Tripura Gazette
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No. 316 Registered No. N. E. 930. TRIPURA GAZETTE Published by Authority EXTRAORDINARV)SSUE Agartala, Tuesday, November 15, 2011 A. D., Kartika 24, 1933 S. E. PART--I-- Orders and Notifications by the Government of Tripura, The High Court, Government Treasury etc. GOVERNMENTOFTffiPURA REVENUE DEPARrMENT No.F. 4(62)-RCC/ ll -· Dated, Agartala, the 8th November, 2011. NOTIFICATION In public interest and in supersession of all pr8vious notifications and orders in this regard and in exercise of the powers confe rred by Sub-section (I) of Section 3 of the Tripura Land Revenue and L and Reforms Act. 1960 (43 6f 1960). the Governor of Tripura is pleased to create one new Sub-Division namely Panisagar Sub-Division with headquarters at Panisagar altering the l1mits of Kanchanpur and Oharmananar S ub-Division of North Tripu.ra DIStrict, Tripura. 2 . Under the above provision. one new Revenue Circle namely Panisagar is constituted by mak ing reorganisation o f Dharmanagr Revenue Circle as indicated below. 3 . After creation of the Panisagar Sub-Divisiol). the re-organised Oharmanagar and Kanchanpur Sub D ivision will compnse the area under Revenue Circle, T.K. and Revenue villages as indicated in enclosed Annexure A & B respectively. 4 . The new Panisaga r Sub-Division shall start functioning from such date as may be fixed by the Government. 5 . The new Panisagar Sub-Division shall be under North Tripura Distr ict. 6 . The jurisdiction of the new Panisagar Sub-Division shall comprise the areas as indic a ted below Panisagar 3 . Jalebassa Earlier these · villages and the concerned TK were under Kanchanpur Revenue 4. Damchhara Circle · TrtpU:ra(J:azette, Extraordinary Issue, November 15. 2011 A. D. Annexure-A ~ SCHEDULE OF RE-ORGANISEit1>HARMANAGAR SUB-DIVISION - --~e-a:· -~-~-~----,---N--a-m-e-_o_f_T---,-~,--~sh;l i: -----'-N-a-~-~-o-f-R-~~~e_n_u-- -e- -- l-- - - -- - -- ~~:ar~s -----i 7 Circle · .. - • c·· :-·.; YiJJage ' ~. - -- - - -- - - ------ - --+~R~g~-a -- - ; : B~~~~pu ~ - .. l ----·- ,, -~ 1 r-2-. B_a_r_u_a-ka_n_d_i --r--3-=-_-=s=--a~r"""ua~-----:k-La-n---=d'i- ------ -----r------ -j I f---3 _. D___h -'-a..:;__r_m_a_n__ a -=g_a_r _ lt-4C-•·_D_h_a__;_rm__ a_ n_a--=g_a_r -----'~- ~- - 7- j_ ___ j -------------4. Hurua -- 1---:----,--,--:-___:__::5. Hurua_ __ _________ _______+ --- ------- - _, 5. Kamaswar 6. Kamaswar - - . L------- __:_ ___. _ r--J· Ganganagar ---+------ ___ ______ _____--- - -- ~ 8. Purba Halflong _______ __ _ . 1 9. Paschim Halflong J 6.Halflong 10. Dewanpasa __ I_ ; - 11. Balidt.i'm -i f----- -----1---c _ ___________ j 12.Uptakhali 7 _U ptakhali 1--713~·-=D=--h~up~li~rb_a_nd----=-~--r------------- 14. Radhapur --- -- ------t--:-=--:--:---:---=--~~----t~~----- 15. Kurti 8. Kurti 16. Piarachhara f------------t----------------- ·- ·----·------------- -- 17.Kadamtala · Dharmanagar 9. Kadamtala I 18.Saraspur f----- -- ------ -1--,.....-,---'--- - ----+--------j 10.Brajendranagar 19. Brajendranagar I -20. Satsangam i I 21 .Ranibari j--------- - -----1 I rnsarala 23. t-chailal Ch-hara--···-- t--:-c:--~-- -,-:------- - I 11 . lchailal I Chhara 24.Bishnupur - --- -t ~s_._M_a_h_e_sh~p_u_r _______+- ------------4 I --,-:::,--~-.,. ----,-t-,2=6_: Pratyekrai 12. Churaibari 27.Churaibari t---·-~ · -·--·----t- ~ ---- ----- · --- I ~-=--,~--,----~2~~ax~~in_a~~g.a_r ______-+------------~ 13. Sanichhar-Q 29. Sanichhara 30 . Qhandp~r _ _____--t------------l ~ ~--------- ---r3_1_.§~9asa________ +- ---------- ---~ 14. Tilthai 32. Paschim Tilthai ~3--3.Pu~ar~il-,th-a~,~----~------------~ - - --------"t------- - -j 34. Rajnagar · 35.Jubrajnagar -·-+------- - --+-----L...._.>L-_ ·--------'f--------------1 14 Tehsils 35 Revenoe·Villages _ _ __ .___ ____,:__ _ ___ __~...L.....-- .----- -- ·- -'----! ------' 2 Tripura Gazette, Extraordinary Issue, November 15, 2011 A. D. Annexure-B SCHEDULE OF RE-ORGANISED KANCHANPUR SUB-DIVISION Name of Revenue Name of Tehshil I Name of Revenue Villag~~rks-~ ~ Circle - . ···- - --- - - 1. Chandipur -- - - - - ---- ~ 2. Kanchancharra 3. Kanchanpur ·-- --------- 1. Kanchanpur 4. Santipur ···- ~ - New Revenue 5. Joymanipara village carved out I _?f. RabiraifYclr~ _ - --- ~- - 6. Satnala ----·-- -- ··- · -- - -~ -- - 7. Mal]u Chailengta RF. - e- ----···------- - - 8. Dasmanipara - - -·-· ~ ---- 9. Taiongpara 2.Dasda 10. Tuichama --- -~ -- 1 --- ------ ·· -···- - -··· - - --- Kanchanpur 11 . Ramprasaipara ---~ 12. Kamarmara ~ --- - 13. Dasda Laxmipur --- ---··- ---- 14. Central Catchment R.F . -- -- - - - - - -~- 15. Gachirampara 3. Ananda -- 16. Lambacharra Bazar · -·- 17. Kalapani ·- ·--·-··-- 18. Sunitipur -- 19. Ujan Machmara RF. I ··---·- ------- 20. Laljuri 4. Ujan I ----·-·- -- -- -- 21 . Shibnagar Machmara -- -·-- - - --- 22 . Javanti para - ----- - - 23. Jamaraipara . r--- ----- ··--- - -- 24 . Purba Hmun[2Ui ----- ·- --·-· · - · - -----~~ 25 . Tlaksih .. -----· - -- 26. Vanghmun 27. Chhimlung - - ·- ---- - ---- 28. Sailute .. 29. Sabual Vangmun 5. Vangmun ---- -------- -- ·30 Paschim Hmunpui ·- - 31 . Behliangchhip ··--- 32. BanQiabari 33. Paschim TtanQsang bari 34 . Central Catchment R.F . I 35.Kalagang ==-l 5 Tehsils 35 Revenue Villages L. - Printed at the Tripura Government Press, Agartala. 3 .