Vision for the Northern Agricultural Region of NARvis Online What is NARvis?

NARvis is the Natural Resource Management Strategy for the Northern Agricultural Region (NAR) of Western Australia. Rather than a traditional printed document, NARvis (short for NAR Vision) is being presented as a website with interactive maps and content. Please share the website link with your friends and colleagues.

The NARvis website is packed with information and research on the NAR and strategies to manage the region’s natural resources. The site includes: »» Climate modelling projections. »» Interactive maps with geospatial datasets highlighting things like conservation corridors or mining tenements. »» Local Government Area (LGA) profiles. »» Research reports and case studies. »» Photo galleries of each LGA. »» Directory of Natural Resource Management (NRM) community groups in the region. »» Ability to comment or ask questions about any aspect of the strategy. »» Ways to make a difference and improve our natural resources as an individual, land manager, community group or government agency. »» Information on carbon farming and government carbon policies. »» Grants directory including grant writing tips and tools.

Cover Photo

Graeme Gibbons Greenough River Mouth

2 About NARvis

NARvis is a regional plan created with input and support of State Government agencies, local councils, community groups and land managers. It has been designed as a tool for these stakeholders to identify and prioritise NRM investment in the NAR and promote collaboration across all levels. It is an update of the 2005 Regional NRM Strategy.

Northampton NARvis is, and will continue to be, a work in progress that will evolve to meet community and stakeholder needs.

NARvis objectives How targets and regional aspiration were set Chapman In line with national, state and regional priorities, NARvis The targets and regional aspirations identified in NARvis Valley is a tool to support stakeholders throughout the NAR to: have been drawn from the extensive research and effort that went into developing the previous 2005 Strategy. Conserve and enhance our natural resources through »» These targets were refined with input from state agency sound NRM planning. Greater and subject matter experts, tested through a series of Geraldton »» Identify priority landscapes for carbon plantings and community workshops, and are presented in this document. strategies to build landscape integrity and guide Regional Aspirations are long term goals, a vision of how adaptation and mitigation actions to address climate the community would like the Region to be. change impacts on natural ecosystems. Morawa The Targets are medium term goals (about 5 years) which Develop sound, logical and practical management Mingenew »» we as a regional community hope to achieve. Houtman actions that will improve the condition of key natural Abrolhos Irwin resources and will lead to enhanced on-ground One of the main differences from the previous strategy is outcomes. that the Regional ‘targets’ are separated into Regional Aspirations and Targets and are no longer grouped by Three Perenjori Promote a broader understanding of the importance of Springs »» theme (water, land, biodiversity etc). It was felt that investing in NRM in this region and to develop a landscape scale benefits were more likely to be achieved framework for such investment. using this framework. Carnamah »» Integrate and coordinate NRM activity both across the region and with state and Australian Government Coorow partners. Have your say Dalwallinu You can provide input at future community consultation workshops or give feedback directly by making a comment Who developed NARvis? at the bottom of any page of the NARvis website. Development of NARvis has been coordinated by the Moora Dandaragan Northern Agricultural Catchments Council (NACC) with funding from the Australian Government and in-kind and technical assistance from the State Government. NACC has drawn on both expert advice and community Victoria input in the creation of NARvis. Community members will Plains continue to be a key element of the process as it continues to develop. NARvis would not be possible without the Gingin energy, knowledge and commitment of local people who have invested in it.

4 Population Distribution 2013 Figure 1

Geraldton 60 % Gingin 8 % Irwin 6 % Dandaragan 5 % Northampton 5 % Moora 4 % Chapman Valley 2 % Dalwallinu 2 % Other Coorow 1 % Mingenew 1 % Perenjori 1 % Three Springs 1 % Victoria Plains 1 % People & Economy Carnamah 1 %

Photo The NAR stretches from Two Rocks to Kalbarri and covers approximately D. Lucas 7.5 million hectares of farming and fishing grounds to the north and Lone fisherman north east of . It is home to two national biodiversity hotspots, over Jurien Bay 200 conservation reserves and a unique diversity of flora and fauna. Employment by Industry Figure 2 Did you know? People Economy Over 70 per cent of all The NAR is the traditional land of two Agriculture and mining are the dominant Agriculture 29.32 % tonnage and 100 per Aboriginal groups. Yamaji (also spelled industries in the NAR. Agriculture in the Construction 8.13 % cent of iron ore exported Yamatji) people are the Traditional Owners region contributed approximately $4 billion Education 7.9 % through Geraldton Port of land and coastal waters extending north to the Western Australian Economy between Retail 6.77 % goes to China. from the coast at Green Head, to Onslow 2011 and 2012. Other significant Mining 6.27 % and the Ashburton River. Noongar people economies in the NAR include tourism, Public admin 6.04 % The Yamaji and the Noongar are the Traditional Owners of land south of fishing and aquaculture. Hospitality 5.93 % people are the Traditional Coorow and Lake Moore. In the NAR there Health 5.33 % Owners of the NAR. are at least six distinct Yamaji language Transport 4.99 % City of Greater Geraldton groups and at least two Noongar Employment Manufacturing 4.55 % has the largest population language groups. Wholesale 3.02 % in the NAR. Approximately 30,000 NAR residents Not specified 2.91 % The NAR supports a population of around (almost half) are employed in the work Professional 1.91 % 64,000 people, with approximately 60 force. The main industries of employment Admin 1.44 % per cent of the population residing in the are agriculture, forestry/fishing and Finance 1.05 % City of Greater Geraldton (Figure 1). Many mining, along with services (which Utilities 0.9 % LGAs that are dependent on agriculture are includes construction) and retail related Realestate 0.8 % declining in population, while coastal areas industries. A breakdown of employment Information 0.36 % are experiencing growth. Australian Bureau by industry is shown in Figure 2. Recreation 0.33 % of Statistics data indicates that coastal LGAs experience on average a growth rate of 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1.1 per cent per year, compared to inland LGAs which see an annual average growth rate of just 0.3 per cent. According to Western Australian Planning Commission forecasts, the population of the NAR will reach 82,000 people by 2026. 6 Managing Our Land Resources

Dryland salinity Mining and basic raw materials »» The Department of Agriculture and Food WA »» Exploration and mining licences for minerals and (DAFWA) and the Department of Water (DoW) petroleum resources are administered by the Department promote a number of strategies to manage dryland of Mines and Petroleum under the Mining Act 1978. salinity, including planting of saline tolerant species. »» Mining operations in sensitive environments require »» Technical support for salinity management is also approvals under Part IV of the Environmental Protection being provided through the DoW’s Engineering Act 1986 to manage impacts on biodiversity values Evaluation Initiative. and landscapes. This includes having mine closure plans which address rehabilitation of mine sites. The assessment of mining proposals does not, however, Agricultural productivity and land degredation consider the cumulative impact of mining proposals at a landscape scale. »» DAFWA has recently released the Report card for sustainable natural resource use in agriculture. The report demonstrates that productivity is driven by three primary factors: climate, land characteristics Contamination Land Use and land management. »» The Contaminated Sites Act 2003 requires that sites known or suspected to be contaminated with substances at concentrations which risk harm to human Photo Agriculture Conservation reserves Biosecurity health, the environment or any environmental value, must be reported to the Department of Environment N. Gay The NAR covers an area of over 7.5 million Some of the region’s native vegetation is DAFWA manages the Biosecurity and Agricultural »» Regulation (DER). Farm friendly cattle hectares with 70 per cent of the land used protected in conservation reserves such as Management Act 2007. DAFWA requires biosecurity infrastructure for mixed farming activities. Around 93 per state forests, national parks and nature services to be delivered through a regional network »» DER maintains a database of known and suspected cent is used for cropping, and the remaining reserves. In fact, the NAR contains several of volunteer groups focusing on the areas of animals, contaminated sites in Western Australia and 7 per cent is used for pastoral leases. unique conservation reserves. plants, invasive species, borders and farms. guidelines for assessment and management of sites. Did you know? is one of the most Broadacre agriculture is the visited national parks in WA. More than main land use in the NAR. Infrastructure and industry 800 species of wildflowers bloom from late Development and infrastructure winter through early summer, with numerous The area between Green Major arterial roads such as the Brand and »» Rural planning should be consistent with State species found only in the coastal cliff tops Head and Jurien Bay has Great Northern Highways help connect Planning Policy 2.5: Land Use Planning in Rural and gorge country in the Park. the largest number of rural towns to Perth, while the Region’s Areas and the Rural Planning Guidelines. railway system connects mine sites and Aboriginal midden Nambung National Park is home to the Water management for developments should be broadacre farming to the Port of Geraldton. »» deposits in the south-west amazing Pinnacles Desert and is also consistent with State Planning Policy 2.9: Water This is the only port in the NAR to handle of Western Australia. known for its beautiful beaches, coastal Resources and meet the requirements of Better Urban both imports (mainly phosphorous, urea and dune systems and low heathland rich in Lake Thetis in Nambung Water Management. petroleum products) and exports (including flowering plants. At the Park’s northern National Park contains iron ore, grains, lupins, mineral sands, talc, end is Lake Thetis where you can see »» Development should also be consistent with the Acid thrombolites which are garnet, livestock, copper and zinc). fascinating thrombolites. Sulfate Soils Planning Guidelines and Guidelines for rock-like structures built by Visual Landscape Planning in Western Australia. mirco-organims. Cultural heritage There is evidence of Noongar and Yamaji people occupying various parts of the coast for extensive periods of time. Stone artefacts Get Involved have been found in caves in the Jurien Bay region, and the area between Green Head VISIT and Jurien Bay has the largest number of midden deposits in the south-west of WA. Browse maps and detailed information on managing our land use pressures. Find out how you can get involved.

8 Managing Our Geology & Soils

Agriculture and soil fertility What are the main vulnerabilities Soil is particularly important to agricultural production, associated with our soils? which accounts for 70 per cent of land use in the region. »» Dryland salinisation A range of human and environmental pressures affect agricultural soil fertility. »» Fertility decline Most soils of the NAR are inherently low in all nutrients, »» Wind erosion with phosphorus, nitrogen and trace elements such as »» Water erosion copper and zinc being historically of most significance. However, continual removal of potassium and sulphur in »» Structure decline agricultural produce, and the use of fertilisers low in these »» Soil acidity nutrients, has resulted in wider problems. Losses from leaching or surface water run-off and soils that have a low »» Soil compaction capacity to retain anions can cause substantial losses of »» Non-wetting soils nutrients, especially nitrate. »» Water logging In the NAR, 32 per cent of all soils are susceptible to Geology & Soils developing soil structure decline due to excessive cultivation, stock movement, loss of organic matter and burning to reduce stubble. PHOTo The NAR contains a diverse range of topography and soils. Coastal It has been estimated that 36 per cent of soils in the region NACC areas are comprised of sandy beaches, gently undulating dunes and are susceptible to soil compaction due to machinery and livestock movement. Soil Testing rocky promontories. Inland semi-arid areas are characterised by stony ridges, abrupt escarpments with broad valleys separated by stony sediment plains with shallow soils.

Did you know? Geology Soils Dinosaur fossils have been The NAR is dominated by two major A total of 21 soil types have been found around Geraldton geological regions; the Yilgarn Craton characterised in the NAR. The soils are and Dandaragan. and the Perth Basin separated by the derived mainly from ancient sedimentary Darling Fault, which runs up the middle of rocks which have been subjected to The Pinnacles is one of the region. These geological provinces dramatic climate changes over millennia. twenty geological heritage are overlaid with a complex array of The resulting soils have deeply weathered sites in the NAR. Find out bedrock formations. profiles that are inherently low in nutrients where the others are on and organic matter (frequently less than 1 NARvis. In the northern portion of the region, Jurassic per cent).The physical fertility of such soils sediments of the Northampton complex however is usually good. form mesas - the flat topped hills with steep break-away slopes that characterise the Soils are vulnerable to wind and water Moresby Ranges. erosion, build-up of salts in the soil (salinisation), and soil contamination. The east of the region is dominated by Archaean granite and gneiss of the Yilgarn About 47 per cent of soils have a high to Craton. To the south west of the region the extreme risk of being affected by wind geology is more varied with geological erosion, with 10 per cent of these soils Get Involved features like the Tamala Limestone pinnacles classified as having a very high to in Nambung National Park and accretionary extreme risk. VISIT structures such as the stromatolites and Browse maps and detailed information on geology microbial mats formed in an interdunal formations, soil types, and on what’s being done to depression in the Holocene Quindalup Dune manage our soils. Find out how you can get System on the margin of Lake Thetis. involved.

10 Managing Our There are a number of activities being undertaken at state and local level to protect our biodiversity now and into the Biodiversity future. These are summarised below.

Vegetation removal or degradation Altered fire regimes »» Western Australia’s Environmental Protection Act 1986 »» While the Department of Fire and Emergency (EP Act) has provisions to protect native vegetation such Services (DFES) is responsible for coordinating as environmental impact assessments on planning emergency services during a bushfire that threatens proposals and regulation of native vegetation clearing. life and property, DPaW is responsible for the management of conservation areas in order to Conservation reserves on crown land also help to »» prevent bushfires. maintain and improve biodiversity and prevent further degradation of vegetation.

Disease Recreational use »» DPaW has guidelines for the management of »» The Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) manages diseases affecting ecosystems, such as dieback. biodiversity, fire, and key invasive pest animals, plants »» Management of dieback should be consistent with (weeds) and diseases on unallocated crown land and in the Department of Environment and Conservation the conservation estate, including areas designated for (DEC) Best Practice Guidelines for the Biodiversity eco-tourism and passive recreation. Management of Phytophthora Cinnamomi and other relevant information.

Photo Biodiversity is essential to sustaining the living networks and systems Altered hydrology Ray Morton that provide us all with health, food, wealth, fuel and the vital services »» River restoration projects help alleviate the extent of Lack of detailed information Native Garden erosion and sedimentation eg. stabilising banks with our lives depend on. The NAR is recognised for outstanding A number of localised flora and vegetation surveys native trees and shrubs, fencing to exclude stock and »» biodiversity and rare wildlife communities. have been undertaken, but none have been realignment of large woody debris to improve flow. undertaken at a wider regional level to provide more »» Management of feral animals, for example pigs and detail regarding vegetation types in order to Did you know? Biodiversity hotspots »» Named in honour of West Australian goats, also reduces damage. determine priorities for protection. naturalist Ivan Carnaby (1908 – 1974), The Cloudy Stone Gecko The NAR is part the Southwest Australia the Carnaby’s Cockatoo is one of (Diplodactylus nebulosus) is biogeographic region – an internationally only two species of white-tailed Increased recreational fishing a new species of gecko recognised biodiversity hotspot stretching black-cockatoo found anywhere in the lizard endemic to the from Shark Bay in the north to Israelite Bay The WA Department of Fisheries (DoF) actively manages world. They are only found in the »» Geraldton region. It has a in the south. commercial and recreational fishing. Recreational fishing south-west of Western Australia and restricted range, occurring is managed through size and catch limits based on risk In addition, two nationally declared are listed on state, national and from near Geraldton in the categories for various species. biodiversity hotspots include areas of international threatened species lists. north to Mt Lesueur ~200 km the NAR: DoF also monitors the intensity of recreational fishing to the south. »» through the requirement for a ‘Recreational Fishing »» Mt Lesueur – Eneabba It differs from other species Why are these species under threat? from Boat Licence’ for boat fishing. in that it has a pattern on its »» Geraldton to Shark Bay Sand Plains back resembling a cloud or There are numerous threats impacting on these species including climate change, nebula, instead of a Pests, feral animals and weeds straight line like its Threatened native flora and fauna grazing, predation by feral animals, fires Wheatbelt relatives. and exposure to agrochemicals (i.e. aerial »» DAFWA maintains a list of organisms that have been Two intriguing conservation-significant spraying). However loss of habitat due to classified under the Biosecurity and Agriculture animals found in the NAR are the rare land clearing is probably the main Management Act 2007 as either Declared pests; Malleefowl and the Carnaby’s Cockatoo. threatening process. In the NAR Permitted; Prohibited or Permitted requiring a permit. approximately 56 per cent of native Get Involved Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) are ground The West Australian Organisms List (WAOL) is »» vegetation has been cleared since dwelling birds somewhat larger than a available from the DAFWA website, however VISIT European settlement. Most of the native domestic hen and build their nest out of this list does not yet identify declared pests in vegetation remaining occurs within pastoral Browse maps and detailed information on biodiversity pebbles. Malleefowl mounds may be a particular area. land to the east and in national parks and hotspots and what’s being done to protect our used over many generations and can conservation reserves. biodiversity. Find out how you can get involved. attain an impressive size of 22 metres in circumference and one metre in height.

12 Managing Our There are a number of activities being undertaken at state and local level to protect our biodiversity now and into the Coastal & Marine Systems future. These are summarised below.

Coastal Management Decreased marine and estuarine water quality »» State Planning Policy 2.6: Coastal Planning Policy »» The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has released (2013) has guiding principles for coastal zone guidance on the protection of marine and coastal water development, providing a framework for integrated quality. These include EAG 3 – Protection of Benthic coastal zone management. Primary Producer Habitat in Western Australia’s Marine Environment and EAG 7 – Marine Dredging Proposals. »» Department of Planning (DoP) provides assistance through the Coastal Management Plan Assistance Program and Coastwest Program and the Aquatic biosecurity Department of Transport funds Climate Adaptation and Protection grants. »» DoF is leading an effort to prevent aquatic pests arriving and establishing themselves in our waters with »» Various coastal managers such as State Government a multi-million dollar aquatic biosecurity program using agencies, local councils, NACC and community cutting edge technology, and ground-breaking groups, either undertake directly, or provide funding management and compliance strategies. for, projects to improve coastal environments. »» The Aquatic Biosecurity Charter has been established Coastal & Marine Systems to promote the protection of WA oceans and rivers Recreational activities and tourism from aquatic pest species. The charter is aimed at all members of the community from industry and Coastal and foreshore management plans are community interest groups to individuals. Photo »» The coastal and marine areas of the NAR are highly valued for their prepared by both the DoP and relevant local Mic Payne ecological, recreational, cultural and economic values and services. governments to address recreation and access. Sandy Cape Climate change The NAR has a coastline of over 550 km, which includes the »» Coastwest Grants are provided annually by the Western Australian Planning Commission to support »» Coastal hazards such as recession and inundation need ‘Turquoise Coast’ from Guilderton to Dongara and the ‘Batavia Coast’ coastal projects. to be considered as part of land use planning decision- from Dongara north to Kalbarri. There are many beaches and dune making, consistent with State Planning Policy 2.6. systems, along with impressive coastal cliffs in the northern portion. »» The , Shire of Gingin and the Public access NACC have formed the ‘Gingin Dandaragan Coastal Partnership’ in order to identify coastal areas at risk Coastal studies like the 2001 Batavia Coast Strategy »» and undertake joint adaptation planning initiatives to Did you know? The NAR is home to the Houtman Abrolhos Many migratory species, particularly and the 2005 Geraldton-Greenough Coastal Strategy Islands, one of the largest temperate Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) and address those identified risks. The NAR is home to the and Foreshore Management Plan discuss the need for limestone reef systems in Australia, and 38 seabirds, utilise the marine system off the Abrolhos Islands which is more foreshore reserves and improved management offshore island nature reserves between coast of the NAR. Other specially protected one of the largest of public access. Dongara and Lancelin. These provide species that occur in the region include temperate limestone reef habitat for a mix of temperate, tropical and several species of sharks, syngnathids »» The Batavia Coast Strategy provides details on coastal systems in Australia. endemic marine fauna and flora, and (seahorses and sea dragons), dugongs, attributes, access, land ownership and land-use The Islands are classified as diverse terrestrial ecological communities. and turtles. pressures, but the information is now out-dated. an A-Class Reserve and the The central coast is rich in bird species surrounding waters have including marine and migratory species of special status as a Fish Commercial and recreational fishing seabirds. The heathlands are important as Why are our coastal and marine Habitat Protection Area. habitat for fairy-wrens and honeyeaters, systems vulnerable? »» There is good information on the environmental impact The coral reefs associated and support other animals such as reptiles. of fisheries operating in the vicinity of the Abrolhos, Coastal and marine systems are vulnerable with the Islands are one of The coastal lands are also important for the and considerable information exists for the western to coastal developments destabilising coastal the highest latitude reef conservation of heath-dwelling mammals rock lobster fishery. areas, vegetation loss to sand dunes, fishing systems in the world, such as dibblers and dunnarts. pressure by commercial and recreational A number of research programs monitor the coral resulting in a unique »» Get Involved The species diversity of seagrass, fishers, marine pollution and climate change. communities associated with the Abrolhos Islands. species composition. macroalgae, fish, birds, invertebrates and These studies help to increase understanding of the VISIT other marine flora and fauna is very high vulnerability of coral habitats to climate change, and and the combination of both temperate quantify the effects of lobster fishing with pots. Browse maps and detailed information about what’s and tropical species is notable. being done to protect our coastal and marine »» Surveys of the community structure of finfish systems. Find out how you can get involved. are also underway within and outside of non-fishing areas.

14 Managing Our There are a number of activities being undertaken at state and local level to reduce the vulnerability of our water resources Water Resources now and into the future. These are summarised below.

Increased demand for water resources Erosion, sedimentation and »» The Department of Water (DoW) is in the process of loss of riparian vegetation developing a Mid-West Regional Water Supply Strategy. »» River restoration projects are aimed at alleviating the »» DoW is working through a program of water reform to extent of erosion and sedimentation. improve the suite of tools available to manage WA’s »» Foreshore assessments have been developed for the water resources into the future. Chapman, Greenough and Hutt Rivers and one is »» DoW has also developed a number of allocation plans being developed for the Hill River. that provide information on the various groundwater areas and management strategies that are in place. Contamination and eutrophication »» The DoW aims to protect the quality of drinking water Declining water availability for the environment sources through the gazettal of public drinking water »» DoW continually reviews and updates the relevant source areas and the preparation of drinking water allocation plans to ensure the sustainable use of water source protection plans. Water into the future. »» Land use planning currently considers the location of potentially contaminating uses in proximity to sensitive environments (eg. fertilizer application by soil type to Changes to hydrological regimes prevent leaching). Photo The NAR is characterised by a diverse system of waterscapes. In the Programs to improve understanding regarding surface S. Schewtschenko east, saline lake systems dominate the landscape and periodically fll »» water management are resulting in changes to land Ellendale Pool reflections following winter rains. The western portion of the NAR is characterised management practices to return catchments to Flooding by groundwater fed wetlands, coastal dune wetlands, swamps, springs, pre-development characteristics. »» DoW has undertaken floodplain mapping for the karst limestone cave pools, meandering coastal plain river systems and Greenough, Chapman, Irwin, Murchison, and associated pools and estuaries. Moore rivers. Salinity »» Consistent with State Planning Policy 2.9: Water »» DAFWA has recently released the Report Card on Resources, new development must consider impacts Did you know? River systems Groundwater sustainable natural resource use in agriculture. on and from water resources including flooding. Thirteen major river systems River systems in the NAR are generally Groundwater is vitally important within the »» DAFWA also advocate for a number of strategies to »» Where climate variability is leading to increased storm and one lake system occur close to the ocean and only open NAR as it is associated with significant manage dryland salinity including planting of saline intensities, some work may need to be undertaken to in the NAR. temporarily following significant rainfall human and ecological values, such as tolerant species and high water use farming initiatives. assess townsite flood risks and undertake mitigation events. The lower reaches of these river recreational activities, reticulated water and/or adaptation strategies. Eight wetlands are Technical support for salinity management techniques systems are important because they form supply, and environmental base flows to »» nationally protected. is being provided through the DoW’s Engineering part of an estuarine ecosystem, which wetlands and waterways. Evaluation Initiative and DAFWA. The NAR relies solely on provides important habitat and refuge groundwater for reticulated areas for many aquatic organisms and water supply. bird species. What are the main vulnerabilities associated with water? Wetlands Habitats in and around wetlands of the NAR are highly sensitive to water chemistry Many wetlands in the NAR dry out changes caused by land use practices, as completely during the summer, but there well as changing hydrology from both land are some which are continuously fed by use and climate change, leading to altered Get Involved groundwater. These groundwater fed water regimes. wetlands are extremely important VISIT transitory habitats for migrating birds, as The demand for groundwater is predicted well as supporting significant permanent to more than double in the next 30 years. Browse maps and detailed information to find out aquatic ecosystems. what’s being done to protect our water resources and how you can get involved.

16 Climate Change

The scientifc evidence of warming of the Earth’s climate system is unequivocal.

Did you know? Climate change is a major environmental (CSIRO) and the Bureau of Meteorology challenge for the NAR. The main indicator (BoM) anticipates the NAR can expect Temperatures are projected of climate change is global warming due warmer days, less cold nights, declining to increase, winter rainfall to greenhouse gas emissions from human rainfall and more extreme weather events, decline and extreme activities. such as floods and droughts, in the future. weather events are likely to intensify. NAR climate records indicate there is an Overall, climate change will inevitably increasing trend in maximum temperatures have long term implications on our natural and a decreasing trend in rainfall. Climate resources and these require management, Photo modelling from the Commonwealth Scientific particularly at a regional level. Sam deVries and Industrial Research Organisation Pindar desert wanderers

Predicted Trends for the Impact of Climate Change Northern Agricultural Region

Within the NAR climate change is Marine systems Temperature Wind Speed expected to impact on people, land use, Significant impacts to marine systems include: Expected each decade Expected by 2030 soils, biodiversity, hydrology and coastal and marine systems. »» Loss of coral reefs associated with the Abrolhos Islands. 0.05 - 0.15 °C Spring 5% »» Decrease in size at maturity of the Agriculture Winter % western rock lobster. Expected by 2090 5-10 Expected impacts of climate change on »» The migration of many species agriculture in the region include: southwards, at a rate of approximately 1.2 - 2.1 °C Expected by 2070 1. A decline in wheat production by 72 km per decade. 30 per cent by the year 2050. Annual 5% 2. Larger farms with reduced returns % per hectare. Summer 5 3. % Increased frequency of heat stress Rainfall Autumn in livestock. 2-5 Expected by 2030 4. Shorter growing periods for livestock. Wind speed is measured 5. Increase in the frequency of 10 m above ground level locust plagues. May to October 30 % Autumn 10 % Spring 30 % Summer % In eastern parts 10

18 Responding to Climate Change

The Australia Government’s Department for Climate Climate vulnerability Change (2008) identified two broad categories of climate Vulnerability to climate change is a product of the potential change responses: impact of climate change versus our capacity to adapt (see 1. Mitigation (avoiding or reducing greenhouse gas Figure 3 below). The level of exposure is determined by a emissions and increasing sequestration of combination of probability and magnitude of climate greenhouse gases). change. Sensitivity is the responsiveness of systems to climatic influences. Together these two factors determine 2. Adaptation (making adjustments to natural and human whether the potential impact is positive or negative. systems to avoid and/or minimise the impacts of A systems’ adaptive capacity is the ability for a system to climate change). cope with climate change as a result of being better prepared through autonomous or planned adaptation. Climate change mitigation Changes to the Australian Government and the repeal of the carbon tax has led to a significant amount of uncertainty in the Australian carbon market. Exposure Sensitivity Under the current Government’s new Direct Action Plan, the five per cent reduction in emissions by 2020 has bipartisan support. This will be achieved through an Potential Impact Adaptive Capacity amended Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) and a new Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). The CFI allows land managers to generate carbon credits and create new earning opportunities through a range of Vulnerability activities, such as planting trees, manure management, fertiliser management, reduced livestock emissions and improved rangeland and cropland management. Figure 3. Factors determining vulnerability. The Government has committed $2.55 billion for direct purchase of Australian carbon credits under the ERF Managing resilience and adaptive capacity on a regional through reverse auctions. scale with result in improved ability within the NAR to A key mitigation initiative in the NAR is CarbonQuest – anticipate, adapt and respond to a changing climate. a service established and run by NACC that gives Regional level action may involve mitigating greenhouse farmers and businesses a low-risk entry into the carbon gas emissions (eg. through CarbonQuest) and reducing trading market. By endorsing and promoting carbon habitat fragmentation (eg. though conservation corridors). projects of high quality, CarbonQuest makes it easy for carbon buyers and sellers to connect.

Climate change adaptation Two approaches to climate change adaptation are risk management, and reducing vulnerability and/or increasing resilience. The risk management approach is likely to be more helpful at the enterprise level and the Australian Government has developed specific resources to assist organisations to apply a risk management approach to climate change. The reducing vulnerability approach is Get Involved considered more helpful at regional and catchment scales. VISIT For the latest information and guides on undertaking a CFI project.


A. Killen 20 Gutha Salinity Targets

Aspirational Goals Targets (5 year) Aspirational Goals Targets (5 year)

Production systems in the NAR are »» 100 per cent of agricultural land managers Communities in the NAR (urban and »» 30 000 ha of land utilised for suitable carbon resilient, diverse and proactively undertaking sustainable land use practises by 2020. rural) are able to maintain economic and bio-sequestration. managed utilising environmentally »» 50 per cent of cleared Agricultural land (2 million population viability, through effective »» Coastal hazard and risk assessment undertaken sensitive practices. hectares) managed using sustainable land use adaptation to a changing climate. for all coastal communities by 2020. practises by 2020. »» All coastal infrastructure maintained to continue This sustainable management includes whole farm fishing practices. management of the following issues: » Wind erosion » Salinity » » Aboriginal and cultural heritage is »» Management of 25 sites of cultural and heritage »» Water erosion »» Non-wetting soils protected and valued by the wider significant by 2020. »» Surface water quality »» Acidity community. »» Undertake five traditional knowledge projects by 2020. »» Soil compaction »» Pests, weeds and disease »» Soil organic carbon The community has a sufficient level »» Increased technical capacity of the region to of knowledge, ability and willingness sustainably manage natural resources. Biodiversity and ecosystem integrity 20 per cent of defined corridor areas (yet to be »» to contribute to effective NRM. Encourage and support sustainable urban design and defined) protected and revegetated by 2020. »» are maintained and improved at a practices including: stormwater management, urban landscape scale. »» 2000 ha of native vegetation (not on reserves) planning, native gardens, alternative energy sources protected by 2020. and water usage, waste management and transport. »» Active management of fire regimes in areas of • 20 per cent of homes in urban areas have native native vegetation. gardens by 2020. »» X ha of priority species habitat (as identified through • 10 per cent decrease in waste to landfill. the Investment Framework for Environmental Resources 10 per cent decrease in scheme water usage. (INFFER) process) actively managed. • Increased Aboriginal participation and employment 20 000 ha of riparian vegetation actively managed. »» »» in NRM. 500 ha of coastal and Island vegetation protected »» Local sources of marine debris identified by 2020. and enhanced by 2020. »» »» Marine ecosystems and fish stocks maintained at current levels of quality and health. Water resources are valued and »» Allocation of water resources does not exceed »» Undertake four projects to support marine research support water dependent sustainable levels. by 2020. communities and ecosystems. »» Water resource allocation plans are developed through community consultation.

Invasive species – (animal and plant »» 75 per cent of land managers engaging in coordinated pests, diseases) are effectively managed management of invasive species (animal and plant both at a local and regional scale. pests, diseases). »» X ha of native vegetation covered by a weed management plan.

22 This project is supported by the Northern Agricultural Catchments Council, through funding from the Australian Government.