Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 9, (2010), "The Rodna Mountains National Park" 101 ALPINE WET HABITAT TYPES OF COMMUNITY INTEREST IN THE RODNA MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK (EASTERN CARPATHIANS, ROMANIA) Erika SCHNEIDER-BINDER * * Karlsruhe Institute for Technology - University of Land Baden-Württemberg and Research Center of the Helmholtz Society, Institute for Geography and Geoecology, Department WWF-Institute for Floodplain Ecology, Josefstr. 1, Rastatt/Germany, D-76437,
[email protected]; erika.schb@t- KEYWORDS : Romanian Carpathians, Rodna Mountains, alpine pioneer habitats, FFH habitat type *7240, arctic-alpine species, glacial relicts, cold water, alpine alluvial soils, seepage area. ABSTRACT The FFH habitat type *7240 Alpine pioneer formation of Caricion bicoloris-atrofuscae is described with regard to its distribution in the alpine mountain system. Characteristic species are discussed and data from varying areas are illustrated in a comparative presentation. Typical site factors, species and vegetation structures will be analyzed for the Rodna Mountains as well. Furthermore the characteristic beetle species of this habitat type are duly considered; they are bound to the wetlands of the alpine, partly of the subalpine, area and particularly to alluvial soils and seepage areas. Together with the characteristic plant species they act as indicators for the presence of this habitat type in the Carpathians, even though on a very small scale and as fragmentary relicts. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG : Alpine Feuchtgebiets-Habitattypen von gemeinschaftlichem Interesse im Nationalpark Rodna-Gebirge (Ostkarpaten/Rumänien). Der FFH-Lebensraumtyp *7240 Alpine pioneer formation of Caricion bicoloris-atrofuscae wird in seiner Verbreitung im alpinen Gebirgssytem dargestellt, wobei die kennzeichnenden Arten besprochen und ihre Angaben aus den verschiedenen Gebieten vergleichend dargestellt werden.