Academic , Administration Social Buildings

Building Campus College / Organisation Department / Service Director of Building Job Title Email Tel Deputy DoB Job Title Email Tel Generic Email Notes Alexander Building Streatham CHUM Drama See Thornlea Complex Amory Building Streatham Academic Services Learning Space Stephen Mossop Head of Library Customer Services [email protected] 5670 Amory Building Streatham CLES Geography Neville England Workshop Manager (Geography) [email protected] 3197 Linda Peka College Manager (CLES) [email protected] 5221 Amory Building Streatham CHUM Classics & Ancient History Gary Stringer Assistant College Manager (CHUM) [email protected] 4279 [email protected] Amory Building Streatham CHUM History Gary Stringer Assistant College Manager (CHUM) [email protected] 4279 [email protected] Amory Building Streatham CHUM Theology & Religion Gary Stringer Assistant College Manager (CHUM) [email protected] 4279 [email protected] Amory Building Streatham CSSIS School of Law Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Nigel Weaver Infrastructure & Technology Manager [email protected] 4734 Amory Building Streatham CSSIS Sociology & Philiosophy Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Nigel Weaver Infrastructure & Technology Manager [email protected] 4734 Amory Building Streatham CSSIS Politics Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Nigel Weaver Infrastructure & Technology Manager [email protected] 4734 Baring Court St Luke's CLES Sport & Health Sciences David Childs Laboratory Manager (SHS) [email protected] 2771 Linda Peka College Manager (CLES) [email protected] 5221 Baring Court St Luke's CSSIS Graduate School of Education Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Nigel Weaver Infrastructure & Technology Manager [email protected] 4734 Biocatalysis Streatham CLES Biosciences Margaret Grapes Building & Equipment Manager [email protected] 5160 Linda Peka College Manager (CLES) [email protected] 5221 Birks Cottage Streatham Students' Guild Norrie Blackeby Guild Facilities [email protected] 3542 Tracy Costello Director of Business & Enterprise [email protected] 3543 [email protected] Boathouse Countess Wear Campus Services Sport Neil Sheppard Assistant Director of Sport [email protected] 4447 Charlotte Raymont AU Manager [email protected] 3505 Building:One Streatham UoE Business School Shirley Turner Assistant College Manager (Business School) [email protected] 2552 Business School Streatham UoE Business School Shirley Turner Assistant College Manager (Business School) [email protected] 2552 Byrne House Streatham CSSIS Egenis Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Sue Harding Egenis Administrator 5141 Clayden Services Music Marion Wood Director of Music [email protected] 3813 Clydesdale House Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Hugh McCann Director of Estate Development [email protected] 2243 Computer Building (adj Laver) Streatham Academic Services Exeter IT Steve Grange Head of Infrastructure (Academic Services) [email protected] 3958 Adrian Culley Business Manager, AS [email protected] 6440 Cornwall House Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Graham Moncur Head of Facilities Management [email protected] 5448 Cornwall House Streatham Students' Guild Norrie Blackeby Guild Facilities [email protected] 3542 Tracy Costello Director of Business & Enterprise [email protected] 3543 [email protected] Cornwall House Pool Streatham Campus Services Sport Neil Sheppard Assistant Director of Sport [email protected] 4447 Bill Hart Senior Sports Officer [email protected] 4940 Devonshire House Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Phil-Rees Jones Assistant Director of Retail Services [email protected] 2445 Devonshire House Streatham Students' Guild Norrie Blackeby Guild Facilities [email protected] 3542 Tracy Costello Director of Business & Enterprise [email protected] 3543 [email protected] Duckes Meadow (Grounds) Duckes Campus Services Campus Services Iain Park Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 Vikki Price PA to Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 Duckes Meadow (Sport) Duckes Campus Services Sport Neil Sheppard Assistant Director of Sport [email protected] 4447 Heather Browning Operations Manager [email protected] 2249 Duryard House Streatham INTO Sam Lydon-Drake Operations Manager [email protected] 5469 Sue Doyle INTO Facilities Assistant [email protected] 4394 INTO Leased from UoE Elmbrook Cottage Streatham Campus Services Music Marion Wood Director of Music [email protected] 3813 Estate Services Centre Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Iain Park Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 Vikki Price PA to Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 Family Centre Streatham Campus Services Family Centre Phil-Rees Jones Assistant Director of Retail Services [email protected] 2445 Val Phillips Family Centre Manager [email protected] 5416 Forum Streatham Campus Services Various Sarah Snow Assistant Director of Campus Services (Sales & Events) [email protected] 5209 John Stephens Forum & Great Hall Operations Manager [email protected] 6478 [email protected] In construction Geoffrey Pope Streatham CLES Biosciences Margaret Grapes Building & Equipment Manager [email protected] 5160 Linda Peka College Manager (CLES) [email protected] 5221 Great Hall Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Sarah Snow Assistant Director of Campus Services (Sales & Events) [email protected] 5209 John Stephens Forum & Great Hall Operations Manager [email protected] 6478 [email protected] Haighton Library St Luke's Academic Services Library Jessica Gardner Assistant Director Library & Research Support [email protected] 3870 Stephen Mossop Head of Library Customer Services [email protected] 5670 [email protected] Harrison Building Streatham CEMPS Engineering, Maths, Computing Nancy Smith Senior Project Manager (Secondment) [email protected] 2179 Paula Sanderson Acting College Manager (CEMPS) [email protected] 3954 [email protected] Also e-mail Tom Stevenson ([email protected]) Hatherly Labs Streatham CLES Biosciences Phil Shears Laboratory Manager [email protected] 4677 Linda Peka College Manager (CLES) [email protected] 5221 Higher Hoopern Farm Streatham Campus Services Estate Development Hugh McCann Director of Estate Development [email protected] 2243 Frances Vowles Deputy Director [email protected] 2243 Holnicote St Luke's CSSIS Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Nigel Weaver Infrastructure & Technology Manager [email protected] 4734 Hope Gardeners' Depot (Spreytonway) Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Iain Park Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 Vikki Price PA to Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 Innovation Centre Streatham Peninsula Innovations Ltd Dr Robin Jackson Chief Executive Officer [email protected] 247931 Kym Dyer Facilities & Services Manager [email protected] 247931 Institute of Arab & Islamic Studies (IAIS) Streatham CSSIS IAIS Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Jane Clark Research & Finance [email protected] 4040 INTO (Academic) Streatham INTO Sam Lydon-Drake Operations Manager [email protected] 5469 Sue Doyle INTO Facilities Assistant [email protected] 4394 INTO Property Isambard Parade (Shops) St David's Campus Services Campus Services Phil-Rees Jones Assistant Director of Retail Services [email protected] 2445 See also Residences Kay Building Streatham CEMPS Engineering, Maths, Computing Nancy Smith Senior Project Manager (Secondment) [email protected] 2179 Paula Sanderson Acting College Manager (CEMPS) [email protected] 3954 [email protected] Also e-mail Tom Stevenson ([email protected]) Kay House Duryard Streatham Campus Services Music Marion Wood Director of Music [email protected] 3813 Knightley Streatham Campus Services Music Marion Wood Director of Music [email protected] 3813 Lafrowda House Streatham Campus Services Estate Development Hugh McCann Director of Estate Development [email protected] 2243 Frances Vowles Deputy Director [email protected] 2243 Lafrowda Pavillion Streatham Campus Services Estate Development Hugh McCann Director of Estate Development [email protected] 2243 Frances Vowles Deputy Director [email protected] 2243 Laver Building Streatham Academic Services Various Gary Stringer Assistant College Manager (CHUM) [email protected] 4279 Adrian Culley Business Manager, AS [email protected] 6440 Laver Building Streatham CHUM Archaeology Gary Stringer Assistant College Manager (CHUM) [email protected] 4279 Alan Outram Head of Archaeology [email protected] 4398 [email protected] Library (Rashid Building) Streatham Academic Services Library Jessica Gardner Assistant Director Library & Research Support [email protected] 3870 Stephen Mossop Head of Library Customer Services [email protected] 5670 [email protected] Mary Harris Memorial Chapel Streatham Academic Services Chaplaincy The Revd Clifton G Graham Lazenby Chaplain [email protected] 3649 NatWest Bank Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Sarah Snow Assistant Director of Campus Services (Sales & Events) [email protected] 5209 Mark Abbot Manager Newman Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Graham Moncur Head of Facilities Management [email protected] 5448 North Cloisters St Luke's CSSIS Various Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Nigel Weaver Infrastructure & Technology Manager [email protected] 4734 Northcote House Streatham University Various Jill Williams Executive Officer to the Registrar and Deputy Chief [email protected] 3045 Sophie Hewitt Executive PA to the Registrar and Deputy Chief [email protected] 3001 [email protected] Please contact Sophie Hewitt in the first instance Northcott Theatre Streatham Exeter Northcott Theatre Company Kate Tyrrell Executive Director [email protected] 223999 Philip Sowton Front of House Manager [email protected] 223992 [email protected] Philip Sowton will deal with most matters Old Library Streatham Academic Services Library, Employability & Graduate DevelopmentJessica Gardner Assistant Director Library & Research Support [email protected] 3870 Christine Faunch Acting Head of Archives & Special Collections [email protected] 3879 [email protected] Peter Chalk Centre Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Graham Moncur Head of Facilities Management [email protected] 5448 Physics Streatham CEMPS Physics & Astronomy Nancy Smith Senior Project Manager (Secondment) [email protected] 2179 Paula Sanderson Acting College Manager (CEMPS) [email protected] 3954 [email protected] Also e-mail Tom Stevenson ([email protected]) Print Unit (South Cloisters) St Luke's CSSIS Graduate School of Education Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Nigel Weaver Infrastructure & Technology Manager [email protected] 4734 Queen's Building Streatham CHUM English, Modern Languages, Film Gary Stringer Assistant College Manager (CHUM) [email protected] 4279 [email protected] Reception (Forum) Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Sarah Snow Assistant Director of Campus Services (Sales & Events) [email protected] 5209 John Stephens Forum & Great Hall Operations Manager [email protected] 6478 [email protected] Redcot Streatham University Geoff Pringle Director of Campus Services [email protected] 5454 Mike Pinn Contracts Surveyor [email protected] 4537 Reed Hall Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Sarah Snow Assistant Director of Campus Services (Sales & Events) [email protected] 5209 Kelly Thacker Manager [email protected] 5212 [email protected] Reed Mews (Wellbeing) Streatham Academic Services Wellbeing Services Mark Sawyer Head of Wellbeing Services [email protected] 4381 Liz Murphy Head of Student Support [email protected] 3034 Reed Mews (Health Centre) Streatham Academic Services Health Centre Dr Kate Thomas Partner [email protected] 4421 Richards Building St Luke's CLES Sport & Health Sciences David Childs Laboratory Manager (SHS) [email protected] 2771 Linda Peka College Manager (CLES) [email protected] 5221 Roborough Streatham CHUM Drama Gary Stringer Assistant College Manager (CHUM) [email protected] 4279 Jon Primrose Technical Manager [email protected] 4585 [email protected] Sanctuary Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Sarah Snow Assistant Director of Campus Services (Sales & Events) [email protected] 5209 Stephen Mossop Head of Library Customer Services [email protected] 5670 [email protected] Shops St Luke's Campus Services Campus Services Phil-Rees Jones Assistant Director of Retail Services [email protected] 2445 Jenny Houghton Residence Manager [email protected] 3802 Shops Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Phil-Rees Jones Assistant Director of Retail Services [email protected] 2445 Smeall Building St Luke's CSSIS Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Nigel Weaver Infrastructure & Technology Manager [email protected] 4734 Smeall Building St Luke's UEMS Di Ewing Infrastructure & Projects Administrator [email protected] 2965 South Cloisters St Luke's CSSIS Graduate School of Education Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Nigel Weaver Infrastructure & Technology Manager [email protected] 4734 See also Residences Sports Park Streatham Campus Services Sport Neil Sheppard Assistant Director of Sport [email protected] 4447 Heather Browning Operations Manager [email protected] 2249 Spreytonway (Hope Gardeners' Depot ) Streatham Campus Services Campus Services Iain Park Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 Vikki Price PA to Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 St Luke's - Campus St Luke's Various Various Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 Nigel Weaver Infrastructure & Technology Manager [email protected] 4734 [email protected] St Luke's - Cross Keys St Luke's Students' Guild Norrie Blackeby Guild Facilities [email protected] 3542 Tracy Costello Director of Business & Enterprise [email protected] 3543 [email protected] St Luke's - Gardeners' Depot St Luke's Campus Services Campus Services Iain Park Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 Vikki Price PA to Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 St Luke's - Gym & Pool St Luke's Campus Services Sport Neil Sheppard Assistant Director of Sport [email protected] 4447 Bill Hart Senior Sports Officer [email protected] 4940 St Luke's - UEMS St Luke's UEMS Di Ewing Infrastructure & Projects Administrator [email protected] 2965 Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 [email protected] Streatham Court Streatham UoE Business School Shirley Turner Assistant College Manager (Business School) [email protected] 2552 Streatham Farm Streatham Campus Services Campus Services David Nairn Head of Property Services [email protected] 4549 Nancy Smith Customer Services Manager [email protected] 2179 Thornlea Complex Streatham CHUM Drama Gary Stringer Assistant College Manager (CHUM) [email protected] 4279 Jon Primrose Technical Manager [email protected] 4585 [email protected] Incl Alexander Building Topsham Pavilions (Grounds / Bungalow) Topsham Campus Services Campus Services Iain Park Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 Vikki Price PA to Director of Grounds [email protected] 5531 Topsham Pavilions (Sports) Topsham Campus Services Sport Neil Sheppard Assistant Director of Sport [email protected] 4447 Heather Browning Operations Manager [email protected] 2249 Medical School (UEMS) St Luke's UEMS Di Ewing Infrastructure & Projects Administrator [email protected] 2965 Joanna Lunnon Assistant College Manager (CSSIS) [email protected] 4707 [email protected] Washington Singer Labs Streatham CLES Psychology David Taylor Workshop Manager (Psychology) [email protected] 4662 Linda Peka College Manager (CLES) [email protected] 5221 Xfi Centre Streatham UoE Business School Shirley Turner Assistant College Manager (Business School) [email protected] 2552

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