Present: Cllr. Fitzpatrick, Cllr. Smith, Cllr. Miss Payne and Cllr. McGrath

Also, Present: Clerk

1. APOLOGIES 1.1 Apologies were received from Cllr. Harper due to technical difficulties and Cllr. Mrs Teese.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 2.1 Chairman asked all members present to declare any personal or prejudicial interest on any items on the agenda. Other Disclosable Interest – Cllr. Harper – Member of Hunnington and Romsley History Society and St Kenelm’s District Church Council

3. MINUTES 3.1 It was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 29th July 2020. The Chairman signed and initialled each page.

4. FINANCE 4.1 It was unanimously RESOLVED to ratify payments made in August, September and October 2020. 4.2 Quarterly Bank Reconciliation and Bank Statements Cllrs. had been given a copy of the Bank Reconciliation together with supporting bank statements and these figures were accepted. 4.3 To confirm receipt of half-yearly precept of £6,500.00 from BDC. 4.4 It was unanimously RESOLVED to give a grant of £100.00 to and Redditch Citizens Advice Bureau. 4.5 Accounts for payment – two councillors to sign HMRC Payroll taxes due £105.80 Ruth Mullett Zoom subscription £143.88 Richard Poole Maintenance £250.00 SLCC Subscription £170.00 Cllr. Smith and Cllr. Harper signed the cheques

5. PLANNING MATTERS 5.1 District Council Decisions Nothing to report Planning Matters for Parish Council Comments Nothing to report Appeals Nothing to report

6. ROADS/FOOTPATHS/TRAFFIC/HIGHWAYS 6.1 A complaint had been received from a resident with regards a permissible path being formed around the cricket club from someone in . This

Hunnington Parish Council – 17th November 2020


person was cutting to form public footballs on private land of which the permissive path was to be accessed via a private drive. County Cllr. Mrs May agreed to speak to the landowners and the cricket club with regards this complaint. 6.2 Complaints have been received about the large number of commercial vehicles parking illegally at 263 Bromsgrove Road. Clerk to report this matter with BDC Enforcement sending photographs as evidence. Cllr. Mrs May is also going to follow this issue up with Enforcement on our behalf. 6.3 Although not in Hunnington Parish there is serious issues with parking on double yellow lines outside St Kenelm’s School which obviously involves Hunnington children as well. Cllr. Mrs May confirmed that BDC had employed an enforcement office on a 30-hour basis during term time. She confirmed she would make there his presence was at the school to try and alleviate this issue. 6.4 Co-Op parking issues – There has been a number of issues with commercial vehicles parking outside the shop and blocking the entrance to the bungalows adjacent to the shop. Cllr. Mrs May has met with the Site Manager of Kendrick Homes who assures her he will be monitoring the parking issues throughout the day. Cllr. Mrs May will also be monitoring. All commercial vehicles have agreement from Romsley Parish Council to use the playing fields car park and not park adjacent to the site on the surrounding area.

7. PARISH LENGTHSMAN/MAINTENANCE 7.1 Clear the leaves at Redhill Place

8. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR 8.1 Cllr. Mrs. May • Brown garden waste bin service to be extended to a full year from April 2021. • Covid-19 cases are higher than the county average in . • Testing centre in Bromsgrove is operational but booking a test is still necessary. • CCTV being considered to combat fly tipping in district hotspots. • BDC is recruiting a Town Centre Manager and Business Support Officer to help the local economy to recover from Covid-19. • Yellow lines to be painted along Wood Lane next week • Call for sites is being undertaken as part of the Local Plan Review. Green Belt sites may be put forward at this stage, but this does not mean that these sites are destined for development, despite some assertions to the contrary.

9. COUNTY COUNCILLOR 9.1 Clerk ask Cllr. Mrs May to follow-up on the school bus stop opposite Blue Bird as to date we have not received anything back from County Council.

10. TO RECEIVE CLERK’S REPORT 10.1Nothing to report


Hunnington Parish Council – 17th November 2020


Cllr. McGrath – a follow-up on the speeding issue in Hunnington. Cllr. Mrs May is to arrange for speed assessment cables to be put across the road. Cllr. Mrs May also asked clerk to forward all correspondence with regards speeding from PC Marc Ginder and she will liaise with him.

12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – to be agreed

Hunnington Parish Council – 17th November 2020