CSP 21 June 2012 Minutes
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CHARNWOOD COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP THURSDAY, 11TH JULY 2019 AT 1.30PM IN THE PRESTON ROOM, WOODGATE CHAMBERS, WOODGATE, LOUGHBOROUGH LE11 2TZ AGENDA PLEASE NOTE VENUE* 1. APOLOGIES 2. APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIR 3. MINUTES To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11th April 2019, attached at page 3, and to discuss matters arising. 4. ACTION LOG New standing item requested by the Chair. 5. PERFORMANCE UPDATE (A. Fadesco) A presentation detailing performance figures will be provided at the meeting. 6. TURNING POINT (P. Singleton) A verbal update from Turning Point will be provided. 7. DELIVERY GROUP UPDATES (a) Strategic Group (T. McCabe) (i) An update including a funding update incorporating the Partnership Locality Fund for 2019/20 is attached at page 11. (ii) A breakdown of different types of ASB incidents is to follow. (b) JAG Delivery Group (Insp. M. Botte) (i) An update is to follow. (ii) A report on progress with the Partnership’s Action Plan 2019/20 is attached at page 18. 8. LOUGHBOROUGH STUDENTS STREET SUPPORT SCHEME AND LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY UPDATE (G. Feavyour) An update regarding Loughborough University matters including the Student Street Support scheme is attached at page 35. 1 9. LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL UPDATE (C. Turner) A report regarding Leicestershire County Council matters that impact on Charnwood is to follow. A verbal update on the operation of the new structure for the children and family wellbeing service will also be provided. 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 11. FORWARD PROGRAMME AND MEETING DATES FOR 2019/20 A report to enable the Partnership to consider and manage its forward programme of work is attached at page 40. Proposed meeting dates for 2019/20 are as follows: Thursday, 10th October 2019 Thursday, 23rd January 2020 Thursday, 30th April 2020. The meetings will commence at 1.30pm and be held at Charnwood Borough Council Offices, Southfields, Loughborough. *The venue for the 11th July 2019 meeting is The Preston Room, Woodgate Chambers, 70 Woodgate, Loughborough LE11 2TZ Town Hall / Town Centre A6 Derby Woodgate Chambers (Old Magistrates Court) Public Gallery Entrance Woodgate Woodgate Beehive Lane Car Park A6 Leicester 2 CHARNWOOD COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP 11TH APRIL 2019 PRESENT: Councillor D. Taylor (Chair) – Charnwood Borough Council Mr A. Rhodes (Vice-chair) – Loughborough BID Mr A. Bailiss – Loughborough Chamber of Trade Inspector D. Barker – Leicestershire Police Ms V. Charlton – Office of Police and Crime Commissioner Ms M. Clay – Prison and Probation Service Mr G. Feavyour – Loughborough University Ms C. Traill – Charnwood Borough Council OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE: Charnwood Borough Council: Ms A. Fadesco Mr T. McCabe Mr V. Mistry Ms J. Robinson Leicestershire County Council Ms S. Johnson Ms C. Turner APOLOGIES: Mr K. Chauhan, Ms G. Dowson, Mr K. Mistry and Mr A. Webster 1. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 24th January 2019 were confirmed as a correct record and signed. 2. PERFORMANCE UPDATE Ms A. Fadesco gave a presentation detailing performance figures relating to the Partnership which can be accessed at: http://www.charnwoodtogether.com/events.html#item-2331211-2337551. The following matters were discussed by the Partnership: (i) There had been an increase in the number of burglaries, but that should be seen in the context of a 50% reduction 2 years ago. There could be short-term increases due to the activity of prolific offenders. The courts would sometimes require 5, 6 or 7 charges before remanding a person suspected of those offences. Community Safety Partnership 11th April 2019 3 (ii) There might be an improvement in the number of thefts of motor vehicles due to action that had been taken against an individual. (iii) There had been a sustained reduction in the levels of shoplifting in Loughborough town centre but an increase in smaller towns where it was more difficult to maintain a Police presence. (iv) There had been an improvement in the number of robbery offences as particular individuals who had committed crimes in the previous year were not doing so in the current year. (v) It had not been possible for the Police to focus on cycle theft at the present time. However, the main interventions in relation to the crime type were being undertaken. (vi) There had been a small number of hate crimes after the terrorist attack in New Zealand. The majority of the victims of hate crimes were Police officers and security staff. (vii) The reduction in the number of cases of anti-social behaviour being recorded by the Police was a result of incidents that had previously been recorded as anti-social behaviour now being recorded as crimes. It was unclear what factors were contributing to the increase in the number of anti-social behaviour incidents being recorded on Sentinel. AGREED 1. that the information be noted; 2. that information providing a breakdown of the different types of anti-social behaviour incidents being recorded on Sentinel for 2018/19 and the start of 2019/20 be provided to the Partnership at its meeting proposed for 11th July 2019. 3. THE MANAGEMENT OF HIGH RISK YOUNG PEOPLE A report from the Youth Offending Service regarding the management of high risk young people, particularly in relation to the supply of drugs was submitted (item 4 on the agenda) The report predated the implementation of a new structure for the children and family wellbeing service at Leicestershire County Council. Ms C. Turner provided an outline of the new structure, which had been designed to provide a more effective and responsive approach through earlier and co-ordinated intervention and greater partnership working. The following matters were discussed by the Partnership: (i) The new structure would take time to bed in. As that process took place issues where the Partnership could contribute might be identified. (ii) Early meetings between the Borough Council and new team had been positive. The office space provided by the Borough Council at its offices was helpful in building relationships. It was important that cases and issues were discussed at the right meetings and that the right people attended those meetings. Community Safety Partnership 11th April 2019 4 (iii) The threshold for accessing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services was very high. Other services were available through the Improving Access to Psychological Therapy programme but those were oversubscribed. The provision of mental health services for young people was a national issue. AGREED 1. that the information be noted; 2. that an update on the operation of the new arrangements be provided to the Partnership at its meeting proposed for 11th July 2019. 3. DELIVERY GROUP UPDATES (a) Strategic Group (i) A report concerning the work of the Strategic Group, including a funding update incorporating the Partnership Locality Fund for 2018/19 and 2019/20, was submitted (item 5(a)(i) on the agenda). Mr T. McCabe drew the Partnership’s attention to the following matters: (i) A file was being prepared for court in relation to breaches of the injunction that was in place in Loughborough town centre. (ii) Action was ongoing to deal with youth-related anti-social behaviour in Loughborough town centre, including looking at other locations where young people could meet. (iii) The Youth JAG had been meeting for 8 weeks. The establishment of the group had had some beneficial effects. There were also some concerns which had been raised with the relevant agencies. The group was currently dealing with 12 high-risk individuals. (iv) The People Zone had been in place since January. Liaison with the other People Zones suggested that the scheme was on track. The issue of communication, including developing the website, was being discussed. The misuse of drugs was a significant issue for the area. (v) The proposed Partnership Locality Fund allocations for 2019/20 had been based on the issues identified in the Community Safety Plan. The funding for 2018/19 had all been spent. The following matters were discussed by the Partnership: (i) A letter had been sent to the Loughborough BID regarding reporting offences. The BID had communicated the importance of that to its members and was undertaking a Community Safety Partnership 11th April 2019 5 recruitment exercise for its ambassador role which would assist in communicating that message. (ii) Departments at Leicestershire County Council that dealt with children who went missing and child sexual exploitation might be able to assist with cases that were dealt with by the Youth JAG. (iii) The success of the People Zone would be demonstrated through improved cohesion and resilience of the local community. However that would take time. Other interventions such as providing more robust play equipment and clean-ups would also be beneficial as they would make the community feel cared about. AGREED 1. that the information be noted; 2. that the funding allocations for the Partnership Locality Fund for 2019/20 be approved. (ii) A draft Partnership Drugs Strategy was submitted (item 5(a)(ii) on the agenda). Mr T. McCabe drew the Partnership’s attention to the following matters: (i) Drug misuse had been identified as a significant issue for the Partnership. Two significant areas of concern had been identified, Loughborough town centre and the Bell Foundry estate, but the strategy would cover the whole Borough. (ii) There had been a meeting with voluntary sector organisations regarding the strategy and the establishment of a Charnwood Addiction Recovery Programme. (iii) The actions set out in the strategy would be monitored to ensure they were being delivered and linked with the work of the Police. However, the strategy needed to be seen as a long term plan. The following matters were discussed by the Partnership: (i) The strategy was a good piece of work.