Regulation of Ship Routes Passing Through War Zone

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Regulation of Ship Routes Passing Through War Zone PUBLISHED DAZLY ander orde? of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STA#TEJ by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERNMENT Activities Vot. 3 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1919. No. 518 REGULATION OF SHIP ROUTES STATE DEPARTMENT REPORTS HOLDERS OF INSURANCE CLAIMS PASSING THROUGH WAR ZONE ON DISTURBANCES INOPORTO AGAINST ENEMY CORPORATIONS MODIFIED BY TRADE BOARD Assistant Secretary Phillips announced ARE ADVISED TO ENTER THEM to-day that the State Department advices MAY NOW PROCEED BY ANY COURSE regarding the situation in Portugal state that a movement was begun at Oporto of NOTICE BY THE ALIEN CUSTODIAN a revolutionary character designed to Vessels Bound to Certain French upset the republic in the interests of a List Given of Concerns Now in the monarchy. He said the advices were very and Other Ports, However, Re- brief, referring to the situation up to Hands of the New York Trust quired to Obtain Instructions Re- noon January 20. They did not indicate Company as Liquidator-Prompt the extent of the movement, but reported garding the Location of Mines. that everything at Lisbon was quiet. Action Is Recommended. A similar movement, he added, was The War Trade Board announces, in started about a week ago, but was sup- A. Mitehell Palmer, Alien Property a new ruling, W. T. B. R. 539, that rules pressed by the Government, which was Custodian, makes the following announce- and regulations heretofore enforced reported to have taken a number of pris- ment: -against vessels with respect to routes to oners and some of the revolutionists All persons having claiis against the be taken when proceeding through the so- were reported to have been killed in the enemy insurance companies which are called " war zone," have been modified, disturbance. being liquidated by the Alien Property and hereafter vessels may proceed with- Custodian's Office should immediately out restrictions as to route, in so far as present claims to the New York Trust the War Trade Board is concerned, ex- LIST OF U.S. OVERSEAS FORCES Co., liquidator, 26 Broad Street, New cept that vessels proceeding to French, York City, for examination and settle- Bay of Biscay, or Channel ports must DESIGNATED FOR EARLY CONVOY ment. obtain instructions from the district Companies In Charge. The War Department authorizes the supervisor of Naval Overseas Transpor- The companies now in charge of the tation Service or collectors of customs. publication that the following organiza- tions have been assigned to early convoy: liquidator are: Information as to Mines. Aachen & Munich Fire Insurance Co., of Base Hospital No. 15, 8 officers, 168 men, Aix La Chapelle, Germany. For the guidance of vessels, however, 58 nurses. Allians Insurance Co., of Berlin, Germany. Ninetieth Aero Squadron, 24 officers, 148 Balkan National Insurance Co., of Sofia, the War Trade Board calls attention to men. Bulgaria. the fact that all information regarding One hundred and fourth Aero Squadron, 10 Cologne Reinsurance Co., of Cologne, Ger- dangers to navigation, maine fields dis- officers, 176 men. many. Thirty-ninth Company, Transportation First Bulgarian Insurance Co., " Bulgaria," covered and mine fields cleared, also loca- Corps, 5 officers, 250 men. of Rustchuk, Bulgaria. tion of temporary light vessels which are First Casual Company, Transportation Frankfort General Insurance Co., of Frank- designed to aid vessels making port, may Corps, 2 officers, 136 men. fort-on-Main, Germany. Second Casual Company, Transportation Frankona. Reinsurance Co., of Frankfort-on- be obtained fron any branch hydro- Corps, 2 officers, 93 men. Main, Germany. graphic office. Tank Corps units as follows: Hamburg Bremen Fire Insurance Co., of Three hundred and thirty-second Battalion, Hamburg, Germany. Bunker Licenses Required. 13 officers, 142 men. International Reassurance Co. (Ltd.), of Three hundred and seventy-sixth Replace- Vienna, Austria. This modification of restrictions as to ment and Salvage Company, 3 officers, 72 men. Mannheim Insurance Co., of Mannheim, Ger- route in no way alters the requirement Three hundred and seventy-seventh Replace- many. that all vessels must obtain "bunker" ment and Salvage Company, 1 officer, 27 men. Mercury Reinsurance Co., of Cologne, Ger- Three hundred and seventy-eighth Replace- many. licenses as heretofore. ment and Salvage Company, 1 officer, 27 men. Minerva Retrocession & Reinsurance Co. of Three hundred and seventy-ninth Replace- Cologne, Germany. ment and Salvage Company, 1 officer, 23 men. Munich Reinsurance Co., of Munich, Ger- Three hundred and eightieth Replacement many. INCREASE INSHIPMENTS and Salvage Company, 2 officers, 8 men. Prussian Life Insurance Co., of Berlin, Ger- Three hundred and eighty-first Replaement many. FROM PORT OF NEW YORK and Sahage Company, 2 offleers. 8 men. Nord-Deutsche Insurance Co., of Hamburg, Three hundred and fourth Battalion, 45 Germany. officers, 474 men. Prussian National Insurance Co., of Stettin, With the adjustment of the strike Germany among the boatmen and doekmen at the (Continued on page 2.) South German Reinsurance Co., of Munich, Germany. port of New York the increase in ship- Swiss National Insurance Co., of Basle, ment of foodstuffs and other commodities THE NEW ITALIAN CABINET. Switzerland. overseas was renewed with greater vigor Rights of Claimants. during the week ended January 18. Ac- cording to the report 6f the exports con- Names of Five Ministers Oficially An- Mr. Palmer calls attention to the fact trol committee made public by Walker nounced to State Department. that in case any claim is not settled and D. Hines, Director General of Railroads, discharged before the assets of a com- The new Italian cabinet, as officially depositary, while there has been some increase in the pany are transferred to the announced at Rome and reported to the rights under section number of cars of commercial export State Department, and given out by As- the claimant still has of the trading-with-the-enemy act, freight on hand, delayed lighterage or- sistant Secretary Phillips, embraces these (9) ders have but it will be easier for him to adjust been filed with the carriers in five new members: liquidator such volume that some of them had to be and settle the claims with the Stringher, minister of the treasury. process of the courts. returned with request for extension. Gen. Caviglia, minister of war. than through the Beginning February 1 the committee Ricelo, minister of agriculture. NEW PRESIDENT OF SAN SALVADOR. has been advised that British flag boats Facta, minister of grace and justice. will assign 30 per cent of their space for Fradeletto, minister without portfolio. A dispatch to the State Department commercial export freight, with the pros- Minister Fradeletto will take control of states that Torge Melendez has been pect that further space will shortly be matters affecting the reorganization of elected President of San Salvador, re- released. redeemed Provinces. ceiving 113,333 votes. 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1919. WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Interpretation by Mr. Hines EXPORTS IN1918 $6,150,000,000 PAYABLE ONLY TO FIRST OWNER Of Railroad Wage Order AND IMPORTS $3,031,000,000 Post-Office Order Intended to U. S. RAILROAD ADIsrnrSTRATION, Heavy December shipments brought Washington, January 10, 1919. Stop Unauthorized Traffic the total exports for 1918 to $6,150,000,- INTERPRETATION NO, 1 TO SUPPLEMENT No. 000, a decrease of only $88,000,000 from by Speculators and 13 To GENERAL OADR No. 27. the 1917 total, according to an announce- ment by the Bureau of Foreign and Do- Others. QUESTION. mestic Commerce, Department of Com- merce. Imports for the year totaled The Post Office Department issues the Supplement No. 10 to General Order No. 27, issued under date of November 16, $3,031,000,000, or not quite half the ex- following: superseding General Order No. 27, effec- ports. Imports for the previous year The following is quoted from a notice ive October 1, 1918: Should back pay be were valued at $2,952,000,000. issued by the Secretary of the Treasury: adjusted for employees who left the serv- Exports for December, the first full iPe prior to November 16, 1918? month after the signing of the armistice, " My attention has been directed to reached a total of $566,000,000, a decided numerous offers made by unscrupulous DECISION, increase over the $522,000,000 recorded persons through advertisements and in Employees leaving the service between for November, although not up to the high other ways to buy war-savings certificate October 1, 1918, and December 28, 1918, mark of $600,000,000 for December, 1917. stamps and, as a result of such offense, should properly have back pay accruing Imports Low. I am informed that owners of such securi- between those dates adjusted to comply ties have suffered material losses which with the requirements of Supplement No. Imports for December, however, were could have been avoided by redemption 13. low, being $211,000,000, against $251,000,- of the war-savings certificate stamps at WALKER D. HINES, 000 for November and $228,000,000 for post offices, as provided by law." Director General of Railroads. December of the previous year. " In order that the interests of owners Imports as well as exports of gold con- of war-savings certificate stamps of tinued to decrease, the imports amount- either series may be safeguarded, I ing to $62,000,000 in the calendar year hereby notify all persons to refrain from DESIGNATED FOR EARLY CONVOY 1918 against $552,000,000 in 1917 and the exports to $41,000,000 and $372,000,000 offers to buy war-savings stamps or ac- (Continued from page 1.) cept the same in trade." in the same year. In pursuance of the foregoing, postmas- Three hundred and seventh Replacement and Salvage Company, 3 officers, 46 men.
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