Rooley Moor Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Appendix 6.4: Effects on Landscape Character Rooley Moor Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Appendix: 6.4 Effects on Landscape Character

A: High Moorland Plateaux

Susceptibility to Change: Medium Lower Higher Value: High Scale & Large scale open landscape,  No statutory Enclosure with expansive, long range landscape views outwards; designations; Complexity & Simple pattern of moorland  South Order with occasional drystone walls Heritage Area non- and rocky outcrops. statutory designation; Built Built development is largely  Pennine Way and Environment absent; that which is present Pennine Bridleway tends to be prominent. National Trails; Existing (inc under  Much of area is open construction) wind farms at access land; Scout Moor, Coal Clough,  Public rights of way Moor, Crook Hill, network includes Reaps Moss. promoted recreational Skyline Simple horizon defined by routes; landform but punctuated locally  Upland moorland is by wind turbines and electricity typically valued for pylons. aesthetic and Connections A strong contrast with the recreational qualities; surrounding lower lying  Long views available landscapes, due to marked over surrounding differences in elevation and lowlands and adjacent land cover and the long views moors. outwards that are available. Part of the setting of lowland areas. Remoteness A remote feel, existing wind & Tranquillity turbines introduce movement; movement of pedestrians, riders and cyclists along recreational routes. Visual Few screening features, other Interruption than localised changes in landform. Settlement Virtually unsettled. Sensitivity: Medium/High. A landscape which is highly valued by local communities as a recreational resource and for its heritage interest. The landscape is large in scale and simple in pattern which suggests some capacity to accommodate change. In contrast, the general lack of development and strong contrast with adjacent less elevated areas indicates a greater susceptibility to change in some areas to the east. The Scout Moor, Coal Clough and Todmorden Moor wind farms are existing features within the LCT, with two further wind farms (Crook Hill and Reaps Moss) due to commence construction during the summer of 2014. The LCT can be divided into the main Pennine ridge on the Yorkshire- border, where development is sparse and the sensitivity to wind turbine development is high and the smaller areas of fragmented moorland further to the west, including the Scout Moor/ Rooley Moor landform, where

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existing wind farms are located and other contemporary influences are more obvious due to the proximity of settlement, influence of quarries and the presence of transmitters and pylons. This reduces the sensitivity of this area to medium/high (as recognised in the Landscape Capacity Study for Wind Energy Development in the .

Size/ Scale of Effect: Geographical Extent:  Physical change from introduction of  Concentrated in the eastern half of the Scout proposed turbines; Moor/ Rooley Moor landform;  Physical change from presence of access  Limited change to visual context elsewhere due tracks (in context of existing Rooley Moor to incised nature of surrounding valleys and Road); existing views of wind turbines from  Open character of eastern half of Scout surrounding upland areas. Moor/ Rooley Moor landform would reduce notably;  The influence of turbines upon the Scout Moor/ Rooley Moor landform would be extended eastwards;  From other more sensitive parts of the landscape type further east, the proposed turbines would be visible on the western skyline, but seen in the context of other existing wind farms which would generally be more prominent. Duration: Reversibility:  Long-term  Reversible (removal and restoration following decommissioning) Magnitude: Medium/Large (Rooley Moor) The presence of the proposed turbines would represent an increase in the existing influence of wind turbines on the Scout Moor/ Rooley Moor landform. In particular, the spread of turbines eastwards across the moor would change the character of the eastern part of the landform to one where turbines would be a dominant characteristic. This would represent a medium/large magnitude of change due to the existing presence of turbines in characteristic views across the LCT. However, separation distances in excess of 4.7km, 6.3km and 5.7km would be maintained to Reaps Moss, Todmorden Moor and Crook Hill wind farms respectively. This would ensure that the respective wind farms (including Scout Moor with Rooley Moor) continue to be perceived as separate entities within the landscape, rather than coalescing into a single wind farm dominating the wider landscape. From the wider High Moorland Plateaux to the east, the proposed development at Rooley Moor would be seen as part of the existing and beyond the more prominent schemes in the middle distance. As such the magnitude of change on the character of the wider High Moorland Plateau LCT would be low.

Significant Effect: Yes (localised) The presence of the proposed turbines on Rooley Moor would result in a very obvious change of major significance in the character of the eastern part of this moorland landform. The existing influence of wind turbines (associated with the Scout Moor development) would be intensified in the eastern part of the landform due to the physical spread of turbines eastwards and access tracks associated with the proposed development. However, in the majority of this extensive landscape type the proposed turbines would be visible as new skyline features alongside the existing Scout Moor turbines. From many locations, other existing wind farms would be more prominent in the view and the limited change in visual context arising from the Rooley Moor turbines would not be significant. Adverse/ Neutral/ Beneficial: The increased influence of wind turbines upon the Scout Moor/ Rooley Moor landform would detract

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from the existing character and increase the influence of contemporary built development on the upland moor. As such, effects are considered to be adverse.

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B: Moorland Hills

Susceptibility to Change: Medium Lower Higher Value: High Scale & Large scale open landscape,  No statutory Enclosure with expansive, long range landscape views outwards. designations; Complexity & Simple pattern of moorland  Order with occasional drystone walls. non-statutory Built Built development is largely designation; Environment absent.  Rossendale Way Skyline Simple horizon defined by promoted recreational landform but punctuated locally route and other public by wind turbines to the east rights of way; (Scout Moor) and north  Peel Tower is a noted (Hyndburn). landmark and visitor Connections Strong contrast with the attraction adjacent valleys and lowlands  Much of area is open and forms part of the setting of access land; these areas.  Upland moorland is Remoteness A remote feel; existing wind typically valued for & Tranquillity turbines introduce movement aesthetic and locally. recreational qualities; Visual Few screening features, other  Long views available Interruption than localised changes in over surrounding landfor. lowlands and adjacent Settlement Virtually unsettled. moors. Sensitivity: Medium/High. A landscape which is valued as a recreational resource and has heritage interest. The landscape is large in scale and simple in pattern which suggests some capacity to accommodate change. In contrast, the general lack of development and strong contrast with adjacent less elevated areas indicates a greater susceptibility to change. Wind farms are visible to the north (Hyndburn) and east (Scout Moor).

Size/ Scale of Effect: Size/ Scale of Effect:  No physical change;  No physical change;  Turbines would appear as a minor extension  Turbines would appear as a minor extension to to the Scout Moor wind farm; the Scout Moor wind farm;  Existing characteristics of the landscape  Existing characteristics of the landscape would would be unaffected. be unaffected. Duration: Duration:  Long-term  Long-term Magnitude: Small The proposed turbines would be visible on the eastern skyline from some parts of the landscape type. The turbines would always be experienced in the context of the existing turbines at Scout Moor and would be viewed as a minor extension to this turbine group. Only a very limited change in visual context would occur, with other landscape characteristics being wholly unaffected.

Significant Effect: No The minor level of effect associated with the very limited change in visual context of the LCT would not give rise any significant effect upon the landscape character of this area. Adverse/ Neutral/ Beneficial:

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Given the very low level of change and lack of impact upon existing landscape characteristics, the development would have neither a positive nor negative effect.

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C: Enclosed Uplands

Susceptibility to Change: Medium Lower Higher Value: Low/Medium Scale & Exposed, enclosed upland  No statutory Enclosure farmland. landscape Complexity & Irregular pattern of enclosed designations; Order fields of varying size, with  South Pennines patches of open moorland also Heritage Area non- present. statutory designation; Built Crossed by A671 and A982,  Pennine Bridleway Environment transmission masts and wind National Trail; turbines at .  Areas of open access Skyline Simple skyline defined chiefly land; by landform, but punctuated  Very dense public locally by transmission masts, rights of way network pylons and wind turbines. including promoted Connections Contrast with the adjacent recreational routes; valleys and lowlands and forms  Singing Ringing Tree part of the setting of these (Panopticon); areas; Long views outwards from  Landscape quality in some locations. decline. Remoteness Quiet and remote away from & Tranquillity the roads; human influence obvious. Visual Few screening features, other Interruption than localised changes in landform. Settlement Scattered farmsteads, especially towards the east of the area. Sensitivity: Low/Medium. The landscape has some recreational value, but less so than the more extensive moorland areas to the east, south and south-west. The complex field pattern which characterises much of the landscape has only limited vulnerability to disruption by turbines located outside of the landscape type. Human influence in the landscape is obvious, with wind turbines present on the edge of the landscape type at Hameldon Hill; and in views to the east, west and south from some areas. Other built features include A roads, masts and pylons.

Size/ Scale of Effect: Size/ Scale of Effect:  No physical change;  No physical change;  The turbines would be visible above the  The turbines would be visible above the southern skyline; southern skyline;  The turbines would appear more prominent  The turbines would appear more prominent than the existing Scout Moor turbines and than the existing Scout Moor turbines; would extend the horizontal angle occupied  Increase in the influence of tall structures on by turbines; views outwards.  Increase in the influence of tall structures on views outwards. Duration: Duration:  Long-term  Long-term Magnitude: Medium

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The presence of the proposed turbines would result in obvious change to southward views from the landscape type. They would be more prominent than existing turbines by virtue of their particular location within Scout Moor/ Rooley Moor. As such the proposed turbines would increase the influence of tall built development on views available from within the landscape type. Other characteristics would be unaffected.

Significant Effect: No The minor to moderate level of effect associated with changes to characteristic views to the south would not be significant. The landscape type is one where views of wind turbines are already available, at Scout Moor to the south, at Todmorden Moor, Crook Hill and Reaps Moss to the south and south-east, at Hyndburn to the west and at Hameldon Hill (partially within the landscape type) to the north. As such, whilst the proposed development would increase the influence of turbines upon southwards views, hence changing the visual context of the landscape incrementally, it would not give rise to any widespread or significant change in the underlying landscape character. Adverse/ Neutral/ Beneficial: The clear increase in the influence of wind turbines upon the visual context of the landscape would be adverse.

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D: Moorland Fringes/ Upland Pastures

Susceptibility to Change: Medium Lower Higher Value: Medium Scale & Small to medium scale  No statutory Enclosure landscape defined by sloping landscape topography, but with expansive designations long distance views outwards  South Pennines across the surrounding Heritage Area non- lowlands and to nearby upland statutory designation; areas.  A series of routes lead Complexity & Enclosed upland agriculture through the landscape Order predominates (regularity of field up to the open pattern varies locally), but there moorland, including are significant areas of The Pennine Way and quarrying activity and Pennine Bridleway reservoirs. National Trails; Built Development includes quarries,  Car parks and public Environment roads, pylons, scattered rights of way to link to farmsteads and the fringes of these routes. the towns in the adjacent valleys. Skyline Skyline defined by landform, but punctuated locally by development including the existing Scout Moor wind turbines. Connections A transitional landscape between the valleys/lowlands and the upland moors, with an important relationship with each and in particular forming part of the setting of the less elevated areas. Remoteness Feeling of separateness to the & Tranquillity densely settled lowlands. Human activity and influence obvious. Visual Few screening features, views Interruption outwards are generally uninterrupted. Settlement Dispersed settlement pattern of scattered farmsteads throughout. Sensitivity: Medium. The value of the landscape is as a gateway between the areas of urban settlement in the surrounding valleys and lowlands and the open moorland on the hills above. The landscape includes a variety of land uses and development types, some of which diminish the area’s susceptibility to change. In contrast the long views outwards and the strong contrast and connections with adjacent landscapes are the key components that are susceptible to change.

Size/ Scale of Effect: Size/ Scale of Effect:  No physical change;  No physical change;  The turbines would be visible on the skyline  The turbines would be visible on the skyline, formed by the eastern edge of Rooley Moor, where the Scout Moor turbines are often largely

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where the Scout Moor turbines are often or wholly screened from view; largely or wholly screened from view;  Increase in the influence of tall structures upon  Increase in the influence of tall structures views inwards towards Scout Moor/ Rooley upon views inwards towards Scout Moor/ Moor; Rooley Moor, particularly from the south  Reduction in the sense of transition from along Naden Valley; developed to undeveloped areas.  Reduction in the sense of transition from developed to undeveloped areas. Duration: Duration:  Long-term  Long-term Magnitude: Medium/Large The proposed development would be very evident from the eastern and southern fringes of Scout Moor/ Rooley Moor and also from the slopes east of Whitworth. Turbines would be less prominent from the area to the north and would not be visible from the western fringes. The existing Scout Moor turbines are not prominent from the areas to the north and east, but are visible from the southern fringes and west facing slopes east of Whitworth. As such, the influence of turbines would increase considerably in the area to the east. Other development is very visible and forms part of the setting of the landscape type, but is largely situated in the lowlands areas to the south or within Whitworth/ . Pylons extend through the LCT to the east and the turbines would increase the extent of skyline influenced by development. The proposed turbines would reduce the sense of transition from developed lowland to undeveloped upland.

Significant Effect: Yes (localised) The moderate to major level of effects experienced on the eastern fringes of Rooley Moor associated with the proposed development would increase the influence of tall structures upon the landscape character and reduce the sense of transition between developed lowland and valley areas and undeveloped upland (with the existing Scout Moor turbines being wholly or largely screened from this area) that is present. As such effects would be significant in this localised area. From the southern fringes and west facing slopes above Whitworth the effects on character would not be significant due to the presence of the existing Scout Moor turbines in characteristic views towards the site. Adverse/ Neutral/ Beneficial: The effect of the proposed turbines upon the landscape would be adverse.

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E: Rural Fringes

Susceptibility to Change: Medium Lower Higher Value: Low/Medium Scale & Medium scale landscape.  No landscape Enclosure designations Complexity & Landscape of enclosed fields,  Public rights of way Order minor roads and small networks links with reservoirs road network; Built Development includes roads,  No recognised or well Environment scattered and nucleated known scenic quality. settlement, pylons. Skyline Skyline defined by landform, vegetation cover and localised development. Connections A transitional landscape between the urban areas and more typically rural areas. Remoteness Human activity and influence & Tranquillity obvious. Visual Long views available, localised Interruption screening often significant. Settlement Settlement comprises scattered farmsteads and nucleated villages/suburbs. Sensitivity: Low/Medium The landscape has limited value other than as the immediate setting of the adjacent urban areas. The landscape is very obviously the result of on-going human intervention. Localised development and vegetation cover influence the skyline and the extent of views available.

Size/ Scale of Effect: Size/ Scale of Effect:  No physical change;  No physical change;  The turbines would be visible to the rear of  The turbines would be visible to the rear of the the Scout Moor turbines; Scout Moor turbines;  Existing characteristics would not change.  Existing characteristics would not change. Duration: Duration:  Long-term  Long-term Magnitude: No Change The presence of the proposed turbines at Rooley Moor would not change the existing landscape character of this area. The proposed turbines would always be experienced in the context of the existing turbines at Scout Moor and would appear to be ‘behind’ these due to their geographical location. There would be a minor incremental increase in the visual influence of wind turbines, but this would not be sufficient to change the underlying character of this area.

Significant Effect: No Effect As there would be no change in landscape character, no effect would result. Adverse/ Neutral/ Beneficial: N/a

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F: Settled Valleys

Susceptibility to Change: Medium/High Lower Higher Value: Medium/High Scale & Narrow valley landscape  No statutory Enclosure defined by landform and by landscape extensive urban development. designations; Complexity & Complex pattern of urban land  South Pennines Order uses, with farmland and Heritage Area non- woodland cover outside the statutory designation; settlements.  Public rights of way, including promoted Built Built features predominate, routes lead out of the Environment mostly dating from the 19th and towns in the 20th centuries, and including surrounding many current or former countryside; industrial structures.  Few landscape related Skyline Skyline is defined by buildings destinations within the from lower elevations, and by area; landform beyond the towns  Valley setting makes from more elevated areas with an obvious localised views of pylons and contribution to the wind turbines. scenic quality of the Connections Obvious contrast with towns; surrounding predominantly  Cultural associations rural landscapes, which form relating to industrial the setting for the urban areas. heritage. Remoteness Human activity predominates. & Tranquillity Visual Buildings and other structures Interruption frequently interrupt views from less elevated areas. Clear views above town from more elevated areas on the valley slopes. Settlement Densely populated, with settlement concentrated on south-facing slopes and on the valley floor. Sensitivity: Medium/High This landscape type is characterised by dense urban settlement located within narrow valleys. The modern urban land uses limit the landscape value of some areas. However, conservation areas and cultural associations increase value elsewhere. The narrowness of the area, cultural associations and the contrast with adjacent more elevated landscapes are the key components that are susceptible to change.

Size/ Scale of Effect: Size/ Scale of Effect:  No physical change;  No physical change;  The turbines would be visible above the  The turbines would be visible above the skyline from more elevated and open southern skyline; locations within the settled valleys;  The turbines would appear more prominent  The turbines would appear more prominent than the existing Scout Moor turbines; than the existing Scout Moor turbines;  Visual context would change;  Visual context would change;  Character would remain fundamentally urban.

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 Character would remain fundamentally urban. Duration: Duration:  Long-term  Long-term Magnitude:Small/Medium There would be an increase in the influence of turbines particularly from elevated parts of Whitworth, and also from the eastern part of the Rossendale valley (in and around Bacup). The proposed turbines would be more prominent than existing turbines by virtue of their particular location within Scout Moor/ Rooley Moor. However, the urban character of the area would not change and core historic centres of greater sensitivity would be largely unaffected.

Significant Effect: No The minor to moderate effects would not give rise to any extensive or wholesale change in the character of what is an urban landscape. The visual context of the landscape would change due to the increased influence of wind turbines on the surrounding skyline, which plays an important part in defining the setting of the landscape type, but this would not significantly affect the core areas of the settled valley bottoms. Adverse/ Neutral/ Beneficial: The increase in the influence of wind turbines upon the visual context would be adverse.

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G: Wooded Rural Valleys

Susceptibility to Change: Medium/High Lower Higher Value: Medium Scale & Narrow valley landscape  No statutory Enclosure defined by landform. landscape Complexity & Pattern of small and medium- designations; Order scale irregular fields  Part of landscape type interspersed with areas of within South Pennines woodland cover and transport Heritage Area non- corridors (road and rail). statutory designation; Built Built development includes  Public rights of way, Environment roads and railways, pylons, including promoted small settlements and routes, cross the scattered farmsteads. valleys. Skyline Skyline defined by the valley landform and by vegetation cover. Connections Strong contrast with adjacent landscapes, whether upland areas or urban areas. Remoteness Human movement and activity & Tranquillity obvious. Visual Views often screened by Interruption vegetation. Settlement Scattered farmsteads and small villages. Sensitivity: Medium/High This landscape type is characterised by its narrow valley landform. Development is present within the landscape but has only localised influence, which marks a contrast with adjacent, more urban, areas. The narrowness of the area, the contrast with adjacent landscapes and the general lack of tall structures are the key components that are susceptible to change.

Size/ Scale of Effect: Size/ Scale of Effect:  No physical change;  No physical change;  Turbines would appear as a minor extension  Turbines would appear as a minor extension to to the Scout Moor wind farm; the Scout Moor wind farm;  Existing characteristics of the landscape  Existing characteristics of the landscape would would be unaffected. be unaffected. Duration: Duration:  Long-term  Long-term Magnitude: No Change The very localised incremental change in view would have no influence upon the existing landscape character.

Significant Effect: No Effect As there would be no change in character, no effect would result. Adverse/ Neutral/ Beneficial: N/a

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I: Reservoir Valleys

Susceptibility to Change: Medium Lower Higher Value: Medium/High Scale & A landscape small in extent,  No statutory Enclosure comprising a series of valleys landscape west of , defined by designations; large-scale landform and large  West Pennine Moors water bodies. non-statutory Complexity & Generally regular shaped fields designation; Order and a series of reservoirs.  Rossendale Way Built Reservoirs are an obvious promoted recreational Environment engineered features, views route skirts the lip of eastwards to urban the valleys; Rossendale;  Other public rights of Hyndburn wind farm visible to way link to this route north and Scout Moor wind from Haslingden; farm visible to east from more  Public access to land elevated areas. around reservoirs. Skyline Skyline typically defined by landform, but punctuated locally by turbines. Connections Strong contrast with adjacent landscapes, whether upland areas or urban areas. Remoteness Quiet, but human influence is & Tranquillity obvious. Visual Localised screening by Interruption vegetation cover. Settlement Scattered settlement in the east of the area. Sensitivity: Medium The landscape is valued as a recreational resource. It is small in extent but generally has only a limited susceptibility to change located outside the LCT, due to its character defined largely by engineered waterbodies and foreground interest in characteristic views. These factors combine to give a medium sensitivity.

Size/ Scale of Effect: Size/ Scale of Effect:  No physical change;  No physical change;  Turbines would appear as a minor extension  Turbines would appear as a minor extension to to the Scout Moor wind farm; the Scout Moor wind farm;  Existing characteristics of the landscape  Existing characteristics of the landscape would would be unaffected. be unaffected. Duration: Duration:  Long-term  Long-term Magnitude: No Change The proposed turbines would be visible on the eastern skyline. The turbines would always be experienced in the context of the existing turbines at Scout Moor and would be viewed to the rear of these, or as a minor extension. Only a very limited change in visual context would occur, with other landscape characteristics being wholly unaffected.

Significant Effect: No The very limited change in visual context that would result from the proposed development would not

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give rise to any significant effect upon the landscape character. Adverse/ Neutral/ Beneficial: Given the very low level of change and lack of impact upon existing landscape characteristics, the development would have neither a positive nor negative effect.

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L: Lowland Farmland

Susceptibility to Change: Low/Medium Lower Higher Value: Low/Medium Scale & Medium scale enclosed  No landscape Enclosure agricultural landscape. designations; Complexity & Regular-shaped fields and road  Rochdale Way Order corridors, including the M62. promoted route; Built Engineered elements include  No recognised or well Environment road, rail and canal corridors. known scenic quality Skyline Skyline defined by a combination of landform, vegetation and built development, with Scout Moor turbines visible on the hills to the north. Connections Contrast with adjacent urban areas. Remoteness Busy/noisy landscape. & Tranquillity Visual Views interrupted locally by Interruption vegetation, road corridors and other structures. Settlement Scattered settlement. Sensitivity: Low/Medium The landscape has limited value and is characterised by the presence of motorways and other roads/infrastructure.

Size/ Scale of Effect: Size/ Scale of Effect:  No physical change;  No physical change;  Turbines would be visible on the northern  Turbines would be visible on the northern skyline as an extension to the Scout Moor skyline as an extension to the Scout Moor wind wind farm; farm;  Existing characteristics of the landscape  Existing characteristics of the landscape would would be unaffected. be unaffected. Duration: Duration:  Long-term  Long-term Magnitude: No Change The presence of the proposed turbines would result in an incremental and very limited change in the visual context of the landscape type. Character would continue to be defined by agricultural and urban fringe influences, including the presence of the M62.

Significant Effect: No The very limited change in the visual context would not give rise to a significant effect on character. Adverse/ Neutral/ Beneficial:

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M: Industrial Lowland Valleys

Susceptibility to Change: Low Lower Higher Value: Low Scale & Landscape small in extent,  No landscape Enclosure characterised by industrial designations; activity.  Public rights of way Complexity & Complex mix of different along watercourses; Order developed sites interspersed  No recognised or well with patches of more known scenic quality. naturalistic landscape. Built Land uses including extensive Environment quarrying, industrial/commercial parks, motorway corridor, residential areas. Skyline Skyline typically defined by development. Connections Connection with neighbouring urban areas. Remoteness Busy and noisy. & Tranquillity Visual Buildings and structures Interruption frequently interrupt views. Settlement Concentrated settlement pattern, in the centre of the area. Sensitivity: Low The predominance of current industrial and urban development and associated activity indicate a low sensitivity.

Size/ Scale of Effect: Size/ Scale of Effect:  No physical change;  No physical change;  Turbines would appear as a minor extension  Turbines would appear as a minor extension to to the Scout Moor wind farm; the Scout Moor wind farm;  Existing characteristics of the landscape  Existing characteristics of the landscape would would be unaffected. be unaffected. Duration: Duration:  Long-term  Long-term Magnitude: No Change The proposed turbines would be theoretically visible to the rear of the existing Scout Moor windfarm. Buildings and vegetation cover would screen views from many locations. The presence of built development within the landscape type would continue to be the dominant influence upon character. The proposed turbines would not result in any change in character.

Significant Effect: No Effect As there would be no change in the character of the landscape, no effect would result. Adverse/ Neutral/ Beneficial: N/a

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O: Industrial Business Parks and U: Urban

Susceptibility to Change: Low Lower Higher Value: Low Scale & Urban development and  No landscape Enclosure associated land uses at a designations; variety of scales.  Cultural heritage Complexity & Complex pattern of urban relates to urban and/or Order development. industrial features. Built The great majority of Environment development dates from the 19th and 20th centuries. Skyline Skyline typically defined by buildings, wind turbines at Scout Moor are visible to the north from some locations. Connections Obvious contrast with the surrounding less developed and rural areas. Remoteness Busy and noisy, defined by & Tranquillity ongoing human activity. Visual Views typically interrupted by Interruption buildings/other structures. Settlement Densely populated urban areas. Sensitivity: Low The densely built-up and heavily populated urban areas have little susceptibility to change. Whilst they are part of the everyday experience of large numbers of people, there is little to suggest any intrinsic landscape value, with the exception of areas of urban parkland.

Size/ Scale of Effect: Size/ Scale of Effect:  No physical change;  No physical change;  Turbines would be intermittently visible on the  Turbines would be intermittently visible on the northern skyline as an extension to the Scout northern skyline as an extension to the Scout Moor wind farm; Moor wind farm;  Existing characteristics of the landscape  Existing characteristics of the landscape would would be unaffected. be unaffected. Duration: Duration:  Long-term  Long-term Magnitude: No Change The presence of the proposed turbines on the northern skyline, would, whilst intermittently visible from some locations within the built-up areas would not affect their character, which would continue to be defined by urban development and associated activities.

Significant Effect: No Effect As there would be no change in the character of the landscape, no effect would result. Adverse/ Neutral/ Beneficial: N/a