Donald Arthur' C. Frederick" 2 Harry S.' (Albert", Gershom ) m. Annie Morgan Frank E.' m. Josephine Chase of Clark's Corner Ralph' m. Violet Rickard Byron' Sidney" Kenneth' George" Eugene" Donna Marie' Albert~ (Dolph) m. Luella Mason Georgie Ann" Charles' Stanley' m. Mary McKnight of Nappan Edward" Archie" William' Bessie' m. Byron Tabor --- Tabor' Laura" m. Stanley Delong Betty Delong" Eileen Delong' 58 Mavis Delong' Gilbert Delong' Donald Delong" Edith" m. (1) Edward Parsons Juanita Parsons' Elizabeth Dillon Parsons" m. (2) Kenneth Avin Sloat' (Edward Franklin Sloat", Matilda Hanselpacker', Mary Ann•, George") Catherine Ann Sloat' Sadie' m. William Barrett William Barrett' Geraldine Barrett' Joyce Barrett" Barbarann Barrett" Marjorie Barrett' Josephine Barrett" Stanley Barrett' Ethel" m. Lewis Timms Patricia Timms" Harry Timms' Margaret" m. Ernest Bailey Betty Bailey" Donald Bailey' Robert Bailey' Edward Bailey"


2 George , the youngest son of Alexander' and Mary Clark, was born August 7, 1787, after the family had <;ome to New Brunswick, and possibly after they had moved up to Maquapit Lake. When Alex­ ander' received the appointment as Armourer on the Establishment of the Ordnance on April 4, 1805, he presumably took up residence in Saint John, and George2 probably accompanied his parents there, since he married on February 3, 1808, Margaret Baird, dau. of William Baird of Saint John. George2 disappeared, some time before Alexan­ der's will was drawn up in 1823, and foul play was feared. His wife, Margaret, seems to have died April 27, 1827, aged 39, and was buried from John Baird's house, Lower Cove. The five children were given their father's share of Alexander's' estate and are named in this order: Sarah Ann" m. Alexander Preble Mary Ann" m. Wilfiam Hanselpacker William Alexander" m. Catherine Hanselpacker John", b. 1818, d. March 5, 1890, m. Rachel' (Gershom", John") George" d. young

59 2 Sarah Ann" (George ) married Alexander Preble. John Preble• Alonzo Preble' Leander Preble• m. Caroline Brewer William Preble• m. Kate Coffin Edith Preble", d. aged 10 Hattie Preble" m. (1) Hatbh; m. (2) David Bragdon; m. (3) Smith; m. (4) Betsey Preble• m. Jeremiah Grace Foster Grace' Martha Preble' m. Jeremiah Grace Mary Preble• m. Simeon Strout Lewis Foster Strout" m. Mariannie Hobart Simmons" (Margaret Matilda', William A.", ~eorge") Sarah Preble• m. Nehemiah Strout Annie Preble• m. (1) Bardwell; m. (2) Capt. Charles Deering Jane Preble' m. Richard Monk Adeline Preble• Catherine Preble• Margaret Preble• m. William Larabee

2 Sarah Preble• (Sarah Ann', George ) married Nehemiah Strout. Ellis Strout' Sidney Strout" m. Fannie Mitchell Dorothy Strout', d. 1939, m. Lloyd Drisko Joyce Drisko1 Donna Drisko 7 Myrna Drisko" Abonne Drisko' --- Drisko' Annie Strout' m. Loring Cole Ella Cole' m. Frank Whalen, Steuben, Me. Dwight Whalen" m. Goldie Torry Corinne Glenda Whalen" Ivory Whalen' Sarah Cole" m. Henry Preble, Ashville, Me. Olive Preble" Fremont Preble' Ella Preble' Eleanor Preble' Maurice Cole• (adopted by) Anderson m. Virginia Car• ter (Faulkenham) Beverley Ann Anderson1 Margaret Preble' (Sarah", George") married William Larabee. Lillian Larabee" m. John Spear Clarence Spear", b. 1889, d. 1904 60 Margaret Spear", b. 1891 Helen Spear", b. 1894, m. William Temple Marion Temple", b. 1931 Charles Spear", b. 1900, m. Alice Anthony Charles Spear", b. 1927 John Spear", b. 1928 Edward Spear, b. 1905

2 Mary Ann" (George ) married William Hanselpacker, bapt. March 9, 1806, son of John and Julia Balmain Hanselpacker. Miriam Leah Hanselpacker•, b. 1829, d. Dec. 15, 1865, m. Sam• uel Dayton Matilda Hanselpacker' m. Joseph Sloat Amelia Hanselpacker' m. Albert Boone Elizabeth Hanselpacker' m. Wynott Cliff John Hanselpacker' Julia Hanselpacker' George Hanselpacker' m. Eliza Crouse Henry Hanselpacker4, lost at sea Eleanor Hanselpacker' m. James Pickard

2 Miriam Leah Hanselpacker" (Mary Ann", George ) b. 1829, d. Dec. 15, 1865, married Samuel Dayton, b. 1824, d. Nov. 23, 1894, son of \Villiam and Susan McGibbon Dayton. Allice Dayton", b. Jan. 27, 1853, d. Nov. 3, 1854 Benjamin Yerxa Dayton', b. July 27, 1854, m. Henrietta Esta­ brooks Milton -Dayton", b. Dec. 12, 1855, d. March 8, 1902, m. Annie McKeen Horace Dayton', b. July 27, 1857, d. July 7, 1889, m. Martha Oiff Samuel Dayton" LeBaron Dayton" Wesley Brewster Dayton", b. May 29, 1859, m. Lillian Hunter Laura Amelia Dayton', b. Dec. 19, 1860, d. April 1, 1891, m. James MacCready 5 Mary Ellis Dayton , b. Oct. 18, 1862, m. Hiram Kilburn Annabell Dayton", b. July 30, 1865, m. Edwin Colpitts Wesley Colpitts" George Colpitts" Ezra Colpitts" Julia Colpitts" Benjamin Yerxa Dayton" (Miriam Leah Hanselpacker', Mary Ann", George") 1854-, married Henrietta Estabrooks. Maud Dayton"

til Ernest Dayton" Gertrude Dayton" m. Robert Nason Milton Dayton" (Miriam Leah Hanselpacker', Mary Ann", George") 1855-1902, married Annie McKeen. Frederick Dayton" m. Hebert Wilfred Dayton7 Jean Dayton7 Henrietta Dayton" m. Robert Hammond Roberta Hammond1 m. Ralph Murchie Greta Hammond7 m. James MacKenzie Robert Dayton Hammond1 Grace Hammond7 Frank Dayton" m. (1) m. (2) Ralph Dayton" m. Margaret Fowler Wesley Brewster Dayton" (Miriam Leah Hanselpacker', Mary Ann", 2 George ) married May 27, 1878, Lillian Hannah Valina Hunter, b. July 23, 1856, dau. of Charles and Eliza Tapley Hunter, and descen­ dant of James Hunter, who was associated with Alexander Oark in the grant of land on Maquapit Lake. Allice Myrtle Dayton", b. April 7, 1879, d. April 9, 1879 Frances Olivia Dayton", b. July 25, 1880, m. James Green Florence Green' Annie Bertella Dayton", b. Aug. 18, 1882, d. Sept. 26, 1932, m. Dr. D. W. Hamilton Florence Hamilton' Lillian Hamilton7 m. Edwin Burke Caroline Burke" Laura Gertie Dayton", b. Sept. 25, 1885, d. Oct. 23, 1886 Edward Patterson Dayton", b. March 3, 1889, d. Aug. 28, 1935, m. (1) Minnie Sawyer Edward Bruce Dayton' m. Mary King Edward P. Dayton• m. (2) Pearl Howard Lillian Minerva Dayton•, b. Oct. 22, 1892, m. G. H. Prince Frances Bertilla Prince7 Margaret Caroline Prince' Robert Brewster Dayton•, b. Oct. 3, 1895, m. Queenie Coulthard Roberta Dayton' m. Donald McKendri£_k Richard McKendrick" Manley McKendrick" Herbert Dayton' Matilda Hanselpacker• (Mary Ann", George") married June 28, 1871, Joseph Sloat. Albina Ella Sloat"

62 Charles William Sloat" Edward Franklin Sloat5 m. Jennie Smith Kenneth Avin Sloat', Millinocket, Me., m. Edith Clark• (Harry S.4, Albert Desbrisay", Gershom') Catherine Ann Sloat' George Edward Sloat", Chicago, m. Patricia Avery Theodore Maxwell Sloat', Sask., m. Hilda Boyer Mary Eileen Sloat" Charles Frederick Sloat' Mary Maud Sloat5 m. William Staples Donald Staples" Amelia Hanselpacker' (Mary Ann", George') married Albert Boone. Margaret Boone• Bessie Boone• m. Lynn Dixon Gertrude Dixon' m. Frederick Thompso11 Helen Thompson' Robert Thompson' Shirley Thompson' Elizabeth Thompson' Vera Dixon' m. Frank Coombes Frank Coombes' John Coombes' Myrtle Dixon' m. William Dean George Dixon' m. Dorothy Humphrey Hazen Dixon' Ernest Boone" Ella Boone" m. Charles Thomas W ealtha Thomas' m. Donald Megarity George Hanselpacker' (Mary Ann", George') married Eliza Crouse. Edward Hanselpacker5 Brockton, Mass. Nettie Hanselpacker" m. Olsen, Quincy, M!1ss. Helen Hanselpacker" m. Leslie Orchard Annie Hanselpacker" m. William Rodd, Milton, Mass. Maurice Hanselpacker" Leslie Hanselpacker" Hattie Hanselpacker0 m. Wark.

2 Eleanor Hanselpacker' (Mary Ann", George ) married James Pickard, Devon. Harry Pickard' m. ( 1) Grace Pond Byron Pickard" m. Laura McLaughlin Douglas Pickard' Wilfred Pickard" m. Ina Matthews Doris Pickard' Harry Pickard" 63 Partelow Pickard" m. ( 1) Nettie Munro Guyda Pickard7 Grace Pickard7 m. (2) Elizabeth Earle Ferne Pickard7 May Pickard' Partelow Pickard7 Donald Pickard' Harold Pickard" m. Ruby True Jacqueline Pickard' m. (2) Janie Burnett m. (3) Beatrice Bolton (Dawson) Ella Rena Pickard' m. Harry Stickney Simmons Harry Simmons' m. Kate North Rena Simmons' m. (2) Terry North, Vancouver Mary Pickard" m. Capt. Horatio McKiel Mildred Eleanor Pickard5 m. S. Dow Simmons

2 William Alexander• (George ) married Catherine Hanselpacker, bapt. June 20, 1813, dau. of John and Julia Balmain Hanselpacker. Eunice Maria' m. George Johnston William Clark Johnston•, d. in infancy Charles Niven' m. Mary Elizabeth Courser, descendant o( a Loyalist family who were Prince William grantees, May 21, 1860 Mariannie' m. Hobart Hare Hobart Clark H;re5 Margaret Matilda', b. 1842, d. 1913, m. George H. Simmons, b. 1841, d. 1917 Adeline' m. Alfred A. Miller William Clark Miller•, Ashland, Me. Harry Miller', d. 1914 Alice M:, d. April, 1939, aged 82, m. John A. Edwards

2 Margaret Matilda' (William A." George ) married George H. Simmons William Clark Simmons•, b. 1865, d. 1877 Hendry Lovitt Simmons", b. 1866, d. 1931, Winthrop, Mass., m. Louise Rogers L. Clark Simmons' m. Bettie Healey Roger Clark Simmons Catherine Maria Simtnons', b. 1868, d. 1869 Mariannie Hqbart Simmons•, b. 1871, m. Lewis F. Strout" (Mary 3 Preble', Sarah , George') Agnes Maude Simmons", b. 1875, m. Irving R. Cutter, 1898 Learned R. Cutter", b. 1899, Chicago, m. Marie Chabot

64 Alice M: (William Alexander", George') married John A. Edwards, Fredericton. Frank Gross Edwards5 Edwards5 m. Marguerite Walsh Marguerite Camella Edwards" m. William Sherwood Ronald Jack Edwards" m, Joyce Brown Catherine Jean Edwards' Mary Elizabeth Edwards' Ronald Jack Edwards' John Edwards', Vancouver, B. C. Catherine Edwards" m. Dodge Gilmour

John' (George") 1818-1890, married in 1858 R:iche14 (Gershom", John") 1841-1915. The family moved to Hill, N. H., after 1891. 4 Adelbert E: m. Elizabeth Ann McKenelley' (Lois , Gershom", John") Matilda4 m. Henry L. White Harriet' m. William Rice William A:, d. unmarried Catherine A.4 m. Adolph Walter Arthur W.4 Robert L: m. Nettie Otis Martha J.4 m. C. A. Gilbert John A: m. Mineola Thompson James 0.4 m. Hattie Minor Adelbert E.4 (John', George", and Rachel', Gershom8, John") married Elizabeth Ann McKenelley5 (Lois4, Gershom", John"). Alveretta5 m. Edward McLean Charles' Sterling", last heard of in China

Matilda4 (John", George", and Rachel', Gershom", John") married Henry L. White. They lived in Wyoming; she died in Loa Angeles in 1924. Robert White' Russell White' Mildred White'

Harriet' (John", George", and Rachel', Gershom", John") married Wil­ liam Rice. E. Pearl Rice" John C. Rice" Eleanor I. Rice" Franklin W. Rice" Grace L. Rice' 65 Robert C. Rice• Leona M. Rice" Marion H. Rice'

2 Catherine A: (John", George", and Rachel', Gershom", John ) married Adolph Walter. Ida M. Walter" Ethel G. Walter" George A. Walter'

2 Martha J.4 (John", George", and Rachel•, Gershom", John ) married C. A. Gilbert. Thomas A. Gilbert" Cora B. Gilbert' Nina M. Gilbert" Wilkin A. Gilbert" Robert C. Gilbert" Rachel G. GiJbert"

2 John A.' (John", George", and Rachel', Gershom•, John ) married Mineola Thompson. Evelyn M.5 Lena L." Burl M.5 m. (2) Etta Stevens Norman"

2 James 0.4 (John", George", and Rachel', Gershom", John ) married Hattie Minor. Edith' Viola M.5 m. (2) Helen Mills Mildred I.'


Abbott, Joseph ______lO Ashfield, Richard ______8 Aborn, E'lizabeth ______39 AJtherton, Benjamin______42 Adams, Maud ______32 Donald ______42 Paul ______l4 Fleetwood ______42 Paul Wilson ______14 Jul1a ______~3 Aiken, Edward______35 Martha______29, 30 Aikens, Alfred ______l3 May ______42 Nellie ______42 Akerley, Susannah Gaunce______26 Valentine P, ______26 Vernetta ______42 Akerman, Thelma______33 Augerton, Mary ______30 Allaby, Kenneth ______19 Austin, Charlotte______-46, 47 Allen, James F, ______44 Samuel______47 Violet ______57 Avery, Patricia ______53 Allison, Helen______25 Babbitt, Thomas ------26 Allwood, Graeme______51 Bailey, Betty______59 Anderson, --~______39 de Blois ______42 Avery ______33 Dona]id ______59 Betty ______33 Dorothy______42 Beverly Ann ______60 J)lr, ______31 Ethe1 ______34 Edward ______59 Gillbert______33 Ernest______, __ 59 Josephine ______34 Gideon ______42 Luella ______34 Gwendolyn ______42 Marjorie______33 Jack ______42 Maurice Cole ______6Q Mildred ______-42 Nellie ______33 Murray Heustis______-42 Ora ______33 Robert ______59 Vesta ______34 Baird, John ______s, 59 Walter ______33 Margaret ______59 William ______33 William ______59 Annet, Louise ______32 Balfour, Ardyth ______-49 Anthony, Alice ______a1 Balmain, A:bner ______-40, 53 Armstrong, Ada ______25 Alice ______26, 31, 53 Charles Roy ______17 Annie Mildred ______53 Ethel Maude______17 Asa J, ______53 John E, ______l 7 B.essie ______53 Lauretta ______l9 Catherine ______40 Malcolm W·, ______17 Ohristine ______40 Margaret Edith______17 C1arki ______41 Mary Agnes ______17 Creight'on______53 William B, ______17 Douglas ______53 WUiiam Elias______17 Frank------~ William Thomas______l4, 17 George ______53 Arsenault, Annie ______33 Georgina Lister ______53

68 Ju.Jda ______44i Hav:eldck------~3' Hellil'Y------~ 'Willey------··· _____ 44 John ______40' Bishop family ------57, 58 Julia______25, 40, 53, 61, 64 Black, Florence Isabella ______15 Laura Louise ______53 Blackadar, Annie ______1s Magdalene______40, 43 Blair family ______49 Margaret ______40 Blake, Frank Hutton______15 Mary______40 Hazel Dorothy______15 Mary Emily ______53 Blakeney, Audrey ______-49 Storey______53 Boland family ______20 William______25, 40, 53 Bolton, Beatrice ______54 Ba:r,bour, Annie Arsenau1t ______33 Boone, Albert ______51 Douglas______3~ Boone family ______63 Gordon ______33 Boyd, ---______45 Howard ______33 Annie ______44 Barclay, Robert ______9 Burpee______43, 44 Bardwell ______60 Elizaibeth. ______44 Julia ______44 Bark~------·---.------413 Barker, Donald ______-43 Boyer, Hilda ______53 !Hayden ______-43 Bradford, Fred ______19 Barnes family ______15 Bragdon______60 Barr, Robert______51 Branscombe, Ina ______35 Barrett family ______59 Brayley, Jack______35 Barron, Catherine______~ ______55 Bready familY------~--22 Barrows, Margaret ______35 Brewer, Albert Kenneth ______19 Bates, Lorena ______26, 29 Alexander Macinnis ______19 Beam, Robert ______55 Betty Ann ______57 William_,. ______56 Byron ______52 Belevick, Dixie L. ______28 Caroline ______60 Victor J. ______28 Claire Cecilia ______19 Bell, Mary ______-47 Donald ______57 Belyea, Alexander ______14 Estellai ______19 Annie Jane ______2,1, 22 George Edward______19 Deborah ______13, 14 George Whitman ______57 Frank ______13 Guy Blanchard______.20 Harriet Matilda ______13 Harry Sinclair______19 Ida Matilda ______l5 Ian MacLaren______l9, 20 James ______12, 13 .Jean Isabelle______19 Laura ______37 John Andrew ______19 Sarah E. ______17 John Clark ______19 Benjamin, Emma ______l4 John William ______19 Bennett, Herbert ______34 Lloyd Clifton ______l9 Maria Elizabeth ______38 Melissa May ______19 Betts, Estelle ______24 Norman Percy______19 Beveridge, David ______12 P:aulinfl ______49 Mary______,______12 Robert Blair______19 Bird, Idella ______--_____ 54 Robert Moore ______19 Birnie, John------~-----43, 44 Rodenck ------~57 69 Russell Frederick ______19 Freda ------44 Vera PearL ______43 Ira ______44 Verna Margaret ______19 Julia ______23, 24, 44 Vernon Bertrand ______20 Nina Jean Sharp ______44 Bridgeman, William ______10 PauL ______44 Bridges, Donald ------46 Roy ------44 Briton, Sister______10 William______-43, 44 Broadfoot, Wilfred ______53 Casey, Hazel ______52 Brown, Armour ______35 Caverhill family ______27 Fred ______47 OhaJbot, Marie ______64 Harold ______36 Chambers, HazeL ______l6 John ______8 Chapman, Blanche ______-45 Julia ______41 James ______46 Madeline ______56 Chase, Blanche______-45 Brown, Newton ______41 Celia Tapley ______-43 Bryant, Eileen ______23 Jooephine ______53 Burbidge, Frederick ______50 Mary Ann ______-46, 47 George ______50 Nina ______17 Buggey, Whitfield ______-49 Chenery, ---______36 Burgess, Margaret ______55 Christie, Mary ______32 Burke, Caroline ______62 Churchill, Rhoda ______30 Edwin ______62 Cliff, Martha ______61 Burnett, Janie ______64 Wynott ______61 Butler, Ann E. ______28 Clark, AbigaiL ______l2, 46, 49 Hannah ______14 .Albigail PauL ______13, 20 John F. ______28 Abigail Rebecca ______44 Josephine L. ______28 Adelbe!lt ______35 Phyllis D. ______28 Adelbert Bruce ______55 W,i.nifred F. ______28 Adelbert E. ______55 Byles, Florrie ______27 Adeline ______64 Cameron, Sadie ______23 Addie Eliza ______55 William ______-47 .Albert______53 camp, Edgar ______-45 Albert Desbrisay _____ -46, 57 Campbell, Edith______56 Alden Richardson ______31 Florelllce ______16 Alexander ______7, B, 9, 10, Cairns, sarah______3,2, 34 12, 40, 41, 46, 47, 53, 54 Carle, Ann ______-41 Alexander Brazila ______43 Elizabeth ______46 Alice ______,26, 30, 57 Jennie______46 Alice E. ______29 John Chipman ______46, 57 Alice M------64, 65 Margaret Ann ______57 Alvin Douglas ______57 Thomas ______-46 Amos ______3:i Thomas Flewelling ______57 Anna ______7, 34 Carman, Elizabeth ______56 Anna Jane ______-41 Carson, Basil______-43 Anne ______9 Carter, Virginia ______60 Annie Elizabeth______52 Case. Ba11bara ______-44 Annie Mildred _____ 27, 30, 52 Archable ______12 Bliss------* tFred, ______44 Archibald Ernest ______56

70 Archibald McCallum______55 Dorcas Ann ______43, 44 Archibald Nelson ______54, 55 Doris------56 Archie ______5g Dorothy Cecile ______55 Archie Raymond ______55 Douglas ______30 Ardyth ______58 Edgar Lockwood ______31 Arlene Frances______56 Edith______56, 59, 66 Armanilla V. ______26 Edna ______45 Artemas Ward ______30 Edward ______,_____ so, 58 Arthur ______56 Eleanor ______53 Arthur W, ______65 Eleanor Elizrubeth _____ 12, 38 Audrey EHeen ______54 Eliza ______3,l, 34 Avis ______58 Eliza Rebecca ______13, 20 Balmain______41 Elizabeth_____ s, 12, 30, 41, 47 Barbara ______-41, 42 Elizabeth J. ______57 Barbara May ______-42 Elizabeth Titus______43, 44 Barbara S. ______-41 Ella Blanche Gertrude ____ 31 Beatri'ce______~5 Elzena ______l8 Bertha ______so, 45 Emily ______-46, 53 Bertie Eliza ______26 Emily Jane ______-43 Bessie ______-45, 58 Emma Annie Hippesley___ 55 Bessie Permelia ______26 Ernest Spence ______55 Bettina Catherine ______55 Erro1 ______45 Bettina Mary ______55 Essie Louise ______55 Betty Ann ____ : ______54 Esther______45 Bona______~57 Esther Isabell ______31 Burl M, ______66 EtheL ______.41, 53, 59 Burnham cowperthwaite __ 41 Eugene ______53 Byron ______58 Eunice Maria______64 C. Frederick ______5g Eunice Perley______l3, 22 Carrie CampbelL ______55 Evelyn M. ______66 Catherine A------65, 66 Florene~ ______f,7 Cecilia ______19 Frances ______5g Charles ______53, 54, 58 Frances Ann. ______13, 14 Charles B, ______-41 Frank______-47, 54 Charles Edwin ______13, 18 Frank Campbell ______56 Charles Haddon Spur- Frank E. ______53 geon ______26, 29 Frank Hammond ______54 Charles L,______57 Frank Hartley ______26 Charles Niven ______64 Frank Henderson ______45 Charlotte ______58 Frank William ______27 Chesley Burton______55, 56 Franklin ______53 Chester Ludlow ______54 Freda ______55 Clifford ______54 (F'rede(ri'ck) ______,54 David ______34 Frederick Alexander ______55 David Cowperthwaite_55, 56 Frederick LeRoy ______-45 Donald ______-45, 56 Frederick Llewellyn______55 Donald Arthur ______58 Frederick Marshall ______55 Donna Mae______54 George ______lQ, 11, 41, Donna Marie ______56, 58 46, 48, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59

71 George Albert ______58 John Thurston_____ 26, 30, 31 George Archibald ______-41 Joy ______30 George E. ______57 Judson Burpee______44 George H. ______30 Julia A. ______-41, 43 George N, ______-47 Julia Ann ______-43, 44 George Sidney______58 Julia Atherton ______-41 George w. ______54 Kathleen ______54 George Wilbur ______54 Kennetjh ______58 George William ______26 Kenneth Bertram ______54 Georgie Ann ______53 Laura ______54, 58 Gershom ______9, 10, 11, 12, Lena L, ______66 31, 41, 43, 46 Lenore Blanche ______55 Grace______30, 45 Leo ______55 lfarold Bertram ______56 Leo Burr______55 Harriet______3l, 34. 65 L~slie ______54 Harriet M. Briggs ______12 Lettie E, ______-45 Harry ______4fii Lewis ------.------48 Harry R. ______54 1Li111ian ______56 Harry ,s, ______58 Lily ______-48 Harvey ______53 Lily Grace______-41 HazeL ______-41, 45 Louise Campbell______42 Hazen ______45 Lucelia______,53 Helen ______54 Lucy ______47 Henderson ______-47, 48 Mabe1 ______30, 48 Henrietta ______ao, 52 Magdalene Balmain__ -43, 44 Henry ______45 Maretta ------r-----18 Henry Addison ______5s Maretta Barbour______54 Henry Cowperthwaite ___ -41 Margaret______41, 59 1Hevbe~t ______45 Margaret Ellen Irene_____ 54 Hester L, ______12 Margaret Emeline _____ 13, 21 Hiram______29 Margaret Matilda ______64 Hiram Uriah______26 Margaret Maye______55 Hubert ______31 Mariannie______6~ Ida ______54 Marie ______54 Ida Elzada ______55 Marjori~ ______58 Ida Selina ______55 Martha J, ______65, 66 [sabel ______53 Martha Knox ______26 James Franklin______57 Mary ______9, 10, 12, 24, James Henry______-41, 45 30, 31, 40, 41, 46 James o, ______65, 66 Mary Alexandra ______41 Jean ______30 Mary Ann _____ -40, 46, 59, 60 Jennie Louise ______55, 56 Mary Annie ______55 Jesse ______-46, 54 Mary Annie Milner______29 Jesse Raymond ______55 Mary Elizabeth______55, 56 Joan ______30 Mary Ellen ______57 John__ 7, 10, 11, 12, 3'1, 59, 65 Mary Jane______13, 18 John A. ______65, 66 Mary Joan ______58 John James ______44, 45 Matilda ______------46, 65 Ma,y ______45 John Paul______13, 19, 46

72 Merton Addison ______53 Veneta ______-41 Mildred I. ______66 Viola M. ______66 My~tle ______-41 Walter McMann______56 Nain ______44 William ______7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Nan______47 12, 26, 40, 41, 45, 58 Nancy Alden ______31 William A. ______57, 65 Nellie ______47 William Alexander _54_ 59, 64 Nellie Maud ______26 William Allan ______29. 30 Nelson Leo ______55 William Amasa ______-43, 44 Newton Brown______41 William Eastman______3l, 34 Norma ______55 William Edward------30 Norman ______66 William George ______30 Olive M------45 William Henry __ 12, 25, 46, 53 Olivia c. ______29 William LeRoy ______54 Orlan Seymour______30 W!illis ______34 P,aliriJCi

73 Sarah ______fiQ Bessie Elicta ______:m couch, Fred ______25 Charles Johnston ______21 Coulter family ------22 Charles Weden Fowler___ 21 Coulthard, Queenie ______62 Clara Blanche------21 courser, Annie_------______-40 Frank William______21 .A

77 Mo-rrell family ______29, 37 Macdonald, Jacob ______40 Morrison, Alberta ______-44 MacDonald, Janet Eleanor ______39 Morrison family ______22 J,ean ______53 Mosher, Roy ______52 John Lounsbury ______53 Mott family ______38, 39, 40 Ruth ______39 Mott, Eileen ______37 Sophia ______39 0. N. ______15 Susan ______39 Phoebe Ethel ______l6 Thomas Earle ______25 Mullin, Ianthe Jane______43, 44 Treva ______24 Jennie ______14 rnalia ______26 Munro, Nettie______64 William ______39 Murchie, Ralph ______62 William Somerville ______22 Murphy, Richard ______24 MacFarlane, Bertha______56 Murray, Ann ______41 McGill, --- ______53 Margaret______35, 41 McGowan, Guy ______51 William ------41 Myra Dawn ______51 Musgrove, A. G ______l4 Macinnis, Melissa ______l9 Eleanor Ann ______14 McIntyre family ______l8 Mary______114 MacIntosh, Ma~garet______44 Muttart, Charles ______-48 McKeen, Annie ______6l George ______43 McKendrick, Donald ______~----62 McAlary family ______24, 25 !Manley ______62 James______12, 24, 25 Richard ------62 McAllister, MurieL ______16 McKenelley family ______35, 36 McBay, John ______51 Charles ______31 Mccolgan, Audrey Louise ______17 Elizabeth Ann ______'..35, 65 McCormack, Donald ______54 MacKenzie, IsabeL ______13 Richard ______54 McKenzie, James ______62 McCoy family ______-43 MacKenzie, Nancy ______-41 Mccready, Deborah Ann ______l3 McKiel, Capt. Horatio ______55 MacCready, James ______6l McKilligan, Ethan ______3o Macdonald, Anna Lillian ______-40 McKinley, Sarah Oairns ______32, 34 MacDonald, Annie ______39 Mary, McKnight______53 Beverley Ann ______22 McLaughlin, Laura ______63 Calvin ______26 Maria ______14 CatheTine ______39 McLean family ______35 CeciL ______24 Jameis-----,------10 Donald______38, 39 McLeod, Isabel MacKenzie ______13 Douglas Hugh ______22 Mary ______l9 Elizabeth Aborn ______39 McMann, Charlotte ______53, 54 Ella ______31 Sarah______55, 56 E:mma ______25 Walter______15·61 Fralllk______s,9 McMillan, __,______20 George ______25, 39 Kath$-Ine ______,13 George A. ______39 McMinnamin, Hannah ______57 Georgie ______,25 McNeill, Edwin R. ______42 Helen ______39 Napier, Alexander------8 Herbert ______53 Nason, Robert ______62 Herbert John Lounsbury__ 53 Neal, Garfield ______25 Hugh Alexander------22 Nevin, Margaret ______40

78 Newman family ______25, 26 Roland______3t2, Nickerson, Ann ______12, 31 Pitt, Laura Linton______19 Noble, Helen Elizabeth______l8 Pond, Grace ______53 North, Kate ______64 Porter family ______55 Terry______6·4 George ______lo Noyes, Galen ______25 Preble family ______59, 60 Marion ______25 Price, Bernice______53 Olmstead family ______51, 52 Prince fa.mily ______62 Olsen, ______63 Pugh family ______26, 57 Olson family ______33 Pugsley, Nellie B. ______15 Olts, Matilda______20 Racey family ______50 Selena ______23 Read, Hannah ______-47, 48 Oram, Emily ______23 Regan, Kathleen ______24 Orchard, Annie ______-46 Reicker family ______37, 38 Ella ______,_ __ 3,9 Rice family ______65, 66 Josephine ______·__ _,14 Richardson, Harriet Hannah_____ 30 Leslie ______63 ·]ra ______• ______-(30 Palmer, Lillian______28, 56 Lawrence ______30 Papineau, Leo ______30 Olive ______23, 24 Parent family ______-42 Rickard, Violet______58 Parker, --- ______34 Riley, Helen ______38 Alice ______37 Robbins, Augusta ______l9 Macy ______3,s Roberts, Etta ______21 Parsons, Arthur Kenneth ______20 Robertson faIIl!il!v------~---19 Eldward ______59 Robinson, Philipse ______-49 Elizabeth Dillon______59 Robison, Earle______~ ______33 Juanita ______59 Geraldine ______33 Kenneth ______20 Rodd, William______63 Patch, William ______l4 Rogers, Hollin ______33 Patchell, Joseph Beville ______18 Louise ______54 Patriquin family ______29 Rolston, Eva ______23 Paul, John ______lO, 49 Rousseau, Rush ______33 Sarah Elizabeth______49 Russell, John ______lO Pearson, Clarence Ralph ______35 Lena ______24 James______--i34 ,Sansom family ______-48 Ralph ______35 Sawyer, Minnie______62 Penn, William______9 Schnare family ______28 Perkins, --- ______42 Scott, Gordon ______52 Perley, Frances______50 Lina ______30 Perry family ______36 Scribner, Blanche Lorena ______2,1 A. Walker ______l7 Secord, Clifford ______35 Peters, James ______lO Walter Fenwick ______35 Philbrook, --- ______40 seeds, s. Lawrence ______16 Phillips, Darrell Robert______l6 Sharpe family ______26, 27, 48, 49 Peter Darrell Roibert _____ 16 Shaw, Dorothy______-47 Sarah ______39 Sherwood, Havelock ______18 Pickard family ____ 55, 56, 61, 63, 64 William ______65 Piecur,h, ---- ____ · __ . ______55 Shields, Helen______-45 Pigrain, Harold ______32 Simmons family ______55, 56

79 Slauterbeck, Sarah Earle ______55, 56 sturgeon, Katharine______53 Sloat family ______59, 62, 63 Swanson, Annie ______32 Slocum, John ______-45 Tabor, ------58 Small family ______19 Byron______,58 Smith, Clarence______26 John ______36 Florence______33 Tapley, Celia______43 James CampbelL------26 Taylor, Agnes ______-49 James R, ______17 Charles ______42 Marjorie ______26 Donald Fleetwood ______42 Mary Orr______37 Harrison______42 Minnie ______17 Joan ______42 Minnie Winona ______l 7 Teare, John ______36 Roy ______34 Temple, Marion______6l Vaughn ______34 William ______61 Wllliam______~o, Thomas, Arthur ______la Smullin family ______26, 27 Charles ______63 Snider family ______34 :Dorotihy ______54 Somerville family ______13, 21, 22 Dyson ______,18 Sowers, John .Andrew ______46 George ______M Spear family ______60, 61 Harold ______18 Spencer, William J, ______42 Ralph ______- - ___ ---____ 54; Sprague family ______13, 20, 23 Richard deC,---·------18 Springer, RacheL ______26 Roy ______,54 Willliam ______26 "W:ea\itha ______63 Stackhouse, Bessie______38 Thompson family _____ -41, 42, 43, 63 Lillian ______34 Thompson, Kathleen ______29 stackp00I, Henry ______31 Mineola ______65, 66 staples, Constance Lillian ______54 Fred ______-______54 Donald______631 Thorne family ______l3-18, 24 William______63 Thurston, Sarah ______26 Steeves, Florence______33 Tidd, Flora ______31 Steeves family ______16 Nellli!'l ______.. ____ .. :Jl Stevens, --- ______32 Timms family .... ____ .. __ .. _.. _____ .. __ 59 Charleg______28 Titus, Elizabeth.. - .. -.... --...... __ .. 12, 43 IEltita ______66 F1recta _...... --.. --.... ___ .. _...... 47 Isaac ______.. ______,13 Lauretta __ .. ____ ...... - .... -23 Stewart family ------49, 50 Todd, Burla--...... -...... --.... --.. --.. - .. 30 Stewart, Helen ______23 l.Y.llaria ...... ______13 Stickels family ______27 Torry, Goldie_ .. ______.. _____ .. 6Q Stickney, Elizabeth James ___ -45, 52 Tozer, Helen______• ______35 l\9aac ______--·------______52 Trowsdale, Harry--.. ----...... -44 Isal:>e}L ______-41, 46, 52 True, RubY------...... 64 SamueL------41, 52 Ulouth, Bertha_ .. ______26, 29 Stone, Arthur William Balmain__ 53 Upton family ______.. ______55, 56, />? Walter E. ______53 Upton, John_ .. ______...... 10 Straight, Alfred ______l5 Vail family ...... 13, 22 .. 24 ,E].i,iah------14 Vail, Melissa ...... --.. ·--·.. --.. 38 Strout family ______60, 64 Van[)ine, Cornelius...... _...... __ 43 Stuard family ______34 Frank .. - ... •·-·---· .. ---.. ---155 80 S:arah ______-43 Mildred ______65 Van Iforn(e), Cornelius ______a otto______37 Sairah______~8 Robe\l"t ______,______65 Wall, Grefa ______23 Russell--______55 Walley, E,llizja'bet,:i ______32 iSamueL ______37 Walsh, Marguerite ______65 William ______25 Walter family ______65, 66 William Henry______38 Wardwell family ______29 Whitney, Ada Belle ______23 Wark, --- ______63 Wiggins, Benjamin ______12 Wass?n family ______38, 39, 45, 46 Mrs. Elizabeth ______12 Watkins, stuart ______54 Mary Victoria ______33 Watson, Celia ______13 Wdley, --- ______35 s,arah. ______55 Williams, --- ______45 Watters family ______17 Amy ______25 Watts family ______28 Susan______53 Webber, Carrie______44 Weed family ______27 Wills, Abbie ______50 W:eldon, ·,Stuart ______32 Wilson, Agnes ______-45 VTells, Croley Vernon ______31 Wilson famiIY------13, 14 Wellwood family ______29 Wine, George ______28 , Wentzell family ______28 Winslow, John James Fraser____ 49 Wet.more family ______13, 20, 21 Wood, ca,therine E, ______26, 29 Woolly, Grace ______23 Wetmore, Andrew Rainsford ____ -49 sarah ______-49 Worden family ______12, 36, 37 Whalen family ______60 Wright, Conrad Payling______31 Ida ______20 W'hat, Eleanor ______25, 41 Whipple, Myrtle ______29 Matilda Olts __ , ______20 White, Deborah Tilton ______l4 M. W,------20 Edith ______42 Wyllie, --- ______55 Charlotte Elizabeth______38 Yeomans, George ______57 George ______37 Georgina Joan______51 Harold______37 Yerxa, LUCY------____ _48 Henry L, ______65 Yorke, Lena ______51 John Asa ______37 Yould family ______51 Lewis ______37 Young, George s, ______-45 Marion______37 Zutphen, Miriam ______1Q