Conservation Science W. Aust. 6 (1) : 13-73 (2007) Review of the distribution, causes for the decline and recommendations for management of the quokka, Setonix brachyurus (Macropodidae: Marsupialia), an endemic macropodid marsupial from south-west Western Australia PAUL J. DE TORES1', MATTW. HAYWARD2,3.4, MICHAEL J. DILLON3 AND ROBERT I. BRAZELL5 I Department of Environment and Conservation, Wildlife Research Centre, P.O. Box 51 Wanneroo, Western Australia 6946 2 School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052 3 Department of Environment and Conservation, Dwellingup Research Centre, Banksiadale Road, Dwellingup, Westem Australia 6213 4 Current address: Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, 17-230 Biglowieja, Poland 5 Department of Environment and Conservation, Wellington District, P.O. Box 809 Collie, Western Australia 6225 . Contact person for correspondence: Paul de Tares, email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT Specific conservation management actions are recommended, namely: (i) Implementing an active The former and current distribution of the quokka, adaptive management program in the northern jarrah Setortix brachyurus, was mapped from published and all forest to determine quokka population response to available unpublished records. At the time of European habitat manipulation through the use of fIre, fox baiting settlement the quokka was widespread and abundant and and pig control; (ii) Surveying the Stirling fumge and its distribution encompassed an area of approximately Green Range populations with emphasis placed on 2 41 200 km of south-west Western Australia inclusive of determining population size and population genetic two offshore islands, Bald Island and Rottnest Island.