3-D Surface Anthropometry: Review of Technologies (L'hthropodtrie De Surface-En Trois Dimensions: Examen Des Technologies)

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3-D Surface Anthropometry: Review of Technologies (L'hthropodtrie De Surface-En Trois Dimensions: Examen Des Technologies) I 1 n A L 1 W ADVISORY QROUP FOR AEROSPACE RE(KARCH & DEVELOPMENT 7 RUE ANCEUE, 92200 NEUIUY-SUR-SEINE, FRANCE 3-D Surface Anthropometry: Review of Technologies (l'hthropodtrie de surface-en trois dimensions: examen des technologies) . \ AGARD-AR-329 I I ADVISORY GROUP FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 7 RUE ANCELLE, 92200 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE, FRANCE AGARD ADVISORY REPORT 329 I- I. 3-D Surface Anthropometry: Review of Technologies (1'AnthropomCtrie de surface en trois dimensions: examen des technologies) Editors: K.M. Robinette (US), M.W. Vannier (US), M. Rioux (CA), P.R.M. Jones (UK) This Advisory Report was prepared by Working Group 20 of the Aerospace Medical Panel of AGARD. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Organisation du Traite de I'Atlantique Nord I The Mission of AGARD According to its Charter, the mission of AGARD is to bring together the leading personalities of the NATO nations in the fields of science and technology relating to aerospace for the following purposes: - Recommending effective ways for the member nations to use their research and development capabilities for the common benefit of the NATO community; - Providing scientific and technical advice and assistance to the Military Committee in the field of aerospace research and development (with particular regard to its military application); - Continuously stimulating advances in the aerospace sciences relevant to strengthening the common defence posture; - Improving the co-operation among member nations in aerospace research and development;, - Exchange of scientific and technical information; - Providing assistance to member nations for the purpose of increasing their scientific and technical potential; - Rendering scientific and technical assistance, as requested, to other NATO bodies and to member nations in connection with research and development problems in the aerospace field. The highest authority within AGARD is the National Delegates Board consisting of officially appointed senior representatives from each member nation. The mission of AGARD is carried out through the Panels which are composed of experts appointed by the National Delegates, the Consultant and Exchange Programme and the Aerospace Applications Studies Programme. The results of AGARD work are reported to the member nations and the NATO Authorities through the AGARD series of publications of which this is one. Participation in AGARD activities is by invitation only and is normally limited to citizens of the NATO nations. The content of this publication has been reproduced directly from material supplied by AGARD or the authors. Printed on recycled paper Published December 1997 Copyright 0 AGARD 1997 All Rights Reserved ISBN 92-836-1069-5 Printed by Canada Communication Group Inc. (A St. Joseph Corporation Company) 45 Sacre'-Cceur Blvd., Hull (Quibec), Canada KIA OS7 ii 3-D Surface Anthropometry: Review of Technologies (AGARD AR-329) Executive Summary The seven chapters in this document describe the dramatic changes taking place in the field of anthropometry due to advances in 3-D imaging technology. Chapter I lists some of the advantages of 3-D anthropometric techniques, and explains how 3-D technology can overcome many of the limitations of traditional anthropometry. Chapter I1 discusses the various fields of 3-D anthropometry applications along with the common I technologies used in each field. The emphasis of this chapter is on applications within the medical field, human systems engineering, and clothing technology. An overview of applications within the fields of comparative morphology and virtual reality is also given. Chapter 111 describes the various measurement technologies currently available for 3-D anthropometry. Technologies discussed include photogrammetry, videography, surface scanning (lasers and contact devices), and volume scanning. Descriptions of each methodology are discussed along with the significant advantages and disadvantages of each method. Chapter IV discusses the techniques and technologies used to visualize, model, and analyze 3-D anthropometric data. The discussion covers a wide range of topics, including hardware platforms, software systems, and user requirements applicable to 3-D anthropometric data visualization, modeling, and analysis. I This chapter serves to highlight the potential advantages from improving the analyst's ability to visualize, retrieve, and analyze 3-D anthropometric data through the use of state-of-the-art computer technology. Chapter V is a comprehensive overview of current database and data communications technologies applicable to 3-D anthropometry. Generic and specific design requirements for a 3-D anthropometry data base are discussed. Data communications technologies are also discussed with emphasis on the current networking technologies, communication mediums, and data formats. An extensive discussion on Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) is also presented, as PACS may become the standard for transferring certain data formats applicable to 3-D anthropometry. Chapter VI focuses on the emerging technologies and concepts in improving the user interface between I software systems and the operator. The technologies and concepts described in this chapter, directly applicable to 3-D anthropometric software systems, are also essentially applicable to all software systems. This chapter describes the basic requirements for the user interface along with application-specific requirements. Chapter VII closes this publication by highlighting the importance of adopting standards for the wide range of technologies used in the field of 3-D anthropometry. The focus of this chapter is on the 3-D anthropometric data generated from the new technologies used. Major issues discussed include data formats, data storage, and exchanging data between multiple users. I I I I L’anthropomCtrie de surface en trois dimensions: I examen des technologies I (AGARD AR-329) 1 I Synth&se Les sept chapitres de ce document traitent des rCcents changements spectaculaires qui se produisent dans le domaine de 1’anthropomCtrie B l’heure actuelle, grke aux avancCes des technologies d’imagerie en trois dimensions. Le chapitre I Cvoque certains avantages des techniques anthropomCtriques en trois dimensions et montre I comment les technologies tridimensionnelles permettent de surmonter bon nombre des limitations de 1’ anthropomCtrie traditionnelle. I I Le chapitre I1 examine les differents types d’applications, ainsi que les technologies communCment utilisCes I dans chaque domaine. L’accent est mis sur les applications en ce qui concerne la mCdecine, les systbmes humains et les technologies de l’industrie du vstement. Le chapitre comprend Cgalement un aperp des -I applications dans le domaine de la morphologie comparative et de la rialit6 virtuelle. *I Le chapitre 111 dCcrit les diffirentes technologies de mesure actuellement proposCes pour 1’ anthropometric tridimensionnelle. Les technologies considCrCes comprennent, entre autres, la photogrammttrie, la videographie, le balayage de la surface et le balayage en volume (lasers et dispositifs de contact). Chacune des mCthodologies est dCcrite avec les principaux avantages et inconvCnients. Le chapitre IV prCsente les techniques et les technologies mises en Oeuvre pour visualiser, modCliser et I analyser en trois dimensions les donnCes anthropomorphiques. La discussion couvre un large Cventail de sujets, y compris les plates-formes matkrielles, les systbmes logiciels, et les besoins des utilisateurs applicables 2 la visualisation, la modClisation et 1’ analyse des donnCes anthropomorphiques tridimensionnelles. Ce chapitre fait ressortir les avantages qui dCcoulent de 1’amClioration de la visualisation, de la saisie et de 1’ analyse des donnCes anthropomorphiquestridimensionnelles dont bCnCficie l’analyste, grice aux toutes dernibres technologies informatiques. Le chapitre V prksente un tour d’horizon trbs complet des technologies des bases de donnCes et de I transmission de donnCes applicables B 1’anthropomCtrie tridimensionnelle. Les critbres de conception 1 gCntriques et spCcifiques d’une base de donnCes d’anthropomCtrie tridimensionnelle sont examinCes. Les technologies de la transmission des donnCes sont abordCes Cgalement, l’accent Ctant mis sur les technologies actuelles en matibre de rkseautique, moyens de communication, et formats de donnCes. Une Ctude dCtaillCe I des systbmes d’archivage et transmission d’images PACS est prCsentCe, le PACS Ctant probablement la rCfCrence future en matihe de transfert de certains formats de donnCes applicables B 1’anthropomCtrie tridimensionnelle. Le chapitre VI est ax6 sur les technologies et les concepts naissants pour 1’amClioration de l’interface utilisateur entre les systbmes logiciels et l’opCrateur.. Les technologies et les concepts dCcrits dans ce chapitre, qui sont directement applicables aux systbmes logiciels anthropomktriques tridimensionnels, sont en principe applicables B l’ensemble des systbmes logiciels. Ce chapitre prCsente la spCcification technique de base de l’interface utilisateur, ainsi que les besoins spCcifiques aux applications. Le chapitre VII c16t cette publication en soulignant l’importance de l’adoption de normes communes en raison du champ trbs vaste des technologies mises en Oeuvre dans le domaine de 1’anthropomCtrie 1 tridimensionnelle. Ce chapitre porte essentiellement sur les donnCes anthropomCtriques tridimensionnelles I gCnCrCes par les nouvelles technologies employees. Panni les thbmes principaux figurent les formats de
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