
& Broughton Poggs Parish Council Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 30th September 2014

ACTION Present: Keith Perry (KP), Rob Bohm (RB), Jude Oliver-Jones (JOJ), Noelle Walsh (NW), Roger Chitty (RC) Craig Johnson (CJ)

24 Apologies: Jeremy Irwin-Singer (JIS)

25 Declarations of Personal or Prejudicial Interest None

26 Adjournment for Public CJ- Hardcastles field was used again by The Five Alls but there was no one to marshal the cars. They did park at the end of the field but some were left over night. CJ asked if the tenant was to allow them permission to use the field as a car park then they ask for a marshal and advise the neighbours when it is happening. Street Light stay in Bridge Cottage- CJ has asked for it to be removed and is corresponding with Wayleave – Peter Smith- CJ will pass his details and last e mails to Clerk so they can liaise with the works to replace the light.

27 Minutes of Last Meeting 27.1 Minutes of meeting 7th July were accepted and signed. 27.2 Playground works- RB will check. Allotments: Chris Davies, Chapel Cottage has been approached about taking on the spare allotment. A Hoad has given his up and this has been taken on by Derek and Jo Matlock who have moved into the Gassons. I Bailey has approached KP about the spare allotment at The Gassons. These are all currently let.

28 Flooding: 28.1 RC reported. CJ was invited to enter the discussions. It was clear from consultations with local parties that the preferred option and opinions of local residents was to look into establishing a bund in the Cheveaux’s field. Mr and Mrs Cheveaux have been given time to consider this proposal but feel this substantial work would be detrimental to their field. Goodenoughs have not been approached as yet about face plate as RC wanted other landowners to agree to some works first. The bund has raised and the Pc was made aware there would be no funds to recreate a new concrete slipway and OCC have used scrapings from the field; sandbags have been left in place. The lowest point has been raised approx. 12”. RC apologises for Richard Martin not being asked for permission to cross his car park. ECT and OCC were liaising about the works and he presumed they would have contacted him. The next priority will be to investigate increasing the outlet under the Pearce’s drive which links to Broughton Poggs. We need to get more water through the Carp Pond if we cannot get a way of holding water upstream. We need to stress this is not only a Parish Council issue, the Community needs to be involved as well. CJ is concerned that if more water is released below the bridge, if it cannot move down any quicker then it will back u towards his property. The bridges in Langford and


Broadwell do not have room to let much more water through, BP bridge has 4.7’. CJ has moved 3.5t of gravel so far. Walking down the river the at the lowest point the bank is 1’ and the highest at Manor Farm is 5’. At Hardcastles field being 1’ it would be advantageous to ask Wayne Barker to take levels here to see if anything can be done here without being detrimental to CJ’s property or properties further down. D McFarlane will be contacted to ask if the planned works have taken place, and if not done when they will be. EA are responsible for brook below the bridge. Current works in BP: These are works that have been outstanding since 2008. Broken pipes are being replaced and foul water has been entering the system which has had to be stopped. Charlie Payne has written an e mail to PC expressing concern that a larger pipe will not help the situation. The larger pipe will be along the road in BP and will help by creating a small reservoir within the pipe. The outlet is staying the same so no more water will be moved. CP has spoken to Wayne Barker and RC. A hydrobrake at the top of the village under the A361 is very important and will be carried forward. One Parishioner has come forward to offer money towards works- this could be used to pay for the hydrobrake. Another area to be looked at is at The Pills; there is a natural dip in the landscape past Peter Cooks and something maybe able to be done there in the way of another bund. Hydrobrake and levels in Hardcastles Field. RC The works D McFArlane was referring to have stopped after there was a complaint about what was happening in . Clerk will contact. Clerk

29 Village Centre: 29.1 Top floor has been completed. Changing area is working well but stronger coat hooks have been put up. Shop have been asked to clear the area at the bottom of the stairs. This will be followed up. 29.2 Clerk met with Andrew Stibbard. He suggest £420 or £395 per month. All agreed it would be marketed at £420 and revisited in November. Details of person interested have been passed on. 29.3 Drains will need to be worked on when work is started on the new toilets. Cottesway housing will be contacted. RB & JI-S

RC left the meeting.

30 Planning & Cemetery: 30.1 Existing Applications: 30.1.1 Pear Tree Cottage- Granted. 30.1.2 The Post House – Awaiting decision 30.2 None

31 Finance: 31.1 Cheques paid list was circulated to the Council and approved. 31.2 Income and expenditure figures were circulated by Clerk. All expenditure is on budget with the extra expense at the Village Centre being taken up by the contingency. 31.3 Donations: 31.3.1 CAB- £50 31.3.2 OAB - £50 7

32 Village Matters: 32.1 Village Defibrillator- Training session was very good and well attended. V Hall committee met and discussed our request to site this on the front wall. They have now asked us to investigate putting it in the Church porch. NW has been in contact with Diane Blackett who says she can take this to the next PCC meeting in November but a faculty order will have to be obtained and that will not be forthcoming until January. PC have discussed the Church before and it was not thought acceptable for a few reasons. It will be more visible from the road at VH than Church No lighting outside Church and DAC approval required. Porch is pitch black at night. V H is not most central but is well known. Architecturally, the PC did not feel it was the correct place. Having taken their views into consideration we do wish to site it at the VH. NW they have no problems with us going ahead but no site was discussed. Clerk will write to Chairman and Secretary and suggest the site under the noticeboard as it will be in full view, protected by the feature of the wall and easy to access electricity. R Jones has offered to undertake the installation. Donations; £205 has been received so far, another advert has been put in Newsletter. We hope that when people see the box more may come in. J-O-J will thank D Tracey. 32.2 A spate of burglaries have taken place recently from sheds/garages. These have been reported. 32.3 Vale Wood- Came and Co have asked that a regular Risk Assessment is carried out in the wood. Ben Pollard has been contacted and advised the best time is Sept/ Oct and indicated he may be able to get his specialist to carry this out. It is most important for this to be carried out after storms, where trees over hang adjacent land and roads. This project could be carried out by Environment Group. 32.4 A Ward has reported that the flight path to Bzn seems to have moved. RB reported that more aircraft are overflying BP. A Hoad has looked into this and the approach has been changed on the airfield information. KP will raise the issue at the next Liaison meeting. 32.5 Several hedges/trees from properties are overhanging pavements and some are now un-walkable. Clerk will contact them.

33 Date of Next Meetings: Thursday 6th November at 7.30pm in Committee Room.