FEniCS-HPC: Automated predictive high-performance finite element computing with applications in aerodynamics Johan Hoffman1, Johan Jansson2, and Niclas Jansson3 1 Computational Technology Laboratory, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden and BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Spain
[email protected] 2 BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Spain and Computational Technology Laboratory, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected] 3 RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, Kobe, Japan
[email protected] Abstract. Developing multiphysics finite element methods (FEM) and scalable HPC implementations can be very challenging in terms of soft- ware complexity and performance, even more so with the addition of goal-oriented adaptive mesh refinement. To manage the complexity we in this work present general adaptive stabilized methods with automated implementation in the FEniCS-HPC automated open source software framework. This allows taking the weak form of a partial differential equation (PDE) as input in near-mathematical notation and automati- cally generating the low-level implementation source code and auxiliary equations and quantities necessary for the adaptivity. We demonstrate new optimal strong scaling results for the whole adaptive framework applied to turbulent flow on massively parallel architectures down to 25000 vertices per core with ca. 5000 cores with the MPI-based PETSc backend and for assembly down to 500 vertices per core with ca. 20000 cores with the PGAS-based JANPACK backend. As a demonstration of the high impact of the combination of the scalability together with the adaptive methodology allowing prediction of gross quantities in turbulent flow we present an application in aerodynamics of a full DLR-F11 aircraft in connection with the HiLift-PW2 benchmarking workshop with good match to experiments.